View Full Version : Havjing A Bad Dajy....
Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 18th, 2002, 09:37:36 AM
*An attracive young Cizerack made her way into the Jedi Bar. Her eyes shot about the place...looking for somewhere to sit. Finally locating a table near the center of the room, Kaia made her way there and was just about to sit down when a man rose from his seat, and nearly knocked her over.*
"How rrrude of jyou, hjuman! Do jyou know who jI am?"
*He canted his head to the side and simply laughed at the inferiated felinoid. Sighing, she sat down in the chair and placed her elbows on the table, then propped her head up in her hands. Sighing once again to let all around her know that she was unhappy, she waited for a service droid. Once rolled up and beeped obnoxiously until she spoke.*
"Alrrrjight alrrrjight! jI'll have....a Bloodjy Marrrjy..."
*She smiled toothily as it buzzed away with her order. No one seemed to be paying attention to her at all....something she was not used to for having been the Princess of the felinoid tribes on Eden. Sighing, she let her tail droop behind her and her ears fall slightly limp. Just as she was falling into a state of feeling sorry for herself, the droid returned with her order. As she was about to take it from the machine's tray...the droid lurched forward...sending the drink into the Cizerack's lap.*
"Arrrrrrrrrgh! jYou ssstjupjid machjine!"
*Kaia cursed it a few times as she grabbed some napkins and cleaned herself up. She was ready to cry when she suddenly figured that she had made a big enough everyone was looking at her. With a snarl, she sat down upon the chair and rested her head in her hands again...wishing that she was having a better day....*
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 18th, 2002, 06:36:17 PM
"are you ok, Miss? You look like luck is bad."
Wei sat down across from her.
"Want to talk about it? Talking about your problems often makes you feel better."
Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 18th, 2002, 07:01:34 PM
(Suddenly a voice rang out in her sensitive ears and made her look up suddenly. Her eyes then rested upon the young male across from her and she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.)
"jI'm alrrrjight.....jussst havjing a bad dajy. Everrrjythjing ssseemsss to be gojing wrrrong, no matterrr what jI do...."
(She purred the words softly, keeping her eyes on the stranger. He seemed nice enough, perhaps she could trust him......a little. Shifting her eyes to the tabletop, she sighed and looked up at him curiously.)
"Mjy name jisss Kajiasssssssssurrrji Cjissssssarrronji.....bjut jyou can call me Kajia. What jisss jyourrr name?"
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 19th, 2002, 10:59:19 AM
"Wei Wu Wei. Most call me Wei, or Wu Wei." Wei smiled at her.
"Bad days happen. Care to talk about what bad things have already happened today?"
Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 19th, 2002, 02:45:03 PM
(Kaia looked at Wei and smiled toothily with a nod.)
"Nothjing mjuch....jjussst that ssstjupjid machjine djumped mjy drrrjink all over me. Sssomeone rrran into me when jI wasss trjyjing to sssjit down. jI'm a prrrjincessssss! jI ssshould be trrreated wjith morrre djignjitjy."
(She said softly and honestly, not sure if Wei would care much about her problems and the things going wrong in her world. She was used to being treated with a lot of love and affection...she was spoiled....and now she was away from all of that and not used to how people treated a "common" Cizerack...)
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 19th, 2002, 06:23:23 PM
Wei nodded. "A princess? That is an honor. People shoudl at least treat you with more respect."
Wei hated to see women frown. He remembered what his Grandfather taught him.
"Wu Wei," Grandpa would say. "Women of all types are delicate things. Both Physically and emotionally. A man is built to take abuse, also bothe physically and emotionally. Therefore, it is your duty as a man to bear the woman's burden. If a woman is about to be beat up, or if she is having a bad day, you step in and defend her. Heal her."
That advice rang in Wei's ears as he listenend to the Cizerack female.
"Well, is there anything I can do to make you feel better, miss?"
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:09:14 PM
Oh jisssn't he ssso attentjive?
Taa came bustling in, setting aside a datapad and a shopping bag as she flopped into a nearby seat, a roaming hand squeezing at his thigh. She winked to Kaia.
