View Full Version : To deal with the past.......

Aug 20th, 2002, 11:11:08 AM
A man enters into the center. He is wearing red Sith armor in the style of the Emporer's red guard. He carries a twin blade light saber and a heavy blaster at his belt. Around his neck he wears a sith talisman. He stands 6'2" at 285lbs. His eyes look around like he is expecting someone to attack him at any moment. The dark side radiates from him like multiple waves of invisible energy. He stands at the desk waiting for someone to acknowledge him. "I seek the Masters of the Jedi...."

Vanair Sharkan
Aug 20th, 2002, 01:08:50 PM
Vanair comes out of the shadows. "So Rithraldor you have come seeking redemption as well." Rithraldor spun around and looked at him incredulously. Then he spoke. "Yes Vanair I have come. Where else can I go. Our master is dead, and I have much to atone for. You remember the things we did. How many we killed. Whole planets slaughtered. You remember when I became a member of the Emperor's red guard. How I rose in rank and then trained by Vader and the Emperor himself. Now what am I to do? Simply raise myself up as another Lord of the Sith?...I think not. At least here they can help me move away from the darkside and perhaps make my life worth living again." Vanair nodded. "I understand Master Xazor should be here any moment to talk to you. I will leave you now but perhaps our paths will cross again." With that Vanair walked back into the shadows and left Rithraldor there to ponder his future.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 20th, 2002, 01:24:50 PM
Suddenly a warm presence overcame the Jedi Recruitment Center. In the shadows a woman stood....not letting the light reveal her identity. She masked her presence in the Force and bathed in its light before stepping out from the darkness. The black robes she wore covered her body in entirity and flowed behind her on the floor. The hood of the robes covered her face in the shadows, and only the silver specks in her deep blue eyes caught the little bit of light that poked in.

"Greetings.....I am Warrior Jedi Knight and Council Member, Xazor Leo Dawnstrider. What seeketh you this day....the Jedi? Well I have come, now speak....."

Her voice was soft and gentle, yet powerful and it echoed off the walls of the Center. Slowly she brought her hand up to remove the hood of her robes....revealing her waist length blonde hair in long Garou Warrior Braids with golden coins interwoven into them. A warm smile crossed her lips as she bowed to the newcomer, then rose to her full height of five foot six inches tall. Indeed, for a woman she held great stature and was muscular....but another thing that was different about her, was the buldge at her midsection.....for she was with child.

Slowly her eyes drifted to the shadows where she sensed the presence of an old friend....Vanair......why he had left the Jedi....she knew, but it was not her place to tell nor judge. Silently her eyes moved along the floor until they reached the feet of the newcomer and slowly made their way up until they came to rest upon his eyes. He was a curious man.....dressed in armour that she had only seen Helenias wear. She wondered what his purpose was at the Jedi Order that day......

Aug 20th, 2002, 01:32:40 PM
"I seek to learn the ways of the Light side of the Force. The Darkside I know well. I also seek to learn the ways and perhaps one day become worthy enough to become a jedi."

Vanair Sharkan
Aug 20th, 2002, 01:40:34 PM
Vanair came out of the shadows and stood beside Rithraldor. He smiled at Xazor. There were many things different about her that much he could tell. But he would not pry there were many things different about him as well. "I to wish to resume my training along with my brother Rithraldor. I have learned more about myself and my place in the galaxy."

OOC: Sorry I have been gone so long. My reserve unit was called into active duty and i have been in Afghanistan and S. Korea. I am now back in the states and stationed in Washington DC. I will be able to post again now.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 20th, 2002, 01:42:31 PM
Xazor listened intently and smiled to herself.

"We already have something in common then....for I too know the Darkside well....all too well. So you have come seeking redemption, as I did so long ago? You have sought the right place then. The path of Light is not easy, though....it is a lot harder than following in the path of Darkness. Are you willing to finish what you begin even though now....you will be hated and hunted by many....yet needed by all? Is that what you want?"

The Knight began to pace as she spoke, but then stopped when she asked the last question, eyeing the newcomer curiously. Her eyes drifted momentarily to the place where Vanair had walked....and suddenly he came from the shadows to stand beside the other man. She smiled and bowed in respect to her friend, and nodded.

"That can be arranged....if you are willing to finish what you once began."

ooc: Wow, sounds like you've been really busy. I'm glad that you're safe and back in the US! :) And no need to apologize, I completely understand. :D

Aug 20th, 2002, 01:50:59 PM
"Aye my brother and I can and will finish what we begin. I have not quit anything in my life and I know my brother does not quit unless he has a very good reason." Rithraldor looks over at Vanair. "So are we agreed that we shall stay and finish brother?" Vanair looked at him. "Aye we are agreed." Rithraldor looked back at Xazor. "Then I believe that settles it Master Xazor we will train and become jedi."

Vanair Sharkan
Aug 20th, 2002, 02:10:29 PM
Vanair had an unreadable look in his eye. "Since that is settled would you mind leaving us for a moment Rithraldor? Down those halls you will find a room. I need to speak with Master Xazor for a moment." Rithraldor nodded and left down the halls. Vanair looked at Xazor with a serious expression on his face. "I have heard and seen what has happened in the Temple and since then. I am sorry that you have had to endure much pain. But know that you have an old friend back around. If you need to talk or even spar to get your frustrations out just knock on my door. I will give my thoughts about this to them myself when I am able. They do not know what they are doing nor what damage they are causing. I know for a fact that you are a wonderful and caring friend and I will not stand nor put up with this any longer." With that Vanair lapsed into silence.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 20th, 2002, 02:39:42 PM
Xazor smiled thoughtfully and nodded.

