View Full Version : A Mid-summer Day's Dream

Aug 21st, 2002, 03:26:55 PM
:: AB had left the Bar & Grill (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21287) with a smile on her face and feeling light as a feather, not noticing the quizical looks she received from passing Jedi inside the Jedi Sanctum. She had reached her room about 10 minutes after Morgan had left the bar, sitting herself at her vanity and brushing her hair absentmindedly. She was ready to leave at any moment, but had given Morgan an hours time to ready himself. ::

:: About 45 minutes had passed, and she gathered her satchel, walking along the hallway towards Morgan's room. All the while as she walked, she felt like she was living in a dream. She'd never thought in a million years, or at least the 75 she'd lived, that'd she'd be feeling this way for another being. It just seemed almost awkward, and yet at the same time so perfect and right. ::

:: She reached his door with a few minutes to spare, and though she was early, she knocked on the door softly, hoping she wasn't interrupting him. ::

Morgan Evanar
Aug 21st, 2002, 05:29:48 PM
Morgan had been walking on his hands for the past five minutes, and he so he opened the door as such. His shirt was gathered around his face, but he did a half cartwheel.

"Hi." He said, suprisingly a mild pink instead of red in the face.

"I packed a lunch, but I'm not sure how fond you are of chicken ceasar salad and pasta salad. I brought both." Morgan explained, and picked up his bags.

Aug 22nd, 2002, 08:55:00 PM
:: AB had to stiffle a giggle seeing Morgan on his hands with his shirt wrapped around his face. It wasn't everyday you saw a jedi Master in such a predicament. But he righted himself immediately and easily, picking up the picnic lunch. ::

Both sound lovely. I'm not much of a picky eater.

:: She smiled, and reached down to pick up one of the containers at the same time Morgan did. Their hands touched, making her face flush slightly. ::

Er, I don't mind carrying one.

Morgan Evanar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 10:30:05 PM
"Ok." Morgan said, and let her take his bag which contained a change of clothes and his swimtrunks. They walked out of his door, hand in hand.

"I bought something a little while ago but haven't had a chance to use it. I figured that I the Jedi ever get to a more open planet, I'd have more opperturnities to use it."

After a short walk, they came to an empty SoroSuub convertible speeder. It wasn't partictuarly fancy: the seats did look comfortable and in good shape, the dark blue paint looked a little flat from sun and wear. But, like everything else Morgan got his hands on for any lenght of time, it was modified. He grinned in a rather boyish manner as they settled into the seats and dropped the other things into the seats behind them.

A suprisingly low, quiet hum emmited from the machine as it was turned on, and floated up an easy two feet. Gently, like a parent taking a young child for a walk, he eased it into traffic, keeping a careful eye on everything, and a safe distance. After about a half hour, he cleared the denser part of the city between the space ports and the half-abandoned NR base. He caught the perimiter road around the base, which was low traffic.

Morgan looked over at Rie and grinned something wicked, but the primary reason was to make sure she was seatbelted in. She was.

"Morg..." AB was drowned out over the sudden whine of four repulsorjets spinning up. The speeder shot forward like a scared mynock, going from 60 kph to 200 in under four seconds. Morgan brought the top up, quieting the noise considerably, and now only smiling a bit too wide.

Aug 23rd, 2002, 04:16:14 PM
:: Reflexively, AB grabbed the handle on the frame of the speeder and the seat, not sure whether to keep her eye on the skylane, or to glare at Morgan. Though it had startled her somewhat, she didn't feel she was in any danger. She managed a smile around gritted teeth, looking at him though her periferal vision. ::

What did you feed this speeder? Rocket torp fuel??

Morgan Evanar
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:06:10 PM
Morgan laughed.

"The actual answer is rather involved. The jist of it: the repulsorjets will take a lot more than the stock power generator will provide. I replaced the power core with something a bit more robust." He backed the throttle off to about 120, and the wind noise dissapeared.

