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Liam Jinn
Aug 19th, 2002, 07:08:08 PM
The Jedi Master rubbed the stubble on his face slowly as he let out a yawn. This might be another long day, but even so; it was long overdue.

He set his hand down on the armrest of his chair and nodded silently to Verse, who had felt the need for this as well.

"My fellow Jedi, I feel that there seems to be a rift forming in the heart of the Jedi. In it's members."

Here he paused and rose to his feet, pacing slowly between the Jedi gathered.

"It appears that We have been taking too much offense by fellow Jedi's opinions; instead of listening We attack verbally. Why I ask? What has happened to the days when opinions were welcome, and not taken personally? Please, rethink your replies to the opinions, do not chastise for them. And now it seems that we have groups forming within the Jedi, do not deny that you cannot see them. We have lost the unity that made us strong, and unchallenged. When was the last thing we did as a united group? Eh?"

He paused again, looking from Jedi to Jedi.

"Let bygones be bygones, I plead. Start anew. We can make it through these trying times, but only by working together as one."

"But do not think I speak only to certain individuals! I speak to the Jedi as a whole, for I have seen failure in us all. Never resort to anger when in debate! That is not the Jedi way; it is the way of the Sith. We are not the Sith. We are stronger, more dedicated to the ways of the Force than they; they who chose to weild it rather than serve it, they who cause disruption rather than harmony and unity.

"I have too much love for this order to watch it slip away from it's original beauty."

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 19th, 2002, 07:21:53 PM
::Verse stood beside his old friend. He cleared his throat first and spoak with his strong voice.::

"I will agee with Master Liam. We are not acting like the team that we are. I sit here collecting dust and mold. We argue with each other. I too will not point fingars, nor will I name any names. To do so will only be doing what I am saying is wrong. Also, I would have to name myself. There is countless wrongs that we should be stopping. We don't act like 'Warriors of the Light' We act like 'Children of the Light'. I for one feel like I am forced to take sides in everything. If we were truely a team it would not be so...."

::Verse looked at the Jedi there. Each one had a different story. All were equal in Verse's eyes though. No one stronger or more important. They were Jedi.::

"I ask as well. Let us put the past were it is. In the past. Let us work together in the present to help make a better future..."

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 19th, 2002, 07:51:51 PM
"I agree. Completely."

Navaria said evenly.

"I myself have even been in such a situation with the Padawan known as Saul Mordeth. Both of us differ in thought but we came to an understanding; Even settling when offense was no intended. We even plan on training together ..."

She leaned forward in her chair.

"To walk in another's shoes is very difficult let alone trying to understand another being's beliefs. But that is what being a Jedi is all about. Understanding and compassion. We may not all agree about every little detail .... but we must accept everyone of our members for who they are and respect them."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 19th, 2002, 08:36:15 PM
Xazor sat in her Council Seat and listened in silence, nodding in regards to the few whom had spoken already. Everything that was said....hit home. Her eyes shifted to Navaria....a friend.....a mentor, someone that she trusted with her life. A smile crossed her lips and she leaned forward slightly, eyeing the rest of the group.

"I agree for in essence.....this has to do with people like myself. I do not take criticism well....as many of you have observed. It is a character flaw that I have attempted to work on but many situations make it difficult for me to remember such things. Many of the Jedi I have encountered sit back and see me as a Sith hiding behind Jedi robes....but I say to you: believe what you will! I know that many of us try so hard to follow the Oath that we took when first joining the Jedi....but then there are another type of Jedi.....those who follow the Oath when convenient. I cannot point fingers for like my Father....I would be pointing at myself."

The Knight smiled slightly and rose from her seat and began walking around the Council room, thinking of what to say next. Though many not have liked the way she was approaching the topic of conversation, she was doing it honestly.....for lying was not of her nature. Suddenly she stopped at Liam Jinn.....a friend, and fellow Council Member. A smile danced upon her lips though a bit of sadnss hung in her eyes. Bowing before him, she looked at him thoughtfully.

"I for one will take this as a lesson and heed your words...for you are more wise than I and have the experience that I lack. I wish to begin anew and apologize to you....and everyone in this room for grief and hurt that I have caused for attacking while merely recieving much needed criticism...."

