View Full Version : TSO Training Mission: The Raid (open)
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:41:24 AM
Near to the boarder of Imperial Space, two starships dropped out of Hyperspace in close formation. A small, sun water planet lay before them. Slowly slightly, the two ships known as the Star Destroyer Shadow Rose and the Interdictor Soul Binder dropped into orbit around the planet. Another almost empty planet, except for a huge island chain in the southern sea. On it lived a colony of Mon Calamari, humans, and a few idealistic bothans. The imperials widely ignored the planet itself, for it produced nothing important.
Except more slaves for the Order.
Dyzm let a grin slid on to his face as he watched the planet slowly turn, bringing the the islands into view of the 2 Cruisers.
"Load the Transports! We land at soon as possible!"
OOC: Sith Order Apprentices, you are needed first in the Discussion Chamber to learn what the mission is. Thanks.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:28:18 PM
"So when is exactly soon as possible, Dyzm?"
Yes, it was odd that Dalethria was here but it was a favor to Lady Vader, a woman that she respected deeply. It was what brought her to the Order in the first place to gain her organization as an ally.
Now, her compatriot on her left was not someone Dalethria knew well but had asked for some assistance on this mission. Considering the purpose that lay within, she readily agreed. It had been far too long that she did something active and a good stretch of the legs was quite a pleasurable idea.
Diego Van Derveld
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:36:18 PM
Near to one of the inland estuaries, a man worked in the sun, tending to his crops. His skin was bronzed from a life of labor, and his muscled body sheened with sweat, as he swung a machete in clean, even strokes, slicing down thin stalks of nectar cane. Taking a moment's pause, he looked to the sky, placing a hand to his brow to block out the sun. Against the bright background, he could just barely make out dark silhouettes. His brow furrowing, Diego clenched his jaw.
"Trouble from offworld, it seems."
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 21st, 2002, 06:13:28 PM
Dyzm, was ready for battle. His hand twitched to one of this lightsabers. His armor felt light on his body, but that didn not matter. Turning to Dalethria he speaks slowly.
"We land, m'lady, as soon as we our selves reach the transports."
Standing, Dyzm scans the bridge crew, and, catching the eye of his second in command, summons him over.
"Prepare both ships for hyperspace exist vector 23.95, I want this ship in hyperspace the moment we return."
Looking over to Dalethria, he nods once.
"Its time for us to go, the others can meet us on planet."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 21st, 2002, 06:30:42 PM
She threw the second in command an icy stare.
"Fail in this, Dyzm will be the least of your problems."
A malicious chuckle was her good-bye as Dalethria and her Sith companion departed to the transports
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:55:55 AM
Just a bit while later, the shuttle carrying the sith lands in the center market square of the small town. The ocean itself was easily seen from the slight rise that the town was built on. Disembarking from the shuttle Dyzm strolls forward and grins evily as the populace recoil in fear.
Raising his voice he yells out.
"On behalf of the Sith Order! I welcome you all to slavery! From recent reports, I understand there are over 200 Mon Calamari, 80 humans, and roughly 40 Bothans, in this small town. Now, for our purposes, we need half the Mon Calamari, and all the Bothans. Seeing how we have all ready captured the humans that we need, you will not half to worry... Until we bomb this land from the face of the ocean. That is all."
Shock played openly on all the faces gathered. One outraged male Calamari, A big game fisherman judging from the barbed harpoon he carried, gave a yell and charged forward. Dyzm stood his ground as the alien ran with all his might and speed. Finned feat flop against the cobblestones of the ground as he came closer. With a casual flick of his wrist, Dyzm's lightsaber leaps into his hand. He thumbs the blade to life and in a quick sidestep and slash, slices through the Calamari's chest. 2 meaty thuds hit the ground as Dyzm disengages the lightsaber and returns it neatly to his waist.
Diego Van Derveld
Aug 22nd, 2002, 09:31:15 AM
Blue eyes watched the scene unfold, some distance from the epicenter of the town. The flash of the invader's laser sword brought an upsurge of anger in the man, which barely appeared before it was harnessed again, and dragged beneath the surface of his persona. The force users and their arrogance, once again. It had ravaged his own house like an incurable plague, and Diego now held a special chamber of hate in his heart for the mystical art.
He slowly sat aside his farming equipment, and began the 5 mile walk back to his hovel. As he passed through endless rows of nectar cane, he paused in-stride, and lowered below the cane stalks...and was seen no more.
Gouyen Chee
Aug 22nd, 2002, 01:53:42 PM
Gouyen was going over the Mantis' pre-flight check list for what must have been the fifth time when a faintly metallic, faintly irritated voice interrupted.
"Mistress, you've been through this more than enough times -- why not settle down and think on the mission at hand. I'm more than ready -- are you?"
The cyborg intelligence of the ship was right -- she had been spending far too much time fretting over particulars and far too little of it preparing herself physically and mentally.
She debarked and studied her ship as it sat in one of the Shadow Rose's cavernous hanger bays. The Mantis was fairly small, about 35 meters from stem to stern and a few meters less wingtip to wingtip. But she was light, highly manouverable and severely overpowered -- nearly half of her was composed of powerplants of various sorts, from the main quad thrusters to the outboard engines to the various trim jets at strategic locations along her hull. She was well-armed as well, sporting six heavy laser cannon to the front and four aft, along with a pair of forward-facing ion cannon. Paired launchers for concussion grenades and proton torpedos finished her armament. She sported no shields, instead relying on a special alchemaical, energy dissapating coating that tinted her hull a matte black. The strange angles of her geometry* served to camoflage her from most types of sensors -- this was also aided by the energy absorbing coating on the hull.
