View Full Version : Returning after a long Time
Clay Dennatta
Aug 15th, 2002, 05:55:06 PM
As he entered the recruitment center he still remembers his first time entering. How weird it felt going to the light side. But how relieved he was to find a master who was so caring. It has been a long time since he has left. He dosent really know how long it has been but he does know that he has returned for good. His former master was Xazor Leo Dawnstrider, but now he has none. He has been on the planet Onderon for so long that much has changed. As he made his way to the recruitment chamber he had flashbacks of the first day he came. Now it was like his first day all over again. Once into the chamber he called out,
:: Hello.......Is any body here.......It has been a long time but i have come back....::
With that he waited till someone realized he was back.........
Xazor Elessar
Aug 15th, 2002, 07:58:06 PM
The familiar calming feeling of Xazor enveloped the room, embracing Clay with a wistful rememberance. A smile crossed the woman's lips as she stepped from the shadows.....indeed a few things had changed since he had left. Her belly was enlarged due to the unborn child she now carried.....she had been married and fallen in love too many times.....and had gained eighteen Padawans in the intrum of his absence. He had been one of her first....and he had gotten so far. The smile remained, exposing her elongated canines as she stopped a meter from Clay.....his back toward her.
".......My has been far too long......."
The Knight said softly, her voice warm and powerful......echoing off the walls. She missed him so.....he was an excellent student and now he sought to join again. His reasons for leaving were unknown to Xazor....and she would not pry.....but she hoped that he was back to stay......
Clay Dennatta
Aug 15th, 2002, 08:25:27 PM
As she entered the room Clay could feel her presence. A great joy fell over him when he heard her voice. As she spoke he turned around and faced her. He noticed that she was bearing a child. He wondered whos it was but he need not pry too much. It was just good to see her again.
:: Yes it has been a long time.......a very long time indeed.......How goes things?::
He had hoped she had gone far in her journey to become a great Jedi. Maybe she was one now. Maybe she wasnt. All he really cares about right now is that he is back in the presence of his fellow jedi.
Xazor Elessar
Aug 15th, 2002, 08:31:57 PM
Xazor smiled and walked closer to her Padawan, bowing in much as her stomach would allow. She seemed to glow from the inside out as she eyed him for a moment before speaking.
"All things go well, young one. I have made it far on this path that has been placed before me and I am serving this Order to the fullest I can. And you? How have you been and where has life taken you?"
She questioned softly, wondering where he had gone for so long and why he had decided to go. Her heart ached for the loss of their close bond.....something which would be rebuilt with time. A grin set in across her lips as she felt overjoyed at his return.....
Clay Dennatta
Aug 15th, 2002, 08:41:47 PM
He looked over her a moment thought hard about why he left and about the journeys he has gone on.
:: Over the past, how ever long it has been, i have been doing alot of thinking on my homeplanet. Ive done alot of practicing my skills to be one with nature. I have become very good at it. I talk to the animals on my planet all the time and listen to the trees and plants as they sway back in forth in the air. My brother has denounced the darkside for good now. Thats is the reason i help him on his path to the light side. I told him just to come back with me to Yavin IV but he didnt trust you all for some reason. But enough about me...How have you been? What have you been up too?::
Clay looked over her a moment and waited for an answer.......
Xazor Elessar
Aug 15th, 2002, 08:46:59 PM
The Knight smiled brightly, glad that he had been using the techniques he had learned from her. It made her heart soar with happiness. She smiled and thought of everything that had happened in his absence.
"Well......I got married....then my Husband, Father, and Brother all left at the same time, leaving me practically alone until one of my best friend's adopted me. Of course, she's older than me and she makes a wonderful Mother. I was elected for Council in place of my Father for a month...then I was elected again and currently sit upon it. I have been heading the Warriors alongside a few other great Jedi Masters. I found out I am pregnant....which is quite evident now. My family has returned to me....and I am training eighteen Padawans! So life has kept me busy.....outside of fighting wars and saving planets...."
