View Full Version : Announcement(s): Heartache and Joy

Xazor Elessar
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:14:32 PM
The Knight Xazor quietly crept into the Temple, looking about at those gathered, she walked to stand before them.....waiting for Dasquian to join her. Her stomach buldged now from the unborn child within...but that was only a part of what she had to tell today.....

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:16:34 PM
He approached and stood beside Xazor, arms folded beind his back so that his hands were clasped together at his waist. Dasquian squinted somewhat as he looked up towards the Council before looking sideways towards his fellow Jedi Knight, offering a smile.

Kelt Simoson
Aug 17th, 2002, 02:10:31 PM
Kelt gave a short nod towards Dasquian knowing proboly what they were about to announce. He wisperd goodluck beneath his breath.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 02:51:46 PM
::Verse leaned against the wall. He was no longer on the council, and therefor did not have a seat. Verse was a stronge mentalist. He could feel the child. He could 'talk' to the child with emotions. He has a feeling what was about to be said. He remained silent with a 'Game Face' on.::

Salemn Lysce
Aug 17th, 2002, 02:56:14 PM
Salemn watched both Xazor and Dasquian with a slight smile on her lips. A part of her mind suggested what they were going to 'present', but another part of her waited in suspense.

Aug 17th, 2002, 03:10:33 PM
Zeke sat inside the door, watching the proceedings of the Council. Xazor and Dasquian came before the Council, and Zeke's attention shifted suddenly to them.

"My, my...what are they up to now?"

Ange Tot
Aug 17th, 2002, 03:14:02 PM
She had followed Zeke and sat with him at the door.

"I dunno, might be something cool...." she whispered to him.

"but it's gotta be important fort ehm to bring to the council."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 17th, 2002, 03:24:08 PM
Once a few were gathered, Xazor shifted her weight. She looked down, unable to see the ground now due to the buldge at her midsection. Sighing, she looked up and adjusted her blue robes and pushed her long braids behind her. Slowly her eyes met those of the people gathered and then she looked at Dasquian, smiling despite her fear. Taking a deep breath, she turned to face the gathering crowd of friends and family.

"Today we have some important announcements to make.....and I have a lot of explaining to do. As many of you know and I am sure you can tell, I am pregnant. The other day I went to a doctor for a check up on myself and the child.....to ensure that all was well.....and I found out that it is a girl....."

She smiled warmly, glowing from the inside out. Then concern suddenly took over and she bore a grim smile....her eyes meeting those of Verse....her Father. A slight lump developed in her throat as she thought about what she was going to say next. It was embarassing to be doing this....but they were owed an explanation of Xazor's actions of past....

"I have something else to tell you, though. As most of you know, I was....."

The Knight paused for using the words she just spoke before what she was about to say felt.....awkward and made her a bit uneasy. Sighing, she looked to the side at the floor and then back up at everyone gathered.

"I was married to Shade Magus....but due to his absence.....and my own problems....we have decided....we have decided to end our marriage but instead to continue on as.....friends......"

Her voice was shaky as she spoke this....it was getting to the point she was trying to make.....and she looked over at Dasquian for support. So many things had transpired....but in order for everything to work out....this had to be done.

"And really, none of this is your business.....but I feel as though an explanation is owed. This unborn child.....my daughter is....she is not.......she isn't Shade's baby......she is.......Dasquian's child."

Wincing slightly, the Knight looked down again.....not wishing to see the reactions of everyone gathered. Somehow, she felt that this was only the tip of the iceburg. Helenias had forshadowed her future....the birth of the unborn.....and it did not look so good. Sighing, she stood waiting for the words of the others to start pouring in. She could see it now.....all of them condeming her....calling her a slut and a whore. She closed her eyes as a tear threatened to escape......

Ange Tot
Aug 17th, 2002, 03:30:12 PM
Ange didn't say anything, as she stood up and walked over to Xaz, grinning, that was until she saw the look on Xazor's face.

"This is good mixed with bad, Lady Dawnstrider, and it is good that you should tell the truth about your own child then tell us lies and say it is Shade's. And I don't think you did anything wrong, after all you are only human......"

She put a hand on Xazor's shoulder and smiled. "And I've known people who have done worst, and if anyone has something bad to say about what Lady Dawnstrider has told us will have to say it to me." she said her smile turning into a smirk.

Aug 17th, 2002, 03:34:54 PM
Zeke's eyes went wide and he coughed into his fist in a futile attempt to hide his surprise. He could think of nothing to say, so he supressed his coughing and sat back as if he hadn't reacted at all.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 17th, 2002, 03:37:51 PM
Xazor looked up and saw Ange standing there. Her words were comforting.....but obviously she had never heard the story of Xazor's past....and all of the pain she had caused then. Sighing, she hugged her friend and then let go, still no wishing to look up into the faces of the others.

"I couldn't lie.....it's not my nature......"

She said softly, the tear escaping onto her cheek. She had lied to Shade though.....but in the end, she told the truth to him and everyone else......hopefully everything would work out for the better.....