But as remarkable as the Mantis was on the outside, her most amazing feature was on the inside -- she was controled by a human brain. The Assazi have no tolerance for physical infirmity, so if a child is born with, or develops, a non-correctable physical disorder, that person, along with his/her parents, is given the option to have their brain wired into a vehicle or vessle of some sort. Given that the other option is death, the overwhelming majority choose to become cyborgs.** Like all Assazi, "Manny," the ship's cyborg intelligence, was Force-sensitive, which made communication between her and Gouyen quite easy, although Gouyen ususally used a wrist com to keep in touch. This marriage of technology and biology made the Mantis essentially a living being, potentially able to act completely on its own, but operating better when working in partnership with another.
Gouyen had all the faith in the world in her ship -- it was herself that she doubted. She mentally shoved those thoughts away and signaled Robi, her Cybernian wolf-dog companion, to her.
"Robi, go find Dea and tell her that she is to join me for the assault. And be back quickly -- Lord Dyzm is preparing to launch the landing craft."
Robi assented and trotted off in search of the young apprentice while Gouyen stalked back on board her ship -- this time, to prepare herself.
*Think of an oversized F-117A "Nighthawk" fighter, with a little B-2 "Spirit" bomber thrown in for good measure.
**I got this idea from the Anne McCaffrey book The Ship Who Sang, with cross-pollination from the short story "The Final Exit," found in Tales From the Empire.
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:40:53 PM
Robi followed the Force-scent of Dea Potentia until she found her. She was sitting by herself in a flight crew easy room. The Cybernian trotted over and gently nudged her hand with her nose.
Miss Dea, she asked her through the Force, Mistress Gouyen wants you to join us in the raid that's taking place right now. If you follow me, I'll show you to the ship.
She nuzzled her hand again and waited for a reply.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 22nd, 2002, 07:29:53 PM
Dyzm, out of the corner of his eye, had noticed that Gouyen had made planet fall without trouble. Kicking the upper body of the dead Calamarian out of the way, he raises his voice again.
"Intelligence reports have also noted that this planet has seen a increase of Jedi lately. And I notice the cowards have not come out to try to stop me yet. Well, then I call them out, right now. All against me!"
Dyzm reaches into his sleave and pulls out an ancient device covered in Sith insignia. It was small, triangular blade with 3 edges, roughly 4 inches long. The blade itself was hollow all the way through. Darkness raidated from the weapon as Dyzm started feeding it dark force energy.
"I will kill an 5 innocent people every 10 minutes until I have my fight. I can keep this up for 3 hours before I need to just capture the rest of the populace. If you do not hear my voice, perhaps there screaming through the force might attract your attention!"
Reaching out through the force, Dyzm forms a fist and slams it into a random man. He staggers back dazed, but is abruptly yanked forward by invisible hands through the force. Dyzm's armored hand flings forward and latches on to the mans throat, and with a movement to quick for most to see, stabs the sith weapon into the soft spot belows the mans ear and up into the brain. Dark energy is pumped right into the mans head. The man screams, and continues to scream. Blood vessals exploded on the mans face. Blood begains to ooze from his nose and ears. The scream continued. Through the force, Dyzm could feel the mans torture, the mans pain. It was unbeliveable, it was delicious... Suddenly, everything was quite. The man hung dead, suspended by Dyzm's hand. Letting go, the corpse collapses to the ground.
"How many more must die before you show your selves?"
Oishii Sakana
Aug 22nd, 2002, 08:38:00 PM
Oishii walked along a dirt path surrounded on either side by small farms. Oishii saw a farmer stop from harvesting his crop and look into the distance, muttering. Oishii looked too.
"What are we looking at, sir?"
Yasashii Mikan
Aug 22nd, 2002, 08:41:44 PM
"He's an old man, he stares off at nothing b'cuz he finds it fun or is reminiscing about the old days or something lame like that."
But he too was following the old man's gaze.
Salemn Lysce
Aug 22nd, 2002, 09:31:41 PM
She knew that the Sith were up to something .. And this proved it. Following their Force signature - it reeked and polluted the very air - she had cloaked herself from their knowledge. After landing her ship, Speak, the teenager had armed herself with her lightsabre and three throwing daggers, and then followed them. After seeing the Sith Lord begin to kill the innocents after threatening them, bitterness filled her mouth.
< I'll give you a fight .. Just leave them alone. >
The mute sent her messages out through the Force so he could hear her, and immediately she reached down and unclipped her lightsabre, Truth. A white beam spurted forth as a gentle humming filled her ears.
Since she was clad in a simple dark red shirt and leggings, fighting would be no problem.
< Everyone .. Leave while you can ! >
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 22nd, 2002, 10:49:50 PM
**Dyzm looks over to the mute, and frowns.**
"You alone think you can stop me? It's almost laughable."
**Bringing forth one of his lightsabers, Dyzm thumbs it on. A sickly green blade, springs to life with a snap-hiss. His second lightsaber still hung at his hip, and his Sith, great sword style, lightsaber, Black Heart was attached to his back, hidden with his cloak. Grinning, Dyzm set himself into a fighter's stance.**
Aug 22nd, 2002, 11:02:36 PM
"Alone? Hardly."
Zeke stepped forward and ignited his two sabers.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 23rd, 2002, 12:08:40 AM
**Dyzm raises his open left hand casually and hits Zeke with a concentrated blast of Dark Side energy.**
"You are a more of a hinderance then assistance boy!"
