View Full Version : Ssspeak Of The.....Wolf. (Verrrssse Dawnssstrrrjiderrr)

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 21st, 2002, 01:44:00 PM
(A very attractive young Cizerack entered the establishment known as Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. She licked her lips and smiled toothily, looking at the faces of the humans and those of other species, speaking with one another...and enjoying their time together. Sighing, she drooped her elongated ears and found an empty table, sitting down with a sigh. The one that she sought was no where in sight. Placing her elbows on the table, she put her chin in her hands and waited until a service droid appeared at the side of the table.)

"jI'll jussst have an Ale.....pleassse."

(The lonely female said to the droid. It beeped a few times and then rolled away to fill her request. Again she shifted her dark eyes about the establishment, wishing that he was there....she had so many questions and wanted to know so much regarding their home planet and.....other things. Promptly her drink was brought to her and she sighed once again, taking a large gulp of the thick liquid. Setting it back upon the table, she resumed looking throughout the bar....from face to face. All the while her long tail swished back and forth in anticipation.....)

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 21st, 2002, 01:53:49 PM
::Verse entered the bar from the back entrance. He was not called here often. Many times it was not a good thing when he was called. He looked from behind the bar. There was a new Ciz here. The bar tender came and whispered in is eye that she was the one that called him. Verse nodded nd made his way to the table.::

"Jedi Knight Verse Dawnstrider. You called?"

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:25:17 PM
(Kaiasssuri spotted the handsome Garou coming her way and instantly knew it was him. Smiling toothily, she rose from her seat and outstretched her hand for a greeting.)

"jIndeed Knjight Dawnssstrrrjiderrr. jI am Kajiasssssssssurrrji Cjissssssarrronji, Prrrjincessssss of the Cat-Trrrjibesss on Eden. jI wasss borrrn ssshorrrtly afterrr the Terrrjible Warrr that djivided ourrr people...."

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:38:35 PM
::Verse took the hand and kissed it.::

"I was a soilder in the warrior. Both my brothers died in it. One came back."

::Verse licked his lips slightly.;:

"May I have a seat your highness?"

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 21st, 2002, 04:21:42 PM
(Kaia smiled as he kissed her hand. His tale was sad, and she felt slightly responsible for what had happened.)

"jYesss, pleassse take a ssseat, valjiant sssjirrr."

(She said softly, smiling toothily once again. Her eyes shifted up to his....fixating themselves upon his handsome feautres...then she caught herself staring.)

"jI apologjize forrr what happened to jyourrr famjiljy...and gjive jyou mjy condolencesss on yourrr lossssssesss. jI know jit jisss djiffjicult to lossse a loved one."

(Again she became silent and smiled, thinking of something half-way intelligent to say....but alas, her nerves got the best of her.)

"Would jyou carrre forrr sssomethjing to drrrjink, perrrhapsss?"

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 21st, 2002, 04:56:58 PM
::Verse nodded and ordered an Ale.::

"The past is just that. The Past. All we can do is work for a more....productive future...."

::Verse looked at the woman. It had happened that the Ciz of Eden and Garou mated and bore children. The kids looked like elves, and were changlings. They didn't turn into werewolves though. They turned into WereCats. They were known as Bassets.::

"Tell me. What brings you here? Also, why so interested in me? Is there somethign I can....help you with maybe?"

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:40:05 PM
(Kaia smiled to herself and thought the very same things that Verse was at the moment. He was very handsome....and tempting. Slowly she scooted her chair closer to him, and smiled toothily.)

"Actualljy.....therrre jisss sssomethjing jyou can do forrr me....."

(She purred to herself and then slipped her arm under the table, and placed a hand upon his leg. She turned her head towards him, and locked eyes with the Garou.)

"jI have been awefulljy loneljy sjince leavjing Eden. jI jojined the Cjizerrrack Prrrjide jin hopesss of....well, jyou know. But jI have found the Malesss qujite....unfullfjilling....."

(She licked her lips after speaking and moved in a bit closer to the Garou. Hopefully this would go the way that she had intended....)

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:19:57 PM
::Verse smiled.::

"Tell me. What was so unfullfilling about them? What did they do wrong?"

::Verse knew this race. If he was to throw himself on her, he would be a pig. They loved to play hard to get, or if their 'prey' played dumb. Delayed gratification was the right phrase. Verse just kept smiling.::

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:43:17 PM
(Kaia smiled to herself and looked down at the table before her eyes slowly wandered up his chest and to his face.)

"Thejy arrre forrr ssserrrvjitude.....but werrre not wjilljing to....ssserrrve the wajy jI wanted them to..."

(A coy smile crossed her lips, exposing her elongated canines once again as she moved even closer to Verse. Her hand wandered from his leg....up to his chest and then she caressed his face.)

"jI'm lookjing forrr sssomethjing.....djifferrrent. Sssomeone who gjivesss me what jI have alwajysss lacked....genujine love. Sssee, jI'm not ljike the otherrrsss...jI onljy want one man....and he wjill not be a ssservant ljike you sssee the othersss have."

(She paused and leaned in, kissing his cheek softly and sensually before pulling away to look him over once again. He was so handsome...he was everything she had been looking for. She could tell that he was not like the rest.)

"Forrr all of mjy ljife jI have been ssserrrved...not that jI am complajinjing....but jI want rrreal love...."

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 23rd, 2002, 04:39:23 PM
::Verse nodded and smiled.::

"Real love will take time. Me, nor you, can give it right off. It takes time."