With that said, the Knight smiled and turned to everyone, bowed, and then returned to her seat. Sighing quietly to herself as she sat down, Xazor steepled her fingers and set back once again...waiting to hear what others had to say now......

Aug 19th, 2002, 08:44:03 PM
Zeke grinned from his spot by the door.

"This is the closest thing I've had to family in years, and I know that all families go through rough times. But all families pull out of it, the love runs deeper than any hatred. We all give our props around here, like any family. And we'll still be a big happy family even after the longest period of conflict."

Salemn Lysce
Aug 19th, 2002, 10:22:49 PM
< Liam, I applaud and admire you for bringing this forward. Many of us have noticed this but none have made a say .. until this day. If you have not had this meeting, then I believe these "situations" would have gotten worse until eventually bitterness would grow among our hearts. >

Leaning against the wall, Salemn crossed her arms as her brown eyes gazed over each person that was present in the Council Room ... Each one had a history of their own - a life that held its share of sorrow, peace and knowledge.

Chase Starwalker
Aug 19th, 2002, 11:18:52 PM
By the wall a figure watched without words. He continued to listen in as his fellow Jedi voiced thier concerns.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 20th, 2002, 02:06:29 AM
He listened and took in what was said by most. It was evident that some of what was being voiced applied to him personally, but not intentionally of course - though he imainged recent events would have been part of the trigger of this meeting. Still, he had to agree that the Order was slowly dividing within, and some were beginning to frown upon others.

To this, he said only one thing:

"United we stand, divided we fall."

Kelt Simoson
Aug 20th, 2002, 05:40:42 AM
Kelt nodded in understanding and looked to his friend Sasquian and then back to Liam. ' I must apologise for my words to you the past day or so....it was not my intention to hurt or anger nay...please accept my sorrow. He bowed toards the Jedi Master.

Aug 20th, 2002, 05:44:38 AM
"I agree with Zeke, but will modify one thing. This is my family." Satine says, leaning against one of the darker corners, the brightness of his silver hair the only indication of who it was that was there.

"And I believe there is nothing we can't work out or overcome. And yes, we have to do some growing up..."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 20th, 2002, 01:48:00 PM
:: A figure leant lonely against a wall near all of them he crossed his eyes and stood silent listening to their every word, he didn't comment for now...but what master Liam brought up...was an excellent point...who should've had been brought long ago.::

Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 20th, 2002, 02:09:14 PM
Taa watched the others talk...a look of utter confusion on her face.

Vanair Sharkan
Aug 20th, 2002, 03:00:03 PM
"To that I will agree." Vanair came out of the shadows. "I beg this council's pardon. I know that I am not a master nor have I been recognized to speak by this council. However I will say my peace." Vanair looks around at the council with a disgusted look on his face. "You hypocrits. You preach about humility and speak about forgiveness. Yet you yourselves try to sit in judgement. You speak harshly and stupidly. You near destroy the spirit of a person that has done nothing but good since she has been here. A person who is one of my closest and dearest friends. A person who has more humility and good in her than the rest of this council put together. Now I tell you this. I will not stand for this any longer. Anyone who has a grievance with what I say, draw your saber and we will settle it here and now." Vanair placed his hand on his saber and waited for anyone to take his challenge.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 20th, 2002, 03:48:01 PM
"Did Liam's words fall upon deaf ears?"

Her eyes narrowed at Vanair.

"We do not take arms against one another and you should also think of what you speak before it is said. You have grievances against the Council?"

Navaria stood up and walked to the center of the room, her eyes never wavering from Vanair's.

"I have stood up for Xazor many times when others would not or could not, as have others that now sit with her. If you would let your anger subside, you would know that to be true as Xazor knows it as well.

I do not speak for all of the Council but I speak for myself as a Jedi and as a person that I will not tolerate accusations to myself, my friends and family when they have done no wrong."

