View Full Version : How much of a geek are you?

Obiwan2 Kenobi
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:59:29 PM
Saw this posted somewhere else and thought it was kinda funny....this is what I got.......

I am 9% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
I wanna be a geek. But I'm not. Why would I even want to be one. Do I think it's fun? I should try writing an online test application at 1 am in my underwear

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)

Salemn Lysce
Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:06:03 PM
I am 57% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
Nerd, Freak, Geek, Dweeb. Sound familiar? That's okay, cause I will be the richest person at my 15th year high school reunion. If a "con" isn't happening that weekend.

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103) :)

Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:27:02 PM
I am 45% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
You probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. You never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing.

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)


Xazor Elessar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:34:35 PM
I am 33% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
You probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. You never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing.

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)

Riiiight....... :lol

Salemn Lysce
Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:37:59 PM
<<< Freak :)

;__; I don't have social skills.

... OMG !! Did Fett just NOT add a smiley to his post ?!

Xazor Elessar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:46:37 PM

Obiwan2 Kenobi
Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:53:55 PM
I am 40% Internet Addict
http://www.fuali.com/pix/102/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)
I could go either way. Deep into the madness of nights filled with coding CGI-Scripts and online role playing games, or I could become a normal user. Good luck!

Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)

**would love to see some results from people on this one ;)**

:) <----A smiley for Fett :D

Xazor Elessar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:12:05 PM
I am 67% Internet Addict
http://www.fuali.com/pix/102/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)
I am pretty addicted, but there is hope. I think I'm just well connected to the internet and technology, but it's really a start of a drug-like addiction. I must act now! Unplug this computer!

Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)

:lol Yeah, so it's true! ;)

Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:20:38 PM
I am 69% Internet Addict
http://www.fuali.com/pix/102/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)
I am pretty addicted, but there is hope. I think I'm just well connected to the internet and technology, but it's really a start of a drug-like addiction. I must act now! Unplug this computer!

Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)

Too specific questions to really work

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:22:50 PM
I am 21% Internet Addict
http://www.fuali.com/pix/102/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)
I am amazed that I even found this test. This is my first time online, isn't it great, I figured out this AOL-thing! But I don't quite know how to turn the computer off.

Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)

Muwhahahah! I ownz jo0' all!

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:24:58 PM
This is me:

I am 7% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
I wanna be a geek. But I'm not. Why would I even want to be one. Do I think it's fun? I should try writting an online test application at 1 am in my underwear

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)

Next one:

I am 21% Internet Addict
http://www.fuali.com/pix/102/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)
I am amazed that I even found this test. This is my first time online, isn't it great, I figured out this AOL-thing! But I don't quite know how to turn the computer off.

Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)

I thought that would be higher!! :lol

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:26:53 PM
I am 5% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
I wanna be a geek. But I'm not. Why would I even want to be one. Do I think it's fun? I should try writting an online test application at 1 am in my underwear

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)

Sejah Haversh
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:42:41 PM
I'll tell you, if I knew how to program my own stuff, I'd be WAAAAY geekier....

I am 39% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
You probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. You never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing.

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)

Gah, just becasue I don't have a webcam....

I am 33% Internet Addict
http://www.fuali.com/pix/102/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)
I could go either way. Deep into the madness of nights filled with coding CGI-Scripts and online role playing games, or I could become a normal user. Good luck!

Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)

That's right folks, I'm not a tortured artist, I'm a successful one! Ha!

I am 17% Tortured Artist
http://www.fuali.com/pix/110/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=110)
I should be happy. I have a normal life. I have no artistic ability and I am not cursed with the realiztion that everyone is an idiot, because I am one.

Take the Tortured Artist Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=110)

Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:48:01 PM
Do people think you that you have a durg problem?
This question is asking either if Im hooked on drugs, or have a thing for Sebulba :)

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:48:57 PM
Yeah right not an artist.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:52:10 PM
Quick question, Lance, were you makign fun of me, or agreeing with me? Another joy of web sarcasm, it never comes across right....

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:55:29 PM
Lol, never ask me if im making fun of you ! :p Im never serious nyah.

Maia Tharrinn
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:03:05 PM
I am 50% Internet Addict
http://www.fuali.com/pix/102/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)
I am pretty addicted, but there is hope. I think I'm just well connected to the internet and technology, but it's really a start of a drug-like addiction. I must act now! Unplug this computer!

Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)

Hmmmm Do the points go up if I cussed at the test and said there is no way in hell I will unplug my baby? hehehehe :)

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:18:16 PM
My first one....