"Sorry." Morgan said, a bit sheepishly. "I just hadn't had a chance to open it up at all."

Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:23:44 PM
:: AB smiled knowingly, placing a hand on his arm, but still holding onto the "oh my gawd" handle with her other hand. ::

Don't be sorry. I'm guilty of tweaking myself. Made some modifications to my XJ X-Wing. And now that there are rumors of Rogue Squadron being reinstated, there's a good chance I'll be called back into service.

Gotta keep my ship in tip-top shape if I want her to perform well on missions.

Morgan Evanar
Aug 25th, 2002, 10:16:27 PM
OOC: 120 kph is pretty not very fast. About 70 mph.

"I've never flown a snubby before. Actually, I've never flown a starfighter." Morgan realized as he said it. After engaging the cruise control, he slipped his arm around Rie's shoulders.

"Relax. There isn't anyone on the road for a kilometer. Its a nice drive." Rather suddenly, they passed into the perserve, and the path became treelined. The scent of pine wafted in through the vents.

Aug 27th, 2002, 05:22:37 PM
:: As his arm laid itself gently around her shoulders, she slid closer to him, nestling up against his side. She rested her right hand on his left shoulder and placed her head there. ::

Well, maybe sometime later I can give you some flying lessons in my X-Wing. The way you handle this speeder, you'll have no problem getting comfortable with the snubby.

:: She let herself fall silent and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, savouring the scent of the pines. Even as they drove by, she could hear them whispering their content in the cool breeze, towering over them in their magnificances, attempting to reach the clouds. ::

:: The plants around her seemed to thrive on what happiness she felt at that moment being there with Morgan. They continued their natural growing stages, seemingly becoming greener and brighter. A few bushes they passed actually bloomed as they came near, while saplings grew straighter. AB's connection with nature, specifically plants, showed just how content she was as the plants themselves reverberated what she was feelign through their own growing stages. ::

:: They were silent for a long while, the wind the only noise as the sped down the path towards the falls. Without opening her eyes, she nestled further into Morgans shoulder, speaking softly. ::

What are you thinking, Morgan?

Morgan Evanar
Aug 27th, 2002, 06:42:16 PM
He grew quiet, and his eyes defocused slightly. The air too seemed to still.

"I'm thinking I'm very fortunate right now, and how I feel whole again." Morgan paused, and could still feel curiosity from the red-head.

"Rie, at one point, I "joined" the Sith Order. I'm sure you got wind of that eventually, even though I left with Nupraptor to try and train Jedi seperately from everyone else. I was trying to pull some of them to the Lightside. Especially Catherine. I cared for her. There is good in her..." He stopped again, and shook his head.

"...but I put so much into it, trying to help her see the light, I felt like I lost some of myself to the effort. Thats why I seemed so distant sometimes. I was distant, trying to find that piece of me that I had ground down. I couldn't remember what love for another person was."

Aug 28th, 2002, 04:58:22 PM
:: She smiled at his mention of feeling fortunate, but the smile faded slightly at his mention of the Sith Order. ::

Yes, I remember when I found out about that. I didn't think it was such a good idea at the time, but there was little I could have done to persuade you otherwise.

I also remember Nupraptor.

:: She paused, remembering. ::

He was a good man.

:: She fell silent for a moment before continuing, frowning slightly. ::

Uh, who's Catherine? I don't know of any Sith by that name that dwell in the Sith Order.

Morgan Evanar
Aug 28th, 2002, 09:51:54 PM
"Live Wire. Bzzzt." He said, deadly serious. "Sometimes, I suppose people are fated to a certain path, and will stay with it, no matter how hard life's forces push someone. Even with that in mind, cutting someone loose is still hard." Morgan thought hard about Catherine, feeling mostly vauge sorrow for her path in life. The frusration had long passed. He sighed, and then breathed in, bringing the fresh pine scented air into his lungs. And whatever it was Rie had used as shampoo...

Things were very much fantastic right now. Morgan sighed again, contented, and gave Rie's shoulder a gentle squeeze.

