View Full Version : Business as usual

Silus Xilarian
Aug 20th, 2002, 10:27:06 PM
Silus made his way to his ship after an odd meeting with a female Cizerack. He made his way back to his office and sat down for a minute to rest, then got out his communicator....

TC-10, where are you?

Im in the main bridge Sir, me and T25 are watching your Imperial worker droids. I tell you sir, I have a hard time trusting them.

Its alright, I need you to do me a favor, let T25 handle that, I need you to go to the guest LQ and lock the door, shut yourself down for a little while. Dont ask why, just trust me on this one.

You arent going to play "tag" with one of those awful Star Destroyers again are you??

For your information, im not. Like I said, dont ask any questions, just trust me. And tell T25 to lock himself on the main bridge

I dont like the sound of this Sir, but very well

Silus leaned back in his chair for a moment. For the past week he had been on Coruscant, trying to discover who it was that had attacked, and almost killed, a very dear friend of his. Now he had made the trip back to Arcan IV for some important business, which he was still a bit confused about. He let his weariness take over for a few mins, just relaxing in his chair. Before he realized it an hour had passed. Silus quickly jumped up and made his way to the shower. His company still had an hour before arriving, so he slowed himself back down as he turned on the hot water....

Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:18:56 PM
A shadowy figure made its way toward a large ship in the hanger where she knew that she was to be to meet Silus once again. In her hands covered by the sleeves of her black robes, she carried a data-pad with the information needed for her.....business.

Walking up the ramp of the ship, she entered and looked about but did not see her new...friend. So she slowly made her way through compartments of the ship....searching for him, until she heard something from a nearby room. Walking over there with the hood of her robes drawn up to conceal her face, she found herself in the....bathroom, where Silus was taking a shower. Grinning beneath the hood, she grabbed his towel from the nearby hook and held it in her free hand....

"Grrreetjingsss, Sssjilusss......jI have arrrrrrjived......"

Silus Xilarian
Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:31:11 PM
Silus' nearly lept out of his skin when he heard the woman's voice. He looked over the shower curtain at the clock, she was nearly a half an hour early. Silus reached out for his towel, a found it in the woman's hand. A second later the shower curtain flew open and Silus stepped out, towel around his waist..

You're early...

Silus didnt seem angry, just caught a bit off guard, as he strolled past the woman on the way to his living quarters...

Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:41:26 PM
Silus grabbed the towel from her hands and quickly appeared from the shower.....skin exposed and dripping wet. The heart of Darkness lept in her chest and she promptly stood in his way, bringing her hand up to his chest....then running her fingers down his warm skin.

"At leassst jI'm herrre.....rrrjight? Besssjidesss.....jI ratherrr ljike jyou thjisss wajy....."

She grinned beneath the black hood. Smiling to herself, she eyed him up and down....not letting him pass.....

Silus Xilarian
Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:47:32 PM
The muscles in Silus chest tensed a bit at her touch. He reached up and rested her hand on hers, then spoke while pulling it away...

Do you now.....

Silus once again started on his way to his living quarters.

Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:55:36 PM
Darkness saw Silus's muscles tense, and she frowned a bit beneath the dark hood. He began walking away and she grabbed onto his wrist....keeping a tight hold this time.....

"Whjy ssso tenssse? jI thought that perhapsss we could....get to know one anotherrr"

She giggled slightly to herself and continued holding onto his wrist, not letting him go so easily.....

Silus Xilarian
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:13:46 PM
She sounded a bit, sad. Disappointed maybe. He slid his hand into hers, and let out a slight smile. He figured there would be no harm in being a bit more friendly...

So what do ya wanna know?

Silus tugged her hand slightly, if he wasnt going to be making it to his living quarters, they could at least go somewhere to sit...

Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:20:05 PM
Darkness grinned in the darkness of her hood as he took her hand in his own.

"jI want to know manjy thjingsss....."

She smiled once again and moved a bit closer to him....waiting for his reaction......

Silus Xilarian
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:07:01 PM
Well why dont we find somewhere more comfortable, and we'll talk?

Silus kept a comforting smile, as he slowly led Darkness to the hallway containing his living quarters, office, and guest quarters.

Aug 23rd, 2002, 04:22:55 PM
She continued following him until they came to a corridor where several rooms were located. A grin spread across her lips as she watched him.

