View Full Version : Cast out into the light {open}

Aug 15th, 2002, 09:49:41 AM
Syren rode hard for the past three weeks along the wind-swept plains of Corellia. She had to keep going, for she was now the hunted. Her mount? At the moment it was a rather large Corellian Sandpanther. A rare creature indeed, who's clawtips exude a poison when they claw into flesh. Don't ask how long or what kind of force techniques she had to use to subdue the predatorial feline beast; Syren's just lucky she wasn't killed in the process. During the past three weeks, however, she has come up with a name for the beast -- Rusher.

Rusher has been able to outrun and outmanuever any who've pursued the two as they streaked across the lands. A little over a month ago, a series of tragic events had been set into play. First, one of the higher ups in the Senate had been poisoned at one of the banquets commemorating the Old Senate's History in the galaxy. The murder had broken some alliance treaty Syren hadn't too much information about.

Her employer wanted information; as well as to have a private ... discussion with this former Senator. It was Syren's job to see to it that the man came peacefully, so she had worked her way into the bodyguard service and was at this guy's side throughout most of the evenings for two months prior to the banquet.

As she urged Rusher ever on, she played back the events of that night over and over in her head.


Haunting Memories

The banquet had been going very well. The entire ballroom had been decorated exquisitely with sprays of red, white and gold bunting draped around the thick columns, over the banquet tables and just about anywhere else where it would look good. The food! Oh the food smelled absolutely divine; tantilizing one's senses from miles away as its aroma drifted on the warm, gentle, summer breeze.

As people danced, the musicians played and the wee one's got into much mischief .... that's when it went horribly wrong. It had to be during that time. The sun hadn't quite set below the horizon, so it gave the attackers in the fields the perfect opportunity to strike. None of the guards noticed. So immersed in their own thoughts or casual conversations, they do not sense the other reapers sliding out of the forest.

Storm-warriors, quiet as sunlight yet black as the dark of the moon, each one tattooed, scalp to sole, in blue indigo dragoncoils and thunderclouds, rush upon the guards with shrieking battle cries. For several of the guards, the ax-wielding raiders are mere shadows in the white flash of pain that ends their lives. Others have time to fire their weapons once or twice before the howling men ax through flesh and bone.

Knives flicker in the waning light of the day, slicing off ears and hanks of hair, which will later ornament their war-lances. The war shrieks to a stop when the last of the guards, rushing with all her might through the crimson pools of blood from her brethren guard, falls under the flying weight of a warrior, who breaks her neck. Then the only sound is the sizzling wind in the air and the scrape of metal on bone.

As a few surrounding buildings started to burn, the smoke wafting towards the darkening skies overhead, it carries the acrid stench of charred flesh and death as it drifts lazily over the land as a triumphant war cry is unleashed.

Back at the banquet, the former Senator stands from his seat at the head table to welcome the guests; suddenly from out of nowhere, three crossbow bolts appear in his chest and he tumbles back into the chair, then slides to the floor. Dead.

His wife looks on in shocked horror. As her attention is diverted to her fallen husband, a serving woman next to the Senator's wife slits her throat, killing her instantly.


The Battle Begins

As the Senator and his wife are slain, the attackers storm the banquet hall masked by the force so they aren't noticed until it is nearly too late. The enemy floods in in a wave of darkness, killing left and right, tearing people apart and drenching the room in a dark crimson red, bearing their grisly trophies in haloes of flies.

The guests begin to panic. The women begin to shriek and scream, the men do their best to draw any weapons they can manage to get their hands upon. A few of the most loyal guards, fifty-one in number, rushed into the heart of the battle. Old swords (taken from the historical cases) clanged left and right as the men fought valiantly against the attackers, laser lights of green and crimson streaked across the room, blinding a few as it nearly lit up the entire room; its ozone leaving a haze that stunk to permeate the air.

The skies became nearly thunderous with the sound of massive engines, shaking the buildings on their foundations and rattling the windows. Upon the ships' arrival, they immediately began their attack on the citizens below, several more explosions rocked the surface.

After battling for the past several hours, the men and women grow weary and are barely able to lift their own weapons in defense. The enemy attackers put down their blades as the last remaining soldiers surrender and kneel to the ground with their hands clasped behind their heads.

Victorious war cries are heard echoing throughout the lands, their lances and blades appear to be a dark shade of crimson from the blood drying upon their silver shafts. Shields are heard clattering noisily together as the enemies cheer for the total destruction they've wrought. Syren had never seen such savages before!

Merely a handful of soldiers get away unscathed. As they look through one of the doors, they witness the final blow to their once enjoyable evening. One of the mighty savages has captured one who was formerly the head of the Senate for a good number of years. The beast lifts its crimson gaze to rest upon the watchers as his lips curl back in a sadistic sneer, saliva begins to ooze off its razor sharp fangs. As the three look on in anger and horror, the massive beast opens its jaw and lowers his head swiftly, ripping the man's throat out as his talons pierce his chest and rip out his still beating heart. As creature lifts off the ground with a fluid grace, a deep, cruel laugh resounds throughout the room.

With the city now destroyed and in ruins, those who managed to survive begin burying the dead and tending to each others wounds.



Syren finally reaches her destination. A little known landing area that the smugglers knew better than anyone else in the galaxy. Dismounting the feline beast, she sends it on its way and eases open the door to the small smugglers bar set on the small air field, casting a casual glance around while sweeping the deeply cowled hood off of her head to rest upon her shoulders, then heads to the bar and sits upon one of the stools.

She knew who had done it, though no one would believe her if she spoke the truth. Syren had been set up and set up rather well, to take the fall for everything; the death of the former Senator and his wife; the destruction of the buildings and the city, the deaths of thousands. All their blood was now on her hands and whomever had been hunting her before, certainly did a good job of seeing to it that she had to keep running and could never go back.

Two gloved hands came up to her shoulders, where she gathered the deep, cowled hood of her travellers cloak and eased it up over her head, concealing her long, dark hair and exotic features. With her back to the door, she was hoping she'd just appear to be yet another no-name in the crowd, to blend in with the others who were drinking, playing cards or bartering a trade. She had to get out of here and she had to get out without being noticed.

Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 15th, 2002, 09:30:09 PM
Dalamar tracked the woman her thoughts were strong. I will find you little one you cannot escape me. Dressed in the black armor and wrapping he looked like a black spectral ghost running across the white sands. The Warlord thought to himself as he ran. "You escaped me that night after I killed the senator. I saw how you wept for the loss of you leader's and your people. The tears streaming down your face as you fought my death troops. The Nagari servant's of the Shrine. You were beautiful your nobility and fighting spirit." So I have followed you tracked you. You are clever my little one you know you are being followed. Just out of reach you sense me. You know that someone is after you.

You look in the shadow's, eye's open for fear of the dark. You do not know me, but you will, oh yes, you will. Keeping pace Dalamar remembered the command of his Queen. "Kill the senators Dalamar make an example of them they have thwarted me for the last time. Take the troops and wipe them out. Make them choke on there own blood for the Senate will not challenge me again." I bowed low "Yes my queen It will be as you command.

True to my word they where all killed my people ate heartily that night. I personally bit into the neck of the Senator that would offend my Queen.

Syren, how the name encompasses my thoughts invades my mind. I remember your righteous indignation at what was happening like a star you lit up the night to my Vampyre eye's. I knew then and there that I must have you. So I waited patiently you got away that night. After I finished my duties I started to track you and you have been running since. The last 3 weeks had been long but at last Dalamar crested the top of a sandy hill
there before his eye's was a small air field with what appeared to be a bar. Smiling to himself Dalamar walked towards the establishment. "At last my sweet. At last!"

Aug 15th, 2002, 10:09:12 PM
Never was there rest for the weary. Syren knew this all too well and this time it would be proven once again. Yes; she had sensed him following, was hard not to deny or realize that his aura was strong; radiating such power and strength it could lure someone weaker to him.

Syren was once with the darkness. It's seductions had easily suade her to join and embrace it. It's dark cloak had wrapped around her lithe, slender form and clung to her; outlining her figure and whispering with its disembodied voice into ear. She had become another Mistress to the darkside at a young age; fooled into believing its power would do so much for her.

HA! It wasn't long ago that she decided to turn her back to that addictive drug that was known in the galaxy as the Darkside of the force. No, it is not and has not been an easy path to follow now. Like a junkie craves his fix, she too, would nearly tremble with the urges she has to use its powers ... just once more.

Even now, as she did tap into the force to keep track of her follower, its whispy, shadowed tendrils are caressing her body. She can feel it, calling her back, tempting her to fall once again.

While she has been sitting there, she has been watching the activities of the various smugglers and pirates as they mill around until the sun begins to set. That was when the place would suddenly come to life.

Sliding from the barstool, she wanders her way down the stairs behind the bar and into a door to her right, about 500 feet or so from the stairs. The air was dank down here, stale and only lit by the flickering flames of old torches. The air temperature had to be atleast twenty degrees than it was above ground, thus it felt good against her hot cheeks.

Here, in this room she went over to a small trunk that had been kept here. Lucky for her, she had known the previous owner of the place and he told her where exactly it was stored should she ever need to access it. This was one of those times. Syren works quickly, going through the process of the retinal scan and palm read to open it.

One would think that there would be a store of a few weapons in there; perhaps a datapad or some kind of emergency homing beacon that she'd take with her to use in the near future. No. Those were not present. Important documents were in there. She grabs those and leaves the room swiftly, stuffing two disks into her shirt.

Heading up the rest of the length of the underground tunnel structure, she comes up under the airfield itself. After making sure the coast was clear, she exits the tunnel's hatch and hurries across the tarmac and slips aboard one of the smugglers ships.

Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:51:15 PM
Dalamar walked into the bar as the sun faded from the horizon. Putting his protective wrapping away he walked in with just his black armor. She had been here and recently. Dalamar sat down "some blood wine please barkeep." The man appeared rather nervous but most people where around vampyre's anyone with any sense anyway. "Here here you go ssir." He said in a shaky voice as he handed the Warlord his drink. All sorts of vagrants filled the bar degenerates and bounty hunters the dregs of the universe.

The moments ticked by as the vampyre relaxed. He focused on his intended target the red aura that lit up the night came alive upon the bartender. Dalamar looked up at him and spoke. "You have some information for me?" The bartender turned a pale white "Sir?"

"I am seeking a female she was here recently you helped her or spoke to her now where is she?" the mans shaky hand pointed toward a door. The warlord immediately followed and down at the bottom of the stairs in the cool dark he found a chest emptied of its contents. She was here recently he knew. Running up the stairs he demanded of the barkeep "where is she now!" The man passed out at the heated question. "You unmitigated fool do you think all we do is kill." His assistant quickly pointed to the door "she's boarding a ship now if you hurry you can catch her I heard one of the customers mention it how they knew I don't know." Dalamar spoke softly "Smart girl I'll let you live." The warlord turned and under his breathe he said "She will not escape!"

Aug 17th, 2002, 02:34:18 PM
Syren was tucked away from view in the cargo hold. She could feel the ships engines as they began to whine while powering up. The smuggler's ship began to shake a bit and she was beginning to grow impatient.

"Just leave this wretched planet already!" She wills under her breath. She can feel the stalking presence of Dalamar as he drew ever closer to her.

She just needs to get to the Jedi. If she can just get to their headquarters and leave this information there anonymously, she could continue to run. Atleast long enough to get a distance between she and Dalamar. She has no idea why it is he hunts her; thus having turned the tables, she is now the hunted instead of the hunter.

If the Jedi had any intelligence, they'd know exactly what to do with the information she carries. With that thought, she silently berates herself for commenting as such on their intelligence. She has turned her back to the darkness and was fighting to keep it at bay. Now, those Jedi just might be her only hope at any form of salvation.

Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 18th, 2002, 01:50:08 AM
Close as he was to her he could feel her nervousness and anticipation. For the first time sense he started to track her he spoke to her mind. "Syren quit running from me, you will not escape. The Jedi you seek will not be able to protect you we are of the Shrine." Syren could feel the dark tendrils of power caressing her body tantalizing her senses.