Shade Magus
Aug 17th, 2002, 04:21:47 PM
A man walked into the room. Normally they would have sensed him coming, but not now, not ever again. He walked behind the couple in the center and a few of the Jedi gave him wierd looks, but none did anything. He stood a few feet behind them and removed the cloak on his head to reveal the face of Shade Magus.

"Excuse me Miss Ange Tot, but as Xazor mentioned, I have chosen to remain her freind. So if you will.....if anyone has anything to say then it will be brought to me."

Aug 17th, 2002, 04:26:52 PM
Zeke noted Shade and felt immediate tension.

"Can't we all just...get along?" he asked quietly to no one in particular. It was doubtful that anyone had even heard him.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 17th, 2002, 04:27:34 PM
The Knight nearly fell over as she saw Shade enter the room. He walked past her and took a place behind she and Dasquian. Her heart skipped a beat...or two, and she turned around to see him. Why he had come to this.....announcement.....she had no idea. Wouldn't it hurt him more? She sighed to herself and smiled gently at him.

"Yes.....we remain friends....good friends."

She mouthed "thank you" to him and turned back to anyone else who had questions....wondering if Dasquian would have anything to say. Mainly he had been there for support....but now that she was past the telling part....she had friends supporting her....

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:03:45 PM
::Verse nodded. He was happy to have a grandchild on the way, but he didn't care for how it came to be. Mental Images ran through his mind. If it wasn't for all his years in The Greater Jedi Order he may have flipped then and there. He kept his calm though. This was just something he had to get past.::

Shade Magus
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:07:35 PM
Shade noted the great Garou Knight out of the corner of his eye and nodded.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:10:48 PM
::Verse saw Shade and nodded. Verse had little love for the man. Thatw as well known to most. In this moment though, Verse had more respect for him than any other person alive. The pain this man was enduring must be without bounds, yet he handled it like a real man...no not a man. More than that. He handled it like a true Jedi.::

Xazor Elessar
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:13:50 PM
Xazor could see the look of.....shame? on her Father's face. She sighed to herself and looked down at the floor, letting a tear fall from her eye.

"To all I have hurt....I am sorry......I just thought you should know....."

She said softly, not making eye contact with her Father. She felt so guilty now.....she might as well have been naked and curled up on the floor for how she felt. A few more tears fell now.....and there was nothing she could do.....

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:30:15 PM
::verse sighed and walked over to his child. He held her close and hugged her. He placed her head on his shoulder. He did this to let her know it was ok.::

"Let he without sin cast the first stone...."

::Verse would never be ashamed of his child. It was beyond him. He would help her as best as a father could. She knew that in her heart.::

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:32:55 PM
In the shaodws, a hooded figure watched impassively and without comment.

Aug 17th, 2002, 08:34:07 PM
Zeke rose to a squat, listening to Xazor's words and watching as Verse embraced her.

"Looks like everything's gonna be okay after all..." he thought. He stood and watched. He had no more business here, but didn't want to leave either...

Xazor Elessar
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:40:59 PM
Xazor watched as Verse came over and embraced her. She gladly took his strength as her own and rested her head upon his shoulder, letting her tears fall freely now. It was such a trying time.....but he was there for her. Off in the distance she could feel the presence of Marcus. He said and thought nothing now.....and she wondered if he too disapproved of all that had happened.

Let he without sin cast the first stone....

The Knight cried even more so into his shoulder. So many thoughts consumed her now....but to have his love and protection from the whole universe.....it was priceless.....

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:51:32 PM
Am I casting stones? i think not. My support and trust and even love is unconditional. I'm here to support you, not to condemn you

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:03:38 PM
:: Lance had listened to everything from the beggining, he really could care less but Xazor had always shown up as a good frined he felt that whatever she had done was he problem not his they had no right to judge her, he leaned against the wall near her and continued to bite his straw::

Xazor Elessar
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:06:49 PM
Marcus's words echoed in her mind mind as Verse continued to hold her tightly. She knew that he would not condemn her....and his words only proved that.

I know.....and I am most grateful that you are here with me now. I am not a strong person, Marcus....I have failed and I would not have been surprised if you did not give me your unconditional love......afterall.....I only deserve what pain I have caused everyone else.....

She spoke softly in his mind as tears from the realization cascaded down her cheeks.....

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:24:12 PM
:: Lance chewed his straw as he watched the tears run down on her, tears from a woman had always touched him he preffered to close his eyes lightly not to witness her sorrow.::

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2002, 02:32:00 AM
Dasquian bowed his head as he looked to the side at Xazor, remaining silent.

Liam Jinn
Aug 18th, 2002, 03:09:12 AM
Liam had remained silent for some time, with a few questions floating around in his head. Shaking his head, he cleared his throat.

"Forgive me if this sounds rude, but what business is it of ours? Your personal life is just that, personal."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2002, 03:12:42 AM
Looking upwards, his eyes rested upon Liam.

