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View Full Version : "I wanna go home...: (open)

Aug 17th, 2002, 01:26:52 PM
The wee little Kindermor drug his feet as he entered the lively pub. Sliff's head hung low and his tiny shoulder's drooped as he made his way to an empty table. Sadness was a lonely friend that Sliff had a hard time shaking over the last few month's. How he would dream night after night of the day when he could finally return back to his home on Kelpus, to see his family once again, their smile's and long stories of great adventure's, not to mention all the delicious food he could eat and carry with him once he left. But that was a just a dream, a fading dream at that. He was wanted there...Wanted for a crime that was self defense in Sliff's eye's.

The Kindermor slowly climbed up into a chair were he turned around and sighed. Resting his head on the table he wrapped his little arm's around his face as if to hide himself for the moment.

"I'll never get to see my home again...I, I miss my mama and papa..." Sliff whispered to himself as image's came flooding into his troubled mind. The smell of the fresh grassland's and the flower's by the hovel he called home, running and playing with what he called his "Bestest's of friend's." Soon this all faded slowly as slumber put her gentle arm's about him...Only the bitter tear's that moistened his rosy cheek's remained...

"I, I just wanna go home..." Sliff mumbled as he began to slip off into that all familiar dream he loathed.

Mistress Tatiana
Aug 18th, 2002, 11:35:05 PM
The doors to the Jedi bar opened wide revealing a woman clothed in a black and red suite. Her pale, porceline like face and dark eyes told all in the bar what she was... a vampyre!

Tatiana paused as she looked about, then let the doors close behind her. She'd heard a great deal about the bar and grill. Her lover and Master, Soth, had told her how he and the other vampyres had plotted and carried out the demolision of this precious meeting place for the Jedi. She knew they would be watching her every move closely.

She took a seat at the bar and ordered a strong drink. She raised her glass to her lips and was about to enjoy her drink when she felt immense sorrow flood her mind. She had an unusual ability to
center in on the sorrows and hurts of others. She used that weakness as a weapon against those she preyed upon.

A small sob reached her ears from beside her. She looked over and saw a little man crying and mumbling something about how he missed his home. She listened to him while he talked to his drink. As he took a pause in his thoughts, she spoke. "And where is home little one?" The creatures little face slowly looked up at hers. His teary eyes met with her dark ones.

Aug 19th, 2002, 10:24:17 PM
Sliff lifted his head slowly when he heard the smooth even voice of a strange woman speaking to him. Wiping his small pink nose with the sleeve of his shirt, Sliff propped himself up. At first the woman's form was blurry to the Kindermor, so he rubbed his teary eye's with the back's of his hand's. Sliff sat back in his chair for a moment as his blue eye's adjusted to the dimly lit room about him. He was somewhat surprised to see a striking woman seated at his table, and oddly, he didn't even hear the chair move along the wooded floor when she had sat down.

"Ahh, hi..." Was all that came out of the Kindermor in a low but small feeble voice. Sliff was amazed to see all the beautiful women that frequented this bar and grill. Obviously, there had to be some kind of local beauty pageant that was being held over the weekend, Sliff thought to himself as he just stared at the lovely woman in front of him. Her skin was like the finest marble, flawless...Perfect! Sliff was also captivated with the sweet smell that filled his sense's as he leaned into the table. She would defiantly win first prize if she was competing, that's if Sliff had any say so in it.

"Umm, Are you an angel of some kind lady...Sent to me to take me back home and stuff?...Sliff whispered to Tatiana as he rested his wee little face in the palm's of his hand's. His eye's became distant, forgetting her question to where he was from.

"I would like that very much...You can...Cuz I wanna go right now if you don't mind..." Sliff paused for a moment then continued.

"I'm ah suffering pretty bad here angel lady." The Kindermor word's came out in a mutter as he finished. He didn't know whether he was dreaming or just plain beat from running around, taking care of everybody's lost belonging's...A full time job that could wear a Kinder out in no time at all...

