View Full Version : for any TSE members staying in swforums.... an idea.
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 20th, 2002, 02:19:19 AM
MiryannoTrunks: Although personally, I think the most MnT would get involved with a group like that, would be if it was simply a group where the ex TSE members could get together and chat. Sortof a continued loyalty to each other, but not a brand new start-up group
RubyTearsOfFire: thats could work.
RubyTearsOfFire: a group where we meet and still have contact with one another
RubyTearsOfFire: and help when we need it
MiryannoTrunks: I mean, everyone else could get into taking on apprentices and such.
theres an idea for the ones left behind. The training of people who are not in high ranks could continue till they can be called knight or such. Or however far ones willing to go. We don't necessarily have to start a new group unless someone wanted to.
Aug 20th, 2002, 03:01:56 AM
It is usually considered bad form to post IM convo bits here in the forums, but in this case I suspect it may have been with permission, and this looks like an idea worthy of being public. :)
Best of luck with it, you have my support.
The Saiatah High Roller
Aug 20th, 2002, 03:31:47 AM
Psst... TSO is always open for new members, why not unite the sith under one flag? Then we can destroy the Jedi!
And please don't point out that I am just a floating Gambling Ship and shouldn't be talking... for it is rude.
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 20th, 2002, 03:41:22 AM
I would say go to TSO. They are lacking in Masters at the minute, and it would be far more productive for the Sith to all come together :)
The Saiatah High Roller
Aug 20th, 2002, 03:46:59 AM
Which is Why the Order needs people, Masters from old. Dark Jedi or Sith, it matters not. We already have one Skilled Warrior helping us. Perhaps you should go check it out, read up on the Changes. You might just change your mind. While there, why don't you enjoy the many delights within my halls. Gambling, Drugs, Drinks and more! Men for the Ladies, Ladies for the Men! It matters not! Come down! Play a hand of sabaac or two, make yourself RICH over night!
Nathanial K'cansce
Aug 20th, 2002, 07:26:48 AM
Some of us actually won't see our characters going to TSO.. myself included. It's nothing against TSO, just if I wanted to jopin up with them, I would have done so insteadof joining up with TSE. *shrug*
Though I do like the idea of the sticking loyalty to those form TSE... if it goes into the workings, count me in.
Kelt Simoson
Aug 20th, 2002, 07:52:24 AM
Sorry, not with Sieken...i have other plans for good idea :)
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 20th, 2002, 08:30:54 AM
Well, if that is what you want to do that is cool ... but honestly, would be nice is some, that want to, could help out at TSO if'n ya so choose :)
I understand about sticking together tho.
Gouyen Chee
Aug 20th, 2002, 12:53:43 PM
Stupid question du jour: What is the difference between TSE and TSO, other than the fact that TSO is here and TSE is elsewhere? :huh
Sanis Prent
Aug 20th, 2002, 01:41:23 PM
TSE was long ago, the original sith group at swfans.
TSO was once TSC, the original sith group at
The RP groups from both boards consolidated at Swfans shortly afterwards, but the two groups never really meshed. Originally it was because of Itala in TSC, but then, other reasons....
Kelt Simoson
Aug 20th, 2002, 01:46:04 PM
TSE in my opnion slowly fell away from the block of what we call SWfans...i didntlike they way they RPed and so thats why i never rearly played there towards the end, and moved on to the Jedi...:)
Gouyen Chee
Aug 20th, 2002, 01:48:33 PM
Gotcha -- I think....
imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 20th, 2002, 02:20:12 PM
Bah TSE wasn't doing much anyways, I mean there was a post every here and then but nothing compared to GJO who has new posts every 2 mins.
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 20th, 2002, 06:14:42 PM
TSC WAS the original group at SWFans, before the split that created TSE was formed at the split and TSO came from a TSC meltdown
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 20th, 2002, 06:43:48 PM
Well, I personally won't join TSO, simply because I can't see MnT doing so. He doesn't want any new apprentices (he's not even good with the few he Has >.<) That and I can't see him joining the group, personality wise. His loyalty will be to his Master, and the others from TSE, until he's the last one left. S'just how he is.
