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Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 05:48:37 AM
Evening was drawing inwards, and out side of the Greater Jedi Order most were making their way in towards their quaters or the bar to pass away what was left of the withering night. The moon still hung low in the sky, however, signifying it was still a good while until midnight. Dasquian found himself wandering the academy grounds as he did on many a night, simply observing the goings on around him.

It was peaceful and serene, and calmed him a great deal, especially in a time of turmoil such as this. He was very much concerned for those close to him and found the stars to be the only place he could seek solace - only they would listen and understand fully. He knew all of their names, their constellations and patterns, and from whence they had came. Though one star eluded him thus far.


He approached the door which he knew to be the entrance of the quarters, on the grounds, of Helenias Q'Dunn. Having met only a short while ago with Marcus, he felt it only proper that he should introduce himself to the Warlords equally powerful wife. Raising one hand, he gave a light knock on the wood, and stood in silence.

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 18th, 2002, 04:36:10 AM
So what was I doing this afternoon? What would it be a Jedi Knight of my status would be doing? Training? Contemplating The Force? Meditating? A combination thereof?

No, it would be a great surprise to all that I was sewing. I was putting together something that I would give to someone in the fulness of time and in this task I found much pleasure. To let my hands move and to create and fashion. It was a simple joy, but it was a great one, so great that I was also singing - a song of home, a song of hope and love.

As I stitched, I heard a knock at the door. I finished the verse I was singing, then spoke.

"Come in please!"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2002, 04:39:38 AM
Dasquian pushed the door open slowly, stepping cautiously around the opening. His face brightened somewhat as he caught sight of the Jedi Knight before him and the task she was carrying out. He couldn't help but let a quiet laugh pass his lips. Seeing Helenias eyes rise up to meet him, however, he bowed in greeting and also as a show of respect.

"Lady Q'Dunn, I hope I am not interupting you, only I must speak with you on a pressing matter."

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 18th, 2002, 04:52:32 AM
"Oh certainly, this is no interruption. Please, sit with be Dasquain Belargic."

My eyes looked over the form of the Jedi Knight. My daughter by adoption Xazor.... she was bearing this Jedi's child. I looked him over again with caution, wondering what Xazor saw in him that she would break a marrige vow and even go as far as to fall pregnant to him.

"Please, speak. And then if you will, i would speak to you on a mutual matter"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2002, 04:55:45 AM
Accepting the offer, he sat. As he did so, he nervously tugged the ends of his cuffs with both hands, taking in a deep breath.

"Marcus has told me of a danger looming over Xazor's future, and that you were the one who spoke of this preordained darkness. It concerns me deeply, and I wish to know more of the threat."

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 18th, 2002, 05:02:28 AM
That was direct and to the point. More so than I expected.

"Yes,... yes there is. When Xazor told me of her pregnancy, I saw a vision - a vision I fear will become true. I saw you and Xazor at the time of her birth, in a cave or a ruining builidng, I know not. I saw other Jedi, plus others and I saw Marcus, fighting off a Nameless Fear. I felt that there was little hope in Marcus being able to stop that Fear". Looking into the young Knights eyes, I held my gaze level and spoke again.

"I am sorry, but I feel great evil will overcome some of the Jedi and it will be marked by your child's birth. I wish it were not so, but I feel that this to be the case"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2002, 05:07:53 AM
A pang of distress marked the Jedi's eyes as he felt a a sense of unsure sadness over come him. Could it be that the childs birth would bring about such a thing? Dasquians lips fell into a frown.

"All visions you have come to pass?"

He shook his head, he was able to answer that question himself. A sigh passed the Knight's lips. Fate had forsaken him.

"How bittersweet that I should be blessed then dashed."

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 18th, 2002, 05:19:46 AM
"One thing to learn Master Dasquain is that always in motion is the future. what I saw is one likely outcome, but how to avoid it I know not. I will say that Jedi will fall. I would know that this foe must be great if it taxes Marcus. And I know that when the time comes, strong you must be. I would say theese words.... you will have the choice. Either the child or to stand with Marcus. One of them will lead to you death"

I was chilled even myself by the certainty on my voice and the emotionless. This was almost callous.

"I am truly sorry Dasquain, and know it that Xazor is my daughter. This child that you have fathered, it is part of my family and it gives me no joy to say these terrible things"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2002, 05:24:16 AM
"I must protect Xazor and our child... but to leave Marcus to deal with the foe would go against at that we stand for."

He was torn. He had two choices. He could stand by Marcus in the hope that with Dasquian's help the two would be able to fend off the dark force and thereby save the Jedi who Helenias stated were destined to fall. On the other hand, he could stay by Xazor's side to guard her and lead her to safety, in the hope that Marcus would hold back the evil for enough time for their escape to be complete.

"... I must stand true to the Jedi code. I am sworn to protect, thus my blade shall be by Marcus' when the time comes," he resolved, nodding to himself in affirmation.

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 18th, 2002, 05:31:20 AM
I stared at the Knight.

"That you say now... how will it be at the time, I do not see. I know Marcus well and I know that if he saw no hope, that does not mean he will not choose to do something to live to fight another day. For so long I thought he was dead, for 11 years. Then I found he was truly dead and I joined the Order. 6 months later, he appears at Xazor's wedding! Twice, he has cheated death by means I can only guess. Just know this, that do not make your mind up on your course of action now. The time will come. For now, it is the time to be ready and to also look after my daughter"

I gave him a truly penetrating look.

"You are intending to do that, are you not? I would be most displeased if my daughter was not looked after"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2002, 05:38:35 AM
"Of course, I would defend her to my death."

Marcus had, as Helenias had said, apparently escaped death's grasp on more than one occasion. He was a titanically strong man, and perhaps if he could not defeat what was coming for them then Dasquians efforts would simply be in vain? But he could not simply sit back and allow the birth of his daughter to bring about the end of lives and days.

