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Tevit and Anauri
Aug 14th, 2002, 12:57:52 PM
Bang! C-chakka-c-chakka-c-chakka-c-vreeeewwww...tunk...tunk tunk...

The old speeder golled to a stop gracelessly in front of the B&G, it's rusty, primer-coated panels shuddering as the engine was shut off. It was a piece of crap, at least forty years old and looked to be in such bad condition that most people would ahve thoguht it wouldn't even run.

But it did run, barely.

<font color=peru>"Gar, Tevit, why'd you buy this hunk of junk?" Anauri asked his younger friend.

<font color=angst>Leaving hsi paw on the keyknob, the yellow Nehantite replied through grit teeth, "For the fifth time, Re, I didn't buy it, I won it in a round of Spet. And he said it was a classic. He didn't say it was trash. And besides, we didn't have to pay for a taxi, now did we?" Tevit minded him.

<font color=white>They were an oddity among the streets of most planets. Both were Nehantites, a mongoose-like creature with the physical size and body shape of a man. Tevit, yellow-furred and red-eyed--a very unusual color among his species--was only twenty and often got into problems over his head. Anaruri, his friend of three years and partner in their mechanic business, was brown in color, though graying around his muzzle and ears and was more than twice Tevit's age at 42. They had met on a tanker ship and after an explosion that destroyed it, but left them alive, they decided to go into business for themselves.

<font color=peru>Anauri simply shook his head as he opened the creaky door on his side and got out. The old speeder even smelled funny, so the outside air was a welcome change. "Yeah, but this thing nearly got us killed when it stalled on the freelane. Sorry, Tev, I'm taking a taxi back to the motel. Don't bother locking it, ain't noboy gonna steal it."

<font color=angst>Tevit just grumbled at that remark and got out as well, closing the door twice because it wouldn't latch the first time. "Well, at least the radio works, I'll at least keep that. Now c'mon, you said you were buying today, and I'm thirsty."

<font color=peru>The older brown mechanic shook his head and smiled, "Yeah, well, it'll take a lot of alcohol to get me back in that thign again, so no getting me drunk, okay?"

<font color=angst>"Sure, sure," Tevit replied, "You not geting drunk in a bar is like a pirate movie without eyepatches. Now c'mon, and don't forget to check that revolver of yours at the door this time.

<font color=white>Slapping Tevit playfully upside the back of his head, Anauri followed him up the steps to the B&G and proceeded to leave his gun at the weapons check counter before they ordered a pitcher of pale and found a table. It wasn't often that the two of them were able to hit a bar together, but business had been slow lately, so they had decided to get a little drink that afternoon.

Kesh Kou
Aug 14th, 2002, 07:42:57 PM
"Well Well if it isnt tevit....been a long time since i last saw you."*Keshia said softly as she gazed impishly at tevit*"May i have a seat and chat awhile with you gentlemen?"

Tevit and Anauri
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:07:23 PM
<font color=angst>Looking up, Tevit saw Kesh standign there and for a moment his face was blank, he didn't know what to do. Luckily, Anauri was there to save him.

<font color=peru>The older mongoose tugged at the brim of his cap in greeting to her and slid down in the small rounded booth they sat in to give Tevit some room to scoot over as well to allow Keshia some room to sit. "Always a pleasure to have a lady at the table. Have a seat, Miss....?"

<font color=angst>Sliding over, Tevit said nervously, "Keshia Kou. Kesh, this is my partner Anauri, anauri, this is Kesh." In all honesty, he hadn't expected to see her again, and being with Anauri he knew he was in for an interesting night. And several days of teasing...

<font color=peru>Anauri smiled and nodded when his name was told, and he took a drink form the ale he had poured himself from his pitcher. "Good to meet you, Miss Kou, I see you and Tevit know each other. If'n you two have somehting going, don't mind that I'm here," He said flatly, though it ws really a jibe aimed at Tevit.

