View Full Version : Armageddon Dawn

Chaos Alexander
Aug 13th, 2002, 07:11:56 PM
In an unknown part of the universe, two men sit down. Just like every week. Infront of them is a checkered board of black and white. The grandkids are outside in the sun, and teh two brothers can sit and talk. The older of teh two moves his pawn. The younger moves his. The game goes on. The oldest always won, but the younger sibling didn't care. They always used teh same moves and stragies. All the pawns were moved first. The youngest didn't move on of his though.....


::The Meeting Room of 'Genetics Incorparated' was in a blurr. The owner, and president, had finally passed on. The mans will had been clear. The commite had joint share of thr company. He wanted it to be fair to all. The question of the day was who would be the president. The will did not say, and everyone wished to rule the leading genetic lab.::

Man 1- I have been with the company for the longest. The old bat was my cousin for christ sakes!
Man 2- I am the head scientist. I do all the hands on...

Man 3- Are you all dumb? I have been the lawyer here for years. I know how to play the political game...

::A younge man stood up. He had just baought large stocks in the company. His brown hair was combed back, and his gold eyes flashed. He raised his hands ready to give his say.::


The oldest brother paid no mind to the unmoved pawn. A little fish in a big pond. The game went on. Piece for piece. The oldest brother was in the lead by ungodly amounts. How one-sided this game seemed. So very one-sided.


::The youmge man opened his mouth and breathed deep.::

Younge Man- "All this is true. Yes, Mr. Yun. You have been here the longest. We both know though that many people here do not like you attitude and distrust you. Mr. Righten, after that sex scandle last year, I really do not believe the media will have anything good to say if you lead. Head Scientist or Not. Mr. Goodman, You are the head lawyer. This is true. No one knows teh political scene like you, but what do you know about genetics?"

::The crowd became a raging river. All agued and threw curses at the boy. They all agreed with him. Of course those three should not run the company. No one even liked them. They pointed fingars and brought up every little dirty secret they knew on each other. All the YOunge Man could do was sit back and watch the show.::


All the pawns were taken from the oldest, and all but the one was take from the youngest. The Leaders Queen was destroying all in her path. All seemed lost. Nothing could take the King. The queen protected it. She ruled the board. The Younger moved his rook.



::The Younge Man raised his hand and silenced the roar of men. Then he put his plan in motion.::

"It seems to me, the only one fit to be president of this company is the one that doesn't have any bad marks. We can all 'run' the company, but the flawless one will be a figure head of the company."

::The rest of the memebers looked at each other a whispered. What teh younge man said was very true. Who would fit the job though. There was only one person that fit that role.......::

Man 1- How about you?

::The younge man cocked his head to the side. It was as if he never thought of it before. Like a new idea he should consider. He collected his thoughs before he spoke and chose his words carefully.::

Younge Man- If you all think that is the best choice...


The older brother laughed and moved his king. Then The younger smiled. He moved teh one pawn he had left alone the whole game. Teh one no one thought was important. The older brotehrs face dropped as he saw what had happened. His flaw at thinking the smallest piece was not dangerous. The younger smiled and said teh words he had been waiting years to say.

"Check Mate...."


The comitte did all the paper work then and there. The younge man just sit back and smiled. No one though much about him. few even liked him. We has able to count his friends on one hand. Chaos Alexander watched as they handed his the paperwork needed to prove that he now ran teh biggest genetic company in the universe. All he could do was give one of his smiles. He didn't even have to use the Force much to push their minds into electing him as the head of the company. Now for the second phase of his plan to start.......

Danya Van Derveld
Aug 14th, 2002, 11:54:08 AM
Danya stood in the shadows of the room, watching the happenings. The humans that stood around and argued, sickened her to no end. She growled and exposed her elongated canines...but the rest of her face and body was hidden by the black satin robes that she wore....the hood was drawn up over her head and concealed her very identity. As soon as the men handed Chaos the papers, a wicked smile set itself upon her lips.

Slowly she walked from the shadows and stretched her hand out to touch the back of his neck. Running her soft fingers gently down his skin, she placed her hand on his shoulder, then ran it down his chest to hold him close to her. He knew who it was without seeing her face. Simply her touch and Force signature gave it away.

"Looks like we have ourselves a company, my love..."

Her voice rang slowly through his ears as she bent over and whispered softly and sensually to him. Rising back up, she traced her hand back to his shoulder and then pulled her arms to rest in front of her...hands clasped at her waist. She belonged to Chaos...and he was her protector...her fortress. Smiling, she stood behind him to the side....now the second part of their plan would unfold....

Chaos Alexander
Aug 15th, 2002, 09:30:35 AM
::Chaos nodded and smiled. The rest of the men turned a head to see Danya. Chaos just yawned. He pulled his Light Saber and smiled as it's grey blade hummed softly.::

"Now that I am in control I need to give my first order. I think he need to....downsize the company."

::No one found bodies. Chaos had other plains for them. New, deadly, twisted plans for those men.....::


::One the planet Garish, war broke loose over all of it's 8 continents. Two of nations faught each other in a never-ending battle. It had gotten so bad they had started to by beasts.

These were not any normal beasts. They were breed or war. No one knew where teh two nations had gotten them, but even the generals were twisted. The creatures didn't even look natural. It was like they were patched together. Then they twisted creatures were duplicated. Armys of millions abone millions raced and battled. The creatures on each side were different though. It was like a scene out of a horror show. twisted and cruel. Blood rested on teh ground like morning dew. Even the rivers ran red with the blood of millions still.

The nation of Stromglad was the 'Good-Guys' of this battle. That is if one could say there was good-guys. The nation of Dracos invaded first. No matter how much Stromglad begged and pleaded, Dracos just attacked over and over. It was Stromglad that brough the creatures into battle first. They had few men they could spare. They had no choice. It was to get these beasts, or die in their sleep.

Dracos followed close behind. It creatures were more twisted, but not any more deadly. It was as if someone cut their rulers twisted mind out, and forged an army with it. The footsteps boomed as each coutry took city after city. The blood kept running. Soon it was a river in it's own right.

Only the maker knew when it would all stop.

Aug 15th, 2002, 02:28:58 PM
"Dude, sick."

Zeke sat alone on a transport ship, watching the holonet broadcast on the huge war that had corrupted an entire planet. The screen displayed the beasts that were fighting, showing all the violent details possible. Such was the policy of GNN. Some other travellers were watching too, though few wore Zeke's happy smile.

"Wonder where this planet is..."

Aug 15th, 2002, 05:22:03 PM
Satine sits in Yoghurt's bar and grill, watching a holo-comedy, when GNN interrupts it with a news bulletin.

"We interrupt to bring you this live footage we just recieved."

On cue, images of a bloody battle, where twisted freaks of nature fought each other on barren plains.

"What the frell?" Satine asks, watching intently.

Aug 16th, 2002, 02:32:50 AM
Oriadin was sat in the bar and grill drinking his usual ice water. He was alone and minding his own business after a hard days studying. All of a sudden it went deathly quiet. Very unusual for the bar and grill. He looked up to see that most peoples attention was focused on some news bulletin. He picked up his drink and made his way closer to where he could here the news taking special care not to stand in anyones view.

Not good. Not good at all.

Danya Van Derveld
Aug 16th, 2002, 11:49:23 AM
Danya smiled wickedy as Chaos rose drew his saber. She knew exactly what the plan was...and exactly what it would do.

"This is....beautiful. The Darkness reigns now and Chaos will rule all...."

She said softly to him, her hand slowly slipped into his and she looked up into his eyes.

"Now it is time you took your place as....as a sort of king....and I shall be your mistress...your queen. I belong to you...and you are mine....and all of these worthless beings of Men are....ours...."

The young woman laughed to herself...a dark and evil laugh. A sinister smile danced upon her lips as their plan unfolded before her eyes.....

Ange Tot
Aug 16th, 2002, 02:31:54 PM
She watched the news in Yog's with a bored look, all that is was showing was a large scale massacre, and Ange had seen those before personally.

"Pathetic, their technique is wrong, no wonder so many of those, wathever those are, are dying." she said more or less to herself.

Aug 16th, 2002, 02:37:58 PM
The broadcast ended abruptly as the camera was destroyed by stray fire and the holoscreen displayed a message, something to do with technical difficulties. Zeke looked around at the other spectators.

"Hey, what do you guys think?"

Zeke himself wasn't sure what to think, apart from his usual commentary of "Neato".

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 16th, 2002, 02:58:15 PM
Kindo was making his usual cruise through the galaxy, soaring and speeding through the open space. It was quite a regular day, seeing has chaos still grew and the Jedi still fought against it. He turned on his Global Monitor on his ship, revealing many urgent messages and disturbing photos of war on a planet. Two things were true, the GNN never had any good news, and of course Kindo was on his way. The spirit that he possesed always pushed him to rush to the situation without help, but gave him the drive to always fight for what was right. He set his for Garish, a planet he had not heard of before. He was going to investigate the events taking place that echoed constantly on the news. Would he get hurt, probably. Nevertheless he would always fight for whats right, despite the situation. His ride started at the war consumed planet.

Aug 17th, 2002, 05:50:50 AM
Satine shoots a dirty look at his Padawan.

"Ange, massacres aren't a good thing...Doesn't matetr how they're run."

Turning to Zeke, Satine grins.

"Might be good training if we find this place, and try to stop the war, huh?"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:16:39 AM
"An excellent idea, Alpha."

Dasquian stood by the Jedi Knight's table, and cast a glance at the others who were gathered. He folded his arms over his chest and squinted as he watched the remainder of the footage on the blood bath.

"What say we really up some others and let them know of this plight. We can leave an alert to the Council, so that we are able to take off and get to the situation immeadiately."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:38:41 AM
The Knight Xazor stood by and watched the broadcast until it went dead. Sighing, she walked over to Dasquian and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"That's a good idea...this is a serious time. I am thinking of going by myself...to the source. I may have an idea what is causing this..."

She said softly, shaking her head in sadness at the thought of her Brother, Chaos. He was into Genetics and such things....and these creatures were definatly Bio-Engineered. Her eyes fell to the floor and she shook her head slowly before looked over at Alpha and the others gathered. It was a sad day....

Aug 17th, 2002, 08:41:04 AM
Oriadin heard the other Jedi talking. Suggesting they do something to stop the masacre. He walked over to where the main talk was begin said and cleared his throat so all could hear he was about to say something.

--Fellow Jedi, I am with Alpha and Dasquian. Something needs to be done and as protectors of the galaxy it is our job to do it.--

He paused and looked at those listning to him one by one.

--However, we should not rush into this. We must be patient and be mindfull of our actions. There is no sense in rushing in. Behind any conflict there are usually key fugures behind it. I suggest we try to find these figures before engaging in conflict ourselfs. If there is a peacefull settlement to be made, we must strive to reach that settlement.--

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:43:38 AM
Dasquian's brow furrowed somewhat as he looked at the others.

"Whatever our plan of action is, we cannot leave the people to their deaths. We must make swift choices in this time, and apprehend those responsible for this heinous crime as soon as we can!"

He turned to Xazor.

"You say you think you know who is behind this, then a party should go with you - you cannot be expected to deal with the dark force alone, it would not be wise to do so."