She winked at her ending comment, knowing that she had indeed been doing such things.....but definatly not by herself. A grin spread across her lips as she waited for his reaction....knowing he had missed a lot while he was gone......
Clay Dennatta
Aug 15th, 2002, 08:52:46 PM
:: Well good Lord........... Thats alot....... I have been gone a long time but once i hear that it makes me feel like ive been gone for centuries....... I'm glad to see life has been trating you well........ A Council Member....thats awesome.::
Clay waits a moment for her reaction and to take in all she has done in the amount of time he has been gone. Its awmazing that she has gotten this far and it is also great to see she is doing good.
:: Whos child is it? If you dont mind me asking.::
Xazor Elessar
Aug 15th, 2002, 08:56:46 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded gently, glad that he approved of her was good to know that others liked what she was doing. He then asked an unexpected question.....whos child is it? She had never thought of this before.....but then too many memories flooded her mind....and she shook her head, looking off into space as a frightening realization hit her.
"'s my husband's......Shade Magus. He is a Knight here....I believe you met him once......"
Amin mela lle...... She thought of the words that Dasquian spoke to her. Sighing, she smiled once again, trying to pass off the thoughts in her head. Her concern was of her Padawan now.....and she tried to ground herself in the fact that the unborn child belonged to Shade......she hoped.......
Clay Dennatta
Aug 15th, 2002, 09:04:27 PM
:: Yes i do believe i have met him once.......It seems like a touchy subject to you since you kind of had the head shaking thing going........Im sorry if it upset you....I also have a question for you...If your not too busy i was wondering if you could finish up my training if that is not too much trouble for you at the moment?::
He hoped she would cause he really wanted her to be his master again.....He has only had two masters in his life....His brother....and Her...It was very hard for him to change......Even if he had been gone for so long......
Xazor Elessar
Aug 15th, 2002, 09:09:36 PM
Xazor smiled and shook her head slightly.
"You didn't upset me any.......many things have happened and in due time, I will share them with you.....for the Master/Padawan relationship is sometimes closer than friends and family. All things in time, time will reveal....."
She said softly. His comment about training struck a cord in the Knight's heart and made her smile brighten once again.
"Of course I will continue your training! It is not a problem at all and no trouble to me. Yes.....too much time has elapsed I have forgotten whether you completed a Lightsaber or not. I believe you have.......yes, that is it. I remember left off with advanced combat training......"
She said with a grin, suddenly recalling these things.....or at least she hoped that he was the one whom she ended those lessons with.....
Clay Dennatta
Aug 15th, 2002, 09:17:20 PM
Clay thought a moment and remembered of the day he left......He does still have his saber he made...the silver one....called "Redemption"....and he still had his green one he made before he joined the Jedi.....he dosent use it much any more....he has it for its memories and thats all....the name of the saber..."Soul Taker"...yes a sword for the dark side it is.... But he did leave with advanced combat training......He can still remember some of his training sessions like they had just happened the day before...
:: Yes i do have my saber....Actually it never leaves my side......And yes i do believe that i left with advanced combat training...::
He thought a moment
:: It is so good to be back....::
Xazor Elessar
Aug 15th, 2002, 09:21:52 PM
Xazor grinned to herself and nodded gently.
"Yes, and it is good to have you back. Get some rest tonight, for tomorrow we will begin at the crack of dawn.....around five o'clock. Be prepared with your saber and any other weapon of choice."
She said with a gentle smile, thinking over in her mind, what she would start off with in his first training session since his return.....
Clay Dennatta
Aug 15th, 2002, 09:39:23 PM
:: Sounds good....Im looking forward to tommarrow morning...::
Before he leaves he gives a bow and heads out the door for the living quarters and hopefully find himself a place to stay.
Xazor Elessar
Aug 15th, 2002, 09:43:28 PM
Xazor grinned to herself and nodded, then bowed in leave.
"May the Force be with you, my Padawan...."
She called after him and then departed herself to greet new Padawan hopefuls....
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