Mistress Tatiana
Aug 23rd, 2002, 05:12:27 PM
Tatiana could feel the creature's sorrow as he gazed up at her. She took note of how outspoken the Kindermore was to a stranger such as herself. He was very trusting of her. Indeed he would be an easy target for a meal! She was certain she could lure him away from the bar and take his life force. She became excited at this new prospect. If she suceeded, this would be the first time she made a kill without the assistance of her Master and Lover, Soth. "You poor dear. So much pain for someone so small." Her sympathy for the small Kindermore was far from sincere.

She smiled down at the small creature careful not to reveal her sharp fangs to him. "Yes, you can say I'm an angel here to help you." An angel of death she thought to herself, but there was no need for him to know of such details. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tatiana. I travel the galaxy in search of those who are in need like yourself. I take their pain away and make sure nothing ever hurts them again."

She leaned in closer to him, her chest lining up with his eyes. She began to twirl his little red curls of hair around her fingers. "Tell me little one, what is your name? And how does one so small come to venture out this far?"

Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:06:48 PM
Incredibly, Sliff's luck and fortune was taking a turn for the best. The Kindermor eye's immediately perked up as if a light had turned on at the precise moment the angel woman reveled the truth to him. Sliff had heard that there were real live Angel's from Ieago and now he was in the company of one! He even knew one, a beautiful angelic woman that went by the name of "Evangeleen Starbreeze." She even had wing's and strange solid white eye's to go with them.

Sliff sat up in his chair, the little frown he had moment's before now turned into an elated smile. And if Sliff's hunch was right, he might even get lucky enough to talk the angel creature into a ride on her back to his home planet. He would love seeing all the star's rush by as they flew at light speed, of course to stop here and there alone the way to say hi to some of the other strange inhabitant's they came across.

"Oohh goodie...I just knew you were an angel!...Yup yup!" The Kindermor quickly clapped his little hand's together with glee.

"I know another angel too...Her name is Evangeleen...She is sooo pretty!...Yeah,...Just like you miss Tatiana. Well, not quite as pretty, but pretty enough though." Sliff paused as he took a deep breath then continued spouting off at the mouth.

"I asked her if she'd give me a ride on her back and all...Cuz I knew she could fly, but she told me, No!" Sliff rolled his eye's as his face became animated with a mask of displeasure.

"And she even let me barrow a few feather's from her wing's and stuff...Yup!...I think she was molting at the time, but anyway...I'm Sliff!..." The Kindermor held out his stubby little hand to Tatiana as she leaned into him and touched his hair, curling Sliff's locket's of hair around her finger's as she did. Sliff blushed as she pressed herself closer to him...Not to mention her bosoms were smashing him...

"Hey lady!...Stop that! Everyone around here will think I'm trying to get fresh with you or something!...Tatiana only smiled at Sliff as he scooted back from her in his chair, giving her an odd look as he managed to break free for the time being.

"Look, I know angel's are friendly and all, but geez...I have a reputation too ya know." Sliff shot Tatiana a serious look, then the Kindermor scanned the room to see if they had drawn any unwanted attention to them self's. Then the Kindermor turned towards Tatiana and sighed.

"Well, anyway, as to how I got here...Well that's a very long story miss Tatiana...But I'll tell you what." Sliff smiled as his blue eye's began to sparkle once more.

"If you take me to my home, I'll tell you all about it alone the way! That way we won't get bored and stuff...What ah ya say?"

Mistress Tatiana
Sep 22nd, 2002, 11:37:55 PM
A look of surprise came upon her face when he mentioned Evangeleen Starbreeze. How is it that he knew of her, let alone having met her, for not even Tatiana had been given the pleasure of conversing with the fallen angel from Iego?Apparently, Sliff had been to more places then he cared to say.

Sliff began to fuss and create a scene as Tatiana leaned in towards him. "Forgive me Sliff." She tried to calm him down. She didn't want anyone to take notice that he was with her in case someone looked for him later. "I couldn't help myself. Your adorable feature were too much for me to resist. Here, let me buy you a drink to make up for it." He nodded to her with excitement. Whatever it was he was drinking, he enjoyed it very much. She smiled at him and called for the bar tender to bring another bottle for them. What she heard him say next, she couldn't believe!