"Master Liam, I believe the entrance of a new born child into the Order is of some concern, or at least I would imagine members of the Order would be pleased - if not curious - to hear of such an event."

Liam Jinn
Aug 18th, 2002, 03:24:35 AM
"Ah, yes indeed."

Liam slowly bowed his head at Dasquian.

"But as to the matter of who's the father, that might've been best left unsaid."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2002, 03:34:55 AM
"Why? So that it can be discovered in the future?"

Dasquian's expression became indifferent.

"I see no difference between it being announced at this point or at a time in the future. I imagine the reaction would still be of the same nature - it would be pointless to lie about it."

He gave a more determine look now.

"I for one am proud to say it is my daughter, and do not care if others pass ill judgement upon me for it."

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 18th, 2002, 03:49:57 AM
"Is it best left unsaid?"

The voice was rarely if ever heard here now in the Council room and hence would have been a surprise.

"I believe it means much that Xazor would come forward and name the father. What has happened here is not what I would call a desireable situation, for as I have privately counciled Dasquain, the birth of this child has been forseen to bring grave danger, a danger that few of us may be capable of coping with." The Jedi Master stepped forward out of the shadow and cast his hood off, so that all could see his face and he could see theirs, his gaze meeting the faces of several of the Jedi, holding for a moment, then moving on.

"Mighty am I in the crafts of the Jedi, great am I listed in the arts of a Warrior, much knowledge and wisdom is accorded to me and yet Helenias, whom among us is skilled in piercing the futue, she herself has stated she has seen a time when this child is born, an evil will befall unlooked for, some of you may well be swept away. I myself have been seen making a stand and there was doubt that I could survive. Now if there is doubt in this and I would say there are none here apart from Figrin D'An whom are my better in the Order in the Jedi Arts, then it becomes very important that you all should know this"

And finally, Marcus looked at Liam.

"Xazor and Dasquain have admitted to us their mistake, for mistake this is, asked for forgiveness and come forward in what I regard as a truly brave and personal act. Would you have the strength to admit that you have turned your back on a marrige vow and had a child, let alone publically? For this act, Dasquain earns my respect"

Finally, he addressed the meeting as a whole once again.

"This could have been a time of disgrace, but we can choose to make it a time of forgiveness and then celebration. Shade magus and Verse Dawnstrider have also acted without malice and in the true spirit of forgiveness of a Jedi. You have amazed and impressed me Jedi Knight Magus, for it would have been your right to act much otherwise."

There was something in the way that Marcus relooked at Shade Magus and Verse Dawnstrider. And he made a decision.

"After this business is over, I would speak of something else. I ask the Council for the floor at that time once again" And with that, he bowed and withdrew to the edges of the circle of the Council

Liam Jinn
Aug 18th, 2002, 03:55:53 AM
"You may not care, but I for one do. It is not anyone's place to pass judgement on you or Xazor, so why give them the opportunity?"

He shifted his glanced between the two for awhile, then looked at Verse, sighing.

"I would not like to see the true maturity of this order, so to speak."

Kelt Simoson
Aug 18th, 2002, 04:26:13 AM
' Master Lliam with respect..' Kelt began looking at him with a stern face.

' You respect Dasquian, yet you beielve it as a personal mistake, and in defence of my friends at so a early era of my time here i apologise for my interuption. But the fact of that matter is Love is no mistake, it is something that flows through veins and whatever life force we may carry with us...if the love with Shade extinguised...'

He bowed in respect to Shade knowing he was hurt.. ' The what is the hope of trying to salvage a damaged beyond repair life?..and brining a child into a loveless marriage?...the child would be in the center and i dont trust that is good situation for children to in' He said knowing he was talking back but perhaps his words were very true.

'It is up to him to decide to talk to the council, so that the secrets are not bottled away...what would be the point in hideing something that need not be hid, that could hurt Dasquian or Xazor..i speak as a friend yes,

but i also speak from my heart....secrets of this height i best let free and not hidden to keep everyone wondering..to be perfectly honest do you think if this had not come out...would you have thought why is shade walking away from his babey?' Kelt said with a stern face towards Lliam

Liam Jinn
Aug 18th, 2002, 04:47:33 AM
Liam shook his head at Marcus.

"If I made a mistake such as this, I would not involve the Jedi. We are not the ones who need to do the forgiving." He glanced at Shade then back to the rest of the Jedi. "I'll state my opinion once more; this should not have been discussed as it is now."

He paused, thinking for a moment. His eyes squinted then returned to normal as he spoke.

"..And as sad as it is to say, I only have a loss of respect for Xazor and Dasquian."

How ironic..Liam thought as he choked the last words out. He then turned to Kelt, returning the stern face, with his own.

"Ah, a good point you have there Kelt. It was their own choice, though I still find it an unwise one. Do not be too troubled by my opinion, it does not count for much these days."

Kelt Simoson
Aug 18th, 2002, 04:58:00 AM
' That Liam Jinn its truley uncalled for' Kelt said still looking towards the Jedi Master.