And yep, Az' had my permission ^_^ lol.
Dae Jinn
Aug 20th, 2002, 09:14:30 PM
You can still be loyal to your masters at TSE, but you can always help out your fellow sith :\ You wouldn't be an "offical" TSO member, you would just help out with huge RPs, etc :)
lol @ the high roller, no plugs!
Jehova Eaven
Aug 20th, 2002, 10:18:39 PM
hat doesn't work. If I recall TSO had several rivalries with TSE members. It wouldn't make sense IC-wise for them to help.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 20th, 2002, 11:23:07 PM
We had rivalries with people, not the group itself.
Its like how Canadians and Americans are always putting each other down. But you all know that in a War, we always assist each other.
I have known some great people from TSE, and at one point considered joining them. But then TSC went boom, and I decided to stay with friends.
The Sith Empire and the Sith Order, we had different views, but deep down, we are brothers, and sisters. We are not asking you to join the Order and pledge undying loyalty. We are just saying that maybe you can use the Order as a place to crash, until when ever time that you feel, you might be able to create your own group once again. Right now, being the only recogonized Sith group at the SWfans, sith apprentices are appearing weekly, and find that we can not supply them with Training. With the many Masters MIA, we have started a new type of Training. The Training Missions is just one. But here, I see, dozens, of Masters without a home. We offer you a home. The question is not of your old loyalties to each other, we recongnize them, and will not break them. The question is, are you willing to keep loyalty to the Sith in General? Can you honestly, turn your back on many apprentices, who wish to be Sith, and claim that you are a loyal Dark Sider? Just ask yourself, are you really Sith? And if you do decided to help. You know where to find the Sith Order.
Arya Ravenwing
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:10:11 AM
Let me put it this way:
TSO needs people.
Please? Otherwise we won't have a Sith place left. :cry
*goes with LD to cause some...trouble*
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:32:19 AM
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:51:20 AM
I don't see Saharia joining any group soon. I have nothing against TSO, I was once a member of it for a brief time under another name. I just think Miryans idea of TSE people sticking with their loyalty is a good one. Of course those in for the deal would need to help out as this would involve everyone. I'd be happy to be the person helping organize a lot if it, but Im not exactly on 24/7 to do that, and I'm sure there are better people to do that.
Also in regard to big sith rps with TSO I'd gladly join in, TSO and TSE are sith, a common bond. Just ask and I'll be there :evil
If we are to make this group we would need to consider the following questions:
What planet are we going to use?
What are we going to call ourselves?
What exactly happened to TSE?
What is this group going to do? Still train some members or just meet and keep loyalty?
Those are only starter questions, but truely what happened to TSE does need to be clarrified IC, with or without a new group being or not being formed.
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 21st, 2002, 01:22:01 AM
I guess I'll share some of the ideas I mentioned in our conversation, simply for the sake of getting them out into the open.
1: We'd want to find a planet that wasn't under TSE power, simply because I'm sure with people like Tondry around, some of the other groups would have had at least Some info on their control. As such, those planets would be the first covered to try to find any remainder Sith from the group (Lol, and that's referring to IC, with Tondry's recon/hacking skills, so no offense please ^_^ I don't know if there Are any unoccupied planets currently, but those would be the best to go for at first.
2: I was thinking something like The Neo-Empire, but that's lame, so other ideas are openly welcomed ^_^
3: My thoughts were that perhaps TSE got torn apart by internal struggles, a huge fight broke out, and those who aren't posting here anymore, are those who died in the battle. Of course, that's just my idea.
4: As for what we're going to do, that would probably be best discussed by those involved if this actually happens =)
So yeah.... umm.. Wee ^_^
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 21st, 2002, 01:38:07 AM
It's a shame we can't use the old planets but your right. We'd need the current planet list.
Also a list of remaining TSE members wouldnt be bad.
Basically the people left are the last of the TSE, survivors you could say depending on what story we use for TSE's demise.