<font color=angst>Tevit's red eyes went wide, then narrowed at his partner. "Re!" he snapped at him, "Cut it out, will you?"

Regaining some kind of composure, the yellow mongoose straightened his posture and smiled at Kesh, though still unsure whether or not she had been hitting on him last time they met. Now was a good time to find out. Pouring hismelf a glass of ale form their pitcher, he picked up another glass and looked to Keshia. "Would you like some?"

Aug 14th, 2002, 09:16:40 PM
Satine walked in, and smiled, pulling back his hood, watching Kesh. Walking over, Satine gives a little bow to the two Mongoose, and Kesh.

"Hello Kesh. Who are you're friends? The name's Satien Capashen by the way." the Knight said by way of introduction to the newcomers.

Tevit and Anauri
Aug 14th, 2002, 09:34:40 PM
<font color=peru>Anauri was surprised at the second visitor, and nodded politely after takign another drink form his pint glass. "Hello there, Satine, name's Anauri Rabeak, but you can just call me Re, everybody does," He said while extendign a thick and calloused paw in handshake manner.

"My partner here is Tevit Ramadon, and I see you know Miss Kou. Have a seat if you want, we just got here."

<font color=angst>Tevit simply smiled and took a drink from his glass. Setting it down, he scooted over to make more room on the semi-circular bench in case Satien wanted to join them. What had started out as a night out for his partner and himself was quickly turning into a large gathering. Not that he minded, he worked with an Anauri every day, and it was good to meet new people.

"Hi, Satine, how's it going? Have a seat, if you want. We should have enough in that pitcher for you to have a pint as well, if you want one," the yellow mongoose offered.

Aug 15th, 2002, 05:04:31 PM
Taking a seat, Satine smiles, and waves off the offer of a drink.

"No thanks, I'm good. So, what brings you to Yog's?" he asks, being friendly.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 15th, 2002, 05:09:52 PM
:: Lance walked in to the bar and spotted Satine.::

"Hey dude how's it going."

:: He then tilted his head to the side and saw Tevit Ramadon::

"Hey Tevit! Long time no see!" Lance said with a smile on his face.

Tevit and Anauri
Aug 15th, 2002, 07:57:12 PM
<font color=angst>It took a moment, but Tevit rememvered Lance and he smiled back. Humans all looked alike to him...

"Hi, Lance, how's that bike of yours doing? I came across a turbocharging kit for a model liek yours, I might still be able to get my paws on it and install it, if you want." He said. The yellow mongoose didn't realize he knew so many people, and that they'd all be there so quickly.

<font color=peru>Anauri felt a little out of place with the group. He was nearly twice the age of each of the others, and they all seemed to be relating to Tevit better than himself. Takign another draught of his ale, the brown mongoose felt his age again, part of the reason he was havign the night out was to keep from feling that way, but it seemed that wasn't going to happen.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 15th, 2002, 08:19:51 PM
Wu Wei was sitting in a corner, fiddling with a sometihng or another. He knew what it did, he just didn;t know what it was called. It made a laser beam and the laserbeam could send data and such. He knew it was a sort of communicator, but it had a fancy name. Wei tried to insert a component into the main piece, but the parts slipped out of his hands and skittered across the floor.

"Darn! Where did it go?"

Tevit and Anauri
Aug 15th, 2002, 08:43:41 PM
<font color=peru>Anauri was about to refill his glass form the pitcher when somehtign bumped into his footpaw. Seeign as he wasn't embroiled int eh current conversation, he bent down to pick it up.

A lens and filter apparatus. Small, and lined up for a particular use, he knew what it was, having worked with the technology before. A laser conduit, essentially. But why would a piece suddenly bump into his footpaw?

