View Full Version : 1000 Oceans: Love and Honor (Complete)

Taylor Millard
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:19:21 PM
For once, he was nervous. This was a day he'd never thought would come...never thought he'd dream would come. And yet...it had.

His mind flashed back to the first time he met her, as she tried to steal a painting.

He'd drawn his lightsaber, igniting the blue-red blade and hurling it at the hovering figure. It had plummeted to the ground, letting out a string of curses as it did. Even as he fought her, he knew she was special.

Then he'd made his move...kissing her as she threw him into a river. It'd shocked the both of them...

Who would have thought it would come to this?

Grand Admiral Taylor Millard stood in front of the newly designed Rascal King and waited for Loklorien s'Ilancy to disembark. He smiled as the doors opened and took the roses from behind his back.

Tonight was hopefully going to be a special night...

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 13th, 2002, 11:16:40 PM
s'Il knelt at the top of the boarding ramp of The Rascal King as it descended from the white underbelly of the craft. She was glad to be back on Balmorra; she'd been gone for too long, and she was sure Taylor Millard felt the same way as well.

But, there was business to be done, and most of it was on Yag'dhul. She found herself spending more time than she particularly cared for, seeing to Terrisz'Voss and all of its holdings. And then there were her other things, but lately with all of her 'official' business, her hobbies had been placed on the backburner for a bit. It was not something she was particularly happy about, and planned to fix within the next few weeks.

I swear; I don't knock off a museum sometime this week I'ma go in- frellin' -sane...

She smiled down the length of the ramp at Taylor; as always he was dressed in his impeccably spotless, white, wrinkle-free Grand Admiral's uniform. And as always was the case with her, she wore nothing more than her normal grey trousers and a shirt two sizes too large. Her hair had grown out once more, though she'd sworn to cut it when she got the chance... maybe sometime this week.

She was ready for a break; ready for the time to relax and spend time with Taylor Millard. It was something she hadn't been able to do in a while, and she missed it.

Now, crouching at the top of the ramp, she continued to stare at Millard until the tell-tale tak tak tak sounded behind her, and she turned to look at MMU who trotted up, reaching his arms up for her to pick him up.

She smiled.

Rising to stand, she brought the little avatar off the ground with a swoosh which elicited a delighted squeal from the droid, and placed him on her shoulders. With his hands on her head, and her hands grasping his little feet to make sure he didn't fall over backwards as he sat straddling her neck, she began the short trek down the ramp.

Taylor Millard
Aug 13th, 2002, 11:48:31 PM
Taylor kept a steely gaze on Lok as she walked down the ramp. Then, as her booted feet hit the ground, he smiled then kissed her.

"Welcome back," he smiled, then ducked as MMU tried to make the kiss longer.

"Enough from you," he snarled at MMU, boring a cold eyed stare into the little droid's wide green eyes. But there was a bit of humor in the gaze, much like a parent to a child.

"It's good to see you Lok," Taylor said, placing a large hand into her smaller one, "I see your recovery is coming along quite nicely. How's the new ship? Were the designs to your specifics?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 14th, 2002, 12:22:38 AM
s'Il grinned up at him; a lopsided and carefree grin that she knew he'd seen countless times before. She even laughed at MMU's attempt to draw out the kiss.

Not that she would have minded in the least.

As he took her hand in his, she helped the little avatar to the ground with her other, and as soon as his small feet hit the ground she reached up and brought his head down for another kiss; this one longer as she conveyed her longing to be around him.

She'd missed him, and now that she was near him again, she didn't want to let go. She disregarded his questions for the moment, wrapping her arms around his neck as she felt him lift her from the ground for a brief moment in a tight embrace.

It felt good to be back.

Taylor Millard
Aug 14th, 2002, 12:35:54 AM
Millard smiled as the two separated lips. s'Il tasted of cherries and she smelled of peaches. He inhaled her scent, then looked into her eyes.

It was indeed good to see her again.

They walked to the waiting transport, then got in...all three of them.

Millard knocked on the inside window and the transport took off.

Leaning forward, he kissed her again, a much longer and drawn out kiss. They held it, then released it and the sound of MMU's Oh no! then saw him hiding his eyes from the scene.

Taylor laughed, then conked the little droid on the head.

"So, Lok," he asked as he stroked her leg, "How is the new ship?"

Aug 14th, 2002, 01:00:23 AM
I..... am fine, thank you, MMU huffed, his back still turned as his little arms crossed over his chest.

