View Full Version : Roleplaying Improv

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 15th, 2002, 01:30:24 AM
Here's the idea: I set a senario, in this thread it is mugger grabs your shoulder from behind in a dark alley on Coruscant.

Then YOU respond in character to that. For example, I will do this with two of my characters, to show how different everyone approaches the same situation.

Example One:

Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Aug 15th, 2002, 01:33:42 AM
Daanaari squealed as a hand grabbed her shoulder. She was lifted off her feet and shaken upside down, her tail whipping about helplessly. "Help! Help! You big...meanie!"

Her lunch money, a few credits only, fell out of her pocket. She growled at the, and scratched the hand holding her. "Ow!" The Rodian holding her dropped her and she fell, landing on her feet. Daani gave the green alien a swift kick to the shin, and then ran back to the main street.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 15th, 2002, 01:34:21 AM
Example Two:

Arya Ravenwing
Aug 15th, 2002, 01:41:06 AM
Arya was tired. It had been a rough day, and all she wanted was to find a bar and drown her credit woes in a bucket of Guinness. Unfortunately, it was not to be. She turned down a darker alleyway, and was almost through to the other side when a hand grabbed her shoulder.

Instinctually she reached up and grabbed the hand, yanking the owner of it to her shoulder and then throwing them to the ground with a hip roll. The hulking human male gasped, but came up swinging. Arya stepped back, dodging a fist, and then responded with one of her own.

She connected solidly with his neck, and he gagged. Not letting him recover, Arya hooked her fingers in his nose and yanked his head down, slamming it temple first into her raised knee. He choked, and blindly grabbed for her, but she kicked him in the face with a booted foot. He was knocked to the ground again, unconscious.

She wiped her hands on his shirt, stepped over him and into the street. Now, about that ale...

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 15th, 2002, 01:42:46 AM
...See!? Its not too hard. Give it a whirl! Use all your characters if you wish. I'll probably sprinkle a few more of my own in here if other people respond. :) Please?! :crack

Sith Ahnk
Aug 15th, 2002, 01:59:47 AM
The Sith felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned, and a knife came out to his throat.

"Don't try anything stupid."

Ahnk smiled at that. The mugger brought around his other hand to search the Sith for a credit bag when Ahnk grabbed his wrist.

"I... don't think so. If you'd like to get your hands into my pants you're going to need to buy me dinner first."

The mugger brought the knife closer to his throat, and Ahnk let go of his wrist. The assailant continued to frisk him, when his hands touched the lightsaber kept at the Sith's waist.

"Ah... a Jedi. Where do you Jedi kept your money?"

Ahnk smiled.

"What's the point of money? I can just brainwash you into giving me things for free."

The mugger gave him a shove.

"If you're so hot, why haven't you killed me yet? Eh, Mr. Fancy Jedi man?"

"Fancy fallen Jedi man."

"Well, why?"

Ahnk smiled again.

"Curiosity. I've never been mugged, I have to say, it's quite the experience."

The mugged shoved him against the wall.

"You're a freak man, a poor freak at that. You stop with the drugs and you might do all right."

The mugger shoved him again and began walking away. Ahnk smiled and raised his hand.

"Excuse me..."

He said, and as the mugger turned, he pulled his saber back into his hand.

"...I'll be needing that."

The mugger shrugged the encounter off, and the Sith walked away with a new understanding of the lowlifes of the galaxy.

Admiral Lebron
Aug 15th, 2002, 09:33:57 AM
Lei feels someone grab his shoulder forcefully from behind. His first thought was why the heck was he on Couruscant? His second thought was on how he should approach this fool for attacking him.

You could kick him? One voice said.

Where would that get you though?! Another voice in his mind said.

Run Lei! Run! Spoke out a third voice.

Well um... That was the first voice again.

And be a coward?! Shouted the second voice to the third voices cowardice plan. Soon enough a very nasty verbal fight errupted in the mind of Lei Lebron.

AHHHHHHHGGG!!! SHUT UP ALL OF YOU! the Admiral screamed himself finally pissed off at the voices.


Too late. Lei was on the ground and missing his credits. He watched the mugger run off into the alley, though dazed. Weakfully Mr. Lebron reached for comlink and reported the inncident. Twenty minutes later he was recovered and given back his credits along with the head of the attacker.

Darth Viscera
Aug 15th, 2002, 09:57:20 AM
Ack, my character is far, far too dignified to have a mugger grab his shoulder in a dark alley on Coruscant. That would be about as out of character as Martin Luther King, Jr. joining the KKK.

