View Full Version : Padawan Free-For-All!
Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 19th, 2002, 07:20:28 PM
Kindo calmly made his way into one of the Saber Arena's, walking directly to the middle of the structure. He looked around trying to get familiar with his surroundings. He waited for other fellow padawans to arrive, to make this day of training intresting and unique. Today was a Jedi Padawan Group Spar, a chance for new padawans and older ones to have great group training. All padawans were welcome, no matter how long they have resided in the GJO. Kindo was one of the many talanted Jedi, for most of them were highly skilled in the wielding of blades. He had his sword by him everywhere he ventured, it was his constant companion. He found himself a location on the hard floor, and sat for a great oppurtunity to meditate while the other arrived. He closed his eyes and begun to peer into the Force, letting it course through his body. He knew he would need the concentration to spar with the others, they were quiet worthy and challenging opponents.
Aug 19th, 2002, 07:50:17 PM
Zeke leaned in the door.
"2 so far? More'll come."
He took a seat to the right of the door and relaxed, awaiting the fight to begin.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 20th, 2002, 01:30:57 PM
:: A voice could be heard within the shadows a few footsteps approached like lurkers towarded Kindo and Zeke::
"Of course Zeke...whenever there's an event like this...there is always Lance Stormrider at the horizon" He said with a light laugh , Matrix shook on Lance's belt his will to fight growing stronger...Lance still hadn't figured out what was going on with his saber these last days but he intended to know for sure in a battle like this one.
"Well..only 3... I hope there are others' He said starting to warm up
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 20th, 2002, 01:50:16 PM
"Make that four!" Came a call across to the others. Loki stepped into the spartan training facility with a smile at those in attendence; there was Lance, Ki Adi and another whom the boy had not yet met.
Walking over to the group wearing the new training attire he had purchased a couple of days ago comprising of a simple flannel pair of white trousers and jacket tied at the waist by a brown leather belt. He greeted both Lance and Kindo then turned to Zeke and introduced himself.
"Hello there, I'm Loki Ahmrah, I don't believe we've met before!" He said jovially extending a hand to greet him.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 20th, 2002, 01:52:40 PM
:: Lance's expression changed, the padawan whom he respected the most had walked in, he smiled lightly and offered a slight bow.::
"Master Loki, it's good to have you here....hehe if you haven't sparred him yet I gotta warn you...this kid may be small but he kicks a$$ he managed to even beat me" Lance said laughing. The other day he managed to keep up with both Zeke and Kindo without too much difficulty.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 20th, 2002, 05:56:27 PM
" I was going easy on you Lance. "
Kindo laughed has he gave Stormrider a friendly pat on his shoulder.
" Lance, you know I am highly skilled, we all are. "
He then turned his attention to all who were in the arena. Many had shown, but he was not satisfied yet.
" We shall wait for more to arrive."
Ange Tot
Aug 20th, 2002, 06:00:25 PM
She entered the room, wearing cut-off jean shorts, a white t-shirt, her tekken gloves and plain sneakers. When she saw the small group gathered she grinned.
"Hi-ho boys! am I late?"
imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 20th, 2002, 06:32:16 PM
:: Lance turned his head to Ange and gave a light bow to her, he didn't know her very well but had seen her several times::
"Oh hello there are not late at all...all are welcome to join.." He said coming back upstraight.
Aug 20th, 2002, 07:02:12 PM
He entered, looking over the other padawans, all smaller than him and quite a bit younger. THough he felt a little out of place, he smiled in greeting, letting out a loud laugh.
"So what do you say we get this started?" he said, removing his vest and stretching throughly.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 20th, 2002, 07:27:16 PM
" Not yet Hunk. We need more people. I want a large group of padawans here to train. It will be great if more arrive. "
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 21st, 2002, 01:12:20 PM
Loki laughed at what Lance had to say, thinking back to their spar together. This would be his first spar since his training with Sejah and he wondered if his Nehantite friend would make an appearance today, he looked about the group eagerly and greeted those who had entered after him.
"Oh well, at least I can make use of the time we have before the chaos ensues." He said to himself, finding a clear space.
He fell forward into a roll and in mid-transit slammed his open palms on the floor and lifted himself up into a handstand. This was an exercise he did frequently to help him tone his upper body and improve his balance. Closing his eyes the boy began to lower himself and push himself back up in what can only be described as vertical push-ups.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 21st, 2002, 01:12:51 PM
:: Lance looked ovr at the huge padawan.::
"God how did you become so big man" Lance said extending a hand.
