View Full Version : Crusader vs. Saracen (Kelt)

Sejah Haversh
Aug 15th, 2002, 04:28:14 AM
Sejah had paid a small delivery droid to send a message to Kelt Simoson. Seeing as he didn't know how to write, the message was verbal, and asked if the Crusader would be willing to try a fencing match with steel instead of lightsabers, for he thought it would be a good break from normal excercises and get them to know each other a bit better.

As he waited, the brown mongoose stretched out his limbs, and warmed up; his tulwar saber lying by the side of the arena as he did so. He posessed two identical tulwars, one edged, the other blunt. It was his blunt practice one that he hd brought with him, nit wishign to cause any kind of injury to someone he hoped might be a friend in time. Sejah wanted friends, or at least others that he knew well enoguh to talk to.

Standing up, he cricked his back and rolled out his shoulders to relax the nervous apprehension he felt rising in his system. IT was to be the second steel duel he would have at the Jedi Complex, the first having been a month before with Azhure Darkstone. Running a paw through his headfur, the Nehantite looked to the door as he waited. It was a short notice request, but he would wait until Kelt was ready. If he would even accept the challenge, that was.

Kelt Simoson
Aug 15th, 2002, 07:44:49 AM
In fact Kelt was already in the room sitting silently on the otherside of the Dojo behind one of the traning stacks, he had been there over and hour warming up his limbs and doing his Kanatas in the mirror provided. He had only one duel himself in the time he had been here and that was with Lance and that was only a hand to hand fight.

'So... he bagan, getting up of off the bench and pulling up his bracers up to his wrist and tightning them with straps. ' Are you ready to begin? or would you like a few moments more?' He added his hands crossed behind his back and his sword in a sheath across his back.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 15th, 2002, 11:49:54 AM
Adjusting the straps on his own gloves, Sejah smiled lightly and nodded, "Ready whenever you are. But first a few ground rules: No dismemberment, of course, no face shots if they can be avoided, no groin shots of any kind, and no pulling my tail. That sound fair?"

As he waited for a response, Sejah knelt down to pick up his tulwar and unsheathed it, setting the red velvet lined casing down carefully. Lowerign the balde to his side to appear non-threatening, the mongoose adjusted his grip on its handle. "My balde is edgeless, so do not worry about being cut by it. I just thought you should know. Thanks for coming to meet me here, it means a good deal to me to use steel again." His tone was pleasant, but firm enough to imply that he was indeed ready for a duel.

Kelt Simoson
Aug 16th, 2002, 04:04:39 AM
At both hips were two shortswords and across his back was his famous sword "Juran". he stood there almost like at attention waiting for his captian to inspect him, his hands folded behind his back, but if the Mongoose made even the slightest move, both swordswords would be extended in a flash.

' After you sir...i do not attack..its the Jedi Code..' He smiled with humor.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 16th, 2002, 10:14:49 AM
Sejah chuckled, allready liking this guy. "In that case, one of us will ahve to bed the rules, otherwise we'd just be standing here all day," he said with a laugh.

"Okay, I'll start us off, then."

Lifting his tulwar scimitar, the mongoose stepped back into a beginnign stance. But he didn't stay there for long, and quickly sluffed back into regular posture, lowerign hsi blade, "Aww, c'mon, you don't think I'd-," He suddenly lunged forward bringing the saber in a low to high slash form Kelt's right side. It was a basic move, though he wished that his talking haddistracted the Crusader enough to make him move out of reflex rather than trained skill. If Sejah could learn Kelt's reflexes, he could learn how to beat him.

Kelt Simoson
Aug 17th, 2002, 10:07:56 AM
Quickly and effectivly Kelts two shortswords were drawn and placed in a X position to block the on coming attack from the blunt sword of the Mongoose. Of course Sejah was going to strike with his offhand weapon which was of the same quality as the first only much sharper, quickly Kelt brught down the shortsword that was in his right hand and smacked the on comming attack away from his along with a heavy boot to the stomach sending Sejah falling onto his back.

'Have to do better than that my friend..i am far more expereinced than you trsut my old friend.' He said with a grin Sheathing both short swords as if they were starting again.