'Respect is a word that is not lightly taken, and to say that to them at this time of trouble is in my opinion offencive to the highest degree possible...' He said loking towards Dasquian.

' If you dont feel love in the same way they do, then thats not there fault....if you have or do then perhaps you should look within.' He said rather discusted by his lack of respect.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 18th, 2002, 08:18:53 AM
The Knight continued sobbing into her Father's shoulder as Marcus stepped up and revealed himself to speak. Her eyes shot to his face and held there for some time as he spoke so kindly on her behalf. Tears consumed her eyes once again as Liam began speaking...and then Kelt...and soon it turned into a great debate. Liam's words made her angry, but she quickly stifled the unneaded emotion.

Liam...I thought you were my friend...I guess I was wrong....

She spoke softly in his mind and then looked over at Dasquian. This was her fault and now he was taking heat from it as well, something she didn't want to happen. How she wished to run away at this point...but that in itself was pointless.

Liam Jinn
Aug 18th, 2002, 10:34:04 AM
He turned to look at Xazor, raising an eyebrow.

No, you weren't wrong.

"Broken vows are not to be lightly taken either, at least in my opinion. Do not defend them, for they have brought it upon themselves."

Kelt Simoson
Aug 18th, 2002, 10:47:55 AM
' Brought what apon themselves?...' He began his voices slightly raised.

'..You say it is not our right to pass judgement yet it already seems you have..that makes little sence sir...with respect. Promices cannot always be kept...vows cannot always be attached...Jedi or Not you have no right to speak to them in such a mannor.. He said getting rather annoyed by now, but keeping it within not to upset anyone.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 18th, 2002, 10:49:03 AM
Xazor growled deeply and eyed Liam with a coldness that had never been there before.

"Leave my presence you hypocrite!! You speak, telling me that I should not open myself up for words against me, yet you are the first one to do it! You, without sin....cast the first stone...do it!!"

The Knight lifted a stone with the Force from the man made fountain behind the group and slowly brought it to the front...then let it hover right before Liam's face.

"It is enough punishment for me to have admitted it to all of you...then you rub salt in my wounds! How can you call yourself a friend of mine?!"

The Knight's tears fell freely once again as she held onto her Father, restraining herself from unleashing a firey hell upon Liam for his words. She dropped the rock in front of him and continued sobbing into her Father's shoulder....

Chase Starwalker
Aug 18th, 2002, 10:56:36 AM
Chase stood quietly still near the gathered crowd, speaking not, but listening intently.

Liam Jinn
Aug 18th, 2002, 11:20:51 AM
He sat there, unmoved by Xazor's actions.

"Ah, yes! I say I have lost an amount of respect for you two, that it was not a good idea to bring this before us, and that I do not look too highly on broken vows, and this is the response I get?"

He stood up, and kicked the rock at his feet gently. It slowly tumbled along, then was lifted off the ground and returned to the fountain.

"Indeed a hypocrit. But then again, that is my own problem. "

He sighed, then returned to his seat. Of course, he'd be yelled at by a few, but it mattered little to him.

"Do not resort to anger, for that will get you nowhere. I do not rub salt in your wounds for no reason, and I hope you see that."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2002, 11:27:31 AM
He approached Xazor and rose one hand to rest it against her shoulder, sighing. Looking to the side at Liam, he smirked.

"Stop this now, both of you. There is no need for this arguement. Liam, you have spoken out your opinion and there is no harm in that ... and Xazor,"

He looked back to her.

"Neither you nor I can make everyone happy in our decisions, we must accept that some will frown upon this."

Kelt Simoson
Aug 18th, 2002, 11:35:09 AM
Kelt looked at Dasquian, his nose twitching slightly, but controlling his anger towards Liam. Kelt was not your average Jedi, if he wanted to express his anger he would but not infront of those who thought it was wrong to, one of them was his friend Dasquian.

He sighed and looked towards Xazors belly and nodded towards her.

OOC: i Keep saying Llain instead of Liam..i aplogise...Llian is the main char in a fantasy book im reading...so forgive me..hes playing on my mind...

Aug 18th, 2002, 11:54:27 AM
Zeke sighed. Fight in the council room, Liam vs Xazor, place your bets...if this was something he could joke about. He turned and left the room.

Liam Jinn
Aug 18th, 2002, 12:12:09 PM
Liam bowed his head to Dasquian again, a half-smile upon his lips.

"That, was a more apropriate response."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 18th, 2002, 12:50:18 PM
:: Lance continued to chew his straw endlessly leaned up against the wall near the crowd it had now turned into a fight he shook his head and yawned lightly.::

Salemn Lysce
Aug 18th, 2002, 02:59:11 PM
She watched without moving as the events folded before her eyes, feeling slight happiness that Xazor was with child and that she admitted Dasquian was the father. It was truly another step for them both, admitting their mistake.

However, she also saw Liam's point of view.

It was for the best that she still remained silent throughout the time where a brief argument occured and Xazor "casted the first stone". Salemn watched with sad eyes, feeling that what had just happened was uncalled for. Finally, she stood up and made her way over to them.