When he deemed it safe to turn back around, the little avatar clambored up onto the seat and plopped himself in s'Il's lap like a little guard dog.

Uncle Silus told me all about what happens when a man and a woman love eachother very much, a tiny mechanical hand poked Millard in the arm, ..... and I know you and Lok love eachother.

And then, completely changing gears, the little avatar latched onto the same arm he'd just poked.

I missed you.

s'Il laughed, and MMU felt her hand playfully tug at his antannae as he retained his 'deathgrip' on Millard's arm.

Taylor Millard
Aug 14th, 2002, 01:14:35 AM
Millard shook the arm that held MMU. Then tried again.

"MMU...would you kindly let go of my arm...please."

The droid still wouldn't let go.

The Imperial Grand Admiral sighed and shook the arm again.

"And what did 'Uncle Silus' tell you about people who loved each other?" Millard leaned close and stared directly into the eyes of MMU.

Aug 14th, 2002, 01:23:12 AM
MMU stared right back, his green eyes utterly innocent.

Uncle Silus says-

"That's enough from you," s'Il interrupted, and he felt her hands go around his waist, lifting him up. His grasp on Millard's arm was released instantly as he was hoisted up like a wet dog, and deposited back into s'Il's lap.

The little avatar tried again. But he says-

"And I say it's time for you to be quiet."

With a shrug, MMU let the matter drop, busying himself with reaching up to toy with the epaelettes on Millard's uniform. For now he'd let it go, but if he ever caught them doing what Uncle Silus told him about..........

Taylor Millard
Aug 14th, 2002, 01:34:23 AM
"MMU," Millard sighed as he realized what 'Uncle Silus' had told the little droid, "It is customary on Balmorra to wait until marriage before doing that."

He shook his head then smiled, "And Lok and I are not married."

Taylor did not add, "Yet," although he wanted to. The love he had towards s'Ilancy was more than he'd ever felt. She made him happy and relaxed. He loved her...he really did.

"So tell me, Lok," he changed the subject, ignoring the little droid as it messed with his uniform, "Does the restaraunt we first ate at all these years ago sound good to you for dinner?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 14th, 2002, 02:57:43 PM
s'Il settled herself down into the leather seat before casting her metallic gaze up into Millard's own blue eyes. She smiled, nodding.

She loved him; it was that simple. She loved him enough to turn down the Reaper; to say no to eternity once again until it was finally time for her to die. But it wasn't; not now.

She had a reason to live now; not only because of Taylor Millard, but because of the things he'd shown her that she had to live for.

Her nod was accompanied by a content "Yes," and she leaned back, MMU sitting in her lap while still playing with Millard's uniform. Closing her eyes briefly, she took in a deep breath, inhaling Taylor's scent as she did; the smell of a newly washed uniform, the freshly shaved skin of his face, even the shampoo he'd used this morning all assaulted her senses, and she let a faint smile come to her lips.

She sat up then, opening her mouth to ask him how he'd been for the last month, when MMU decided it was high time to make another small observation while still fidgiting with Millard's uniform.

But Uncle Silus and Lok weren't married when-

The little avatar didn't even get to finish his sentence as he was plucked roughly from s'Il's lap and deposited on the floor of the transport at her feet, and with a ka-thunk, one of s'Il's booted feet came to rest atop his head, holding him in place as he sat.

She bent forward then, strands of her hair falling forward, and some even fell in front of the little droid's eyeports.

"MMU honey, I love you and I'm glad you're looking out for me, but shut up, ok? If you don't, I'm going to drop you on Tatooine in the middle of a Jawa settlement. Understood?"

Nodding as best as he could with s'Il's foot on his head, the avatar fell uncharacteristicly silent for once.

She rubbed her eyes in slight exhasperation, then shook her head. That was then.... She looked up at Milllard once more, perfectly happy to simply stare into his eyes, .... but this is now.

Taylor Millard
Aug 14th, 2002, 04:59:07 PM
Taylor smiled again, then gazed down at MMU as s'Ilancy hauled him to the floor and threatened to give him to Jawas. He'd been on Tattooine only once, and had seen the Jawas and their handywork.

"You know," he observed, mischief in his blue eyes, "I could always have the Imperial technicians look him over. Perhaps fix a few...kinks?"

He saw the look both s'Il and MMU gave him.

"I am only joking love. I wouldn't touch anything of yours."