"Sup I'm Lance Stormrider I believe we've never met before" He said a wide grin on his face.
Aug 21st, 2002, 01:34:18 PM
Zeke looked around at the other arrivals. More people still? Ok, he'd wait, but his excitement was growing.
Ange Tot
Aug 21st, 2002, 05:03:23 PM
She tapped her foot impatenly and yawned.
"More Kindo? Ain't there enough already....."
Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:06:17 PM
" No. This is a large arena. I want at least two more. "
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:14:45 PM
"But what if no-one else really wants to be involved in this all-out spar?" Loki questioned from across the room, still upside down in his handstand, his voice strained as he performed the vertical push-ups.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:29:07 PM
" Most could use the training, but I guess you are right. Everyone ready? "
imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:34:02 PM
:: Lance was about the draw Matrix and he saw it shaking on his belt.::
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:37:27 PM
:: A spar? Oh my god I had done so many...and I was truly exhausted and tired of having to be clashed against other blades, I flew out of Lance's belt and right besides his shoulders I then flew towards the wall and next to the training sabers indicating to Lance that I wasn't going to fight, that poor idiot he still hadn't figured out why I suddenly started to go on by myself and not listen to his orders, it was funny humans are so stupid..and I a blade that was brought alive through force meditation was so much wiser.::
imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:43:40 PM
:: Lance still hadn't figured out why his saber flew away from his belt like was odd but right now was not the time to think about it he summoned the force through his arm and called a training saber to his hand.::
"There...." He said looking over at Matrix who suddenly clipped back to his belt.
"Oh geezers....why are you doing this to me"
:: He then turned his head towards Kindo.::
"Alright I'm ready"
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:01:31 PM
Leaping high into the air, he came down behind Kindo. In the midst of his rolling landing, he brought his feet up to the other padawan's backside, launching him a few feet in the air.
"I say we get this party started," he said with a grin, activating his saber as he came out of the roll.
Ange Tot
Aug 23rd, 2002, 02:18:16 PM
She rolled her eyes.
"Great, lightsabres......."
Aug 23rd, 2002, 02:24:21 PM
Zeke activated both his sabers, then stood.
"Well, let's get going then."
He stood defensively, waiting for an attack.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 23rd, 2002, 04:26:40 PM
" Lets play then! "
Kindo got back up from the kick he had recieved, the pain vanquished and his strength anew. He removed his sword form it's sheath, the light gleaming aginst the blade. The Jedi then retaliated with a powerful overhead assult.
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 23rd, 2002, 04:54:26 PM
The little boy nimbly rolled forward from his handstand and came to his feet in front of the rack of training sabers. He glanced over them, they were similar but he found the one that he felt most comfortable with then made his way over to the group.
"I have to say I've never been in anything other than a one-on-one spar. How does this go?" He asked and although he was new to this he had still taken the time to come to the first ready stance Sejah had ever taught him. Standing almost sideways with his left arm up and hand resting against his chest so that his elbow pointed forward and his right hand held the lightsaber angled downwards behind. Although his lightsaber was hidden from view, he had not yet activated it.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 23rd, 2002, 07:55:01 PM
"Like this" Lance said focusing the force through his legs he visualized the place where Loki ws standing and force speeded towarded him swining his force enhanced blade hard enough to make Loki's arm move brutaly towards his right side and then on his unprotected chest he quickly sent an amount of force to blast him away.
"I won't hold back cause your small, I know what your made of" Lance said on his defensive position.
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 23rd, 2002, 08:26:02 PM
Unfortunately for Lance, Loki's most recent lesson had taught him to be mindful of your opponents hands; especially the one that doesn't wield their weapon. The boy's lightsaber was sent off to the right but following through with his sword hands momentum, the padawan was able to reach out with his left hand and sieze hold of Lance's attire.
Although the boy hadn't expected Lance to push him with the Force so suddenly, it had worked to his advantage. Lance was dragged along with the sheer force of his own push as Loki refused to let go of his clothing. As their momentum came to a hault and they neared the floor, the padawan rocked back as he landed and placing a foot into his opponents stomach flipped him over.
