View Full Version : A sorrowfull yet regretfull day..(ALL OF THE COUNCIL)

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 21st, 2002, 10:33:45 PM
:: The doors of the council chambers opened as the young padawan Lance Stormrider walked in and kneelt down before the council.::

"Great council....baring terrible news.." He said head down, gaze dropped on the floor, he came bac upstraight and looked over at Xazor.

"It's about Kaytor..." He said on a more sad tone then usual.

OOC: Remove her access to Temple, she is out of GJO and joined the shrine, Look at the "Answering Questions' Thread in the roleplaying section. :)

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 22nd, 2002, 09:55:34 AM
Lance was distraught and Navaria leaned forward.

"Go on ... What has happened."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 10:19:44 AM
Xazor sat upon her Council seat and listened as Lance came to speak. It was about her Padawan....and something was very wrong. Her eyes locked with his and her heart nearly stopped in her chest.

"Yes, please tell me what happened to my student...."

The Knight said with concern in her voice...waiting for the bad news....

Dios Kane
Aug 22nd, 2002, 11:30:51 AM
:: Dios had seen the whole thing, and he had cried, but then no one was to know that... It had been like deja vu! Soth and Tomak, just without the merc and the ship and the Saurron, but now it happened all over again, the shrine! He came forward with a holopad that he handed to Lance. He put his hand on Lance's shoulder before stepping back and watching what would happen now that two jedi had fallen to the shrine. The holopad had the entire event on a small surveilence, the whole thing, the fight of Wraith and Tomak, the apperance of Soth, the defection of Kaytor. And the appearance of Count Kindo. Dios hoped all of this would get the point across to the Council that the Shrine should be dealt with sooner than later.::

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 12:57:30 PM
:: Lance tried hard to maintin..calm even though he did not find the way..or the words to say it..::

"..Xazor...I'm sorry..but...I couldn't stop her...she decided to join the darkside...she left with the death knight Soth....I'm terribly sorry....I feel...I have failed to the order" He said with a weakened voice a huge red bite could be seen on his neck...as he slowly kneelt down and his eyes closed, he fainted in the middle of the council room.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 01:04:30 PM
Xazor's eyes welled with tears at his words. She had lost an Apprentice.....and a friend. It was the third time in the last month that she had lost a good friend. Her heart ached terribly and she wanted to cry. Getting her emotions under control, she looked up from the floor in time to see Lance....her Padawan's love, collapse on the floor. Getting up as quickly as she could, the Knight rushed to his side and picked him up, using the Force to aid her strength.

"He needs medical attention now.....it saddens my heart at the news of my Apprentice's turning....but there is an immediate problem now that can be fixed. I need someone to go with me, we haven't much time....."

She said with great concern. Her eyes shifted toward the large bite on his neck. No....this isn't happening.... she thought to herself, shaking her head. The Jedi were slowly falling to the Vampires....something had to be done.....

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 01:08:43 PM
:: Lance even though fainted was shaking as he was gonna explode into a bath of blood at any time a few shrieks of pain could be heard emerging from his mouth as blood teared down on the floor.::

Liam Jinn
Aug 22nd, 2002, 01:20:34 PM
Liam sighed.

"It appears that we have not kept enough of our attention towards the Shrine. This troubles me deeply. Though I have advised against it in the past, perhaps we might need to take action against the Shrine. Only after we have discussed it though, can I say for sure what we shall do...if anything."

He stood up and walked towards Xazor.

"I will go with you, if that is ok."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 01:22:06 PM
Xazor watched as blood spilled upon the floor. She began moving quickly towards the door when Liam spoke and joined her.

"Yes please......we haven't much time....."

She said, forgetting to apologize to the rest of the Council for her sudden running out.....but this was an emergency. They had to get him to the med-bay NOW!

