View Full Version : Meat on the Bone (open)
Arya Ravenwing
Aug 17th, 2002, 12:46:07 AM
Arya stalked into the building and leaned over the desk at a grossly overweight receptionist. "Is the boss lady in? Tell Sasseeri that Arya is here."
The human woman sputtered, and bluffed, "She is out of the sector on business."
"Like frell she is! Put the call through, sweetie." Arya sat on the edge of the desk and pulled out her blaster, sighting down it at the door. A man walked through, and froze, but she put the weapon back into her shoulder holster, apparently not noticing him. He scurried away.
"Well!?" Arya leaned back over the desk. "What did Madame Reeouurra say?"
"Go right up." The receptionist pointed at the turbolift, and Arya grinned.
"Thanks." She took the 'lift up to Sasseeri's office.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:03:22 AM
ooc: First new Sector Ranger to post in this thread gets an adventure. The second one might as well too. Just walk by the office, ok? /ic:
Sasseeri waited for the smuggler to arrive, her hands folded neatly in her lap. Ravenwing had carried cargo for the Rangers in the past...sometimes even legally.
The half breed's tail twitched, and she looked up as the secretary spoked through the intercom.
"There is an Arya Ravenwing here, Ms. Reeouurra."
"Send herrr jin." Sasseeri stood as the door opened.
Arya Ravenwing
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:12:35 AM
Arya walked through the doors that opened themselves, and found Sasseeri Reeouurra standing facing her, and walking around the desk towards her.
"Sasseeri, its been a while." Arya was on her guard, but no one had taken her blasters away. Which meant Sasseeri still trusted her. Which was good, because she was going to need her help.
Which was bad, because if she needed a favor, then Sasseeri would need one from her in return. But this favor Arya was going to would not land her in the Vigo's pocket. At least she hoped not.
If everything worked out.... "Do you have some time to listen to an old business associate?"
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:19:58 AM
Sasseeri shook the woman's hand, and ushered her into a chair. "jI always have tjime forrr forrrmerrr assocjiates. Please, sjit." She took her own seat, and favored Arya with a hard glance.
This was one who did not know her soft side, and so she wouldn't coddle her with anymore pretended niceties. "What jis on yourrr mjind, Arrya? jI had to rrrearragne my schedule to fjit you jin on such shorrrt notjice." She narrowed her eyes at the indifferent smuggler. So cocky. But then, they all arrre.
Makoto Neosis
Aug 17th, 2002, 07:09:54 AM
Makoto slowly strolled by several of the corperation's unimportant offices. The Sniper had been searching for an armory or something to that nature but had been unsucessful in the attempts so far which left him with his normal array of reliable armaments.
TSR's buisness was well build in his point of view, nice covers and such. Mako slightly enjoyed being an employer of such a corperation headed by Sasseeri, it gave an extremly vast array of choices for operations and such when they came around.
Which was good at times.
The silent Sniper strolled past a few more offices until the wall broke off into another hallway with a set of stairs leading to the main office. Shrugging, Mako traversed the stairs upward until he hit another door which slid open before he came in contact.
Stepping out, he realised that the hall he was currently in was not a hall at all but a waiting room of sorts. A desk at the north in sat before a set of double doors, the secretary pressed the intercom once more and spoke something which the sniper had trouble catching...
Arya Ravenwing
Aug 17th, 2002, 11:49:00 AM
Arya carefully took her seat, and tossed a data pad up onto the desk. "I have a lead on something you might be interested in."
Sasseeri picked up the datapad, and stared at it for a moment. "A head?"
The smuggler snorted, and leaned forward. "Not just any head. That is an idol of a the native population of...well a planet near Wild Space. On the outer rim. Notice the diamond eye? That rock is as big as my fist." Arya made a fist and held it up.
Sasseeri tapped the pad. "What about thjis otherrr eye? jIts grrreen."
"Thats an emerald..also the size of my fist." Arya knocked her fists together, and let her hands fall to her lap. "The point of me barging in here is this: I'd like to go get these stones. The diamond is obviously worth more than the emerald, but that green rock is getting so rare in a non man-made form that it's nearly as pricey as the diamond."