"The feelings mutual!" Came a sharp reply as Loki had rolled over backwards on the floor and in a singular motion brought his lightsaber over his head from his right side to his left side in an arc to bring the blade down upon his fallen opponents chest.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 23rd, 2002, 08:48:37 PM
:: Lance rolled away from and snapped his right foot against his left foots hard to make him spin through the air using his amazing agility as a strider he ran forth towards Loki once again, it seemed the boy had made much progress since their last encounter and he loved to have such a tough opponent swinging his blade towards Loki the young padawan flickered his hand to the side and in a motion grabbed Loki's arm so fast it seemed that 3 arms were after him grabbing it he brutally pulled it to the side to make him lose control of his block and sent his foot to smacks Loki's legs hard.
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:09:20 PM
"Bloody hell!" The boy thought, he had no chance up against Lance when it came to strength. At ten years old even his body mass was pitiful to pack any kind of weight behind his attacks. So instead of trying to match his opponent's strength anymore, the boy simply went with the moment of their attack; this required reasonable speed and agility but for one so small and nimble, it wasn't too difficult to achieve.
So Lance had hold of his free arm - he learned from his mistake a moment ago, he adapted remarkably fast - and Loki was trying to hold his oncoming weapon at bay with his own lightsaber. Not only that but Lance sent a kick for the boy's legs, it was in Lance's actual attack that Loki discovered a way out of this conundrum.
"Hup!" He grunted, with one last effort he pushed against the strider's blade and jumped up so that his sweep missed but the little padawan didn't stop there. Taking advantage of the arm Lance used to restrain him, Loki used it for support whilst he was in the air and went even higher. With one of his feet he kicked away Lance's saber hand and thus his lightsaber too and twisting from the hips in front of his opponent he landed a kick across the strider's chin.
As he came down, Loki's left arm was still restrained by Lance's grip, fortunately, he was going to land to the outside of the strider's free arm, giving him some distance between himself and his oppoents lightsaber. Lance felt a brief stinging sensation in his free arm as Loki's blade contacted with the forearm causing him to release the boy from his grip.
"You sure as heck don't make things easy for me, buddy!" Loki called out as he rolled away from his sparring partner in fear of being overpowered again.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:37:07 PM
"God I love it...I'm fighting the most weak looking opponent and he's actually the hardest opponent I've ever had, heh your one heck of a bloody kick ass boy" Lance said grinnin as he felt Matrix shaking on his belt, it flyed to his hand and this time ready to accomplish Lance's seemed even him that hated to fight spars was interested in this one.
"Good things are going to change I got my helpfull tool back" He said flickering Matrix to the side, he pressed the ignition button as at the same time he swung it in the air causing it to look like a blue glowing sphere, Lance brought it back in front of him and dashed towarded Loki this time his blade slashed with much more agility and strenght then with the practice lightsaber, he sent his other hand to the side and focused on the froce while occupying Loki with several swings, he then force jumped above Loki still holding a slash as he tripped to his back and as soon as he had to chance and right place to knock his back he relased a pretty strong force blast hitting Loki's back and Lance landing back on his feet.
"Ha! I think I got my hand back it " Lance said on a defensive position focused on the force knowing an attack was going to be done at any time.
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 24th, 2002, 07:07:48 AM
"Kick ass boy!" Loki said quietly back to himself with a smirk, if only that had been the case when he was at school a couple of years ago.
After Lance's sneaky attack, the best the young padawan could do was to place his hands in front of him and hope for the best. The strength behind the telekinetic assault was stronger than the shove of an average man Loki came crashing to the ground. The impact hurt his left shoulder, he became too stiff when he braced for impact and it had placed his shoulder under a lot of strain.
"Ow! Darn!" He said, with a now deactivated lightsaber, his right hand came up to rub it whilst he rotated his left arm about in the socket. The pain began to fade and he hopped up and down, losening his joints some more.
What had he learned since their last encounter? He was beginning to dabble in telekinesis but only in small doses and it would be unlikely to prove helpful in this confrontation. His senses were much more attuned since last time, he was faster now and could react to an attack much more quickly. However most of his training time had been dedicated to improving his swordsmanship. So he would use that to his advantage; speed and dexterity.
Now on his feet, Loki took a ready stance then burst into a sprint towards Lance. As he neared the boy leapt into the air with a twist, he spun and brought his sword arm across his chest defensively and activated the training saber. The blue blade shot out and turned in time with his body. He landed to Lance's right side and from his mid-air turn used the momentum to go straight into an attack, it looked like his saber was aimed for the Jedi's midsection but when he moved his lightsaber to parry the attack, Loki was gone.