We need a name that has some meaning behind it...well maybe not but it's perferrable. TSE did have a great time while being here and did some great things in the past, even if they were a less active lately. We can't use TSE as it's looking in the past and not going into the future but we can have some pride of the dead empire in the name.
All ideas are Very welcome, your ideas Miryan as I recall, were very useful. ;) Everyones input would be great, even the non-TSE people.
Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Aug 21st, 2002, 01:41:01 AM
why can't you just use Byss or something? o-O I'd use a planet TSE owned while it was a part of the galaxy.
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 21st, 2002, 01:44:09 AM
Daanarri, we could, I just feel it would be a smarter move IC wise, to not stick around the planets that TSE was known to have control of. I mean, if the Jedi were to send out disposal squads to convert or destroy the last remaining Sith of TSE, where would they look first? The planets TSE owned, or planets that had nothing to do with them at all?
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 21st, 2002, 01:45:43 AM
We could use the planets TSE used, but IC wise the members still alive/active would be vunerable by numbers and vunerable to attack. We'd have to be careful about those planets as Miryan said, the jedi probably would be searching them.
It's safer and livign on a planet TSE used to be on might be living in it's shadow of what TSE used to be when it was still running.
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:00:43 AM
Idea - just call yourself TSE and just simply say there was an internal war, posters that dont want to ever come back were killed, posters that may want to come back are missing presumed dead, those of TSE who do want to post here continue on.
That way you simply continue.
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:14:15 AM
That is a good idea, but I'm not sure if any of use who've stayed have the knowledge or experiance to run a full group like TSE yet.
That's kindof why we want to start up a new group, so we have full control of it's growth and such. =/
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:20:52 AM
We could. Then comes the politics and who's running the group and everything that comes with it. We could do that if everyone left is willing to contend with that.
TSE continuing sounds attractive to me but how many are there to continue it? If its too small it would make more sense to join TSO.
And those who controlled the last TSE, most if not all are gone (I dont know who is left here, thus the list needed) so it would never be the same either way. And there is already a TSE in SWRoleplaying. People are likely to choose that TSE as it is bigger with a good reputation.
It's like having a rip off of the original.
We could make another sith group if poeple wanted it, but it would need a different name for moral sake.
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:27:05 AM
*is LD*
Just join a faction within TSO. You could have a few "leaders" on them of course or whatever...and they'd be on the council of TSO (I'm not a part of TSO, so you'd have to consult them of course) with says in the decisions of the over all group.
That way you have a base to operate out of, and you are still Separate from TSO , yet under their protection/etc.
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:32:42 AM
In that loyalty must be transferred to TSO and the idea is to have the loyalty towards the fellow TSE members and the memory of TSE in the new group. The reason the idea came was because I wanted to keep the memory of TSE alive, as corny as that sounds.
We could join TSO but my character and two others I knwo of wouldnt do that for a while, if ever. The others I'm not sure about, they might or might have already.
Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:37:11 AM
Why wouldn't they do that? You could just say TSE abandoned you all. You can technically make up any story you want for why TSE is gone, since they didn't leave one.
By making your own group you're only choking TSO, honestly. In truth, I doubt another Sith group could become successful with the small amount of people you will be putting into it. It'd be far more productive for the TSE remnant members to band with TSO to help make one stronger group.
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:43:31 AM
did you READ my post? You have your own little group withIN TSO. :)
Just an idea anyway. At the rate things are going, there will eb no more Sith at swfans. Vega is right.
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:47:45 AM
OK. Lets clarify this because I can see an arguement coming.
First of all I do not see this as choking TSO> TSE and TSO worked in harmony, why cant we? The aim not to become greater than TSO. Maybe it's time for TSO to take the limelight after all this time with TSE being larger than it.
The aim is to kepe the loyalty of the tse members together, especially the ones unwilling to join TSO for various reason, and not against TSO personally. In the end it's everyones individual choice.
I don't see a TSE clan in TSO working personally, but thats my opinion.