**Dyzm follows up the attack with a jumping into the air at the mute. His lightsaber swings down in a wide arc slamming into the white lightsaber before Dyzm lands, blades still held together, sparking**
Aug 23rd, 2002, 12:17:29 AM
Zeke landed in a heap and rubbed his chest.
He stood shakily. This would be no easy fight, probably one he couldn't win. He wished devoutly for a Knight or Master.
Salemn Lysce
Aug 23rd, 2002, 05:39:43 AM
Gritting her teeth, she held her ground even after Dyzm crashed his lightsabre into hers. As the multi-colored sparks showered both of them, Salemn sent a Force blast towards his legs, then brought her lightsabre to the side and swung at his midsection. He doubted she could stop him ? We'll see. she thought grimly.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:06:46 AM
OOC~ Btw - Most of you who haven't met Dalethria should find it odd she looks like Navaria :)
IC~ "Padawans?"
Dalethria asked with a sigh.
"The Jedi sends children again... Pathetic."
She eyes Zeke with a twisted smile since Dyzm was busy handling the girl. He wasn't even worth the trouble but a showing had to be done for the slaves watching the event unfold.
With a back hand motion to the air, a telekinetic back fist hit Zeke across the face with incredible impact that sent him toppling to the ground.
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:24:01 AM
Zeke staggered again, then fell back...Navaria? The council member?
"You...treacherous coward..." Zeke wiped the blood from his lip and staggered forward toward Dalethria, swiping from the side with his saber.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:34:01 AM
The action of unclipping her sabre, igniting it and then blocking the feeble strike against her person took only mere seconds. It looked to Zeke that Dalethria was weaponless at first but when he blinked, a purple sabre was crackling against his own, leaving the Dark Mistress completely unscathed.
It took a moment for Zeke's words to take meaning while she shoved the Padawan's sabre away with force enhanced strength and bashed the hilt of her sabre into his face, causing more blood to flow.
"Ah ... I understand you now. Idiot."
Sweeping her right leg into the air, Dalethria brings down her foot in an axe kick to Zeke's right shoulder. The pain was quite unbearable ...
Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:14:45 AM
Zeke fell to his knees, blood streaming from his forehead. His arm hung by his side, immobile and useless.
"N...not fair...Nav...why'd you abandon us...?"
Diego Van Derveld
Aug 23rd, 2002, 02:18:07 PM
Suddenly rising from the edge of the nectarcane field, Diego never missed stride, running into his small hovel. He didn't have much, but he was skilled enough to make it more than enough. A longbow, quiver of arrows, two small throwing spears, and a set of throwing knives. To the invaders, crude, perhaps. But in the hands of a survivalist, and one who lived off the fruits of the wilderness, they were far deadlier. Without a second thought, he burst from his house, dashing into the dark forest that led to the inland heights.
Aug 23rd, 2002, 06:58:15 PM
A mysterious individual approached the premesis of what had appeared to have been the initial moments of combat. Morpheus had gotten information of this melee from his own covert intelligence. It appeared the Sith had once again embarked on another task to wreak havoc on the innocent. It only further verified their fragility and weakness. On opposite sides of the conflict were the Jedi, and it was more than apparent that these were mere padawans engaging in war against evil. It was quite often that these novice Jedi were always completing tasks that trained Knights or Masters should accomplish. It came has no astonishment to the dark figure, for the Jedi system was and had been corrupt and bewildered. Nevertheless, he commended their determination to halt the forces of darkness. Glancing around it was more than obvious that this village was covered in the sheets of discomfort, and support was greatly needed. He reached into his black coat and removed a dark axe from beneath the shrouds of clothing. With a powerful thrust he casted the projectile directly at the evil women who had at the moment pinned down a lightsider. The axe was heading for her at astonishing speed, and it would be hard to fortify herself against it.
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 23rd, 2002, 07:32:40 PM
"Wow! Things are so cheap here. Thanks mister!" He said to a Mon Calamari trader who stood proudly behind his small stall of hand-picked vegetables and fruit. Life was so admirably simple here, the inhabitants were peaceful and had no problems. "No wonder my grandparents decided to come here!" He commented, looking down the dusty road. It sloped downwards and at the base of the hill upon which the town sat, the road was lined by a forest of thick green and further still was a sea unlike any other he'd seen before. It's was dazzling, the clear blue sky was reflected in it whilst the sun's light sparkled and danced upon it's surface. It was a paradise.
Carrying his basket of groceries further down the road, he caught sight of a commotion, there were a few cries and then it hit him: fear! Pain and suffering he was able to distance himself from but he was so sensitive to the fear of others and despite the heat, he shivered. There was a soothing breeze coming from the ocean, he paused despite the imminent danger and took a deep breath to calm himself. Suddenly, he darted into the mass of stalls and people, keeping low he nimbly navigated himself towards the source of the disturbance.
"Surely the natives wont be fighting amongst themselves..."
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 23rd, 2002, 07:51:53 PM
Danger instinctively registered in Dalethria's mind and erected her force barrier around her body immediately. It was a skill she acquired through much stress and training that by now, it only took a mere thought to create field.
The axe, as deadly fast as it was coming at her, hit the barrier at fell harmlessly to the ground. This field could stand up to the mighty Anbira's most deadliest blast ... an axe impacting against it caused nothing more then a twitch of her eye, acknowledging that it hit.
Then it lifted off the ground on its own as Dalethria turned in the direction from where the weapon came from. She blew a kiss to the unknown man and with a wave of her hand, threw the man's very own weapon at Zeke .. the very person he was trying to save.
