View Full Version : Who's in, Who's out?

Aug 14th, 2002, 10:00:27 AM
Anyone care to speculate on who will and won't be returning in Episode 3? Aside from main characters?

I think its safe to assume that since all shooting for Tatooine has already been done, Watto is probably out for Episode 3, and why not? He's got nothing left to contribute.
Will we return at all to the senate and the Queen's Throne Room on Naboo?

The floor is open ladies and gents, go nuts!

Figrin D'an
Aug 14th, 2002, 08:17:05 PM
Good questions...

I agree, we won't see Watto anymore. Anakin has no reason to ever go back to Tattoine, and even if he did, all his ties to Watto are now completely severed.

We may see the Queen's Throne Room again, and the various Naboo dignataries... I think we'll definately see the Senate again, though. I think GL won't pass up the chance to show the audience just how much the political landscape has changed in the few years between Episodes II and III.

I'm guessing we won't see Geonosis. That location really doesn't have any significance anymore, so probably no Geonosians. What about Kamino? Is there really much need to show the clone facilities or the Kaminoans? I can't really see any. Both the Geonosians and Kaminoans were plot devices that served their purposes... might be kind of superfluous to show them again, unless as an easter egg somewhere.

Probably won't see Dexter Jettster again... again, another plot device that served it's purpose.

What about Aura Sing? We were supposed to get a bunch of her in Episode II, but it never happened. Will she be involved in the Episode III storyline?

The Nemodians... the Viceroy and his lackeys... will they be around? Maybe during the first part of the film... they might end up being the scapegoats regarding the start of the Clone Wars... that would definately fit the style of Darth Sidious.

Boba Fett? GL says we'll see him, but his role will be very small....

Some things to ponder...

Aug 15th, 2002, 07:39:46 AM
Way to get the ball rolling D'an.

I think the Neimoidians are now useless. If they show up, it will be a small role just to show that they are still around.

As for the Naboo Throne Room, I don't think we need to hear Sio Bibble dribble anymore. "A communications disruption can mean only one thing - invasion." "It's unthinkable. There hasn't been a full scale war since the formation of the Republic!"

Yeah, thanks Sio. You're gone!:p

I think we will see Aurra Sing again, and I really like the idea of her being Boba's guardian/tutor

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 15th, 2002, 09:17:46 PM
Bibble dribble. :lol

I agree with all of you, but what about other Jedi? Obviously Yoda and Mace, but will there be another council scene? Will it be the same council members?

Starquest aka AndyR
Aug 16th, 2002, 08:18:12 AM
Sense everything is speculation right now I will pipe in going to remain spoiler free this time - I am determined!!

We know that the main cast is going to be there... mace, yoda, anakin, padme, droids, sidious, dooku (maybe, if christopher lee lives that long - what is he now? 80+?), etc...

as far as peripheral (sp?) characters.

we know that bail organa has to be in it at some point.

I wonder if Jar-Jar will be in it? If he is it will probably be a bit part like in AOTC.

The Lars family will be in there at the end (at least).

I have a strong feeling that the techno union will be in there: specifically, Wat Tambor. I think he will play a part in making vaders suit because of the similarity of his and vaders voice regulator.

I think that tarkin will be introduced in ep III, but he would be new and not a "returning" character.

the Jedi counsel is a toughy. I think that plo koon will be in there as well as ki-adi-mundi. but the rest I just dont know and cant guess.

I am curious if the kaminoans will be back in the third one... I dont think they will, but you never know. I doubt that kamino will be a location, but one of them might be in a scene with palpatine or something.

Sly Moore? she was supposed to have a speaking part in AOTC, but she ended up being wall decoration. I'll bet she is gone in ep III, and if she is there, she will be a decoration again.

One thing I really hope to see is the emporers gaurd in action. We have now seen them in three movies but never in action at all.

Aug 16th, 2002, 09:03:22 AM
I think Kamino is out too. As far as Locations go, Coruscant, Tatooine are definetly shoo-ins. Is there a need to go back to Naboo? Off-hand I'd say no, not really. Geonosis is probably out too. The entire base has probably been trounced and reduced to rubble, and the droid armies are probably dwindling, so I would expect to see less droids in Episode 3 too, as the Clones slowly become the standing army of the galaxy.
I would expect to see one last Jedi Council scene before they're all annihilated. I definetly expect more Palpatine and Sidious this time around as he comes forward and claims the galaxy as his own.