Lann Kirauc
Aug 19th, 2002, 10:40:34 AM
Lann followed the woman immediately after she departed the turbolift for reasons obvious and personal. For one she was quite attractive and for another she was striding with great urgency on the suite of Sasseeri's office. Her demeanor was of some concern especially with the dubious nature of this agency. And despite Lann's overly curious nature.
He took great care in following her, keeping the woman in sight while also not being blatant but subtle. The woman stopped at the door of Sasseeri's office and was knocked. The door opened and she quietly slipped in. Lann pressed his back against the corridor, leaning lazily on the wall, reached into his heavy overcoat and retrieved a cigarra. Seconds later after lighting up another man came walking down the hall. Lann crossed his arms and observed. His face resolute.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Aug 19th, 2002, 11:34:58 PM
Sasseeri looked carefully at the digitized photo on the pad, and then set it down, looking at the smuggler carefully. "Why brrjing thjis to me?"
The dark haired woman brushed a strand of hair from her eyes, and settled back into the chair. "I got stiffed on my last job. Without going into details, that money was going to fund my trip. Now, there's only a small window of opportunity here...something to do with the full moon and things like that. The idol won't be accessible until then." Arya wiped something out of the corner of her eye, and Sasseeri tried not to stare too hard at her.
She was still trying to figure out human women, and Arya was the most difficult one of all to figure out. But still, her bottom line was money, and that wasn't too hard to figure out. " have no money, and you've come to me."
"Yes. Bluntly put, if you bankroll this trip, and maybe send along a little bit of manpower to assist me, then the diamond is yours." Arya leaned forward again. "What do you say, Sasseeri? Its the chance of a lifetime!"
Sasseeri studied the datapad in front of her on the desk, and then reached forward and pressed the button on the intercom. "Sally, get me Kal Olorrrjin. And jI see shadows on the glass..who jis out therrre?"
"Makoto Neosis, and Lann Kirauc. They've just arrived."
Excellent. "Send them jin wjith Kal when he arrrrrrjives." Sasseeri sat back. "jI accept yourrr offerrr, Arrrya Rrravenwjing. Let me call jin a few of my assocjiates. jI'm surrre you'll fjind them most helpful jin yourrr jourrrney." She smiled, a thin, feline smile.
Lann Kirauc
Aug 20th, 2002, 10:32:37 AM
Lann had been equally surprised as he was puzzled by Sasseeri's summoning. Tossing it around in his mind until he reached Sally's desk where he put out the cigarra, flashed her a charming smile and winked an eye. They exchanged greetings, when he heard Sally announce into her comm that "Mr. Kirauc has arrived" which was answered by a curt heavily accented response. Something along the lines of "Sieze Jim's gin." A voice he had grown increasingly familiar with. Vigo Sasseeri Reeouurra.
Approaching the door, he suddenly desired another cigarra. Shrugging, Lann pulled his trousers up an inch, and put on his best gameface. He entered and immediately looked into Sasseeri's eyes. "Vigo Sasseeri", he said with a nod. His lips twitched with a small grin, "You wanted to see me." Then his eyes fell on the attractive stranger whom sat still and composed with her back to him.
Makoto Neosis
Aug 21st, 2002, 08:04:52 PM
I entered right after Lann, obviously annoyed that the secratary had forgotten to mention; When 'Kal' arrived.
Anyway, The room I stepped into was a high grade typical buisness boss's room. Neat, clean, expencive. The Vigo, and my boss I may add, sat at the large desk with another female.
Slightly rasing a brow, I left the door behind me crack just in case Kal arrived next. Sasseeri looked somewhat comfortable in her current position at the desk which I would not be.
I'd prefer the but end of a Rifle for my chair, the trigger my pen, and the bullet my commands. But, my opinion doesnt matter right now.
Vigo Sasseeri, I repeated after Lann in a barely audible tone. As you could probally infer, I did not like to talk. But when times came to be, I spoke, and I spoke loudly.
