View Full Version : Ok, I give in Xazor.......
Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 15th, 2002, 01:06:27 PM
::Verse sat waiting for his daughter. He had begged him to spar. Verse had no doughts his daughter could take him in combat. She was very skilled in teh warrior ways. Verse had to put away his pride and accept one fact. He would never get sleep till he spared his daughter. He couldn't hold back. Doing so would only piss her off, and he would be hard presed going all out. Verse closed his eyes and waited.::
Xazor Elessar
Aug 15th, 2002, 09:39:49 PM
Filled with a quiet serenity, the Knight Xazor, entered the Jedi Academy outfited in beatiful blue robes....and all of her weapons. Three lightsabers rested upon her belt now, along with six throwing knives, two daggers.....a sword upon her back.....and one blaster on each thigh. She was well prepared at all times for any situation that occured.....though she tended to use the Force now more than anything.
As she walked in the shadows, the silver in her deep blue eyes glinted slightly, and the golden coins in her long Garou Warrior Braids caught the light as well....the only signs that someone was in the darkness. Her gaze crossed the room and stopped upon a lone that stood tall and proud......strong and wise......her Master.....her Father, Verse. She grinned to herself, exposing her elongated canines....which had grown just a pinch in his absence.
Crossing over the large room, she approached him quietly, masking her presence in the Force completely from anyone....and it would be most difficult for him to know it was her as well......for this had been something she practiced all the time and mastered on her own. A smile crept across her lips as she stopped a meter from Verse, and bowed in an unseen greeting.
"Father.....what brings you to the Academy this day.......alone, nonetheless?"
Her words floated softly through the air and touched his ears with a familiarity. Mischief lingered upon her lips as she slowly unmasked her presence in the Force, and bathed even deeper in it than before. She glowed from the inside out......having completely conquered her anger and emotions thanks to several friends that had helped her while he was away. She had changed so much, but only for the better....and was now a strong of the best. Knowing this in her heart, she never let one trace of an ego escape her though....for pride came before the fall and she knew this more than most others for at one time in her life she had been the haughtiest person she knew. All was different now as she stood before her Father, waiting his answer.....
Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 15th, 2002, 09:47:12 PM
::Verse breathed deep. His breaths came harder now. He knew why, but dared not tell. That was for another day, and another time. He would have to contact Pivo again, and soon. That was for another time though. Right now was his daughters time.::
"I remebered that you wished us to spar. Think you are up to it."
Xazor Elessar
Aug 15th, 2002, 10:07:48 PM
The Garou Knight watched her father for a moment.....something was different.....and not right. Concern etched her soft features as she was tempted to read Verse's thoughts.....but restrained herself. She would ask him about it later....but something just didn't feel right. Her eyes searched his for a moment until he spoke, bringing her back from her thoughts.
"Oh yes! I am very much up for it!"
She grinned to herself and drew the saber from her belt.....the one that she had recieved from Sage on the day of her promotion to Knighthood. With the slip of her finger over a black button, two blue beams shot forth from each end with a hissing sound. Grinning to herself, Xazor spun the saber in her hand.....the familiar hum of "Love" rang in her ears. Grinning to herself, she held the double bladed, duel-phase saber at waist level, parallel to the ground. Her eyes and fixed stance told him that she was ready and prepared for anything. It had been a challenge the last time that they sparred....but she had grown greatly in strength and wisdom.
The Knight began to circle her Father, another trait she had picked up while he was away. She would not let him have the first move....for it could cost her the whole battle. Indeed, Jedi were taught not to attack....but she followed different ways....the ways of the Warrior and she learned that the first move was crucial to a victory or defeat. Suddenly in a flash, she bounded in at him and jumped over his head, then kneed him in the back. As he fell forward, she spun around with a Force powered back kick to his face.....then she calmly resumed a fighting stance.....waiting for his attacks. Indeed, she started easy but those that had fought her knew it would not last long at all.....
Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 15th, 2002, 10:48:53 PM
::Verse fell foward. He caught his balance and stayed calm. He got in a defensive stance and ignited his twin blades. He would need them both to counter Xazor's double bladed saber. He had to get her off balance first. Verse reached out with the Force. He could feel the faint fault lines under the ground. Verse reached out and touched them. Then he stomped.
