View Full Version : The everlasting Greek Wedding

Master Yoghurt
Aug 21st, 2002, 11:25:18 AM
Am I the only one amazed by the performance of "My Big Fat Greek wedding"? This weekend, it had a 85%+ from last weekend. It made 5.7M in its 18'th weekend, taking the number 6 spot. When will it ever slow down??? O_o

Take a look:

April 19–21: $597,362 in 108 theaters.

April 26–28: $804,683 (34.7%) 141 theaters

May 3–5: $666,304 (-17.2%) 147

May 10–12: $1,262,562 (89.5%) 247

May 17–19: $1,135,207 (-10.1%) 275

May 31–Jun 2: $910,901 (-19.7%) 236

June 7–9: $1,688,563 (85.4%) 443

June 14–16: $1,755,197 (3.9%) 455

June 21–23: $1,776,990 (1.2%) 444

June 28–30: $2,002,184 (12.7%) 493

July 5–7: $2,508,748 (25.3%) 499

July 12–14: $2,230,158 (-11.1%) 495

July 26–28: $3,004,597 (-34.7%) 569

August 2–4: $3,002,241 (-0.1%) 657

August 9–11: $3,133,316 (4.4%) 723

August 16–18: $5,700,072 (81.9%) 1,064

Aug 21st, 2002, 12:20:16 PM

Aug 21st, 2002, 12:31:48 PM
There's alot of good word of mouth about this movie. I don't know how high it can go, but I imagine not a whole lot higher than it is doing right now.

Master Yoghurt
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:33:22 PM
Currently, it got 53M. Thats great for such a small release. It will have no problem making 75-100M. Last monday, it made $470,000, this monday it made 800,000, it does not look like it will have 'normal' drop offs any time soon.

Aug 21st, 2002, 01:15:22 PM
It does look quite funny though.
Plus, it has the star power of the one and only Joey Fatone!:lol

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 21st, 2002, 01:38:30 PM

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 21st, 2002, 09:27:26 PM
I am sure it will drop off eventually I doubt it could play all year, I actually think it has reached its high point for a weekend, but it could still make around 75-100 which would be pnemonial for such a independent film.

Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:33:57 AM
It IS quite a good film, hehe, so probably word of mouth has just spread well enough for it to increase along with its theater increases, though it has probably just about peaked.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 22nd, 2002, 12:32:43 PM
I want to see it. *checks her local listings* ;)

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 2nd, 2002, 11:10:40 PM
I saw it, and I reccomend it HIGHLY! Its hilarious!

Sep 3rd, 2002, 04:23:21 AM
How can a film people say is so funny have such a dire and unfunny trailer? :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 3rd, 2002, 11:55:08 AM
I never saw the trailer. BUT the movie is definetely hilarious. GO SEE IT! :mad


Sep 3rd, 2002, 04:07:11 PM
Not out yet. Just an abysmally unfunny trailer. I laughed........once? :)

Sep 3rd, 2002, 07:21:49 PM
The entire movie is hilarious. It's a really good film, so I don't know about the trailer, but the film is very good.

Sanis Prent
Sep 9th, 2002, 01:35:30 PM
It looks so frubbing retarded that it would make baby Jesus cry

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 9th, 2002, 03:37:19 PM
Gee, nice insightful statement. Why not go see it and see what it's really like? Personally, can't wait for it to open in Australia.

Sep 9th, 2002, 05:37:42 PM
You should at least go see it before you judge it, especially given that nearly everyone so far has really enjoyed it. I was at that fight on Saturday at the Rose Garden (where the Blazers play) and the guys behind me were talking about their wives going to see that, but then one of the guys was like, "Well I saw it with my wife, it was actually really funny, I have to admit." It's a really good movie! Not "retarded" at all.

It leans slightly towards "chick flick," sure, but that doesn't make it a bad movie. Plus, I like the best chickflicks, like Clueless, Legally Blonde, and I like Serendipity a lot, hehe.

Bah, just see it, give it a chance. :)

Mu Satach
Sep 9th, 2002, 06:33:45 PM
I'm buying the thing as soon as it's on DVD.

& I wouldn't call it a chick flick... though on the surface it has all the elements.

