View Full Version : Only the Begining

Aug 22nd, 2002, 07:01:22 PM
Morpheus strolled into the Bar and Grill, his foremost visitation into the swarming structure. His extensive trench coat followed directly behind him like a rainbow after a day's showers. The dark figure glanced around the restaurant, inspecting for a location to inhabit. He discovered a section in the corner, empty and hollow. The mysterious one made his way to the location he had encountered. He took his seat, leaving the one in his foward direction vacant. He gaped right back at others who seemed confused by the arrival of the outsider. He awaited the presense of any individual who wanted to converse with him.

Sanis Prent
Aug 22nd, 2002, 07:11:17 PM
Nice shades.

(I tapped the frames...definitely not the kind you picked up in a novelty shop on the lower level of Coco district.)


Aug 22nd, 2002, 07:28:30 PM
The still figure turned his attention to the individual who had confonted him, pondering information on the one's attire. The one who made himself known was Sanis Prent, somebody who had developed quite a reputation throughout the vast galaxy. Despite the mysterious one's lack of verbal communication with strangers, he began to talk with the well known individual.

" Designed them and created them on my own. "

The dark newcomer arose from his seat to intorduce himself, something he did only on occasions, for he never met new people often has most.

" Allow me to introduce myself. I am Morpheus. I assume you are the man Prent, a well known figure in this day and age. "

Morpheus directed his hand towards the vacant seat, motioning for man to have a seat.

Sanis Prent
Aug 22nd, 2002, 07:35:30 PM
(I laughed under my breath. Some days, I had to wonder if I'd worn the shirt with my name on the front. I took the man up on his offer, sitting across from him.)

Morpheus, huh? Sounds like something from a holo I once saw.

(I reached idly into my pocket, pulling out a small, age-worn coin, which I let roll between my fingers in a slow, careful manner.)

People who know my name usually have a reason for knowing it. Anything I can do for you today?

Isaac Paine
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:25:12 PM
:: I don't care much for formality, I use to. But not anymore, that had been a long time ago and before a few nightmares that I particularily don't prefer to bring up right now. I walked into the B&G and looked around for my contact. He was here somewhere. I had been told to meet him here under a low profile... Ha, since the death of the emperor I'd nothing else. Who'd want to know a former imperial? I wouldn't have, If I was even given the chance. This man had said that he could help me... Help me with my goal. How'd he known? He'd siad I'd figure that part out later.
I looked around and saw him talking to another man, so much for a low profile. My hand instinctively reached for my sword, I'd been living a hermit for too long I guess. But my hand slipped away as I approached the two, I slowly sat next to my contact and nodded to the other man he was talking to.::

Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:53:29 PM
The intelligent individual turned to face the figure that had took his place beside his precence, having communicated with this man previously. Prent had been in the median of asking him when it seemed that the task before him was in need of his labor once again. He ascented from his perch, taking in a abysmal breath has he did so. He turned his attention towards the man Prent, who had remained motionless during his rise. Has much has he enjoyed convering with the bounty hunter, business was to be handled only by his own precence, and that came foremost in his priorities.

" I must be leaving now. A situation that has presented itself is in dire need of my management. Thank you for your time Prent. We shall meet again another time. "

With that spoken he left the seating area, approaching the exit of the crowded facility. Has he preceding the egress, he turned to glance back at Isacc who appeared perched at the table he was just at. He motioned back towards the individual, signaling for him to ensue the dark figure who had commenced to leave. Indoors within large company was not the place to discuss private matters.

Isaac Paine
Aug 23rd, 2002, 10:12:51 PM
:: I have little time for such antics as this man seemed to show. There were places better to meet if he hadn't felt like meeting here. I got up and casually walked out and past my contact. I walked a bit further before turning and coming back to him. I twisted my glove a bit, I was getting used to space trave too much. My self proclaimed uniform wasn't used to a place like this.::


Aug 24th, 2002, 09:48:54 AM
The ebony figure departed the bustling restaurant, walking back into the morning's serenity. Adjacent to him was none other than Isacc Paine, an individual with an appalling past. The man explored the depths of the colassal galaxy, searching for something unexplainable, his fate. He was about to discover that a door of oppurtunity stood in advance, and it beckoned him to walk through it. Paine had been for quite some time perplexed in mind, bewildered to why episodes of agony had haunted him. Morpheus has the explanations for the one's life, and he was about to show Isacc the path to his ascention back into the realm of understanding. The pair now stood in the midst of crowds of those going about routine labor. The mysterious warrior stood situated directly before Paine, a glare of knowledge and understanding was seen in his features.

" I know you Isacc Paine. I know the many things you have endured, the agony, the torture, and you search the worlds for answers, trying to find your place. Look no further. I have your answers, and I know your fate. The door stands unlocked before you, and it is your choice if you would like to walk through it, but realize one thing, this is only the beginning. "

Isaac Paine
Aug 26th, 2002, 04:20:09 PM
:: I listened to the man and wished I could've had any ability in the force, specifically the one that choked people where they stood. But I hate the force and any punk who thinks he can abuse it like the sith. This guy didn't know my fate and if he was gonna take some educated guesses, good luck. If he had answers, well... that's all I care about now really. He says this is only the beggining, I say yeah right, my beggining was a good while ago, when I first signed up to be a stormtrooper. My beggining was when I became one of the Emperor's personal gaurds... And now this guy had the nerve to offer me another one?! If this guy knew me so well he'd be well away from me and have his mouth shut. But the oppurtunity itself was quite appalling, though I had almost no clue of what he spoke. This man had answers and if he did, I was interested. I turned and stretched my glove for a minute. I made it look like I was thinking about it though I had really already decided. I started to walk the opposite diirection, I would not be a foolish man who stumbled down a rabbit hole, not like before...::
Walk with me, and tell me...
:: And we walked, down a dark path, that led me to... "oppurtunity".::