View Full Version : Blood Tie's..."The reemergence" (Vamp's only)

Lord Soth
Aug 15th, 2002, 06:03:11 PM
The Death Knight, Soth Nuevole quietly stood on the outer rotunda of the Shrine in silence. The misty golden moon periodically peered through the darkened cloud cover as they slowly moved eastwards on a gentle wind. Soth's mind was troubled as he leaned forward, supporting his weight on the elaborate stone railing. A deep dreaded darkness washed over him in tide's, wave's of uncertainty that had always remained from the time when he had encountered it's supremacy on Parton V. The wicked hand that threatened the children of the Damned had now stretched out over time and space to him...Reminding Soth that he and his brethren day's were numbered. In the wake of one so evil and powerful, none would survive the unavoidable wraith that was soon to befall them all!...

Soth closed his blue eye's as his head sunk below his shoulder's. He reached out to the one he knew had the hidden answer's to this great dilemma he felt. Sorrowful tendril's quickly moved over space and through the stratosphere of the Tin system, through the erie darkened landscape...Over mountain top's and through deep valley floor's and over great expanses of water, with the speed of thought it reached out to the great foreboding Citadel that was in sight of Soth mind's eye. There the whispered message passed through stone and the inner working's of the Coven it's self...And in the obsidian chamber crypt the melancholy message from the troubled knight finally reached it's desired destination...Only to stop in the mind of Soth's intended recipient. Bitter word's of pain that tore at his Master's Vampyre heart.

"My Master, the time is now upon us...I have felt his presence...He is ever close,...My night's are filled with bitter anguish and my sleep has now left me. I have in vain beckoned the Queen Mother...But her slumber is deep and her ear's are closed off to her children my master. Come hither to my home...Come to the Shrine that I may welcome you my Master, my brother in blood. Lift this heavy burden from me that I may know what to do...I seek your wisdom and council...My father, you that have granted to me the true dark gift of our kind." A single tear began to fall from the lid of the Knight's tightly closed eye's, falling until it formed into a single perfect diamond. Falling into the black unforgiving shadow's far below the Shrine of the Damned, lost for all time in the Roon forest that surrounded the immense keep...

The reemergence drew nigh on swift wing's...

Mistress Tatiana
Aug 16th, 2002, 06:27:43 PM
The cool wind brushed lightly against Tatiana's sleeping gown as she stepped out onto the Rotunda. Soth's plea to his Master had reached her mind through the Force. So strong was the bond between Soth and Tatiana, it had awoken her from her slumber. She stood motionless behind Soth as she watched a single tear roll down his face. Only once before had she ever seen him so sad. It was unusal for a vampyre to feel such immense sorrow, let alone be driven to the point of tears. Night after night she would awake to find Soth not at her side. Something was very wrong.

She approached him and placed a hand on on his shoulder. She gently spoke to him. "Soth....., my lover." She wiped the streak left by his tear and kissed him. "I sensed your sorrow and distress my love. Tell me, what is it that has your heart so troubled that it keeps you from our bed?"

Lord Soth
Aug 16th, 2002, 09:53:23 PM
A sweet fragrance coupled with the soft concerned word's from his lover fell over his troubled mind in cool soothing wave's. Soth continued to reach out over the great expanse of deep space through the Force as Tatiana's gentle touch caressed his tense shoulder. Soth's concentration was broken as she turned him to face her. She knew better then any that something was terribly wrong,...Very wrong! Soth eye's remained closed for a moment as her delicate pale hand gently brushed over his marble like cheek. Soth reached up slowly and took her hand in his, pulling it away from his face and to his side where he let go of it...How could he ever tell her what lay in store for her. Tatiana's new life as a Child of the Damned had only begun. She was innocent in all of this,..Now her very life was at stake and Soth was to blame!

"My love...I have not the word's this night to explain to you what it is I feel...Go back to our chamber's...I will be there shortly." Soth's ice blue eye's were cold and unfeeling as his word's to her.

