View Full Version : Nerfsteak (open)

Aug 13th, 2002, 10:10:41 PM
Northstar entered Yoghurt's bar and sat down at a booth. A service droid rolled up to his booth.
>>"Welcome to Yogurt's Bar and Grill What can I get you."<<
Northstar looked at the menu.
"Nerfsteak, well done."
>>"Thank you sir. It will be half of a standard hour."<<
Northstar closed his eyes and expanded his mind. The place was full of force energy some disciplined...Jedi... and some unrestricted...Sith.
Northstar's eyes opened and someone was sitting across from him at his booth.

Gouyen Chee
Aug 14th, 2002, 06:07:37 PM
Northstar looked up and saw a stranger woman, dressed in black with long hair in a slanting French braid and eyes as dark as deepest space.

"I hope you can pardon my intrusion as I don't like to dine alone," she said by way of apology.

She recalled the server droid and ordered a Caesar salad, nerfsteak done blood rare with a baked potato with the works, and a pitcher of Corellian pale ale.

"So," she began, attempting to start a conversation, "what brings you here, besides the food?"

Aug 14th, 2002, 11:14:51 PM
"Doesn't bother me. I suppose I'm here because I'm bored. I'm in need of training and without someone to teach me. What about you? What brings you here?"

Gouyen Chee
Aug 15th, 2002, 01:31:13 PM
"The food, mainly," she stated as she observed his features. "But I also like to watch the Jedi -- I find their ways, ah... interesting."

"So," she began as she changed the topic, "you wish to become a Jedi, is that so?" She continued to study his face -- it bore a striking resemblence to a trainee that she had seen practicing in the Sith Order training grounds. She was curious as to what his answer would be.

Aug 15th, 2002, 11:22:16 PM
"Jedi? Hardly. The Jedi are weak. They want to make things better but fail to take the initiative and stop potential problems before it becomes a problem. they wait for things to happen instead of keeping things from happening Plus they're too involved in everybody's lives, where's the privacy?"

Gouyen Chee
Aug 16th, 2002, 12:45:11 PM
She smiled and nodded. "Then it appears that you wish to study the dark side -- a wise choice." She took the pitcher of ale and poured two glasses, setting one before the young man.

"Nothing washes down a nerfsteak better than a glass of Corellian ale. And speaking of Corellia," and she paused for emphasis, "have you been there? The Sith Order is based there -- you might find their ways more to your liking."

Aug 17th, 2002, 12:28:33 AM
Northstar took the glass of Corellian Ale and said "The dark side is a very wise choice." and took a gulp of the ale. I have been to Corellia and seen the Sith Order there. But I am disappointed, there structure seems to have fallen and I cannot seem to find a master of the Dark Side. How are the Sith to make war with the Jedi if they can not hold themsleves together?"

Gouyen Chee
Aug 19th, 2002, 03:45:57 PM
She nodded as she heard his complaint. "Yes, something mysterious has happened to the leadership of the Order, but in spite of its current weakness, it is still an organization worth joining. Look at it this way -- there's room at the top for advancement for the ambitious student."

She winked slyly at him. "And it's still better than the ancient system of one master, one apprentice."

Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:27:47 AM
You have a point, it is better than the ancient system. But things are still moving slowly. I want to get to the top so I can fix things. I want declared war on the jedi, however I'm still an apprentice, without a master.