He'sss handsssome too.
She smiled toothily, adjusting her glasses. arrre jyou dojing?? Busssjinessssss awajy frrrom Prrrjide Terrrrrrjitorrrjy?
Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 21st, 2002, 01:36:08 PM
(Kaia shook her head and sighed.)
"jIf jyou would bujy me anotherrr drrrjink, that would make me feel betterrr."
(Suddenly her new friend Taa, entered the Bar and came rushing over to them...immediatly beginning to flirt with Wei. Her eyes widened slightly as she saw her grab his leg...but she paid no mind to it.)
"jI am dojing well, Taa......yesss busssjinessssss awajy from the Prjide Terrrrrrjitorrrjy. jIf jyou consssjiderrr thjisss.....busssjinesss....."
(Kaia grinned toothily and scooted her chair around the side of the table...a bit closer to the young man. Her eyes fell upon his face and then shifted to Taa momentarily. Perhaps her day was already brightening up.....)
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 21st, 2002, 05:16:10 PM
Wei smiled at Kaia's request, and moved away from Taa's hand.
"Miss Taa, please keep your hands to yourself."
then he turned to Kaia. "What would you like to drink?"
She suddenly looked to be a lot closer now.
Aug 21st, 2002, 05:21:00 PM
A little girl, about the age of ten, saunted into the B&G with a huge smile on her face. A catlike costume adorned her .. much like the terrible attempt of someone trying to impersonate a Cizerack. Wearing "paw gloves" and "paw slippers", a fake tail hung loosely from her rump. Patches of fur were sewn on randomly, and cat ears were settled on her red hair.
Meltina was about to go up to the bartender and ask for some fruit punch, despite the fact that her head didn't even reach the counter top. That's when female voices drifted towards her ear. Normally, the child would've paid no heed, except for the fact that they were Cizeracks.
Immediately her head snapped towards where they sat, and her smile turned into a grin. Her blue eyes sparkled a bit with mischeif as she ran over to them, her 'paws' making a slight thumping noise.
"Hji!" She yelled out, skidding to a stop. The bells on her waist jingled slightly as she looked at the two Cizerack then at the man, then back towards the Cizeracks.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 21st, 2002, 08:31:52 PM
"Hello, little one," Wei said, smiling. "And what is your name? You must be a Cizerack, by the look of you," he said, touching her nose with his index finger.
Aug 21st, 2002, 09:56:36 PM
Beaming with pride at the man's remark, Meltina puffed out her chest slightly.
"Mjy name jisss Meltjina, and jyou?"
One of her cat ears began to sag.
Aug 21st, 2002, 10:28:13 PM
Liga entered the bar and grill, bare feet softly padding their way to Weis table. She smiled down at the other Cizeracks there and at the Jedi more so.
May jI jojin you?
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Aug 21st, 2002, 11:14:02 PM
Seer wandered in with Morrouw in her arms and couldn't help but notice the large gathering of female Cizerack around one male. She chuckled softly before she walked over and sat at a close by table.
"And what jisss ssso jinterrrestjing about thjisss one male that has attrrracted hjim all thjisss attentjion?"
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:22:59 AM
"jIt'sss not hjim that'sss interrressstjing, it'sss usss."
Ending the sentence another big grin, Meltina reached behind her and grabbed hold of her fake tail, twisting it nervously. She wasn't used to being around so Cizeracks at one time that she found herself becoming shy.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 22nd, 2002, 12:51:15 PM
Wei looked about as more Cizerack females came to the table where he was. It was a little more than awkwad to be paid so much attention by so many ladies.
"My name is Wei Wu Wei," He said. "I know, Taa, and Miss Kaia, and little Meltina. Who may I ask are the rest of you?"
Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:34:29 PM
(Kaia smiled to herself and watched as the others conversed. She then remembered something and got up, running out of the Bar and Grill.)
ooc: Sorry guys....I have another thread going and it has to do with this....but the right person responded :lol
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:04:46 PM
Wei watched as Kaia suddenly got up and left. "She must be feeling better. I'm glad of that."