Obiwan2 Kenobi
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:06:14 AM
*A Jedi Master slowly walked up to the group of Jedi gathered around and placed his hand lightly on Dasquian's shoulder, smiling slightly*

Care if I join you?

Kelt Simoson
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:12:44 AM
'You know theres one thing we have missed' Kelt began sitting next to his mentor Dasquian.'How do we know what sort of forces our foe indeed has?..we could be walking straint into an army of Sith for all we know...we need to work out a game plan before we make any sudden plans to do this.... Kelt added looking towards his friend with a worried smile.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:15:05 AM
Dasquian glanced back to look at the one who had touched his shoulder and was instantly taken aback, lowering himself into a swift bow.

"Master Obi Wan," he said, addressing the one who looked so familiar from his past.

"It would be excellent if you were to join us in the venture,"

Looking from the Jedi Master to his good friend and ward Kelt, he nodded.

"I understand that we must be cautious, but if word is gotten out to the others, then we can get together a large away team quickly to deal with whatever may be causing this. I have no doubts in our strength when we band together."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 17th, 2002, 10:09:38 AM
Kindo's ship entered the planet's atmosphere, searching and scanning for a place to land. Kindo searched about for war, but none presented itself has it did on the news. He must have landed in an area where the armies of death had not yet made their way. He got out of his ship and scanned the premesis, but it was quiet and desolate. This would no doubt be a great place for the rest of the Jedi to meet up. He immediatly sent out a Force message to all Jedi back on Yavin fro them to come to where he was, that it would be a great place to start. Plus who knew what armies would soon be over the untouched terrain. He needed the help of his fellow Jedi. He knew they would get the message.

Ange Tot
Aug 17th, 2002, 10:31:53 AM
She couldn't help it, they were talking about going and trying to stop this war, she grinned ignoring her Masters comments and jumped out of her seat.

"May I have the honor of help you as well, Sirs and Ma'am? Please?" she was eager and that may make them not want to bring her, but she couldn't help it, fighting is in her blood.

"I know the type of tatics the people down there are using, I can help you get past their armies easily!"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 10:54:47 AM
:: Lance entered rigth behind master Obiwan2 and watched the news next to Satine.::

"What the frell is going on...I don't know..but it just looks dirty.." Lance said his eyes widened

Xazor Elessar
Aug 17th, 2002, 12:12:38 PM
The Knight eyed Dasquian with a hurt etching her soft features. Her eyes shifted about the group and she shook her head.

I think it may have somehting to do with.....my Brother. But we can't go after him.....it would hurt my Father too much and to see him suffer after the things he has done for me as well. But on the other hand, he has caused so much pain that something or someone has to stop him......

Xazor spoke to Dasquian through the Force. She was torn now between her Brother....and what was right. How could she even be sure it was him? She shook her head, it was just a feeling that she had gotten when she saw the images. Thoughts and a rememberance of visiting a laboratory that made those creatures. Chaos could not speak with them, but she had a way of doing so. They were programmed to listen to their Master......it was just something he would have done.

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 12:14:32 PM
Dasquian nodded somewhat to Xazor.

Then what are we to do? We cannot allow him to cause such destruction. He must be stopped some how...

He looked to the others, his mind whirling to try and find a solution.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 17th, 2002, 12:23:33 PM
The Garou Knight siged to herself in sadness.

What's right is right.....I cannot compromise my Oath to the Jedi and keep allowing him to do this. Just.....I don't want someone to kill him.....

Her eyes shifted to Master Obi Wan and she smiled somewhat, bowing in respect, then turning her attention back to Dasquian, she sighed, looking into his eyes for some comfort.....

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 17th, 2002, 12:27:34 PM
There would be no need to kill him, that is not the aim of our Order - it is to apprehend the forces of the Darkside, to stop them from commiting anymore sinful acts,

Dasquian gave a faint reassuring smile.

Aug 17th, 2002, 03:02:35 PM
OOC: Give it a sec, Kindo.

IC: Zeke watched as the other Jedi gathered.

"So we're gonna go there and be protective? Which side are we on? Or are we on a side? Oh, who cares! I'm on the Zeke side!"

Basically, Zeke had taken a stance of neutrality.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 06:29:42 PM
:: Lance stayed silent at Zeke's comment::

"Zeke side? We gotta do something to prevent more pain...we must stop the darksiders...at once" He said on a stern voice

Aug 17th, 2002, 06:34:17 PM
"I'm on my side and I'll fight for what I like! So what are we waiting for then? Let's get going."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 06:37:24 PM
"Heh.....I don't know say that to the others I'm ready to go anywhere......" He said with a light chuckle looking towarded Alpha

Chaos Alexander
Aug 17th, 2002, 07:46:48 PM
::Chaos sat in a shuddle hoving in the sky of Garish. He watched with a childish glee at the battle on the ground. He looked at the bed he and Danya shared. Their cloths were still on the floor. Chaos bent over and kissed his sleeping lovers head. He put on his civilian cloths and made his way down the hall to the air lock. He opened it and jumped out. He let his parashut out and landed on the ground. A battle was a mile or so from here. Chaos breathed in the air.

It was time to start getting the things he came here for. One was a Soul Stone. The battles had woken it up more than likely, and every soul from a dead warrior would be trapped in it. Chaos almost drooled think of teh power it had if he could figure out how to work it. That was the catch. He had found many Sith Tomes that talked about the deadly power it had, but it left out the part on how to work it. Chaos would figure it out.

He had to find the Null Sphere as well. It as a Sith artifact that cancelled out the Force till it was shut off. The problem with it was it needed the blood of a innocent to start it. That was easy, yet so very hard at the same time.

Chaos looked at the mountain in front of him. Hopefully both would be together. They were locked away ina cave up there. Somewhere. Only a true Sith could open the door to them. That was if Chaos could find the things. All the Sith Knight could do was sigh as he started his three day trip to the top of the mountain.::

Danya Van Derveld
Aug 17th, 2002, 07:55:55 PM
Danya felt the kiss on her head and then felt Chaos leave. She wondered where he was going...so as soon as he was gone, the curious Sith Apprentice sat up on the bed....pulling the sheets up around her body as she searched for her clothes on the floor. Locating them, she quickly dressed her sleepy self in a pair of tight black pants, and a black halter top. She looked about and found her weapons, then quickly put them around her waist on the weapons belt she wore....along with a large, black bladed sword on her back. Grabbing a parachute as Choas had, she put it on and went to the airlock.....then plundged to the surfice below.

An evil smile crossed her lips as she ran after Choas who was only a few minutes ahead of her. She used the Force to power her legs and make her faster....and soon she came up behind his back. Danya remained silent due to the fact that she was unsure if he wanted her there or not. After their night together....she thought perhaps he wished her to sleep and wait for him.....but she couldn't do that...she wanted to be with him now more than ever, especially after his long absence.

"Hail, my love! Wait for thee!"

She called out over the wind and ran up to trek beside him. Her eyes shifted to the ground as she waited him to scold her for following....but she couldn't help it.....

Aug 17th, 2002, 08:01:25 PM
"Ange, feel free to come along. Alright, the only plan I can think of is land, and then find out what and in how much numbers we're dealing with. Anyone for that?"

Aug 17th, 2002, 08:26:57 PM
"Numbers and what we're fighting? We're fighting lots and lots of ugly dudes." Zeke stated as if it were obvious.

Aug 17th, 2002, 08:40:16 PM
Chance spoke up off to the left of the screen with a rather amused look on his face, "Land wouldn't be a good idea, rather, you should sweep from above in a ship before landing. That way, as soon as you get close enough, you dont get swamped in those things that are running around out there."

His small frame shrugged lightly before continuing, "From what it looks like, some of those will attack anything that moves. Like that one-" He poked a finger at the screen which showed one of the beings attacking another of it's comrades and shredding it to bits, "- right there.."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:51:29 PM
Kindo walked around the premesis for a while, observing the enviroment. His ship was not far away, and his sword was by his side just in case danger reared it's ugly head. He sat down in the lush grass and began to concentrate deeply into the Force, allowing it to course through his body. In his mind he had a vision of many people gathered at the Bar and Grill on Yavin, and they seemed to be discussing the war that was breaking out. Kindo sent out a Force message to Dasquian Belargic, who seemed to be gathering everyone. He informed him of his position on the planet, where war had not yet passed over the terrain he now walked among. If all the Jedi met up their, it would put them in a better position to find out and investigate the current events taking place. He stood up and removed his sword from it's sheath. He waited for any situation to arise when the sword might be of great need. The Jedi would soon be there with him, hopefully. He could only have patience...

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:21:53 PM
:: Lance shrugged lightly::

"Hmm we're not soldiers...we can't rush in to fight all those creepy things..we gotta find a way to stop this from within..." He said pondering on all this

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2002, 03:08:48 AM
"We're not soldiers?"

Dasquian was about to respond when something struck his mind. He closed his eyes whilst concentrating, receiving some form of message - it was from Kindo, who was already on Garish. Opening his eyes, the Jedi's face flashed with a look of concern.

"It seems Ki Adi has taken it upon himself to depart without us. He is stationed on the planet in an unravaged area already, and informs me it would be a good place to land."

He shifted his weight somewhat.

"I say we take a craft out to there. We can survey from the air to begin with then when we land, can split and scout out in parties - say, with a Knight or Master leading each?"

Kelt Simoson
Aug 18th, 2002, 07:16:24 AM
Kelt nodded to his friend but wanted to add a point before any decision was made.
' I think we should use old ancient ways, like i used to use dureing the crusades' He said leaning foward to get closer to the gang.

' We used to send out a single man to scout out the surrounding area...1 north, 1 south and they would arc easy or west which everway they were told, Force cloaked of course. But if that man comes up against something unknown then only one would get perished...force forbid...but its much wiser than sending 20 out there and loseing the whole sqaud.' He said trying to inclunde old Crusader tactics.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 18th, 2002, 08:57:03 AM
The Knight Xazor listened to the debate for a little and she shook her head.

"I'm going alone..."

With that she quickly walked out of the Bar and Grill, shaking her head with a sorrow unknown to all....

ooc: I did this so it looks like I'm doing something with Xaz because under normal circumstances I would...but I am playing Danya too. :p So it would be hard.... :mneh

Obiwan2 Kenobi
Aug 18th, 2002, 09:56:45 AM
**A smile crossed Obiwan's face as he watched Dasquian and nodded at him. It was clear to see how respected he was among the Jedi, as he should be. Obi had already seen great things from Dasquian and was very proud to see such great Jedi emerging. Noticing Xazor giving him a slight smile, Obi's face turned to confusion trying to figure out what was wrong exactly. He could not all was not well.

Suddenly, Dasquian told the group of Ki Adi Kindo's position he was in. Obiwan listened closely as Dasquian spoke his thoughts**

Sounds like a plan to me, Dasquian. Whatever our course of action is, we should decide soon. I sense our friend Ki Adi is certainly going to be in need of our help...

Aug 18th, 2002, 11:00:43 AM
Satine stands up, grinning.

"My ship is ready to go. Looks like we don't have much time to loose..."