"All the pitiful Jedi will be wiped from existence you waste you time with them. Come back to the dark side. I sense it like a star within you glowing dark and red."

She was strangely silent, which was good for her. One stray thought and Dalamar would know where she was. "Abandon your mission turn away from the fading light and embrace the darkness. You will be my new apprentice an acolyte of midnight. We will light up the night in a fiery embrace of evil, we will feed and strike terror into the heart of the Jedi. The senate will fall as some have already. Do not give into this false hope that you will make it. If you proceed you will force me to destroy you a path I do not wish to take." Dalamar spoke passionately.

Aug 18th, 2002, 02:32:55 AM
Mmmm. Those seductive tendrils caressing her body were whispering their sweet passions to her; beckoning her to rejoin their tender embrace, to participate in the sensual dance of the darkness. Her jaw tenses as she closes her eyes, forcing her mind to go completely blank. She had to, no matter how hard it would be to resist the sadistic temptations pressing into her mind.

The ship finally begins to lift off the ground, shuddering a bit in protest. She can hear the loud curses of the drunken pilot all the way back in the cargo hold. Oh great, aboard a ship with a drunk smuggler. Could this night get any worse!?

Of course it can and it probably will. Murphy's laws seem to be plaguing her as of late; and the main one would be "That which can go wrong, will." Figures.

As the ship hovers and turns to right its position to lift its nose and climb steadily and quickly to punch through the atmosphere, she allows herself thought once again.

Just who was this hunter? Why did he want her so bad? Does he plan to kill her? Seduce her, or lure her into some deep, dark abyss of the darkside that she could never climb out of again?

She doesn't know the answer to any of these questions. Nor does she know them to the other things; such as why she was set up, why she was to be the one who was going to take the fall for crimes she never committed.

Those answers didn't matter now. However, getting to Yaga Minor did matter; and what mattered more than that?

Getting there ....


Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 18th, 2002, 04:18:13 PM
Dalamar found the ship she was located on. but it was preparing to lift off. Placing his hand against the hull he sensed her. A thin wall of metal was all that protected her from the deadly reach of the Warlord. Frustrated he punched into the hull trying to reach her. !@#$%$ barely denting it Dalamar's frustration grew. It was taking off he jumped on the outside of the ship and with his taloned grip he hung on.

As it hovered in VTOL position the warlord pulled out a homing device and attached it to the hull just in case. Moving further down the underside of the ship he found a hatch. Pulling out his sword he started to hack at the heavy door. the hatchway finally gave way to the relentless attack. Just then the ships jets fired. The recoil knocked Dalamar out of the hatchway and 15 feet back to the ground with a hard thud. Raising his arm the Warlord spoke to the Nagari his death storm troopers. I have two signals follow them on my mark. Mark Alpha,Omega 3. Respond, "Omega here tracking two signals." Good planetary signal is mine come get me and activate long range scanners she will not escape!"

Aug 18th, 2002, 05:46:42 PM
Syren could feel the sudden loss of the connection in the force and she let out a long relieved breath. She let herself relax a bit more as well, and settled in for the ride.


Approximately 18 hours later -- The drunk smuggler was atleast wise enough to have had his coordinates entered before he even went and got himself plastered. Syren's startled awake by the sound of the ramp leading up into the cargohold being lowered, the loud hiss of the hydraulics sending plumes of spent exhaust into the air.

She could hear the voice of the workers as they unloaded the crates, a few droids were milling about from the other sounds she could make out as well.

Keeping herself hidden, she works her way around the remaining crates and slips out without being noticed. Syren hurries along her way, ducking out and around the corner as one of the workers is heard calling out, "Hey! Who is that!?"

Not too sure on where she is exactly, she can summize that she isn't on Yaga Minor. Possibly on Yavin, but she needs to get her bearings straight to be sure.

Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 19th, 2002, 07:23:35 PM
Dalamar's ship the 'Talos Tear' warped out of space like a roaring dragon. Just a mere hour behind Syren he landed in the docking bay. "Fan out and find the signal I want her found." The Nagari moved with haste for fear of upsetting there Master.

The Warlord reached out again with the force seeking Syren. She had been here recently. Speaking to himself Dalamar said, "You are a worthy prey just barely eluding me each time. But even I am beginning to lose my patience.

Dalamars thoughts where interupted "Sir, we found the ship and its passengers the female was not among them. " The Nagari commander reported. "Bring them before me,"Dalamar commanded. The Nagari had badly beaten a few of them already. They where ready to talk. "I seek a female with dark hair and uncommon beauty." The first to speak was a drunk smuggler who smelled of old liquor and fear. "We are just a cargo ship, master we don't c carry travelers your servants only hauls supplies."

The Warlord punched through the man's chest crushing his heart. Looking at the others he yelled "WHERE IS SHE!" dont try my patience" He let the mans body fall to the ground. Fearfully a woman stepped forward. "I,I,I saw her sir. She left the ship when we landed."

Dalamar spoke in quiet tones "Come here my dear, do not be afraid which way did she go?" the female pointed. Dalamar turned grabbing the beautiful full bodied woman close to him. He looked her in the eye's. Her beautiful blue eye's. She could feel his cool strong body under the armor as he pulled her closer she felt a little breathless. "Do not fear, do you wish to help me more." Yyes she said hesitantly at first then stronger YES.
"Good" the vampyre smiled. He moved in softly kissing her neck tenderly moving toward her life line. One more soft cold kiss and then the Vampyre kissed her deep. Her body went rigid as she grabbed Dalamar closely. Letting her go she smiled. The Warlord said "You know what she looks like hunt her for me. The Warlord attached a collar to her neck. "Go"

The commander spoke then "Master what shall we do with the others." Dalamar thought for a second "Hmnn well there innocents in this matter, so I suggest you burn there ship and kill them all. Let your appetites run wild just let there be no trace of them."

