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View Full Version : Looking for a fight (open to any jedi in training)

Oolana Taine
Aug 15th, 2002, 11:30:07 PM
Oolana walked through the crowed marketplace rather pleased with herself. "Going to have fun today, yes....fun"

She opened herself to the force and let the darkness fill her. All the innocent minds surrounded her, opened to her revealing their thoughts... and weaknesses.

Oolana thought for a moment, considering how best to use the info flowing into her. Decision made, a crimson blade lit up in her hands. She laughed as she felt the panic and fear that fed her powers grow more and more.

As the crowd ran away she wandered around, blade lit, toying with them, seeing if anyone would be brave enough to stop the destruction she could cause.

The moment that thought entered her mind a stocky looking man ran at her blaster blazing. Oolana waited...waited for her moment. "Yes" her mind cried as a bolt headed straight for her. It was easily deflected and sent out... right into the chest of the man. He was dead before he hit the ground.

Oolana faced the crowd her body language saying what words didn't have to, Next?

The Preacherman
Aug 16th, 2002, 01:49:39 AM
Anonymous he preferred to walk the streets, face hidden under the cloak. Would not really matter, for his was not a known face anyway, not to those on this street, not to the Galaxy, hardly to the Jedi he sat with on Yavin, and definantly not to the majority of the Dark Siders that infected the Galaxy. His was a lonely and solitary life, only changed by the Jedi Warror that had managed to wrangle him back into the Order.

He did not regret it but he mourned the loss of secrecy that he treasured. For to not be known was one of his greatest advantages, the Enemy did not know whom it was that stalked in the shadows and in the alleyways, the byways of the Galaxy. He regretted his name was ever mentioned again the Council halls and the Jedi had it on their lips, the return of one of their Masters. He knew that he had lost the freedom of movement and action he so held dear to, so it was a blessing to be anonymous and just walk, unknown the streets of this place.

And it was a good walk too, he was meditating on a plan he had in his mind, deciding how best to execute it..... when he heard the first screams. Instantly on alert, he calmed his mind and went into The Force, seeking out what was wrong. Unfortunantly, that didnt take long. A blaster shot reached his ears as well.

Fools.... run!

But they didn't. Like sheep, they milled in panic. He sighed. Dealing with this looked like the only option.

He walked calmly to the area of the disturbance, pusking passed panicied civilians. before seeing the armed woman with the sabre. His own sabre, the stangely shaped one withthe shearing guards halfway down the axis, was in hand and he ignited it, the blade coming to life not with the typical hum but more of the sound of a gas burner. It also began to colour strobe.

"You can put your toy away now before you get hurt" He said, his voice not much about a whisper but still deep and penetrating, with the strange accent it had.

Oolana Taine
Aug 17th, 2002, 12:47:09 AM
"Before I get hurt??" Oolana laughed. "What makes you think that your goodness and light can stop me? A Jedi is no match for the powers of the Sith"

She took in everything around her, the fear of the crowd, the adrenaline rush of oncoming battle, and used it all to feed, strengthen her power. She was growing bored of his threats and before another word was said another innocent bystander was dead by her blade, run through with wounds smoking.

The Preacherman
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:13:04 AM
And in a split second later, the Jedi waved his hand, using the Froce to hurl the Dark Sider through the air and smash into a solid wall behind her back.

"As I said... put your toy away before you get hurt worse" he said clearly as he advanced, his mind deep inside the Force, calm and peace washing over the Jedi's form, giving him power, wisdom and strength - plus a ready and clear mind, watching out for what she might try in return.

Oolana Taine
Aug 17th, 2002, 04:46:28 PM
She slide down the wall using the Force to ease her landing. Once she was on her feet she shook off the attack...and laughed.

"Oh, please don't hurt me Jedi I'll never do it again," she said mocklingly as she ran back into the crowd. She noticed a pathetic looking man hiding on the otherside of the wall.

"Catch" and with that she used TK to throw the man at him.

Oolana Taine
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:33:37 PM
She laughed, but was disapointed to see the man fall off target. "So that's how its going to be is it?"

She charged the mysterious Jedi, crimson blade sizzling as it cut through the air. But to his surprise it was not directly at him. Her real aim was the support beam to the stand directly behind him. Oolana sliced it in half and backed off, watching the rubble fall down upon him.

She switched off her blade and faced the crowd...

"Were was I? Ah yes.... she noticed the man she had used as a projectile, laying on the ground. Once again she called the darkness to her and lifted him through the air, sending him into the crowd. To her dismay, his head came in contact with a rock as he landed, putting an end to her toy.

"Aww well, plenty more where that came from." She took a moment to check the rubble, seeing no sign of movement, she continued tormenting the marketplace.

Innocent Light
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:45:05 PM
Suddenly a bright light appeared within the Marketplace. People seemed to stop in their places as a woman walked through them.....glowing with a radiance that only the Force could instill within her. Holding her ground, she walked toward the Sith, and smiled beneath her white robes......though her face remained hidden.

"Greetings Dark One......end this now......before I do...."