Aug 23rd, 2002, 07:58:27 PM
Zeke finally passed out from blood loss and fell forward, the axe missing him by bare millimeters. It lodged itself in a random building.
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 23rd, 2002, 08:36:16 PM
"...I thought not!" Loki whispered to himself, looking on from behind the shelf of a what could only be described as a pharmacists stall. A pharmacist!
Quickly the boy scanned the shelves, keeping himself hidden from both the owner of the stall and the malicious dark-siders and their cronies. being the type of person that he was, Loki had read all about basic pharmacy and had a love of chemicals and their properties.
"Ah-ha!" He declared triumphantly. He siezed a bottle and threw it in his bag, he also took a syringe and snatched up a box of Mon Calamari sedative pills.
"Hey!" Came a cry as the owner caught sight of the boy stealing his products. Loki sprinted past him but hoped up to snatch a notepad from his jacket pocket.
"Excuse me!" He said as politely as possible under the circumstances and dissapeared into the thick growth of forest that backed the market on the hill.
Diego Van Derveld
Aug 23rd, 2002, 08:54:31 PM
As Loki scrambled through the underbrush of the forest, a stealthy hand reached from the shadow, snatching him back by his collar. A second hand was equally fast, cupping securely over the Padawan's mouth.
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:23:59 PM
Loki gasped with shock although his reaction was silenced instantaneously. He had been caught! His eyes darted about the thick, green canopies above him trying to catch a glimpse of his attacker when he suddenly recognized the large callous hand. It eased from his mouth so that he could turn around and he sighed with a visible relief at the sight of Diego.
"I'm glad to see you, sir!" He whispered, pulling his basket behind a bush so that all was obscured from those on the outskirts of the forest.
Diego Van Derveld
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:26:13 PM
He held a finger to his lips, giving the boy a stern look. For a moment, he stood still, eyes looking around, as if to detect an intruder. His nostrils flared, and he took several brief sniffs at the air.
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:47:12 PM
"So when did you intend to notify me about this little exercise of yours?" The deep foreboding voice crept behind Morpheus.
Turning, he found himself in the presence of Nemesis. The dark clad assassin paced about for a moment then came to rest along side his confidant.
"He's here. I know he's here."
His glistening white eyes scowered the area, probing every corner for whom he spoke of. A solitary man the Ranger had sworn to kill.
The masked face turned its gaze to Morpheus.
"Help the padawans, but leave...him...for me." The order was stern yet subdued. Lack of volume was to prevent knowledge of his arrival. The hunter planned to camouflage in obscurity until his target revealed himself.
Aug 23rd, 2002, 10:23:56 PM
Morpheus understood the command delivered by his companion. He knew exactly the adversary the obsidian warrior was inspecting for, for it had not been an extensive amount of time since Nemesis had last engaged in combat with the opponent. After percieving his confidant's words he continued his task to halt the activity of the Sith. Once again he reached into the depths of his black coat, only to remove his vibro-sword from its compartment to the firm grip of his right palm. With the ignition of the blade, a crimson field of electricity hovered around the surface of the dark weapon. The warrior then embarked in direction towards the proximity of his previous encounter with one of the darksiders. The Jedi ceased to have any impact on the adversary set before them, but know he would endevour to desist the work of these foes by any means nesseccary.
Dea Potentia
Aug 23rd, 2002, 10:26:44 PM
OOC: :angel I was here the entire time... really I was... knew all about this second training mission... yeppers... um... sorry about the wait :D
IC: *was startled out of memories of her home planet by a cold wet nose in her hand (hey who's missing a nose? gah! is too tired to sink properably and no fink maka cents) Nods slightly in reply and follows cute puppy doggie thingamawhatsamacallit yep that she does and it leads her where ever... is in a daze and finds herself often in quiet reflection... since the first training mission... hopes Zeke won't cause trouble during this one*
OOC:zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oh wait... I suppose I should wait until after I've submitted this reply to fall asleep...
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 23rd, 2002, 10:38:31 PM
**The force blast from his enemy did little. A slight step back and block stops the saber slash**
"Child, do you really think that would faze a master of my skill?"
**Dyzm lets loose a blast of his own, watching the jedi tumble backwards, Dyzm lets loose with a sharp laugh. With a force jump, Dyzm leaps backwards, completing a midair flip before landing on the point of a house's roof. From there, he scans the makeshift battle. Perfect, stage one is complete! Pulling out his comlink he contacts his ships in orbit.**
"Send out a message to our imperial friends to send in some ships, I want this planet razed to the sea-bed! Also, contact Jehova, its time his mission starts, these jedi are fools to come here."
**Crisp 'AYE SIR' is heard in reply, then, switching his com over to local frequencies, he contacts the others on the planet.**
"Be prepared to follow my lead, Dale, you know the drill, but Dea, sorry I couldn't fill you in on all the details, just follow us when the time comes! Dyzm out."
Oishii Sakana
Aug 23rd, 2002, 10:54:32 PM
Oishii watched as a battle unfolded before his eyes, and seemingly for no apparent reason. To tell the truth, he was shocked.
"What is going on here?" he asked his brother. He turned his bracer on. "Let's give these guys a tast of theri own medicine. I imagine it will be a bitter pill."
Oishii managed a smile as he unsheathed his katana. He hated to fight, but he would at least help the farmer. the farmer had done nothing to deserve having his crops destroyed in battle.
Yasashii Mikan
Aug 24th, 2002, 07:09:29 AM
Yasashii cracked his knuckles and activated his own Added-Effect technology.