I am 11% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
I wanna be a geek. But I'm not. Why would I even want to be one. Do I think it's fun? I should try writting an online test application at 1 am in my underwear

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)

My second....

I am 22% Internet Addict
http://www.fuali.com/pix/102/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)
I am amazed that I even found this test. This is my first time online, isn't it great, I figured out this AOL-thing! But I don't quite know how to turn the computer off.

Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)


I am 11% Goth
http://www.fuali.com/pix/104/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=104)
I wanna be a GOTH. But I'm not. Smoking cloves and too much eyeliner a goth does not make. I'll go home and take your Cure CD's with me.

Take the Goth Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=104)


I am 32% Emo
http://www.fuali.com/pix/105/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=105)
Hmm.. I should stop listening to Dashboard Confessional.... enough said... Now that I stopped looking at my shoes, I know how the real world looks.

Take the Emo Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=105)


I am 17% Punk Rock
http://www.fuali.com/pix/101/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=101)
It's not a fashion craze, or even a cool thing to do. I should just swallow it, get Lost, and take my friends with me.

Take the Punk Rock Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=101)


I am 23% Ska
http://www.fuali.com/pix/109/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=109)
I am not ska. I am not even close... I don't even know what skanking is? I may need guidance, get offline and see if I can go find myself a show, or a CD, or something.

Take the Ska Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=109)


I am 18% Metal Head
http://www.fuali.com/pix/106/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=106)
I am going to watch some more TRL and stay out of the mosh pit. I'll only get myself hurt. I'm a lamer. A RUSTY BOLT, in the metal world. A poser. A -real- metal head would kick my ass.

Take the Metal Head Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=106)

The quest keeps going....

I am 11% Raver
http://www.fuali.com/pix/107/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=107)
Have I even been to a rave? I'll go home. I am a Loser. I suck. Actually, I am probably just a normal person taking this test and don't know why.

Take the Raver Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=107)


I am 16% Tortured Artist
http://www.fuali.com/pix/110/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=110)
I should be happy. I have a normal life. I have no artistic ability and I am not cursed with the realiztion that everyone is an idiot, because I am one.

Take the Tortured Artist Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=110)

And last......

I am 15% Grunge
http://www.fuali.com/pix/108/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=108)
I will get out of your sight. I'm pathetic! With my clean clothes, and nice smell. I think I took the wrong test, thank god, huh?

Take the Grunge Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=108)

The question I got from this....what the hell am I?

Salemn Lysce
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:42:38 PM
I am 92% Internet Addict
http://www.fuali.com/pix/102/4.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)
Whoa, am I ever addicted! I'm probably a little over weight with lots of acne, feeling lost, and alone, trying to escape from my sorry life with an internet life. I must crawl outta the basement, see

Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)


I am 60% Goth
http://www.fuali.com/pix/104/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=104)
Oh My Goth! You Goth, Girl. There is a good chance I am bi. Freakiness pumps through my viens, but I can still laugh at myself.

Take the Goth Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=104)

I am 70% Metal Head
http://www.fuali.com/pix/106/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=106)
I rock just as hard as the rest of the thrash set, except when no ones looking I like to get down with a little "More than a Feeling."

Take the Metal Head Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=106)


Marcus Telcontar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:49:38 PM
I am 80% Internet Addict
http://www.fuali.com/pix/102/4.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)
Whoa, am I ever addicted! I'm probably a little over weight with lots of acne, feeling lost, and alone, trying to escape from my sorry life with an internet life. I must crawl outta the basement, see

Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)

I am 74% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
Nerd, Freak, Geek, Dweeb. Sound familiar? That's okay, cause I will be the richest person at my 15th year high school reunion. If a "con" isn't happening that weekend.

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)

Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:58:00 PM
I am 36% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
You probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. You never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing.

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
I am 55% Metal Head
http://www.fuali.com/pix/106/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=106)
I rock just as hard as the rest of the thrash set, except when no ones looking I like to get down with a little "More than a Feeling."

Take the Metal Head Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=106)
I am 63% Grunge
http://www.fuali.com/pix/108/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=108)
I am pretty dirty, all right and, I reek of teen spirit... I would sell my own children for a moldy hotpocket, man.

Take the Grunge Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=108)

I got CATS. Weeeeeeeeeee!
I am 53% Internet Addict
http://www.fuali.com/pix/102/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)
I am pretty addicted, but there is hope. I think I'm just well connected to the internet and technology, but it's really a start of a drug-like addiction. I must act now! Unplug this computer!

Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)

All and all, pretty well rounded, I think

Xazor Elessar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 09:07:06 PM
I am 57% Punk Rock
http://www.fuali.com/pix/101/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=101)
The intelligent punk. Tuff and Smart. I may be able to maintain a train of thought long enough... What the -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR- was I talking about?

Take the Punk Rock Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=101)

Oh hell yeah! :D

Salemn Lysce
Aug 22nd, 2002, 09:42:56 PM
I am 67% Punk Rock
http://www.fuali.com/pix/101/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=101)
The intelligent punk. Tuff and Smart. I may be able to maintain a train of thought long enough... What the -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR- was I talking about?

Take the Punk Rock Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=101)

I beat you Xazor. :)

Aug 22nd, 2002, 10:10:16 PM
I am 38% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
You probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. You never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing.

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
I am 59% Internet Addict
http://www.fuali.com/pix/102/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)
I am pretty addicted, but there is hope. I think I'm just well connected to the internet and technology, but it's really a start of a drug-like addiction. I must act now! Unplug this computer!

Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)
I am 36% Tortured Artist
http://www.fuali.com/pix/110/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=110)
I have some artistic ability, but it is probably a hobby and doesn't drive my life into a dark abysmal hole were I am alone and against the world.

Take the Tortured Artist Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=110)
I am 35% Goth
http://www.fuali.com/pix/104/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=104)
Goth ny night, normal by day. Deep in my heart I know I am evil, but not on the company's time. I do need to eat.

Take the Goth Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=104)
I am 36% Emo
http://www.fuali.com/pix/105/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=105)
Hmm.. I should stop listening to Dashboard Confessional.... enough said... Now that I stopped looking at my shoes, I know how the real world looks.

Take the Emo Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=105)
I am 31% Punk Rock
http://www.fuali.com/pix/101/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=101)
Well, I may know what punk is, but... Okay maybe some people think I am punk, but is that enough? Nope.

Take the Punk Rock Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=101)
I am 41% Ska
http://www.fuali.com/pix/109/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=109)
I know the scene, I've heard the bands, and I am burned out. Well, these things happen. I will now go ahead and go through the same thing with Punk and Emo.

Take the Ska Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=109)
I am 36% Metal Head
http://www.fuali.com/pix/106/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=106)
Most other metal-heads acknowledge my presence, but they laugh at me behind my back. Maybe I need to stop spending all that money on haircuts and invest in a few Pantera T-shirts.

Take the Metal Head Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=106)
I am 41% Raver
http://www.fuali.com/pix/107/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=107)
Well, I may have been to a rave. I probably know a bunch of ravers, but they may think of me as an outsider. That's okay, at least I am not a complete freak.

Take the Raver Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=107)
I am 51% Grunge
http://www.fuali.com/pix/108/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=108)
I am pretty dirty, all right and, I reek of teen spirit... I would sell my own children for a moldy hotpocket, man.

Take the Grunge Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=108)

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 23rd, 2002, 12:05:20 AM
I am 67% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
Nerd, Freak, Geek, Dweeb. Sound familiar? That's okay, cause I will be the richest person at my 15th year high school reunion. If a "con" isn't happening that weekend.

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)

and if you want to see the results of EVERY test I have taken, journey to Ryla.net. :]

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 23rd, 2002, 02:05:11 AM
Ahhh, I did this aaaages ago and got:


Xazor Elessar
Aug 23rd, 2002, 08:48:04 AM
:mneh @ Salemn...so you beat me...freak! ;) :lol That's cool girl...

Obiwan2 Kenobi
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:58:35 PM
Ok...one more I found. Knowing there's so many LOTR fans around here, I figured you'd enjoy this one :)

<center><font face=arial size=1><a href="http://www.digital-frost.net/tra/1quiz.htm" target="_blank">
I'm big and long</font></center>

Bobby Gara
Aug 23rd, 2002, 02:06:16 PM
I am 35% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
You probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. You never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing.

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)

I have social skills???

Xenodoros Stormrider
Aug 23rd, 2002, 03:12:25 PM
I am 46% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
You probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. You never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing.

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)

I am 28% Metal Head
http://www.fuali.com/pix/106/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=106)
Most other metal-heads acknowledge my presence, but they laugh at me behind my back. Maybe I need to stop spending all that money on haircuts and invest in a few Pantera T-shirts.

Take the Metal Head Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=106)

I am 24% Punk Rock
http://www.fuali.com/pix/101/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=101)
It's not a fashion craze, or even a cool thing to do. I should just swallow it, get Lost, and take my friends with me.