This was too easy! Tatiana couldn't believe her luck. The little creature was actually volunteering to go with her off planet. Indeed, he would make a nice meal. "I would be more than happy to take you off planet Sliff." She slowly licked her lips, anticipating the taste of his blood.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 07:56:02 PM
The Kindermor shot the beautiful woman a cockeye'd glance as his head slightly tilted to one side. Sliff narrowed his large blue eye's in thought as she continued to speak. The woman was a bit annoying but the invitation to a free round of his favorite ale convinced him on the spot.

"Yeah...I suppose I am kinda handsome now you mention it." Sliff straightened up in his chair to make himself more presentable at Tatiana's flattering word's. And when the flamboyant woman mentioned the fact she would gladly take him to his home world, it caused Sliff eye's to widen like small saucer's.

"Really, really!..." The Kindermor exclaimed as he leaned into the table towards her. Now Sliff knew the true reason to why the woman was getting all seductive with him...It was painfully clear and obvious to the wee Kinder what was going on here as the seductress batted her pretty brown eye's at him. She needed a boyfriend!...

Sliff leaned back for a moment at the thought. His little lip's tightened as he eye'd Tatiana once more.

"Now...Let's get this straight right here and now angel woman...If I go with you on your ship and stuff...Well, there better not be no hanky-panky kinda stuff going on...I won't stand for it...Nope nope!..." Sliff crossed his tiny arm's together, trying to drive the point home with Tatiana.

Mistress Tatiana
Feb 3rd, 2003, 11:34:09 PM
Putting her hand to her chest, Tatiana pulled back with a look of surprise. "Of course not little one! I would never dream to do such a thing to anyone, let alone to someone as innocent as yourself." She made sure her words sounded as sincere as possible. He was just within her grasp, and to lose him now would bring to her such shame. Soth would be disapointed with her indeed. She wouldn't be able to face him.

It would have been much easier for her to just manipulate the little Kindermore's mind into doing her bidding, but his little thoughts were far too caotic for such Sith Magic. She knew if Soth had been there, he could have easily done so, but he had been doing such Sith Magic for centuries, while she had just begun to learn a few months ago. This didn't limit her abilities though. She still had a few tricks up her sleeve.

She began to send a wave of exhaustion towards Sliff. His bright blue eyes began to feel heavy causing him to struggle to stay awake. She began to speak to him in a soft melodic tone. "Tell you what little Sliff.... the night is almost done, and soon the sun will be rising over the trees. Come with me to my ship and take rest. I have a spare soft bed you could sleep in. And you needed worry about your home. I will make sure you are taken care of little one." She smiled as his tired little eyes looked into hers. Standing up from her stool, she reached out her hand to him. "Come Sliff, worry not anymore."

Feb 5th, 2003, 10:27:39 PM
The Kinder forced a weak smile as he tried to focus on beautiful angel woman. His head bobbled from side to side slightly as a wave of sleepiness fell over his mind. Looking down at the drink he clutched with his right hand, Sliff studied it for a brief moment then tossed the content's over his right shoulder.

"Wow, this stuff must have been a bad batch or something...Evil ole bartender!" Sliff muttered, his word's were now slurred as the glass slipped from his hand to the table. Just about then, the Kinders wee little body began to rotate in a slow counter clock wise motion.

"Everything so spiny...Weeee!..." The Kinder managed to finish right before his forehead thudded on the oaken table.

Mistress Tatiana
Feb 17th, 2003, 03:22:54 PM
She gently picked up his small form and carried him like a child out of the bar. She could feel the eyes of those in the room upon her, watching her every move carefully. It was not an uncommon thing to see people carried out from a bar, but she knew that this was not any ordinary place to fill ones gut with liquor. This was a Jedi establishment, and they were everywhere.

Reaching the entrance without any encounter, she breathed a sigh of relief as she stepped out of the building. Even though she was out of the view of those inside, she kept her senses sharp. There was always someone watching.

Upon arriving to her slender ship, she lowered the hatch and went inside. She placed Sliff upon one of the plush mattresses, and quickly made her way to the cockpit. "The sooner I can get off this Jedi forsaken planet, the better."

Blasting out of the atmosphere, the rainbow green ship headed towards the planet Roon, where the little Kindermore's fate lie.

(continued on http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27464)