< Congratulations on the pregnancy, Xazor. Dasquian will be a most excellent father .... >

She left the rest unspoken for because she believed that she didn't have to say more about what just happened.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 18th, 2002, 04:28:34 PM
The Knight continued resting in her Father's arms as Dasquian approached and placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him and smiled warmly, nodding to his words.

"I apologize, Liam....but please.....say nothing more to me....."

She said with great pain. Her eyes shifted to the ground and then to Salemn as she approached. Smiling slightly, she let a few more tears to fall.

"Thank you, Salemn...."

The Knight said softly and then rested her head back on Verse's shoulder...looking at Dasquian through teary eyes. The truth hurt badly.....but she would rather listen to the others that were silent, than the ones who judged.....

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 18th, 2002, 08:58:10 PM
::Verse kissed his daughter on the head and let her go. He walked to the center of the room and cleared his throat. He agreed with Liam on the vows, but nothing he could do would be able to change teh fatehr of teh child, or anything else to fix the problem. Verse had done many things in his life he was not proud of. If it could be done, then he had done it. He had cheated on a lover. He had killed. He had been angry. He had even taken joy in killing for a time as a youth. That was the past. He could not change it. Nor could he change this. Very few knew of his past. Turbogeek, Yorgurt, and Jedi Borique may be teh only ones in truth. Verse spoke up finally.::

"Fellow Jedi. I know most of you will agree with Liam. I agree with him as well. The ....union, of lack of a better word, between Das and Xazor was indeed wrong in my opinion. I am sure a few of you in here see no problem with it. Some of you do not care. I for one will not hold it against them for the most part. It takes great courage to say something you are not trilled with. I know all of you have had to do that before. It may have been this very thing, or it may have been something as simple as saying sorry. I ask you all to do one thing. Something you all should do anyway.

I am asking you all to ask like Jedi. We may not agree, but we must help each other. I would give my life for any of you. Hell, I would give it for a Sith. Why? That is what I am suppost to do. I am a Jedi. I do not Judge. Let the maker pass judgement when we pass on. I am asking you all to help these two.

We have a saying on my Homeworld of Eden. "It takes a village to raise a child.' We are a village. If what Marcus says is true, then we should take extra care in doing so. Like Yoda said 'The Future is always in motion, so it is always changing.' Tearing each other apart will not help. I don't think Liam should have said what he did, but Xazor and Kelt should not have as well. We are Jedi. Not Sith. Why do the Sith fail? Because the work against each other. I was in TSE when I shared a body with my brother Pivo. I have seen it happen. In times like these we must ban together, I am asking you to do that now....."

::Verse signed and looked around. He had now Liam for years. No one in here has known Verse as long as him. Verse knew where his friend was coming from. He also knew where the others came from. He just hoped they would come together.::

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 18th, 2002, 09:49:01 PM
"What you have said is the truth Master Dawnstrider - Words have been said here that have been the seeds of disunity. There are ways and means to speak what you think and feel - while we are Jedi and learned in the Force, we should also be skilled wordsmiths. There is a difference between calling someone a frelling idiot and saying that you could have acted better - one is edifying, the other is destructive. A Jedi should always seek to edify, or build up. Never to tear down. Hence, while this is regrettible that Xazor and Dasquain feelthe need to come before us and admit to adultery..."

He came forward again and stood beside Verse and continued

"I know very well many of you would not even be here if it was not for the forgiveness shown by other Jedi. Should we do less now? I agree most of all we all must work together. Helenias has forshadowed a dark time approaching, one where I may die. Will I turn aside these two just so that I will live? I will not. I say to your Xazor Leo Dawnstrider, I do not approve of what you have done. But I will defend you to the end, even if it were to cost me all. As I would do for all whom are gathered in these halls"

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 19th, 2002, 12:35:38 AM
I sat in my council chair silently, hands folded lightly in my lap, absorbing all that surrounded me. Listening to the wise words that had come from both Verse and Marcus, I carefully planned out my words and waited until after they both had finished to speak. When I did speak it was softly, a sharp contrast to the earlier raised voices.

"Indeed, marriage is a sacred union, and should be upheld. However, nobody can tell someone how to think, or how to feel. We are al free to act in the way that is best for our own situation, and live with the consequences. I too am deeply troubled... both at the disregard for vows, but also for the actions of the other Jedi in this room. Have you learned nothing of our teachings? Do you not remember that understanding comes through peaceful and open discussions? Your opinions are your own, yes, but you are not free to impose them upon others. They know of the wrongs they have done. Why dwell on it?"

I stood then, and walked over to Xazor and Dasquian. "You two must deal with your actions. There is no easy way, and this you both know."

Smiling, I clasped Xazor's hand in mine. "But I Know no stronger woman than the one that stands before us."