Ange Tot
Aug 18th, 2002, 11:11:13 AM
"Finally!" she said grinning, "Since Alpha has a ship, and it's ready, LET'S GO ALREADY!" she was almost hopping up and down looking first at Alpha, then Dasq, Kelt and finally Zeke and Lance.

"We beter hurry before Kindo decides to go off on his own!"

Aug 18th, 2002, 11:15:38 AM
Zeke shrugged.

"Lead on, Alpha."

Kack Mebuff
Aug 18th, 2002, 11:18:24 AM
Kack entered the Bar & Grill and sensed great urgency in the air and noticed the Jedi all standing in a group.

He dashed over to Dasquian. He bowed before his master and spoke,

"What is going on Master? I feel great urgency, there is a disturbance in the Force."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2002, 11:37:50 AM
"Ah, my apprentice. We are headed to a planet where a dark force is destroying civilians and landscape at a rapid pace. Knight Xazor believes she knows the cause and has departed already,"

Dasquian nodded to the others as he looked to them.

"Very well then. Let's go. No doubt by now an alert has passed through the Temple, so others can follow if they wish."

He motioned towards the bar and grill door.

"Alpha - lead the way."

Aug 18th, 2002, 11:38:36 AM
Satine grins, and leads the way to the landign pad, heading to a sleek looking black ship, about the size of a YT-1300. It was named Dark Star.

"This should get us there fairly quickly."

Kack Mebuff
Aug 18th, 2002, 11:54:39 AM
"I want to help. I'll do whatever is requested of me."

Aug 18th, 2002, 12:01:04 PM
"We request you help open a can." Zeke was the first up the boarding ramp onto the ship.

Kack Mebuff
Aug 18th, 2002, 12:31:37 PM
Kack chuckled at the happy little one called Zeke.

"I'll do what I can."

Kack looked to Dasquian. His tone became quite serious.

"Master, what exactly is going on? I realize there is some kind of war ... but ... who's behind all this?"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2002, 12:33:09 PM
"Xazor has informed me that she believes her brother, Chaos Alexander, has some hand in this, though we are not positive as to whether this is true," Dasquian said as he paced up the ramp into Alpha's ship.

"He has let loose some form of ... beast, which is ravaging the world."

Kack Mebuff
Aug 18th, 2002, 12:38:04 PM
Kack's face grew very serious.

"What is our plan of action? We can't just go running in there and plan on forcing them to make peace with each other."

Aug 18th, 2002, 12:38:56 PM
Satine runs up the ramp after Zeke, and hops into the pilot bubble--which was basically a transparisteel bubble connected to the rest of the cockpit, where Satine had a view of just about everything. Warming up the engines, Satine grins, and also warms up the weapon systems, just in case.

and sense Chaos is Xazor's brother, that means he's my brother too, Satine thinks to himself, watching the people file into the ship.

Aug 18th, 2002, 12:56:33 PM
Zeke sat down.

"Cool! Gonna go open up a can!" Zeke stopped and looked at Dasquian. "Um...what was the plan? Groups? Who's in the groups?"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 18th, 2002, 01:11:03 PM
:: Lance stayed silent aboard the ship and listened to what everyone was saying he just wondered is they really were gonna make it.::

Obiwan2 Kenobi
Aug 18th, 2002, 01:53:09 PM
**Obiwan2 boarded the ship, quietly taking a seat as he listened to everyone around him. He couldn't help but smile slightly...at the excitement in their young voices but also in hope for himself...that this would be the start of him becoming active again in GJO as he once was in the past. Sitting back in his seat, he began to think back to the many adventures...all the way back to the days when he had first joined the order. He quickly brought his attention back to his current surroundings, however, as he knew this was terribly important and he needed to focus on the here and now. Not saying a word, he sat there...waiting....**

Salemn Lysce
Aug 18th, 2002, 02:43:24 PM
She was with the others, watching with horror and disgust as the creatures ripped each other apart. They were monsters - a result of a horrible creation. Cries of pain emitted from their throats as they savagely ripped their brothers and sisters apart with tooth and claw.

Who could do such a thing ... Shaking her head slightly with sorrow, Salemn listened to the others as they discussed the issue. Many interesting points and views were brought up, until they decided to board Alpha's ship. Standing up, she exited Yog's after gathering her lightsabre and followed them silently onto Dark Star's ramp, boarding the ship. After taking a seat, she strapped herself down and sighed slightly. Her pouch of herbs hung alongside her sabre, clipped to her belt.

She just hoped that everything would go smoothly ... If it was possible.

Aug 18th, 2002, 02:58:48 PM
Chance followed everyone else into the ship, strapped himself in near the back and waited with eyes closed.

What would they see when they actually got there, of curse, they got a general idea from the news casts and such. Sighing, Chance looked at each of the other Jedi inside the ship. Then rested his head back and tried to relax..

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 18th, 2002, 04:06:31 PM
Kindo still awaited the arrival of the other Jedi, who would soon enter the atmosphere of a planet crawling with the plague of blooshed. The area Ki Adi lingered in the untouched terrain, a forest that was covered with a strong silence and tranquility. He walked back to his ship, and removed a set of binoculars from a concealed side panel. He traveled through a dense forest till he approached the top of a large elevation, a spot that would grant him the oppurtunity to glance over. He searched with the aid of the binoculars in every direction he could, till he noticed what seemed to be a small town. If this place was in battle he could not tell from such a distance. He made his way back through the thick woodland once again, at last reaching his vessel, in which he climbed into the cockpit. On his monitor he sent out a signal to any nearby ship within a close range the wherabouts of Kindo's location. He climbed back out of the cockpit and found a tender spot on the ground, and began to let the Force flow through him.

Ange Tot
Aug 18th, 2002, 04:17:12 PM
She was almost happy, finally, something interesting happening that the Jedi can be involvled in, and it was a WAR of all things. She figited in her seat as the ship started to head towards their destination.

Aug 18th, 2002, 05:00:01 PM
"Everyone ready?" Satine asks, looking back. Getitng nods, Satine slams the engines open, the ship blasting off of the pad, and heading out of atmosphere. Satine lets out a whoop, and sets course for the planet, activating the hyperdrive...

Sejah Haversh
Aug 19th, 2002, 02:22:29 AM
To kill was not part of the Jedi code, but from what he had been watchign on his room's holovid news netowrk, the Jedi code would have little effect ont he mostrocites he saw. They didn't seem to be fully alive; they lacked souls.

With the heel of his paw, Sejah slammed a loaded clip into his old model .45 semi-automatic and tucked it into his belt above his tail in the back. His lightsaber was allready there, and picking up his satchel filled with ammunition and a change of clothing, not to mention a little food, the mongoose headed back down to where he had heard the others speakign of forming a group to rally against the monsters.

Just barely in time, the brown mongoose caught up with the group as they filed into the ship, and he strapped hismelf in and took a pair of motion sickness pills. Sejah hated space travel.

Looking around, he saw faces he recognized, but he didn't know many of them personally. Holding his stomach, Sejah closed his pink eyes and hoped that his medicine would kick in soon.

Aug 19th, 2002, 02:51:02 AM
Oriadin saw his friend Sejah board the ship. He looked somewhat uneasy so he made his way over to talk to him. Perhaps make him feel a little more comfortable. He tried to stay as light hearted as far as he could but deep down he was less than happy.

Oriadin was a good natured man but was also very thoughtfull. It was his opinion that the Jedi were rushing into this mission without first thinking it through. The actions of Ki Adi Kindo had now compromised a lot of options by forcing the Jedi to move quickly. He was also somewhat dissapointed at Xazor for leaving by herself. He could tell that something was wrong though, she must have had her reasons. But still, they would be more effective if they worked together. The last thing that worried Oriadin was the fact that a number of padawas seemed to be happy about this mission. Were looking forward to it and seemed excited about it.

He spoke to Sejah as if he were happy enough, but his eyes were a givaway.

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 19th, 2002, 03:00:26 AM
::Azhure ran, this time making noise, a strange sound to her ears as her feet beat down fast. She had a a feeling, and she did not want to be left behind. She had just jumped on before the ship took off and sat down for a while breathing, before wondering where the others were. Walking aroudn she heard chatter and walked into the room, knowing her entrance might surprise some. The ship HAD taken off::

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 19th, 2002, 03:01:33 AM
Dasquian sat down amongst the others. He greeted the new arrivals, Sejah and Azhure, with a nod and a smile before his mind snapped back to the task at hand.


Someone had asked what they were going to be, and after a moment of consideration he nodded and spoke:

"Alright, when we land, Lance, Sejah, Chance and Kack come with me. Master Obi, you take Zeke, Ki Adi and Salemn and Alpha if you could take Oriadin, Kelt, Azhure and Ange."

Aug 19th, 2002, 03:21:14 AM
Oriadin nodded in agreement as Dasquian gave out the groups. It seemed he had taken the role of leader. He didnt mind this at all. Das was a well respected Jedi amoung the order and looked forward to seeing him in action.

Of his group, Oriadin had never come into contact with any of them so this would be an excellent oppertunity to get to know more people.

Aug 19th, 2002, 05:56:32 AM
Satine nods his head, getting out of the pilot bubble, and into the main cockpit.

"got it. Oh, and if anyone needs some sleep, you might as well get it now. ETA is four hours."

Aug 19th, 2002, 07:41:29 AM

Zeke had fought with both Kindo and Salemn before, and was looking forward to doing so again. He cast a glance at Obi. The master was sitting calmly in his seat. Zeke was practically vibrating in anticipation. He made a concious effort to calm down, and follow Satine's sleep advice.

Kelt Simoson
Aug 19th, 2002, 08:10:08 AM
Kelt gave a short nod to Dasquian and then Alpha and then leaned back into his flight chair waiting to land at there desternation. His face was that on concentration and preperation, his mind was flickering with tactics and fight kanas he had learned in his life time. he then touched the hilt of his sword with the tip of his finger in deep thought and drifted off into a meditation type day dream.

Aug 19th, 2002, 09:07:01 AM
Satine makes sure everyone is ok--though Sejah looked a bit nasueas (sp?)--and then heads to a small corridor to the left of the cockpit. Opening a locker, Satine buckles his gunbelt on, putting two SOCOM slug-throwers, and two modified NMC-92 pulse pistols, followed by his sabres, and Loris Daggers. Taking out a no-dachi, Satine puts it on a baldric, and straps it to his back. He was ready. Walking back into the cockpit, Satine smiles.

Aug 19th, 2002, 09:19:32 AM
Oriadin declined the prospect of sleep. The adrenalin was begining to pump round his body. He was sure many others were the same. He decided to meditate as he waited for the time to pass. He soothed his breathing and was being mindfull of his past experiences, his training and all he had learnt while he had been at the order. He was sure this mission would test him and his abilities like nothing had before. It was fair to say he was feeling nervous now. He tried not to be but as they drew closer the harder it bacame to try and block out.

Obiwan2 Kenobi
Aug 19th, 2002, 11:18:10 AM
**Obiwan glanced at Dasquian and gave him a nod to let him know these plans were fine by him. The Jedi Master knew there was much that awaited the many anxious Jedi around him. Closing his eyes very slowly and leaning back in his seat slightly, he began to meditate**

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 19th, 2002, 11:21:24 AM
Dasquian rose up to his feet and began to pace about the small area which the Jedi had been enclosed into. He glanced about, checking the ship for the signs of any medical supplies that they would be able to take with them down onto the planet. By the looks of things, Alpha had a heafty amount of bacta and even food in storage, no doubt for such an event as this - this caused him to give a sigh of relief.