Basically I was only half way impressed by the trailer. Ended up seeing it on a hot Saturday afternoon because I wanted to get out of the heat so I spent the whole day at the theater.

I had heard one of my co-workers talking about it so I thought what the hey... I'll check it out. When I got to the theater the 11 am, the 2 pm were sold out and my little 4 pm showing was PACKED. (this was back when all the BIG movies were out for the summer except Austin)

Don't build up any big expectations for it... (it's not the end all be all of romantic comedy's out there), but it's definately worth the ticket price of a viewing. :)

Sep 10th, 2002, 11:47:37 PM
Pretty much any romantic comedy is going to be skew chick, so it is a chick flick in many ways, it just happens to be a good movie also. It isn't BLATANT chick flick though, it isn't TRYING to be an obvious chick flick. It's trying to appeal to a lot of people actually, so it's not like Clueless or Legally Blonde, which are just obviously chick films, but I liked both a lot anyway. :)

The only romantic comedy that comes immediately to mind as NOT being a chick flick is Groundhog Day, which is one of my favorite comedies. Actually, I disagree with its classification as a romantic comedy. It's just a pure comedy with a message, there's a difference. The message has nothing to do with romance and everything to do with the attitude you live your life by, and any comedy that succeeds at being incredibly funny and delivering a message is worthy of the highest rating: four stars.

Mu Satach
Sep 11th, 2002, 11:13:54 AM
Well... my definition of a chick flick is that tripe they run on the Lifetime Network. :p

You know... things that have are obviously fantasy, one day my true love will come blah blah blah...

God I hate that crap.

Sep 11th, 2002, 12:51:55 PM
yeah that whole true love thing sucks;)

Sep 11th, 2002, 03:44:17 PM
I saw it yesterday and had a great time!

It's very funny, and just a feel good movie. It's not a masterpiece, but a very good movie all around.

around, i bet that the root of that word is greek!

Mu Satach
Sep 11th, 2002, 07:47:59 PM
*sprits Windex at DB*

My definition of true love was best said by Maggie in Addicted to Love:
"When I was a kid, my father had this dog that started to get all weak and sickly. He takes it to the vet, he examines it and says a maggot must have laid eggs in the dog's butt. The baby maggots have crawled up, now they've started to grow, and eventually they're gonna eat the dog alive from the inside. He says it should be put to sleep, because it's an old dog anyway. But father won't do it. He takes the dog home, he puts it on the bed, he reaches up into the dog, picking out the maggots with his finger, one by one. It takes him all night, but he gets every last one. That dog outlived my father. That's love, Sam."

true love is cool...

it's the belief that it will solve all your problems, be perfect, solve world hunger, bring about a new golden age of wisdom and well you get the idea... that's the crap I hate.

Sep 11th, 2002, 08:18:09 PM
Love doesn't exist. It's only a chemical reaction in your brain that makes you think you love something or someone. ;) haha.

Yeah chick flicks are idiotic most of the time when they ALL end the same way. Anyway, do they not realize they are making VERY, VERY depressing films? Saving Private Ryan is a lot more uplifting than any supposedly "light-hearted" chick flick. I know plenty of chicks who say the same thing. These supposedly light-hearted films are among the most depressing movies ever made. They show these two idealistic characters who find perfect love and they never have any problems and everyone lives happily ever after. That only makes everyone else REALLY depressed because either they don't have a significant other or they do have one but he/she isn't that perfect. It's just depressing! I don't go to theaters or rent movies to be depressed. I can do that easy enough myself, without spending any money! lol ;)

Bette Davis
Sep 11th, 2002, 10:24:27 PM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
You should at least go see it before you judge it, .....Bah, just see it, give it a chance. :)

Pot. Kettle. Black.


Oh yes, this is LD.

I saw it again two nights ago with my sister and her friend and my nephew again. Everyone loved it.

I'm not saying its the best movie in the world, but its a great, funny, non gross/disgusting movie and its rated PG. How often does that happen?

Oh and *slap* <--for Charley. I can't believe you'd say that without seeing it. Its movies like "xXx" and other sex-drenched, boobie showing, horrendous, no-plot-all-sensationalism movies that make Jesus cry.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Sep 11th, 2002, 10:26:42 PM
I just call from what I've seen of it...which is admittedly not much. Then again, the preview I've seen looks totally unremarkable.