The ground shook for only a moment, one quick jerk. It was all Verse could muster. It was enough to shake his daughter though. Verse rushed her with both sabers out. He struck with both sabers at once. Xazor, still not fully recovered, blocked clumsily. Verse used this oprotunity and gave a quick boot kick to her chest. As she started to fall back, Verse gathered teh Force in his hand. He formed an invisible ball of Force energy. He held out his palm and let it fly hitting Xazor between the eyes.::
"I call that a Wave Punch."
Xazor Elessar
Aug 15th, 2002, 10:57:59 PM
Xazor fell backwards repeatedly from Verse's attacks. Finally she grounded herself in the Force and smiled. His "Force Punch" was good.....but she had a lot more in store than small Force tricks. It was time she began the "show". Grinning, she closed her eyes and found her connection to Nature immediatly. Calling upon the plants of the Ground, she opened her eyes in time to see four shoot out from around him. Two latched onto his arms, and two onto his legs......pulling him to the ground slowly. As this occured, the Knight created five Force Walls around him, enclosing her Father in a Force Cube. After that, she looked to the water in the man made fountain behind him.....then raised her hands, gathering the water in mid air with the Force. Suddenly she dumped it all over the cubes. Closing her eyes again, she connected with Nature and focused hard, calling on the wind. At hurricane forces, gusts of wind blew into the Academy....nearly breaking the doors from their hinges. Outstretching her hands, she touched the air and used her unique ability to control the element of things that were cold.....and made the air fridgid. It licked the water on the cube and froze it solid! All of this was done in under twenty seconds......a lot improved since she first began creating what she affectionatly called the "Ice Cube".
After that was done, the Knight created another invisible Force Cube around the existing Ice Cube......leaving Verse with little air and deady temperatures. Around herself, she built up Force walls to protect her from any flying that was the popular "escape" from her death trap. Silently, she stood back and waited with her saber ready and her mind set on defense....
Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 16th, 2002, 09:36:40 AM
::Verse's eyes had a glow to them. He drew in the light in the room. The Force wall as not made to block that. Verse drew it into himself. His daughter had the trait of cold. Verse was able to bend and use light. The Light hung in his frozen body making him glow. Then the heat came. It was like a huge light-bulb. THe heat shot through the ice and melted it. The plants that held him let go at once becuse of the heat. Verse held the left over light energy. He sent a mental blast into Xazor's mind. It scattered her mind only a moment making her Wall fade for a moment as well. Verse jumped out of teh barrier before it closed again. As Xazor gathered her thoughts, she opened her eyes t o see the left over light energy roll over her body.::
Xazor Elessar
Aug 16th, 2002, 11:28:06 AM
The Knight smiled to herself at what she saw. He was the first person to use that method of escaping...and again, she had learned something new. She was suddenly disoriented and falling backwards again. Once she became clearheaded, she opened her eyes and suddenly light energy pushed over her body...knocking her to the floor. Placing her hands to her sides, the Garou pushed up from the floor and stood, brushing her robes off with her free hand. He had no idea that she too had discovered light......the Dawnstrider's Light. And changing...something which would shock him, nonetheless.
"That was most impressive...Father..."
She breathed out, holding her saber with her free hand again. Gathering herself, she began to walk toward Verse. All the while in his mind, she quietly probed and found a nitch...untracable to his senses that she was even there. The Knight created the thought that rafters were falling from the ceiling. The sounds and feelings of the situation became real. She smiled and as he was distracted, she rushed at him and jumped into the air, landing a hard flying side thrust kick to his solar plexis. Landing softly in front of him, Xazor spun around with a smashing kick to his jaw with her right leg...then another back kick to his gut. As he fell, she spun around and lifted him with the Force and slammed him into the wall behind. Holding her saber in front of her, she regained her defensive stance and waited....
Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 16th, 2002, 12:01:55 PM
::Verse slumped to the floor letting the Force's Healing waves run over him. He spit to the side on the floor. It was cremson red. Verse had always been a stragist. he could handle himself in battle, but was never the best. It showed. He was proud of his daughter. She followed the warrior's path. Just like her brother.