"I suppose we should take the ugly one."
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 24th, 2002, 09:10:07 AM
Loki watched silently as Diego went about scanning the area for a nearby threat, the boy couldn't sense anyone so close as to prove a danger to them but regardless, he had work to do. He turned to his basket of groceries and recently acquired goods.
"Let's see what we have here." He said quietly to himself, hidden within the forest and behind a thick bush he began putting his knowledge to use.
Taking the cloth from the woven basket he laid it on the dry soil and took the box of capsules and emptying them all out he took a rock and began to grind them. As the tablets were crushed beneath the stone it began to look more like a fine powder.
Once there was little left of the sedatives but a white powder, the boy took the notepad and begun tearing out pages and scrunching them up until there was a small pile of it on the matress, luckily he was sheltered from the breeze here otherwise they would've blown away.
"Hey!" He whispered to Diego and he gestured to one of the small spears he carried. "Can I borrow that a moment?"
Aug 24th, 2002, 09:49:29 AM
The ebony Ranger searched out his hated foe and it was not difficult to find the Dark Lord. His pride rarely gave him reason to hide from anyone, even those who sought to take his life.
Dyzm, was preoccupied with battering a female Jedi, neglecting the assassin's approach from the rear. The warrior's blood ran hot within his veins. Time had not quenched his contempt for the Dark Sider. Now, with the current onslaught that again he alone was responsible for, Nemesis' rage burned with increasing fervor.
"I see you have not fallen from your ways of harassing those weaker than yourself." The slits of ivory light, beaming from a formless face, watched the fallen Light Sider. Her injuries were not severe, thus she could continue to aid in this war against the Sith.
The hunter's eyes tlited once more in Dyzm's direction, flashing more intently with the passing moments.
"I suspose after you leave this place you will return to your leisurely task of robbing infants of their candy?" He boldly mocked the Dark Sider. If anger fueled his sinister power, Nemesis wanted to push him over the top. It was no longer enough to conquer the evil. The warrior wished to deafeat his adversary, leaving no room for a questionable outcome.
Telan Desaria
Aug 24th, 2002, 10:04:11 AM
The Interrogator hung low in the orbit of Thyferra, its attendant squadron loitering about it. Between them and the planet below was the near complete yard complex. A matter of days and the hulls being built on the planet could be moved into the ways and completed, bringing to realization the dreams of the Imperial Department of Military Logistics and Supply for mass ship production.
Desaria was not at his normal perch: he was standing with Captain Voltaire at the starboard side of the bridge, just to the side of the aft control corridor. The took in the view of the yards, each thinking of the vessels that would come from it.
" Admiral."
Desaria turned, his musings complete, and made his non-verbal response for the communication's chief to continue.
" We have received a message on Frequency Omega."
" Oh?"
" Yes sir. It arrived one minute prior. It just finished filtering."
" Sheet it and bring it here."
Three minutes latera yeoman brought the Grand Admiral a crytsalsheet, the message in code. Desaria removed one of his code cylinders and placed it along the thin side of the downloadable sheet. The words were erased, and came to life again, in readable basic.
Seconds later, after scrolling down and completing the reading, the cylinder was removed and the words returned to useless coding.
" Send a message to Captain Freestar: I am detaching three of his ships."
" Aye sir."
" Connect me with Commodore Darius."
No more than a half-hour later, Commodore Varr Darius was standing before Grand Admiral Desaria in the confines of his office.
" Commodore, I've a mission for you. I appreciate your rapid activation, and shall take that into account."
The formerly-retired Commodore simply stood willing todo anything for the Empire. As he had made his home on Thyferra, it was only natural he fall into the command of its sector commander.
" I have arranged a deal with the Sith, whereby they will supply us with captured ships and I them bacta. Their desires are negiligable, so a deal was agreed upon.
" Nonetheless, they require assistance in a campaign which is o use to us.
" We have several worlds which do not fall under our sphere of influence, and are liscensed to refine for companies that have purchased raw quantities. We have given them support in the way of Imperial customs patrol craft, but these are unsuited for defense. They have their own guards and such.
" If we were to arrive in their defense, it would add to our galactic standing.
" Thus, I am placing under your command the XVIIth Rapid Deployment Force of three divisions. Along with it, you will be taking two VSDs and an IP frigate. Questions?"
" What exactly am I to do?"
" In the way of relations, I am going to place you under the indirect command of the Sith leader, Dzym. How you do what he asks is at your discretion. Any doubts, transmit to me immediately."
" As ordered, My Lord."
The Commodore, a man of post-Endor fame in that he ommaded the raid on Woostri uder Grand Admiral Thrawn, bowed low and departed.
Thirty minutes later, the three warships and dozens of transports of the rapid deployment force were enroute or their first action since the Fragmentation.
Salemn Lysce
Aug 24th, 2002, 01:15:38 PM
After the Sith had blasted her back, Salemn stumbled before catching her balance. She watched as he jumped onto the roof of a house. Sometimes, it saddened her to see those so lost in the shadows of the life ...
Another person had approached and began to mock Dyzm - a slight smirk curled onto Salemn's lips. She continued to wait for the coward to come back down and continue the fight he had started.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 24th, 2002, 02:02:46 PM
OOC: Ingnoring your post Nemesis, seeing how you didn't read my last one.