The crew started to cry out and blubber "No please I have children pleassse" The leader tried to bargain for his life. Without even looking back the Warlord severed his head and returned his sword to its scabbard. The Nagari fed.

Walking out of the Docking bay was a lone female with a collar followed by her new Master Dalamar. An explosion shook the ground. The smoke of the building behind him along with the screams of all the people in the docking bay dying put a small smile on the Warlord lips. "Hunt her my hound!" Let anyone who gets in my way fall before the Hunt!"

Aug 21st, 2002, 10:30:44 AM
The hour that she still has on Dalamar was precious time that was well used. Syren's been able to cover a lot of ground, now that she knows she is on Yavin IV, one of the many moons surrounding the planet of Yavin itself. The jungles are thick, the canopies created by the tops of the trees filtered the bright sunlight perfectly.

Of course, the jungles are home to many strange creatures; perhaps a few that may even be more native to Yavin itself. The density of its core gives Yavin a gravity which is 2.74 times the standard of Coruscant, and that helped the gas giant to attract so many moons. Despite the intense pressures within the clouds, Yavin supports lifeforms which were thinner than paper but nonetheless alive.

Syren's dulled her use of the force, going on instinct and memory alone. She had to reach the stronghold without getting caught by Dalamar or his henchwench. She also had to get there without setting the Jedi off; if they detected the darkness within her, they wouldn't believe she was there to actually warn them of the dangers that were lying in wait; soon to be unleashed upon the galaxy.

Even Syren isn't so sure about the full magnitude of it all; her mind is still a mesh of images, confusion and shock over the events that occured to set this all off. Looking around at her surroundings, she estimates the Jedi Temple to be roughly ten more miles away.

Heero Luna
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:23:01 PM
Her estimation by the way was well out. The Jedi Temple was a good 30 miles off and Heero was exploring, searching for Graina Stones in order to make some money in the small town a bit further down the path.

His attention was drawn straight to the presence beyond the shrubs so he went to take a look. She stuck out like a saw thumb as he tailed her for a mile, probing her mind for some idea of her intentions. It became apparent that she was on the run from someone or something. He also sensed her familiarity with a area, She seemed to be navigating the dense forest by memory.

He upped the pace, making his way around Syren untill he found his spot. There he waited, A couple of minutes later she arrived to find him propping up a tree with his arms crossed.

"Hey! Whatcha doin?"

Aug 21st, 2002, 05:28:13 PM
Though she had been dulling her use of the force to keep hidden from Dalamar, she just had this feeling that she was being watched. It wasn't a creepy feeling, so she paid it no mind. She has bigger problems at the moment.

Seeing someone leaning up against the tree, she keeps going.

"Just enjoying a walk." She tells him as she passes by. At this point in time, she trusts no one, though the force radiates from the one she passes. She must get to the temple before dark.

Heero Luna
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:37:38 PM
Heero threw away his cool persona as Syren disregarded him so literally. He quickly moved to her side, stumbling slightly on a tree route as he met her pace.

"Your heading for Yishran right? I know the Inn keeper there, I can get you special rates."

She didn't notice his semi cool wink, In fact she payed him no attention at all. He carried on along side her. "So your not planning on staying at Yishran then? Its deep forest for 25 miles after that ya know. Its ya last rest point before the temple, That is if your heading for the temple. Most who pass by here are."

Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:48:41 PM
Syren didn't answer any of his questions. She still carries a bit of a chip on her shoulder and she sees her destination as none of his business.

Traipsing around in the thick jungle and she feels as if she is being hit on. Syren doesn't have time for this; so she keeps walking at her quickened pace.

"I'm well aware of how far the forests stretch in all directions." She tells him. There is no harsh edge to her know, just an as matter of fact one.

Ducking under the low lying branches and hopping over the underbrush, fallen logs and other various such trip-me-ups that litter a forest floor, she shifts a sideglance towards him.

"Who are you and just why are you following me?" She asks pointedly.

Heero Luna
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:58:24 PM
Heero niffly negotiates a tree stump and hops over a ditch to keep pace with the woman. "I'm a Jedi maam...and all round helpfull guy. Are you here for the temple? Cause if ya are I might beable to help."

He relaxed into his stride, the one that Syren seemed to be pushing all the time. She'd might as well bloody run, he thought briefly.

Aug 22nd, 2002, 08:33:56 PM
Truth? Yes, he was telling it. A few quick glances over her shoulder and a reach with the force tells her that the dark one trailing her is drawing nearer. She looks to Heero then returns her attentions ahead as she continues to navigate her way through the forest and weaves in and out of a few thick, stickly bushes.

"Yeah, I need to get to the temple, and pretty damn fast."

Heero Luna
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:12:06 AM
Heero stops in his tracks. "Well we're heading in the wrong direction then. My speeder bike is back where we met. That is if you want a lift?"

His attention was drawn to a sparkling rock just to the side of the path they'd made. A Graina Stone, and a big one. "Wholey S*%t, would you look at that, thats gotta be the biggest one I've found yet... I just knew this would be a good day for finds." He looked to Syren, who had stopped a few metres further on than he. "Two gems in one day." He winked, Jokingly then crouched down to retrieve the rock.

After placing it inside his side pack he looked once more to Syren. "Well what'll it be princess....You wanna a lift, or a 2 day trek?"

Aug 23rd, 2002, 10:43:25 AM
Syren watches Heero as he picks up the rock and when he mentions having to backtrack, she shifts those amber eyes of hers to that direction. They were gaining; faster than she gave them credit for.

Syren reaches out with the force, sending unseen trendils out further and further until she touches upon the mind of .... wait. That wasn't the dark one; this was another. Clearly of the undead. Syren's never been scared before in her life, that is ... until now.

Something deep inside tells her that no matter where she runs, he'll follow and he'll follow her to the ends of the galaxy and back until she is within his clutches. Why? Was he after her for what happened? She was set up pretty damn good, after all. Every ounce of evidence the guards and authorities found all pointed directly to her. But why? There was more behind this. It didn't make any sense at all to her that someone or someones would go to so much trouble to force her into the predicament she's in now just to be one lowly fallguy for their deeper plot.

