View Full Version : Eventually Death Takes Its Toll......[OPEN!]

Xazor Elessar
Aug 14th, 2002, 03:14:19 PM
Suddenly the Knight Xazor, and her Padawan burst into the Bar and Grill after coming from Xazor's room (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21755). Kaytor, the young student of the Garou, was slung over her shoulder. The young woman pushed through the crowd and laid her upon a table, gently brushing her hair out of the way of her face. A tear fell down Xazor's cheek as she looked at the body. Kaytor did not appear to be breathing or living at all. Her skin was pale...and she looked....dead.

"Someone help me! Now!"

The Knight called out suddenly, broken from her thoughts. She was unaware of what was happening to her Padawan and hoped that someone would be able to help her.....

Salemn Lysce
Aug 14th, 2002, 04:25:37 PM
Salemn was studying half-heartedly at a book about the Jedi history when Xazor ran in. Hearing the distress in her friend's voice, the Padawan slammed the book shut and practically leapt from her seat.

< What happened ?! >

She rushed over to Kaytor and dug into the pocket of her Jedi robes, pulling out a pouch. Her fingers fumbled as she untied the strings, opening it. Her hand pulled out different types of herbs until finally she found the one she needed. Taking out a piece of foxglove, she reached out with her other hand and opened Kaytor's mouth.

Placing the herb under the padawan's tongue, Salemn clutched the pouch tightly, watching. Foxglove was only to be used in extreme cases to revive a "dead man", and she hoped that she hadn't made a mistake ...

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 14th, 2002, 07:12:20 PM
:: A huge surge in the force and something a feeling a very big one.....he didn't know what he felt exactly but it exasperating....he couldn't stop moving...he felt something was wrong....h ran out of the hangar...and there was just something who was bringing him to the bar as he ran towarded the bar the doors of the bar slammed open as Lance ran in, his head and his jaded eyes were fixed on Xazor as he ran towarded her he stopped aside and then saw Kaytor there emotionless and that seemed dead....his breathing became from a loud and tired one to a weak and speechless one.::

"Wha.....th..." He looked at Xazor and shook his hed.

"Is she....!??....." His tone was saddened.

:: He then looked at Salemn putting some strange herbs under her tongue he wondered what was that.::

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 15th, 2002, 11:27:51 PM
Lion was sitting in a booth drinking a bloody mary when Xazor burst through the door, carrying...was that KAYTOR?!?!

Lion jumped out of his seat and ran over to help...Lance and Salemn had already arrived...Lion tried skidding to a stop and went flying past the group, running into a table and a few patrons...he flipped onto his feet with a breakdance move and ran over to Lance and Xazor...Salemn looked a bit busy.

"Er, Xazor! What hap...is she...umm, how...dead?"

Lion decided to slow down, Xazor looked confused...taking a deep breath, Lion tried again...

"Mistress, what happened to Kaytor...she looks pretty bad...."

Salemn Lysce
Aug 16th, 2002, 05:51:39 AM
< Everyone, stand back ! Don't close in on her breathing space ! >

Her heart was pounding as she watched Kaytor. The color should be coming back into her pale body soon ... Both of the girl's friends had arrived and were babbling on about something, but Salemn couldn't tell what exactly since she was concentrating on the only thing that mattered ....

There is no death; there is the Force, she kept repeating to herself.

Aug 16th, 2002, 07:34:17 AM
Satine runs up.

"Sis? What happened? Oh, and Selmn, need any help?" he asks.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 16th, 2002, 01:25:10 PM
:: Lance walked a few steps away to release more air.::

Xazor Elessar
Aug 16th, 2002, 01:56:11 PM
The Knight suddenly grabbed Salemn's hand and pulled her away, shaking her head with sadness.

"No! It won't work......I tried it already......herbs, spice.....nothing.....nothing worked......"

A few tears fell from her eyes but she brushed them away and stayed strong in the Force. There is no emotion....there is peace..... she thought repeatedly in her mind. Her hands trembled as she turned around and looked at everyone....her brother, mainly, as a source of strength.