Looking to some of the others, he noted some had decided to sleep whilst others had taken the oppertunity to meditate. He would have liked to speak with Master Obi Wan, but it seemed he too was concentrating on the Force. Taking heed from the great Jedi, he sat down from his pacing and closed his eyes, calming himself.

They were entering a dangerous situation here, and everyone had to have their wits about them.

Chase Starwalker
Aug 19th, 2002, 01:10:04 PM
"Better late than never eh?" The voice interupted a tense air amongst the Jedi in the ship's hull. Chase gave a smile to the others as he ducked under the loading ramp. He shook some hands and took up a seat near Dasquian. Chase leaned in close, lowering his voice.

"I've heard of the situation. This will not be easy Das...what are the plans? I heard someone say something about groups?"

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 19th, 2002, 01:14:41 PM
"It is suspected that Xazor's brother, Chaos, and another are using genetically modified beasts to infest and destroy a world. We're dividing up into groups so that we can spread out and help those on the planet,"

He nodded and gave passing glance around.

"Chase, if you work with Alpha and his team, that would be excellent."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 19th, 2002, 01:24:34 PM
:: Lance nodded to Dasquian, he was going to work with people he didn't know very well for except Chance who was a pretty good friend of his he leaned back on his seat and closed his eyes, Matrix was shaking on his belt somehow the lightsaber always seemed to be alive whenever they were near battle.::

Aug 19th, 2002, 01:31:07 PM
Satine nods to Chase, his eyes continously flickering between the various monitors.

Chase Starwalker
Aug 19th, 2002, 01:31:25 PM
"Of course." He placed a hand on Dasq's shoulder, he knew he was worried, and with good reason. Chase stood and walked into the cockpit where Satine stood, checking over some of the ship's data controls. He took a seat in the co-piolt's chair.

"Looks like I'm with your squad Satine. How far away is this place anyway?"

Obiwan2 Kenobi
Aug 19th, 2002, 01:56:35 PM
**Obiwan2 opened his eyes, feeling very refreshed and calm from his meditation. He stood up and began to wander the ship a bit, looking at those around him and noticing he was actually the highest ranking Jedi in the ship...not that he was bragging about it but he knew that his experience would, perhaps, be needed. Making his way towards Dasquian, knowing how well of a job he had been doing, Obi smiled**

So, Dasquian...once we land what are your thoughts? I don't believe it will be much longer, after all.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Aug 19th, 2002, 04:20:50 PM

::Leia got word of the serious situation at hand. She had heard Obiwan2 was going to help out on the mission. The Jedi Master did not hesistate for one moment to join him and the group. She gathered her belongings and headed towards the hangar where the ship was to leave. Moments later, Leia spotted the ship at the docking bay. Just then Chase Starwalker passed Leia by and jumped on the ship's ramp. Without hesitation, she did the same. Moments later, the Jedi Master made her way through the ship and noticed Dasquain and Obiwan talking to each other.::

::Giving a slight bow of the head, the Jedi Master smiled at Dasq and Obi::

Sorry for my tardiness. I barely made it here in the nick of time.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 19th, 2002, 04:33:40 PM
:: Lance continued to lean against his seat he had sensed the presence of his master but wasn't surprised after all master Obiwan was here. Lance opened his eyes and of course got up and with a bow he saluted his master, it was something he couldn't forget to do it would be an offense for his master not to be correctly saluted by her padawan.::

"It is good to have you aboard master" He said then getting back up going back to his seat to sleep some more he needed rest for there was a long journey ahead of them.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 19th, 2002, 04:50:03 PM
Kindo sat quietly on the forest ground has he awaited the arrival of the other Jedi. He sat and meditated in pure concentration, and in thought of endless depths. He realized that the task that was set before them on that day would not be easy, nor would it come without sacrifice, a sacrifice of time, effort, tears, and blood. He knew that no matter the situation that was presented, even in unexcpected timing and limited resourse, he would fight for what was right, peace and justice. He held his sword in a firm grip within his hand, the sunlight reflecting off the sharp blade. He closed his eyes once again, and began to lose himself within the Force, letting it course through every vein in his body till it flowed outward. He thought of his family, the Jedi, and how much had grown to love them. Xazor's bright smile, Obi Wan's kind words, Dasquain's leadership, Maia's beautiful face, and his best friends like Zeke, Dios, Wei, Lance, and so many others. He cared so much for them, and would probably take his life for their's if such was ever needed. Even though he let the love course through him, he also let the justice take a firm hold on his mind and heart. The time of justice was drawing near, and Kindo was ready to take care of the task that layed before him. He stood looking up into the atmosphere, for he knew they would all be there soon. The dense forest still echoed with it's stillness and serlility.

Ange Tot
Aug 19th, 2002, 04:53:37 PM
To anyone on board who would look at her, they'd think she fallen asleep, she opened one eye and grinned at hearing her group would be lead by her Master, and she tried not to moan when Alpha said it'd take about four hours to get there.

Aug 19th, 2002, 06:30:19 PM
Satine could tell Ange wasn't quite asleep yet. Something in the Force was different when she was asleep. Oh, yes, that was it. She had a quiet presence in the Force when she was asleep.

Yawning, Satine puts his arms behind his head as pillows, and sends a message through the Force to his apprentice.

Feeling a little anxious, Ange? he asks, with a silent chuckle.

Ange Tot
Aug 19th, 2002, 06:34:46 PM
Anixous? Hell no, exstatic is more the word, I haven't had a good fight in three years.........

she yawned.

Um, can you make sure I don't get to, um, 'excited'? That's a bad thing.....

Aug 19th, 2002, 06:55:45 PM
Why do you think you're in my group? Satine asks. [i]I know from first hand experience how bad getting too excited is.[i/]

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Aug 19th, 2002, 09:03:30 PM
::As Lance bowed and saluted to Leia, she gave a small smile to her padawan and bowed back in respect. Seeing that he was getting comfortable again, Leia turned her attention back to Dasq and Obi::

As I was saying. I am sorry I came aboard late. But I do know that the Jedi are in good hands under your orders Jedi Knight Belgaric.

Salemn Lysce
Aug 19th, 2002, 10:09:25 PM
She nodded slightly when Dasquian paired the Jedi off into groups, and glanced over at Obi. He was a well respected Master of the Jedi Arts and she was honored to be with him.

Letting out a slight sigh when Satine said it would take four hours, Salemn closed her brown eyes and tried to get "comfortable". She would browse between the borderline of sleep until they landed.

Jedi Neo
Aug 20th, 2002, 12:12:26 AM
::Neo walked into the ship a little bit later then he would have been if he would of left his tool kit behind. But he decided that he could finish his lightsaber on the way. He took a deep breath and sat down on the floor clearing and ordering his thoughts.::

Sejah Haversh
Aug 20th, 2002, 01:02:09 AM
Finally the motion-sickness pilles he swallowed began to take effect, and Sejah could feel his stomach settling back down.

Looking over to Oriadin, Sejah smiled weakly; space travel wasn't his strong suit, but he was getting better at it. It was the artificial gravity that bothered him, it didn't pull the same as normal mass did. One paw gripped the fabric of his pantleg whitle the other was held fast on the handle of his tulwar scimitar. He didn't fully trust himself with his lightsaber yet, so he had brough his favored blade as well. He only hoped he wouldn't have to use it.

As Dasquian grouped them off, the mongoose looked down the line of Jedi to see who mall he was with. Kack he knew decently well, and he had at least bumped into the others, so things ought to go smoothly, he thought. His tail flicked nervously by his left footpaw, and he looked every now and then at the others, wonderign what they were thinking. Some seemed excited to go into battle, and others looked wary of it. His own mind was playing tricks on him, knowign the seriousness of what they were going into, and the Sherouve blood in him willing him to leap into the fray.

With a dry throat, Sejah leaned his head back and shut his pink eyes. "How fortunate we are that we will get credit for saving a world when so many have died. From what I've seen, we could blow up the planet and still be heralded as saviours, so much is allready destroyed there..."

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 20th, 2002, 01:46:54 AM
::Azhure sat down and watched calmly everyone. She liked to see how people reacted in these situations. This was a missions and in missiosn she tended to be slightly emotionless until it was useful. Though this habit had been slowly dying as she opened up more. Still it was useful when waiting periods came around. She knew some of the people in her group, others she did not.::

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 20th, 2002, 02:19:12 AM
"I would think we should scout out, survey the scene from a vantage point for a bit... contact Xazor to see what she has unveiled,"

Hearing another voice and noticing for the first time - amazingly- a strong presence, Dasquian rose to his feet and bowed deeply.

"Master Leia, it is excellent to see you here! Your help will be most appreciated,"

His face brightened up, and as he looked around he noted there had been another few arrivals he had previously missed. Leia's arrival added another strong force to the teams, though he was unsure as to where the Jedi Master should fit amongst the groups - he would deal with this when they landed, as undoubtably more would arrive at this point.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Aug 20th, 2002, 08:54:30 AM
::Leia smiled at Dasquian ::

It is an honor to be in this mission under your command Dasquian. Let me know how I can be of any assistance on this mission, when the time comes.

Chaos Alexander
Aug 20th, 2002, 09:41:38 AM
::Chaos turned to see his mate and lover Danya. He sighed. He was used to doing these things alone, or with Sieken and Sten. He was not used to a female with him. It was strange, but in a good way. For the rest time in a while Chaos felt a warmness roll over his dark heart.::

"Welcome love. I welcome you. We must make haste though. I have no dought that Jedi will be here soon. Once I get the Soul Stone, then we will have much fun with the Jedi. They would never guess seeing me as a spearhead int he war itself. Working behind it yes, but not in it."

::Chaos looked up at the cave infront of him. He smiled. This was the entrance to power. To teh death and sorrow of millions apone millions.::


The battle raged on the planet. The king of Stromglad looked on with a grim expression on his face. He really didn't wish to take part in a war. He was forced to though. When he was attacked he pushed back. His forces were no make for those....abominations. Then he was approuched by the younge man. After takinga vow of silence on the matter, King Rickson had bought many creature for real cheap. It was ok, till the bastards started breeding. Next thing he knew he was releaseing the things in the wild because he could hold no more of them. Now they had two countries fighting it out, and thousands of new breeds running around on the planet. The whole ecosystem was crashing. He looked at the dark sky. It always rained now. It rained atleats once a day, and the plantlife was speading. Rickson once wished to expand the Forest. This jungle was just strange. There were plants popping up that were whole new spieces.

They seemed to pop up after major battles. It was like the seeds were int he bodies of the animals. Then the rain made them grow. That wasn't possible though. Plants shouldn't grow that fast, but they did now. Rickson rubbed his temples and sighed. What was happening to his dear planet?::

Aug 20th, 2002, 11:20:07 AM
Zeke looked about, unable to sit still but not wanting to go and look around. He leaned his head back and sighed, then resigned himself to meditation.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 20th, 2002, 02:12:52 PM
:: Lance looked towarded Zeke somehow he seemed not to want to meditate.::

"Zeke..you alright?" Lance said his eyes not even looking at Zeke.