Turning from Tatiana's embrace, the Dark Knight let his distant gaze fall over the Roon landscape. How he wished to tell his lover what he knew...But some thing's were best left along. Tatiana felt as though Soth had created an impenetrable wall between them at that moment...However, Tatiana was not one to give up so easily!...

Mistress Tatiana
Aug 16th, 2002, 10:49:29 PM
Soth had brushed aside his feelings. His words to her were harsh. He was not going to let her see him in the emotional state he was in, but she knew he was troubled. He couldn't hide his feelings from her no matter how hard he tried. He turned his back to her and was once again looking out into the darkness that was Roon. Tatiana opened her mouth to protest his words to her, but thought better of it. No, he would come to her on his own terms.

"As you wish my Dark Knight." Her words were filled with sadness. Oh how she wished for him to open his heart to her, for she loved him so! She felt as though a great abyss had formed between the them, and the longer he held back to himself, the larger it became. She was patient though, a virtue inherent as a vampyre. She would wait for her lover to come to her.

She quietly left his presence and proceeded back to their chambers. She would allow him to bide his time, but out of concern for his well being, she kept her thoughts focused on him through the Force.

Aug 22nd, 2002, 10:14:37 PM
The tendrils of the force, invisible as they may be, lashed out with great intensity when one's apprentice reached out for their master...

The message was received. Not that it was a word for word transmission to be picked up by listening devices, but a message, that would instill a feeling...a most dreadful feeling. One wouldn't think such a thing possible with Saurron. It was he who usually cast fear into those unfortunate hearts. Now however it was time to face the one being that threatened the Vampyre race...Crichton.

He yearned to become what only story told of, but to do this he would have to undo what has been done. Even in the expanse of his dreams and visions Crichton did not foresee the advance of the Vampyre race. And for this he had only himself to blame. After all, it was he who turned Saurron's first wife Riann who in turn passed the Dark Gift to Saurron. Crichton believed his ascension would not come to pass if his mistakes where still in existence. "Destroy them." where the words he heard. Was it the delusions of an age old Vampyre or the words of those he conspired to join with as a demi-god that reached his ears? These question Saurron asked himself many times through waking visions and day dreams. He had this moment in time held in his mind as if in a deep cryofreeze begging to be thawed. His hand slipped to Sari's, feeling the same feeling as Soth had felt but unknowingly radiated. "I have brought her to her doom."

The Sanguine loomed high above the planet Roon opening its bay doors only to allow a single shuttle craft with fighter escort to dart out into the night angling for the planets surface. The Darkside too was wise as well as devious, and deadly. For how could he have been so close to his apprentice at this very time?

Alana Stormcloud
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:43:14 AM
Alana walked the immense gardens of the Shrine, her mind lost in thought. She to had felt a warning on the dark tendrils of the force. Though her time as a vampyre was a short one compared to Master Saurron, she knew of the danger they all faced. Her fingers trailed over the delicate petals of the night blooming flowers. Her heart ached at the thought of those she had turned.

Closing her eyes she listened to the call of her blood brother to there Master. Only he could find a way out of there dilemma. The mother slept but Alana could feel her. She was aware of the danger her children faced. "My Queen, even now Soth calls to my Master, it is almost time." Alana had felt the mother calling to her not long after she had arrived at the Shrine and had visited her on occasion. In all that time she had only seen the mother stir once.

Alana sat down on the bench. Her mind linked to the mother. She nodded in answer to an unheard question. The Mother called. Standing she made her way to Ashiva's chambers.

Through the twisting hallways that had misdirected many. They held no wonders for Alana. She had walked them to many times. The Shrine knew it's own. Her eyes looked on the delicate furnishings and the statues that appeared to weep. She had seen them many times before but this night they held a new glow. She had put this moment off for as long as she could, her vamper heart knew that the luster of life would dim with this venture. She was a rare vampire, she still clung to her human frailties. She did not want to lose what little she had left.

Letting herself in, she scanned the dimly lit room until they rested on the seemingly sleeping form of Ashiva. Moving closer she sat beside the stone chair and looked into the face of timeless beauty. To mortal eyes Ashiva would have looked to be a statue.

