View Full Version : An old acquaintance (Adisha)

Vua Nuuproug
Aug 16th, 2002, 11:42:41 AM
Vua Nuuproug entered Yoghurts and looked around at the Jeedai and Sith. Some looked back, seeing his species was a rarity now. He had tattoos of geometric designs extending from all over his face to his feet. His face had alterations done to it in honor of Yun Yuuzhan. The rest of his body was scarred and modifyied as he knew the gods wanted. He served them well.
Vua Nuuproug pushed his way to a booth and waited for the Jeedai he requested to arrive. Meawhile a service droid rolled up to his booth and asked what he'd like to eat. Although he didn't like humans, he loved their food.
"Nerfsteak, well done. And a tall glass of Alderaan ale. no, make that two, I am expecting someone."
The service droid took his order to the kitchen. He hated droids, absolutely hated them with all his might. It took enourmous restriction not to smash the droid and melt its lifeless parts down and send them to the core of this infernal galaxy. He wished he could do this to all droids, but...
The service droid brought his two ale's and now he waited for the Jeedai to come.

Adisha Dije
Aug 16th, 2002, 12:13:23 PM
Adisha entered the bar, silently hoping Laric was not far behind. She could feel the unease of the people within. "What could be caus.." Before she could finish her thought she noticed a very strange looking man, over by the bar.

She saw him turn as if he was looking for someone and a shiver went down her spine as his gaze locked on her. She scrounged up all the courage she could and kept walking towards the bar, trying to hide the nervous twitch of her lekku.

Vua Nuuproug
Aug 16th, 2002, 11:44:16 PM
Vua Nuuproug saw Adisha Dije walk nervously through the crowded bar and grill. He watched her until she saw him. He smiled when she saw him. A grin of razor sharp teeth spread across his face.
"Come here Jeedai. I need to have a word with you."

Adisha Dije
Aug 17th, 2002, 12:37:18 AM
Adisha continued towards the bar vaguely aware of the strange feeling that she new this ghastly creature. Her confidence building she grabbed a seat at the bar next to him and said, "What is it that you want from me?"