"Everyone......Kaytor needs your help. I......I don't know what to do.....I don't have all the answers like I once thought I did. Someone.....get.....get Marcus or something!!"

She had promised herself not to be a burnden to him.....but he was the only one she knew who could heal massive wounds like this. The Knight had healed everything she could but still......her Padawan seemed to be trapped in.....death. Closing her eyes, the Knight took a few deep breaths to calm herself.

Marcus.....please help me......I hate to be so bothersome but it's my Padawan.....I think she's........dead.........

She spoke through their Life Bond, knowing that he had heard her wherever he was....no matter what he was doing. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked upon the girl whom she had trained.....whom she had loved as a friend....like a sister.....

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 16th, 2002, 02:14:03 PM
:: Lance's eyes widened looking around if there wasn't anyone hidden by a cloak smoking his pioe in a dark corner, where ws he!? Where was Marcus at a time like this!?::


:: Lance sent a wave through the force he was calling the great Jedi master Marcus this was a time where only him could help.::

Ange Tot
Aug 16th, 2002, 02:28:10 PM
She stood there watching everyone, she didn't say anything, she has seen death before, probably more times then anyone here other than Lady Dawnstrider, she walked and stood beside the body of Kaytor.

"Try all you want, Xazor, Lance, she won't be coming back without a damn good reason....." she didn't mean it as rude, just as the truth, she's seen people die in almost the same way, and only once did she see one come back.

Kaytor Surna
Aug 16th, 2002, 03:27:58 PM
No breath, no blood. The only sign of life is the force still present in the body. She could sense everyone but could do nothing to get to them. She tried to call out to them with the force but it didn't work. She felt traped within a useless body.
After a few moments of nothing, she gained the smallest control over her body. Her right hand twitched slightly. She tried harder to gain control. She managed to curl her hand into a fist and let it go again. Still not breathing and still no heart beat but it made sense to two people in the room. Xazor and Lance.

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:57:10 AM
"Ya, Ange..." Lion agreed...he had seen military bases bombed and ships incinerated...Kaytor had better reallly want something if she was gonna come back...

Ange Tot
Aug 17th, 2002, 10:49:30 AM
She noticed the twitch, she didn't understand it but it might be important. So she elbowed Lance hard in the gut and pointed at Kaytor.

Salemn Lysce
Aug 17th, 2002, 02:40:37 PM
< No, Alpha, I'm afraid there isn't anything we can do. >

She withdraw her hand from Xazor and looked back down at Kaytor, ignoring the immense sadness emitting from the Jedi Knights body. It was hard for her to still have hope, when Kaytor's own Teacher didn't seem to ... That's when Kaytor's hand clenched into a fist then unclenched.

Immediately, Salemn put two fingers on the girl's wrist, checking for a pulse. There was none and she became slightly confused. If Kaytor's soul was living inside a dead body, then there wasn't any hope for her.

< Xazor, if you explain what happened then maybe we can help ... >

Kaytor Surna
Aug 17th, 2002, 05:14:25 PM
Every second, Kaytor gained more control over her body. Several moments after she clinched her fist, she could move her right arm enough to grasp Xazor's hand. She could by now sense where her master was.
Every moment she gained more control but every moment, she felt different than before the attack. What she had thought was the Garou inside of her was fading untill not even a hint of it was left in her. Just human nature and vampiric instincts.
Finaly, she opened her eyes and looked around her. The faces of many jedi were around her. She sprang to her feet, still on the table, and noticed Lance. He was farther away than the others. Every eye in the establishment was on her. Her fangs extended in nervousness. She lept from the table and landed several yards away, on her feet. She ran from the Bar and Grill and the planet.
She knew what she had to do and was a bit worried about it. She had to go find the only vampire she knew of. Tomak.

OOC: Cont. in RolePlaying area.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:28:54 PM
:: Lance rushed away as he had sensed this coming from long he left a blazing floor behind him as he waited for no one running after Kaytor, he followed her presence.::