"I am ready Empress." She whispered. With what she was about to do, Alana knew that all innocence that she still held would flee. Her memories would flood with times long passed. All humanity that she clung to would be burned away. Bowing her head, Alana wept...

Lord Soth
Aug 28th, 2002, 03:31:26 PM
Later that evening, within the rune's of an abandoned stone structure, the Death Knight stood alone starring out over the misty plain's of Roon. Soth's melancholy spirit ached for the answer to the overwhelming dilemma he felt he was now facing alone...If he could only tell his lover, Tatiana...But for now that was even out of the question...Soth only wished to protect his lover from keeping the truth of the matter from her eye's. However, this hidden truth would soon reach her one way or another regardless of what Soth held back from her...Even the Queen Mother seemed unsympathetic and uncaring to what was looming over their kind, but Soth was sadly mistaken...

Even now his Master Saurron had heard his desperate plea for help in his hour of need...Soth knew first hand what the patriarch Vampyre Crichton was capable of. His wicked agenda was to eradicate the entire family of underling's that was looked upon by him was nothing more then a diseased scourge to a truer blood line...Even now as Soth leaned against the ancient mausoleum wall, pondering a fate that seemed inescapable, his answer was then breaking through the dark clouds like an ivory hawk with purpose and tireless intent...Saurron and his lustrous wife had now arrived!

As the Lambda shuttle's repulser's fired and brought the craft in on a blanket of air, a lite rain began to fall over the Shrine ground's...Soth wasted no time in making his way to formally greet his Master and his wife Sari. Oddly, the Death Knight felt noting to indicate their force presence until the Imperial craft was in sight of the Keep...Somehow Saurron knew all along what the dark family faced, a dark powerful gift to see what the future held, the "Gift of Seeing"...The partition's of time were always open to his eternal eye's as it was so with all of the Ancient's of the Damned...Each Vampyre was granted different innate gift's upon his or her turning. Honed over time into terrible and awesome tool's that was theirs to command...

The Death Knight arrived on foot as the landing ramp slowly descended and the transport's engine's whined to a stop. Soth lowered his now drenched form to one knee as the pair emerged from the dry confinement's of the shuttle. Soth's head hung low out of deep respect for the couple...This marked the first time the Coven family set foot on Roon soil and the Death Knight would see to it personally that their every need was met.

Sep 1st, 2002, 11:53:48 PM
She looked up at Saurron as his hand slipped into hers. His icy blue eyes glued to the shuttle floor. Something was bothering him she could tell but she didn't know what.Concerned she wanted to ask but didn't she knew he would tell her if he wanted too.

She turned her attention to the dark trooper as he announced their arrival to Roon.She then looked back to him his eyes still fixed to the floor.As the shuttle landed he looked at her as they stood making their way to the landing pad.

Sep 5th, 2002, 09:44:32 PM
His apprentices long raven hair flowed endlessly, but was now matted wet and dripping as he bowed in respect to Saurron. Saurron's arm intertwined with Sari's as they walked down to meet their old friend. Roon was a treasure, a sight to see with its pillars and columns..."truly fitting for a Vampyre" Saurron thought as he gazed about in appreciation.

Rise my friend.

These were the Vampyre's only words for long moments as he took Soth's forearm in his, holding it briefly with his own, then letting go. The remorse could not be over looked, and Saurron wanted to answer so many questions and distribute many assurances but it just was not so. The Patriarch was indeed out to destroy them all. His mistakes were they...all of them. It was now all or nothing for Saurron's own family of Vampyre. Crichton's mind was eroded. He could not embrace the new universe and forgot the old. The bloodline, beginning with Riann Saurron's first wife, was to him an abomination Saurron now knew, however Saurron also knew his failure to accept that the Darkside of the force was the creator of their race would be his undoing. The Darkness in which all Vampyre existed was merely an isle in the great black sea...the Darkside.

He turned his eyes from his friend to Princess Sari, and in a split moment she knew what it was that they faced....again. He had averted her eyes for she could read him quite well...perhaps insight and or foresight was her gift too. Saurron smiled, but it was merely a half smile ment only to lend some comfort to her. With every passing of the Dark Gift there is always some remorse that runs with the elation of a fledgling Vampyre being born. If one could explain it they would.