Bette Davis
Sep 11th, 2002, 10:27:45 PM
I never saw the preview, and I did hear that the trailer was bad. Which is a shame, because it doesn't do the movie justice.

Sep 12th, 2002, 12:00:47 AM
First, XXX was an excellent film, and there is no nudity in it either. Look for another movie to make fun of, because that is one of the best of the year.

Second: "Pot. Kettle. Black."

Excuse me? And you've seen how many movies this year? That's what I thought, a WHOLE hell of a lot less than me, so until you reach that number, you can keep your mouth shut. I've seen every film this year except Juwanna Mann and Powerpuff Girls, both of which I still intend to see, so I ALWAYS see a movie before I judge it. I have seen everything of any significance this year and I've judged all of them based on what I actually saw. Hell, I went into a few films thinking I'd be let down based on the previews I saw, but I went to see them anyway and when I came out, I actually ended up liking them (Lilo and Stitch and Like Mike come to mind). Then I've seen some movies that I thought would be great and were disappointing to me (MIB2 and Signs). I see everything, and of all of the people on this entire forum, I have the most ability to comment on the films that have come out this year because I've been there for all of them.

YOU, on the other hand, have not seen them all and don't have any place to comment. Your remark just comes across as extremely idiotic.

Sep 12th, 2002, 03:18:59 AM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
Yeah chick flicks are idiotic most of the time when they ALL end the same way.

Don't Star Wars movies also all end the same way? :)

They show these two idealistic characters who find perfect love and they never have any problems and everyone lives happily ever after.

Yeah, right, Mr. Expert.

Oh, doesn't everyone in Star Wars movies live happily every after too? :)

Sep 12th, 2002, 03:19:38 AM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
so I ALWAYS see a movie before I judge it.

American Beauty?

Sep 12th, 2002, 04:56:20 AM
My god, watch the Star Wars movies first Dutchy, then comment. :)

"Don't Star Wars movies also all end the same way?"

Uhh, no. Not one has ended the same so far, actually. And no, nothing ends happily ever after in the entire series. In Return of the Jedi, every single Jedi is dead except for Luke, well and Leia but she wasn't a Jedi, just a person with Force powers. Plus many good people died in the Battle for Endor and I doubt they would be telling you that everything ended happily ever after, if they could still speak, hehe. If you'd like to explain how you think all of the Star Wars films end the same, I'd be happy to hear, because I'm sure I'd get a laugh out of it. I am not sure if it's just a waste of my time to run through the endings with you or what, but briefly... why not.

TPM ends with the good guys "apparently" having won, but in reality Palpatine got everything he wanted out of that sequence of events. He also had Anakin to watch for in the future.

AOTC ends with the good guys, once again, winning a major battle, but this time they all know that is all is not well in the universe. War has begun. Hundreds of Jedi have died already and the galaxy is thrust into the biggest conflict it has seen in a thousand years.

Episode III, though we haven't seen it (this we can assume), ends with Anakin having turned to the Dark Side, the Jedi Order having been exterminated, and one man now controlling the galaxy, EMPEROR Palpatine (who has now crowned himself "emperor" of his newly founded "Galactic Empire"). The ending of this film is obviously considerably darker than AOTC even, which had an ending that (had you not seen the original trilogy) left room for the good guys, Anakin included, to make the right decision and triumph over evil, Republic saved. But that's not how it went.

A New Hope ends on an actual good note, the first so far, given that TPM, AOTC, and Episode III all have rather sour endings if you understand the saga. At the end of ANH, the "New Hope," Luke Skywalker, has begun his journey to become a Jedi Knight and taken a step towards freeing the galaxy of imperial rule.

At the end of The Empire Strikes Back, the Rebel Alliance suffers a bitter defeat. Having had to engage a large fleet of imperial forces, the Rebel Alliance loses a great deal of equipment and fighters in an attempt to flee Hoth, which leads to an ending where the fleet has regrouped, lower in number, and having lost Han Solo to Jabba the Hutt (temporarily). Also, Luke is short an arm, and he has to deal with Vader being his father, possibly (or so he hears).