Admiral Lebron
Aug 15th, 2002, 10:07:21 AM
It could happen?

Josher Nidan
Aug 15th, 2002, 10:22:36 AM
That's the second job I was beaten to.. blast.

Josher was to his extent, angry. Angry at himself for losing another quarry, and angry at his competition. He was making his way to a spaceport to get off-planet when his fortunes again mocked him.

A large, heavy hand landed upon his shoulder. Without thinking, Josher grabbed the hand with his own and tore it forward, while spinning around. A sickening rip and pop. A blur of red and a dull thunk.

The ill-fortuned hunter stood above a fallen man, whose left arm Josher was holding. He did not scream, merely gasped in shock and terror, which came from the dark-armored man who held his dismembered arm.

Thief.. criminal..

The hunter tossed the arm to the side, where it crashed into a waste dispenser. He removed a vibroknife from it's sheath, and knelt forward. The burly man griped and blabbered for his life as Josher began carving a large "T" in his forehead. Now he shrieked and moaned, helpless as Nidan continued in a dark alley of Coruscant.

Josher stood, finished with his work, and left the one-armed man with a scar, in more ways than one.

Telan Desaria
Aug 15th, 2002, 11:11:14 AM
(before the fall of Coruscant)

A Grand Admiral. Imperial Center. A dangerous combination, as one could rule from there are, or lose one's self in celebration.

" I shall return...a walk through the street."

Stormtroopers asembled at the door to escort him, but he waved them away and heheaded off into the night, a black leather great coat over his tunic and breeches. But the stark collar popped out of the sides and front--the only sign visible of his rank.

Desaria did not know Coruscant, but guessed he had gone too far when the lights of the street gave way to the light of the stars and passing ships.

The Admiral began to about face when a hand reached from the darkness and lay itself upon the Grand Admiral's shoulder. Less than friendily.

" Reach for the shield and hand over your creds."

The Admiral laughe. Out loud. He was being mugged! By an idiot!

" How...can I give you my credits if...I have my hands up?" He asked, his sentence broken by fits of laughter.

" Uhhh....just give me 'em, and then put 'em up."

" Do you know who I am?"

" Why? Should I?"

" That depends. I am Grand Admiral Desaria."

" Right. Well, your Highness, give me your cre-"

The fellons word were cut short by four blasterbolts that burned large holes in his side....before he hit the ground he yelled in pain. The Grand Admiral turned to the source of his rescue, and there stood an ISB agent holding a smoking disruptor, followed by four Inquisitoriate stormtroopers-distinguishable with grey armor.

" It is our policy never to leave an Admiral alone...even if they don't want us," the agent remarked.

The Admiral shook his had and strode over to them, patting them on the back and heaing back towards the Diktat's party.

Celsius Snowtamer
Aug 15th, 2002, 11:54:14 AM
The slums, where the dirt of the rich live, the unwanted ones. Celsius was only going for a stroll around her grounds, taking shortcuts through alleys and rubbish piles, she was currenbtly walking down one that was ill-kept and dark. Suddenly and hand fell on her shoulder, she stopped and stood still, like a deer caught int eh headlights.

"Gimme all yer credit and ya won't git hurt miss." a gruff voice said behind her, Cel grinned wickedly at the thought of stupid this man was, mugging an armed person.

"O-okay, I will." she replied sounding scared as she slipped her hands into the sleeve that attatched her weapons to the shoulders, her hands fitting into the gloves as she turned on the man large claws ripping and tearing the poor fool to bits.

"Yuck, these are my favourite pair of shoes." she muttered kicking the mutilated corpse and then continuing on her way.

Aug 15th, 2002, 12:37:31 PM
Zeke turned with a swift kick to knock the mugger back and drew his gold lightsaber. He ignited it and held it in a defensive stance. The mugger attacked anyways, and Zeke sidestepped and swung, a move that would cut the man in two. As the saber was about to cut him apart, its blade fizzled.

"Ha! Stupid Jedi...now, let's see what kinda cash you're carrying!" He drew a vibroblade. Zeke was still fidgeting with his saber.


Hee hit against his palm, then shook it a few times.
He hit the power button, nothing happened. He hit it a second time, then a third time, then it glitched. The saber dripped sparks, creating a high-pitched whine, then with a howl blasted its blade into the night sky. The mugger stood dumbfounded with fear. Zeke's saber reignited.

"There it goes! Now..."

Before he had spoken, the mugger was gone.

Arya Ravenwing
Aug 15th, 2002, 01:55:02 PM
:lol nice one Zeke :D

Aug 15th, 2002, 01:56:13 PM
Glad you approve. Yours was good too.