Soth could explain it now...for Tatiana was in as much danger as the they...

Lord Soth
Sep 6th, 2002, 02:05:25 AM
The innumerable portal's of darkness that doted the massive structure of the Shrine were occupied by countless prying eye's that followed the Vampyre's every movement as they drew near to it's entrance...Host's of different simbiant life form's that made up the inner dwelling's of the house of the Damned. For thousand's of year's they remained unchanged...Breeding their carnage within, spawn's of evil that siphoned their wickedness from the very fountain of the Dark-Side it's self...Now in silent awe they only observed as they gave way to a darker power that stilled them...

The ebony Keep seemed to pay homage to the father Vampyre and his wife as the trio entered through the enormous double iron clad door's...Even the shadow's seemed to flee at Saurron and Sari's approach. The decaying face's of marble statue's that lined either side's of the Grand Hall wept blood as if they too felt the enormity of sorrow that was now upon them all...

"My Master, come...I will have my servant's prepare a setting place for you and your wife...This way." Soth's word's were in low tone's as his eye's remained diverted towards the ground, gesturing with a pale hand to enter. The Death Knight then lead them to a grand sitting room that could not be fully viewed in it's entirety with a subtle glance. The Grand Chamber had all of the luxurious furnishing's that spoiled the seances, extravagance that over powered even the smallest of detail's as it was customary with their kind to do so. Priceless relic's and artifact's from time's past adorned the room...However, this all went unnoticed as they gracefully made their way in.

"I am deeply honored to have you both here my master,...I have been troubled however...Forgive me for my darkened mood..." The Death Knight of the Black Rose folded his hand together in front of himself as he continued in an ancient dialect only known to their kind.

"The ascension draw's nigh...And it is as a great weight upon my shoulder's...A pestilence of the mind nonetheless." Soth paused momentarily as he reflected on his own word's...Word's that cut him even as they were uttered aloud.

"I fear to ask of you my master what will become of us...I know you have the gift of true sight...I wish to know...To know what you know..." Soth turned his head slowly, his deep blue eye's meeting with Saurron's for the first time since he had arrived on Roon...The three paused before the grand banquet table, Saurron turned to view his apprentice as he held his word's for the moment. His pale blue eye's conveyed patient's and restraint, yet spoke to Soth in volume's...Concern mingled with a trace of eloquent pride stole across Saurron's marble like feature's as he studied the Death Knight with an unwavering glance. Not even now was there any evidence etched upon his stoic face to suggest worry on his part...

Servant's scurried about as the Vampyre's were seated at the oaken table that seemed to stretch as far as the mortal eye would permit...High backed chair's lined either side's of the table, Saurron taking the master chair as Sari and Soth took the opposite side's. The finest blood wine was presented as well as the choicest of young mortal servant's that Roon had to offer. Nervously they stood on the ready as the Shrine Guardian's held then in check, knowing that their worthless life's could expire at any given time...

"In my boldness, I only ask this out of respect my master...Seeking your enlightenment...The Queen hears me not...Her ear's have not heard the bitter plea's of her children."

The Death Knight then rested his pale hand's together on the red wood of the table that took on a deep crimson look, the candelabra's flickered and swayed as a moment of silence seemed to fall over the chamber...The word's of wisdom, the unseen future, this now was all about to unfold...The reemergence and the blood tie's that bound their kind now rest on the crimson lip's of knowledge...Saurron Lestat spoke...

Alana Stormcloud
Sep 12th, 2002, 04:11:44 PM

Alana opened her eyes, the light flickered on the cold countenance of the Mother. Her mind reeled with the visions placed there when she had tasted the Queens blood. So many lifetimes, so many things. She could not think. Bowing her head in her hands she struggled to collect her thoughts. A hand fell on her bent head. Looking up Alana expected to see Pandora, but instead it was Ashiva's eyes that looked into her own. It was Ashiva's hand that caressed her hair.

"Call to her Alana." She heard the whisper in her mind, it shattered the memories they shared and cleared Alana's mind.