Verse's hands touched the earth. He could feel teh thorny roots under the ground with his mind. Maybe it was time for another trick. Verse let the Force run through him to give him strenght. Xazor's last attack took alot out of him. She was good. Verse touched the wind. he called to it like a old friend. At once the wind came in a quick burst sending sand in Xazor's eyes. Verse nodded and reached for the roots. They ripped out teh ground and covered his arms. Thorns jetting outward. Verse lundged and slammed a thorn covered fist in his daughters gut. As she doubled over, he came up with an uppercut. Then backhanded her with his right hand. He finished with a Wave Punch that send her back a few feet. He got in a defensive stance with his new combat 'gloves'. He had a good idea who would win this fight. What could he say? The girl had talent.::
Xazor Elessar
Aug 16th, 2002, 12:09:39 PM
The Knight suddenly was blinded by the sand and it made her reach up to fish it out of her eyes...but she couldn't. Tears welled up from the immense pain, which she pushed out of her mind with the Force. Suddenly a horrible shocking pain ripped through her gut, sending her doubled over...then an uppercut and a backhand to her face. She began to regain her composure when suddenly she was "punched" right in the face again.
Falling back several feet, the Knight finally found her ground, and stood in a crouched position. She could not see at all...but she did not need her eyes ever. If she was to go mattered not...the Force was her ally now, and she used it to the fullest. Closing her eyes despite the pain, she opened her Mind's Eye and focused on her Father and...the future. She could see his movements several seconds into the future and would use that to her advantage as well. Her ultra-sensitive ears perked at the slightest sound of an ant many meters away. Then she directed her attention to Verse. She listened to the wind and spoke to it as well, then it whiped up around her creating a cyclone. She sent the wave of sand at him, but it suddenly turned into hundreds of throwing knives. She grabbed blindly to her belt and took the six identical knives in her hand and threw them along with the sand. Her mind connected with his and she quickly rigged an illusion that he was seeing double....then there were a thousand false knives and six real ones...but they all looked...and felt the same cutting through the Force. She had perfect precision and accuracy...and he would be hit by the knives....even though she couldn't see....
Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:51:18 AM
::Verse didn't have time to think. Didn't have time to open his own Mind's Eye to see the illusions as they really were. All he saw was thousands or knives racing at him. He had a feelinga few were real. How many he did not know. He only had to react fast.
Verse surrounded himself with the Force and created a Force bubble. The illusion knives passed through, which scaried Verse enough that he almost soiled himself, but he held the bubble as the real ones hit the bubble and fell to the ground. Verse increased his mental walls to keep his daughter out his mind for a few moments.::
"Your good pup. Real good. You make me proud."
::Verse would not throw the knives back at her blade first. he feared for teh unborn child. He picked them up with his mind and threw them back hilt first. Sence he was consitrating on his mental walls and teh Force bubble, he couldn't work out an illusion. His offence was weak at the moment, but his defence was super. verse guessed that was the best he could do at the moment.::
Xazor Elessar
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:01:35 AM
The Knight grinned to herself when she saw that she had shocked her Father. It was at least part of what she wished to do. He threw the knives back at her, hilt first. Placing a Force wall in front of her, they hit it and fell to the ground. She outstretched her hand and called them to her with the Force, then placed them back on her weapons belt as he spoke to her.
"Thank you Father...I told you that I would..."
She said softly, glad that all of her training had paid off. The Knight stood still and grinned to herself, holding out her free hand. In it she began forming a fire ball....this was something she had learned in the recent. The fire grew steadily just off of her hand...not burning her for her hand was enclosed in the Force. But then Verse began to notice it getting hot around him to. Suddenly a burst of flames shot up all the way around her fellow Knight and it grew and grew until it licked the ceiling. As this happened, the Knight focused on loose rafters in the ceiling and let them fall with aid of the Force, right on top of her Father. It would be interesting to see what he would choose to do. Get burned...or be crushed...
Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:19:06 PM
::Verse drew in the Force and held his breath. Then he used teh Force to suck the air out from all around him. At once the flames died and Verse jumped and rolled to the side. He let the air return to that area and the flames shot up again burning the rafters. Verse grabbed them with the Force and threw them at Xazor full Force.::
Xazor Elessar
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:29:53 PM
The Knight saw what her Father was doing just a few seconds into the future. Her mind replayed the quick vision and she put up a Force wall in front of her, then called the water from the fountain and doused the wall with it. The flaming rafters his the wall and died out...then fell to the ground. Closing her eyes, the Knight raised her hand and lifted the rafters, then slashed them down sideways.....creating a very sharp end. Then suddenly, she shot them back at Verse.....just like giant swords flying his way....
Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:47:49 PM
::Verse turned to see the rafters shoot at him. He jumped over them with legs powered by the Force. They slammed into the floor jetting into hundreds of splinters. Verse looked at his daughter.::
"Allow me to blurr your vision of the Force and the Furture..."
::Verse sturred up the mental energies around his daughter blurring what she saw and felt with the Force. verse grabbed teh spliters and threw them at his daughter as he touched ground.::
Xazor Elessar
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:31:06 PM
The Knight growled as she got a head-ache from his messing with the Force and mental images around her. Grabbing her head in her hands, she bared her elongated canines and then looked up just in time to see the splinters. Her heart skipped several beats at the thought of what would happen to her if they struck her body....and unborn child. At a rush of adrenaline....and against her better judgement, the Knight turned away and doubled over. Her blonde hair wrapped around her back and a great flash of white light appeared.....leaving in its place....a beatiful wolf. As quickly as it happend, she was off and running away from the place of the splinters. Slowly she rose up on her hind legs and then changed just as she had appeared. The Knight hoped that she would not have had to do that in front of her Father....knowing he did not fully approve of changing. She had been working on it way too long and had it down to near perfection.
Shaking out her braids, she turned back around, stumbling a bit as she grabbed he head in pain again. Her vision in the Force began to clear as she looked at Verse and grinned to herself. Closing her eyes, she dove into his mind.....nearly unnoticed. The Knight created the illusion that the splinters were reversing their direction and heading back toward him at fully speed. As this happened in his mind, the Knight ran at him and spun around, slamming her foot into his jaw. As he fell backward, Xazor created a Force wall above him, jumped onto it...then let it go....falling right onto her Father.
Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 19th, 2002, 02:18:04 PM
::Verse felt like the world was crushing him. He did see his daughter change. That was a dangerous game. The rage in a Crinos form was almost unstopable. Verse had to show her how a real Garou could rock a person's world.
Verse's muscles increased and tightened as he went from 6 feet to 7 1/2 feet. With Force inhanced strenght, and the power of the partial change, Verse held the Force Wall with sheer will and remained standing. Verse used his own mental power and Forced a hole in the center of the wall. It fell to the ground leaving Verse unharmed for the most part.
The look of Xazor's face was priceless. Verse reached out and grabbed her with the Force and pulled her toward him at a rate that left her breathless. As she drew close Verse pulled his fist back. When she was just inches away Verse slammed his fist at her. Verse stopped it 1/8 of an inch from her face. She breathed deep thinking he was going to hit her.::
"I give. You would have beat me soon."
Xazor Elessar
Aug 19th, 2002, 02:35:03 PM
The Knight winced just as her Father was about to smash her face in. He frightened her to no end and she thought she was done for. Suddenly he stopped and she was looking right at his knuckles. His words puzzeled her and she shook her head, grabbing onto his wrist as she lowered herself to the ground.
" you were doing fine! That....that isn't the time you stopped our spar because of the ants! Come on! I haven't had a good challenge since I fought Marcus......"
She said softly, looking at him curiously for a moment. Something was different about him....and she wondered why he was giving up to....her.
"I couldn't have beat you! You're an excellent fighter and the Master of illusions! I have learned everything from you!"
Again she eyed him closely, wondering if he was upset with her for....changing.....or something else? Her heart pounded in her chest as she began the cool down it was useless to continue on. Why he stopped, she couldn't figure out!
Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 19th, 2002, 05:02:06 PM
::Verse breathed deep. He paused for a moment and shook his head as if clearing something.::
"Something has come up..."
::Verse made his way to the door slowly.::
"I need to go to my room for a moment..."
Xazor Elessar
Aug 19th, 2002, 08:39:23 PM
The Knight shook her head and watched her Father go, dropping her arms to the side.
Sadly she turned around and walked toward the other door to make her way to the quarters she know shared with Dasquian.....
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