Then at the end of the saga, Return of the Jedi, the forces of good have triumphed over the forces of evil and brought freedom back to the galaxy. The "Alliance to Restore the Republic," aka the Rebels, have defeated the central command structure of the Empire and crippled its ability to maintain order over the galaxy, thus freeing its inhabitants. "The Chosen One," aka Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader, has finally fulfilled the prophecy of the "one who will bring balance to the Force" and has erased the presence of the dark side from the galaxy entirely (there are no Sith left at the end of ROTJ; Lucas's words and part of the prophecy).

So I don't see where exactly you are getting that these endings are the same, Dutchy. They are certainly quite different. I'd say that ANH and ROTJ are a bit similar, then I'd say that ESB and Episode III will share similar endings, and actually I'd probably say that in a third group you'd have TPM and AOTC sharing similar endings in that both of them are decided with major battles that the good guys "appear" to win, but the "bad guys" have actually made progress from instead.

"Yeah, right, Mr. Expert."

I'm a movie critic and I have seen quite enough chick flicks and other movies to know what I'm talking about. Doesn't make me the biggest movie buff around, and not even of this forum (I dub CMJ the biggest movie buff around these here parts, hehe), but it does make me knowledgeable enough to give a simple formula that is tried and true of chick flicks.

Now sometimes you can say that formula is "charming," like you might say in Legally Blonde or Serendipity. This formula is also used in films such as "Boys and Girls," a film I didn't find too bad actually. I rather liked it, hehe. Perhaps because Claire Forlani is, uh, very, very attractive and because it was fairly well done. On the other hand, it's very predictable and formulaic, so I couldn't give it above three stars as it introduced nothing new to the genre or film world in general.

Do you not agree that chick flicks follow a similar formula many times? That formula is something like 1) girl yearns for "the right guy," 2) guy has girl problems and can't meet "the right girl" 3) the two eventually meet, sometimes by chance, other times they were friends at the beginning or otherwise knew each other, and 4) after many complications, sometimes humorous, and usually a few arguments or disagreements, the two get together and live happily ever after. The end.

That's pretty much THE chick flick formula. Now obviously I think the better ones do not have to follow a formula, like Clueless or Legally Blonde. Those do not follow those formulas. They may have similarities, but they are somewhat original or otherwise endearing. Now with Serendipity, it very much follows that formula, but in one of the more humorous manners I can imagine and it also seems to be so professionally crafted that I can excuse the formula manner in which it was made and award it a very strong 3.5 stars.

So if you have some sort of actual problem with the theories I am saying, then perhaps instead of just shooting them down, you'd care to offer up intelligent commentary like an educated human being. I have given you my ideas and you've basically tried to be cute about it, which doesn't prove intelligence but it does make you seem annoying. So this time, let's see if you can post in response, like without making more condescending remarks, and actually offer counter-arguments to what I said. I do think you'll have great difficulty arguing with me about the subject of Star Wars, given that I am an expert on that and you are, admittedly, not a fan. I still would at least appreciate an intelligent response instead of just trite remarks, though.

Gurney Devries
Sep 12th, 2002, 06:55:34 AM
Excuse me? And you've seen how many movies this year? That's what I thought, a WHOLE hell of a lot less than me, so until you reach that number, you can keep your mouth shut"You have no right to an opinion, because I'm the expert here and only my opinion matters". To paraphrase.

Do you have any idea what kind of an ass that statement makes you sound like?

You don't judge a movie before you see it? What about that huge rant about how bad the Powerpuff Girls movie looked? Or your insinutations of how "anyone who goes to see that needs to have their equipment checked"? Please.

Not everybody can afford to see every vulking movie that's released. Some of us need to worry about how we're going to pay our bills, not spending half of our lives in the theater. Thus, we try to only see the movies we think will appeal to us.

I didn't go to see xXx because I thought it looked like a stupid, pointless action flick that would not appeal to me. So yes - I judged the movie before I saw it. Is it possible that xXx is much better than I'm giving it credit for? Sure, it's possible... but that doesn't mean that I want to waste around $20 and several hours of my life to find out.

Instead of wasting all your money on seeing every bloody film that's released, why don't you use the spare cash to buy yourself a clue?