Kelt Simoson
Aug 19th, 2002, 05:59:32 AM
'Mister Verse and Master Q'Dunn with also the upmost repect' He bowed again. 'I say what i feel in a matter such as this, if we lie then we are not jedi, if we keep feelings bottled up within and hurt ourselfs with grief we are not Jedi...i tell it how it is and do not lie to that person, that to me is rude and uncalled for, lies even the littlest and even ones that we hide not to hurt others in un-Jedi like, truth in my book of of the top of the pile in Jedi-Lore...' He said with a voice loud enough for everyone to hear.

' And i suspect this is why they came to you people this day....if i was rude i apologise but i speak only of truth..'

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 19th, 2002, 08:19:14 AM
"Master Q'Dunn and Myself were just saying that the way it was said could have been different. I could a say person is rude, self-centered, and loose cannon, but a better way to say it is that they have an anger-managment problem. We just ask that everyone be careful with how they word things. Remeber, the man or woman you insult and/or offend now may be the person you are fighting beside in combat. Words cut deeper than the sharpest sword. They rot in a person's mind. Yes, Jedi are built apone truth, but sometimes being so blunt is very cruel. Is saying you speak the truth an excuse to be cruel? I know you do not wish to be cruel Kelt. You are a kind person at heart. I just ask you choose your words carefully. You are a good Jedi."

Kelt Simoson
Aug 19th, 2002, 09:14:54 AM
OOC: Just to point out that Kelt is not angry at all...kelt hardly ever gets mad :)

Aug 19th, 2002, 10:02:03 AM
Oriadin had sensed something was occuring at the Jedi council and so made his way over. He missed the start of the conversation but managed to pick up what was going on. At one point things seemed to get a little heated. Never before had he stepped forward to speak in front of so many Jedi at once. He was a padawan and to a certain degree thought he was in no place to add to the conversation. On the other hand he had something to say. He put the fact of him being a padawan behind him as he realised it did not matter and stepped forward into a clearing.

He stood in the middle of where everone seemed to be surronding and waited for the mumble of people whispering and chattering to die down.

--Fellow Jedi. All I can say is I am somewhat disapointed by what I have heard in this room today. From everyone. Firstly, congratulations to Xazor and Dasquian on the pregnancy. Although I do not agree with how this came about, the gift of life is something we should celebrate.--

He paused and thought deeply as he continued.

--I am disapointed at the way people have presented themselves today. The important thing in this is that Shade has forgiven. He is the all important person in this situation. Since he is forgiving there is no problem here. In my opinion, Xazor is running herself into problems.--

He looked at her as she stood there in tears.

--I understand that this is a trying time but she is very emotional. This, is not a good thing. This isnt the first time either. I havent been here as long as many here but I have been here to see Xazor, 'lose it' a number of times.--

He turned to face the Jedi Knight

--Please, dont take me the wrong way. I like you and I will stand by you also but I do belive you have issues you need to sort out on a personal level. What you did today in announcing your pregnancy was brave but as Liam said, was it nessesary. I see no point in lying but was there any point in making a huge thing out of it? Why did you do it? To be upfront? To seek sympathy? To seek attention?--

He stepped back to where everyone else was stood. Hoping he had not offended anyone ro crossed the line anywhere. Just as Xazor had been up front and honest, he to did the same. He said it as he saw it.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 19th, 2002, 10:53:12 AM
"Oriadin, if I may ... Xazor did not make a big thing out of this. She simply announced it. Her preceeding comments were reactions to the opinions of others. Had some not voiced negative views, she would not have gotten upset. Surely you can understand her distress at this point?"

He paused, folding his arms over his chest. He felt responsible for the grief that Xazor was getting at the minute.

"She has gone against a wedding vow, and lost respect from her peers - if you were Xazor at this time, you would indeed be feeling down and emotional."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 19th, 2002, 10:54:31 AM
Xazor smiled as Ryla spoke. She was such a good friend and confirmed their bond through this time. Her eyes shifted between the others who spoke until suddenly Oriadin came and spoke up. What he said just broke it all for Xazor. Shaking her head, she narrowed her eyes at him and growled to herself.

"Then you Oriadin.....throw the stone at me. That is what you want to do, yes? Well you already have and I hope you're happy. Who are you do judge when even you have made mistakes in your life? You preach the ways of the Jedi.....yet you don't act like one. Saying I am seeking sympathy and attention. Don't you understand!? It is not my nature to be dishonest so I have come before everyone to speak the truth.....but you had to stab me in the back. I feel betrayed by many of you this day......I take my leave and for how long.....only the Maker knows....."

With that, the Knight pushed past the crowd with tears streaming down her face. She would now lock herself in her room and stay there for days on end. These people who she thought were her friends......were no better than she in anything......

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 19th, 2002, 11:18:34 AM
Dasquian grit his teeth as his eyes fell momentarily to the floor. Frustration struck him as he looked back up and gave a faint bow.

"Council, if you will excuse me-"

This said, he turned and followed after Xazor quickly.