Chase Starwalker
Aug 20th, 2002, 03:13:48 PM
Chase took the time of travel to get some sleep. He had several sleepless nights as of late, and it rather took it's toll. He rested his back on the headrest of the ship's co-piloting chair. Sliting his eyes, he could see the dense stars that swirled around the ship in the motion of hyperspace. Closing them once more he gave a sigh, the was a slight tension in the back where the others were, Chase could feel it through the force. Of course, they had good reason to be. They were walking into a death zone.

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 20th, 2002, 04:14:28 PM
(ooc: I was forgotten...and after all the posts I made about leg humping and jedi pow-wows...:lol....feel free to notice me any time now...)

Lion had been watching the GNN on his ship's viewscreen, talking to his crew, when something about a huge war came up...it looked like a massacre...as he watched the screen, he noticed...Zeke?!?!...running up a boarding ramp for a YT-1300...behind him were Lance, Oriadin...Azhure...Kelt...damn, that's a lot of Jedi on one small ship...and then, suddenly, it hit him...they were going TO that war.

"Delphi, launch a homing beacon at that black YT-1300...I need to know where it's going..."

"...Yes, captain..." the computer replied, and a second later, a hyperspace homing beacon was ejected out of a tube and landed on the YT-1300...Lion ran up to the cockpit, after telling his crew to man the weapons...this was gonna be a fun trip...

Lion's ship, the Black Dawn, started up its repulsorlifts with a mighty "THRUM" and began rising to the edge of the atmosphere...Lion managed to get into orbit before the YT-1300, a ship named the Dark Star, got into hyperspace...the homing beacon's return was strong, so Lion locked onto it and ordered his ship to jump towards the probable destination of the Dark Star...if everything went well, the others were gonna pick up an escort at their destination

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 20th, 2002, 07:52:38 PM
Kindo still sat upon the fertile soil has he awaited the arrival of the Jedi to where he was, the planet consumed by the hands of war. He was laying down, for he had not had sleep in days. Most Jedi got little or no sleep, and so this might be a rare oppurtunity to catch some z's. His eyes began to slowly close has he layed back his head.

Kack Mebuff
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:35:58 AM
OOC: sorry about my absense ... my PC crashed permanently and I had to get a new one.


Kack sat patiently noticing the familiar presences around him. Sejah, Oradin, Azhure, Master Dasquian, Lance, and several others he had seen around.

Kack decided this was a good time to meditate. Getting in touch with the Force to help prepare for what was ahead ... whatever it would be.

While meditating Kack saw flashes of violence, gigantic mutilated creature mauling each other, he saw lightsaber flashes, battle. Kack awoke startled. Was that the future? Or a possible future? There was no way to be sure.

Kack slipped back into meditation, getting in tune with the Force.

Aug 21st, 2002, 12:40:37 AM
Zeke looked over at Lance and semi-spazzed.

"I can't sit still! I've never been in a war like this before!"

Kack Mebuff
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:49:31 AM
Kack could sense Zeke's excitement and put a hand on the youth's shoulder.

"War is not a pleasant thing, my young friend, it is not something to be excited about. It is a most unpleasant event and we should all be wary and be careful to not cause more conflict if at all possible."

With that Kack sat down and continued his meditation.

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:59:48 AM
::Azhure nodded, with little expression::

You are right. It is not.

Aug 21st, 2002, 06:55:36 AM
{OOC: It actually isn't a YT-1300, I just said it was about the SIZE of one. :) I need to upload the drawings I've made of it, as it is a whole unique kinda ship. :)}

Satine yawns, and leans back in his pilot chair, after making sure the auto-pilot is active. With that, he goes into deep meditation, for the rest of the trip.

Aug 21st, 2002, 07:03:15 AM
Oriadin could sense they were getting near to the plannet. There was a huge negative vibe comming from the battle hardend place. He came out of his medative state to find a few people sleeping but most meditating. He got up and walked about a bit to stretch out his legs. It wouldnt be long now.

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 21st, 2002, 07:06:00 AM
(ooc: I can't believe you fit half the active jedi order onto a freighter...or whatever it is :lol)

Lion leaned back in his seat and checked the coundown timer...only a few more hours...

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 21st, 2002, 07:45:08 AM
(ooc: Ya, close enough that if Zeke stood up, he'd probably give someone a nosebleed with his elbow...:lol

Lion was getting a bit tired, so he got out of his chair and walked over to his living room and sat down on one of the couches...maybe a little rest...

Lion fell asleep on the couch, dreaming of the battle that he would be in soon...he hoped everyone would get out safely...

Kelt Simoson
Aug 21st, 2002, 07:54:50 AM
Kelt turned to Dasquian with a friendly smile upon his face. ' What are you thinking friend?'

Aug 21st, 2002, 12:34:12 PM
Zeke ignored the commentary flung at him. He knew what war was like. He'd seen it. But he had a hand in its outcome now. He could make it turn out for the better. That's what was exciting him. He sat back and tried to relax.

Aug 21st, 2002, 01:01:37 PM
::Meanwhile on the Planet::

*A cloaked figure walked the hallway leading up to the boardroom where Chaos was taking control of the company. After all the time he had spent in "retirement", the cloaked figure could still be pleased by the simple way this was all happening. With the war now beginning, and the arrival of the Jedi soon to happen the cloaked figure smiled. After all his plan could still end in failure, but there was really no way it could. The Sith Master wondered about what would happen when Chaos found out, he would not be pleased, but even Chaos would agree with it. So the Sith Master waits for Chaos, outside the board room.*

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 21st, 2002, 01:27:47 PM
:: Lance listened to all the comments given by everyone without saying a word he didn't feel like talking at the moment...except if it was going to be something funny to relax a bit.::

Salemn Lysce
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:44:52 AM
Letting out another sigh, Salemn continued to hover between the realm of sleep and reality. A part of her was anxious to land so they could not only "assist" Kindo, but also find out more about the war. She just hoped it didn't run deeper than what appeared to the eye.

Aug 22nd, 2002, 07:52:25 AM
A few hours later, Satine is jolted out of meditation by an alarm.

"We're here." He says, buckling back in, and grabvbing the control stick. He takes the sleek, black ship out of hyperspace, and points it at the planet, the wings folding out, like a swing-wing aircraft.

"And I would buckle in..."

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 22nd, 2002, 08:32:31 AM
Dasquian gripped onto the bench he was now sitting on, leaning forward so that he could see past a few of the others out of the view screen as the ship descended from hyper space. He spotted the planet, and a grave feeling of foreboding struck him as he realised they had arrived.

Chaos Alexander
Aug 22nd, 2002, 11:54:21 AM
::Chaos smiffed the air as he entered the cave. The air was stale and stank of musk. Chaos growled slightly. Soon he would hold power. The Sith Items were close. So very close. He had to move fast.

Chaos felt a sudden presence and looked up in the air outside the cave. Jedi. Jedi were here. Chaos knew they would come. He hoped they would understand he was doing this. This was his trademark. He went deeper into the cave. His robotic eyes allowed him to see in the dark.

Gems were everywhere! Power! Wealth! Money! Chaos ran to a pedistale. A rudy crystal sliver the size of two fists sat on it. Chaos grabbed it and held it in his hands. It was so warm. The Power....oh the power. There was a skeleton there as well. On it's decayed bones were twin metel gualtlets. Chaos walked over and ripped them off. Chaos raised an eye brow and he slipepd them on. They had to do something...at once two blades shot from both wrists. Photon Claws. Chaos cut them off. On a table was a dull grey sphere. Chaos slowly made his way over.

The Null Sphere. It had to be. The size of a baseball, Chaos picked it up. He didn't know how to work the Soul Stone or the Sphere yet. Hell, he barely knew what they did. All he knew was people feared them. Making sure both the artifacts were in place, Chaos walked out. The shuddle should be there to pick him up.


The trip back had little to do with anythig important. All that mattered was the surprise Chaos had when he got back to the company building. He made his ways down the hall to his board room. Sudden;y he felt the presence of a man he thought was dead. A man that dissapeared all together so long ago.
He turned the corner and walked to face the man.

'Master Firebird.....What brings you here?'

Danya Van Derveld
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:32:16 PM
ooc: I don't know where I am anymore.....


Danya continued on with Chaos until they reached the ship once again. Perhaps she should have stayed there....but suddenly she felt the presence of another.....Dark One....like herself and Chaos. A smile crossed her lips and then Chaos spoke of a man called Firebird. A Master, nonetheless. The young woman bowed gently and eyed him, not speaking a word for fear of being disrespectful...

Obiwan2 Kenobi
Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:05:37 PM
**Obiwan gave a nod of agreement to Dasquian...and a smile and hug to Leia as she boarded the ship**

Leia...I'm not sure many of these young Jedi know what they're in for...and honestly I'm not even certain what we're in for...but I have sensed a great disturbance in the force... Obi said, using the Force to speak to his love.

**Suddenly he heard the call from Alpha. Obi braced himself as they approached the planet...keeping his mind on what was happening and what the task was at hand**

Salemn Lysce
Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:26:32 PM
Immediately her eyelids fluttered open as her hands gripped the side of her seat, her knuckles turning white. Salemn took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, feeling anxiety worm its way through her petite figure.

< Satine .. >

She sent out with the Force.

< Be careful where you land .... >

Chase Starwalker
Aug 22nd, 2002, 03:32:22 PM
Chase's eyes shot open at the sound of the alarm. Satine jumped into the seat next to him and began to pilot the ship. Chase sat fully up-right, and gazed onto the planet's surface. It's time.

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:17:42 PM
Lion woke up with a start from the couch...an alarm was ringing...

"Warning, possible collision" said his ship's computer...


Lion ran to the control console...he had 6 seconds to get out of the way or this'll become the shortest peacekeeper mission of all time...

"Delphi, shut down the hyperdrive, reroute all power to the maneuvering thrusters!" Lion yelled, as the clock neared zero...

"Confirmed" came from the speaker, and the Dawn dropped out of hyperspace with 1 second left on the clock...

...about 20 feet away from the Dark Star.....

"Gah!" Lion yelled as he jammed one of the emergency thrusters, and his ship was thrown onto a new course...

"Phew...thanks Delphi..." Lion said as he sat down and triggered the comlink...

"Attention, Dark Star...this is Jedi Padawan Lion El' Jonson aboard the Black Dawn...anybody need an escort...oh, and sorry 'bout cutting it a bit close..." Lion smiled at his last statement...he could've torn everything to pieces...

(ooc: We've arrived!)

Sejah Haversh
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:35:56 PM
Sejah hated takeoffs, but landings were even worse. As the ship jolted out of hyperdrive, his stomach lurched and a paw shot to his middle to hold it still. His hear began beating faster, and his breathign was shallow as he did his best to keep form becoming sick. Had he not taken his motion sickness pills, things would have been much worse.

Finally, he focused hard trying to banish the queasiness form his mind, and he gripped tightly the handle of his tulwar. Whatever was going to happen would happen, he was in no place to change his current destiny, so he let it play out int eh hands of those who were deciding the fates of all those ont eh transport.