"Oh jyesss jindeed.....we ssshould go sssomewherrre comforrrtable..."

Her voice was soft and sensual...awaiting his instruction. Then, she would reveal her identity to him....

Silus Xilarian
Aug 23rd, 2002, 08:07:19 PM
Silus gave her an odd look. Something just wasnt adding up with her. He walked to his bedroom and stopped at the door.

i'll be right back, this towel is soaking wet. Dont wander off....

Silus slowly let go of her hand and backed into the room, the door shutting as he entered. A minute later he emerged wearing black windpants, and a dry towel over his shoulder. He knew something wasnt as it seemed, but it wasnt clicking in his head, not at the moment anyways. As he emerged, he gave Darkness a welcome smile...

Come on in

The bedroom wasnt exceptionally large, but spaceous enough. As they walked in, Silus's bed set in the back of the room, in the middle of the wall. To the left was a small nightstand and to the right set a recliner. Silus walked to the closet, and began skimming through for a shirt....

So, what would ya like to know...

Aug 23rd, 2002, 08:23:36 PM
Darkness lowered her head as he shut the door. Placing a hand upon it, she waited until he was finished getting dressed. Suddenly he opened the door and invited her into his bedroom. He was wearing pants again.....much to her dismay.....but he lacked a shirt! Walked over to stand behind him as he searched for one in the closet.....she gently placed a hand at the top of his back....and let it slide down his skin until she reached the base of his spine.

"Ji jussst wanted to know jif......you rrrealljy beljived jI wasss a Cjizerrrack orrr not....."

She said softly in a sensual voice. It was true.....she was not a Cizerack but a human....he did not know that though...or did he? He would find out very soon, though.....

Silus Xilarian
Aug 23rd, 2002, 08:37:23 PM
Silus kept his back turned. He was enjoying the attention. He turned around, glaring into the darkness of her hood...

I did, at least until I noticed the lack of fur on your hands...

Silus flashed a grin at Darkness....

So whats with the cloak and the phony accent, are ya wanted somewhere?

Aug 23rd, 2002, 10:29:44 PM
Darkness felt her cheeks flush at his words. She shook her head and looked down at the floor.

"jYou'rrre rrrjight....jI'm not a Cizerrrack......"

She decided that she could drop that accent now. Sighing, she made up her mind to do so.

"No, I'm not wanted anywhere.....yet. I was doing this to protect myself and my friend. If you can swear to me that no one will find out who I am or that I was behind our.....plans......then I shall reveal myself to you...."

She smiled gently beneath the hood and ran her hand up his back and to his shoulder, then around his neck....bringing him closer to her. She pressed herself against his back to speak into his ear.....

"Do you promise that?"

Silus Xilarian
Aug 23rd, 2002, 10:54:39 PM
Things started making sense now. If she was discovered, it could have very well turned deadly. Silus slowly turned to face her.

No one will know of our meeting, or what we have discussed. I promise....

Silus wasnt one to make promises, only assurances. The few he did make were never broken. His current state of affairs in Coruscant were a testimate to that...

my lips are sealed....

Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:21:11 PM
Darkness grinned within the shadows in light of his promise.....and slowly took her right hand to the hood of her cloak....and pulled it behind her head. What was revealed was astonishing.....a very beautiful woman. Her blonde hair stretched to the middle of her back and gently caressed the sides of her face. Her blue eyes seemed to pierce through everything that their vibrant color touched. Her skin was soft and she glowed with radiance and beauty.

"The name is Carmen Darksun.....I suppose I should have told you who I was sooner, but I couldn't risk it....."

She held out her hand, letting the robe sleevs hang off of it so that her skin was exposed....showing that she indeed was not a Cizerack.....

Silus Xilarian
Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:27:44 PM
The hood that had kept her face in darkness was removed, though Silus' gaze never left. Instead he know stared into her blue eyes. He stood silent for a moment, then let out a slight smile. He reached out for her hand...

Nice to meet you, Ms. Darksun...

Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:40:02 PM
Carmen couldn't help but smile at his reacion. She took his hand in hers and shook it gently before dropping her arm to her side and eyeing him closely.

"So I'm not what you expected, am I?"