The Knight herself had not been present when the news of Dasquian's and Xazor's affair had been presented. Never the less, the news spread like wild fire. Most in the Order knew about it now, including Navaria. She did not agree with how their union came to be but it was said and done. Nothing could be changed. All she could do now what aid in the ramifications of that day in the Council Chambers and help her friend out as much as possible.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 20th, 2002, 04:17:39 PM
Xazor was a bit shocked when her friend barged into the Council Chambers....ready to take up arms for her. She blushed slightly and sat back in her Council Chair....eyeing the rest as he spoke. Her eyes came to rest upon his though, when he was finished. She thought it wonderful that Vanair would stand up for her.....but she did not want him catching heat for doing so.

A woman wiser than she stood up and began speaking.....her good friend and Mentor, Navaria. A smile crossed the young Knight's lips at her words and she nodded in agreement. Her heart still ached from the incidents of the day in the Council Chambers....but it was something that she had to deal with and was dealing with. Hopefully others would see her the same as she was before.....but perhaps would see the fact that she was silently yelling for help. Lowering her head and letting her eyes fall to the floor, she sighed silently.

"Indeed.....many a times you have spoken on my behalf, Navaria....I cannot honestly think of a time when you have been present and have not...."

Xazor smiled as she looked up at her fellow Council Member. Rising from her seat once again, the Knight made her way over to Navaria and Vanair, and stopped, eyeing the rest of those gathered in the room. Indeed.....many did not like her but she was loved by those that did. Shifting her gaze to Navaria's face, she smiled warmly.

"I know you do not approve of things that I have done.....but you do not comdemn either.....and for that I am eternally grateful. You are a model to me and to the rest of the Jedi.....I just wish others would follow your example......"

Shade Magus
Aug 20th, 2002, 06:03:35 PM
Shade stood from his seat on the floor and spoke what was on his heart.

"Fellow Jedi, I myself am not the perfect Jedi and there are others who will agree....."

Shade glanced at Verse with a grin.

"....and I do not wish to bring up hold memories, nor do I wish to brag, but it has been said in the past few days that I have matured as a Jedi and even become more with the Force because of my actions towards Xazor and Dasquain upon my returning. I ask you now, what would become of the Jedi if everyone did that? True we need to be warriors, but not against each other. As Alpha said, this is his family just as well as yours and mine. I ask all the Jedi now to make thier choice to stand as one or fall alone."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 20th, 2002, 06:39:12 PM
Kindo walked into he middle of the conversation and removed his sword from it's sheath, the blade gleaming with the given light. He held up his sword for all the Jedi to see, and then threw it to the ground.

" Fellow Jedi, sometimes we become so arrogant and prideful, we forget what being a Jedi is all about. We get wrapped up in our fights, we forget the real battle is within our own territory, against each other. Has I have also learned, love comes first, and if we can love each other and reign victorious within, outside of these walls we will make an unbelievable diffrence. I love all of you, with all of my heart, and that comes first. "

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 20th, 2002, 06:43:57 PM
:: Lance didn't add a word to this conversation...he didn't want to make this worst then it already is..::

Liam Jinn
Aug 20th, 2002, 07:33:56 PM
The Jedi Master sighed.

"Vanair, you have just further proven my point."

He shook his head, still listening to others comments.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 20th, 2002, 08:15:25 PM
::Verse nodded his head agreeing with Liam.::

"Vanair, the fact you stand up for my daughter warms my heart. The fact that you insulted the council leaves a taste in my mouth that makes me want to spit. The issue of what Xazor has done is closed. That is not teh reason for the topic. Instead of trying to start a fight, why not do something useful? Like work to solve problems without pointing fingars and calling names. If you can't do that I have another Idea you coudl do to make yourself useful. Keep you mouth shut."

::Verse had kept a cool head during the past few discussions. The Jedi Knight took his daughters side, and tried to keep tempers down. This Jedi had alot to learn if he wished to further his career as a Jedi. He had not said what he did out of anger, nor did he get loud and wished to hurt feelings. The younge man simply was out of line. Nav had said something, but somethings something had to be said more than once. Verse knew he may get in trouble with a couple of the council memebers, but odds were most would agree with him on that subject.::

"I do not wish to insult you. I just do not wish you to travel down the path of hate like so many have. Being so defensive was being to make you be on a offensive. That is the Dark Side. The council has said nothing about Xazor sence she brought it up. Taking a stand now is misplaced and wrong. I ask you to stand down as a worried comrade. Please, calm yourself and think wisely before you speak."