Doc Milo
Aug 16th, 2002, 11:22:23 AM
I'd say there is reason to go back to Naboo. Anakin and Padme being married in secret -- they'll probably try to keep it secret, and thus have their home on Naboo somewhere. She might deliver the twins there... who knows.

I'd say Alderaan is going to have to be shown, making its destruction all the more powerful in ANH.

Aug 16th, 2002, 01:07:35 PM
But are they going to keep it a secret? Can they?
It seems that Yoda can sense Anakin's feelings through the force. When he was in pain, Yoda knew it. Therefore IMO, it stands to reason that when Anakin & Padme got married, Anakin would experience a similarly high emotional response, detectable by Yoda. Besides, now it isn't a secret that Anakin loves her, nor can it be a great mystery that she taken with him. I doubt they could keep it a secret - I think that was Anakin being foolhardy.

But I agree 100%, Alderaain NEEDS to be in Episode 3, and for more than just a quick stopover.

Doc Milo
Aug 16th, 2002, 01:30:32 PM
I wonder how much of the AotC novelization is canon. I mean, according to that, Yoda sensed Anakin's anger and fear because he was "peering through the darkside." So what he sensed was a stong negative emotion, which you'd expect when peering through the darkside. I'm not certain if Yoda has some special link to Anakin...

Aug 16th, 2002, 02:08:01 PM
I'm wondering if we'll see Dagobah. Obviously Yoda goes into hiding there, and according to some sources, he defeats a Dark Jedi there which leads to the Dark Side Cave. Also, Luke claims "there's something familiar about this place", leading us to think that perhaps he had been there as a child or infant.

Of course, none of that stuff has to be shown, it can be implied as happening between episodes III and IV, but there is enough there that perhaps it might be in there...

Aug 16th, 2002, 02:57:09 PM
I'd like to see an explanation to "there's something familiar about this place". I'd REALLY like to see that. Perhaps he ends up being born there. Maybe Yoda defeats Dooku there and he's the Dark Jedi that everyone thinks Yoda fights there.

Admiral Lebron
Aug 16th, 2002, 03:00:54 PM
Hmm... that could be interesting. Yoda defeats Dooku, Anakin kills him. Then runs, Padme comes with her kids to see Anakin, but he's gone and Yoda has the kids split up and taken into hiding.

Aug 16th, 2002, 03:32:34 PM
That would be SWEET!!! Why didn't I think of that... Palpatine sees Yoda as the major threat to his establishing a new order, so he sends Dooku out after him. Dooku meets up with Yoda at Dagobah. A major whup-@ss battle takes place there, ending with Yoda cutting down Dooku. His Dark Side Energy escapes and is imprinted in the tree/cave. Yoda then uses that to mask his presence on Dagobah.

Not saying that is how it will work out - more than likely George will throw something we never thought of, but it is neat to think about.

Aug 16th, 2002, 06:38:43 PM
I think Dagobah is a necessary location. There's all that dialogue in ESB that hints to its importance. I'd really like to see what made that tree "a place of evil." Why is it so familiar to Luke? Was he born there? Did Yoda defeat someone powerful there in a heroic defense of the twins? So many questions will be answered.

Aug 16th, 2002, 09:51:39 PM
The possibilities are endless! I just hope GL comes through and delivers a truly impacting story that ends the saga.

Doc Milo
Aug 17th, 2002, 02:07:13 AM
I don't know -- maybe it's just me -- but I always assumed the familar feeling Luke had about Dagobah was because he saw it in a vision after he passed out after Ben told him to go there.... I never assumed he had been there before. Interesting if he had been, though....

