View Full Version : Cries In The Dark (Open Challenge to Everyone)

Jehova Eaven
Aug 22nd, 2002, 01:51:04 AM
Nar Shadaa, city in the sky. Hmph, nothing but a bunch of contemptuous fools with their heads in the clouds. The large crime bosses, the rapists, the murderers, even the petty thief all operated in the open here. It was sickening how the law held little sway here. Ah well... nothing he could do about it, even if he wanted to. He held no influence with the current ruling crime syndicate.

The night opened up with an evening at the Banique opera house. Lockeheart was the current favorite among the locals, and outlanders alike, especially the upper echelon. Hopefully he would meet up with someone from the Lotus clan and perhaps 'impress' him.

Excuse the poor writing.

Kelt Simoson
Aug 22nd, 2002, 09:09:55 AM
It had been a while since Kelt had steped out from the GJO. And he had heard about this "City in the sky" from alot of other people and frankly he wanted to see what the wonder was about. He had been exploring most of the day, the mark, the streets and such and had been given a notice about a opera, and he had not head that type of music in along time...since he left his world..it would be nice to hear such a sound.

He made his way towards the opera house, a smile across the Jedis face looking foward to hear the music from the past.

Jehova Eaven
Aug 22nd, 2002, 10:59:48 PM
A feel of a lightsider clouded his thoughts on his way inside. It didn't mater, he wouldn't get in the Jedi's way. Now he had to find a way to draw himself attention. He pushed himself into the mind of the girl behind the ticket booth.

"Thank you, sir. Heres your ticket."

She immediately handed him a ticket to the box seats and he walked in casually, of course casually to him meant tripping whoever got in the way.