"As you wish Ashiva." Alana Lowered her head and ached for her sister of blood. She to would suffer the memories, the loss of any humanity she might cling to. She would become a true child of the damned. There was so much more than any of them knew.

"Tatiana my sister, the mother beckons you." Alana turned her eyes up and looked on the cold unyielding face of there beloved Queen. There was only a small tender mercy to those she called her children. It was enough to save them from a dire future. She offered nothing more than that. For Alana it was a bitter blow, she wanted more from Ashiva. She wanted what she had never had. What Her uncle had told her was a fallacy of her young life.

"It cannot be. Alana I have given you my memories, I have given you my blood and with it comes my strength and my power. I can offer you nothing more but my protection." Ashiva's voice echoed in Alana's mind.

"Then it will have to be enough...." Alana stood and turned her back to the door where her sister would enter. She did not want Tatiana to see her blood filled eye's...

Sep 13th, 2002, 09:57:37 AM
Like a solitary staligtite the figurine hung motionless from his sleeping perch, his clawed feet hooked around the marble support. The book-keeper rarely slept like this, for most of his time he lay drained in his librarians chair. But the lack of energy had supplied him with a burning instinct to evade his sanctum that day, and remain in the great hall. In the Shrine of the Damned.

As Alana drank from the mother her blood became sour, and the sleeper felt the putrid taste flow through his own veins. His maker was agonising his very own wretching. Vergis blinked his eyes open only to cough up a bile tasting venum, he spat the foulness to the floor below him.

"My mistress..." He whispered to the empty hall. He let his hands fall down above his shoulders and he left go of the marble support, spinning in the air to avoid landing on ones head. Not that a Vampyre would ever misjudge such a simple fall.

Vergis now crouched, his black leather cloak spread about him like a pair of wet leathery wings. He made little effort through the force and pulled his blue metalic boots onto his feet before making his way to his mistress, concerned for her undeath.

Sep 14th, 2002, 04:50:46 PM
Far off was his stare. It gazed past stars, and planets meeting the gaze of Crichton himself. Galaxies held no form in the once ways. They were merely distances for humans to travel. Locked for long moments Saurron's eyes returned to the Death Knights own...

The Patriarch does indeed seek the final journey more than anything in existence. Those who follow them are fools and will be destroyed...should he be successful in his quest my apprentice. The Queen Mother will awaken at his approach. She will feel his own abomination of existence that he has brought himself into being.

Saurron's eyes looked downward as he spoke with a softer voice that ended with a deeper tone of meaning...

It will take all of us now to end this.

His pale hand slid across his knee to Sari's taking her hand in his as if drawing strength from the mere touch of her skin.

Lord Soth
Sep 16th, 2002, 04:41:15 PM
Faint whimper's from the carefully selected victim's broke the silence of the inner sanctum as Saurron spoke...Soth turned his head sharply, his piercing blue eye's fell on one of the heavily muscled "Guardian's of the Shrine."

"Take them away!...We wish to be left alone now..." The Death Knight snapped. Soth word's carried a lethal tone as his glare festered a bit. Slowly the Guardian's ushered out the blood slave's with nudges and prod's until the room fell silent once more. Soth returned his full attention back to his master and princess Sari.

"My apologies Master Saurron...I could not bare the sound of their sniveling any longer..." Saurron's apprentice bowed his head slightly then continued.

"Indeed his number's are many my lord...But if I may be so bold to say,...How are we to conquer Crichton on his own ground's...His fortress is said to be impenetrable. Even with our elite ground force's and careful planning, the first wave would be annihilated with such a brazen frontal attack." Soth leaned back slightly as he steepled his long Vampyre finger's to this lip's, pondering the possibilities of failure...And as Soth did so, a deep unexplainable dread fell over his mind, something unforeseen was now taking place that shadowed Soth's mind in further confusion...Unbeknownst to the Death Knight, his lover Tatiana was being summoned to the Queen's anti-chamber, the truer purpose of this hidden intent was masked through the Dark-Side by Ashiva herself...