Aug 29th, 2002, 08:09:10 PM
:: She remained silent long after Morgan had spoken, knowing full well who Live Wire was, but never really having encountered the Sith. The Sith from the Sith Order she'd really had major encounters with were Lady Vader and Anbira. Of course, now Anbira was a Jedi. And that brought her to thinking what Morgan had said about how people are fated to a certain path. ::

I suppose one can't forsee the future, as it is always in motion. But one's feelings can tell them what the future is possible of holding.

:: She sighed softly. True she could not see what the future held for her and Morgan, but her feelings spoke volumes. And perhaps that was all that was needed to weave the delicate threads life was made of. ::

:: They were beginning to near the meadow that would open up to the falls. She smiled mischievously, thinking. ::

Morgan Evanar
Aug 30th, 2002, 12:52:50 PM
Morgan could feel her smiling, and the mischief in her head, but he kept his eyes focused on driving. The meadow opened up before the hills, and the mountains behind them. A few different kinds of wildflowers were in bloom, and they seemed to grow brighter as they passed.

"Alright, whats on your mind, Rie?"

Aug 30th, 2002, 02:32:09 PM
:: She lifted her head off his shoulder, giving him an incredulous look. ::

Who me? I have nothing on my mind. Whatever would give you that idea?

:: She favored him with the sweetest smile she could muster before it turned into a giggle and then outright laughter. She poked him in the ribs with a finger, laying her head back on his shoulder. ::

Can't a girl have a few secrets of her own? Besides, you'll find out soon enough.

:: The smile didn't fade. ::

Morgan Evanar
Aug 30th, 2002, 04:47:38 PM
"Ok." Morgan smiled and kissed the top of Rie's head, and wondered what she was plotting. Idle minutes passed, and he began to grin, getting a thought of his own.

"What are you thinking about?" Rie asked.
"Oh... just..." he grinned wide "TICKLING YOU!" Morgan began to tickle Rie's side furthest from him."

Aug 31st, 2002, 10:31:32 PM
:: AB's eyes widened, shrinking back from the attacking hand. ::

Hey! That's not fair!

:: She tried to squirm towards the passenger side panel, but Morgan had her somewhat pinned. Short of punching him in the ribs, she couldn't think of any way to get out from under the tickle torture. ::

:: After much laughing and wriggling, she finally grabbed a hold of his hand in a remarkably firm grip, and turned to glare at him. The glare didn't last long, however, as it turned into a wide grin. She leaned up and planted a quick peck on his cheek before sitting back into the seat and looking at him, that same wide grin still there. ::

Morgan Evanar
Sep 1st, 2002, 04:15:54 PM
Morgan smiled, and wondered what was churning in that head of hers.

"Pffft. Who said fair had anything to do with it."

The road curved left, and began to twist upwards. Morgan lowered the windows, letting the distant sound of rushing water. in. Pine trees thickened as the speeder climbed upwards. The road stopped, leading into an open parking area surround by trees and coated with fallen pine needles.

Morgan dropped the top and got out, picking up the bags.

"Well, whats the secret?"

Sep 2nd, 2002, 10:01:51 PM
:: AB hopped out of the speeder, taking in a deep breath of the fresh air around her at the same moment Morgan asked the question. She let the breath out softly, looking at him with a crooked smile. ::

Patience, Master Jedi. Or did you forget that age-long virtue?

:: She couldn't help but chuckle, making her way around the vehicle towards where the falls could be heard, dully roaring off in the distance. She stopped beside Morgan before both made their way t the falls. The path they walked through the grasses seemed to grow greener, tiny field blossoms blooming white and yellow in their wake. ::

Morgan Evanar
Sep 3rd, 2002, 09:52:19 PM
The falls were not a particular sight of amazing awe. They were "quaint" at a mere 15 meter height and 10 meter width. But with the hills covered in grass and wildflowers, and the massive lone oak overseeing 5 benches at the edge of the river, it was perfect.

