View Full Version : A Training Partner?

Feliciana Devano
Aug 18th, 2002, 09:49:54 AM
Feliciana walked into the Training Grounds, looking around at everyone who was busy working on this and that...refining their skills and things of the such. Sighing, she walked over to a large rock and perched herself upon it, looking out over the vastness of the Grounds. It seemed as though everyone had somebody here....and with Sasha gone for some time, the young woman felt like she was alone.

Word had been sent out to the Apprentices to find a training partner, but when it came to that time...Feliciana felt left out in the cold. Who would want to be my partner...my friend? she thought over and over again in her mind. The thoughts got to her for a while until she pushed them away and decided to go searching for a partner. Perhaps someone would happen to find her and ask...

Salem Ave
Aug 18th, 2002, 11:53:52 AM
A figure approached Felicia. Watching the girl, it seemed to hiss out its breathes hungrily, yet at the same time looked to be nervous of her presence. After a short while of watching her, the black robe moved its way towards her more quickly, rising from its stoop to a height of nigh on 6 foot 7 inches.

"Misssss Devano,"

The hood moved away to reveal a boy, of 19, with solid black eyes and the whitest skin of any man. Two pin fangs pried over his lower lip as he spoke.

"You sss-eek a trrraining parrrtner?"

Feliciana Devano
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:07:14 PM
Felicia's eyes were fixed upon the ground until a stranger came up to her. Smiling slightly, she nodded.

"Indeed.....I have been searching for a few days now.....you wouldn't happen to be interested, would you?"

She questioned with a hopeful tone. Her gaze shifted to try to see his face....but she was unsuccessful in doing so. He was a curious fellow....and she hoped that he wished to be her Training Partner...and maybe even friend.....

Salem Ave
Aug 23rd, 2002, 02:32:35 AM
One hand moved rather jaggedly down into the folds of the dark cloak he wore, retrieving a dark metallic cylinder. He gave a still impassive look at he lifted it into the air, canting it towards Felicia -- before igniting it. The saber, crafted by Jeseth Cloak, was crimson and burned violently in the air, with passion previously unnoted to such a weapon.


Feliciana Devano
Sep 13th, 2002, 04:01:14 PM
Feliciana rose from her seat and stepped away from her fellow Apprentice, then drew her saber from her belt. A finger slipped over the ignition switch and a silver blade shot forth from the black and blue hilt. She grinned as Death hummed in her hand with a violent sound.

"Good......bring it on......"

She taunted, backing away from him once again. Her eyes were fixed upon her target and suddenly she lept at him, slashing hard to his right shoulder, then bringing it across to his left with a quick spin. This was not the first time she had faught with a saber, so she was fairly skilled in the art.....now she would learn new things through this self-training.......

ooc: Sorry it has taken me soooo long to reply, but as you know, I got busy and could not reply with both Xazor and Fel...so this was on the back burner. >_<