Mistress Tatiana
Sep 22nd, 2002, 09:56:02 PM
Tatiana lay in her chamber bed starring up at the ceiling. Her thoughts remained on Soth's recent odd behavior. It went far beyond Soth though. Something was amiss at the Shrine. What it was, she did not know. Only the Force knew, and even she could not get it to reveal to her the questions that lingered in her mind.

As she lay there contemplating the situation, she felt Alana's mind call to her. She smiled at the thought of her blood sister. Closing her eyes, she reached out to Alana, but just as she made a connection, her mind was pushed away. Never before had her vampyre sister ever pushed her thoughts away. She quickly sat up in her bed. "Alana?" First Soth had pushed her away, and now Alana. She heard her speak again. "All will be answered. Come to me." A foreboding dread lingered in the air. She had a feeling something unexpected was about to happen.

Quickly, she made her way down the winding halls of the Shrine towards Alana's Force signature. The Shrine was immense, a definite trap for a wayward mortal soul. She had been through much of the Shrine's interior, but even so, there were still many areas that she had not yet explored. Not knowing where she was headed, she rounded a corner nearly slamming into Evangeleen. She was a beautiful, fallen Iego Angel. Soth had spoken of her before, but she had never been introduced, not even after she had been turned. The Angel had made herself elusive to Tatiana, until now.

Evangeleen Starbreeze
Sep 23rd, 2002, 12:15:47 AM
The lover of Soth Nuevole rounded the conner as her pace picked up in anticipation as to what Alana might want of her. Strange and foreign thought's crowed Tatiana's troubled mind, the cryptic word's replaying them self's over and over again in her head. "All will be answered...Come to me." The sensation of an unseen melancholy resided over the Mistress as she neared a frequently used intersection of the Shrine, her soft brown eye's where cast to the ebony floor in deep thought as she approached the grand hall.

As Tatiana pressed around the next dimly lit corner, she was stopped dead in her track's! There before her stood an ominous winged woman, her unearthly countenance shimmered and sparkled as she gazed down at Tatiana. Immediately Tatiana noted that the strange being's luminous raiment, the hem of her beautiful dress was stained crimson with what seemed to be blood...Human blood! The pool's of her horrible eye's glinted a stark white that held no emotion, nor could there be found any empathy within, only an ebbing glow that indicated an unimaginable harbored power that Tatiana could obviously see that was held with restraint. Within the delicate hand of the Iego Angel was a jeweled encrusted staff that glimmered as well, casting an aura to it's full length.

Tatiana let out a silent gasp as she viewed the angelic being that stood over her own form. A sense of foreboding awe in that moment caused the female vampire to retreat a few step's back.

"Fear not my dark child...No harm will befall you. I only wish to speak with you...Tatiana." The Angel's word's seemed to reverberate throughout the long vacant hall they now stood in.

Mistress Tatiana
Oct 5th, 2002, 03:44:16 PM
The Angel's eerie beauty and the power Tatiana knew this creature held within were quite intimidating, even for herself as a creature of the damned. She had retreated a few steps back upon seeing the Angel, a human trait of fear she still held within her. She clenched her fist and pressed her lips tightly together, angry that she had allowed herself to react in such a way unbecoming of a vampyre.

Resisting the urge to avert her eyes from the Angel, Tatiana stood her ground and looked into Evangeleen's glowing eyes. Why did Evangeleen suddenly decide to reveal herself, and why at this moment? She knew the Angel never revealed herself to anyone, let alone spoke unless it was important.

"It is an honor to be speaking with you M'lady." She slightly bowed her head out of respect. "What reason has brought you to seek me?"

Evangeleen Starbreeze
Oct 12th, 2002, 12:23:37 AM
Within the inky fold's about the Grand Hall, the fallen Seraphim's glowing eye's narrowed into two thin ivory slit's as she studied the Death Knight's lover. Eternal eye's that had beheld the collapse of unseen world's, once flourishing race's that had dwindled to utter extinction...Even the slacken and unforgiving year's that all the creature's of the damned were eventually subject too where nothing more then dust and decay in her infinite sight.

