View Full Version : Simple Job!

Aug 13th, 2002, 07:20:25 PM
This is easy ;)

All I need is someone with a better program than Ulead to single out the pic of Chance and put him on a white background.

In smaller terms, I need to background and other things other than the chara itself to be off the image and just Chance be left on it!

file's attached, Danke danke!

Dae Jinn
Aug 13th, 2002, 09:12:12 PM
*looks at picture* Doawah! :eek Not reealllly easy ;)

Aug 14th, 2002, 02:17:13 PM
shouldn't be that hard! :\ >_<

Dae Jinn
Aug 14th, 2002, 04:52:46 PM
Erasing and rubber stamping everything would be a long job....IMHO anyways :)

Hrolthar Benatoer
Aug 15th, 2002, 03:11:30 AM
Goes to stampon Dae*

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Aug 15th, 2002, 06:44:54 AM
Hope this is ok. Wasn't sure if I should take out the blue. Its a shadow. Didn't think it would be bad to leave *shrugs*

Also..not much I could do about the chinese letters. Had to cut it out totally.

Aug 15th, 2002, 03:06:39 PM
Thankies Leia! :)