View Full Version : Beginings (Gouyen Chee)
Darth Uhlen
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:43:05 AM
Uhlen stood in the morning sunlight. the rays making his pink newly healed flesh from the other days battle shimmer as if it were a metal of some sort. he awaited Gouyen, she had told him she would help him to train.....possibly to be a partner. to help him carry out his evil deeds in the future.
Gouyen Chee
Aug 19th, 2002, 03:29:24 PM
Gouyen strode up to where the YV warrior was standing and bowed.
"Greetings, Darth Uhlen. I see you got my message," and she smiled. "We will be joined by a couple of other apprentices: Oolana Taine and Northstar. I'd thought I'd teach the skill of battle meditation -- it's something that will come in handy on the next training mission. I'd also like to do a round-robin spar to get everyone used to fighting against different styles. But in the meantime...," and she looked hard at the warrior's freshly healed scars, "I was wondering how you came into the Order. I thought that the Yuuzhan Vong were blind to the Force?"
Oolana Taine
Aug 19th, 2002, 10:10:09 PM
Oolana approached the pair. She gazed in awe at Uhlen, for she had not seen one of his kind before. "This will be interesting. The privilege of training with such being, how extrodinary ," she thought. She had overheard Gouyhen's question and was very intrigued.
"Yes, I too am curious as to how you came to join us."
Darth Uhlen
Aug 20th, 2002, 03:31:13 PM
Uhlen returned the bow to Gouyen and bowed to Oolana as well. when they mentioned how they were curious as to how he could use the force he explained.
"My father was Yuuhzan Vong and my mother was ancestral genes from my mother had high medicholorians and my father was a descendant of Domain Shai. this is how i am a Yuuhzan Vong warrior and also a sith. it will indeed be an honor to train with the both of you for the greater advancement of the Sith Order!"
Oolana Taine
Aug 22nd, 2002, 11:46:48 PM
Oolana bowed towards first Gouyen, and then Uhlen. "Thank you for the invitation to join in on your training session. I hope I have not kept you waiting."
OOC: Northstar's having trouble with his account and that is why he has not responded. He's gonna try to fix it so hopefully he'll be joining us still.
Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:30:49 AM
Northstar joined the group but did not bow to any of the others. "So, what is this all about?"
Aug 25th, 2002, 07:12:54 PM
OOC: soory to have to do this but my Northstar account is acting dumber than Jar Jar so I switched to Southstar, a pretty close name. So when I respond later you won't say "Who's that dude?"
Gouyen Chee
Aug 28th, 2002, 04:01:42 PM
Gouyen nodded as she listened to Uhlen's explanation. "Half-human, half-Vong -- that would explain it," she said. "Hopefully you have recieved the best of both of those races."
She gave a nod to *o*thstar ;) as he joined the group and commenced with her lesson.
"I am going to teach you a simplified form of the ancient art of battle meditation. In its traditional form, battle meditation can be used to either instill fear into the opponent or to instill courage into your allies. This is a modified form because you're not working on a large group as you would with traditional battle meditation -- you're working on one or two minds at a time. You can, of course, affect more minds as you grow stronger in the Force. I'm up to about a dozen at a time," she smiled. "So shall we begin?"
She walked over to the cage where the farnaks were kept and pulled out about a half a dozen, which she uncerimoniously dumped in the center of the group.
"I want you to start by instilling fear into one of these creatures, then another, until the whole lot is in a panic. Let me show you how I do it, then you may take turns."
She closed her eyes, concentrating. Suddenly, one of the farnaks began chittering nervously, then another, and another, until the whole lot of them was scurrying around in a panic. She reached her hand into the chittering mass and easily pulled one of the beasts from the mass.
She set the critter back down and calmed the farnaks with the Force. "Now it's your turn -- Darth Uhlen, you will begin."
OOC: Sorry about the late post -- I've been fighting the migrane monster the past couple of days -- heck, I'm still fighting the migrane monster :headache :x
Sep 3rd, 2002, 07:11:28 PM
Southstar didn't wait for Darth Uhlen and reached through the force and grabbed the farnak's precious mind and bent it to his will. In the Farnak's mind he projected large beasts preying on him and devouring those about him. He spread the image to a few more Farnaks then some more. Most of the little creatures were scurrying around now in a frenzied panic. Southstar smiled to himself.
Darth Uhlen
Sep 3rd, 2002, 08:58:26 PM
Uhlen glared at Southstar and then smiled as he went about his task of terror. Uhlen picked up one of the creatures with his force sense and brought it so it was an few inches away from his face. snearing in the most disgusting manner, distorting his mutilations even more he didnt even have to use the force to scare this one. the face did the trick. Uhlen then took this animals fright and projected it into the minds of all the others. instantly sending them all into a squealing panic. he set the frightened little rodent down and stepped back.
OOC: srry wouldve posted sooner but comp crashed into safe mode and i just got it fixed.
Gouyen Chee
Sep 4th, 2002, 02:01:29 PM
Gouyen joined Uhlen in a black eyed glare at Southstar.
"You are to wait your turn, Southstar. You must learn patience -- it is a virtue that has kept the Sith alive for all these centuries," and she turned to Uhlen and smiled approvingly.
"Well done, Uhlen. But I would like to see you do it to a group of calm, placid farnaks -- and without scaring one half to death by staring at it." Her smile broadened into an amused grin. "With that face you really don't need the Force. It gives you an unfair advantage. But seriously," and she took a deep breath, "you may not be close enough to a group to scare it that way." She gently waved a hand, Force calming the agitated farnaks. "Now try it, using only the Force this time," and she glared at Southstar, "and without interference."