**Dyzm ignores the Jedi below him, he had more important things to do now. Summoning the force, Dyzm calls forth the Black Lighting. Jumping from the building, Dyzm hits the ground softly, and releases the power. Lighting bolts fly through the air, striking everyone in his path toward the shuttles.**
Diego Van Derveld
Aug 24th, 2002, 06:15:13 PM
He cautiously extended the weapon to the boy.
"Careful, boy. It has a sharp edge to it."
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 24th, 2002, 07:00:56 PM
The boy nodded an acknowledgement to Diego's warning, taking the small spear carefully from him. With one hand he held it and with the other he took out four nonocuts, a native fruit spherical in shape and covered in a furry skin. They felt hollow but in their hollow centre was a drinkable liquid. With the spear he pierced the shells of each nonocut with a hole big enough to fit his finger inside.
"I sure hope this wont be in vain!" He said, handing the spear back to Diego who was keeping constant watch.
He emptied all four of the nonocuts, the milk inside soaking the soil but making as little noise as possible. Then he took the empty flask from his utility belt and poured into it all of the contents of the bottle he'd stolen, it was a fragranced oil that was burned over a lamp at night to help induce sleep. He quickly scooped up the power in his hands and began adding it to the flask and once most of the powder had been used up he put the lid back on the flask and gave it a shake.
"If this works, it should act as a temporary knock-out gas. There seems to be so many of them, do you have any idea as to why they're here?" He asked with worry, putting the flask down.
The boy then went about stuffing the paper into the nonocuts until it had all been exhausted. His hands moved nimbly over what simple apparatus he had to prepare these basic weapons; into the paper filled nonocuts he poured the contents of the flask as evenly as possible.
"Would you give those two a shake?" He asked Diego, gesturing to two of the nonocuts. "The paper has to soak that crude concoction but it should burn well!"
Taking one of the nonocuts in his hands, he placed a finger over the hole he'd made and gave it a shake until the sound of liquid swishing about inside had faded.
Diego Van Derveld
Aug 25th, 2002, 12:03:31 AM
With a strange look, Diego went to work, shaking the two fruits. He paused, taking a quick sniff at one, and wincing.
"Smells rancid enough. How'd you ever think of something like this?"
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 25th, 2002, 02:03:26 AM
**A lightsaber bursts through a Bothans chest, ripping upwards, tissue is super heated and explodes outward, casting a mist of blood into the air, yet none of it lands on Dyzm as he walks through the cloud. His lightsaber humming lightly as he steps over the body, Dyzm continues walking. He had left a trail of corpses as he taunted the jedi. Daring them to attack. Nemesis was forgotten, the man had already run from battle once, hence, he would run from battle again. A flash of light catches Dyzm's eye, turning, Dyzm sees the mute Jedi. Grinning wickedly, the Sith master makes his way to her. Lightsaber in gauntleted hands.**
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 25th, 2002, 02:34:46 PM
"Of course, Dyzm."
Dalethria said simply to his orders and assessed the situation. Her comrade had the female Padawan at his whims and the fool Padawan, that thought she was Navaria, was out cold. Be interesting when he woke up again ...
That left the newcomers. She twirled the sabre out in front of her body and just waited to see what they would do, completely on guard and on the defensive. Her senses were at their highest and with her force field in place, nothing could take her by surprise.
All that mattered was making sure Dyzm was well proteced.
Aug 25th, 2002, 03:00:41 PM
"Coward, you disgrace yourself."
Nemesis watched as the craven dog of a Sith fled. The man was all but beaten. The Dark Lord's actions proved his own feeble powers had never provided him with a spine. His paltry threat was non-existent.
"Run while you can, fool. One day justice will find you. Whether it be by my hand or those I shall lead."
The dark clad assassin's words were suspended by the flashing blue light of his comlink. A text message from TX appeared on a brightly lit green screen. Its warning was clear, altering the hunter's focus to a more prevalent agenda.
Pressing a small square button, the ebony warrior sent a signal to his comrade.
"Morpheus, I have recieved word that one of our brethren is in need of assistance. I must go to him. There remains no enemy here that stands as any concern to you or the padawans. Victory should be swift.
I'm sending you coordinates, meet me at the specified location when you are finished here. Good luck my friend."
With that, the Ranger returned to the awaiting Raven, and set off to aid his distant ally.
Oishii Sakana
Aug 25th, 2002, 05:40:38 PM
Oishii had never seen a battle unfold as fast as the one had before him. It was surprising. He drew his sowrd and charged, activating the bracer on his arm. Senseless violence. What a shame.
Yasashii Mikan
Aug 25th, 2002, 08:39:01 PM
Yasashii followed without his weapon, his bracer at the ready. He'd let Oishii lead with the weapon and back him up barehanded.
Oishii Sakana
Aug 25th, 2002, 08:58:08 PM
Oishii leapt on the one called Dyzm, swinging his sword and reaching out to punch the Dark Lord with his braver hand. the punch had no effect on Dyzm, but it was all he needed.
CLICK BEEEP! The device was set.
"I wonder what sort of surprise I got?" Oishii leapt away, and tried to cut the Dark Lord behind the knees.
Yasashii Mikan
Aug 25th, 2002, 11:29:02 PM
Yasashii followed up with his own attacks. His bracer hummed, then clicked and beeped.
"Oishii, he just LET us hit him."
Their attacks had done nothing to the dark lord. Looking toward Dalethria, Yasashii saw Zeke's incapacitated body.
"Be on guard. I get the feeling this guy can do that to us just as well as that chick can."
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 26th, 2002, 01:23:54 AM
**Dyzm steped forward, allowing the sword to whistle by behind him. Turning about slowly, Dyzm glares at the two, angered at being attacked.**
"So, you want to know what you 'got', was it? What you got is one angered sith."