Arya Ravenwing
Aug 15th, 2002, 01:57:59 PM
Danke :D I like them all, but yours is hilarious with the misbehaving lightsaber..like a flashlight with a faulty battery... :lol

Aug 15th, 2002, 02:12:19 PM
Hey, its all about the humor. Let's see another improv! C'mon people!

Ange Tot
Aug 15th, 2002, 03:09:05 PM
Here's mine for Ange.


She was drunk, wadda ya expect? For all Jedi to be hunky dory? Not her. She stumbled down an alleyway singing *badly* the theme from"Gillian's Island" when she was pushed over by some brute.

"Hey! wassstch, were your goin' buddi." she slurred getting up and dusting herself off as the man said nothing and turned the corner leaving her view, as she dusted herself off she noticed her wallet was gone. She immeditly sobered up and made a mad dash in the direction the thief went, he was gone, and Ange Tot was out 50 credits.


Ta-da! Thus why you should never get drunk!

Aug 15th, 2002, 04:23:21 PM
Let that be a lesson to those in the beer thread.

Aug 15th, 2002, 04:49:16 PM


Satine yawns and stretches. As he does so he is tripped by a outstretched foot. As he hits the ground, a man dressed all in black jumps onto Satine, putting a knife to the Knight's throat.

"You money, watch, and valuables, b*tch." he said, in a gruff voice.

"Realy, what does a Jedi need with money?" Satine asks, more to himself then the mugger.

"Huh? What are you talkin bout?"

"This." Satine says, using the Force to lift the man up, and then grinning, makes the mugger do a can-can dance (I think I butchered the spelling). Laughing, Satine keeps the criminal doing that till he has enough time to walk away, and, when he gets a fair distance away, the Knight lets the mugger slip to the ground.


Aug 15th, 2002, 06:09:31 PM
One of the most tedious things to do in between jobs was to wait for time to pass. IG-88 liked to do such things in places that he estimated prone to create an interesting encounter.

Three Coruscant time parts to go.

He was not dissapointed. A human male ran on the tips of his toes over to the antique-looking droid, with an inactive vibroblade in his right hand. He probably thought he was being "crafty". He must have been insane. Nobody paid any attention to droids, much less the utilitarian-looking models like the IG series.

The biological grabbed the droid's top right shoulderplating, and then jerked back in surprise. Oh, yes. It was pitch black. IG-88 had overlooked that factor briefly in his considerations of the man's sanity. Clearly a case of mistaken identity.

Not wishing to let the oppurtunity go to waste, IG-88 pivoted left and slammed his closed right pincer hand into the human's face. He watched the process unfold in slow motion - his own cast durasteel "fingers" went right between the eyes of the man, despite the fact that IG-88 had purposefully introduced a descrepency factor of five percent into his primary targeting system, to surprise himself as to how exactly the death of the human would occur. Nevertheless, IG-88's equivalent of a fist first broke the man's skull just above the bridge of his olfactory sensor, then the skin punctured. The continuation of the pincers kept the skin sealed tight against the bone, and so there was no blood yet. The man didn't even know he was dead, yet. Probably never would; humans had a surprisingly slow-reacting nervous system. The messages that would inform him of his death would only enter his biological neural net after the brain had already been pulverized by the blow, and rendered incapable of processing the data.

Slowly, the fist passed into the creature's face. More bone crumpled and was drawn inwards, and finally the skin caught on a small rivet and popped open like stretched elasticine. The life support fluid which transported oxygen - vital to human existence, but bane of most metals - around the man's body flowed out freely and with quite a bit of speed. Though by the time it hit the ground, the human's head had been reduced to a crushed, white-and-red mass of waste. It was also firmly entrenched about IG-88's arm, up to the elbow joints. Well, these things happened.

There were still three Coruscant time parts left to wait out, IG-88 noted with irritation.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 16th, 2002, 12:39:47 AM
:x I think I'm going to be sick. :D

Aug 16th, 2002, 02:38:46 AM
One night in Coruscant

Or one short and cheesy pulp tale

A pleasant night with a comforting chilly breeze blowing through the cityscape, litter refuse danced ghostly in the air before tumbling down the alley way. Berith was dressed incognito with fedora pulled low over his brow and heavy black overcoat, he was here to celebrate the spirits, taste the firewater, and partake of Coruscant's finest ale. He began to grin grimly, thinking of washing down that bittersweet liquor after a long night's work in Sector Rangers... when a hand fell suddenly on his left shoulder rudely interrupting his sweet musings. The troghul inhaled deeply, nostrils quivering, detecting three malefactors.