Aug 17th, 2002, 11:34:50 AM
Yeah, a Jedi dream like Anakin used to have about being a Jedi himself.
Does anyone think that the dream that Anakin returns to Tatooine to free all the slaves will actually happen? I don't think so, but it would be cool, although useless.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:52:14 PM
I think Dagobah will be in the movie at the end at least, I also think Alderraan will have to show up in the movie, defintely Tatoonine, Coruscant, and maybe Naboo could be one more planet probably something new. As far as returning characters you obviosly have the main guys, Jar Jar will be back, the Lars family, Bail Organa should have a bigger role, Boba Fett will be back once more, Nute will probably meet his end in this movie, don't think Watto will make any appearance, maybe Aura might show up, hard to say there, Tarkin is possible, I think Qui-Gon will back as spirt or voice, and as far as Jedi, defintely Ki-Adi, and Plo Koon, maybe Kit the others will be hard to say some we don't even know if they survived AOTC or will survive in between the two films.

Aug 21st, 2002, 01:20:47 PM
Does anyone think we'll see a Krayt Dragon in Ep. III? I was thinking of this after I watched the latest movie demo of SW Galaxies...

I believe Krayt Dragons are indiginous to Tatooine, and it is very likely that we'll be seeing that planet again in Ep. III. Also, in ANH, Obi-Wan uses the call of a Krayt Dragon to scare off the Sand People, so it appears that he is familiar with them - possibly he faces one in Ep. III?

There is definitely a tradition of fighting beasts in SW, with the arena scene in AOTC, the Dianoga in ANH, the Wampa in ESB, and the Rancor in ROTJ, I could see them throwing a Krayt Dragon in for Ep. III...

Doc Milo
Aug 21st, 2002, 01:43:35 PM
Anyone think we might see Mon Mothma?

McBain, we've seen a Krayt Dragon in ANH -- well, at least the skeleton for one -- on the Jundaland Wastes, when Threepio first spots the Jawas.... I think seeing a live Krayt Dragon might be interesting -- although I don't see where or why it would fit....

Aug 21st, 2002, 02:22:06 PM
Hmm, never put two and two together that that was a Krayt Dragon skeleton... I agree, I don't think it is necessary for the story, if a Krayt Dragon is in Ep. III at all I doubt it would play any kind of pivotal role, it would probably be more like the Reek, Acklay and Nexu - cool to look at and maybe provide a few cool battle sequences, but not ultra-important to the storyline.

As for Mon Mothma, my gut feeling is that we won't see her. I don't know why I feel that way, she is certainly a major enough character, and she plays a big part in the formation and leadership of the Rebellion. She is definitely a candidate for inclusion in Ep. III. Given that, I don't know why I feel we won't see her - but I gotta go with my gut...

Aug 21st, 2002, 03:06:33 PM
I'll go out on a limb and say that if we see a younger Tarkin, we'll see his younger counterpart, Mon Mothma. Hell, maybe she is at one time part of the Empire.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 21st, 2002, 09:50:47 PM
We might see Mon Mothma, its hard to say, I would like to see Tarkin, but I guess that we don't need to see either one really.

Master Yoghurt
Aug 22nd, 2002, 01:35:49 AM
I think we are going to see Mon Mothma, Bail Organa and Garm Bel Iblis as they represent the most vocal fraction against Palpatines increasing power. I also believe we will se Tarkin at some point overseeing the construction of the Death Star.

Doc Milo
Aug 22nd, 2002, 08:58:24 AM
For some reason, I don't think we're going to see anymore about the Death Star. I think, when viewing these in order, you'll have the introduction to the Death Star in AotC. And won't see anymore about it until ANH. The introduction of the plans in AotC is like a foreshadowing of what will be. I don't think we'll see the construction of it at all... especially since it isn't even yet completed until right before ANH....

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 22nd, 2002, 01:15:03 PM
I think if Tarkin is in Ep 3 he will play some other role, probably showing the rise of the Empire, he could be an Admiral or something in charge of a Star Destroyer. I am not sure about Garm Bel Iblis he was mostly in the EU, I would love to see him show up, but it is not necessary the treaty the three of them signed I think happened 5-10 years before ANH, so there is no reason to show him in Ep3, except maybe as an Easter Egg.

Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:18:15 PM
I very much doubt we'll see Iblis in episode 3.
There's no reason to have him as he's an EU character, so why bring him in? Mon Mothma's character could do whatever his would. I'm not sure if we've seen the end of the death star, but Doc's right, there's no reason to show it in episode 3.