She laughed to herself and shook her head. It was true, she had been quite decieving, but it was for her own good that she was so. Now all things would be in honesty.....she hoped.....

Silus Xilarian
Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:50:40 PM
Silus found it troublesome in breaking eye contact with Carmen. Something about her that made it nearly impossible. He finally was about to do it, as he momentarily glanced away, returning her to her gaze with a smile....

Not exactly, though im not complaining. For a minute I thought I was a wealthy Cizerack's next candidate for a manslave...

He laughed softly...

Carmen Darksun
Aug 24th, 2002, 10:28:49 PM
Carmen smiled to herself as she noticed it was nearly impossible for him to tear away from her eyes. His comment made her laugh to herself.....as she had intended him to think so to further hide her identity.

"Wealthy....yes.....Cizerack.....obviously no....and you, my manservant? That doesn't sound like a bad idea....."

Her words were soft and sensual, holding a bit of humor to them as she spoke. She smiled once again and stepped a bit closer to him.....so he now had to look down onto her face. Once again.....her hand found its way to his chest....and she placed it upon his skin and slowly ran it downwards.....looking up at him with a grin upon her lips.

"So you were.....pleasantly, surprised?"

Silus Xilarian
Aug 25th, 2002, 01:46:06 AM
Silus kept a slight grin on his face... He thought about the manservant remark and the grin grew wider...

Im not that easily tamed, ya know...

Silus once again put his hand over her's as she stepped closer to him.

Pleasant?...You could say that?

Silus took her hand in his, then slowly tracing his way down her arm, took her free hand in his, pulling them around him a bit....

Carmen Darksun
Aug 25th, 2002, 08:37:32 PM
Carmen smiled gently at his remark.

"Not easily tamed? I suppose I will prove that theory wrong then?"

She laughed softly to herself and let him take her hands in his own. He was strong and gentle with her.....unlike other men she had encountered in her past. Smiling, she looked down at the floor but then was brought back to attention as he put her arms around him a bit.....she herself aiding in doing so the rest of the way. A smile crossed her lips gently and she looked into his eyes.

"So perhaps you got more than you bargained for in this...business?"

Carmen questioned in nearly a whisper.....then slowly leaned into him.....teasing the man with a kiss on the cheek....a near miss of his lips. She giggled to herself and pulled her head back to look into his eyes for a reaction......

Silus Xilarian
Aug 25th, 2002, 09:10:30 PM
Silus smiled back at Carmen, then leaned down a bit, his eyes staying locked with hers...

Well its safe to say this isnt business as usual...

Silus was nearly a centimeter from her face as he started to close his eyes. Being caught up in the moment, he didnt here a faint "clanking" noise coming down the halls....

Aug 25th, 2002, 09:39:43 PM
TC-10 ran down the halls off the Crimson Dragon as fast as his metallic legs could take him. Having carefully made his way down the steps of the bridge, he felt that he should be moving fast, for he was carrying a very important message to Master Xilarian, who had turned off his communicator for some reason...

TC-10 hoped that Master Xilarian wouldnt be angry that he had left the guest bedroom, but T25 said that he was needed in the bridge. And that would be TC-10's excuse as the clanking of his metal feet stopped in front of Master Xilarian's bedroom. "Why is the door closed" he thought to himself. "This is the only room on the ship that we cant moniter from the bridge, and he closes the door, oh curses"......

TC-10 gathered his courage and opened the door. As he stepped in, he paid no real attention to Silus's current situation and proceded to deliver his message....

Sir, we just recieved a transmission from Coruscant, they wont give a name, but they say they have some information about the question you asked them.

TC-10 stood awaiting orders from Master Xilarian, as he did, he noticed a new face in the room....

Oh hello, I am TC-10, Human/Cyborg Relations

Carmen Darksun
Aug 26th, 2002, 02:58:49 PM
Carmen could feel his warm breath on her face as he leaned closer and closed his eyes. Smiling to herself, she too shut her lids and moved closer to touch her lips to his. She kissed him passionatly until suddenly she heard the door hiss open and a strange voice begin speaking. Pulling away from Silus, she lofted a brow and turned her head to the side to see.....a droid?! She couldn't believe it....a droid had ruined a great moment. Sighing, she looked down at the floor and smiled as she shook her head.

