View Full Version : An Arranged Meeting

Lance Kindo
Aug 16th, 2002, 04:12:51 PM
It was a cold day on the planet of Endor, the wind's precence giving proof of the chill. A man stood in the open, quiet and desolate. He waited for one named Kindo, a Jedi Padawan of the Greater Jedi Order. He was giving special orders that he knew he must carry out, which was why he was there in the first place. He sent out a message to Kindo's ship, informing of him of nothing but the location of the meeting. He stood out in the dense forest by a river waiting for the soon arrival...

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 16th, 2002, 04:31:29 PM
Kindo was climbing into the cockpit of his ship when he seen that a message was sent to his system not long ago. He took his comforatble yet firm seat, strapping himself in for wherever he was to travel. With the tap of a button, the message began to unfold across the screen. It said for him to meet someone at the planet of Endor, and that was it. Could it be a Sith, or even a Dark Jedi? Whatever it was, he was soon to find out. He set his course for Endor. The ship levitated off the ground, then shot off for Endor at high speed.

After a while he finally approached the forest consumed planet, finding a place to land near where the message was sent. He found an opening, and began to land his ship down into the clearing. He climbed out of his cockpit, with his bright sword in his right hand. He looked around into the enviroment, for he knew this was the area the message was sent from. He saw a man standing by a river, staring at him. He walked towards the man, a confused look upon his face. It was clear by the mysterious man's look that this was the one who sent the message.

" Who are you and what do you want? "

Lance Kindo
Aug 16th, 2002, 05:07:00 PM
Ouinton looked back at the man, then bowed in greeting.

" I am Quinton Dalgar, and I was sent to fight for and by your side. I am a highly trained Warrior, and I will surely prove to be of help. I was sent by the planet of Serenno, for I was informed of all the battles you have been. I could be of help. "

In a quick motion he pulled the large bow from his back along with a metal arrow, and released a speeding arrow directly at a small branch, splitting it in two. He then turned his attention back to Kindo.

" What do you say? "

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 16th, 2002, 05:18:38 PM
Kindo was quite amazed by this one's skill, and there was no doubt he was a highly trained Warrior. Kindo had no objection whatsoever to this one joining his side. He approached Quinton, and radiated a bright smile.

" I could use your help. Welcome aboard! "

Kindo led him through the forest and to his ship. They arrived the gleaming ship, sitting in the cleared opening. Both climbed into the ship and took their seats in the cockpit. Kindo piloted in the front, while Quinton sat comforatbly in the back seat. The ship arose and sped out of the forest, heading for wherever they were needed. Kindo was more confident now, for he had an aid in his strive to bring peace to the Galaxy.