As he began to relax, the sickness started to ebb, but his paw was still clenched in a white-knuckled grip on the handle of his scimitar. The Sherouve were not warriors by accident, but it was accident that he was Sherouve.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 22nd, 2002, 04:54:40 PM
Kindo was instantly awakened when a feeling of alert and anxiousness fell upon him like a mass of blocks. He immediatly jumped up from the ground, removing his sword from it's sheath has he awoke from a short snooze. Another feeling then fell upon him, and it was that of compassion and love. The Jedi were near, and the uneasy task that layed before them was also. Kindo tilted his head to the endless limits of the sky, searching for the arriving Jedi, who were more than likely on the same ship compacted without comfort. He awaited the Jedi who would soon land among the war consumed land just has he had.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:00:49 PM
:: Lance heard that they were gonna land and his eyes opened widely as he shook his head, him too sensed a great disturbance in the force but he didn't care...he wasn't afraid... not at all he was even very calm an he knew that theywere going into extreme danger...but danger it always excited him..::

"Well...ready for action..."

:: He moved forward on his seat and cracked his neck now waiting to be on ground and may the action begin.::

Aug 22nd, 2002, 06:19:03 PM
Satine smiles, and flips on his comm.

"Lion! Good to see you! finally decided to join us?" he asks, swinging the ship down to face the planet, and hits the burners. Closing his eyes, Satine pivots his chair in the pilot's bubble, and hits a few buttons, the shields coming up, as the sleek black ship blasted through the atmosphere, the shields protecting it.

He focuses on where Ki Adi was, and brought his ship on course to it, and opens his eyes, looking directly down--he WAS in a transparisteel bubble after all--seeing the carnage of war.

With a burst of thrusters, Satine sets the ship down with barely a shudder.

"First floor, everybody off." he says with a grin, powering down.

Salemn Lysce
Aug 22nd, 2002, 06:27:05 PM
In a few seconds, she unbuckled herself and stood up, immediately alert. Everybody began to shuffle off the ship after the ramp opened, with Salemn tagging along. She looked at Kindo and nodded slightly, then took in her surroundings. Dying trees sprouted from the earth, their dry leaves littering the brown grass. There was no breeze, no flowers, no nothing. Not even the singing of birds.

The planet seemed dead.

The only thing that seemed alive were the plants in a tropical-like state, foreboding to look at. She felt uncomfortable and looked away.

Shifting her weight from one foot to another, she heard a sort of squishing noise .. Instantly she got down on both knees and placed one hand on the ground, then lifted it up. Scarlet blood smeared over her pale skin as she stood back up, still looking at her hand. There was no place where the creatures hadn't battled.

Kelt Simoson
Aug 22nd, 2002, 06:58:11 PM
Kelt disembarked from the ship and nodded to Alpha for the good landing. Looking around the Jedi Padawan only saw death, trees and shrubs were nothing but brown crumberling reminders of what used to live here...it....what was that?.

Kelt looked up hearing with keen sences, a marching sound that crept ever louder as if a great army was coming in the direction of the Jedi..had they detected our landing?..did they know we were coming?. 'I can feel something coming!..' Kelt said backing of slightly from the small hill infront of them..Suddenly a white helmed soldier appeard over the crest of the mountain his rifle extended in a threatning manor. The another 3 or 4 more white armoured gaurds stood on the hill, there rifles in much the same sort of directions...pointed towards the Jedi.

'Inbound intruders, you are under arrest by the order of Lord Alexander...you will give up your arms and come with us!' The solder said with a almost mecanical sort of voice. Kelt looked towards Dasquian as if to say "what now"?. just as the rest of the army walked over the crest of the hill...maybe another 20 of them...a large sqaud..some with heavy blasters, some with light pistols, looking as if they were ether a secrurity force or a scout team.

Kelt stood up strait and bold as if ready to fight if need be, of course he did not want to, none of the Jedi did but they would if they needed to and so would Kelt.

'Surrender your arms NOW!' The soldier shouted towards Dasquian.

Aug 22nd, 2002, 07:03:56 PM
Satine was getting a bag of extra ammunition, and his high-powered rifle when he heard the soldiers. He was still inside, so they hadn't seen him yet. Putting a silencer, and laser scope on both his SOCOMs, Satine makes his way to the turrets, climbing into the top one, and setting the bottom one, and the three fold-down slug-throwers for auto fire, ready to fire at the push of a button.

Das, Satine sends, I have my anti-personel weapons trained on the soldiers, and am fairly certain I can take 'em out. You're pretty much the boss, what do you want me to do?

Aug 22nd, 2002, 07:38:07 PM
Zeke watched as they were surrounded.

"They waste no time, do they?" he quipped. His hands went into his pockets where his lightsabers were kept, in the imminent event of fighting.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 22nd, 2002, 07:51:04 PM
Kindo ran over to where Kelt had seemed to have embarked upon a feud with some small army, not something that was wanted but was expected. His sword had oddly remained in his hand throughout the duration of his stay on the planet, has if he knew danger would present itself in great amounts. There were a great number of soldiers, and they seemed to be well equipped for battle. Nevertheless, Kindo would take his stand against this evil. He held out his bright sword, ready for attack.

Aug 22nd, 2002, 08:01:09 PM
Chance was crouched on his knees looking at the blood stained earth as the troopers came forth. The World is angry.. he thought out through the force, letting each Jedi hear him.

Dasquian... It's very mad..

Chance had developed a small affinity with his Elemental training in the past few months, and could tell what each plant, force, or element was thinking or feeling.

The boy's hands removed themselv'es from his sleeves of the robe and pressed into the soft, wet, earth. Feeling through the millions of atoms and molecules within it..

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 23rd, 2002, 03:12:33 AM
Dasquian looked to the advancing twenty soldiers and motioned with one hand for everyone to stand their ground. His eyes trained upon the so-called enemy.

"We mean you no harm, but if you advance upon us we will be forced to exert force upon you."

The soldiers remained indifferent, and stood still with their guns aimed at the group as they got out of the ship. The parties of Jedi were beginning to amass together, and it seemed that the squadrons of helmed troops were splitting off too into their own garrisons, trained upon taking out each of the varied teams. One, with a rifle aimed on Dasquian, compressed the trigger.


The beam shot towards the Jedi Knight, who instantly swept one hand downwards and palmed his saber to hand, igniting the orange beam just in time to deflect the shot high up into the air.

"We are Jedi, of the Greater Jedi Order, on a mission for Peace. We will not be defeated, and will liberate this planet for the greater good of the universe."

His violet eyes stared straight at the one who'd shot at him as he sent out a mental message to Alpha.

These men have probably been brainwashed,

Expanding the field to the rest of the Jedi, he spoke again.

We don't want to destroy them, as it is likely that after their Master has been disabled their may be some chance of salvaging their lives. If anyone has a method of temporarily flooring them so that we can perhaps ... get them into a hold, or at least remove their weapons, now would be the time to use it.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 23rd, 2002, 03:55:56 AM
Ugh. The smell of blood and decay was heavy upon the air Sejah breathed in. It wasn't helping to ahve extremely sensitive smell when the air was so foul.

Though he wasn't scared, for some reason Sejah had a hard time leaving the ship, but he eventually found himself by Dasquain's side. A slight pressure formed at the base of his skull, someone was sending telepathic meaages throguh the force, but they were being careful to exclude him form it. Not that he minded, he never understood them anyhow, and they have him a splitting headache when he did get them. His nausea was enough trouble without the hjeadace, he would remind himself to thank the Jedi Knight later for his thoughtfulness.

The blaster bolt had come as a surprise, and the mongoose flinched slightly as Dasquian deflected it. There was a lot he himself would need to learn, perhaps his first mission would be able to teach him something valuable. If nothing else, what a Jedi should do in battle. "Master Belargic, what do we do if they attack? Are we allowed to kill in defense?" He asked quietly, slightly nervous. In one paw he gripped the handle of his lightsaber, his other held his tulwar by it's scabbard.

Salemn Lysce
Aug 23rd, 2002, 05:35:44 AM
Gritting her teeth, Salemn lowered her hand to her side and looked off into the far horizon, sensing something was unsettling. A few minutes later a marching horde appeared. Immediately they began to open fire on Dasquian.

Narrowing her blue eyes, her other hand strayed to her side where her lightsabre was, prepared to use it. "Are we allowed to kill in defense?" Sejah had asked. Of course, she wanted to say. But use it only as the last resort.

But he had asked his Master Dasquian, and not her.

Aug 23rd, 2002, 07:38:30 AM
Das, I have an idea. If I project a Force shield around all of us, I can launch one of the stun grenades in this shipp, and probably take out all of them. Satine sends back, dropping from the tower, and opening yet another armory closet--he had quite a bit of weapons in this ship. Taking out a RPG rifle, Satine takes a clip of stun grenades from the locker also, and loads it, cocking it, and readying the first grenade. He walks to the ramp, staying inside so he was still out of sight.

I'm ready, if you want me to do this...

Skull Squad
Aug 23rd, 2002, 08:03:03 AM
"This is your last warning...Jedi,Sith i don't care we have been told to arrest anyone passing into our areas, if you resist we shall have to kill you here" The front guard said raising his rifle into such a position that it was aimed directly towards Dasquians head.

"SIR!...in the ships gun turret...another Jedi!" Shouted one of the soldiers on the crest of the small mound. The commander of this one squad looked up and indeed saw a blonde Jedi between the view slits, his eyes slowly moved back towards Dasquian.

"YOU fool!" Shouted the helmed commander. "STAND READY S.S.!" The back 9 soldiers bent down into one knee giving them a better aim on the gathered Jedi. the next 5 soldiers took aim on a individual Jedi chosen at random watching there every movment with expert dexterity, the front five aimed there rifles right towards Dasquians head. And a last soldier possibly a sniper aimed his longer looking rirfle right up at the turret where the Blonde Jedi sat on the ready to fire.

"Cease and surrender you arms...or be fired apon!"

A tence moment for both parties, silence seemed to fall apon both groups, the Jedi possibly passing messeges between them but the Skull did not care, there training to this point had been to expert standards and in there eyes they were not about to let a buch of brainless padawans run through there blockade line...noway...life or death, blood or swaet they would fight till there deaths.

Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:35:13 AM
Zeke's hands closed around the sabers in his pockets. He'd had little experience with deflecting blasterbolts. He'd got lucky once protecting someone, but his luck was not infinite.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:40:17 AM
:: Lance felt Matrix shaking on his belt he grabbed it into his hands and luckily this time it didn't go flying somewhere else instead of remaining in his rightfull place, Lance could block blastershots with ease now that he had practiced so much... he was focused on the force and waited for his orders... and action to begin.::

Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:59:34 PM
Chance stood up when the troops all dropped to a knee or whatnot and trained in on the Jedi's. The boy was in-tuned with the elements and quickly devising a way to disable the Squad without harm.

It came to him like a rock, the plants could help.

Concentrating on the grass and brush around the squad, Chance begged the spirits of the plants for assistance. Slowly he relaxed and closed his eyes, almost looking submissive.

Please... he spoke to the spirits. And they responded, ever so slowly the roots of the plants came from the ground and wrapped around the soliders in teh back. As they were restrained, more roots came forth with vines and repeated the process....