Looking back to Heero, she nods her head gently. "You go get the speeder, I'll keep going. You'll catch up to me, I can't backtrack."

Heero Luna
Aug 23rd, 2002, 03:32:46 PM
Heero looks to the side and holds his finger up to Syren as she speaks, A gesture meant to quieten down the woman. His face comes over with a frown, his eyes show not the cheerful young man who Syren had been trying to shrug off for the past 10 minutes. They show more a look of interest, The look of a man who may just of come to a conclusion and was waiting for visual proof. Of course Heero's proof wouldn't come in a visual manner, He was merely examining the evidence. And the results were conclusive.

Darkness pursued, At an abnormal speed with one goal in several minds. This was all confusing stuff to Heero, who had not long lost his second master. His training over the past few months had been none exsistant and this came at a crucial time on his road to becoming a Jedi Knight. He had been fobbed off with several tens of books and been told 'Patience was his allie'. But the temptations of life had prooved to appealing to the teenager, And he saw no harm in slipping out from time to time to seek adventure.

He looked back over to Syren, His eyes still intense as he breathes out heavily, willing the force out of his lungs almost. "Your right....You should keep moving, I'll catch you up." With that he turned and fled, dissapearing through the thick undergrowth.

Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 24th, 2002, 12:31:50 AM
The hound reared her head sniffing the air. "She's close master real close." I can smell her fear it puts a tang in the air."

"Good, good the Warlord said. Releasing the chain the hunt was kicked into high gear. Bring her down but do not harm her. I have something special planned for her and dont wish her hurt."

"The ship roared outside the foliage "This is Alpha the docking bay is terminated." proceding to the outer rim of the forest will await you there."

"Good when you land discharge a hunting pack of 6 nagari and have them meet me in the middle. Her running will soon end and I will have what I so eagerly want. She is the last thread in the Senator's buisness. So happily I get to mix buisness with pleasure."

Aug 24th, 2002, 03:47:25 AM
Syren catches the look on the young man's face and she didn't stick around to hear his last words. If he, not even a Knight yet, could sense the darkness chasing her, then they were closer than she anticipated.

She bolts.

No glance was tossed over her shoulders as she ran as swift and silent as the wind. She knew that she had been detected and it no long matters if she conceals the darkness still inside of her or not. She taps into the force flowing around her, using it to guide her footing as well as her way. Dodging around the thick trunks of the trees in her path, bounding over fallen logs and sidestepping the puddles left from a recent rain, the woman hurried on.


Moments before Heero can catch up with her on the speeder bike, Syren comes to a skidding halt when she finds herself suddenly surrounded by six Nagari. She had seen these creatures before, but they were always in her dreams. Looking at all six as her hand moves subtly under her cloak to grip the hilt of her onyx colored saber, she feels Dalamar's presence closer than ever....

Shrine Guardians
Aug 25th, 2002, 04:43:13 PM
The six Nagari are suprised when Syren practically runs right into them. Smiling wicked smiles they all take out heavy handed blade's and Tasers. Speaking in there thickly accented voices. "Surrender, or we will be forced to hurt you 'badly'."

One pack hound was held at bay. But you could see that the Nagari holding him was eager to release him on her. "Don't try our patience surrender immediately."

Aug 25th, 2002, 04:58:35 PM
Syren noted each of the Nagari's positions as she turned around hurriedly in a complete circle. Her heart was racing, her blood pumping so fast through her veins that she could hear it's loud thudding in her ears; it nearly drowned out all other sounds.

While she had been sizing up the Nagari, noting their positions as well as their weapons, she also scanned the area for an escape. Left with no choice, she had slowly moved her hands out from under her cloak and up they went, rising over her head.

Just as the one whom was speaking appeared to be ready to unleash the hideous hound tethered to its shackles and chains, Syren suddenly moves.

Straight up that is. Drawing on the force energies around her, she exeucted a force jump, shooting herself straight up into the trees. She grabs on one of the semi-thick overhanging branches and swings her feet up from beneath, pulling herself up to straddle the branch.

Pushing up with her hands, she finds her footing and balances precariously on the narrowed limb. With grace, skill and confidence she manuevers the limb as if she were a skilled gymnast on the balance beam. Across the canopy she goes, jumping from limb to limb.

She can hear the shouts from below, the Nagari barking commands to the other five, and that horrid hound -- the howls and shrieks coming from the undead beast was nearly unbearable.

Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 25th, 2002, 11:35:17 PM
Dalamar burst through the bushes with his human hunter "Where is she I can feel her." The Nagari leader stepped forward. "Sir we.."

"FOOL" Dalamar drew his Katana and without even stopping cut the Nagari's head off. "LEAVE HIM! bring her to me or pay the price." Dalamar leapt to the tree's. Baring his fangs he had, had enough using force speed he was starting to catch up with her. In the distance he saw her. Barely glimpsing her slim figure as she lept to the next branch. His eye's glowed red with his intense anger and concentration. His rage added to his speed moving with a deadly grace it would not be long now.

Aug 26th, 2002, 02:58:14 AM
Syren could feel his warm breath coming from behind to caress her cheek as though he were directly behind her. Her face was flushed red, her forehead and cheeks dotted with tiny beads of perspiration from her fear. Seriously, nothing had ever scared her more than she was at this very moment; thus, hindering her struggle to shun the darkness lurking within her soul.

"Aaaaaaa!!" She cries out as she falls through the canopy and hits the ground hard below. ~THUMP~ Luckily, she didn't break anything but she was a bit dazed from hitting so hard. "Get up Syren!" She urges herself verbally. Turning onto her side, she shakes her head then manages to get back on her feet, but not before Dalamar is behind her now.

Instinctively, her hand immediately draws her saber from her hip, her thumb sweeps over the activation crystal. The smell of ozone sparks the air as the angry hiss of the blade emerging from the deep confines of its metallic sanctuary is heard.

~Zhroom~ Her blade sings to life as she takes a defensive position and settles those coppery eyes of hers on Dalamar, not speaking one word.

