View Full Version : READ!!! Last of the Titans

Telan Desaria
Aug 15th, 2002, 01:20:43 AM
Hello hello!

It is I, Telan DEsaria, and I have another large and grandiose idea Iwant to put into play.

As everyone knows, every ships above 3000 meters was sent off into the neares galaxy to hunt Vong. The Empire's largest warship is the Plutarch SD, which only Millard has.


I would like to start an involed and multi-part story nvolving the hunt for the last SSD=Super-class Star Destroyer.

Tis will not be some half-assed attempt to Katana the galaxy and bring the Empire back and ruin Fleeting again. No, I have planned a large, intricate, and fun rp about hunting for, chasing, and capturing the last Super-class Star Destroyer in our galxy not in several pieces floating in a debris field or scrap yard.

Here is the story line behind what I have planned:

Shortly after the Battle of Endor, the SSD Inquisitor was decommissioned to make her turbolasers and such available for a new line of SDs on Fondor. Her fighters would suppliment the Fondor defense fleet, and her massive metal quantities would be smelted down to build more SDs.

She was sent from the lines to Brinteil,a planet near Fondor, which the yards used as a scrap depot and smelting furnace. The ship was commanded by droids, every crewman and officer and pilot transferred to the Inner Rim to fight the Rebel attacks there.

The ship's three fighter wings (one added through the removal of one trooper division) were still aboard, as were all walkers and other battle eqipment. The only thing missing so far was the crew.

There was one man aboard the ship: an Imperial citizen named Dr. Matrell Iverin, a vice presidentof Siener Fleet Systems, who lead a massive crime syndicate on Coruscant for the thrill: he was deliriously rich already, but bored.

With the dedicated wor of fifty Imperial Security Bureau agents, he was brought down and sentenced to be executed for the five hundred Imperial military personnel killied in his crimes. Tus, he was imprisoned on the Inquisitor, to be smelted alive with the mighty ship.

On the way to Brinteil, the ship disappeared. The Empire assumed as the Rebel had taken her, as there was much Rebel activity near Fondor.

Frighteningly, the Rebels could not claim credit for it....they had not done it. The ship had disappeared.

Unlike the Katana Fleet, this ship was never spotted.

That is my plot and background. The ship was never again seen-to this point-and is missing. Many of the current Imperial Brass do not know of that fiasco.

So, it is open to everyone. Imperial, republic, independent.

What I want to happen first is the hunt...where one person stumbles upon the ship...reports it...and is eliminated mysteriously. The fevor begins, and those involved begin searching for it. Every clue and lead is followed up on..

Then, after a failed atempt to seize it...by anyone....the ship begins moving indiscriminently....and we keep seeing it but never holding it.

Then, we get closeafter wounding her drives...and pounce.

When we find inside...

that s for whoever gets there first to decide.

I know that whoever gets it willhave an enormous advantage over the others, so, legally, they must have it orbit their planet as a battle station if they do not have more than one member or 2+ planets.

Or, if captured independently, they have to have a damn goosd rp to keep it....o sell t to some one who could realistically maintai it...

And because I originated the idea, does not mean I end up with it. It's opento anybody....I jus want to have some fun, and this could add to the Fleet revitalization.

Thoughts? Participants...?

For clarification or suggestions, im me....QLancer18 or telandesaria


Kar'h'tzen Shaed
Aug 15th, 2002, 01:34:28 AM
The SSD has no weapons, though, right?

Anyway, it's a nifty story and I think it's a nice idea.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 15th, 2002, 01:46:11 AM
OOoh Arya is interested.

:crack Sounds cool to me. A lot like a EU story with Lando and a rogue ship....keeps jumping around, and no one can keep track of it. ANyway I liked that book. :D

Hrolthar Benatoer
Aug 15th, 2002, 02:28:29 AM


Admiral Lebron
Aug 15th, 2002, 09:37:19 AM
Hmm a small TIR flotilla will be in.

Josher Nidan
Aug 15th, 2002, 10:28:57 AM
I'll work for some faction or other to find it. :)

If Josher gets paid, that is.

Telan Desaria
Aug 15th, 2002, 10:48:57 AM
Ans- It does have a full weapon compliment, but only a tenth or so are in working order--and just barely--as the ship has not been in a dock or even seen a maintence man in what, twenty years?

But, as I said, that all depends on who finds it. They get to decide what is o th inside and what order it is all in.

For me, if I take it, I plan to have that criminl genius to have revitalized his syndicate and made it into is foating palace/command.

Josher-you will be paid by whomever hires you to help them. My faction may...or, you could try and find it on your own and sell it for enormous profits.

And, once someone reaches her, others can still arrive and try to take her from the other guy that got there. A battle around the ship, like in Dark Force Rising.

I wasn't a big fan of the Lando part of Black Fleet crisis, I didn't think there was enough action on the Vagabond. And Colonel Pekkepatt never engaged it. That disappointed me. Bu the end was cool, with the whole planet and all.

Anywho, since' you're interested, I have got to ask, who wants to create an NPC to be cruising along, stumble on the SSD, report it to their boss or whatnot---whoever that is, you decide, including where it is. But he/she then has to be killed when he moves into check it out---turbolaser barrage or TIE Swarm or whatever. And we can all intrcept the transmission, find the debris but no ship, and things of that nature.

Any volnteers, or should I do it to get it started.

I do have one request if some one else does it.

Title the thread : Last of the Titans: the Hunt

yes? If you don't like that, let me know.

Aug 15th, 2002, 04:54:02 PM
Ooooh...I want in. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 16th, 2002, 12:46:37 AM
Why don't you just make the first post, and forget about writing from the destroyed person's point of view. Just intercept the transmission..have it be on a wide band open frequency or something so that many different people might have heard it. Like, a distress call or something. ??

Taylor Millard
Aug 16th, 2002, 12:57:00 AM
I agree with LD on that. As for me being involved...I certainly like the idea, but just got about 20 RPs I'm in or summat like that.

But if I get the chance to RP in it...I'm in.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 17th, 2002, 12:03:08 AM
:p thats ok Tay, Arya will get the ship and Kazaar will be out in the cold. :p

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 17th, 2002, 02:26:15 PM
I always needed a new playground for MMU........

Silus Xilarian
Aug 17th, 2002, 06:17:55 PM
we're gonna need a bigger box of crayons

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 17th, 2002, 11:27:22 PM