They sat, a light breeze flicked light through the leaves, and a light mist drifted through the air. Silently, Morgan and Rie watched the water for long mintues, green eyes transfixed upon nature's grace. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and smiled, still staring into the mist.

"Its perfect."

Sep 4th, 2002, 06:50:21 PM
:: She nodded her head in agreement, afraid that any spoken word from her would wake her up from this dream. She watched as a few water-fairing birds swooped down onto the small lake, catching tiny fish feeding at the waters edge. It was at that point her stomache growled making her laugh. ::

Well, that was quite lady-like of me.

:: She reached across Morgan, laying perpendicular on his lap to reach the picnic basket. Grabbing the basket on the other side of him to pull it closer, she peaked inside. ::

Let's see what you've got in here...

Morgan Evanar
Sep 5th, 2002, 02:05:17 PM
Morgan traced Rie's graceful curves with his eyes while she rummaged through the soft sided cooler.

"There should be some fresh sourdough and soft mozzerella with the salads." he mentioned, managing to concentrate long enough to speak.

Sep 8th, 2002, 11:55:33 PM
:: A smile crept onto her face as she saw in the basket what Morgan spoke of. ::

Oh yum!

:: She couldn't help but hold back her delight as she came back to her sitting position, crossing her long legs, and placing the basket before her. She reached inside and pulled out varying goodies to munch on, setting them down on the soft blanket they now sat on. ::

:: She turned to Morgan. ::

And what will you be having for lunch this fine day?

:: She reached in ready to hand him whatever he asked for. ::

Morgan Evanar
Sep 9th, 2002, 10:29:15 PM
"Mmmmm. I'd like well, everything. But I'll start with the pasta salad." Morgan found a fork in the bag, and went to work, thoughtfully chewing his second bite for a good while. Rie looked at him quizically.

"Needs more garlic." Evanar explained after swallowing. "I think," he continued, "that some parsley would help too. But I'm convinced there is no such thing as too much garlic." They ate slowly, mostly in silence to better watch the scenery.

Morgan paused, having polished off his share of the pasta salad. With a smile, he leaned over and gave Rie a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you for coming."

Sep 11th, 2002, 12:17:17 AM
:: She smiled. ::

Thanks for inviting me. I really do enjoy my time with you. And as of late, I've been enjoying it immensly.

:: She dug into the basket and took out a few fruits, munching on them. She spoke around a tiny mouthful. ::

Ya know... we probably shouldn't stuff ourselves too much if we're going to go...

:: She looked at him, that mischiveous grin back on her face. ::


Morgan Evanar
Sep 12th, 2002, 09:47:41 AM
Morgan raised an eyebrow and half grinned as he replaced the uneaten lunch into the soft-sided cooler.

"There's a spot thats a 15 minute walk from here where the bottom is sandy." He took Rie's hand after she finished folding the blanket, starting a slow stroll down the water's edge.

Sep 25th, 2002, 06:14:03 PM
:: AB held onto the hand, not too tightly, but enough so as not to let it go. It was almost a mental thing where if she let go, she was sure she'd wake up from a dream. ::

:: They walked for the most part in silence, enjoying each other's company and the sounds of the forest and water's edge. Pretty soon they came to a shallow area where the shore was indeed sandy. Off to the left there was a sheer cliff with a roaring waterfall cascading down it's side. ::

:: AB slowly let go of Morgan's hand and flipped her boots off, dipping a toe into the water. ::

Well, the temprature seems to be nice. Nothing too hot and nothing too cold.

:: She turned to him, looking about her. ::

This is a beautiful place. I've never been here before.

:: She walked up close to him, smiling. ::

I'm glad you brought me here.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 26th, 2002, 10:26:28 PM
Morgan half smiled, and looked like he was drugged. Oak, pine, moss, moisture, and wildflowers; all smelled insignifigant to whatever it was Rie had in her hair. It was intoxicating, almost.