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:48:03 AM
That's the thing, We're not trying to make a replacement group to take over where TSE left off =| We're just wanting a place for those who were in TSE, to go and stick together. I don't want to join TSO right now, I think I've made that fairly clear with my posts. I don't see why it'd a problem for the others like me and Teag' to have somewhere to go, until (if) we decide to all go our own seperate ways.
We wouldn't be trying to compete with TSO, we wouldn't be trying to suck apprentices out from under them, cause I don't think many of us really Want apprentices as is.
And actually, on that topic Vegs, how would a small group choke TSO? The stream of newbies wanting to become Sith will be just as strong as it was when TSE was around. Right now, All those apprentices are going to TSO. If a few members of our group wanted apprentices, it would Hardly leave TSO wanting for them..
Dae Jinn
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:50:41 AM
Noooooooo :(
*will be all alone*
:( Just join the bloody TSO! You can be associated with them and not give up your precious little "loyality" to each other. I mean, my character is SITH her master is DARK JEDI and yet, I am still loyal to her. You don't have to have new masters or new apprentices, but you can join together with TSO and make a great SWFans Sith group :)
Just my opinion mind :p
Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:51:23 AM
TSO don't have the man power to keep the group going successfully at the moment. There are only 3 active people there who can train apprentices, and thus many are going without training and eventually - no doubt - abandoning the hope of ever getting anything out of TSO. There just simply isn't enough going into TSO to sustain it.
I'm not saying you'd be competing with them at all, I'm just saying by not helping them you're effectively signing their death warrant.
Dae Jinn
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:59:40 AM
If you aren't willing to give up TSE, maybe you shouldn't even be here. Seriously, if this is going to be such a drama, why bother posting here at all?
You want to stay loyal, stay loyal AT tse. TSO NEEDS SITH. They HAVE 2 MEMBERS TRYING TO SAVE THE WHOLE THING (Jehova and Dyzm - plus Live Wire who is not on tons, unfortunately) SWFANS NEEDS SITH. A tiny sith group of 3 to 5 sith is RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!! If you do decide to go that route, I for one would have great fun crushing along with all of the GJO and who-ever else decides to join in,,,,,,
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:02:52 AM
Look. Here's the thing. I wasn't taking apprentices at TSE. I wasn't helping TSO while I was in TSE. TSE left, why should I change that to help a group I have no affiliation with, aside from the type of force user I am? =/
I don't Want to take apprentices, because I honestly don't enjoy it. I'm no good at it, and MnT's personality Sucks at it.
If down the road, I change my mind, and MnT decides to go to TSO, so Be it. Right now, I don't want to, He doesn't want to, and in honesty, the constant pushing about how "I just should" isn't helping =/
If enough others decide they Do want to go to TSO, that we can't make the group, Oh well. MnT will just go rogue.
... Besides, the insinuation that the future of TSO's existance revolves around MnT, Saharia, and the few others who've stayed, shoves us unwillingly into a Lot of responsibility and politics, and personally, I've stayed out of that stuff for a Reason.
Edit: Oh, and Dae: "if this is going to be such a drama, why bother posting here at all?" We aren't the ones making a huge drama out of it.
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:06:50 AM
Havodan Dae Jinn
They have every right to be here - circumstances are out of their control and nothing is their fault. Please dont questin why they should post here.
I would suggest somethign that may be of use to both parites. Those of TSE could ally with TSO - hence TSE peeps get the independance I feel they want, but TSO can allow them to be involved, which is what TSO wants. Make up whatever story you want - hell I could come up with a blinder if you needed, but the point is, you can work together without absorbing people if they dont want to.
Think about it. An alliance would be pretty good you know.
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:06:53 AM
Their death warrent? We'll have six members.
We can make an alliance and help them externally build up. But I, like many others, are not willing IC to join, group or no group. As I've said before its for different reasons, it's connected to the characters personality and not ooc reasons. If this group doesnt even go forth, which isnt even clear right now if it will or it won't so I don't see what why this arguing is so vital....... then Saharia stays rogue until further notice. I may join TSO later but she has loyalty issues to think over first. I do nto have anything against the TSO members and some of them are friends ooc.
