View Full Version : What's up with AOTC's international numbers?

Aug 15th, 2002, 08:57:23 AM
Here's mojo's 8/14 of the internation race between AOTC, Spidey, HP, and FOTR;


A quick summary;

What's put HP on top are its LUDICROUS Japan numbers ($170M). That's almost $100M more than its 2nd place competitor FOTR. AOTC has been #1 in Japan for 4 weeks now, but with a gross of under $4M and steady declines, I don't see it reaching FOTR's numbers, let alone HP. I think it may just catch Spidey, but it won't do that much better. Was Mojo counting on HP type numbers when it made its international predictions? According to that page AOTC has now opened everywhere it was suppose to. How much international steam does it have left? Does anyone know?

Aug 15th, 2002, 10:35:24 AM
I can't be sure, but there can't be that much left in the international tank. I think it will (hopefully) catch Spider Man, but i doubt there's any way it can get any higher.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 15th, 2002, 11:18:29 AM
I think it could make it to 400 doubt it could go any higher than that, I think it will be close to making it to Spiderman though I think it will make it to 350 internationally at least.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 15th, 2002, 04:14:54 PM
Wont do any better in Australia - FOTR is still (!) playing at a few places, AOTC is gone. I think your seeing that Intl just dont have the attachment to Star Wars that the USA does - it means less. I do know that in Australia at least, Star Wars was just simply not seen as a must see movie - tho it certainly did well, 32 million. OTOH, TPM made 38 million, Potter 41, FOTR 47 and still going. Over the pond in NZ, Star Wars is just completely overshadowed by Lord of the Rings (You have to go there to understand the utter devotion NZ'ers have to this, it truly is astounding - Jackson is now some sort of major deity) and really, your going to be hard pressed in Australia to find anyone other than hard core Star Wars fans who would even dare suggest AOTC was worth more than a second viewing. It was not and that is why there was huge openings then huge drops - not enough repeat business.

Aug 15th, 2002, 06:34:17 PM
I know that AOTC has a few weeks left in many of those countries, but if you look closely you'll see that all the number 1 spots have been divided between FOTR, HP, and Spidey. I expect AOTC to come away with a few of them, but it's just surprising to see it hasn't done better. Maybe the rankings will look better in a month or two.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 16th, 2002, 12:46:20 AM
It did better in Europe in the UK it sets some records as I recall, and it made a lot of money in Germany, I know it did a lot better than Spiderman in Europe almost 2-1 I think, for some reason though Spiderman as killed Sw in Latin America and South America, I didn't realize movies did so well in some of those countries.

Aug 18th, 2002, 12:04:46 PM
I can't believe with everything it had going for it (simultaneous worldwide release, better reviews than TPM) that AOTC had such a disappointing overseas release. I expected it to make at least half a billion outside America. It did do very well in the U.K. and most of Europe, but it seemed to get killed by either Spidey or the World Cup most other places. I guess maybe there is some truth to the rumour that non-English speaking countries just don't get Star Wars like we do. Except Japan, obviously :)

Aug 18th, 2002, 12:08:04 PM
It's doing great in Japan. But it's not going to come close to the numbers generated by HP. That was just a freakish gross.