Shade Magus
Aug 21st, 2002, 05:22:04 PM
Shade stood back as the others spoke to this Vanair. He did not know him so he would not stand in the way as long as things did not get out of control.

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:59:47 AM
"No, this is not the path to unity... " stated coming forward "In fact I have seen only the tendrils of disunity and distrust exhibited. There is only one way to bring unity and that is for all to make a change in the way they think"

"My husband, whom some of you know, although he prefers not to be seen or heard, but is still a wise and powerful Jedi - he has the power and force fo will to take control of this order and yet, even if he sees there would be much to gain for himself and others, he will not and even more, he has stated here and in oath, that he is not higher than the Order. I am not higher than the order. Neither is any of you gathered here. There is no need to be a herd, but if you would only know in your hearts, that a Jedi serves and puts all others first. There is no need to be all as one, for that will only be natural if you only know that a Jedi lives to serve. And for the Jedi of this Order, I will tell you something else that may sound counter that what I have said, but I think you will see the wisdom in this - the Jedi need leadership. You need guidance. There is no one leading the way. And for that, there should be The Council. Three Master and 5 Knights who shoulld be guidance and leaders for us. You can not depend on one, even if he was willing anymore, for I know he is not. The Council must stand forth and give the Jedi unity of purpose and direction. This is what we lack and this is what I say the Council must do. If the Council does this, then simply put, we will united in purpose. And I will add, disputes must come before the Council and others must let The Council dcide, for I have heard too many speak out of turn!

The Council is not an honour or a privledge. It is a duty and a hard one. And The Council in turn deserves what I would say now - Marcus Q'Dunn, whom it is said is the greatest among us, he has placed himself at the foot of the Council and he has sworn loyalty and service to it. I would say to the Council use what he has offered! If he has placed himself under under your direction, then.... who are we not to do likewise? I too state I am not above others and I too swear my loyalty and service to The Council and to all Jedi.

If you were all to do that, then this debate becomes mute quickly. I would lastly say that to be a Jedi here, it should be something you do if you wish to be part of The Order. As I wish to, I now do as I say. I swear to uphold the Greater Jedi Order!"

I hoped others would see what I was saying. The Council had Marcus' oath, why were they not calling on it? Well, they had mine now and in a way, it was a challenge not only to them, but to the Jedi as well.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:00:37 AM
Dasquian narrowed his eyes as the one known as 'Vanair' spoke. He provoked a challenge through his anger for some others manner of treating Xazor, and at this he couldn't help but be displeased. There would be no problem solved by violence amongst the members - that was the whole point of this meeting, to settle grievances in a diplomatic manner, thus rebonding the group as a whole.

"Your defense of Xazor is uncalled for," he said, speaking up as he watched the proceedings.

"By stepping in such a manner to her side, you are only justifying further the idea that we are becoming unique clans within the Order, instead of one unified group. Proposing a challenge or duel to your own comrades, based upon anger and terms of negativity..."

Dasquian sighed somewhat. He agreed with Verse on most of what he spoke, so fell silent at this point, folding his arms over his chest as he glanced around the room.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 22nd, 2002, 11:43:40 AM
We are united under a great purpose, as guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy.

:: Anbira at last spoke, his hands resting lightly on the armrests of his chair ::

This does not require us to think alike. You see disagreement as a curse. I see it as a virtue. A river travels inexorably forward, even if its tributaries explore the areas around it. Without dissent, there would be no change. Without change, the Jedi shall surely fail.

:: He sighed ::

I have no regrets for agreeing or disagreeing with any of you. When time comes for action, you will know where I shall stand.

Liam Jinn
Aug 22nd, 2002, 01:42:51 PM
Liam nodded, taking in the new comments.

"Disagreements can help sometimes, but only hinder progress at other times."

He said, addressing Anbira. He turned to Helenias and sighed.