As Tevit kept the others busy, the older mongoose held the item carefully as not to smudge ot misdirect the lens as he scanned through the dimly lit bar to see who might have lost such an item. Whoever it was, they would probably come lookign for it.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 16th, 2002, 01:22:23 PM
:: Lance was happy to hear he had those pieces for his bike::

"What! You got my pieces, oh yeah! Sure thing I want them installed, don't worry you will be well paid my friend"Lance said on a pretty happy tone, at last his cycle was gonna be fully repaired now he'll be able to go on big long rides with it.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:16:58 PM
Wei slowly got up from his seat and began to move off in the direction his thing had gone, Carefully searching the ground, all the while praying to God that no one would step on it and break it. At lawsst he stopped at the table where lance and two furry people sat. They reminded Wei of Sejah.

"Have any of you guys seen an electronic thing-a-ma-jig? I was trying to set it up, when I dropped it."

Wei felt very stressed, almost scared. That thing was probably the only way he could talk to his family.

Tevit and Anauri
Aug 17th, 2002, 03:00:08 PM
<font color=angst>Tevit waved off Lance's happiness as if it had been no big deal and replied, "Eh, no problem, I'll get ont he horn tomorrow and see if I can still get ahold of 'em. Probably be a few days before I can get them installed, but, yeah, we can do it for you. Now come on, pull up a chair, more the merrier."

<font color=peru>As Anauri turned the filter apparatus over in his paws, Wei stepped up to the table with the rest of the device in his hand. Looking up to him from his seat at the table, the older mongoose adjusted the fit of his cap before holding the small piece up. "Looking for this? Here you go, buy you'll probably want to use a spanner to make sure that lens is where it should be, probably moved when you dropped it."

Cracking a kind smile, Re gave the lens back and then went about pouring another glass from his pitcher and taking a sip.
"Not many use that type of device anymore, not seen one since, oh, ten years ago. They're too picky and fragile; sub-etha modulators do the job cleaner now." Anauri enjoyed knowing his tech.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 06:48:40 PM
:: Lance pulled a chair besides Tevit and ordered a glass of house Ale just like Tevit has suggested him the first time they met.::
"So you going to bring the cycle to your workshop?"

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 17th, 2002, 07:50:33 PM
Wei looked at the components. "I suppose I should, sir. But I don;t have any tools of any kind. I was just fitting the thing back together. It fell apart in my bag when I first came here. I didn;t know it had broken until I had unpacked. Thanks for your time, sir."

This person had knowledge of Wei's machine. Wei opened his mouth, about to ask for help, but the words stuck in Weis throat, Wei shut his mouth again and walked away. It was always hard to ask strangers for help in personal matters.

Tevit and Anauri
Aug 17th, 2002, 10:32:44 PM
<font color=angst>Thinking about it for a moment, Tevit responded to Lance's inquiry in a voice that suited a mechanic, "Well, it would be easier for me to work on it back in the shop, but, I don't have the parts quite yet, and it would take me a few days to get them. Tell you what, I'll get the parts, and bring what all tools I should need here, and I can fix it up somewhere around here if you want. That'd be the easiest way to go about it." Taking a hearty pull form his own ale, Tevit wiped the excess from his furry upper lip with a napkin and asked, "So, how's the ale?"

<font color=peru>As Wei returned to where he had come from, Anauri bit his lip and looked over at Teit, who was allready busy setting up another job. Leanign in, the older mongoose whispered, "Just a sec, I'll be right back."

Tevit nodded in understandign and so Anauri got up formt he table and headed back out to their clunker of a speeder in the parking lot, hoping it hadn't been towed for its derilict appearance. Fortunately, it was still there, and he popped the storage hatch and rummaged through the spare parts before pulling out a large plastic tackle box that doubled as an electronic technician's took kit. Heaving the twenty pound box of tools and assorted parts from the trunk, Anauri shut and locked it before heading back to the B&G and lettign the bouncer check through his case for weapons.

It landed on Wei's table with a heavy thud, and Anauri smiled lightly at him. "Sorry, I'm a technician, can't stand doing nothign when I can fix something."