**Dyzm releases the force, waves after waves of dark energy blast out, hitting the two idiots and sending them flying into a building.**
Yasashii Mikan
Aug 26th, 2002, 10:47:13 AM
Yasashii stood from the rubble of the now-ruined building and glared hard at Dyzm.
"Man, that's a good move he's got there..."
His bracer shone.
"What we got from you was an Added-Effect: one of your powers copied to this bracer on my arm!"
Yasashii's bracer flashed. The Added-Effect was never on a par with the original technique, but often times it really didn't have to be. But as the brothers gained combat experience, the bracer would enhance itself, and eventually would create Added-Effects far superior to the original technique. He checked the bracer's heads up...a telekinetic push? Ok. Yasashii pulled his arm back and shoved at Dyzm with all his strength.
OOC: If a better explanation of Added-Effect is needed, let us know and we'll make a thread in the OOC forum. :)
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 26th, 2002, 12:09:28 PM
"Well, I do quite a bit of reading. I have an interest in science; chemicals and medicine are interesting and very useful subjects!" He said, gesturing to the nonocuts.
"Well, what do you think we should do?" He asked Diego like a lost puppy. The boy was a good thinker but he was no leader or strategist for that matter. Over the noise of the chaos that had the village gripped there was a rumbling sound as two large transports went overhead in the direction of a tall comm-tower. The boy's eyes narrowed.
Diego Van Derveld
Aug 26th, 2002, 12:13:27 PM
"There...they're reinforcing that communications point. We should try and disable it."
He paused, nostrils flaring.
"There's...about a dozen men set up already. How well do those things work, anyway?"
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 26th, 2002, 12:53:02 PM
"Only one way to find out!" Loki said with a sigh.
With that he took out a match and struck it against the rough edge of the box, whilst it was burning he dropped it inside one of the nonocuts via the small hole in it's shell. Once it began burning he quickly ran out of the forest and from behind the cover of the medicine stall rolled it out into the midst of about ten TSO troopers who were assisting their superiors in terrorizing the town.
From the small hole, a pale blue smoke billowed out and dispersing is quickly became almost transparent. But within no more than thirty seconds all ten gaurds had fallen to the floor unconscious, a handfull of other gaurds approached and they too were knocked out as well as several innocent passers-by. The Mon-Calamari didn't seem to be greatly affected by it however by the look of things it did make them feel drowsy.
"Seems to work like a charm!" He said triumphantly, once he'd returned to Diego. "It's more potent than I thought thanks to the biology of Mon-Calamari; the sedatives and sleeping pills were far stronger than regular human ones. As such it doesn't have much of an effect on Mon-Calamari."
Diego Van Derveld
Aug 26th, 2002, 02:02:04 PM
He shook his head incredulously, running along with the boy.
"If you say so. I'll leave the chemistry to you."
Oishii Sakana
Aug 26th, 2002, 02:07:24 PM
Oishii saw Yasahii's maneuver. "hmmm,"
Oishii felt a strange strenght enter his body and he grew faster and stronger, but only by a margin.
Oishii lunged at Dyzm, hoping to use his brother as a distraction to get in a good hit with his sword.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 26th, 2002, 05:43:33 PM
**His own attack knocked him back. Out of the corner of his eye, Dyzm could see the other lunge at him. Backflipping over the sword attack, Dyzm lands with a solid attack stance ready. So, they can mimic my attacks somehow... Yet, I can feel my own energy come back on me. Almost like glass reflecting light... Now to get around it. Dyzm watches the two calmly as his mind races faster then ever. Suddenly, an idea, and with a wicked grin, summons the force around him.**
"Lets Try an indirect attack, lets see you copy that!"
**Dyzm gathers the force and yanks a nearby metal bench into the air, he sends it flying at his target, releasing it from the force a good 2 meter's away. The momentum carried it on right at the warrior**
Dios Kane
Aug 26th, 2002, 06:00:35 PM
:: Dios was suddenly by Zeke's body, these sith were really startin to tick him off. He shows up with a call from Zeke saying there's trouble and all Dios gets to see is a red guy and a blue guy takin on a sith lord while another just sits by with a smirk on her face. That smirk was enough to make him want her dead. The thought passed by and it wasn't jedi. He picked it up and threw out the left ear as it went by. Just a possible maiming would have to do for now with this Mistress of the dark side. He had seen Salemn on the way up and a few others but had been moving too fast to pay attention, when he'd gotten here, he'd felt Zeke diminishing and had gotten a bit worried. To find him koed was bad enough. He drew his gun and fired off two bullets before holstering with one hand and charging her with his saber. He was ready to turn on any of his toys at the moment, there would be no jedi tossing this round.::
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 26th, 2002, 06:29:54 PM
Wei Wu Wei had been walking down the path when he saw a battle in the distance. Suddenly fearing for his friends' lives, he ran as quickly as he could. He hoped he wouldn't be too late.
Oishii Sakana
Aug 26th, 2002, 06:40:48 PM
"Yasashii, watch yourself!" Oishii ran toward the bench without skipping a beat. He swung his sword and almost cut the bench in two. Now the bench was moving slower, partly due to the force of Oishii's attack, and partly due to the fact that the pieces clung to each other as though they were two people losing their grips on one another.
Yasashii Mikan
Aug 26th, 2002, 06:44:55 PM
Yasashii sprang back toward Dyzm with a flying kick.
"No worries!"