He leaned back and poured himself a glass of water, handing another to the woman he loved.

"We will be dining at eight. Enough time for a shower," he took a sip, then closed his eyes slowly. Indeed it had been far too long since he'd seen Loklorien.

"I am hearing rumors of a special exhibit at the Museum of Art on Bimmisaari. Some of Kahn and Girac paintings. I thought you might find that a bit interesting."

He took another sip and stared at her metallic eyes again.

She's gorgeous...

"MMU I am afraid you will have to not be at tonight's dinner. It is a bit...personal...a date if you want to call it."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 16th, 2002, 04:57:44 PM
s'Il felt MMU's antannae fall dejectedly across her foot as the avatar groaned at Millard's last statement, and she rattled him a little.

"Oh hush, I just got done spending an entire month alone with you," she leaned back into the seat, "I swear; 62 years you've been online, and I still haven't been able to find that stupid possessive bug wired into your systems."

She gave him another light jostle, then sighed, taking a sip of the water Millard had given her.

It had been a long month; one full of both aggravation and sleepless nights. But tonight - tonight she was ready for a quiet evening. Nothing more, nothing less. Dinner, and then sleep. It would be nice to have another body in the bed.

She gave a sly grin then, watching Millard out of the corner of her eye while reaching down to pat the little avatar on the side of his head.

"Don't worry MMU, you can still sleep with us tonight."

Taylor Millard
Aug 16th, 2002, 06:33:32 PM
Millard kept this face impassive at the sound that MMU could sleep with he and s'Ilancy. The little droid had been attempting to disrupt their nights together ever since Silus left Balmorra to pursue the hunter, Miiki Barrok.

The speeder had reached its destination by now, the Balmorran Spaceport. A single shuttle was docked near the entrance, an Imperial logo on the dorsal fin.

Taylor exitted the speeder, followed by both Lok and MMU.

He gazed down at the droid, as it ran around his booted feet.

"MMU, if I let you do some drawings in my cottage on some paper," he emphasized, "will you let us go have dinner alone?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 16th, 2002, 08:36:31 PM
As she stepped from the speeder, following Millard, s'Il donned her orange tinted sunglasses; the sun still hadn't set quite yet, and still cast its light over the surface of the tarmac they now stood on.

She looked down at MMU as he hopped around Millard's feet, and let out a slight laugh when the droid requested (while adamantly tugging at the tops of Millard's boots) they play 'cops and robbers' with him when they got back from dinner.

With a lazy gait she ambled up to stand next to the Grand Admiral, and pried the avatar off of Millard with the toe of her shoe.

"Go on, get on the shuttle you tyrant. I'll think about it if you behave for the rest of the night."

And with that, MMU skipped off, making for the shuttle. Every now and then he'd break, banking to the left or right to make circles, and s'Il stood, smirking at the avatar.

Strands of hair fall into her eyes, but she did nothing; not bothering to brush them away as she usually did. With hands stuffed into her pockets, s'Il took a deep breath, letting the early evening air fill her lungs.

She smiled, still watching MMU.

"Who needs a kid when you've got something like him...?"

Taylor Millard
Aug 17th, 2002, 12:10:02 AM
Millard let a smile come to his face, "Yes who indeed needs a child."

He hooked one of his arms with hers and led her up to the shuttle. The night air was cool and smelled good as it blew in from one of the seas on Balmorra. Taylor took a deep breath himself and exhaled.

It was a wonderful night. And Omar Prime was even better. A quick two hour trip and they'd been having dinner where they first did...the day after, Millard had stopped s'Il from stealing some artwork.

They walked towards the shuttle but Taylor stopped Lok from entering as MMU ran up the ramp and it closed.

"Just for a little quiet time..."

Then he brought her into a long, passionate kiss...feeling her warmth as she did him. They broke the kiss reluctantly, but the flashing of the shuttle's lights told them two things.

One: Either the pilot was tired of MMU

or Two: MMU had figured out what Millard did and wanted company.

"Come, Loklorien Iakyn s'Ilancy...let's have dinner."

The two walked up the descending ramp, and into the shuttle. Five mintues later it was off to Omar Prime.

The duo sat next to each other on the ship as MMU bounded around the shuttle. They smiled at him, then enjoyed the silence they shared as the droid shot his guns off.