How would we help them by not joining. Theres three masters there, six of us adds more. Whats to say more would join, not many have joined in a long time.
I do not want to sound rude or mean, or make any enemies by this statement but I don't see how we are signing their death warrent and that it's our responsibility. I don't want that responsibility hung over my head when I have no connection with them IC and to do so makes me even more stubborn, because I won't be forced into anything, even by good friends. I'm sorry vega.
But an alliance, I'm all for it if it helps save TSO> Just dont put that responsibility on us unwillingly and full on like that.
Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:09:24 AM
You're not being forced into anything here, I'm just stating the truth. I know it's not your responsibility to help TSO, nor is it your obligation to do so, but help for them would be appreciated.
In the end, its up to you, you can do what you want. Just presenting more than one side of whats going on at the minute.
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:09:32 AM
Oh and quick * Points to MnT's post * Very insightful. Take note of it cause if I was in his shoes, that's what I would be thinking. If GJO left but I didnt want to go from here, I'd be leery of getting absorbed into antoher group
Dae Jinn
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:16:06 AM
Fine, then the sith will die out and the jedi can win. I'm sure your precious little characters will love that :rolleyes
As far as I know, there are 4 TSE LEFT
Why bother being sith if there are only that few left? We may as well hand ourselves over right now to the Jedi....The Dark Jedi can be the "big bad guys" from now on...for frells sake!You don't HAVE to be TSO
grrrrrrrrrrrr....*debates just killing all the other Sith and starting over* Or be ROGUE, THAT WORKED SO WELL LAST TIME! RSO WENT BACK TO TSE. Grrrrrr....*aggravated* YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE APPRENTICES! IF YOU AREN"T GOING TO BE AFFLIATED WITH THE ONLY SITH GROUP THEN GO BACK TO TSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Sighs and shakes head* Is it that hard for ppl to understand??? I honestly hope you do make your little group, I want to see how long you can last.......
Kietaro Svrenz
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:17:47 AM
Lets try and keep tempers down to a light roar around here. I know this is my first post here, but I have been keeping an eye on this situation for a couple months now and I have a few thoughts of my own to share that aren't so extreme as to tell anyone what they should do or should not do.
Its pleasant to see all the loyalty expressed in this thread to a faction that from what I have gathered has taken itself out of this RP Universe. But I am slightly confused. I have seen a couple of those voicing that loyalty in this thread say that they had too many ties and too much desire to remain here to just leave this place.
Who was it at TSE that just decided to leave with no explanation given? Surely his was a decision that the entire group of role players was in on. If not then I find that rather selfish for those that may have made the decision. It sure appears that there were at least a few that wanted at least some kind of in character explanation, and really, it couldn't have been that difficult or time consuming to actually provide such a thing.
As I see it, TSE no longer exists here. From what I have gathered in several threads here and at other places, that cessation to exist was sudden and with no explanation. How can members here claim in character loyalty to something that no longer exists?
It appears that this event may have done more harm to those with history here that aren't just prepared to forget, it than good. I myself would just come up with some kind of explanation and then afterwards, play along exactly as it appears TSE appears to want it. TSE does not exist here. It sure looks to me like TSE wasn't very loyal to those who had strong ties that they didn't wish to sever with no explanation.
My three and a half cents have been put on the table. I wish all the best of luck and that they could just get along without incident. And I am not saying to join another group or to leave, just offering some food for thought.
Dae Jinn
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:19:19 AM
Yeah, I know you will probably be pissed off at me, I really could care less. TSE barely posted here when they were part of SWfans.
I feel bad for Dyzm, who is trying BY HIMSELF to save TSO. All I am asking is you help with their training missions. It's that simple.
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:19:28 AM
Let us do the group, then make an alliance, and help you out with whatever we can from our group. I can promise you I will help TSO anyway I can, just not joining the group. But anything else I will help with.