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 26th, 2002, 07:44:53 PM
Wu Wei arrived just in time to see a red haired man jump at Dyzm. "Oh, boy."
Wei settled into the force. His practice saber hung at his belt. He would try to use it to the best of his ability.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 27th, 2002, 12:50:44 AM
**The force, it was his to control, his to command. Through the force, Dyzm watches the attack come for him, every second lasting minutes. It was instant reaction and stop frame animation in one. Dyzm's hand flys outward, wrapping around the ankle of Yasashii. The black guantlet shown with lethal intent. Using the force to strengthen his muscles, Dyzm twists and pulls, dragging Yasashii through the air, over Dyzm's head, and then back downward. The ground quickly rushed forward.
Yasashii's body hit the ground hard, his head slamming into the paved road. Releasing his grip, Dyzm watches, still in slow motion, as Yasashii bounces from the force of the impact before coming to rest in the streets drainage. Blood mixes with water before it plummets into the abyss of the sewers.**
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 27th, 2002, 01:07:40 AM
**Before he could finish the man off, A beeping is heard from his wrist. Turning it on, Dyzm watches the display for a second before leaving at a dead-run toward his shuttle, hoping the others where already on board. The houses pass in a blur as Dyzm uses the force to speed himself up. His boots clang harshly as he runs up the boarding ramp.**
"Pilot! Return us to the Shadow Rose now!"
**Dyzm almost falls as the engines roar to life and the lamba class shuttle lurches into the sky. Running to the cockpit, Dyzm thumbs on the comm and sends a message to the rest of Gamma fleet.**
"Stage one is finished! All ships, head for Mission B's Strike Target! Shadow Rose, enter hyper space as soon as we touch down, inform the Soul Binder to follow us out. Remember, time is short! Contact the SSD Stormcloud, I will be transfering my flag to her as soon as we drop out of hyperspace."
**As Dyzm continues to issue orders, the Shuttle flys up into the shuttle bay of the Shadow Rose, landing with a muffled thud. The instant the Shuttle lands, the Star Destroyer lurches forward and begains its run up to lightspeed.**
OOC: This mission continues HERE ( But its on the same time period, make sure you post you going there.
Yasashii Mikan
Aug 27th, 2002, 11:24:39 AM
Yasashii sat up, feeling the blood on the back of his head. He tied his belt around his head in a sloppy bandage, then stood painfully.
"Got a splitting headache...we follow him, bro?"
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 27th, 2002, 02:11:15 PM
Wei saw that he had arrived too late. "I wonder where they are going?" He said and chased after the Sith.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 27th, 2002, 02:17:57 PM
The bullets bounce harmlessly off her force field and Dalethria turns to look at Dios charging at her with an asmused grin.
"At least you aren't calling me, Navaria, boy."
She extended her hand forward, palm facing towards the Padawan. His charging ceased quite simply as Dalethria telekinetically created a barrier that Dios ran into. It was created merely inches before his chest and was able to knocked him to the ground... He only suffered from the impact alone ... merely forcing the air out his lungs briefly...
Unfortunately it was time to go as Dalethria saw Dyzm run off towards the shuttle. She clipped her sabre and took chase. He had a good lead on her but Dalethria managed to leap the distance and grab onto the ends of the boarding ramp. Swinging her legs for better leverage, she manage to summersault her way inside and come to a rolling stop .. not looking pleased in the slightest......
Oishii Sakana
Aug 27th, 2002, 02:25:38 PM
"Right. We follow," Oishii said. "These people indulge in needless fighting, and that can not be allowed."
"But how do we follow?"
Gouyen Chee
Aug 27th, 2002, 07:09:29 PM
The Mantis dropped gracefully down from the imposing bulk of the Shadow Rose and set down in a field outside of a small village, some distance away from the main group. Gouyen and Robi watched the action from the cockpit while Dea napped in one of the unoccupied cabins. Gouyen was reluctant to disturb the apprentice's sleep because she seemes so "out of it" when she boarded -- besides, there was no pressing reason to as Lord Dyzm and the newcomer Daleritha Mal Pannis seemed to have things firmly under control.
Suddenly, there was a bang! and smoke filled the part of the village that lay directly in front of the ship. Humans dropped like flies, overcome by the thick smoke, but the Mon Calimari were virtually unaffected.
"Smoke bomb with knockout gas," she said aloud, to no one in particular. "I wonder who did that...."
Then, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed movement. "Ah-ha, so there's the culprit -- Manny," she ordered, "get a fix on that disturbance in the greenery at two o'clock and shoot to exterminate."
"Aye, mistress." The Mantis' underwing guns popped out from their sockets and swiveled towards their target. Just as they were about to fire, "Report to all units -- return to the command ship at once! Stage one is finished! All ships head for Mission B's strike target!" rang forth from the comm.
"Looks like those folk will live another day," said the cyborg intellegence with a rather wry tone. "And we're on to bigger and better things."
"Do you have the new coordinates?" asked Gouyen.
"Of course -- relayed along with the 'withdrawl' message." The cyborg's tone was smug.
"Then let's go -- we really don't need the Shadow Rose to give us a lift. Prepare for take-off and set the coodinates for the jump."
"Aye, mistress." With that the Mantis sprang from the earth and rose over the village like some great, misshapen bird, swiftly gaining altitude until the planet was just a blue disk in the blackness of space. Then she jumped, stars stretching out into lines stretching out into the perpetual blur that was hyperspace.
And Dea slept through it all.
Dea Potentia
Aug 31st, 2002, 11:36:10 AM
OOC: looks like I'm a sound sleeper lol...
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