View Full Version : Loose ends (The Spectre of Death)

Darius Van-Derveld
Aug 22nd, 2002, 01:38:44 PM
As the stars whipped by, Darius lent back against the softly throbbing bulkhead and cast a glance at his "sleeping" companion.

As soon as he had lept aboard the "Gavourden" and got the girl secured in the medbay he had plotted a course for home and engaged the hyperdrive, what still puzzeled him was how exactly this nameless girl had involved herself with such a powerfull foe as she had been, fighting, until he had lept in.

For answers he would have to wait, until the charade of playing possum had worked its way out of her system.

Idolon Mortiferus
Aug 23rd, 2002, 03:06:40 PM
Idolon sensed the figure sitting against one wall of the room, more by some sort of "Sixth sense" than by any one of the recognised five. she lay, eyes closed, waiting to see what he would do. he had saved her life, admittedly, but had he just saved her for later?
Slowly, painfully, as her many injuries still grieved her, she eased one yellow eye open, to focus it on the figure.
a black blur swam into view, then slowly clarified into a young man with red hair lounging casually against the wall.

Fight or Flight, Fight or Flight

she swung upright quickly, launching her blades into position, before crying out in pain, her skin was burnt and a few ribs were still broken.

Fight or Flight, Fight or Flight

realising "Fight" was not an option, she chose "Flight".
she leapt across the room and took refuge in a corner, her wounds stinging like hundreds of burning needles, blind terror at being trapped flooding through her veins.

Darius Van-Derveld
Aug 24th, 2002, 02:48:34 AM
Two quick steps carried him across the room; with either hand fastened to one of her wrists he bent the weapons out of her hands then lifted her up bodily placing her back in the cot and securing her in place with the med restraints; her battle had left her brused and bloody, he didnt want her to start hemmoraging all over his nice clean medbay.

So, this is how people react when you save their lives, why do the Jedi bother. He thought to himself, Shoulda killed her, but why not...must be loosing my touch; gettin old, almost three now.

Chuckeling quietly to himself he sat on the edge of the bed and waited for her to speak.

Idolon Mortiferus
Aug 24th, 2002, 05:53:12 AM
Idolon struggled, but her remaining strength was nowhere near enough to escape her apparent captor. She found herself picked up and carried across the room back to the trolley and strapped down. the restraints didnt seem to be of the fragile "Careful! the patien might fall off" type, but of the "Careful! the patient might try to kill you" type, which were much stronger. she made one last-ditch attempt to get free, before lying deathly still, yellow eyes staring at the red haired man with a mixture of blind fear and incomprehensible anger.
she hissed, incoherently, before stringing together a few syllables.
"Who are you!" she demanded haughtily, in a voice like a death rattle.
"Who are you and why have you taken me prisoner!"

Darius Van-Derveld
Aug 25th, 2002, 01:07:15 PM
More than a little irritated about the womans lack of gratefulness he made some excuse for her to himself and cracked the best smile he could muster.

"My name is Darius Van-Derveld and I have not taken you prisoner, you are free to leave my company at the first planet we come across and you are restrained because I dont know the extent of your injuries,"

The girls eyes still held such ferocity,

"how do you feel?"

Idolon Mortiferus
Aug 26th, 2002, 05:10:01 AM
"you are free to leave my company at the first planet we come across"
THis meant that she must be on a ship, which meant escaping from the bay would be useless, as there would be nowhere to run.
still wary, [the man sitting accross the room was a Van Derveld, therefore probably a crazed killer] she nodded, almost courteously,
"Im fine" she replied, her tone still brittle as ice, "I think i'm well enough to move around. where are we headed?"

Darius Van-Derveld
Aug 26th, 2002, 05:23:15 AM
"One moment before you start to leap about again, what is your name?"

Idolon Mortiferus
Aug 26th, 2002, 06:32:13 AM
She motioned to the small tattoo on her arm, just above the gaping wound where one of her implanted knives protruded slightly from the skin of her left arm. a word and number in black ink.
Specimen No.: 12177.
he seemed puzzled, so she added:
"Not a name I've used much recently. Most people just call me Idolon."

Darius Van-Derveld
Aug 27th, 2002, 02:13:12 AM
Darius shrugged, It was a good enough name;

Releasing the girls restraints he turned and moved through the ships compartments to the galley, from the store he drew rations and tossed them at Idolon who stood in the doorway;

"Eat, drink and be merry;"

smirking nastily to himself he continued to stalk through the ship until he made it to the cockpit.

A glance at the screens told him that they were not being persued, it was always best to check. Leaning over the nav-computer he keyed a course for home and waited for the signal.

Idolon Mortiferus
Aug 27th, 2002, 03:53:38 AM
she prodded at the silver plastic-wrapped block for a second, before ripping it open and tearing into its flavourless contents with her teeth. the sterilised water was finished in a few gulps, before she crumpled the bottle and dropped it on the floor, along with the shredded wrapper of the rations.
wiping her mouth on the end of her shapeless black tunic, she removed it to reveal standard-issue combat trousers, heavy jackboots and a ragged blue-grey t-shirt, such as might be worn by a prisoner. the numbers "12177" were barely visible, stencilled onto the left shoulder in black spray-paint.
she ran one hand through her hair absently, before following Darius.
He led her to the control room, where she watched silently as he reset dials and checked screens.
she looked up out of a window, staring blankly at the stars speeding past, before asking suddenly:
"Where are we going?"

Darius Van-Derveld
Aug 28th, 2002, 04:17:55 AM
Still leaning over the controlls Darius was unsurprised by her questions,

"We are going away from the isnane and powerfull people who are trying to kill you...that should be enough."

Idolon Mortiferus
Aug 28th, 2002, 06:52:31 AM
She shrugged noncommitally, the stranger had a point. now all she could do was sit and wait for the ship to land.