"Hey pops...", a voice shouted threateningly.

White hot fury shot through Berith's body, rising from his toes to the nape of his neck like a bolt of lightning. A low animalistic growl reverberated deeply within Berith's chest. The punk did not have a second's opportunity to finish before Berith's right hand instantly clutched his throat in a grip stronger than any durasteel vice. Only choked garbled noises issued from the man as he struggled for life-giving oxygen. Or perhaps he was pleading for mercy. His feet kicked wildly a foot from the sanctity of the earth, eyes bulging, and face deepening red.


A second figure cried out as both came rushing towards the troghul. Their efforts too late as Lann's larynx was crushed, trachea popping and bursting internally in Berith's powerfully grasp. He tossed the dead man effortlessly at one of the attackers knocking him over. Suddenly a dull pain erupted on Berith's left side. Grunting the troghul discovered the third mugger had struck him with three-foot lead pipe. The troghul's hand shot forth with incredible speed and grasped the pipe. Berith's massive shadow loomed over the terrified man. Swallowing him. Time seemed to slow then. His hand rose above the man's face, fingers spread apart, black talons glistening menacingly in the dim lighting. His victim's eyes were transfixed with a mouth frozen in a silent scream. Berith's hand raked deep ragged furrows down the mugger's face before he roughly tossing the body aside like an distastful piece of garment.

Then the world came alive all around Berith Xho as he looked down the alley, watching the third perp half-running half-limping down the alley. Nearing the bystreet beyond. Berith reached under his overcoat and unholstered his standard issue heavy blaster. Gripping it in a single hand, it's weight comforting. Several more paces and the man will be out of targeting view. Berith smirks raising the gun. Aiming. He slowly, deliberately squeezes the trigger. The single scream of a blaster's discharge echoes emptily through the alleyway and the perp flails to the ground with the back of his skull smoking wetly.

He admired his handiwork before holstering the large sidearm. The blow to his ribs was of no consequence, pain had long subsided. Afterall his attacker had struck a mass of solid muscle protected beneath leather body armor. Now how about that drink Berith, he silently reflected and stalked away into the night.

There ya go LD! :P

Sanis Prent
Aug 16th, 2002, 10:18:34 AM
(I turned to the hand on my shoulder, as incredulous to it as to its owner's demand for my credits.)

Thats Denubian leather, you piece of dren!

(I glanced to the hand, still grasped on my jacket, and back to the man's filthy face)

Crease it, stain it, or infest it with your vermin, and it'll be your ass.

(I paused, eyes narrowing)

Do you even have a gun?

(The gruff man wiggled his other hand about, which was stuck in his jacket pocket. I closed my eyes, and shook my head)

I hope you've still got a day job to look forward to.

(I gestured to his hand, still on my shoulder)

Do you mind? I said no creases.

(The man seemed infuriated)

"Give me your money!"

(Now, being the gambler that I am...I'm wagering that there is, in fact, no snub-nose heater in the man's overcoat. And unless he can fire his fingernails at me, I shouldn't be emperiled by anything more than a stifling case of halitosis. Nevertheless, one subtle tap at my microdeflector on my belt should be more than enough insurance.)

Frack you. Shoot me.

(The man seemed to tense up, his grip on my shoulder tightening)

Hey, Jackass. No creases. Didn't you hear me the first time.

"I'm a-warning ya!"

(I smiled)

No, I'm warning you. Unless you're a Jedi-frackin-Master, and intend on prodding me to death with your extended digit, then you'd be best to relax on my jacket. Its worth more than a week with any two hookers you've had...and I don't care how well they've washed up for the job. Have you ever had to get creases pressed out of leather? You might as well hire a proctologist. He at least has a degree in giving you a pain in the ass.

(In a deft motion, I'd drawn one of my twin blasters, and held it close)

See...this is a gun. Its made of durasteel, not bullchit.

(His resolve began to shrink, as did something else, I would wager to say. His grubby fingers relaxed from my jacket, and I energetically smoothed away the folds)

Ok, lesson learned, amateur. Why don't you start with stealing denture's off invalids, and pawning them off.

(I turned, walking away, and adjusting my jacket)

If you still can't make your ends, maybe this mugging thing isn't going to work out.

(Pausing, I turned around)

And next time, at least get a toy gun. They might have fallen for the "finger in the jacket" ten years ago...maybe. You'll at least have some self respect, which is probably the best thing you'll get out of all this.