"This is a most perplexing situation..."

This truly would be a test of strength, a test of their dedication and will in the Force. It was profound how such a small thing as a child could end up having such a large effect on so many.

"...Is there no way you could see further into the future? Even the smallest glimpse?"

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 18th, 2002, 05:44:53 AM
"There might be Master Dasquain, but I am still exploring my Foresight gifting. It only really came to fruit when I came into these halls - I had not realised how strong it was until then. I am by no means a Master of piercing time and distance, I have not had the years of practice and training required to simply view what I want. But if you wish, sit wish me and talk for a while . Sometimes the presence of one may lead to a image or a sign that will be helpful."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2002, 05:48:50 AM
"Very well."

He gave a nod. The second topic he had wished to consult Helenias came to mind, one that Marcus had also spoken of.

"...Please, tell me of your home."

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 18th, 2002, 06:28:02 AM
"My home..." I said wistfully "My home is so far away, in the eastern side of the Unknown Regions. It is the fourth planet of the Arda system, Imdralis, a garden planet where fear and death is almost unknown. Marcus comes from the first planet, a hell named Arnor, where deserts stretch for as far as eye can see and the gravity cripples all who are not used to it. Ever noticed how lightly Marcus walks? Where normal humans tread, it is only half of the crushing pull he was born to. Few dare to try to live there, but those that do, the Numenorians, are one of the toughest and hardy races known. Many are in exile from their true home.

Long lived are my people - and fair they all are. My father rules there and he is wise, just and fair. A paradise it is. On the third planet, there is vast woods and fields where more of The First Born dwell, along with the race of Men. You should see the trees that grow there! And the buildings of man, how white the towers and the beauty. And yet, even amonst this place, war toils. There is a race who would turn over all that Man and First Born strive for."

I paused.

"Where did you come from Dasquain?"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2002, 06:33:52 AM
"Your home sounds spectacular,"

Dasquian mused as he mentally pictured the sights - it sounded like a haven for the Jedi. He seemed at first almost reluctant to answer the question posed by Helenias, and busied himself by straightening out a rinkle or two in his attire by smoothing it down with his palm.

"I do not know where I was born. Very shortly after my birth my father moved from his home lands to live with my mother, on a arid planet a great distance away. The community there was very welcoming, and almost everyone worked on the farms and in the mines to keep the group stable,"

He smiled somewhat, "It was a very peaceful place."

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:03:36 AM
"What was your father's name?" I asked, gently. "Did he ever speak much of the lands of your birth?"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:06:48 AM
"His name was Lero Belargic.. he refrained from ever speaking to me on my birthplace, as I was never inquistive on the matter. I assumed for a long time that I was a child of the community which I grew in, though as I became older I realised this was not so," Dasquian replied somewhat sadly.

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:33:27 AM
"Do you ever want to see the lands of you birth?" I asked in return

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 22nd, 2002, 06:41:17 AM
"It would be interesting to set eyes upon them, though I do not know their whereabouts, so I highly doubt I will ever see them," Dasquian said with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 26th, 2002, 03:15:49 AM
"Don't you have a suspicion?" I asked. "Everyone has a feeling where they are born - it is like a connection that binds us there. No matter how long it is since we have been there, it calls to us Dasquain."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 28th, 2002, 06:37:38 AM
"Many seem to believe I come from the same place that you do, ma'am," he replied,

"At least your husband has stated so. Though I cannot imagine coming from such a wonderful place..."

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 29th, 2002, 04:35:09 AM
I had to nod with that statement.

"That could be the case - humans do not have the ears that we do, yes? There would be other things that may mark us as kindred - but in the end there is only one way. You would have to come to my home and stand on the soil for yourself. If you feel oneness with the land, it is indeed yours as well as mine, for all of the First Born share that bond with their birth lands."

i lloked away out the window, whre I noted it was beginning to rain outside. There was a tone of sadness in my voice as I resumed speaking.

"How I wish I was there now. How I wish that Xazor would be there, for no evil like I felt in my vsion could ever be there. I fear i could lose so much in just a short time span - Marcus, Xazor..... and you too, for wether you realise or not, you become now a part of our family, our extended clan. Not by blood, but by relationship. So much can be lost by just.... one step. I cried Dasquain, after I saw what I did, that night. I wept for the sorry that is coming, for there will be loss withever way this goes. I feel that I lack the power to stop this and I wish what I had seen will not come to pass"

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 2nd, 2002, 03:35:32 AM
Dasquians brow furrowed. He feld sadness and happiness merge as one as he was proclaimed family, yet felt as though sometime in the near future the family would be split by this ... darkness. In an attempt to lighten the mood, he said:

"Perhaps you could take me to your home one day?"

Helenias Evenstar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 05:36:59 AM
"I will. Before Xazor is due, prehaps? A time of rest before a time of trial? I know I will need to consult with my father on this and ask what he sees, if he would give guidance. Now, I would ask something of you, Dasquain. I have noticed something that also adds to my distress - Marcus seems to be drawing away from the Jedi. He seems to be withdrawing into himself, not participating and not being near. It seems that he has no one he can call friend except Jyanis Scorpion. I see he does not speak at Council, all he seems to do is to brood in the Bar and Grill, if he is ever here. Something troubles him I feel, something he wont even speak to myself of. Someone apart from I is going to have to try to find out what is wrong. I would ask if you could sometime? "

I sighed.

"Marcus is much more powerful than he has shown and lets on. I feel we will need his strength and we need him here with us"

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 3rd, 2002, 09:45:19 AM
"I.. can try,"

Dasquian gave a slight nod at the request.

"And if you just.. let me know when you've spoken with your father," he added with a smile.