Her words were soft and gentle as she let her gaze fall upon the Shadow Jedi. She knew him well.....more so than many many others he had ever come in contact with. Closing her eyes briefly, she touched his mind.....and then brought her concentration back upon Oolana. It brought sadness to Innocent Light's heart, to see such hatred and rage boiling within the soul of the youth. Her heart broke ten fold for this woman and those that followed the same path.

"This is an unwise choice you are making.....and I am offering you the chance to put down your weapon and continue on in Peace...."

Again she spoke.....her words seemed to be carried upon the wind and floated gently to the Dark One's ears. The follower of Gaia bowed her head slightly......still hidden beneath the white robes she wore. A saber rested upon her belt.....its name was 'Love' and that is what she planned on giving this woman if she proceeded to bring such harm. She knew that the Shadow Jedi would not stand for this much longer either......but in many ways, he was more wise than she. Perhaps she should not have come....but she felt it was her duty to do so.....and so.....she did.

The Preacherman
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:54:29 PM

The words would have been a stunner, for he was right behind the Darksider and not where she thought he was at all. He had sensed the danger and used the speed he had in The Force to leap away as the rubble fell.

"Still thinking I'm under the rockpile? Maybe you should be concentrating more on me rather than your 'toys'. Your last chance you now have. Put your sabre away, now"

Oolana Taine
Aug 25th, 2002, 11:38:06 AM
She turned to face him, completely ignoring her new challenger.

"Aww, you didn't say please. And besides," she smiled, "No matter what you do to me I've already won. These people here will never forget this day, it will follow them, terrify them always. A day they saw there safe marketplace turn to turmoil."

"You cannot destroy me completely, for I will always live on in this place." And with that she switched off her blade and placed it at her belt. She walked alway facing him...smiling and then stopped.

Oolana reached out and felt the fear of the crowd, the pain of the injured, and sent it directly at the jedi, into his mind, stronger then any physical blow.

The Preacherman
Aug 25th, 2002, 05:10:05 PM
He might be disguised in physical form - but now the Sith tried to touch his mind directly, she found she was facing no Padawan.

Or even a Knight.

The mind she touched seemed to have the armour of a battle cruiser, solid and unresisting, a mind shield like only a Jedi Master could have - which indeed he was. No amount of disguise could hide a mind as strong as a Force Master, not when attacked.

"No, I'm quite afraid, you will be forgotten. And if your remembered for any length of time, it will only be a footnote as a criminal, no more. No one will remember this, except how a common murderer was bought to justice"

And with that, his hand came out and with the Force, threw her into the wall again. The brickwork showed signs of cracking around the mortar.

"You had your chance to end peacefully" he stated coldly, sabre still switched on and at his side as he began to advance.

Aug 25th, 2002, 07:01:01 PM
The Shadow Jedi's advance was halted by the scream of three TIE bombers. They flew over the marketplace at a low altitude, surveying the scene. They saw a man creep out of an alley way and kneel by a woman. The man ignighted his navy blue lightsaber and flash it back and forth. They passed by, looped around and came back at the market place dropping their load early. The bombs rattled the market place and toppled buildings. Innocents were slaughtered by either the bombs or falling buildings.
Fortunatly some buildings stood and the man had dragged Oolana into one. "Rest here for a moment."
After the crumbling marketplace had settled the man emerged from the building. He called out to the jedi. "Double teaming a young girl with masters? Now that isn't following the Jedi code is it? Beating her up after she stopped fighting? You Jedi are realizing the Dark Side truely is the best way to get things done. Unfortunatly, you'll find that the Dark Side is stronger in me than you. Especially miss goodie white light."
Southstar expanded his mind to search for the Jedi. They were here...somewhere. If they cut themselves from the force to keep from being detected, then they couldn't use the force to attack. Then they did attack, but Southstar was ready.

The Preacherman
Aug 26th, 2002, 12:00:31 AM
Hell suddenly erupted as a flight of bombers straifed the marketplace. He stood in the destruction, hand gripping his sabre at the senselessness of it all. Why?

And in the end of the bombing, while he stood there and observed anothervoice spoke. A Male one. With questions.

Not good ones however. Self justifying ones. Was he the one who had called this murder down from above?

"Strange, I was apprehending a murderer. I see no reason why I should not disable her until she can face a court of law, or do you think that you can walk away? The Dark Side that is not, or are you as unlearned in the Force as she is? Pointless murder is not anyone's way but a madman"

His mind found the Southstar first, located him in the Force, reached out and snatched his physical form in the air - then likewise as he had done to the woman, hurled him into the closest still standing wall.

"The Dark Side you may have, but you are no Master. Surrender now"

Oolana Taine
Aug 26th, 2002, 12:33:01 PM
Oolana got up and went out of the building Southstar had placed her in. She saw him thrown through the air and heard Shadow's request for surrender.

"You are right you know, we do have much to learn. Destroying a whole town with supposedly no real reason is....just bad." She smiled.

"But there also is much to consider here. The dark side is chaos, pure passion, pure energy. Going forward, doing things without any thought, just giving your self over to whats inside of you without any restraint. Is that not what I've done here today?

So see you are wrong, for there is much I know about the energy inside of me and the best part is I'm not afraid to use it."