Bette Davis
Sep 12th, 2002, 11:31:48 AM
Jonathan, I'm extremely offended that you would take that tone with me. I've never done anything to you. I'm sorry that I work, thats right, WORK for a living, and I don't have enough money after RENT, PHONE BILL, CAR INSURANCE, PGE, INTERNET, and my myriad of other bills to actually spen over $100 a month on movies alone.

You said "See it before you judge it." Yet on OTHER occasions (cough)Powerpuff girls(cough) you have said "I don't need to see it to know its bad." Therefore my statement was true: pot. kettle. black. It doesn't MATTER that you INTEND to see it! You haven't! and you have a preconcieved notion that it will be awful. So did Charley, and you lambasted him for it. All I did was point out that *gasp* you are not perfect.

I am not perfect. I haven't seen xXx. But I do know that its over sexed, and sensationalized, and I choose not to waste my HARD EARNED money on it.

Arya Ravenwing
Sep 12th, 2002, 07:51:47 PM
Oh yes, and I'm very very very PO-ed about this thread.

Mu Satach
Sep 12th, 2002, 08:06:27 PM
* spritzes Windex on the thread *

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 12th, 2002, 08:10:01 PM
Yay! All better! :D

Sep 13th, 2002, 12:08:14 AM
I'm really going to try the windex thing one day, I just haven't got drunk enough, but one day...

I'll keep you posted.

Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Sep 13th, 2002, 12:25:44 AM
Don't drink the windex.

And yes, I'm giving up on signing into LD every time I want to post.

Sep 13th, 2002, 03:12:40 AM
I never judged The Powerpuff Girls movie before I saw it. I judged the TRAILER that I saw of it, just as I did with Fight Club or any trailer. Everything you see should be judged. In fact, even if you don't think you are doing so, everything that happens, your mind makes a judgment about it. That's good. It's natural.

I didn't say that Powerpuff Girls is awful. From what I hear from other critics, it was pretty enjoyable, even surprisingly good. The animation looks terrible *from the preview*, but that doesn't mean I have judged the entire film from that either. I've made my first impression evident, and I can always do that. Every time I see a trailer I can tell you what star rating I think the movie is going to get. Occassionally, I am way off. More often than not, though, I'm very accurate. I was way off on Fear Dot Com. I thought it would be 2 stars probably, it was 1/2 star. Way worse than I thought. I thought Signs would be 4 stars. It was 2.5. Those are the exceptions, though, and the difference is that I see every movie that comes out now so I don't judge them based on the trailer and then act like I know what I'm talking about. I judge my interest in them based on the trailer, then I confirm or deny my initial opinion by seeing the actual film.

Of course, in some cases a film proves to be such an utter bomb and I am so busy that I miss it. Such was the case with Juwanna Mann and Powerpuff Girls. I meant to see both, wanted to see both in theaters ("wanted" because I hate having missed anything), but it didn't work out that way. Nonetheless, I will rent them to complete this year's movie viewings and they, like every film, will be fairly rated and judged upon my viewing.

Plus, what I think going into a movie has absolutely no bearing on what I think of the actual movie. I don't believe that it truly has any effect on ANYONE. I would have to see some conclusive proof of such a large, unbelievable theory.

I thought Waterworld would be one of the worst films ever before I saw it because I had heard such awful things about it. I ended up giving it 4 stars. How could anyone argue that what I thought about the film before had anything to do with my rating? I was prepared to trash the film, so I went in LOOKING for flaws, but the film disarmed me and I just watched it as a moviegoer. Everyone forms a judgment about movies they see in theaters far before they ever see them. EVERYONE. It is not possible to avoid. You make a judgment that determines whether you DO or DO NOT see it in theaters, or if not (if you're like me and see everything), you still make a judgment about what you think has great potential and what you are dreading to see. That's just unavoidable, and it doesn't make you biased or unfair or judgmental, it just makes you an intelligent, thinking person who is able to make decisions quickly, then confirm or deny such opinions.

"Instead of wasting all your money on seeing every bloody film that's released, why don't you use the spare cash to buy yourself a clue?"

