View Full Version : Target Acquired

Idolon Mortiferus
Aug 17th, 2002, 12:48:12 PM
The lab was empty, apart from the bodies. one held a gun loosely in one hand, a last attempt at defending himself. there was a large gash accross his stomach, his insides spilling in steaming pool out of it. the second lay face-down in a pool of her own blood.
Specimen 12177 lay by a computer terminal, covered in grey sludge which trailed accross the floor form the pedestal on which the large tank she had been incarcerated in for so many years was lying, slid open, its contents spilled on the floor.
the tubes which had been feeding her intraveinously were snapped off and lay on the floor, droplets of her dark blood surrounding them.
she looked up to the dark screen and touched the keyboard lightly. when she had been taken out of the tank for study she had been allowed a computer, so she knew how to use them.
a dialogue box appeared, with the dead researchers final pieces of work displayed in them. the first one was irrelevant, merely a calcuation on the time it would take to travel between two places she had never heard of, but the second was quite interesting. it was a record of the tests done on Specimen 12177.
she scanned through them quickly. they described how she had been implanted with weapons, the laquered blade, now slick with blood, which weighed heavily on her left hand, and the identical one on her right.. they described her reprogramming, to kill efficiently, without compassion or pleasure, then collect her fees and return to the lab for further instruction. she had been allowed to move around freely, apparently, given her own room in which she was allowed to fill her time in whichever way she chose, as long as it involved training, honing her skills with the twin blades. she had no contact with humanity at all, except to kill.

the final entry was more sinister:

ENTRY 5537: The specimens original consciousness has begun to reassert itself over our programming, resulting in a malfunction, causing the specimen to kill at random. the whole concept of the Idolon Mortiferus project was to create a perfect assassin. we believe that this occurence has compromised that. Specimen 12177 will be kept in stasis for an indefinite period of time before dissection.
the other specimens showed no such malfunction, but will also be destroyed as a safety precaution.
The Idolon Mortiferus Project will now be terminated.

her consciousness had begun to reassert itself? that explained why she had no memory of killing the scientists. her programming must have re-surfaced.
she decided to look for her fellow assassins, but then realised what the last article had meant. her fellow assassins were all dead, and it was her fault.
her eyes glowed golden for a second, the humans who did this should not be allowed to go unpunished. but her programming, the malfunction? it had directed her to kill those lab assistants for no reason... perhaps that was part of the problem? had she become a mindless killer?
revenge was always a dish best served cold, she reminded herself. she would have to keep the insane murderer under control if she was to track down and kill the scientists.
she scrolled through the article once more, sure enough, there was a name at the top.
Dr J. Fangmeier, her new target.