She grabbed the comm on her belt. "Are they onboard?"

A reply came, short and sweet, "Yes, we have the captives"

"Good, now make sure the reach Master Dyzm quickly and alive."

She faced the Jedi, "Seems this little escapade will be of some use after all."

Aug 26th, 2002, 07:01:41 PM
Southstar stood up and called to the Shadow Jedi. "You have a habit of throwing people into walls, don't you. Where is the variety?"
Southstar gripped a mangled body with the force, he moved it so it lay in font of the Shadow Jedi, its bloody head staring at him. Another body landed next to the other, and another and another.
"Look at them. Dead for no reason at the hands of a madman. I need not justify my actions. Maybe I am mad, maybe not. I act upon my first desire, which is untainted by thought. You Jedi sacrifice yourselves to help others instead of satifying yourselves. You fail to live life."
Southstar stood holding his lightsaber in a stance to fight, awaiting the inevitable aggressive attack from the Shadow Jedi

The Preacherman
Aug 27th, 2002, 06:34:27 AM
"Are you TSO I wonder? Then say what you have to Gav Mortis, who understands the Force and the Dark Side better than you do. I would bet he will cut your lives from your bodies for perverting the teachings of the Sith and the Dark Side. Acting without restraint and without thought is for animals. And he detests common murderers like you"

He ignored the bodies, for it was no more than a sick joke from immature and insane beings. They had no honour, they had nothing. They did not even understand what the Dark Side really was - even he, a Jedi, understood the truth that they were failing to grasp. How depressing he thought, the real Sith were gone. Only Mortis could be called one now and where was he? Now he truly understood the subtilies of The Force and understood how random destruction was not of the Force, of either side.

"No understanding in what you attempt to preach. . You are nothing more than fools. So you shall be treated like murderers and fools"

He pointed at the ground, using the Force to pick up projectiles to fling as he kept advancing. Stones, mortar, debris began to lift off the ground and race at the two insane beings, creating a deadly hail.

And just for a gruesome touch, the dead and severed head of a being was included, flicked at the face of the male. And why not, it was dead.

"Nothing more than animals, those without thought, only use instinct. No Force Master of either side believes what you do. Control.... thought.... common in any side of the Force." he stated, still picking objects off the ground and continuing the hail of flying debris.

Severen Morkonis
Aug 27th, 2002, 07:46:39 AM
A man emerged from the crowed, a man only known to the Jedi as 'Kasstra', a forced Lupine that hated his way of life and looks, features and smell,he hated to be a Lupine and so he proceeded to hide it behind the black skin tight exoskeleton known as Exomorph so no one would know what he was. His shoulders were protected by slits of silver metal, clean light and flexible, easy to fight with and goof for protection.

His chest was covered in the same sort of skeleton type structure, metal bars formed what looked like outer ribs across the front of the suit and down into the groin area, it was a suit for protection and speed. His helmet, a skin tight balaclava type form, two big round red eyes cut into the neatly produced helmet giving the wearer night vision and a 360 degree view around him at his own will. The breathing tube was simply so that he did not have to smell his own Lupine stench he so richly hated.

'ohhhh.....parrrrrr So what is this?..a gathering of a few usless Jedi fighting a Darksider than cant even handle herself let alone other Jedi?'...ohhhh...parrr A voice sounded behind Innocent Light in a standard, low tone sort of voice, as if he had not a care in the world. Suddenly Siekens hand wrenched forward and plucked Innocent Light from the ground and with a flick of the wrist the lightsider was thrown through the air and hard into a wall.

'Paybacks a bitch ain't it?' Kasstra called to the now fallen Jedi.

OOC: If you cant imagine what hes wearin from my description..please look at sig :)

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 27th, 2002, 10:07:29 AM
A figure had been approaching with Sieken, though stayed temporarily back away from the group as the Dark Jedi introduced himself to the gathering of Jedi and Sith alike. Once his apprentice had spoken up, the Dark Lord strode in at a more quick pace, stopping some few feet behind Sieken as he looked at the group.

One familiar presence caught his eye, though he did not let on as who it believe to be verbally. It would be much more interesting to see if she allowed him a reaction or denied and acted as she knew nothing of him.

"Good evening all. I hope you don't mind our dropping in on your little gathering, only it appears my friend ... well, he has something to settle with one of the players here. Shan't be long I imagine, just need to kill her then we'll be off!" he chimed with a fanged grin, laughing to himself.

Oolana Taine
Aug 27th, 2002, 11:58:15 AM
Oolana laughed at Shadow's words.

"What is the dark side really... hmm? You think the force can be catagorized? Light and dark? Well, yes that is the way it has always been. What about the grey area? A very hard line to draw there."

"What if there was no line? The force is one, not two seperate things. It is one, with everything. You Jedi are foolish not to use your full potential. Why fear what you are, what you can do?"

"No matter I need not explain myself to you." and with that she ran and leaped over Shadow, blade out ready to attack. She landed behind him and immediately struck with a downward blow. Which (of course) was easily blocked and as the blades struck she was thrown back from the force of collision.