"So much for a quiet evening," Millard quipped to s'Il.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 17th, 2002, 12:52:43 AM
"'Quite evening'?" she laughed, "there's no such thing as one of those around him. Ever since Silus gave him those stupid cap guns, I haven't gotten a moment of silence with him firing those things and hollaring all through the ship."

She smiled, and reaching up, kissed his cheek before craning her neck up even more to bite his earlobe teasingly.

She was ready for a relaxing evening; to let the stress of the last weeks wash away.

Taylor Millard
Aug 18th, 2002, 12:07:25 AM
"Here, allow me," Millard put his hands on s'Il's back and began massaging it. He heard a growl of pleasure from the smuggler and continued his ministrations to her. He ran his hands over her back, lightly massaging and pinching her muscles.

"Out of curiousity, I've reserved the table late into the evening...would you like dinner first or a brief walk around Titaneous? It's quite lovely and I'm not quite hungry myself. How about yourself? Is a walk good for you?"

He looked over her shoulder and kissed her neck lightly.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 20th, 2002, 01:23:14 AM
She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees and letting her head fall. His hands on her back felt wonderful, and she almost fell asleep right there.

Her hand shot out though, catching MMU as he 'galloped' past.

One look at her and the little avatar instantly calmed down; the gaze she'd given him silently telling him to quiet himself or else. Only she could give him that look and have him obey; just another aspect of the bond the two shared. Strange as though it may seem, that a person and an AI could be on very much the same level of understanding, s'Il and her ship shared that bond.

MMU moved off to the cockpit; undoubtedly to pester the pilot for the duration of the trip, and with a sigh, s'Il watched him leave before sitting back up.

"I can hold off on dinner if you'd like. I'm gonna let you decide what we do tonight," she smiled, blinking slowly as she arched her back in a stretch, "I'm in a very indecisive mood right now."

She grinned sidelong at him. "Just so long as it's quiet."

Taylor Millard
Aug 20th, 2002, 03:33:42 PM
"It's quiet," Taylor replied, continuing to massage, "For once there are no festivals occuring on Omar Prime. Although the Labor and Fall Festivals are upcoming soon, and then it will get quite busy."

He closed his own eyes as he massaged her back, his hands traversing over her spine and shoulders. It was a technique he'd never practiced but had always been able to do.

"So Loklorien, why are indecisive? Has your recovery gone well?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 20th, 2002, 04:15:03 PM
"Can't complain," she mumbled.

"It... hurts... still, sometimes. Nothing I can do though but grit my teeth and tough it out."

"You would not be suffering if you had stayed with me... "

Her body stiffened then, as she jerked her head up.

Her gaze came to rest on the form of the Reaper as he stood on the far side of the shuttle.

"What are you-"

"However," he cut her off, "The times that you are happy far outweigh the times you are uncomfortable."

She only stared at him, and presently he took a step forward. With each footfall he became more translucent, until he'd disappeared altogether just as he neared her.

s'Il watched in complete confusion, then let her shoulders slump as she stared down at the deck beneath her feet.

"Am I crazy... ?" she finally ventured.

Taylor Millard
Aug 20th, 2002, 04:26:48 PM
Millard felt it this time. Coldness. Death. It was as familiar to him as being about s'Ilancy was.

"No," he stopped massaging, "You're not crazy. I felt it too that time. Interesting...it felt almost familiar."

He stared at the other side of the deck, where the Reaper had been. Even if it had its way of communicating with s'Il through the jewel in her chest, she had made her decision.

Taylor turned her around and laid her on the ground. His blue eyes stared into her metallic and he smiled.

"You're not crazy. Not at all. I love you."

Then he brought his lips forwards to kiss her.

Aug 20th, 2002, 05:12:03 PM
"I said get the hell out of here!!!!!!!"

And with an indignant huff, MMU was unceremoniously (and quite literally) booted from the cockpit.

As his little body skittered across the decking, he hit Millard's boot which stopped him abruptly; and very much upside down. From his inverted position, he watched as the Grand Admiral went in for the kiss.

Gasping, he wrestled himself upright, then marched up to Millard's head and proceeded to do his best to push the man away.

Hey!! She's mine!!

Taylor Millard
Aug 20th, 2002, 07:04:29 PM
Millard stopped himself inches from her lips and almost growled. Rising to his feet, he cast a glare normally reserved for New Republic Officers directly at MMU.

"I understand your reasoning, MMU, for protecting Lok. However, I was not going to do anything 'Uncle' Silus told you about nor do I plan to unless we marry. And that will not be until after we're married."