"Nice to meet you TC-10.....I'm Carmen....."

She said softly, at least acknowleding the hunk of metal. A grin spread across her lips as she looked up at Silus....wondering what he would do with this.....nuisance.....

Aug 26th, 2002, 03:13:16 PM
Oh hello Madame Carmen....Sir, would you like me to tell T25 to ready for takeoff?

TC-10 noticed Master Xilarian glaring at him. He didn't understand Silus's lack of patience with him, he was after all a very loyal droid. Once he was ripped to pieces by one of those fowl cizeracks while protecting Master Xilarian's old ship. He bowed his head slightly and took two steps back...

Sorry for the interruption Sir, I'll just go wait on the bridge for further commands

TC-10 eased his way to the door. He knew he wasnt out of Silus' gaze yet, and was worried that any sudden movement may start Master Xilarian off. Two more steps and he would be back in the hallway, and safety....

Silus Xilarian
Aug 26th, 2002, 03:40:05 PM
Silus didnt know what to do with TC-10 at times. His lack of tolerance for protocol droids mixed with TC-10's lack of common sense were too much at times. But on the flip side, TC-10 was always there when Silus needed him, overrulling all of the droid's "annoyances"....

Silus watched as TC-10 crept toward the door. He knew if the droid made it out, it would make a bee-line for the bridge, which was a comical sight in itself...

Hold it right there....

Silus' glare turned from annoyed to interested as the protocol droid stopped dead in its tracks....

What have I told you about barging in here without knocking.....

The droid barely got out a peep before Silus cut him off...

Thats right, I would drop you off in the middle of Jawa territory.....

Silus watched TC-10 sulk even more as he stepped away from Carmen for a second and walked over to the hapless droid...

Im sorry I turned my communicator off, but me and Ms. Darksun here were conducting important *ahem* business. From now on, if this door is closed, you knock before entering. If you dont, you'll be baby sitting MMU the next time we go to Balmorra.....understood?

The droid nodded to the question, still not wanting to say another word. Silus gave it a pat on the shoulder.....

Now go up to the bridge and tell T25 to ready the ship for take-off, we're headed for Coruscant

The droid skittled off down the hallway, taking Silus' orders back to R2-T25. With the protocol droid gone, Silus turned back to Carmen...

You'll have to excuse him, hes a bit......odd...

Silus walked to the closet and slid on a white t-shirt, then sat on the bed to put on his shoes...

Sorry all this had to come up, but its pretty important...I know its a long ways to Coruscant, but you're welcome to join me if you'd like.....

Carmen Darksun
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:22:00 PM
Carmen smiled and nodded gently, his offer could not be refused. It was interesting to her, though.....how he was called off to places so quickly.....he was definatly her type.

"I would love to go to Coruscant with you! That is....if you don't mind I go along....."

She said softly, thinking of how.....close......they could get in the meantime. Smiling to herself, Carmen's mind wandered to what this would mean to her then. She would be traveling with him....and he wanted this......though they just met a little while ago. For some reason, though, everything just clicked with them....and it gave her a new sense of meaning.

Silus Xilarian
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:35:21 PM
I dont mind at all, id rather enjoy some company actually...

Silus slipped on his shoes and got ready to head off to the bridge, then a thought crossed his mind...

I dont think anything will happen, but their are guns in my office, which is the next room over...Your welcome to pick something out....But the disruptor's mine......

Silus flashed an incriminating grin to Carmen with his last comment. He didnt think there was any need to worry. He was only going to Coruscant to discuss a few things with an old "friend" but it never hurt to be prepared...

Carmen Darksun
Sep 11th, 2002, 07:58:33 PM
Carmen smiled at his offer and slowly made her way back to the office where the guns were. Of course she had used guns plenty of times and had to decide what to use. Smiling, she grabbed two smaller blasters and strapped their respective holsters to her thighs. She then found a gun that resembled something like a Rail Gun.....but it was.....beefier. Their was a nice scope on it and a silencer. Something she had accidentally blown up on the last nice weapon she had. Sighing, she slipped the strap around her front and let the gun hang from her back to test the weight. It was perfect, so she let the office and found Silus again. She appeared as a walking arsenal.....but it was not a bad thing in the least.

"I think I'm ready....."