Jakob Burton
Aug 23rd, 2002, 02:55:36 PM
OOC: Nice RP. I can't miss this!


Jake awoke and rose from his bed. He had a bad feeling. Something wasn't right, definetly not right. There was a void, a big one. The usual buzz of the Jedi just wasn't here, both in sound and in the waves and mediums of the Force......

Jake ran out into the hallway, still in his boxers. He ran to the nearest holoset. As the ghost-like projection came to life, Jake saw it. It was a planet, but unlike most, it seemed dead. Or dying......

This upset Jake. And for some odd reason, he felt as if he was somehow linked to whoever was sick enough to do this. It was on a planet called Garish, and all of it's eight continent were entrenched deeply in warfare. The place looked desolate. What or who in the name of all things holy did this? They were destroying everything! The ecosystem, the general population. It seemed almost an attack on the essence of life and the Force itself. At first Jake was filled with loss and it was trying to drown him, but then another emotion swept in to blow away the loss: absolute unbridled fury......

Jake kicked the base of the holoprojector. It tipped over and fell to the floor. As it did so, Jake brought down his bare foot and crushed the remains. He felt the pain that it caused but he was too angry to feel it. He kicked the broken myriad of metal and wires across the room.

Ingrossed in such rage, Jake felt something happening. His arms seemed a bit hairier that usual. And he felt stronger, much stronger. The very mucsles in his arms and legs bulged. He clenched his teeth and noticed how much different they were. They were more like fangs. As all of these things happened, Jake realized how wrong it was to feel this way. He had done so most of his life, and that had to change. Taking a deep breath, and shuddering, he collapsed against the metallic wall, it sending goosebumps down his spine as he slid down to the floor. His legs curled about a foot from his chest, he folded his arms on his knees and laid his forehead on them. He finally found the words and spoke, although there was no one to hear them..........

"What is happening?"

Aug 23rd, 2002, 03:25:07 PM
Hearing that the soldiers had noticed him, Satine curses silently, and then forms Force shields around the group of Jedi. Stepping out, Satine sees the squad restrained with vines and plants and struggling to get out. Slinging his RPG across his back, Satine draws both of his pulse pistols, taking down the shields, and setting the weapons on stun. He pumps three bolts into each trooper, and grins at Chance.

"Well, that vine trick was very nice..."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 23rd, 2002, 03:41:08 PM
Kindo noticed a flaming blast heading to for his head, and at very high speed. Kindo brought up his sword in the direction of the fire, almost like a natural reaction, and the shot crashed against the blade, not harming the Jedi. He was quite stunned by the quick movement, but he wasted no time to advance upon his attacker. He was at a far distance from the soldier, too far apart to swing at. He took aim and threw his weapon form the grips of his hand directly into one of the warriors. The opponent fell towards the ground below him. Kindo retrieved his sword only to be shot at once again. This was going to be a long day.

Skull Squad
Aug 23rd, 2002, 04:04:20 PM
OOC: Hey guys!..mind if you gimme a bit of time respond?..And Alpha dude you couldn't shoot all 20 soldiers without a response back..

IC: "THE JEDI ATTACKED FIRST!.....RESPOND IN A HOSTILE MONOR!" Shouted the commander, even though they were held down the guns were still pointed towards the Jedi. The back 5 soldiers fired at the attacker who was alpha the first few bolts were deflected by the Jedi knight but the last few were to fast and hit Alpha a couple of times in the bicep and upper thigh area throwing him back into the ship.

Kindo came forward throwing a projectile weapon towards one of the guards which hit him clean in the jugular vein and killed him within a few moments as blood spilled into the floor and also spurted into the air like a fountain...clearly dead.

"And they call themselves Jedi when they attack first?!?....ATTTAAAACCCKKK!" The leader shouted again, the middle 5 soldiers that had there rifles pointed at a few random Jedi fired, one blaster bolt from a soldier a few feet from Kindo headed strait towards the Jedi Padawan on a target course of Kindos head. Another Soldier fired his projectile weapon towards Chance and another guard fired towards Kelt..the front 5 Jedi turned and started to assault a few other Jedi by random, luanching a full on assault at the Jedi team.

The back 5 after hitting Alpha back turned onto the rest of the Jedi, targeting whatever Jedi were left un targeted and began a 3 bolt fire burst towards them causeing some of the Jedi to take cover. The sniper was doing to same thing, targeting and fireing Jedi that were left unnoticed.

The commander however was ready to fight Dasquian himself...

"You clan attack us without reason when all we ask is co-operation?....you quite clearly are not in control of your squad are you?" The Commander shouted his eyes staring into those of the Blonde Knight.

"Officer 3421....we need back up now...Jedi have attacked us on the northan quarter..back up now...send heavy renforcements!!! Called the sniper down his radio..

Chase Starwalker
Aug 23rd, 2002, 07:37:24 PM
Chase ignited his saber as he stood with the rest of the group. His eyes darted from soldier to soldier as he let the Force overtake his being.

Guide me...

Salemn Lysce
Aug 23rd, 2002, 08:20:33 PM
Immediately she unclipped her lightsabre and thumbed the activation button. Truth's white beam came out and her blue eyes quickly glanced over everyone to make sure they were alright.

As Kindo was retrieving his weapon, however, a guard took the chance and fired at the padawan.

Salemn sent a Force blast towards the soldier while quickly dashing over to Kindo to intercept the gunfire with her lightsabre.

With the flick of her wrist, she deflected them and then helped Kindo to his feet.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:15:24 PM
:: Lance watched as Matrix flyed alone to his hand ignited the sky blue blade was guided by the force that flew through it and also Lance, Lance saw each blast come to him right before it did in reality as he saw the near by futur, he deflected all of the shots at ease with one hand and then slashed brutally tapping his foot to the ground he then ran towards Chance who was the nearest by and deflected the shoot on his way running he then slided a plasma grenade from his belt and threw it with all his strenght it went flying right above all of the soldiers, the plasmatic explosion was enough to take at least the 5 soldiers that were shooting them.::

"We can't stay here deflecting shots all day gotta take some action...someone better come up with something cause I only got 3 plasma grenades left and a few throwing daggers and shurikens.." He said rolling back on the floor and then rising back to his feet his blade then swung upwards into a defensive position.

Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:18:16 PM
Satine gasps at the weapons hits, and then growls, unslinging his RPG, aiming towards the back of the soldiers, and hitting the trigger. With a small boom the grenade is launched...

Aug 23rd, 2002, 09:36:06 PM
"A few more seconds... thats All I will need.." The boy spoke as Lance jumped infront of him and diflected the bolt. Chance could feel the lively force flowing through his mind and scarred arms into the ground. Persuading, Pleading, and requesting.

Suddenly, under several of the soilders in the front. The Earth dropped inward and rose much like a wave at the ocean and crashed into several S.S.'s of the front line..

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:03:39 PM
:: Lance covered his face and then waited for all the dust and myst to goaway from all the explosion focusing on the force in the mean time..::

"DId that make the trick.." Lance wondered Matrix ignited on his right hand.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 23rd, 2002, 11:30:19 PM
Guns were firing, things were exploding, and Sejah's heart was racing. He had recieved little to no trainign so far, and was beginning to wonder of Marcus would kill him for going if he even came back alive from the mission.

The soldiers had a point; it was not the Jedi way to attack first. Tehre should ahve been more talk before confrontation occurred. Now everything was made harder as possible allies were made enemies. Looking around desperately, the mongoose had no idea what to do. No one even seemed to notice him.

Aug 24th, 2002, 12:13:59 AM
*Sith Master Firebird looked at Chaos coldly, as well as the young woman bowing at his feet. He saw much of another person in this one, but how much remained to be seen.*

Chaos, you can tell your young friend to stand up, I believe that she has bowed long enough. Meanwhile I can't be here long, for there are other things in the galaxy that are going on right now that I must attend to, but I like what you are doing. I just came here to tell you of my support and of a small warning.

I have seen you do great things Chaos, but do not let these artifacts your burn for control you For I have had the same problem myself, and I do not want you to fall into the same problem.

Now I must go and see the end of my problem, but I will return.

*Meanwhile in another part of the lab, a pair of heavy reenforced doors slam shut behind a small battle droid. The droid walks along a row of dead bodies as a chemical gas begings to dissolve them away. Most other exposed organic matter also dissolves into nothingness, leaving the lab clean and ready to be used. The droid then takes out a small test tube and makes preprations..*
K9: Project begin...

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 24th, 2002, 02:30:30 AM
"You fired upon us first, trooper, do not make the assumption that we would have attacked if you had not!"

Dasquian watched as some of the troopers were dropped down into a cavern or snared in vines by Chance. He smiled - then grimaced somewhat as the grenade whistled through the air at the soldiers. He rose one hand and motioned towards the troopers - causing 10 of them to be removed of their weapons as the rifles flicked up into the air before shooting off to the right into the thick mesh of trees.

Having done this, he braced himself for the impact of the stun grenade - at least he assumed it would stun them - and barked out another command to them, this time amplifying it with the Force.

"Surrender your weapons, and cease your assault on us. We are here on a mission of Peace, not to destroy you."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 24th, 2002, 09:38:28 AM
:: Lance got up and took an agressive stance ready to attack them if necessary..he watched Sir Belargic closely and with through the force he sensed to every move the troops where doing, he moved slowly his other hand to his backpackwhere hs slided in the front pocket grabbing 4 throwing daggers ready to be thrown at any instant.::

Chase Starwalker
Aug 24th, 2002, 10:30:35 AM
Chase jogged up behind Dasquian, supporting his statements fully.

Kelt Simoson
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:03:22 AM
In the time it took the bolt from the soldiers rifle to fire and speed across to Kelt, Kelt had drawn his enchanted sword and deflected the bolt back across to the soldier which hit him directly in the leg and knocked him down within a few moments.

'Have at thee!' Kelt cried as he started to run towards some of the gauds firing at his fellow Jedi. he came across one guard that drew his dagger and striked out a the Jedi Padawan. Kelt quickly twisted his sword under the Soldiers dagger and flicked it out of his hands and into the air. Kelt brought his sword up and with a full turn of his body twisted Yuran so that the hilt of the sword hit the head of the soldier and then retracted it,the soldier fell to the floor out cold.

Kelt looked around for more Soldiers who were attacking with a smile...he loved battle.

Skull Squad
Aug 24th, 2002, 11:37:33 AM
Some 15 troopers had fallen down into the caven that chance had created, some had broken bones, some had landed awkwardly and broken some major bones, such as necks and backs and some had landed safely but had been trapped down there.

Kelt had disarmed two and kncoked them clean out, so all that were left was the commander and the Sniper. The sniper looked around at what once was his team and got up in a flash, He looked behinde him and syarted a sprint down the otherside of the hill out of sight, possibly going to get some back up from the rest of the cloned army.

The commander stood with his hands behind his back looking directly at Chance, who is his opinion had started the whole ordeal. "He!...attacked us first with his vines or whatever they were...do not think i am a dumb fool...he tried to restrain US and that in my book is an attack!" The commander roared in Dasquians face ignoring Dasquians plee for cease fire. "You are still under arrest on violation now of attacking a Squad of Patrol officers and crossing our lines of territory..." He stoped talking looking around him and found most of his team were missing or knocked out. He stood a moment or two in silence...he ha failed..