Heero Luna
Aug 26th, 2002, 02:32:59 PM
An ever growing sense of darkness seemed to be blowing into his face as he twisted and ducked through the heavy forest on his speeder bike. His use of the force took him through a series of manuveurs that wouldn't have seemed possible, He rode the bike to its limit, Then some!

His sense of Syren seemed to be slipping aside, His attention drawn, To something new, something he'd never felt before, Dalamar.

So this is the test Gillean warned him of as a boy. The lure of darkness, Of overwhelming power. Little did he know that his first mistake was his way of mind. He had doubt in his readyness for such a test, but his pride and courage pushed him forth, at full speed.

"Rrrrrr..... No time for thinkin!"

The darkness was near, The nearer it got, the more it pushed aside his sense of Syren, Untill suddenly he found himself tracking that instead of her. Drawn to it like a bee to a beer.

The first Nagari he came across passed in such a blur, It didn't even see him. The second took the nose end of the speeder to the back of his neck, as Heero pulled the throttle to bare. On the turn he spotted Syren, some 40 metres away in an opening. Bringing the bike around once again he avoided confrontation with the third Nagari in favour of a direct route into the heart of the confrontation. In a moment of confusion he steered towards her. Seeing her reminding him of what he was doing here. With that he ignored Dalamar, briefly, but for long enough to let him reach the lady, She saw him, He offered his hand, planning a fly by pickup.


Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 27th, 2002, 10:51:05 PM
Like darkness coming to life and taking form Dalamar emerged from the shadows. Slowly pulling out his Katana he savored the moment. Her soul lit up the night again to his vampyre eye's her soul glowed a deep red. Dalamar's vampyre eye's sparkled to match her aura. "Now my sweet, don't make this difficult I have no desire to harm you." Just put down the saber you cannot possibly hope to defeat the Shrine!"

Just then the Warlord stopped. A Darkness passed over him it was a calling a message from Soth to Saurron. A deep and abiding sadness came over the Warlord's face as the meaning of the message became more clear. "Crichton was coming" It could mean the death of them all.

Suddenly the crashing around of Heero brought the Dark Lord back to himself. He watched as the man thrashed around the woods barely controlling his vehicle. Then veering right he headed straight towards Dalamar and Syren. Hoping to separate them. The Warlord saw him stick his hand out ready to grab Syren. Moving with lethal grace he used his Katana. Cutting the front guide bars the man flew past. Heero hollered "Laaaddy"

The Warlord smiled. Even if he grabbed her he would not get far.

Aug 28th, 2002, 12:40:10 AM
Like hell she'd put down her saber! She may be female, but she isn't stupid. Scared? You bet. Who wouldn't be fearful when they were chased halfway across the galaxy by a Vampiric Warlord and his hench-hounds?! Long, slender fingers curl a bit tighter around the silver hilt of her saber, her muscles tensing as she readies herself further for an oncoming attack.

Syren holds her breath as Dalamar suddenly stops. He was distracted. Like she was going to wait for him not to be! In his moment of distraction she moves forwards quickly and feins a saber strike to his left side as she sidesteps then pivots sharply on the balls of her right foot as she arcs her saber quickly overhead then strikes across Dalamar's back as Heero goes zooming by on the speeder.

Luckily for Dalamar, his motion of striking at the speeder forced his body forwards, the tip of her blade narrowly misses raking its way across his back.

Vampyre Dalamar
Aug 31st, 2002, 08:58:23 PM
Heero missed her completely because of her attack on Dalamar. His speeder flew off into the woods spinning out of control. "You attack?" I knew you had the spark. Pulling out some blood covered papers Dalamar threw them at her feet. "A gift for you my sweet."

The Warlord spun his blade with a fancy twist of the wrist. The blade snaked out and cut her high on her inner thigh. "Oooh Im sorry dear, I would gladly clean that for you." Pushing with the force Dalamar knocked her back into a tree momentarily taking the breath from her. Licking his canine Dalamar was enjoying himself with his beautiful prey. "Please, surrender I have better things that we could do."

ooc: I waited for Heero to post but since it took so long I replied. Didnt want the thread to die from lack of a response. Adios.

Aug 31st, 2002, 09:21:11 PM
Syren keeps her eyes on Dalamar but the papers tossed at her feet throw her completely offguard as she wonders just what exactly they are. Her eyes only drifted from him for a split-second but that was more than enough time for him to snake his blade in. If she hadn't jumped back, she would have lost her leg.

A sharp hiss of breath is sucked in between clenched teeth, immediately snapping her attention back to Dalamar only to find herself slammed back into the trunk of a tree.

"UNGH!" She grunts audibly when she hits, the air being forced from her lungs; somehow she manages to keep a grip on her blade, though it loosens somewhat.

Leaning against the tree, she regains her breathing quickly. Eyes narrowed to dangerous slits as she seems to growl low from somewhere deep in her chest. She was near seething now as she eases herself off of the tree and takes a step towards him with a firm grip once again returned to her saber's hilt.


She shakes her head, sending dark tresses to sweep against her shoulders and across her cloaked back gently with the motion. All around her the forest was calm ... too calm. There were no sounds from the local wildlife, the air seemed to stopped flowing and so did the breeze.

"Why would I do that?" Like shadowed endtrails seeking the sanctuary of the dark, invisible tendrils of the force slithered out, searching for her escape, Heero and for Dalamar's intentions with her.

Vampyre Dalamar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 10:07:33 PM
Syren felt a small breeze on her neck. Dalamar was behind her putting his arms around her. Mixing vampyre speed and the force he was lighting quick. His strong arms enveloped her pinning her sword arm to her side. She could smell him the sweet fragrance and feel the strength in his arms but still she struggled.

"Those papers prove how you where framed my sweet." take them and claim your innocence." If innocence is what you desire?"

"I have sought you and chased you for one reason and one reason only." I want and desire you and this want angers me. I see and feel a lack of control, your darkness your dark beauty lights up the midnight with a crimson glow. I will have you."

Releasing her he waited for her answer.