"Marcus declined to be on the council, and if he is to be on it, then he shall have to wait til next election. Maybe the Council can guide the Jedi a bit more, though that is not the only problem I see. Lack of training might also be to blame, perhaps. Why do we not set up a list or something of the sort, of what to be learned by a padawan during it's training?

Also, it may be said that Marcus is the greatest among us, but it does not mean it is the truth. I believe that the greatest among us would be Master Yoghurt or Master Figrin, though Marcus is still a great Jedi."

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:55:34 PM
"Excuse me!" Came a quiet voice from the door to the council chamber, there stood a little boy who had been listening to the conversation since almost the beginning. He stepped inside with hesitation, he had previously decided to stay quiet and hear what others had to say and although he didn't want to come across as rude he felt the need to speak up.

"Forgive my interuption," He began, giving a brief bow to the group of elders. "I couldn't help but overhear what was being said and as such felt it my duty and responsibility to contribute to the discussion."

He hesitated and took a glance about the room at those in attendance trying to recall that which had been said, his nose wrinkled for an instant as he thought and with eyes narrowed in concentration he voiced his thoughts.

"I'd like to ask for a brief review of what problem this discussion is actually tackling because at the moment our problem and it's cause don't seem to be truly identified and what has been said seems nothing more than rheotric to me and I mean no offense in saying that, I might be misinterpretting the discussion but--" He hesitated. Had he stepped the line? Was he being rude or ill-mannered? Regardless, if he simply silenced himself he would appear a greater fool and with a calming sigh he continued.

"--Well, people disagree all the time; it is human nature and the nature of all beings to challenge both each others opinions and ideas. Therefore I challenge that which has been said today because I believe it to be my obligation to bring forth my own concerns; it is not wrong to object to that which is said by another Jedi, even the wisest of Jedi aren't infallable." He paused to collect his thoughts, he felt his words wandering and brought himself right back to his point.

"It was when my master spoke that I came to what I would call a revelation. We are attacking each other? We are confrontational and unruly? We, the Jedi, are in a state of chaos? I say this is not the case; I believe, we, the Jedi Order are in a state of change and with time, like all things in harmony with the Force, we evolve. I am no seer, but it is in my opinion that the reason behind this current state of what some would describe as turmoil is that we are changing, we are evolving."

The young padawan felt awkward now because he believed he was spewing rhetoric after not fully comprehending the discussion anyway. But he collected his thoughts and presented a conclusion.

"Change is new to us all and we all adapt in our own respective ways but mark this, my father says, 'A man should never be afraid of change, of the future, unless he learns to embrace his future; his destiny? Otherwise he will never grow.' Similarly, I believe we are in a transition of growth and because this is new to us, each Jedi is dealing with it in ways that conflict with others. Everything is changing even as we speak, the Force itself is changing and this is a reminder that the Jedi Order must move on to face the future lest we be left behind in the past."

Kelt Simoson
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:52:11 PM
' I agree with you Loki...' came Kelts voice softly ' However i do not see the point in evolving in such a manor where we feel the need to fight and shout at eatchother, that it for the Sith to do...not we the Jedi... Kelt said looking at the them, catching the eye of eatch and everyone of there faces to draw them into his words.

' If we are to evolve as a community, TOGETHER.'. He nearly shouted the word "together" to bolden the word. 'Then we must work TOGETHER to sort the problem at hand...this is not a simple discussion that we can throw away like a rubbish that we do not need...this argument, disagreement whatever you want to call it will nibble at our souls till it bursts out again in the future...it should be started now, discussed now...and ended now before this argument can grow in our hearts like some time-bomb waiting to explode...everytime we argue or have a disagreement this will continue to grow untill its way out of our hands to stop it....then it will be chaos.' He said quietly as if he felt he had no right to say as a Padawan.

'Just because Dasquian is a Knight...or' He looked around and cought Anbira' eyes gesturing to him..' Or Master Anbira is a master....Rank does not come into play here...were are a close knigt family..fighting will only feed to arguement...let it grow and it will destroy you...kill it now and it cannot halm anymore....dont let it slide Loki..we should discuss it...and put all our minds at peace.' He said looking around at the rest of his friends.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 22nd, 2002, 06:01:13 PM
Loki sighed now frustrated.