"Sir," the shuttle pilot's voice came over the com, "We're getting ready to enter the atmosphere of Omar Prime. Strap yourselves in please."

"Hmm...30 minutes earlier than I would have suspected. Congratulations MMU, you have successfully found a way to motivate pilots without actually telling them to."

He shook his head, then helped Lok to her feet.

"You're not crazy," he whispered, then he raised his voice, "But I think your droid is."

Then he gave a small wink.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 20th, 2002, 11:26:42 PM
As he pulled her up, s'Il looked down at MMU and playfully kicked him away, but only succeeded in giving the avatar a leg to glue himself onto, and she rolled her eyes.

Snaking an arm around the Grand Admiral's waist, she pulled herself to him, content to simply embrace him for a few silent moments. She was still nervous about something, but right now she didn't know what it was. So she stood, never wanting to move or let him go until finally, with a sigh, she released Millard to once more look down at MMU.

"Oh he's been like this for years," she said with a small laugh while sitting down once more, MMU still grafted to her leg. "I think it's my fault anyway though."

Patting her lap, she was rewarded with a scramble of little metal limbs as the small droid hopped up into her lap once more, fastidiously fastening the crashstraps over both himself and s'Il. Her hand sought out his, and she let him wrap his fingers around hers; it comforted her beyond words.

"It's what I get for writing an emotion program and then letting him run wild with it."

Taylor Millard
Aug 21st, 2002, 02:58:05 AM
"Out of curiousity, does MMU still enjoy a game of 'Rancor Chase'?" Millard asked harkening back to the first time he met the little avatar.

The shuttle began its decent into the atmosphere of Omar Prime. The lush green of the planet's plant life and the cobblestone and white of the arches of Titaneous. Titaneous was not the only city on the medium sized planet, but was by far the most advanced. Even if it still relied on horse-like drawn carriages and carts.

Millard smiled again at the beauty of the sight.

Now, if I just don't choke.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 21st, 2002, 06:32:49 PM
Letting out another small laugh, s'Il closed her eyes as she leaned back. It'd been awhile since she'd chased MMU around, playing the 'horrible rancor beastie', but she'd been so busy lately that there wasn't much time left for horsing around with her ship's avatar.

The last time she'd really done that was when..... s'Il frowned at the memory and her eyes darkened as she looked to the deck.

"I haven't done that in a while," she replied quietly after a few silent moments.

Taylor Millard
Aug 21st, 2002, 07:29:46 PM
Taylor nodded, then felt her pain. Liquid Silver was something s'Ilancy did not talk about recently. She hadn't talked about it period save for when she and Millard had argued about her usage almost a year ago, plus when they'd first met. Taylor had said it didn't matter if she used it, and it was true. It didn't matter. And he knew she knew it, but he still was not sure if she understood it.

"It's all right. Remember, I love you for you...not what you do or not do."

Which is why you're here.

The shuttle set down with a *Thump* as the repulsorlifts kept it from crashing.

Taylor rose to his feet, helping Lok up as well. The ramp lowered, showing a dark shuttlepad below. Beyond, a cobblestone path lit with lamps waited for them.

In the distance one could see Ford Mironat's mansion, where Taylor and Loklorien had first met, rising from the ground like a statue on a pedestal.

The Imperial Grand Admiral turned to MMU as he looked ready to dash off the shuttle.

"MMU, I cannot force you to stay here, but if you will listen to me. I would like to walk with Lok alone. We have some...things to discuss."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 21st, 2002, 07:56:54 PM
s'Il gave Millard an odd look; they had things to discuss? As far as she knew things were fine... unless she'd done something he didn't approve of and therefor felt the need to reprimand her. Her brows furrowed. No, that couldn't be it. She buried her hands in her pockets and followed him down the length of the boarding ramp, feeling as MMU's eyes bored into her back.

"Just stay there," she called without turning to look at him. Her voice contained just a hint of trepidation, and for good measure. She was nervous. Millard's tone of voice was serious, and she felt the first twinges of apprehension creep into her thoughts. What was going on?

Taylor had said this would be a quiet evening, but with him saying they had things to 'discuss', she was starting to feel the first pangs of uneasiness.

She folded her arms around herself, suddenly feeling cautious in Millard's presence. Something was going on, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to know what he had planned for the evening.