Using what developing skills he could, Loki was able to feign an attack and move slightly faster than the eye with his opponent under misdirection, he was now behind Lance and swung low for his left calf.
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 24th, 2002, 08:07:08 AM
Looks interesting - what do you think?
Indeed it does. I sense you wish to join in
Yes. But it wouldn't be fair
No, they would need twice this number to match either of us. But I still feel you wish to join in anyway.
Yes...... for they would learn much.
Go on then.... use my sabre. Put your sword to one side.
Twin sabres?
Why not?
The tall woman unclipped her sabre from her belt and handed onto her companion, who handed over his sword. He nodded, before opening the door to the training area. his right hand with his wife's sabre, the other, having Athina leap into the palm, summoned by The Force. staying on the edges, he circled around, assessing and considering. This was going to be rather interesting.....
The Jedi Master stayed back and away, still considering and watching.
Aug 24th, 2002, 08:10:51 AM
"Ange, need a saber? Borrow one of mine!"
He deactivated his blue saber and threw it to her, then came low with a rising slash.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 24th, 2002, 08:55:18 AM
:: Lance saw the speeed given by Loki ws incredible but Lance too was a very fast opponent and that everyone that had sparred him knew it, Lance saw the flash of a light clash against his left "Calf" (Whatever it means @_@) and from the pain of the burn jumped far away from Loki and rolled on the floor, on the floor his passed his right hand on the burn and then got up quickly to call Matrix back to his suddenly he felt...a very powerfull presence within the force...a presence that was really superior to any other...he tilted his head to the side and looked up...::
"AH!.....I mean master Q'Dunn what are you doing here!?....Hehe I hope it's not what I'm thinking it is" His eyes then crossed backwards to Loki again on his guard to protect him-self from any attacks.
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 24th, 2002, 09:19:53 AM
OOC: Your calf is your lower leg muscle. :)
Loki was pleased that his manouver had paid off, although he hadn't been expecting it to. Lance was a very fast opponent, faster than he was but perhaps one day, when the boys legs are long enough, he will be able to match that speed.
"Oh dear!" Loki said to himself when Lance had greeted Master Q'Dunn. This had raised a fault in Loki's current technique.
He realised he hadn't sensed Marcus in the room until his attention was drawn to him and if this is indeed a free-for-all affair then the boy should learn to be able to maintain his focus upon his opponent but at the same time have his senses alert for other potential threats about him.
"Master Q'Dunn, I have a question." He began, taking advantage of the Jedi's presence to learn from his wisdom. "In a confrontation with more than one threat, how is a Jedi able to maintain one hundred percent concentration but be aware of other potential dangers that might be approaching? For example if I had been attacked by another padawan today whilst engaging Lance at the same time, how does one go about dealing with a situation such as that?"
imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 24th, 2002, 09:28:46 AM
:: Lance scratched his head and looked over at master Q'Dunn to see what he would have to say...this could be instructive indeed.::
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 24th, 2002, 09:43:50 AM
"Experience, that is basically the only way. With experience, you will be able to hold your concentration better through the Force. You learn and you grow with your abilities and power. You become more aware of your enviroment and your placing in The Force, more aware of the dager warnings and more atune with what the future holds. I am sorry that I am not able to give you a magic solution or technique, for there is none. The only real way to learn is to experience it for yourself and to learn to be open for something new and unexpected.
But, there are ways to make the danger less. The Force will always speak to you and if there is danger, it will alert you - always be open for those signals. I will not say it is easy, for it is not. Sometimes the best idea when you become aware you face more than one opponent is to run. Or....."
Helenias' sabre was still off, but he was swinging it about, getting used to the feel of it. The weapon had an odd centre of balance that he guessed allowed for more speed than power. Her techniques were built on speed, for Helenias was blindingly fast. Marcus was more power, but he also preferred subtley and maximum control. Her sabre was also constructed slightly smaller in diameter than norm, to fit her hands better. It was also a bit longer.
He was now also surveying the room.
"The best way to deal wth multiple opponents is not get surrounded and force them to atack only when you want them to. "
imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 24th, 2002, 09:53:25 AM
"Uhmmm...." Lance rested his hand under his chin...and saw the lightsaber on his hand...he guessed maybe he was about to kick their butts real hard and tried to find something to say to occupie him some more and give him some more lifetime. He walked near by him and spoke.