Maia Tharrinn
Aug 22nd, 2002, 01:23:48 PM
Maia's hand covered her mouth just in time to keep the cry of pain from escaping her lips. Kaytor had become a friend but more importantly Lance had lost someone he had loved dearly. She and Lance had become very close in there time her and they had basically adopted each other. She knew his pain was great. "How much do we have to lose to these fiends?" Her heart cried out."

Her own love Dios was in constant danger from the Shrine Vampires. Rushing over to Lance she knelt beside him. "Lance I am so sorry." She whispered brokenly...

Liam Jinn
Aug 22nd, 2002, 01:46:20 PM
Liam nodded and as he reached the door, he turned, seemingly to pick up on Maia's thoughts.

But Dios places himself in that danger, even though he was warned. he said to her through the force. He turned and faced the rest of the Council.

"We shall return as soon as possible, to further discuss this topic."

With that, he left, following Xazor and Lance quickly.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 01:53:53 PM
:: Lance had heard Maia's voice but couldn't answer...his body didn't respond to him...he felt his soul slowly swallowed into death...and in his sleep he saw everything...from the battle between Kaytor and Soth to Kindo against Tomak...he saw when Kaytor hugged him and then like a dog on a bone bite him as hard as she could....sucking his blood...an expression of terrible pain appeared on Lance's face even though he was still unconscious.::

"Ugh" Is the only sound that emerged from him.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 01:57:56 PM
Xazor made her way through the Temple until she reached the Med-Bay....hopefully it wasn't too late.

"We need help NOW! He'll die, hurry!"

She called out to the medical technician's on hand. Laying Lance down upon the bed in the center of the room, she watched as droids and people flocked around Lance and began hooking him to machines...and running tests. Xazor grabbed the Padawan's hand and held it tightly....but soon, someone was pulling her away. The Knight shoved the being back with the Force and placed her other hand atop his as well.

Come on Lance.....fight my friend.....fight. You need to live....Maia needs you.....the Order needs you.....I need you. You have too much to accomplish yet in your life to go now....hold in there!

She spoke through the Force, sending deep healing waves through it into his body......aiding the people working already.....

I'm afraid for him, Liam.....

She said softly in his mind......concern lacing her words.....

Liam Jinn
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:08:13 PM
Do not have fear for him, he still clings to life. If only I could heal such as Master Leia!

He sighed and took a seat, watching, trying to heal the damage but he knew he could not do much.

"What exactly happened to him?"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:09:17 PM
:: The padawn didn't react to her words..he heard he heard everything...but his will to live..and once again rise as serve the order....was slowly vanishing as he though of what happend..he knew he couldn't have her back...there was no purpose...to live....anymore everything was indicating..that Lance was getting worst as seconds passed...the almost dead padawan was slowly dissapearing from this world....but deep inside his soul...his mind was still witnessing memories..memories of the past.......as suddenly he saw him...yes him....Xenodoros his brother...at that moment Xazor felt Lance's hand close on hers....he gripped to her hand....as he remembered..he had sworn he would watch over his brother..yes there was still tasks to be accomplished...and it was still not too late to come back, his will alone was not enough to accomplish the task to come back to the light..he needed special healing treatments..before it's too late.::

Xazor Elessar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:19:41 PM
Xazor saw that the work of the others were not doing him any good. Liam spoke of healing.....something Xazor kept hidden from others. She was a great healer....and could bring the near dead back to life...unless it was herself. Sighing, she looked up at the others who just shook their heads....until she felt Lance's grip tighten on her hand.

Yes! Yes......all will be well Lance....I'll heal you.....

She smiled brightly and pushed the others aside, then turned to Liam with a slight smile.

"Leia can heal very well.....but so can I. I can offer him my own healing abilities coupled with the Force. Trust me....."