Im sure everyone in the TSE exiles will help you out any way they can too in other ways other than joining.
and about TSE leaving SWFans. Yeah I'm pissed off about that too but I've spent too long on swforums and TSE to give up on both memories and both places I rp at. Most reasons were the relations ooc with the people in SWForums that made it hard to rp. If you find it hard to rp because of ooc then thats a valid reason, even though they could have told us.
I am loyal ooc and ic to TSE right now, thats my reason ooc. Yes, sounds pathetic and probably is pathetic but thats how it is.
I am also loayl to SWForums and do not intend on leaving it.
Dae Jinn
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:27:10 AM
Thank you. sheesh. was that so damn hard? :lol
I migth even join TSO unoffically (since Gue is sorta TSO and Dae belongs to him) I hate to see the sith go out like this. I remember TSE and Swfans as fun. People let CRAP get in the way and have wreck things for the rest of us.
An alliance would make for a stronger sith group. Possibly a council with 2 people from each group, with votes, etc would work. I would definitely put Dyzm on the council. I don't know all the TSE ppl who have stayed, but I am sure you have someone who would be appropriate.
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:29:01 AM
"Our precious little loyalties" "Our precious little characters"
Dae, I'll understand your point when you start listening to ours, and making a good one Yourself.
We never said we refused to help out TSO. Just that we didn't want to actively be a Part of it. I said I won't Personally help in Training. If you want to take offense to that, go ahead, cause I wasn't helping out TSE much in that aspect Either.
And Kietaro, as far as I know, the IC explanation for TSE's dissapearance has been left on the hands of those who're still here. I suggested what I think to be a very good explanation, in one of my earlier points. But if people decide they want to make it that TSE simply never exists, that erases pretty much the entire RPing history of our characters. And as I've got almost 2 years of RPing with TSE, I'm not too willing to accept that.
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:33:39 AM
Exactly. all we said was we didnt want to Join TSO. Was that so hard to understand?
Friendship will be always offered on my part Dae Jinn, to any sith group, remember that :)
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 21st, 2002, 04:38:20 AM
Dea as much as I appreciate your support in the matter, you really can't force them. If they want to join the Order that is great, if not, we can still be allies.
And I hardly think that if they decided not to help, it would be signing our death warrent. We have fallen on hard times, that is all. I was just hopping, honestly, that others with experience would show up and take some of the load off my back. I have been asking for assistance at almost every turn. Some, I am thankful have joined in on helping. To tell you the truth, I wouldn't know what to do if more people joined. I would have to almost restructure everything at TSO again, the was I have it structured now is a Training Ladder, and you only get tested (1 on 1 fight) With a Master or high lvl Knight after you complete your training missions. My first goal is to get all those who are apprentices, up to knights, from there... I have no Clue.
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 21st, 2002, 04:38:40 AM
a) TSE existed here, so no histories should be wiped out with a hand wave. That's soooooooo unfair.
b) It's also unfair man + dog says JOIN US!!!!. While that is to be expected, these TSE guys have shown a lot of loyality to SWFans and also TSE. We should just let them decide their own fate and I'll be happy to offer suggestions and help. Let TSE people decide their own fate - but as I said, a Alliance would probably be a good thing for everyone. All Sith win in the end with that and TSE people keep their independance and comfort zones while they work out what they want to do and TSO get help if TSE wish to do so
Look, all TSO really need is someone like Xazor - a post monkey who is everywhere and replies to everything. What existing TSO people need to do is really just say hello, get people comfortable and into the groove of posting.
Nathanial K'cansce
Aug 21st, 2002, 05:08:05 AM
I love your idea about the internal war or so that caused those who don't post here 's deaths... and have actually been writting something up in that aspect for about a week... :)
Aug 21st, 2002, 05:16:21 AM
Any choices made are your own. :)
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 21st, 2002, 09:20:04 AM
Yep ... Whenever the history is decided by former TSE members is agreed on, let the staff know so we can annouce it properly for all to see. That way no one will be confused to what happens :) I think that would be a good idea.