Popping the latches open on his case, he pulled up the layered racks and rooted around for a measurign spanner of the right size. Pullign one close enugh out, as well as a pair of jewler's glasses, the Nehantite asked, "So, mind if I take a look?"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 10:35:49 PM
"No problem you can come at the hangar it's there" He said taking a sip of his Ale

"Ahhhh just perfect"

Tevit and Anauri
Aug 17th, 2002, 10:45:43 PM
<font color=angst>"Glad you like it," Tevit nodded, takign another drink form his own. He had come to the Bar and Grill that night to have fun, get drunk, and relax. So far, it was going well.

Looking past Lance to Satine, he remembered his questions and answered it, "Well, we're just here to blow off a little steam and unwind. Beer's cheap here, and the company doesn't get too rowdy, so, figured it was as good a place as any. That, and I won a speeder in a Spet game, and we picked it up. Thing's not in that great of shape, but she rruns."

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 18th, 2002, 06:42:19 PM
Wei was startled by the sudden noise of the box, but was more than eager to hand over his device to the technician. Wei didn;t konw a thing about it other than how to operate it. if someone was going to offer to fix it, Wei was going to let them have at it.

"Here. Thanks for doing this for me."

Kesh Kou
Aug 19th, 2002, 03:05:14 PM
* Kesh smiled at Tevit's friend Re and smirked at Alpha*"Yes please and tevit...shame"*Kesh tensed up when more jedi showed up.She glanced around for a place to make her escape if the need for it arised.She looked down at the tabletop and chewed her bottom lip with worry.*

Tevit and Anauri
Aug 22nd, 2002, 01:01:56 PM
<font color=peru>"Thanks, kid," the graying mongoose replied, taking the device form him as he sat down across form Wei. The light was dim, so Anauri reached into the correct slot for a small directional light and turned it on, illumiating a section of the table large enough to work in. Picking up the jewlers glasses, he placed them on and looked through the heavy magnfication at the device before him. It was technically a simple device, having few actual parts, but it whad to be kept in order if it was to work properly.

"You know, when I was your age, these things were all the rage for communications and data relays. Then the sub-ethas became cheaper, and more reliable. I mean, when you don't have to worry about your lens being slightly off, it makes it a lot mroe durable. Anyhow," he continued whle measuring out the proper lens focal distance formt eh filter and adjusting it with nimble digits, "these little devices are a bit of a rarity. I'd hang on to it as a collector's item, if I were you, but if you use it a lot, I'd suggest you pick up a sub-etha set."

While he spoke, Anauri had properly adjusted the lens, put it back in proper alignment, and aslo blew out some of the dust int he machine with a small can of cxomplressed air. Closing the back panel and snapping it shut, the brown mongoose passed it bacm to Wei with a grin as he took of the magnifying glasses. "Here you go, kid, good as new, for now."

<font color=angst>Tevit could feel Keshia becomign nervous--it didn't take a force master to tellt hat one-- and he tried to relax her a bit. thoguh she did come on strong at times, she was fun, and Tevit didn't mind being around her. Pouring her a glass of ale as well, he set in front of her with a smile that was meant to ease her tension, though it would perhaps be mistaken for somethign eelse. Goodness knew that had happened between them before. "You doing okay, Kesh?" He asked uietly before taking a drink of his ale.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:08:17 PM
"Thanks, I appreciate it." Wei took back his communicator.

"My family got this a long time ago. We never were able to afford a new one, though. I don;t know how we managed to afford this thing here."

Wei chuckled. "Thanks again. What did you say your name was?"

Tevit and Anauri
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:19:23 PM
<font color=peru>"My name's Anauri Rabeak," the mongoose replied as he packed his tool box again, "But my friends just call me Re. And you are?"

As he asked Wei's name, the mechanic extended a thick, muscled and calloused paw for a handshake.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 22nd, 2002, 06:51:29 PM
"Wei Wu Wei. My grandpa called me Wu Wei, but most of my friends refer to me as Wei."

Wei took Re's paw and gave it a firm shake.

"Nice to have met you."