She had no time to explain to Liam what had happened, for at the moment, even she did not know. Sighing, she turned around and most everyone had moved out of her way. Her hands made their way from his hand, to his chest.....where she laid them flat and closed her eyes. Slowly she let her Garou healing powers slip from her body.....down her arms, into her hands.....and then into his body. She dove deep into the Force, calling upon the natural healing elements of Nature, which she was close to. Gaia, help me.... she called out and continued letting the great wave of Healing enter his body. It was stronger than even the time she had saved the life of D'Mourning. She allowed her mind dive into his body.....and hold onto his mind and soul. It was slowly draining on her own life energy, though....as she transferred it to him....to give him strength enough to come back and then sustain on his own. She would be very weak after doing this....but it was worth it. She would have died to save the life of the Padawan who loved her own student.....so she continued with the deep healing process.....

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:30:24 PM
:: Lance felt hands on his chest....as in his mind he saw him-self standing there in the middle of nowhere...he looked around him and saw nothing....all was white...and he felt lost... he looked everywhere and in his mind he saw him-self running in circles... this was the void...as suddenly a cloud of pure darkness appeared behind him...and in front of him he saw an eerie...light...he felt the healing waves coming into his body...the force and Xazor's own powers were restoring him..but it was still up to him to decided whether or not..he would choose...to go into the void....or return to his friends.....::
"The universe is vaste...many women out there...."

:: His will was all directed towards the light...as he stepped forward Lance in the real world was slowly gaining conscience...slowly...::

Xazor Elessar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:45:22 PM
Xazor suddenly appeared in Lance's "void". It was her, standing there, holding out her hand to him.

Come with me Lance....you have much to accomplish....and someday you will be a great Jedi. Everyone here is counting on you....so please, take my hand.....

She spoke softly to him, and it appeared she was standing there in the light. In reality, the Knight continued sending her own healing coupled with the Force, into his body. She could feel him gaining consciousness then, and harnessed even more of her Garou Healing Powers. Slowly she let it seap into his body as if they were his own powers.....taking him back to the Light. It was a timely process, but it was working.....

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:57:39 PM
:: Lance suddenly in his mind saw Xazor appear he was decided to come and he followed he into the light...as his eyes finally opened...slowly but they did...he felt...a great pain inside his heart..but he was there...the essential was done...and Lance's eyes once more closed...as he fell into a deep sleep.::

Xazor Elessar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:00:46 PM
Xazor smiled inside his mind as he followed her into the Light. Suddenly his eyes popped open and she opened her own to see. Then he fell into a deep healing sleep. Her hands remained upon his chest.....still sending the Healing Waves into his body. She had not told many of her abililties.....and even being skilled like this, she was unable to heal extreme cases, like Marcus could heal. The Knight remained like this for a long time.....ensuring the fact that he would be alright.....

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:43:48 PM
:: Lance's body didn't move except for his breathing...all indicated that Lance was on a stable state at the moment..he only needed a few days to regain consciousness once again and a few more to have his high spirits back up...after his awakening...a new life was going to start for Lance.. a new beggining...::

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:24:11 AM
:: In the council room, Anbira heard the proceedings, a grave expression on his face. After a moment, he rose to his feet. ::

<a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22101>There is something I must do now.</a>

:: With that, he left the council chamber ::

Dios Kane
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:57:18 PM
:: Dios had seen Lance catered out and watched Anbira leave... His eyes rushed with blood and became red with it. He turned and with the force massed in a punch, he hit one of the many columns supporting the council chamber. His fist went through the column and he pulled it out barely hurt, a few knuckles bleeding. Now the council saw the Shrine... now... It took not just one falling to the Order but two... That was not jedi to him... WHY NOW? WHY NOT BEFORE?! Why had he been fighting this darkness alone for the innocent and when someone else fell... another one, not that one was enough of a red flag but two... Dios unholstered his gun and examined it for a moment. He had no time to stay any longer... More to be done. For Lance, For Azhure... For innocent blood that seemed to be forsaken already! Dios stormed out of the door and was soon at a transport and gone. He'd return later when he knew the council would call on him about his new job.::