"Me too." He grinned. "But I had the best part of the scenery with me the whole trip." The tall Jedi Master slipped his feet out of a pair of sandals and stuck a toe in the water.

"Juuuust right." He said, and dissapeared for two minutes. Morgan re-appeared clad in swimtrunks, and his other clothes were neatly folded in the daybag.

Wonder what the surprise is... he pondered to himself.

Sep 28th, 2002, 01:24:57 PM
:: AB chuckled. ::

I see you came prepared.

:: A twinkle scurried across her eyes momentarily, before passing. As Morgan looked at her, his back to the water, a snake-like vine emerged from the surface, quietly inching forward before wrapping itself around Morgans waist gently. She knew the jedi Master would have felt the vine, and thus had hidden it with the Force, masking it's life signature, which wasn't difficult with all the life about them. ::

:: Morgan looked down quizically and then back at her, causing her to grin like a school girl and raise her hand in a tiny wave. ::

:: It was at the moment the vine yanked back quickly, launching Morgan into the air and down beneath the clear waters. The minute Morgan's body hit the water, the vine retreated back to it's place of dwelling, allowing Morgan to sputter to the surface. ::

:: When he reached the surface, AB couldn't help but start laughing, a crystal clear laughter of pure myrth. Morgan's hair had flattened out on his head, covering one eye. He was spitting tiny bits of water out and glaring at her. This just made her laugh more. ::

:: Sure, it was a practical joke, but a harmless one. And it had been a surprise to him. ::

:: Continueing to smile, a curtain of mosses rose before her, giving her privacy and allowing her to remove her green jumpsuit. When the mosses lowered back to the ground, she was wearing a conserative two piece, one that looked like it was made straight from the threads of the forest behind her. She moved into the water, disappearing beneath the surface only to emerge right in front of Morgan. She slicked her hair back along her skull, and then reached a hand out to gently remove his hair from his eye. ::

Surprise, Master Jedi.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 29th, 2002, 06:54:12 PM
Morgan grinned.

"Evil temptress!" he said, and dove beneath the water. Rie's legs were pulled out from under her. When she came back up, Morgan's arms wrapped around her from behind in embrace.

"Behold, the great outdoors and a pair of pranksters. What will the universe do with us." After a few minutes, Morgan stiffened.

I'm teasing you.. He laughed and kissed Rie's neck.

Sep 29th, 2002, 07:15:11 PM
:: Ok, so it was Morgan's turn to surprise her, and when they both surfaced again, she let a stream of water escape between her lips before laughing. Indeed... what would the Universe do with them? ::

:: She wrapped her arms around his as they held her, not a car in the world... save for Morgan, of course. Then his body stiffened against hers, causing her senses to go on full alert. His quiet shush promted her to question him, only to be releaved that he was merely teasing her. ::

:: She closed her eyes as he kissed her neck, squeezing his arms gently, and then turning herself in his embrace to face him. She carressed his face gently with her hand, speaking softly. ::

I don't think today could get any more perfect.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 30th, 2002, 06:07:00 PM

They essentially behaved the same way most newer dating human-related couples would for the better part of three hours.

In regards to the day being perfect, the animalistic part of Morgan would have argued otherwise. The rest of his brain was getting rather fed up with incessant cry for hanky panky.

Logic desperately searched for a squelch function while Spirituality and Compassion both argued that the other half of the equation needed the proper time to accomodate. The Animal told the rest of them to get frelled and continued his rally for physical pleasure.

"Sex sex sex sex sex. Hey guys, rain! I smell RAAAIN! Sex sex sex sex sex sex..."

"WOULD YOU SHUT UP! Wait, rain?"
"Ah, rain, a wonderful metaphor for cleansing of the soul and future growth."
"Maybe we should suggest that we get out of the path of the rain."

"Rie, there's some rain blowing up out of the west." He said a bit loudly, over the waterfall that was giving his shoulders a massage. "If we start for the car now, we'll make it, but my bag is waterproof, and we could hang everything off a tree."