Sep 3rd, 2002, 07:34:58 AM
She has no time to react; his lightning quick speed was quicker than the eye could follow and the body to respond. His cool, sweet breath against her neck sends a shiver through her spine and the goosebumps to rise on her tender flesh. As he pins her arms to her sides, she turns her head subtly a hairs breath and ceases to struggle as he speaks.

"Those papers prove how you were framed my sweet." take them and claim your innocence." If innocence is what you desire?"

Slender darkened brows knit as he states proving her innocence. Of course she desires innocence! Doesn't she? She moistens her full, pouty lower lip slowly while casting a long upwards sideglance a little further over her shoulder towards him without saying a word.

She does have to admit that he is rather tempting. In order to conquer a temptation, perhaps just giving in to it would be best.

Blink. What was she thinking!? Give in to his alluring, captivating words and let temptation win!? Her thumb slowly caresses the gem embedded in her saber's hilt, causing the blade to snap itself back into the safety of its confines with an angry *hiss, thwoop*.

So close. His chest pressed to her back, his strong arms enveloping her, his words luring her in deeper. A myriad of dark, dangerous, and deliciously sinful thoughts race through her mind as he speaks of wanton desires, lust and even to go so far as stating ownership.

She fights it. That mental block shoots up like a cast iron wall. The moment he releases his hold on her, she notices he doesn't move from where he stands directly behind her. Keeping that in mind, she turns her head slowly to look ahead of her, only to see his remaining Nagari a few feet away.

"You await an answer."

She continues to keep an eye on the nagari and that disgusting looking thing that once was a woman.

"You admit to chasing me; wanting me and desiring me; yet ... you're angered by these feelings. You do realize that those are not exactly comforting words to hear, don't you?"

She turns to face Dalamar now, still keeping a mental eye on those whom are now behind her. A wind kicks up, whipping those dark, beautiful tresses of hers against a soft cheek, but she makes no move to ease them aside.

"Your final words do not leave me a choice. You said yourself you will have me."

Stepping in closer as the fingertip of her left hand meets the center of his chest and begins its slow descent down the center of his body, her head tilts to the side ever so gently as she lifts her chin. Her sweet breath is but a whisper across his lips, so close... so close she could kiss him.

"If you want me... you must catch me first. And even with capture, I promise to still be formidable prey."

Then in the blink of an eye, she is gone.

Unfortunately, there wasn't really a way to conceal the trail the force leaves. So her location wouldn't be that hard to decipher. She was running for her life. Using a forced illusion to make herself appear invisible just long enough to slip past Dalamar so she could race through the forest .. leaving him in her wake...

She needed to get to that Jedi Temple still. Her innocence would be proven one day in the future, but for now... this was a more pressing matter.

Heero Luna
Sep 5th, 2002, 02:16:01 PM
Seconds after Heero had clambered from the bracken, that had conveniently broken his fall, He was almost knocked back off his feet by the passing women. "Whooa....wait." He glanced to where she'd appeared from through the thick undergrowth whilst he brushed down his jacket. Then he turned to see she'd dissapeared out of sight. "Wait!" he shouted as he started after her.

Sep 5th, 2002, 03:05:51 PM
Syren continues her run, hoping that she was putting enough distance between she, Dalamar and his henchmen. Let's not forget the houndwoman-thing.

She heard Heero, and slows just enough for him to catch up to her. A few more yards then she slows down completely to a fast walk.

"Are you ok?" She asks; she's a bit breathless but that is more from fear than the run. "Thank you, for atleast coming to help me. I do appreciate it." Every few minutes, she's looking over her shoulder.

Vampyre Dalamar
Sep 6th, 2002, 12:29:34 AM
Dalamar stayed hidden in the dark recesses of the tree's foliage. He listened to the two talk. Sadness overwhelmed him as the vision in the jungle came back to him. Crichton was free and hunting the other children of the night. The one who thought himself the Father of all the vampyre's wanted to be a God. Dalamar and the Shrine was in his way. Alana, Soth, Kain, Saurron, Sari, Razzelle, Valerion, and Nathan. Where we all to be wiped from existence to further his mad plans of Deity.

Reaching out, he sent the call on the waves of the Force. Just a touch to let Soth know that he had indeed received the message. I will be there as soon as current events have reached there undeniable conclusion.

Tears of blood formed in his eye's falling down his cheek. "Syren go to your Jedi. They cannot help you like I can." I have the proof of your innocence what aid do they offer that I cannot give. Sadly she could not hear his inner thoughts as he watched them pass by. Letting them go he watched on.

Heero Luna
Sep 6th, 2002, 02:57:28 PM
Heero took up next to Syren where the path would allow it, dodging behind her when the brush became narrower. He thought on her words for a second before answering. She was asking him whether he was alright, And she had thanked him for his feeble efforts to rescue her. But from what exactly?

He grinned, avoiding eye contact with her, instead his attention stayed firmly on the path. "I'm ok.....". His tone may have told Syren otherwise. He seemed somewhat distant, as if his mind had been left back at the scene of his crash. If that were the case, there it remained as the couple carried on through the forest in silence for a short time.

As they neared the edge of the Valley of Kilm Heero's mind seemed to be gradually returning to him. That eerie, almost enchanting feeling had faded and he found himself hanging onto the dregs of its strange hold. There pace seemed to be slowing when he stopped in his tracks.

"We should hold camp here, Enter the valley at first light." He looked at Syren for what seemed like the first time in hours, she looked tired and flushed. "I told you I was a helpful guy.....right?"

Sep 14th, 2002, 01:44:36 AM
(OOC: Sorry, I'd been ill for the past few weeks.)


Syren was tired. She'd been running nearly non-stop for what seemed like forever now; though it truly hadn't been longer than a few ... what was it now? Weeks? Months? Time blended for her, she wasn't sure anymore just how long it was.

During their walk in silence, Syren couldn't help but to think of what Dalamar said to her. Specifically the part about the Jedi not being able to help her like he could. What did he mean by that? Was there more behind his offer than to just clear her name? If there was, what was it?