::Verse felt a kindness in this woman. He felt it in Dae, but not like this. Dae wanted a compantion. A Mate for life. She committed to Verse, but would have loved to be with others sometimes if allowed. This woman did seem to be like that.::

"Time I have as well. Time I am willing to give....."

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 23rd, 2002, 04:46:48 PM
(Kaia sighed at his words at first....it was a bit disappointing. How many times she had known 'love'...but then her heart was torn right out of her chest and stomped on. Suddenly he seemed to change his tune...and it brought a new joy to the young Cizerack. She grinned toothily and looked down with a bit of embarrassment of her overbearingness.)

"jYou would be wjilljing to do that...forrr me? Even though we jussst met?"

(He truly was different than the rest...if only now she could prove to him the same thing. She was one of committment...if only the right guy came around. So far everyone used her and then broke her heart...but he had a warmth about him that told her otherwise.)

"That would mean a lot to me, Verrrssse Dawnssstrrrjiderrr. jI jussst hope that jyou arrre not ljike the men that have brrroken mjy hearrrt. jI don't think that jI could sssurrrvjive that agajin...."

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 23rd, 2002, 04:50:33 PM
::Verse smiled an dlooked her over. She was very attractive. He gaved up her leg and up her body. Very Attractive indeed. Nice and pretty. What were the odds more were like her?::

"You had the courage to come and find me. Why should I not try and make things work? Who knows what will come out if all goes well?"

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 23rd, 2002, 04:57:54 PM
(Kaia smiled gently as she caught him looking her over. She was used to it by now...having recieved so much attention since the time she was born. It was not like that anymore though...she did not desire that attention...though it was nice.)

"jI sssought jyou out forrr thjisss verrrjy rrreassson....though jI nearrrljy backed out when jI sssaw jyourrr face. jI have hearrrd a grrreat manjy thjingsss about jyou....talesss of battle and the sssuch onljy hejightened mjy currrjiosssjity..."

(She smiled once again, eyeing him closely as well. He was well built and muscular....strong indeed. He was cute and had a strange warmth about him that she could not get out of her mind. His eyes were beautiful and his smile made her heart melt. People spoke of love at first sight and this was as close as she had ever been to it....)

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 23rd, 2002, 05:37:16 PM
::Verse raised and eyebrow and laughed slightly. It was not because he was making fun, but that he was shocked he was even talked about.::

"Tales of battle eh? There are many Jedi nicer, and better skilled than me. Tell me princess. Why did you leave Eden? My name is whispered amound teh skilled, but Eden doesn't hear it. You had to travel off first. Why is that?"

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 23rd, 2002, 05:50:27 PM
(Kaia smiled gently and looked down at the table momentarily before her eyes wandered to his stomach...up his chest and to his face. Their eyes locked and she grinned to herself.)

"jI left to fjind morrre of mjy kjind. Ourrr numberrrsss arrre ssslowljy dwjindljing....and jI wjissshed to be a parrrt of sssomethjing grrreaterrr...hence, jI jojined the Cjizerrrack Prrrjide."

(She smiled softly and watched for his expression. It was a known fact that the Garou were taking over Eden...and her people were dying slowly...and there were not many left...)

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:48:30 AM
::Verse nodded and took the Ciz's hand into his own. He is kissed it slowly.::

"Who did you learn about me from? And When?"

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 24th, 2002, 10:14:22 PM
(Kaia smiled as Verse kissed her hand. She closed her eyes briefly and lowered her head before opening them and looking up into his eyes.)

"Manjy ssstrrrangerrrsss ssspoke of jyou to me. jI djid not asssk thejirrr namesss.....but took the jinforrrmatjion and ssset out to fjind jyou asss sssoon asss jI could. Alssso anotherrr.....Xazorrr. Ssshe jisss jyourrr daughterrr, yesss? Ssshe vjisssjited Eden not too long ago and sssought to brrrjing peace to ourrr people. jIn dojing ssso......ssshe told me about a loneljy Garrrou man named Verrrssse Dawnssstrrrjiderrr. Ssshe rrreally lovesss jyou....."

(Kaia winked at him and squeezed his hand gently, glad that she had finally found him after her long journey. Only the second reason for leaving Eden, he was. A smile that one could never remove, crossed her lips and stayed as a new joy enveloped her heart.....)

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 24th, 2002, 10:34:19 PM
::Verse sqeezed her hand back and smiled. he slid his foot close to her's.::

"Your alot different from the other Ciz I have met. Most only wish to dominate there men. I'm glad I met you. I for one am tired of being alone. This universe is to crazy now. Hard to find a stable thing. I for one am glad to have found someone like you......."

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 24th, 2002, 10:41:37 PM
(Kaia nodded at his words and smiled to herself. She too had seen this.....the females in control, but it wasn't her way....)

"Mjy Fatherrr brrrought me up betterrr than that. Men and Women, no matterrr what rrrace.....ssshould worrrk togetherrr and be equal.....jI jussst don't sssee manjy people jin love anjymorrre...."

(She sighed slightly as she thought of this. It was true....so many people were using one another and it hurt her to see this. Her smile returned at his words to which she fully agreed.)

"jIndeed.....jI am luckjy to have found jyou....forrr a whjile jit looked asss though mjy sssearrrch would not prrrove sssuccessssssful. But alasss.....all thjingsss worrrked out jin the end...."

(Kaia felt his foot slide closer to hers and she grinned, gently nudging his knee with her own as she looked into his eyes. Today had turned out to be more than she had ever expected....)