View Full Version : Cold Eyes and a Cruel Master - Fate's Arrival
Aug 14th, 2002, 06:09:51 PM
### Rivendel ###
A small Corellian freighter made it's decent into the surrounding atmosphere of the forest planet, Rivendel. The under-sized planet was dotted with cities and spaceports crossing it's surface, surrounded by kilometers of woodland area.
The freighter sat down quietly on a landing platform on the outskirts of Tucksville, Rivendel's capitol city. A lone figure emerged from the ship's hull, his black hardened boots clicking the surface, tracing his trail into the city's main corridor of streets. Wrapped in black robes, he pulled the hood tightly around his features. Under the shadows of his darkened hood, the stranger's right eye gave off a deafening red mechanical glow. He rounded the corner into a vastness of small shops and repair facilities. Scanning the neon signs and attractive billboards, he located the nearest parts and labor shop. Perhaps somewhere on this God-forsaken planet he could find a reasonably priced stabilizer. The trip to Bespin would be a long one.
Taylor Millard
Aug 16th, 2002, 03:18:19 PM
Grand Admiral Taylor Millard was beginning his tour of the Rivendel Spaceport. Literally the only spaceport on the small planet- The Tucksville Spaceport was busy with various aliens and humans bustling about, loading various goods onto ships.
Most of the goods were headed towards other portions of the Balmorran Empire, others were headed to sectors where Emperor Kiterix was establishing treaties.
Millard gazed over the small spaceport and smiled. Rivendel was known for its beauty and calmness. This day was no exception.
Aug 18th, 2002, 02:14:40 PM
The rather large Besalisk double back around the snub nosed counter of the run down maintance shop. The stranger was still wrapped in his robes, the majority of his face still hidden, the lower part of his face shown a neatly trimmed goatee.
"Hmmm.....dorsal underparts are hard to come by out here, especially Coreillan." The overweight species let out a resounding snort. "Hmph. Tell you what. Come back in a couple days. That's the best I can do. What all do you need?"
The stranger rose his head from the darkness of the hood, exposing his face to the merchant. A oval-shaped steel plate lay over his right eye, along with lower parts of his forehead and cheek. The blood red eye was mechanical, unlike it's left counterpart.
"Two dorsal stabilizers, and a Cruilplug. Coreillan models. My ship won't take anything else."
The merchant gave the man a nod, adverting his eyes as the cold stare no doubt became uncomfortable. Sin made his way out into the streets of Tucksville once more. Two days in this hell hole?
Of course it could be worse.
Taylor Millard
Aug 21st, 2002, 07:36:45 PM
Millard felt something in the back of his mind. A But there was a definite strength in the Force there.
He stopped for a second, getting a read on the mind. Yes...there was definite anger there. Anger and...deception.
"Tomar," he said to his second in command, "Go to the town security and alert them there is a smuggler in this spaceport. He's on...that Corellian Spaceship there. Have them arrest him."
Tomar nodded, "One of your...other abilities hunches?"
Millard nodded, "Let us see if he is as good as Mister Vos is."
The Imperial Commodore nodded, then went and got security.
It would be interesting to see how this new Force-potential student dealt with the security forces.
Aug 21st, 2002, 08:55:29 PM
The smoke filled bar would help pass the time of this rancid excuse for a planet. Sin took his place at a bar stool amongst other travelers and wanders.
"A Beer." Plainly stated.
The bartender went to fetch his brew, as Sincere lit up a thick smoked cigar and rolled it between his fingers. Time between jobs had gotten to be such a bother, working alone had..."Excuse me sir." There came a slight tap on his shoulder, interrupting his thoughts. He turned a half-circle, not looking directly at the 3 men who now stood behind him, armed with blaster pistols.
"Something I can help you with?"
"Your going to have to come with us for just a moment. There has been a slight...problem."
Problem? Sin butted the smoke into the ashtray and rose to his feet. He walked with the men out to the nearby alley, outside the bar's main entrance.
"What's the problem?"
The security guard held a pair of electrocuffs in front of him. "I'm gonna have to ask you to turn around and place your hands behind your back...smuggler."
Sin gave a slight smile. "I'm afraid I don't know what your talking about."
The guard took his hand forcefully and tried to place it behind Sin's back. "Don't make this difficult." The other guards raised their pistols to meet him. Sin gave a quick thought. He was, infact, unarmed.
The man turned his hand behind his back as Sin spun around, wrapping his muscular arm around the man's neck, turning him to face the other guards. The men rose their weapons again, nervously pacing the trigger. "Let him go!" Sin returned their comments with another faint smile. Crack. The gaurd's neck shattered under the weight of the arm with a sickening sound. The gaurds rushed him, spewing fire that thudded into the dead gaurd's body Sin still held as a shield. Upon close quarters, Sin dropped the guard and grabbed the others arm, sending the guard into his forehead with a head butt that blacked him out immediately. The other guard held his pistol still and could only stare at the man whose face was now fully visible. The red mechanical eye seemed to stare a hole through the now shaking gaurd. Fear took its course, as he slowly backed away and disappeared around the corner.
Sin grabbed one of the pistols and tucked it low under his cloak. It wouldn't be long before he came back with more. Sin backed out of the alley with caution. Time to leave.
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