LOL, I don't waste all of my money, trust me. I have plenty of money for doing all kinds of wonderful things with :) Plus, unlike you all, I can write off every single movie I see as "tax deductable" business expenses, the cost of being a movie critic. I don't lose any money from seeing that many films really, I just get more to deduct, that's all. Gotta find some way to keep the taxes down. :)

Your HARD EARNED money would be a lot better spent on XXX than anything else that came out this entire summer, spare Road to Perdition, AOTC, Spider-Man, and Simone.

I'm not here to judge other people, though, that is reserved for movies. So I'm not going to go on a lecture about how if I were actually supporting myself fully, I'd find a job that paid decently enough to warrant my time, because they do exist, but that's not my business. I don't need to hear about "hard work" from anyone here. I know hard work just as well as anyone. I know one thing is for damn sure. You won't more than a handful of other people my age who have done so much in so little time. You don't get here without lots of hard work, lots of pain, and lots of disappointment. I know what it's like not to have time to do everything you want and I know what it's like to work very hard. I don't, however, nor will I ever, believe that 40 hours a week is a great deal of work. It's not. It's pitiful. You can do 40 hours of work in 3 days max. You don't get anywhere working 40 hours a week. If you want to move up, you work 80 hours a week. 12 hours a day gives you another 12 hours to sleep, eat, and even an hour in there to relax or so. Not to say you'd do that every day, but 40 hours, oh boo hoo hoo. My god. Try 35 hours of college, 20 hours of business, 10 hours of writing, and then spending your free time seeing lousy movies. That's hard work. Not 40 hours a week.

But that's off subject too. Anyway, we should not get at each other's throats here or attempt to insult anyone else any further. If any damage has been done, then I'm sure we're all sorry about that, and I didn't mean to suggest that everyone should see every movie released. That is retarded. Most movies out there are not worth your money, or my money, and that's why I'm a critic. I like finding the good films and telling my friends to avoid the crap. That is, technically, what critics are for. To tell normal moviegoers what is worth their hard earned money and their time. I know some people are like, "Oh come on, reviewing movies, that's an easy job!" Well sometimes, it's great, and other times, it is horrible. If you think I would never walk out on a movie, you're right, as a CRITIC, but as a moviegoer, I wish I could have walked out of about 10 films this year. I didn't. I stayed and watched them all so I could write my review as best as possible. I waste my time just to see all of these films and review them because I enjoy what I do, I enjoy being a critic as a hobby. I could just forget about it all, put my time into business exclusively, and I could make a lot more money with that time. I have a lot of great opportunities to make cash, but I choose to run a Website that is NOT for profit and one that I just enjoy updating. So that's what being a movie critic is at first.

Bette Davis / all other names, hehe, you may not have meant it, but I take great offense to someone telling me that I'm a hypocrite when I'm seeing all the damn movies here and you have no place to say that I judge films without really seeing them. I am totally the opposite. I see all of the films so that I can make educated criticisms or opinions of them all. So I took offense to your comment, and I find it quite rude actually, but I understand that you may not have meant it that way. So in that case, I am sorry about the whole argument, but you just should be careful what you say.

Gurney Devries
Sep 13th, 2002, 07:22:32 AM
I've made my first impression evident, and I can always do thatHow is that any different that what LD was doing? She was taking her impressions away from what she's seen/heard of the movie.
Your HARD EARNED money would be a lot better spent on XXX than anything else that came out this entire summer, spare Road to Perdition, AOTC, Spider-Man, and Simone.That's really an opinion, isn't it? You can't just assume that everyone on the face of the planet is going to like xXx. It's meant to appeal to a certain group of people, of which I don't think I'm a part of.

Sep 13th, 2002, 09:56:58 AM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
My god, watch the Star Wars movies first Dutchy, then comment. :)

I've wachted them all more than once. :)

I do think you'll have great difficulty arguing with me about the subject of Star Wars, given that I am an expert on that and you are, admittedly, not a fan.

I know, so no, thanks. Unless you're gonna reply to all the numerous unanswered posts here first. It's pretty frustrating seeing you not answering a lot of stuff here, which I find rather remarkable actually, because usually you write huge posts, and then I can't image you're not returning to it, but so be it. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 13th, 2002, 10:56:03 AM