"Master Q'Dunn...if we get surrounded is there some kind of force attack that can be spammed all around our body? I mean you can't always jump out or away from your opponents some ime they'll get you and eventually snatch you, but if you actually hit them or simply blow them away which would give you more time to run would be much better. So I was only wondering if there such a force abillity?" Lance said scratching his head
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 24th, 2002, 10:12:54 AM
"Yes. But you are thinking of say a Force Push that would expand all around you, no. The Force does not work like that - you need to focus, for that is the secret to using The Force - to focus and command. There are however ways to use the Force to give yourself what you described. All it takes is a little bit of lateral thinking to achieve it. There are other ways I could deal with many opponents... but some of them you shalt not be taught unless you became a Jedi Master, for they are dangerous and one misstep could see you being killed with them. Or fall to The Dark Side without the required mental control."
A demonstration was what he was feeling they would want.... so he did. Only a small one... he picked up Loki with his mind, the Padwan hoverign a meter off the ground.
"Tell me Padawan Stormrider, I have Padawan Loki here. If I was opposed by all of you, how, as a Padawan like yourself, would you think I could turn Loki in a weapon such as you would want and described?"
imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 24th, 2002, 10:33:42 AM
:: Lance watched with amazement Marcus as he lifted Loki upwards....his gaze turned once again to master Q'Dunn as Lance had figured out how he would use him...and he had to admit...that was one smart technique he was using.::
"Hmmm I get would use his body as a weapon because Loki is a fellow of we wouldn't be able to block your attack...unless we are ready to sacrifice him." Lance said hmming a bit after his words.
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 24th, 2002, 06:15:31 PM
"Godd answer Padawan Stormrider. Or I could use him as a broom to equal effect, knock you all over and clear a path to escape. As I said, think laterally and use what you know. You would be surprised exactly what a Padawan could do. "
Loki Ahmrah
Aug 24th, 2002, 07:14:33 PM
"I couldn't agree with you more and your words are encouraging because as far as my abilities with the Force are concerned I am very limited." Loki declared talkatively, no longer bothered by the fact that he was levitating a meter from the ground. He was developing his ability to sense life and danger through the Force, inadvertedly his own natural senses have been heightened as a result however he had only two telekinetic experiences. That was something for him to work on.
"Having said that, Master Q'Dunn, I am not yet gifted with telekinesis ready at my disposal but taking what you have said; I used to see my height and strenth as a disadvantage but I was taught to turn them into advantages and as such am able to hop about an opponent without being hit which is pleasing." He gave a smile.
Whilst he had been speaking he had focused on a knee-pad that was hung up against the wall behind the Jedi Master and with his limit capabilities Loki sent it for Macus's back to see what would happen.
Aug 24th, 2002, 07:17:35 PM
The attack came with an unexpected fury. Though smaller than him, Kindo was fatster, and more agile -- he'd have to stay calm and focus on keeping his movements neat and precise if he wanted to defeat him.
The overhead slash was an aggresive move, and it left his body open to attack. Had Hunk been more prepared he would have been able to take advantage of this, but as it was, he was forced to deflect it, driving his right elbow up above his head, bringing his saber up in a quick movement. The two blades colided and held for a moment before Hunk aimed a strong kick at his opponent's mid-section.
Marcus Telcontar
Aug 24th, 2002, 08:54:32 PM
A brief warning in the Force told him something was coming from behind - as he was still holding the Padawan in the air, stopping the object would be difficult to stop in time without droppong Loki to the ground, given a lack of time - so he chose to step sideways and allow the object to go past him, whence it stopped in mid air, then floated to where Loki was.
"Maybe you see yourself limited Padawan Ahmrah, but you are young. As I said, these things will take time to develop. While humans seem to have the most whom are open to The Force, it is usually the long lived species that become true Jedi Masters, for they will have the longest time to study and learn. In raw power, humans are powerful, but their lifespan does limit what they could do, even if they are gifted. I am long lived, already 100 years have I had to study The Force and what it does. In time you will be able to do this"
Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 2nd, 2002, 07:10:12 PM
Kindo absorbed the blow to his chest, almost stumbling backwards. He started at his combatant with many quick strikes, growing faster by aid of the Force. He then swept Hunk's legs from under him, disabling him momentarily.
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