Taylor Millard
Aug 22nd, 2002, 06:42:11 AM
"Walk with me Lok," Taylor began walking down the quiet streets of Omar Prime, nodding to several travellers as they walked by.

The Dark Jedi could sense s'Il's discomfort and quietly was pleased. She didn't suspect a thing...it meant what would happen would be all the more delightful to watch. As long as he didn't screw up.

Shunting all thoughts of failure away, Taylor and Lok made small talk as they continued their journey through Titaneous. Each asked how the other was doing, how their recent actions had been.

Millard knew how busy Lok had been, stealing ships from various Imperial Warlords as well as running a few blockades. The Imperial Grand Admiral had been busy dealing with Tyrel Kiterix's interference- as well as training 'Shadow Squadron', an elite squadron of TIE Advanced- led by Millard and s'Ilancy's collegues Silus Xilarian.

A low fog settled over the cooler night of Titaneous, casting a gloom that both Millard and s'Il were comfortable in. The coolness of the fog, mixed with some of the warmness in the air. Rain would come soon...wonderful rain.

"This way, Lok."

Taylor led them to a bridge...the bridge they had first decided they liked each other. It was symbolic to Millard. It was when he decided he cared for Loklorien Iakyn s'Ilancy.

He saw what he was looking for in the water.

Good...Tomar did get here in time.

"Do you remember this bridge, Loklorien?" he asked staring at the fog over the water.

"Does the memory run through your mind as it does mine?"

He paused and waited her response.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:00:43 PM
She'd let him lead her through the city, not really paying much attention to where he took her. Something was eating at her, and the fact that she didn't know what it was annoyed her even more. She knew it had to do with Millard though, so at least her nervousness had a centralized origin.

Damnit; what'd I do now..... ?

She scowled, looking away off to the distance as they walked.

And then he stopped her.

They stood on a bridge.

s'Il blinked as she looked around, brought from her mental self-scolding. "This is... " She stopped, then let out a long breath.

Yes, she remembered this bridge. s'Il cast a stare up to the Grand Admiral, giving him a brief, blank gaze before looking away.

"Yeah, I remember it... " she started, her voice trailing off.

"It's one of the only bridges I haven't burned."

Or at least I hope not.

Taylor Millard
Aug 22nd, 2002, 08:43:59 PM
Taylor smiled.

"No, you haven't burned it. But you are being pushed off of it."

Then with a push of his hand, with a little assistance from the Force, the Imperial Grand Admiral sent the smuggler into the shallow water below the small bridge.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 22nd, 2002, 10:15:21 PM
s'Il hit the water, utter shock and surprise showing in her eyes. For once, he was the one with mirth in his eyes, and she the one with confusion. She sat for a moment, staring up at Taylor.

"Wha.... ????"

She was already soaked, and as she stumbled awkwardly to her feet, dripping wet, she tried to shake some of the water off.

"What was that for?"

s'Il stood there, at a complete loss of what to expect next. First he was telling MMU that they had some 'things to discuss', and with the tone of voice he'd used on the avatar, s'Il wasn't so sure she wanted whatever those things were to be discussed. And now; he'd thrown her from the bridge?

Yet, she couldn't help the smile that began tugging ever so lightly at the corners of her mouth as she stood in the water, sopping wet and looking up at him with bewildered eyes, and he in his pristine white Grand Admiral's uniform, looking down at her.

"Taylor, what's going on?"

Taylor Millard
Aug 22nd, 2002, 10:34:46 PM
Millard directed her mind towards the box sitting in the water. It was small and unnoticable unless someone was looking for it.

Pick it up... he directed her silently, though the Force.

He saw her pick it up and open it.

"Madame Loklorien Iakyn s'Ilancy...I have enjoyed our time together as boyfriend and girlfriend...but now...I have another request..."

Taylor felt nervous, but he wanted to do it. The time was right.

"Would you please...do me the honor....

"Of being my wife?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 22nd, 2002, 10:44:47 PM
s'Il almost dropped the small box.

She stumbled back a little, and almost fell into the water once more.

This was a complete shock, and all she could do was stand there with what had to be the dumbest look on her face, shifting her gaze from the ring to Millard, then back to the ring before casting a final, wide-eyed and absolutely stupified look in her metallic eyes up to the Grand Admiral as he stood over her.

And the only words she could bring herself to utter were....

"Oh God... "

Taylor Millard
Aug 22nd, 2002, 10:51:01 PM
Taylor's blue eyes showed warmth he hadn't felt in a long time.