Secondly... I agree with Ogre. No forcing anyone to do anything guys ... rough situation they are in and they need suggestions ;) Not do this do that =^_^=
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 21st, 2002, 09:21:55 AM
Oh on a side note, I appreciate for those that wish to stay here and RP with us. Eventhough I am no longer at TSE for various reasons, most of the time I spent there was fun and I do have a lot of good memories of the place .. no matter what some might think :)
It's nice having some of you guys still here willing to make things work and have fun. Gives me hope.
Dae Jinn
Aug 21st, 2002, 10:27:47 AM
*is always in trouble*
Joining TSO for training missions is all i asked for...:rolleyes
And if GJO did decide to wipe all the sith of swfans out, they could do it....
Nathanial K'cansce
Aug 21st, 2002, 11:44:20 AM
Well, er.. I like all but the death of members that aren't here. Why should we say they died when they haven't said ti themselves? They can stay alive, but be *forced* into the unknown regions or into hiding because of an inner war that broke out or whatever. *shrug*
Probably should get a chat with the TSEres still here sometime to decide this.
Master Yoghurt
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:02:25 PM
It would probably be a good idea letting the characters who left, or if it is more practical, those TSE members still remaining decide upon the story of how TSE disappeared. Presuming that everyone is dead might not be the best idea, since it will make a comeback difficult IC if or when someone may wish that. Just a suggestion. :)
Jedi Neo
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:19:42 PM
I guess that for right now they just dissappeared.
But if anyone from TSE would like to do an explaniation, let me know and I'll bring Firebird into the mix.
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:42:56 PM
Apologies if I was being pushy.
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:15:36 PM
Lol, ok ^_^ Got a thread up at SWRP, so everyone in TSE there who cares about what we say happened (as it's the end of their characters there, if they want to make a comeback, any reason really) can discuss and decide on a story that everyone accepts =)
Aaaannnnd yeah ^_^ Thash bout it right now.
Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 21st, 2002, 04:46:31 PM
I am still RPing Chaos, and I don't plan to be a member of TSO rigth now. I may later. Even if I do it isn't because I am not loyal to TSE. The people at TSE treated me well IC and OOC, and Chaos will not turn his back them. The only other person he is loyal to is Dalethria for a few reasons.
Now, I will glady help TSO with anything and everything (from training to posting), but wish to be an allied member. Chaos is having to much fun to be tied down right now. I'll post at TSO offering my help.
Kar'h'tzen Shaed
Aug 21st, 2002, 08:47:11 PM
Now that everyone is over getting annoyed, I want you all to kill something and make up.
Much as I would hate to see TSO go under - poor Dyzm and LW - it isn't, so no worries there. I have entertained thoughts of bringing my TSO character back, but unfortunately I wasn't thinking of having him go back to being a Sith. It would be great fun and all, but that character just isn't motivated that way any longer... but I'll sleep on it a few times anyway.
There seem to be plenty of Sith around the board, but maybe it's just my imagination. There DOES seem to be an inordinant amount of Dark Jedi about suddenly, but that's only slightly related.
Best wishes to all Sith who hope to live on and plague the Jedi forever.
Azhure Darkstone
Aug 21st, 2002, 08:59:50 PM
<HUGz to everyone>
We will always be loyal to those we have spent so much time and effort on and whom have given us a lot of support int the rping area as well. I'd almost be inclined to make sure an alliance happened, the sith can't function properly if two sith groups arent working together as they all have at least one common goal. The jedi. So the alliance in my opinion WILL happen. That's a gaurentee, but we'd have to discuss what goes on that alliance, and the boundaries it goes with it.
TSE members might be willing to train some TSO people if the TSO wish for that to happen, I'm sure there won't be a problem but you'll have to ask those who are eligable to train.
Perhaps when the group is fairly organized, TSO and whatever name we go by will meet in a chatroom/thread/whatever and discuss the alliance.
And on that note....we need to get a group together first. lol.
So should we start another thread for that planning or continue here? Might like to start on a clean slate where won't be any arguing in the thread :)
I'm going to start a thread of where I want the names of the people who are going to be in it to see who we have left, could those people please post in there and I'll add them to the list.
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