OOC: Takes up her Terminal Terminator (a large foam hammer) and whacks Uhlen's 'puter into behaving *whack! whack! whack!*
Oolana Taine
Sep 4th, 2002, 06:47:53 PM
Oolana sat down and waited patiently for her turn.
OOC: :mneh to Southstar
Sep 4th, 2002, 07:04:39 PM
Southstar smiled as the warrior and apprentice glared at him. Southstar did not say what was on his mind, he kept his thoughts to himself.
OOC: it happens
Darth Uhlen
Sep 5th, 2002, 08:55:14 PM
Uhlen nodded to Gouyen and tried it this time w/out his face. he reached down into his dark pit of malice he called a soul and pulled his hate and anger into a steady stream of power. he let the flood wash out of him and around every farnak within 10 meters of himself. he felt ten little stupid minds of beasts under his control. ready to yield to his power. to be controlled like puppets on a string. he found the trigger for fear inside thier minds. with this he sent nerve cells all over the farnak group's bodies up into their puny excuses for some sort of living and put feelings of fear, destruction, hatred, and death into the little beasts. all ten of them ran around like chickens with their heads cut off. they were squealing and screeching and some were even attacking one another in their confusion.
"How is that? mistress Gouyen."
OOC: Uhlen laughs as his puter's guts fall out. takes malicious glee in tearing apart wires and plugs from its inside.
Gouyen Chee
Sep 7th, 2002, 04:54:03 PM
"Excellent," she smiled approvingly. "Allthough the Force you used was excessive for a dozen farnaks, it's about right for the same number of people. Practice this on your next mission."
She then turned to Oolana, waving her hand to calm the agitated farnaks. "That's a tough act to follow -- let's see what you can do."
Oolana Taine
Sep 7th, 2002, 08:52:11 PM
Oolana smiled, "A challenge is always welcome, " she said as she focused on the task ahead of her. "Let's see... something to invoke fear, panic," she thought for a second and than proceded with her plan.
Wanting to terrorize them as much as possible she reached out with the force and used it to lull them to sleep. Then, she levitated the whole group just a couple feet off the ground. Her next step was to prepare an image of a huge abyss gaping below the creatures.
She quickly projected the image, woke the group and let them fall. The pathetic beings were to dumb to realize that they had reached firm ground and they ran everywhere in sheer panic, thinking that the dark chasm would swallow them whole.
Oolana took pleasure in their confusion and let the image stay until she was told to stop.
Gouyen Chee
Sep 7th, 2002, 10:38:38 PM
A frown furrrowed Gouyen's brow. "That's enough," she said, eyeing Oolana critically. "Let me re-explain the point of this exercise. You are to instill fear and panic by using the Force to affect the minds of the beings -- no levitating them three feet off the ground or glowering at them with a frightening visage. While that may be the easiest way to affect a bunch of farnaks," and she waved a hand over the much-abused creatures, Force calming them again, "it won't do a bit of good against a village full of people or a military garrison. Now, Oolana -- again, and only using your mind to affect their minds."
Oolana Taine
Sep 8th, 2002, 08:32:33 AM
"Alright," she thought to herself, "Lets try that approach."
She began to search through the mind of just a single farnak, looking for...ah yes there it was. She searched throughout the others checking to make sure the memory was the same. Then she took away the familiarity, the lessons they had of that situation from their minds and sent the sight, completely fresh into all of their minds.
The memory was one tucked away insde their small minds. It was that of their encounter for the first time with a predator. All at once the Farnaks went into panic, their insincts had been taken away and none of them knew what to do. She felt the fear coming off them in strong waves as they desperately tried to get away from the predator in their head.
Gouyen Chee
Sep 8th, 2002, 02:07:12 PM
"Perfect!" she exclaimed, a broad grin splitting her face. "Play on their fears and they become putty in your hands." She turned and looked at Oolana again, appraisingly this time. "Use this technique -- practice whenever you have a chance, for I forsee you becoming a powerful and feared warrior."
She turned to Southstar with a smirk. "Let's see if you can duplicate your previous performance," she said as she Force-calmed the farnaks yet again. A random thought intruded in her mind -- I wonder how these critters are for fur -- their minds will be too fried at the end of this for anything else....
OOC:Farnak = chinchilla
Darth Uhlen
Sep 8th, 2002, 07:16:52 PM
Uhlen nodded at Gouyen's encouragement and bowed to Oolana w/respect as she played with the creature's minds.
Sep 15th, 2002, 08:06:24 PM
Southstar reached out and grabbed a farnak. It was far to easy, no strain. The little creature's fragile mind was burnt. He started to take control but it suddenly dissappeared. Like the creature's force presence ws sucked into the maw. Southstar opened his eyes to see the little farnak dead on the ground shaking in compulsions. He reached out to another and another until he got one that would be able to withstand his mind.
The Farnak scurried around in panic as Southstar reminded it that all its 'friends' were dead from the same thing that was happening to it. After about three seconds of running, the creature tumbled and died.
"I think the farnaks have had enough. I doubt the last three are even going to make it through the next hour." As Southstar said that another Farnak feel over and died. Southstar was about to continue but a strong rustle arose from a bush near by followed by a low, loud growl. Only a second later a large catlike carnivore leapt towards the group.
Sep 15th, 2002, 08:10:13 PM
OOC: Im very sorry about the lateness of my last post, Everyone walked out at work and i've had to pick up the slack and balance that with school. So sorry about that. This week should be pretty slow and i will have more time to post. Thanks
Oolana Taine
Sep 16th, 2002, 09:42:25 AM
Oolana bowed appreciatively towards both Gouyen and Uhlen.
"Yes, that was rather fun, I will definitely be have to try that again on a more challenging species." She smiled devilishly as she imagined her next target.
OOC: sorry for the delayed response, email problems.
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