He stared down on Lok, the moon shining behind him illuminating his body.

"I apologize if it is sudden, but I love you. I want to be around you for the rest of your life...the rest of our lives."

Taylor looked at her again.

"I understand if you say 'No'...your sister's marriage ended in her husband's death.

"But no this...I will not leave you. Ever.

"Please," his face was relaxed and he had a slight smile on his face, "Will you marry me?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 22nd, 2002, 11:01:42 PM
For a few more seconds she stood there, rooted to her spot and unable to move. She simply clutched the box that held the ring as she looked up at him. True, she'd professed to the desire of spending the rest of her life withhim, but marriage? It'd never really occured to her. She and Kyry fought enough about things such as that, and with Millard's proposal...

... s'Il just didn't know what to think; what to do.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she sighed. It was a heavy sigh. She waded through the shallow water and leaned her elbows on the bridge, beckoning him to crouch down.

As he complied, she shot her free hand out, and grabbing a handful of the front of his uniform, used his momentum as he knelt down, pulling him past her and into the water.

Taylor Millard
Aug 22nd, 2002, 11:26:01 PM
Millard fell forward, somehow keeping the yelp that almost escape from his mouth from sounding.

He hit the water with a splash, sending water every which way.

Taylor came up from the water, spitting some of it from his mouth as he did.

He looked at s'Il

"Is that a no?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 22nd, 2002, 11:43:36 PM
s'Il gave him a shy grin; most likely the first she'd ever given him, and carefully took the ring from its case, setting the box on the bridge.

The ring itself was simple; a single silver band. It seemed as if Taylor knew everything about her; how her tastes ran more simple than most women, and turning the ring over in her fingers, she smiled faintly.

s'Il slipped it on her finger then.

"I don't know," she started quietly, "... it seems to fit fine to me."

And then she looked at him, her metallic eyes locked into his own blue.

"How could I not want to marry you?"

Taylor Millard
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:03:55 AM
Taylor felt a smile come to his face as he heard her say she wanted to marry him.

But a twinge of nervousness still clung to him.

"What of your freedom? You would not have to quit stealing or smuggling but you'd be permanently attached to me. My last name would be yours...

"Are you certain you want that, Lok?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:18:58 AM
"Hazzards of the position, I s'pose."

And that was all she said while jumping up to sit on the bridge, letting her feet hang over the edge to trail in the water as she watched him. Leaning to the side, she rested on one of the supports that held up the handrails, and stared into the water before looking back to him.

"There's never really anything I've been real certain about," she ventured after a few silent minutes, "... but you; you're different."

s'Il let out a small, still somewhat bewildered sigh.

"Or maybe it's me, I don't know."

Taylor Millard
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:22:48 AM
"We're both certain on this," Taylor looked up at her, marvelling her beauty.

"I want you to marry me, and you want me to marry you."

He held out his hands to catch her.

"I'm certain about this too. I love you, Lok.

"I really do."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:33:29 AM
She only stared at him as he held his hands out to her, her eyes falling into his. She didn't want to move; she simply wanted to look at him, and reaching a hand out, grasped one of his hands and pulled him to her.

s'Il kissed his forehead as she felt his arms go around her waist in a loose, restful embrace.

With the sound of the water as it continued its lazy path, meandering its way downstream, the calm was not easily broken.

She smiled.

Then looked straight into the cool blue depths of his eyes.

And snorted.

"You look like a drowned rat in a Grand Admiral's uniform."

Taylor Millard
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:35:49 AM
Taylor laughed a hearty laughed that filled Titaneous with joy and happiness.

"You don't look like a holovid actress yourself," he laughed again.

"I cannot help but wonder...what MMU's reaction is going to be."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:43:53 AM
"He'll deal," was all she said, looking down the front of his once spotless white uniform, tapping his rank plate with an idle fingertip before patting his chest.

"Well, I s'pose that's the second one I've destroyed."

She gave him a slight grin.

"And I wouldn't be surprised if it's not the last."

Taylor Millard
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:50:54 AM
Taylor smiled again, then placed his arm around her as they walked from the stream.

The silver band glinted in the moon and lamplight on s'Il's hand and the two headed back towards the shuttle and Balmorra.

It was a new day for both Taylor Warren Millard and Loklorien Iakyn s'Ilancy.

"Now..." Taylor said bending down and kissing s'Il's forehead.

"What shall the wedding be like?"