Sep 30th, 2002, 06:33:26 PM
:: AB laughed. ::

Rain... you're worried about rain. And here we are, drenched as it is, in the lake.

:: And then the breeze hit her, chilling her shoulders. ::

Ok, but it's a cold rain. So, yeah, I guess we should get going before we catch our death of cold.

:: She swam towards the shore, sorry to leave the mists of the waterfall. She reached the shore shortly before Morgan, who came up after her. Both reached for their respective clothing, AB placing her hunter green cloak over her shoulders, not bothering to get back into her jumpsuit. ::

:: Then, grabbing their gear, they made back for the speeder. It was about this time that a rumble softly roared across the sky, indicating it would be a thunder storm. ::

And the weather patterns here on Arcan never cease to amaze me. First thing it's bright and sunny, next it's raining wampas.

:: She placed her hood on as she felt a few tiny drops hit her face. ::

Morgan Evanar
Oct 1st, 2002, 12:34:20 PM
They got in the car as the rain began to really come down. The noise of the large droplets splattering against the metal eechod dully through the cabin.

Morgan reached for the ignition and stopped, suddenly. He pulled his hand back, and reached for it again. Rie's eyes went wide.

There's something wrong with the car.

The tall Jedi Master was about to hit the toggle for the hard top, and froze again. He smiled, in case there was an audince. It looked a bit tacky. Acting was never one of his strong suits.

"The rain, its very peaceful."
Play along..
"It is..." Morgan rested his head on her shoulder, and looked up into her eyes. She looked down into his, seeing the genuine worry... and fear. He lifted his head up, and closed his eyes. Thier lips met. A tear slid down his face, and onto hers.
Rie... I'm so sorry. There is 5 kilos of explosive in the frame of the speeder, and someone a hundred meters away. I'm going to kick the windshield out. Get clear as fast as you can. Morgan's seat slid back as far as it would go, and he leaned back, sandals aimed.

There was a groan as the frame of the car protested the seals being ripped apart from the transpairsteel. Nonetheless, it came free from the mounts, and flopped off the hood. Rie had lept through the empty space before it hit the bed of pine needles below, and hit the ground running. His feet returned as he rolled forward, and reached for the bent roofline.

The car exploded as he swung himself over the hood.

Oct 2nd, 2002, 11:48:44 PM
Their eyes met in mute agreement. His deep brown ones, her luminiscent blues, and the silent communication between the two brought neither one a smile.

The ambush had been discovered before it had a chance to unfold in all its explosive and unexpected fury.

Hera felt her hatred rise for the Jedi Master - formerly Sith Order infiltrator - former slicer, hacker, information thief and data sabatouer.
Yes, Hera knew exactly who Morgan Evanar was, who he had been and who he was now trying to be.

Their paths had crossed before. Once indirectly, a year ago during an attempted theft of a certain bracelet, a Sith Artifact from the notorious playboy, Sanis Prent.

But they had more than that in common.

They both, at one time had done jobs for Kimiiki Crei, the albino Crime Lord who had recently hired Hera to find bounty hunter Aurelias Kazaar.

Seems Evanar had been hired for him at one time too, and had subsequently sold him some missinformation that had cost Crei big big credits.

Crei had a long memory.

And Hera was doing him a favour, having an agenda on the Albino herself.

Which leads us to the idyllic setting that just errupted in a billow of fire and debris - flinging the hapless Jedi Master head over hooves across his fancy new snub.