Anyway, Again, my ruby colored eyes hoamed in on the Cizerack and then to the female sitting at her desk.
And what may I call this summons to? I whispered out again...
Arya Ravenwing
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:35:51 AM
Arya sat back, pleased that her offer had been accepted, but still slightly uneasy. Associates? Great. But of course Sasseeri would want her spies with Arya. It was a horrible fact of life that this woman was..well, a horrible person.
The dark haired woman resisted the urge to kick her feet up on the desk, and instead twisted slightly in her chair as the door opened almost immediately. Sasseeri's lips curled up with displeasure. but she smoothed her face quickly. Arya looked at the door as two men entered.
First impressions are important. The first to enter the room was loud, and probably brash as well. If he was coming along, Arya would have her hands full. The second one, with piercing red eyes peeking out from underneath a mop of hair, was barely audible.
Not a problem, for Sasseeri, perhaps. Arya strained to hear him, but being quiet wasn't a bad thing.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:56:39 AM
Sasseeri's ears laid back at the man known as Lann sauntered in, followed by an annoyed Neosis. "Well, sjince you'rrre herrre, mjight as well make jintrrroductjions. Arrrya Rrravenwjing, thjis jis Lann Kjirrrauc and Matoto Neosjis."
She stood up and Arya did the same, and there were tenative handshakes between the three others. Arya had a firm grip, which spoke of confidence. Sasseeri sat again, and Arya did the same, the two men taking seats on the couch by the wall. "Now we wajit forrr Kal to arrrrrrjive. jI wjill be sendjing you all off togetherrr. jIt seems ljike a verrry prrrofjitable arrrrrrangement."
Lann Kirauc
Aug 24th, 2002, 10:47:17 PM
Lann had learned the woman's name was Arya Ravenwing. A fascinating name with a interesting ring. He noticed Sasseeri's wary expression upon entering, he decided she must harbor distrust or other feelings towards him. Which was fine to a degree. After the Vigo introduced Arya to Neosis and himself, Lann shook her hand. She had a firm grasp and wore the congenial smile of a professional. Her appearance was clean, immaculate. The garb she wore were suggestive a hot night under the big city's lights rather than TSR headquarters. Except for the subtle, nearly inconspicious bulge of a blaster strapped in her shoulder rig beneath the thin black nerfhide trench. The most striking feature however was her blue eyes, very alert and poised that spoke many things. A calm storm dancing behind them.
Breaking contact as Neosis introduced himself, Lann took a seat on the black leather couch and awaited the arrival of Kal. Soon he would learn the meaning of this curious gathering and gain more intelligence on their new guest. He crossed his right leg, a polished black sharkskin leather boot gleamed. Something had gone down, a proposition agreed upon, a deal already made. A sniper and an ex-soldier turned multi-talented criminal meant this was no picnic or sunday function. His curiousity was maintained by an expression of nonchalance.
Aug 25th, 2002, 01:44:37 PM
Time passed.
Just outside the office of Sasseeri Reeouurra, an assassin droid was getting very, very bored.
There were interesting things happening, with no doubt. But not here, in this cramped hidden passageway.
It was a sad neccessity of life that secret passages had to be small and uncomfortable, so that people with nothing better to do than scouring blueprints would not find an empty space of suspicious proportions in a building.
IG-88 wished he had something better to do. But what you were paid to do, you had to do. His on-board auditory sensors could pick up only distorted whispers from the office, which he would have attempted to clear up and amplify if he had not had the office "bugged" - as biologicals said - with a small, unobtrusive Vox a32 module. The unit was currently located within an overhead light fixture. With Sasseeri Reeouurra's permission, of course. She had seen to it that IG-88 had not used a voice pickup with greater transmitting capabilities than the a32. It had a maximum broadcasting radius of only twenty meters.