Kelt Simoson
Aug 19th, 2002, 11:42:55 AM
Kelt thought about it for a few moments looking at the floor.He then spun on his heels and left after Dasquian in search of his friend.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 19th, 2002, 01:49:36 PM
::Verse sighed. He turned to look at Marcus.::

"If do not mind old friend, I would like to hear more of what Helenias has seen. Xazor is my child, and she carries my granddaughter. You love her like a daughter as well. Maybe I could help, maybe I can't. I was gone for a bit. I don't know if anyone else knows of what Helenias has seen. If the rest of the Jedi do no know, then maybe you should announce it. It is up to you. I just wish to understand more."

Liam Jinn
Aug 19th, 2002, 04:05:15 PM
Liam shook his head at Xazor, feeling she took everything wrong. He sighed and listened as Verse spoke, this time nodding.

"Yes, maybe you should announce this preminition."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 19th, 2002, 04:06:56 PM
:: Lance stopped leaning against the wall as he saw the dramatic run by Xazor her stood up and walked silently out of the temple throwing his straw in the garbage on his way out.::

Shade Magus
Aug 19th, 2002, 05:24:07 PM
Shade sighed in his place in front the council and turned to leave, but stopped short. He turned his head back again to speak.

"I speak no names, but there are those in here today that have disgraced the Jedi code, and for that I am truely dissappointed."

Liam Jinn
Aug 19th, 2002, 05:48:45 PM
OOC: Just so you know, Liam never raised his voice. The exclamation marks do not mean I'm shouting or yelling. Eh, I'm sure a few out there should know what I mean.

Salemn Lysce
Aug 19th, 2002, 10:29:59 PM
Salemn bit her lower lip in slight frustration. Xazor was a wonderful Jedi Knight - but something she needed to learn was to take criticism constructively and without ... well, the aggravation.

Seeing no need to 'hang around' longer, she let out a soft sigh and began to walk out of the Council Doors.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 19th, 2002, 10:57:01 PM
He just looked quietly as Xazor went out the doors and with a world weary sigh, slumped down into one of the Council chairs - hardly realising the chair he now sat in was the very one he had used years ago when he was on the Council. Putting a hand to his now throbbing temple, he sought out the peace and calm of The Force, and began to speak, firstly contenting with the voices of others, then gradually only his own rang out.

"What is happening here? What are these words being said? Why is it when a Jedi cries out for help, others say unwise things? I left the Jedi many years ago because of disunity and mistrust. I did not see that the Jedi had a chance and hence went out on my own. Xazor is directly responsible for me showing my true face in here once again... And I do not intend to serve the Jedi and listen to this pointless debate!"

The last words came out lund and strong, as Marcus came to his feet - and once again, for the first time in many years, his voice, powerful and passionate echoed as he spoke out, not quietly, but showing why he was known as a flame for justice and peace....

"I do not want to be here and listen to this! If I did, I could have stayed where I was! I believe in the Jedi's cause and I am alarmed by how little it seems to mean! Why is there doubts on Xazor? I could understand doubting me, for hardly any of you know whom I was or am - yet Xazor has given herself without hinderance to the Jedi, training and learning even some of you here. Maybe she needs to control her emotions far bettter, but other need to guard their words!

Now here me Jedi, and here the Prophecy that is spoken - in 8 months time, some of you will die, you will be overtaken by a Dark Sider that is as yet unnamed. You will be overtaken because you are not ready. At this time I myself could fall and Dasquain makes a choice - the wrong one will be fatal. And why? Because of a baby, a Jedi baby, Xazor's baby. Helenias sees a focal point that is at the time of the baby's birth and we Jedi are going to be tried. Some of us will die. Whom, I do not know, for it's doubltful as I said, that I will be one who lives either. This is the reason I chose to be here today - to speak on this to some of the Council to decide what is to be done. Well, now you all know.

Liam Jinn, do you see that what I have said is unnecessary? Will you be critical of me as well? Here me well Jedi and understand one reason why Xazor brings this forth - her baby brings an Enemy of ours closer and it will be to our loss. Now do we heed the warning and find a way to maybe even avoid what has been said, or are we going to shove our heads up our a@@es and pretend it has not been said? This affects us all whether you like it or not, whether you like Xazor or not. And whether you like it or not, you will band together and face this or more of us will fall.

I also think this proves, once and for all, who I am. I once was Darth Turbogeek, for who else would look the entire Order in the eye and challnege them all? Make my words, you have been challenged. You have heard what this baby brings to us, now it is you who choose how to respond to it. Well? What will it be?"

Aug 20th, 2002, 02:42:26 AM
Oriadin stood in the crowd this time well contemplating what to say.

--Master Q'Dunn. If I may say, I havent heard anyone here today say anything that crosses the line. If anyone has come close then it was probably me.--

He paused as he looked out towards where Xazor ran out.