She winked at him, wondering what type of 'business' he had to conclude and with who. She hoped that it was not with someone she had dealt with in her.....past.......

Silus Xilarian
Sep 11th, 2002, 08:20:58 PM
Silus almost laughed at the sight of Carmen, loaded down with weapons...

I can see that, but dont cha wanna wait til we at least get into the same sector as Coruscant before you load yourself down...

Silus cracked a grin...

Besides, im just going to talk to someone. If we walk in looking like we're going into battle, it might create problems...

Silus began removing weapons from her person...

We'll keep these off to the side...

With the weapons removed Silus walked into his office, and set them on his desk, along side of his dual blasters. Then he got on his communicator...

Take off as soon as we're ready, im gonna catch some shut eye on the way, just come get me if you run into trouble....

Silus put his communicator on his desk along side the "arsenal" then put his arms around Carmen's waist, and spoke as the ship smoothly lifted itself from its slumber, and began to take off...

So where were we???

Carmen Darksun
Sep 11th, 2002, 08:44:08 PM
Carmen stifled a laugh as he took the weapons off of her. She looked good like that.....and once a long time ago had wore even more weapons upon her body. But that was the past and she would not think of that now.....not when she had just began to fix her present and future. She watched him put the weapons away and followed him into the room where he did so. He then set the comm down and put his arms around her waist. She grinned to herself and slipped her arms around his neck and eyed him, canting her head to the side.

"Oh I don't know......somewhere about.....here."

She said softly, brining her face in slowly to be only centimeters from his. She smiled to herself and got a bit closer as the anticipation of a kiss grew between them.

"But then your fan club decided to have a...meeting."

Carmen pulled her face a few inches away then and looked into his eyes, giggling to herself.....

Silus Xilarian
Sep 11th, 2002, 09:26:32 PM
Silus rested his forehead against hers. A grin spread across his face at the site of Carmen giggling at him...

Well the meetings adjourned I think...

Silus kept his gaze in Carmen's eyes for a minute, and he drew her body near while slightly tilting his head. The anticipation of a kiss building again. His lips were almost to hers when Silus let go and began to walk to the door, all the while, fighting to hold back a devilish grin...

But if you would rather us go meet them now, its not a long walk to the bridge

A grin cracked across Silus' face again, as he waited for Carmen's response....

Carmen Darksun
Sep 11th, 2002, 09:33:53 PM
They were so close to the kiss....and then he pulled away and walked to the door! She looked at him, astonished for a moment, and then crossed her arms over her chest and giggled once again.

"If you like to kiss hunks of metal that talk to much....that's your perrogative.....but personally I prefer something more.....real."

She said, reaching out to grab his hand. Carmen did so and pulled him back to her, then switched sides. Now her back was to the door and she inched closer....then with her foot.....she shut it.

"I don't think that TC-10 would appreciate it as much as I either..."

She said softly, moving his arms around her waist as they had been before. She grinned and laced her arms around his neck...making sure not to let go of him this time.......

Silus Xilarian
Sep 11th, 2002, 11:17:05 PM
Silus grinned and begin pushing back toward the door. He reached around her slowly and opened the door back up, gently pushing her into the hallway, while following her with his hands still around her. He pushed them into the hallway and leaned to her ear, whispering...

You know theres only one room on this whole ship that cant be monitered from the bridge, and my office isnt it...

Silus leaned back a bit, and looked back into her eyes, a smile etched on his face....

Carmen Darksun
Sep 13th, 2002, 08:24:19 PM
Carmen grinned at his words and turned to the side to mask his eyes from the crimson of her cheeks. She smiled and began leading the way toward his room.....the place they had been in originally.

"I had nearly forgotten about that room. Indeed......business had best be conducted there....."

She giggled softly as she spoke. This was turning out to be better than she had ever expected.....and she was getting a whole lot more than she bargained for......

Silus Xilarian
Sep 13th, 2002, 09:04:15 PM
Silus followed Carmen into the room....

You're exactly right....

Silus reached back behind him and blindly hit the switch for the door, letting it swiftly shut behind them. The light in Silus' room was generally kept dim anyways, since he never did any work in there, and the room dimmed even further upon being cut off from the light of the hallway. Silus once again brought his face close to hers as he did before...only not pulling away this time....