Oct 3rd, 2002, 07:25:06 PM
:: The kiss surprised her, but what even surprised her more was the fact the whole speeder was rigged to blow sky high. ::

:: She didn't hesitate one iota after Morgan had kicked out the speeders windshield, and she was hitting the ground at a dead run as the speeder exploded. She shielded herself from the blast, placing her body behind a large, strong oak. Emerging once the debris falling down had lessened, she looked about the wreckage of the speeder for any signs of life. She could feel Morgan just a few meters from the hollowed speeder, dazed, but otherwise still alive. As to the other presence, it wreaked of darkness. ::

:: Luckily, the fires from the speeder were beginning to die down quickly due to the rain pouring forth from the sky. She was still wearing her cloak, under which her swimsuit still clung to her body. Her jumpsuit was now nothing but ashes. But she could not go about in such attire, so, once again stepping behind the oak, she closed her eyes, feeling and speaking to the mosses and ivy clinging around the oak. The mosses and ivy began to crawl upward at her heels, covering her as if they themselves were a jumpsuit. ::

:: Then, setting her cloak aside, she stepped forth again, walking around the wreckage to stand behind the dark one. ::

I didn't know party-crasher was in your job description.

Morgan Evanar
Oct 5th, 2002, 10:37:14 PM
The blast had altered Morgan's trajectory upwards. He rode the shockwave and his own momentum into a rather sturdy pine tree, impacting it with a loud crack.

A dull thud was heard admist the hiss-pop of live, fresh fire, the two meter tall Jedi Master was a tangle of limbs. Morgan forced his eyes downward, out of the haze of pain. He couldn't feel his left arm, and he rolled over, whiting out as fresh, bleeding wounds were poked and proded by fallen pine needles. Somehow, he managed to sit up. His good arm reached over, grabbing the numb limb, and examined it: It was a tatter of skin and blood, bent the wrong way, broken ten centimeters below the shoulder.

Abruptly, everything went numb. Eyes blinked the tears out of themselves; everything slowed down. Mechanically, he returned to his feet, hunched over. The broken arm hung like an opened curtain. A low pitched growl came from his throat, an errie resemblance to a nexu (http://www.starwars.com/databank/creature/nexu/index.html). Muscle beneath bear skin rippled: his body was ready to do what he had been bred for--killing.

Oct 6th, 2002, 12:36:05 AM
Hera looked the woman over, taking in her unsual attire with a raised eyebrow.

She was beautiful, the casscading red hair setting of the vibrant features of her face and her body was that of a fighter - toned and strong and shapely - formidible and femine both at the same time.

And she was a Jedi Master. Hera could feel the force aura exuding from her.

The Sith remained cold and calculating.
Oh, this outta be fun..

"You should be careful where you leave your vehicle. Its a bad neighbourhood, ya know."

She glanced over to where Morgan Evanar had landed uncerimoniously into a tree, the scream he hurled out was quite something to hear. Flashing a leer to Amazon Babe, Hera teased.

"Did I interrupt something?"

Oct 7th, 2002, 07:49:02 PM
:: AB glared at the Sith. Far off where Morgan had landed, she could feel him coming round to consiousness... though what she felt emitting from him concerned her a bit. ::

:: Carefully concealing her thoughts from the dark one, she continued the game of teasing and insults, anything to give Morgan the advantage of possible surprise over the Sith woman. ::

Well, that's what Sith are good at. Interrupting. Seems they always interrupt something. So why would it be any different for you not to?

Morgan Evanar
Oct 8th, 2002, 08:00:13 PM
Aside from what genetics had granted him - a three 13 cenitmeter claws, Morgan was technically unarmed. Tightend, twitching fingers flinched as the Jedi Master stalked twoard the Sith, who he could not place, yet felt vaugley familiar.

He stared at the blonde through green cat-eyes as the pouring rain beat.

"Who are you," Morgan growled "and why are you trying to kill me."

Oct 9th, 2002, 11:02:22 PM
"Good at interrupting?" Hera laughed without mirth. "Oh, Im good at much more than that."

As Morgan approached the two women, a snarl rumbled low in Hera's throat. Yes, that was the signature she remembered. She could tell he couldn't place her, and that was just fine. He didnt have to know who she was, just why she was here.

Ignoring the first question, she instead answered the second.

"Kill you? How dramatic."

She turned just a little so she could keep both Jedi in her line of vision.