--I like Xazor. Infact, I havent come across anyone here I dont like. There is no question in my mind that she does a lot of work here and she is well respected amoung everyone here. I think the way she broke her vow was wrong but since Shade has forgiven her there is no problem there. Im sorry if I think this alone though, and I dont mean to sound out of order but Xazor is emotional. Its not the first time and it probably wont be the last. She needs help and guidence to get over this. A Jedi can not afford to be emotional. I do not seek rifts within the order, I seek peace and harmony everywhere. I belive Xazors emotion can land people in problems. This is not an attack as I have said before, I like her. I just think she still needs help on a personal level.--

He took a deep breath wondering what would be said in reply. Not really looking forward to what Marcus had to say. Oriadin was still learning the ropes, that much was obvious but he had to be open about how he felt. If he were wrong then he would accept that and learn from his mistakes but he needed convincing.

--Its my opinion that people have over reacted today. What I have said and what Liam has said was our opionion and it seems we have been critasised for saying it, rather than a clam discussion about it. This saddens me. As Jedi we should be able to sit and talk about what ever differences people have, come to a conclusion and help each other get over it.--

With that he fell quiet and waited.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 20th, 2002, 04:38:08 AM
"Oriadin, this has gone beyond whether if Xazor is emotional or not. She has been told by her adoptive mother of all people, that the birth of her child is going to lead to the death of Jedi and maybe the death of two she holds dearest to her. If I was her, I dont think I would exactly be too happy either! She came here for help and understanding, so why have we basically turned her away?"

He shook his head sadly

"Correct my memory, but did I not say when I first came forward that there was Darkness looming with the child's birth? Does that not concern you all? Why are we discussing whether it is appropriate for Xazor to speak as she did? Review what I have said and ask if you would act differently now"

Aug 20th, 2002, 05:14:05 AM
Oriadin stood and thought about what Marcus had said and what everyone had said here today.

--Indeed, you did say there was a darkness looming with the childs birth. It is a matter of concern. Can I ask why Xazor did not come forward to tell us of this darkness, why it was left to you? As for her emotion, this is what I read of the Jedi code.

To become a Jedi requires the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. Adherents to the Jedi way closely follow an ancient code that guides their actions in the service of the Republic. It reads, in part:

There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no death; there is the Force.

She is not helping the situation any by letter her emotions overcome her to the point where she runs out in tears. As I have said several times now, since shade has forgiven her there really shouldnt have been any problems. People have made note of thier oppinion of which I belive they are entitled to do and people have over reacted because of it. Because thier emotion has been let loose. Marcus, can we not all just sit and discuss this without people losing thier tempers because of someones opinion. If we cant even do this, then the darkness thats looming starts here, today. We need to come together and be able to listen to each other, not go off crying - in this case.

Obviously, if you were told your child would lead to the death of many Jedi you would not be happy, but she needs to stay clam. Talk to people and come to an understanding with people.--

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 20th, 2002, 05:44:38 AM
"That is easy for us to say Master Oriadin, but firstly there are truly powerful emotions in the process of bearing a child. It is one reason what a Jedi is said not to marry or have children. These type of emotions are far beyond the power of a normal Jedi to quell. It is not easy to simply wave away what she is going through right now. And why did she not speak of the danger? That was for me to discuss, for the one under most threat is Dasquain."

There are too few Masters, Marcus thought to himself. The Jedi need guidance and a strong hand to lead them. Too many here are too young and inexperienced, wven if they have potential. Looking around at the faces, he felt a swell of saness in his being, seeing that so many were gone from the last time he served as a Jedi. So many gone, left or dead.

This is the real probelm.. the Jedi lack leaders. We are scattered, divided in our thoughts and actions. i wonder if they see and sense it? Even Master Yogurt rarely graces the halls anymore and look at what we now have. You betrayed them Marcus when you left years ago. You lead them and gave them strength. You were the backbone and the Jedi were strong. Now look. There are many, but whom do they look to now? The Council is not giving the full leadership it should.

But I can not do this anymore. I can not lead, it is for others to do so. I can only advise and share what strength I have.

"I am worried by her emotions, for I feel how strong they are. However, you all must realise that your words also affect others. Consider how your words have been percieved.Your words were well meaning I am sure, but well meaning is not good enough. I have stated the situation is a good deal beyond just a Jedi whom is pregnant - the situation is a good deal more dangerous than first known. My first concern is not if she runs off crying, but the survival of Jedi. This is what I place before you now"

Aug 20th, 2002, 06:16:11 AM
Oriadin saw sense in what Marcus said. He was indeed wise and strong. He still felt uneasy about Xazor emotion but decided hed made his point and after all, he had no idea what it was like to go through what the young knight was feeling.

--Marcus, I respect what you have said. You are right in many respects. My loyalty lies with the order and I will do all I can to stand by Xazor, the Jedi and of course the galaxy. I belive what I have said was important though and im glad we could discuss this.--

He bowed and once again fell silent.

Shade Magus
Aug 20th, 2002, 05:40:21 PM
Shade turned to hear Marcus's words. He knew of him and respected him. He would listen and follow the man's instructions if they would lead to the survival, but the other he knew not.

"Well....atleast there are a few good Jedi left...."