"Yes, both of you I welcome to the Greater Jedi Order. A Master shall notify you about training once one becomes available."

With that, Vanair instructed his brother to find a room.....a good start, she noted, and then turned his attention to her. Xazor smiled warmly as he spoke and when he was finished, she looked down at the floor.

"Your words touch my heart, dear friend.....it is so good to have you back."

With that she wrapped her arms around his neck in a warm embrace, grateful that another saw her for who she was. It was good to know that she was not alone....nor did she have just a few friends.....she had a great multitude of them who were willing to fight for her.

Vanair Sharkan
Aug 20th, 2002, 02:50:44 PM
Vanair returned the embrace and smiled. "Oh and before i forget, you remember when you showed me those necklaces that you had made out of the saber crystals...." Vanair pulled out a necklace from his belt pouch. "I made this a while ago. I had intended to give it to you before I left. But I think it is a more appropriate gift now." Vanair handed her a necklace with four crystals on it. Each crystal had several designs carved on them. Most of them swirling lines and scrollwork. "These are the crystals that came out of my saber the night that you helped me change the color of my blades. The designs are from the history of my culture. The ones on the first two name you my blood sister."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 20th, 2002, 08:23:56 PM
Xazor smiled gently and then pulled away from the embrace, watching as he pulled a necklace from a pouch at his belt. Her eyes lit up at its beauty and she listened intently as he spoke.

"The ones on the first two name you my blood sister."

She couldn't believe what he was saying to her. Blood sister.....the Knight smiled gently and took the necklace from him, a smile remaining brightly on her face.

"Then it shall be so.....by means of a ritual of my people."

From her belt she took a beautifully designed dagger. The hilt was made of black onyx stone.....carved out in an intricate design. The blade was made from purified natural white crystal....some of the finest in the galaxy. She had never used this weapon before, for the night that Vanair visited her about his saber.....she had created it with intent to give it to him as a gift for being such a good friend. In some language unknown to most, was carved his name upon the blade.....which was smoothed out and laced with silver to reinforce its strength. Smiling, she held the sharp blade up in front of her and eyed Vanair carefully.

"With this blade, I commit myself your blood sister. I shall honor and protect you even unto death...and shall hold you esteemed no matter where our journeys take us. The Force shall guide and protect us together as a team.....and Gaia will reign happiness upon our souls...."

With that, Xazor raised her right hand and sliced the blade across it....leaving a deep gash from which blood poured forth. Her right hand had been chosen for a reason......it was painful and she did not block any of it with her mind to show that she would do this for him. Her right hand because it was her dominant hand, showing again that she would give anything for her siblings. Smiling through the pain, she handed the dagger to Vanair. The blood dripped from the pure white blade and ran down it until it touched the hilt. After handing it to him, she held her right hand up, palm facing him. The blood ran down and wrapped around her wrist as she stood there. Once he finished his half of the ceremony....he too would raise his hand to touch hers and their blood would mix.....sealing the pact that they spoke with words. It was very traditional and the way that Xazor liked to do things. It was only right....

Vanair Sharkan
Aug 26th, 2002, 08:48:07 AM
Vanair took the dagger and without hesitation sliced the inside of his hand almost to the bone. He placed his hand on Xazor's and said the ancient words of his people. "Seler, toron.......toron, seler...sercë, sercë. Ambar-metta." Sister to brother, brother to sister, blood to blood. Until the end of time. It was the ancient ritual of his people and he would not dishonor them by doing anything less.

Vanair then used what knowledge he had and healed Xazor's hand. Doing a fairly good job of it and leaving only a light scar. He then took a bandage and wrapped his own hand to stop the bleeding and to let it heal.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 26th, 2002, 01:18:23 PM
Xazor grinned and took her hand from his.....then looked at it. Indeed...he had done a good job of healing and only left a light scar in place of the deep cut. Her smile brightened and she looked up at him.

"Then we are so.....Brother."

She said softly and then stepped forward, wrapping her arms around his neck to embrace him tightly. It was such a happy day and the sun smiled down upon them.

"I'm so glad that you have returned....."

Vanair Sharkan
Aug 29th, 2002, 09:21:38 PM
"Aye, as am I. When I first came here I was not ready. I had not dealt with what I had done and gained peace with myself. Now I have faced my past and my fears. I have come to understand myself. Now I am ready to train." Vanair's face took on a serious look. "About my brother. You have to understand that he has been in the Dark Side for a long time. He was trained by a Sith Warrior from a young age and then he joined the Emperor's Red Guard. Later he was taken and trained by the Emperor himself. He became one of the Emperor's Hands. The armor he wears is Sith Armor made to look like that of the Red Guard. He carries a dual phased light saber and he wears a Sith Talisman around his neck. The talisman was given to him by the Emperor himself. I do not know what trouble you will have with him. Just please remember he is my brother and he has come seeking what I did......redemption."

Xazor Elessar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:03:58 PM
"He shall find redemption here then......as did I........"

She said softly, glad that both of them were here now.....and they would renew themselves in the Force.

OOC: Sorry this is short and crappy......been really busy lately... :\