Wei felt his throat go dry. "Is there a serving droid around? I would surely like a glass of water."
Aug 22nd, 2002, 06:47:54 PM
Ljigaurrrrrrrrraa Aakaarrrrrrrrruusssssso Toothy smile
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 22nd, 2002, 06:50:08 PM
"Nice to meet you," Wei said, returning her smile.
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:17:27 PM
Ssseerrrrrrasssssseeji Tsssssseerrrrrra and thjisss jisss mjy ssson, Morrrrrrouw.....
She said quietly as she moved a bit of her hair out of the reach of her son's grasp.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 24th, 2002, 09:55:40 PM
Wei smiled and shook Seer's hand. "Good to meet you miss."
Then he turned to her son. "Nice to meet you too." Wei offered the little one his index finger to hold. "Little kids are great."
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:03:06 PM
"jIt'sss alwajysss good to meet new people and jyesss, cubsss arrre grrreat but qujite a handful at tjimesss."
She made a slight growl at her son as he tried to put Wei's finger in his mouth. The cub made a small growl of disapproval at his mother's interference. Morrouw had a habit of biting now that figured out how loud his prey would yell but only with strangers. With his mother, he never tried nor did he with Seer's mate, Kitssarri but strangers were fair game. Seer ran her fingers through Morrouw's hair as she purred softly and offered her necklace within his reach to play with. The cub grabbed it and mewled softly, completely forgetting his biting game.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 25th, 2002, 12:24:48 PM
Wei laughed. It was fun to watch little Morrouw play. "So I have heard. Maybe someday I'll have children. But for now, I am training as a Jedi."
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Aug 26th, 2002, 10:22:19 AM
jI hadn't jintended upon havjing a cub jyet beforrre Morrrrrouw, ljife had other planssss jit ssseemsss but jI wouldn't change what happened forrr anjythjing. Honessstljy jI would gjive mjy ljife to prrrotect hjim.
She smiled as she watched her son play, the cub was quite cute as he played with her necklace, mewling softly and flutttering his ears happily.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 26th, 2002, 02:15:34 PM
"Yes, children are wonderful..." his voice trailed off. Wei leaned back in his chair and wondered where a serving droid was to be found.
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Aug 27th, 2002, 03:56:04 PM
Seer's tail swishes back and forth softly behind her, silently she wondered why Wei had trailed of as if preoccupied by his thoughts. Still Seer didn't like awkward silences so she spoke again.
Ssso what brrrjingsss jyou to thjisss place?
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 27th, 2002, 05:03:48 PM
"I got hungry. A little thirsty too." Wei's throat was dry. It sure made it hard to talk.
"Where is that serving droid?"
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:06:37 AM
Hmmm, generrralljy whjy jI come herrre too, but usssualljy Kjit goesss and getsss food orrr drrrjinksss sssjince the ssserrrverrr drrrojidsss take forrreverrr.....
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 28th, 2002, 06:01:28 PM
Wei nodded. He stood up and looked around. "Where are those things?" he muttered. Then he sat back down again. Wei knew they took foreverm but he had to be patient. And wait.
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Aug 29th, 2002, 02:37:31 PM
Seer yawned, it was true the droids were taking too long. Finally she noticed one was passing by after filling a previous order and pulled it over.
Therrre, got one......
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 29th, 2002, 03:13:04 PM
"Thanks, Seer. I would like the biggest glass of water you have." Wei really needed something to quench his thirst.
"Ladies, place orders now. This might be the best chance you have to get sustenance."
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Aug 29th, 2002, 03:33:00 PM
JI would ljike a pjitcherrr of waterrr and a glasssss......
She grimaced slightly, one thing she did miss was being able to drink liquor but with a cub it was unwise.
Wei Wu Wei
Aug 29th, 2002, 05:28:39 PM
"Anyone else?" Wei asked, holding the droid firmly in place.
"I swear, The Bar and Grill needs to update."
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