Evangeleen's delicate porcelain like hand's where loosely clasped in front of her as agonizing moment's of silence hung between the two women. To Tatiana in that very moment, the angel's unwavering form seemed to resembled that of a finely sculptured marble statue, flawless, untouched by time it's self.

"Come Tatiana, walk with me. There are pressing issues I wish to enlighten you upon." The banished seraphim finished her sentence in soft but firm tone's, her angelic voice sounding like a gloomy melody as it reverberated throughout the silent hall's of the Shrine. Suddenly, the seven and a half foot host slowly turned from Tatiana and proceeded down the Grand Hall. The mistress found herself walking at a hurried pace just to keep up with the mysterious being's long stately stride. At that moment an odd thought crossed Tatiana's mind...She had been searching for the Queen Mother's chamber in vain, walking the hall's in circle's about the constantly shifting wall's of the Shrine. Was it fate or the doing of the one she stood next too?

"Yes, Tatiana,...This was my doing..." Evangeleen replied softly as if answering her inner most thought's. Tatiana shot the winged being a glance as they continued to press on down the ebony smooth floor's of the immense hall that stretched out before them.

"You will be granted a gift this night my dear...A powerful gift that will set your lover and yourself at great odds." The angel paused in her steps momentarily, stopping at an unknown section of wall in the Grand Hall. The accursed angel then mumbled some strange word's that were foreign to Tatiana as the wall before them slowly shifted and ground open. A fine seam of light traced it's way around what appeared to be a set of double door's. What before was nothing more then a simple hem of wall, now reveled a secret darkened passage into a subterranean level of the Keep. Reluctantly, Tatiana entered the dimly lit anti-chamber as torches on both side's of the new hall abruptly ignited to life as her first step touched softly on the stair's that led downwards. As the two continued forward down the nondescript hallway, the angel proceeded with her cryptic word's to the mistress.

"What you thought to be the truth will become a lie when the cup is lifted to your lip's. And the lover you now admire and adore will become nothing more then a selfish tyrant, a horrid sight in your once innocent eye's." Evangeleen seemed to freeze in her track's as another set of jewel encrusted golden door's came into view some thirty feet from them. Glyphs of power and warding were etched deeply into the mammoth golden door's...They had finally reached the very entrance of the Queen Mother's sepulcher, within the elaborate chamber was Ashiva herself! The accursed angel from Iego could go no further at this point...

Evangeleen eternal eye's narrowed once more as they became fixed on the door's before her.

"The dark veil that had once blinded you before Tatiana will now be lifted...For a time, he will despise what he sees in you as well, what you will become..." The nephrum paused once more then turned to face Tatiana.

"I foresee great pain and suffering in your future young one... A searing fire that will test your lover...A fire that you must save him from Tatiana...One that only you can endure when the time comes...If you faultier in that trying moment...He will then surly die.

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 13th, 2002, 06:57:42 PM
Dalamar arrived, he had been summoned to the Shrine with a message of urgency there was a new antagonist one who threatened them all. Going to his dark chambers he prepared his weapon's for the upcoming conflict. Waiting for the summon's from his fellow vampyre leaders he decided he would rest the threat would reveal itself to its full potential soon enough. Closing his red fiery eye's the Dark Lord rested.

Mistress Tatiana
Jan 27th, 2003, 11:49:54 PM
The Iego Angel was mysterious indeed. Her words, though softly
spoken, disturbed her greatly. How could she ever be at odds with the one she professed her love to? And if so, why would she even want to accept such a "gift". She knew the Angel was far more attuned to the dark side and was able to see things that were yet to take place. If Evangeleen was right in her prediction, she did not want to know what was past those doors that would bring such despair and grief to her heart. Yet, she knew her destiny lay in front of her, and there was no way of escaping it. The presence of Evangeleen alone stated that. She would take her words to heart.

She glanced at the Angel one last time for any hint of hope, but
none could be seen on the pristine face. Tatiana bowed her head
slightly out of respect. "I thank you for your time." With that, the large golden doors opened of their own accord. She walked inside with a determined stride and didn't look back.