View Full Version : Hrolthar Benatoer - A Dark Passage

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 07:37:11 AM
Preparations were under way for the departure of a small ship from the Order. Dasquian had ordered that it be ready to leave in a matter of half an hour, and in this time he would be able to brief the one who would accompany him on the nature of their trip. He approached Hrolthar's doorway and rapped his knuckles against it. Within a matter of moments, it swung open and he was greeted by the ever friendly face of the dwarf, who offered him a hearty welcome.


Dasquian began, as he paced into the room, casting a glance out of the window in the Padawan's room. He folded his arms over his chest and turned to face his friend straight on.

"I will be beginning your training today, however we must conduct the session off planet. I have a transport set to lift off in half an hour for us - we will be gone over a day, so I need you to pack some basic necessities."

The Jedi Knight clearly already had his in a large pack that he carried on his back.

Hrolthar Benatoer
Aug 17th, 2002, 07:52:22 AM
Ben wobbled his way further into the room and turned towards his wardrobe where his axe was leaning up against it. He opened it swiftly and stuffed his bag full of anything that was in there, picked up his axe and slung both the bag and the weapon over his shoulder.

'GRRRRR!' He grunted loudly and excitingly ' LETS GO!!!' The dwarf barged past Dasquians without looking back and started a fast duck waddle towards the exit, a dwarfs equivalent to a run.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 07:57:40 AM
Dasquian chuckled and followed, closing the door behind. He moved at a quick walking pace, so that Hrolthar was able to keep up, and lead his apprentice through the hallways until they eventually came upon one of the Orders docking bays. Row upon row of identical crafts were found here, that would transport up to 5 peolpe at a time. Taking a moment to find the one they'd been assigned to, the two boarded the small ship and headed into the cockpit.

"How about you take us out of the port? Fire up the engines, request clearance, then take us out at slow speed up into orbit," he said as he sat himself down in the second officers chair, motioning to the Captains for Ben.

Hrolthar Benatoer
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:00:04 AM
Hrolthar sat down, the top of his helmet just a few inches above the flight control made him very uneasy to fly the craft.

'Orrrkay!' he mutterd beneath his breath trying to navigate this way around the control board. 'Yorr know aswell as i do i cant play this infernal contraption...how do you expect me to do that you lout!' He shouted just rearlizing he was getting chuckels from the crew.

'GRRRAHHHH!' After that the crew skutteld of the bridge of the ship.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:57:37 AM
Dasquian shook his head slightly.

"If you cannot fly, then you must learn. The panel infront of you ... there is a series of levers. The second from the right, when dropped downwards well engaged the engines. The one to its left will angle them downwards, allowing us to lift off, then the next will cant them back diagonally so we can move out of the bay."

He paused.

"Start the engines, then open the comm frequency to ground control by pushing the blue button just up infront of you."

Hrolthar Benatoer
Aug 18th, 2002, 07:28:34 AM
He dropped the level to about 30% thrust sending the craft slowly forward towards the wall, which was quickly stopped when the Dwarf flipped the switch back up, he gave a embarrassed chuckle.

'ERRR!' He said in the comm with his thick hand on the blue button.' This is...Dasquian Belargics craft requesting permission to floy outta here!' He gave a looked of acomplishment towards Dasquian who did not look very impressed.

'KRRRGH...this is ground control you have permission to life of hover at 27ft then depart heading 4041.89 and keep to ground frequency until 27.000 ft and then turn east to 45.234... KRRGH' The dwarf slowly turned towards Dasquian with a stern face....

He quickly flipped the thruster lever to 45% thrust and turned the control stick around turning the ship in a small arch towards the outward bay. A then thrusted the next lever down sending the engine rotation right down at the ship arched horizontally up and started a quick run towards the roof of the docking bay.


Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2002, 07:36:52 AM
He ducked forward out of the chair and knocked the lever downwards, causing the helm of the ship to heave downwards sharply - narrowly missing ploughing straight into the upper edge of the bay exit. He let out a sigh of relief as they cleared the port and burst out into the starscape.

"Well... it looks like you will need to have a bit more practice at that."

The Jedi Knight dropped back down into his chair as he rubbed his temple, calming himself.

"Plot a course for co-ordinates 1092.1308.33, and take us into hyper space."

He paused.

"You type the numbers in on that pad to your left, then flick the flashing green switch above your head."

Hrolthar Benatoer
Aug 18th, 2002, 08:02:14 AM
Ben pulled himself together, quite visibly shaken. ' I wish you would watch what your Dasquian!' He grunted and then looked at him sorting out his helm that had slid of in the panic.

As told he typed in the numbers for the directions there were about to take, however his big fingers were starting to be a burdan apon them. 1..0..9..2...1..3..0..8...3..3..., finaly he manged to get them all in without a single mistake. 'And now this button?' He pressed the button on the upper left control panal and they started there climb into space in hyperdrive.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 23rd, 2002, 03:00:39 AM
Dasquian promptly smiled and knocked on the autopilot as the ship eased outwards, pressing upon space as it drove out into the black. The Jedi Knight leant back in his chair once more, and smiled. The trip would only take half an hour, and in that time the two could get some breakfast.

"See, that wasn't so hard was it?"

He didn't wait for an answer before glancing back into the ship. Dasquian hefted his pack and opened it up, pulling out two sandwiches. He tossed one across to Hrolthar - it was rapped in clear plastic - and opened one for himself.

Hrolthar Benatoer
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:35:05 AM
Ben opened one for himself with a slight grunt. He had no breakfast this morning and all the man was giving him was a sandwich?!. Ben stuffed it into his mouth and growled.

'So...what are we doing today Dasquian?..fighting a great demon?..destroying a group of Sith planning to take over the galaxy?..what?..what?...' He looked at Dasquian excitedly as if he was ready for battle.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 28th, 2002, 06:36:43 AM
"We're going to be navigating our way through a mine."

He paused, "It has recently collapsed, and it is believed some of the natives and locals have been trapped inside of the shaft."

Hrolthar Benatoer
Aug 28th, 2002, 06:26:12 PM
Ben looked at him turning his head sharply and nearly choking on the bread. ' You mean there trapped down there and we took all this time to do this?..you should have toldme Dasquian!' The dwarf grunted and sat back in his char looking at the number dials. ' What exsactly happend?..perhaps sith involved?'

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 2nd, 2002, 03:36:32 AM
"Could be some darksiders, though there have been no reports of tampering. The survivors outside believe it to have been a natural accident,"

He reclined in his chair, "Tell me, what do you think we will have to do once we arrive?"

Hrolthar Benatoer
Sep 7th, 2002, 07:53:32 AM
' First of all we should see what the situation is like...' he grunted sending bits of sandwich onto his lap. 'Theres no use going into the cave to save these people and then getting trapped ourselfs is there?' He said with a light grin.

He continued to munch on his bread before looking back at Dasquian 'If there are hostiles down there then we should "try" to talk to them first...if not...tryto stop what there doing...' He said with a voice of confidence.