"I am here to give you a message Nevyen."

Morgans claws on the one uninjured hand twitched faintly - in anger, in agitation or in annoyance, Hera couldnt tell.

"The Albino remembers."

Oct 10th, 2002, 05:51:05 PM
:: AB stayed her ground, though the way the look in Morgan's eyes had changed worried her. Never the less, she hid her feelings deep. ::

:: She watched the exchange between the Sith and the Jedi Master, sensing a that the two somehow knew each other, and yet she couldn't pin how or where. ::

:: She clutched her lightsaber, but didn't turn it on. Not yet. Not until she knew more. ::

Morgan Evanar
Oct 11th, 2002, 09:58:51 PM
Morgan's eyes narrowed coldy. He stared at the somehow familiar blonde for what seemed like an eternity in the downpour.

Rie, run.
The light around the Jedi Master twisted and bent as he turned on his heel. It seemed that the past had a nasty habit of catching up with you at the absolutely worst time. Morgan figured this came pretty close.

Besides, there was no shame in retreat when the enemy badly outgunned you. Perhaps he had a chance if it was only hand to hand combat, but he didn't want Rie invovled with his spotted past. Unfortunately, bending light was a less than perfect equation with this much particulate matter, even for someone who had specialized in it. Absolutely still, yes. Dead run with a slight force boost at forty klicks? No.

Oct 12th, 2002, 02:01:28 AM
"Remkah!" Hera was already breaking into a run..

The surge of force energy from Evanar was instantly recognisable - the consequences of such,unfortunately, were not as readable. Hera had sense enough not to stand still and wait for things unfold.

Responding instantly to her command, Remkah (who had been standing a ways off, but keeping both Jedi well within the scopes of his blaster rifle) sought the protection of a cluster of thick trees further on. Ducking to a crouch, he warily awaited what these "insane force-weilders" as he always referred to such, had unleashed on him.

Oct 14th, 2002, 02:57:54 PM
:: AB heard Morgan's voice in her head and saw what was coming even before it happened. But not even running would have gotten her far enough from a blast like that. ::

:: Without so much as another thought, her instincts took over. As the Force flowed through her, it was if the ground beneath her feet heard her call, and the tiny dirt particles began shifting and moving, filling every available pocket of air space below. This caused the ground to open beneath her feet, almost like a sort of sink hole, and swallow her whole and then close. ::

:: At that moment, the edge of the blast hit the area she had been standing. It scorched nearby shrubs and trees, causing her to wince as she felt the pain the life around her felt. Normally she would not have reacted so, having trained herself to not focus on the negative feelings the life about her would have to keep it from being a distraction. But being so close and so inside that life as she was now, it was an almost overwhelming feeling. ::

:: Though she could not see what was happening above the ground, she could "feel" through the ground and the many plants attached. She "viewed" Morgan and the Sith's escape. Asking the life about her, as she did not command it, the ground made way for her to move towards the area Morgan had gone. ::

(OOC: Sooooo sorry for the major delay. Thanks for being patient with me. :))

Nov 7th, 2002, 10:31:46 PM
Hera came up beside Remkah, just as the SFF Base captain was regaining his feet and dusting him self off.

Looking back over his shoulder and seeing both the Jedi had disappeared from sight he asked if they should persue.

Hera shook her head. "No use, they're are both long gone. Besides, Evanar got the message. (she smiled thinly) I saw the shock in his eyes when I mentioned the name he probably has long hoped was forgotten."

She nudged the swarthy man beside her. "C'mon, lets get outta here before more of the Light-freaks showup."

The pair moved off, making their way stealthily and quickly to where they had left their transport, cloaked and hidden in a low valley. Though Hera did not kill Morgan as hoped, she was still more than satisfied that she had stirred to his mind some uneasy and unrelenting memories from the Albino. Crei would be happy at the news..and also to hear of the flame-haired "love interest" or so Hera gathered from the twos afternoon outing.