(And with that, I let the man be. He wasn't worth the tibanna to shoot him)

Sean Piett
Aug 16th, 2002, 12:54:24 PM
*/me slices at mugger*

*/me connects mugger dies*

Admiral Lebron
Aug 16th, 2002, 12:58:10 PM
You got it wrong Piett.

you = /me slice at mugger

mugger = /me dodge

you = /me hit him

mugger /me thinks not

Many insults follow.

Sean Piett
Aug 16th, 2002, 01:28:20 PM
No, the mugger was BRB, phone at the time. I took advantage.

Admiral Lebron
Aug 16th, 2002, 01:31:34 PM
Oooo..Okay. My mistake.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 16th, 2002, 11:57:31 PM

Idolon Mortiferus
Aug 18th, 2002, 06:19:59 AM
Muggers really know how to pick their victims, dont they?
"Ok then, missy. just hand over the credits and i wont have to hurt yo... much."
i looked at him, sceptically:
"I dont think so" i stated. he smiled, idiotically, the look stupid people get when they think theyve thought of something smart.
"You're right..." he breathed. "I might just hurt ya for the fun of it...."
I struggled weakly, trying to get free without my programming realising what was happening.
too late.
"id back off if i was you" i tried to explain. he just laughed.
"Youre in no position to make demands"
i told him, again, less calmly. i could sense the blades in my arms tensing on their launchers, ready to shoot out into position.
"I really mean it! for your own safety..." i was desperate, frantic now. one last word and i would.....
the blades snapped out, slicked with my own blood even before they touched him. the world blanked out into a blood-drenched nightmare, only the deafening scream of adrenaline, the pounding in my brain, the wet slashing noise of the man being butchered.
when i finally regained control, the mugger was dead.
the skin of his face had been torn completely off one side, exposing his jawbone and teeth, now running with blood.
his right hand had been cut off just above the wrist, sliced through the palm. the sinew showed up, white and stark against the gore.
a puddle of congealing entrails led back to an unpleasantly ragged tear in the pale skin of his abdomen.
i felt ill just looking at him.
i re-sheathed the blades, steped delicately over the corpse, and continued my walk.

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 18th, 2002, 06:38:34 AM
"Give me your money!"

I turned around, an amused smile on my face, to see a balster weilding scruffy man. "If I told you I was a Jedi, would you still want my money?"

The attacker sneered "Yeah right, if you were, you would have one of those sabres out already. Hand it over"

"Well, I am a Jedi - one who sees the future. I see in your future the loss of at least one limb and several litres of blood if you persist in this course of action. Now... " I waved a hand, hitting the mugger with my mind power of persuasion "You dont want my money"

"I dont want your money" he repeated dumbly

"You want to go home because you have a virilent disease and you wish for no one to catch it"

The would be mugger's eyes opened. "Oh frell! Excuse me!" He ran off, while I tried not to laugh.

Xander Kace
Aug 18th, 2002, 10:51:21 AM
Xander was calmly walking around the area for the next Risk 101 stunt, or so he thought so.

Suddenly, out of the darkness of a alley, a calloused hand shot out and grabbed onto his shoulder then spun Xan around until he faced a rather scar faced, tall, fat, black wearing, theif.

"Gimme' Yer' money punk." The mugger spoke in a gruff voice,

Xan raised an eyebrow and stared at the mugger dumbfouded, "Wa?"

"Are you dumb, punk, I said gimme yer money or yu'l be feeln' my friend here." With this, he raised a switchblade knive in his right.

"Alright, How much ya want?" Xan responded calmly, back hand reaching into his pocket to retreive his leather wallet.

"All of it."

"Fine, Catch it!" Xan shouted, throwing the wallet high into the air and taking a loaded punch into the mugger's solar plexus as he looked up. A shocked expression crossed the muggers face as he dropped the knive and doubled over. Xan's wallet landed a few inches away from the two with a 'plop'.

"Now," Xan growled, "You don't take anything from anyone. Go jump off a building or something and actually earn some cash." He then began to turn on his heel, picking up his wallet on the way, and stroll off when the mugger began to get back up. The fat theif gripped the switchblade and dived at Xan's back. Already waiting for it to happen, Xan sidestepped and caught the mugger's arm at the wrist and slammed it over his shoulder.

The bone cracked as the forearm was snapped and the eblow dislocated. Within a flash, Xan turned with a solid backward's roundhouse that connected with the mugger's temple and set him falling to the ground.

Dead or KO'ed.

Shrugging, Xan pocketed the rather nice switchblade and continued on. Whisling merrily.