Take the Punk Rock Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=101)

I am 41% Internet Addict
http://www.fuali.com/pix/102/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)
I could go either way. Deep into the madness of nights filled with coding CGI-Scripts and online role playing games, or I could become a normal user. Good luck!

Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)

Aug 23rd, 2002, 03:35:51 PM
<center><font face=arial size=1><a href="http://www.digital-frost.net/tra/1quiz.htm" target="_blank">
I'm big and long</font></center>

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 23rd, 2002, 03:47:30 PM
I am 13% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
I wanna be a geek. But I'm not. Why would I even want to be one. Do I think it's fun? I should try writting an online test application at 1 am in my underwear

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)

I am 21% Internet Addict
http://www.fuali.com/pix/102/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)
I am amazed that I even found this test. This is my first time online, isn't it great, I figured out this AOL-thing! But I don't quite know how to turn the computer off.

Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)

I am 10% Goth
http://www.fuali.com/pix/104/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=104)
I wanna be a GOTH. But I'm not. Smoking cloves and too much eyeliner a goth does not make. I'll go home and take your Cure CD's with me.

Take the Goth Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=104)

I am 45% Emo
http://www.fuali.com/pix/105/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=105)
Hmm.. I should stop listening to Dashboard Confessional.... enough said... Now that I stopped looking at my shoes, I know how the real world looks.

Take the Emo Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=105)

I am 19% Punk Rock
http://www.fuali.com/pix/101/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=101)
It's not a fashion craze, or even a cool thing to do. I should just swallow it, get Lost, and take my friends with me.

Take the Punk Rock Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=101)

I am 42% Ska
http://www.fuali.com/pix/109/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=109)
I know the scene, I've heard the bands, and I am burned out. Well, these things happen. I will now go ahead and go through the same thing with Punk and Emo.

Take the Ska Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=109)

I am 34% Metal Head
http://www.fuali.com/pix/106/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=106)
Most other metal-heads acknowledge my presence, but they laugh at me behind my back. Maybe I need to stop spending all that money on haircuts and invest in a few Pantera T-shirts.

Take the Metal Head Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=106)

I am 29% Raver
http://www.fuali.com/pix/107/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=107)
Well, I may have been to a rave. I probably know a bunch of ravers, but they may think of me as an outsider. That's okay, at least I am not a complete freak.

Take the Raver Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=107)

I am 14% Tortured Artist
http://www.fuali.com/pix/110/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=110)
I should be happy. I have a normal life. I have no artistic ability and I am not cursed with the realiztion that everyone is an idiot, because I am one.

Take the Tortured Artist Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=110)

I am 54% Grunge
http://www.fuali.com/pix/108/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=108)
I am pretty dirty, all right and, I reek of teen spirit... I would sell my own children for a moldy hotpocket, man.

Take the Grunge Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=108)

Chimp the Rubber chicken
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:38:24 PM
I am 42% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)<BR

I am 39% Internet Addict
http://www.fuali.com/pix/102/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)

I am 34% Goth
http://www.fuali.com/pix/104/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=104)

<center><font face=arial size=1><a href="http://www.digital-frost.net/tra/1quiz.htm" target="_blank">
I'm big and long</font></center>

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:41:45 PM
LMFAO! Im big and long!!! :lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Aug 26th, 2002, 04:18:17 PM
I am 50% Internet Addict
http://www.fuali.com/pix/102/3.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)
I am pretty addicted, but there is hope. I think I'm just well connected to the internet and technology, but it's really a start of a drug-like addiction. I must act now! Unplug this computer!

Take the Internet Addict Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=102)

I am 17% Punk Rock
http://www.fuali.com/pix/101/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=101)
It's not a fashion craze, or even a cool thing to do. I should just swallow it, get Lost, and take my friends with me.

Take the Punk Rock Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=101)

I am 27% Geek
http://www.fuali.com/pix/103/2.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)
You probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. You never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing.

Take the Geek Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=103)

I am 19% Tortured Artist
http://www.fuali.com/pix/110/1.gif (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=110)
I should be happy. I have a normal life. I have no artistic ability and I am not cursed with the realiztion that everyone is an idiot, because I am one.

Take the Tortured Artist Test at fuali.com (http://www.fuali.com/test.aspx?id=110)

<center><font face=arial size=1><a href="http://www.digital-frost.net/tra/1quiz.htm" target="_blank">
I'm big and long</font></center>