View Full Version : The ongoing story of Clay

Clay Dennatta
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:48:21 AM
Name: Clay Dennatta
Age: 22
Homeplanet: Onderon
Home City: Iziz
Species: Human (Onderonian)
Relatives: Older Brother Ulic Dennatta, Emperor of Onderon(deceased); Cousin Kale Dennatta, New Emperor of Onderon. Mother and Father died when he was very young.
Eyes: Crimson Red
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 156 pounds
Blood Type: O+
Hair: Red, medium length
Body Type: Muscular with many scars all over body
Personality: He is a very calm person but dosent talk much unless he knows you very well and has a strong sense of loyalty torwards his friends and family.
Occupation: Jedi Padawan
Master: Xazor Elessar
Favorite Drink: Merlot
Favorite Food: Duxn Beast Meat from the Duxn Beasts of Onderon
1 grey lightsaber named "Redemption"
1 green lightsaber named "Soul Taker" (even though it was one of his sith weapons he still uses it)
1 war sword named "Light Embracer"
1 katana named "Darkness" (not used anymore since it was one of his sith weapons)
1 caster gun named "Freedom"
Martial Status: Single
Ship: A ship Clay and his cousin designed on the planet Onderon, it is named the "Star-Rider"
Clothing: Traditional Jedi Robes; or black pants, black tank top, white utility belt, brown boots, brown robe w/ armour on shoulders, and black golves.


Clay was born in the city of Iziz 22 basic years ago. Ever since he was little his brother had been emperor of Onderon, because his parents had died from unknown causes right after Clays birth. His brother had trained him in the ways of the Sith, but Clay never did like the darkside that much. While in an argument with his brother when Clay was 20 he almost killed his brother and that is when his journey to become a Jedi started.

He traveled far and wide but could fins no one that was a jedi trainer. Till one day he stumbled upon the planet Yavin IV. There he found a Jedi academy and met his master Xazor Leo Dawnstrider. He trained with her for a few months but while in the middle of dinner with his roommate Lance and his friend Maia, he suddenly left. He didnt even say good bye. But he had no reason to cause he knew he would be back eventually.

He had returned home to Onderon and trained with his brother and also trained himself in the ways of talking to nature. After several months of training in the force this way Clay had grown bulkier and found himself talking to all the animals he saw and always listening to the trees and all of nature around him. After many months of training he had also turned his Brother to the light side. But Ulic did not want to come back to Yavin with Clay cause he had no reason to go and train with the Jedi. Even though he has embraced the lightside he feeld the other Jedi will shun him because he was once a great Sith Master.

Upon returning to Yavin Clay found himself in a whole new world. Alot had happened to the Jedi while he was gone. His master was now a Council Member and had many padawans. She still found room to train Clay though even though she was so busy.

But Clay again dissappeared. He was gone for many months but for once it was something out of his control. He had got into a fight on his planet of Onderon while protecting a group of ladies from a couple very low level Sith's who found it fun to torture people. There was 5 of them and Clay took care of 4, but the 5th put Clay into an acoma. He was in acoma for little over two weeks when he finnally awoke. All his memories were gone but he still knew who to do basic things like walking and eating. His brother Ulic helped him out for a couple months and alot of Clay's memories returned. Once they found his lightsaber Clay set off for Arcan IV to continue training and maybe finnally get promoted to knight.