Which was irrelevant, because the droid had simply run a hard line from the unit, above the ceiling, and then into the passage where he now waited. That way there were no "bug" transmissions to be observed by unforseen sensors, and much less power was needed for the Vox module to function. Which was another popular method of catching eavesdropping vermin - most of them used large amounts of energy to transmit their signals; and the better ones used even more energy to secure those transmissions. Simply run an electrician's-grade power sensor around a room, and you'd discover an estimated 98% of them.
Nothing interesting was happening. Still.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Aug 27th, 2002, 01:43:16 AM
Sasseeri fidgited a little. She had anticipated something like this happening, as she had been keeping tabs on the smuggler for some time now. But where was Kal? She smiled, and spoke, "Ms. Rrravenwjing jis underrrtakjing a trrjip to the Outerrr Rrrjim. jIt jis my hope that you wjill both accompany herrr, to help prrrotect the company's jinvestment jin herrr enterrrprrrjise."
Makoto Neosis
Aug 27th, 2002, 03:36:56 PM
I gave a hint of surpise, which was false, for I was more interested rather than surprised. The Fellow named Lann beside me seemed rather showoffish which was not a problem as long as he didnt get in my way.
"Are we to go fully armed?" I spoke, aloud, my voice rather hissy and deep. The prospect of 'protecting' ment we probally would end up carrying any sort of weaponary. Be it blasters, old handguns, or my Favorite; the Sig Sg 550 Sniper.
Arya Ravenwing
Aug 30th, 2002, 12:55:52 AM
Arya narrowed her eyes, but to tell the truth, she had been expecting this. "Well I'd hardly expect you to leave one of your arms behind." She looked at her watch. "I'm running late; need to get my ship outfitted for the trip. Shall I just put it on your tab?"
She resisted the urge to wink at Sasseeri, and instead folded her arms in front of her. The door opened once more, admitting a tallish dark haired man. Sasseeri visibly brightened. Must be Kal. Whoever he is. Arya waited for introductions.
Lann Kirauc
Aug 30th, 2002, 02:25:26 PM
Lann's turned his scrutinous gaze on Sasseeri. Accompany Arya to the Outer Rim and secure the company investment. He immediately read the implications beneath Sasseeri's words, that he and Makoto were not only to escort and protect Arya... but to also watch her and guarantee the success of this umbrous corporate investment. The outer rim still held a great deal of mystery and hazards. Not to mention providing a haven for scoundrals like chiggers on a bantha's backside. There remained worlds unexplored and perhaps even unchartered out there. Lann smelled something more than just an ordinary routine smuggler's run. What was the object or objective precisely? He was about to begin down his list of inquiries when Arya cut-in and silenced him.
And the fourth member of the party finally arrived. The door opened and admitted Kal, Sasseeri's recognized personal advisor of some sort. Or other. The answers to Lann's numerous questions would have to hold shortly.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Sep 27th, 2002, 11:52:34 PM
Sasseeri smiled at Kal, and he walked in, mumbling something about being late and being sorry. She ignored his mumbles. "Lann, and Neosjis, you arrre to accompany Arrrya Rrravenwjing on herrr jourrrney to...whateverrr planet jit jis she jis gojing to. Help herrr fulfjill her mjissjion, and prrrotect my assets."
The half-breed gave Arya a careful stare. "jI would not want you to fajil." The other woman nodded, and fidgeted, eager to get on her way. "Kal jis to be yourrr contact man, so jif you need somethjing, talk to hjim. jIf he needs to, he'll clearrr jit wjith me."
Kal nodded, and turned to Sass. "We're funding an expedition?"
"Yes. Gjive Mjiss Rrravenwjing the supporrrt and suppljies she needs, and make surrre Mrrr. Kjirrrauc and Mrrr. Neosjis are well equjipped." Sasseeri stood to her feet. "jI beljieve thjis meetjing is at an end. Thank you, Rrravenwjing, thjis wjill be most prrrofjitable."
Makoto Neosis
Oct 6th, 2002, 05:05:03 PM
I stood about the same time the Vigo did, except I didnt speak a word. So, the little campers were off to get loaded and onto the bus. Fun fun, I had commented silently.
"When will we be needing to Depart, Miss Ravenwing?"
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