"What exactly is this problem that has raised this discussion?" He asked with desperation, sometimes it seemed Jedi had a tendency to talk in riddles and for a ten year old child this was a handicap.

"Who are arguing? Who are fighting and shouting? Unless I am absolutely ignorant of what goes on within the order or it may be that I am not privy to the latest gossip then I don't think there is such a huge problem. I really don't. I'm sorry but we cannot force everyone to think alike, this is not some sort of facist dictatorship or some sort of totalitarian ruling; we are Jedi, yes, but at the same time we are individuals."

Kelt Simoson
Aug 22nd, 2002, 06:03:58 PM
'If this is not a big problem Loki...then why are we here...now..today?...' Kelt said looking down at the child.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 22nd, 2002, 06:08:45 PM
"If what is not a big problem, Kelt?" He asked in return, the boy would probably need it spelling out for him but what he had heard so far has been nothing more than vague and rhetorical.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 06:20:59 PM
What was the point of all of this? wondered Marcus. He was really getting the feeling no one was........

Ooooooh. Of course.

"He with ears, let him listen. Please, all of you. Understand what is not happening here. It is like listening to a holo on repeat. All the points are valid, but what is it that is not happening - not just now, but in a discussion in these halls earlier? I felt when I spoke, you nodded your head to acknowledge understanding... then ignored what I warned of. I feel this has happened yet again here.

We all think differently. That is good, but in purpose we are united. You say this, but it does not sound like it is believed. I may be wrong - I hope I am wrong. I hear good words, but.... where is the intent and actions to back them up?"

Liam Jinn
Aug 22nd, 2002, 06:40:08 PM
"Loki, the problem is that people have been taking way too much offense to others opinions, and in certain cases, those people have responded with violence and/or anger."

Master Yoghurt
Aug 23rd, 2002, 07:24:48 AM
"Dear friends"

A voice called out from the opposite side of the Council Chamber. The Jedi Master had attentively listened to what everyone had said. So much energy spent debating, yet so many matters of importance attending to. The old Jedi Master thoughtfully folded his hands, as he pondered the past, the present.. and the future.

"Long time have I watched the Jedi Order. Grown and prospered we have. Conversely, I sense the Dark Forces of the Sith are retreating.. spiralling into disorganised chaos. Let us not extend the Sith the favor of inner conflict. Towards one another, there should be loyalty and respect. For in the moment of triumph, we should not fight each other, but focus on our true enemies.."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 23rd, 2002, 08:58:23 AM
:: Lance listened for once to what master Yoghurt had to say...his wisedom was great and Lance admired to green pointy eared midget, he tilted his head to the side and stopped leaning against the wall to listen with more care.::

Xazor Elessar
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:04:55 AM
Xazor smiled as Master Yoghurt spoke. She held a great respect for the green skined Jedi Master...but had only spoken with him on a few occasions. Rising from her seat, the Knight made her way to him and bowed, then took one knee before him...lowering her head.

"I suppose I am the root of this discussion, Great Master. There was a situation in the Council Chambers which I am sure you're aware of where...I recieved criticism and reacted with anger. I am sorry for my actions for it was not Jedi-like at all. I think that we need guidance now...so that we may offer our Order guidance. Only then can we find unity instead of this needless dissension..."

She said softly as she sat there. Looking up momentarily, she waited for some response of his or others...for she was deeply sorry...

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:21:20 AM
Navaria placed a hand on Xazor's shoulders but addressed everyone gathered.

"The time for blame and guilt is to be set aside. The future is always in motion and it is up to us Jedi to make sure it stays on the path of the Light... With the beings we have sworn to protect... And that includes each other."

She paused to let the words sink in.

"This Council will always listen to the concerns of its members and stand by the decision it makes. We cannot be everywhere at once, which is why we rely on everyone's cooperation and skill in working together.

Master Yoghurt is correct about the Sith waning in strength but there will always be new challenges and dark forces emerging. Internal fighting will only make us miss those signs and take away our opportunities in confronting that evil.

But do not forget the ideals that makes us Jedi in that war. We are compassionate and understanding individuals that put the needs of others before ourselves. Including to our fellow brethren here at the Order."