The immense power that radiated from Dalamar's body had nearly lured her into succumbing into its grasp. What if she couldn't resist it back there? Would she now be his?

Her head was aching, a low, dull throbbing pain at the base of her skull. Now and then a slender gloved hand would raise and rub the back of it for a bit as she was still mired down in her thoughts.

Even now, she could feel his arms around her; the way he held her, feel his cool breath against the side of her tender neck. His scent was intoxicating ...

"Snap out of it!"

She blinks, not realizing that Heero had come to a stop. Turning around, she looks at him; she herself seems a bit dazed and confused.

"Hm? Helpful? Oh yes .. yes, and I thank you again for it."

Her eyes rose just a bit from Heero's to look back over his shoulder; back where Dalamar was. Right at this very moment ...

She wanted nothing more than to run back to him; yet she fights it with every breath she takes...

Vampyre Dalamar
Sep 16th, 2002, 08:18:34 PM
Crouched in the tree his emotions swirled around in the pit of his stomach. The blood red tears had dried on his face. When a loud sound could be heard. He felt it thundering behind him until it landed on the thick branch next to him. It was the hound and it did not stop for Dalamar. Nor did the Warlord command it to. It leapt from the branch without a pause the hunt went on for the harvest taker.

Dalamar's thick leather gloves creaked in a fist. "Soth your message has wreaked havoc with my emotions. I'll have no more of it. Blocking his mind off from the more powerful vamp Dalamar leaped down to follow the hound. "I swore that you would be mine Syren and I meant it"

The Dark Lord sent a message to the Nagari. "There is a Jedi Temple straight ahead destroy it if you can. I want no survivors in the temple."

Smiling, Dalamar was already begining to catch up. Cutting vines out of his way as he ran the vampyre was closing in.

Sep 18th, 2002, 09:19:20 AM
Syren's eyes took on a look of fear. With a flourished motion, she pulls out the disk she'd been carrying and shoves it into Heero's hand.

"Get to the Temple! It's about to be attacked!"

She didn't leave Heero any room to argue, question or ponder. She gave him a good shove off in the direction he needed to go in, then she herself took off...

Straight towards Dalamar.

It didn't take long to close the distance, however, Syren reels back and looses her balance when her booted foot hits upon a slippery, moss covered fallen log.

"Ungh!" She grunts as she lands on her tailbone; the jolt from the harsh landing sends first a sharp pain then an electrified tingle directly up the center of her spine.

"Aaaaaaahhh!" She screams, bringing her gloved hands up to stave off the hound that hand suddenly pounced on her, pinning her shoulders to the ground to growl ferally in the young woman's face.

She tried to draw upon the force to throw the beast off of her, but for some reason ... her head felt fuzzy. Ysalamiri? Was it possible that there were a few of the creatures around here? No .. it wasn't .. quite that....

In the hounds blood??!! Could that truly be!?

Syren didn't move, and she didn't dare look up at the ferocious undead creature looming over her; instead, she remained perfectly still and shifted her amber eyes flecked with fiery copper highlights beneath the beasts forearm and watched as Dalamar methodically approached ...

A million and one thoughts went through her mind at what felt like the speed of light. Images of her own torturous death, flashes of a painful change, vivid detailed images of being laid in the Vampire's bed then seduced with wild, animalistic passions long into the night, more destruction of beings and temples ...

Vampyre Dalamar
Sep 21st, 2002, 10:33:37 PM
Dalamar walked through the last clearing to a welcome site. sheathing his sword he walked slowly to Syren. The Warlord placed a hand on the fell beast's head. Shockingly it turned back into the female at the space port. She stood up with a slightly glazed look upon her face replaced by horror. "Where, where am I." She looked at Dalamar and fear welled up in her. She screamed in terror Nooooooooooonoo!!!!!!

Waving his hand the female went calm. Turning to Syren he extended his hand and helped her up. Dalamar sat her on a boulder across from him. "Well, my lady we have much to discuss." I said I was angered by those emotions that I felt for you." What I meant to say was that I did not like my lack of control in regard to you."

Now, my dark beauty you assume I will force myself upon you. That is not the way of Love. I said I will have you and I will. But love forced is not love, even I know this. So I will win your love. But I am what I am. The Dark side calls to me and she is a mistress that you cannot turn away from.
Turning to the hound he whispered "Be at peace and remember this night no more. You have served your master and all will be well."
Turning back to Syren he continued. "Once I was a nobleman, a knight. I served the good as you are now trying to do." But the darkness took me and made me what I am today. My efforts to the contrary did not stop it. Lifting his communicator Dalamar spoke into his gauntlet. "Nagari stand down."

You see I know you already. I gave that order knowing your nature. Knowing the horror we where about to unleash you would run into my arms to stop me. Here are the papers that will prove your innocence. The Warlord handed her the papers with a red silk string. Use them well. Already you make me err. I must lie to the Empress herself for you. She said no survivors."

"I must go, but before I do something for you. For the glorious chase you gave me, a gift. Pulling out a small velvet bag he untied it. This is a Makorian Crystal inside you will find part of my essence. Just think of me and I will know it. Also If you are in danger the Crystal will let me know. We will meet again my Dark Beauty until that day remember fondly your Dark Lord. Taking the hound he walked into the woods. Come my sweet we must go........

Sep 22nd, 2002, 11:56:30 AM
As she sees Dalamar approaching, a hurried scuffle on hands and feet in a crab-like crawl backwards takes Syren back until she bumps up against a fallen log. The fact that the woman suddenly returns to her natural state upon his touch brings Syren slender, dark brows into a deep furrow as a look of shock and bewilderment overtakes her exotic facial features.

Snapping her attention to the extended hand, she hesitates in accepting it; that is .. until something compels her to do so. Confusion and fear still evident as he sits her down, she finds she cannot think clearly at the moment to even react to any possible defense that might be needed.

"Wait ... how can a creature such as yourself feel emotion? An emotion as powerful as love would and could turn anyone around. Is this love tainted? How can you speak to me about love when you don't know the first thing about me?"

The rest all seems a blur and when all is said and done, she finds herself alone with the scroll in her hand.