"You are indeed powerfull" He staited before uncliping his gun and poiting it at his own head.

OOC Sorry its quick guys..in a bit of a rush...

Kack Mebuff
Aug 24th, 2002, 02:47:24 PM
OOC: Sorry about not being here ... I was moving into my dorm room and just got my PC up and running today.


Kack who had just been blocking shots and defending himself helped Dasquian to his feet and using the Force tried to transfer some of his own energy to his Master, trying to negate some of the effects of the stun grenade.

Ange Tot
Aug 24th, 2002, 05:38:44 PM
OOC- Sorry...I spaced out abit...


She coughed and squinted. she hadn't been ready for this, as she took a defensive stance, but because she was the last to come out of the ship barely any of the attackers got near her.

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 24th, 2002, 05:57:17 PM
Lion kicked his thrusters onto full as he coasted towards the planet...he had followed Alpha in, but decided to wait a bit to avoid any near-collisions...

As he looked through the viewport, he noticed a lot of blaster fire and stun gas all over the place...this LZ was gonna be hot...he closed within 100 feet of the ground before his gunners began raking the ground with turbolasers, not to kill anything, but just to keep them away from the Black Dawn.

As the ship set down with a muffled thump, Lion ran towards the back compartment, where he kept his armory...he used the voice and handprint identification before his hidden door slid open...Lion pulled Deathwing, his saber, out, as well as two heavy blasters that he slid into his holsters...then, he took a belt of grenades, and took a few more out of his armory and tossed them into a backpack...thermal detonators would be nice, but he didn't want to risk toasting any of his friends...

Lion looked through his armory again before taking closing it...not much else to get...as he ran towards the landing ramp, he grabbed his favorite weapon, a custom modified Blastech Y-855 Longrifle...it was almost 1.5 meters long, and had a massive scope mounted along the top of the gun...it was the ultimate sniper weapon...Lion put on his green cloak over his body armor, then ran out the ramp as it opened towards the fighting...

(ooc: Sorry 'bout late post, computers are hard to find on vacation...)

Jakob Burton
Aug 25th, 2002, 12:19:12 AM
Jake, after some slight meditation, pulls himself back together.

"I gotta find Verse. He might know what's goin' on....."

Jake runs out of the room, still in the strange form, for he was unable to change it. It was stuck to him, like as if he couldn't change......

Or wouldn't......

Jake gets to Verse's room and busts in to find........

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 25th, 2002, 01:34:11 AM
........Verse sitting and...was he waiting? It seemed the Knight was in deep thought. Verse looked up and yawned. He seemed to know all, yet would reavel nothing. The Garou Knight did that alot. It bothered some, and made others mad. Verse didn't seem to mind though. Patience was a virtue. One that most people had to have when they were around him.::

"Calm down. You act like the sky is falling. The more upset you become, the more you will change. I have seen many a person go through this. Every case is the same. I say calm down, and they freak out more and scream "How can I calm down? Blah Blah Blah, yadda yadda yadda,' and all that good stuff. Then they change more. Then freak out more. Kinda ironic eh?"

::Verse got up slowly. He had time. He always did. Haste made waste. Verse stretched and cracked his back.::

"I think I may know what is going on. Time to head to Eden....."

::With that Verse spun on his heel and headed to the Landing Pad.::

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 25th, 2002, 05:40:21 AM
Lion had walked up to the wing of his ship and was crouching there, the tripod on his rifle deployed and the anti-recoil system on...the enemy's sniper had began sprinting down the hill for reinforcements...Lion wondered if the fool even knew what was about to hit him...

A jittery red dot was placed square on the back of the sniper's head...Lion put one eye next to the scope before he pulled the trigger...

"wreeeEEE!" came from the rifle as a bright blue plasma bolt flew out from Lion's longrifle...a blinding light flared out, and when Lion looked, the troop's upper-half was missing...

...standing up, Lion grinned and then hurried over to Dasquian...

Aug 25th, 2002, 07:17:42 AM
Satine gets to his feet, the wounds from the blasters still bleeding. He swoons a bit, but stabalizes himself, heading over to Dasquian.

"Das, how many other groups like this you think we're gonna find?" he asks, slinging the RPG to his back, where his sword and pulse rifle were.

Jakob Burton
Aug 25th, 2002, 07:30:32 AM
Jake, as level and as calm as he could be, just shook his head.

"Where are we going?"

Jake ran to his room quickly to grab some clothing and his belt and clipped sabers, as well as a jacket just in case. He began dressing while running thought the halls, and as coordinated he was, it was still difficult for him to do. Finally, as he reached the landing bay, Jake was just putting on his shirt and throwing his jacket on over his shoulders. Again he repeated the question:

"Where are we going?"

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 25th, 2002, 07:36:04 AM
Lion hurries up to Satine, slinging the longrifle over his shoulder as he went. Satine seemed to be bleeding from all of the blaster shots...

"Are you okay? I've got a medical droid on my ship."

Lion was worried...a little squad of 20 of those soldiers had managed to injure one of the order's greatest knights...how could this get any harder? Lion was a good sniper, but there was very little cover up ahead...

...of course, if something really bad happened, Lion could always whistle up the New Republic to make them a backdoor...Lion made sure his comlink still worked, he had a feeling they'd need it...

Dasquian Belargic
Aug 25th, 2002, 07:40:52 AM
The final group of troopers were disarmed as their weapons shot from their hands. Dasquian watched in horror as one had the whole upper portion of his body removed from a blaster shot, then turned to look as the injured Knight Satine approached him.

"I don't know."

He felt awfuly helpless at this point, but at least the troops couldn't attack now that the were disarmed. Some of the rifles fell to the feet of the Jedi. They could be used by those members who had no sabers or other form of arms, though Dasquian was reluctant to hand out weapons to anyone after seeing how quick some were to blow the heads off of the soldiers.

"We will have to just keep disarming them,"

Looking around to the rest of the group, he spoke loudly:

"Don't shoot or attack unless they do. Make sure attacking is the last option you use. If possible, use the force to remove whatever weapons they are equipped with, or at least bend the weapon so it cannot be used."

Looking to Chance then, he nodded.

"That vines trick of yours will be very useful if you can pull it off each time we encounter some resistance."

He gave a glance back to Alpha.

"Alright.. looks like we will just have to press on now. The groups we're in should be large and powerful enough to disable any other taskforces we come across - after all, all we're going is a little force pull on their guns."

There was a pause, then he added hesistantly.


Lion El' Jonson
Aug 25th, 2002, 07:55:17 AM
Lion walked over to Dasquian.

"From my experience, Master, these troops seem to be wearing power armor...even though it augments their strength and reflexes several times, I doubt they are strong enough to utilize the armor without mechanical assistance...I think a blast of lightning or a stun bolt should be able to short out the circuits and leave them helpless on the ground..."

Lion looked over his shoulder towards the remaining half of the sniper...

"Oh, and sorry 'bout that guy...none of my stun weapons had the range to stop him, and I don't think we needed to deal with reinforcements...I'll try not to disintegrate anybody again..."

Lion grimaced...this was going to be an extremely hard battle for all of them...

Aug 25th, 2002, 08:04:55 AM
"I'm fine Lion, just a few burns. Nothing much." he says, then turning back to Dasquian.

"Yeah, you're right. We'll need to split up, but when we do, we should have something like a Knight or Mastre leading the group."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 25th, 2002, 03:23:39 PM
"Let's act fast...let's not waste our time..." Lance said still on his guard and focused on the force, he tilted his head everywhere around him watching carefully for danger.

Aug 25th, 2002, 03:25:27 PM
Satine looks to Lance.

"Hey, buddy? You get the feeling we're being watched?"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 25th, 2002, 04:10:27 PM
:: Lance clears his troath before speaking to Alpha, he passes a hand through his hair leaving his lightsaber down.::

"Y..yeah...something's just not right...we gotta get a move on" Lance said pretty concerned on what was happening he then pulled his glove and cracked his joints looking towards the leaders.::

Aug 25th, 2002, 04:18:28 PM
Satine nods, and waits for the leaders to come to a descision, but in the mean time, remote activating his ship's scanners, and sets it for a range of one mile, drawing his pulse pistol, and flipping the switch to stun...

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 25th, 2002, 04:37:50 PM
Lion unslung his longrifle and turned its setting to as low as it'd go. It wouldn't be a stun, but it wouldn't kill or maim anything, either...Lion also opened up a comm to his crew and told them to keep the sensor arrays clear and to monitor all the known channels...something big was going down...

"Erm, Lance...go where? We have no idea where these dudes are...right?"

Kack Mebuff
Aug 25th, 2002, 06:29:53 PM
Kack used the Force to sense around the area. He turned to Dasquian.

"Master, we are not alone. We are being watched."

Kack kept his hand on his saber as he spoke.

Salemn Lysce
Aug 25th, 2002, 07:14:33 PM
Frowning slightly, Salemn watched without moving as more of what would be history unwraveled before their eyes. After Alpha had suggested that they break up into their assigned groups, she sighed slightly and looked around for Obi.

They were beginning to talk about how something was watching them ... Indeed, something was.

Aug 25th, 2002, 07:34:32 PM
Chance gave a grin and nod at Dasquian. "It'll be easy, cause' I've been praticing!"

With this, he silently thanked the plants and earth and waited.

Aug 25th, 2002, 08:30:24 PM
Zeke drifted over toward Obiwan at the mention of groups. He wasn't sure what everyone meant that someone was watching them, but if they said so...

Chase Starwalker
Aug 25th, 2002, 11:48:04 PM
Chase stood behind most of the group in caution. He too, felt the presence. Making his way through the crowd of Jedi he approached Alpha.

"We must make our decsion quickly Satine. Time is truly running out."

Aug 26th, 2002, 06:41:23 AM
Satine looks at Chase, and thinks for a minute. Then his sighs.

"Ok, we'll split up into groups, so we can increase our chances of finding these people. Each group will have a Knight or Mastre to lead them. Any questions?" Satine asks, looking to Dasquian, who had been basically the de facto leader.

How was that Dasquian?

Kelt Simoson
Aug 26th, 2002, 06:44:31 PM
'Agreed' Kelt said Sheathing his sword in its holster across his back. 'We must atleast try to find the first sighns of life..perhaps villagers or local people..before we go running in we need infomation of these....soldiers..' He said looking back at the Jedi Group

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 27th, 2002, 07:31:44 AM
(ooc: Tosses Az the keys to his ship..."have at it, sparky!")

IC: Lion checked his backpack one more time...grenades, blaster packs...Hello!

Lion pulled out his hoverboard...he hated all this walking...

Hell Beast
Aug 27th, 2002, 02:51:09 PM
It watched. It breathed. It hated.

The hell beast's pupiless eyes stared out, tinted red. Its ragged breathing filled the air as its tongue slithered out from the gaping jaws to taste the air. It was black, stained red from the blood of his many meals.

The mouth closed and it licked its muzzle, snorting. There were so many good scents the air, so many scents of weaklings he could feed off of.

Standing up, the thing began to walk away from its unfinished meal. It was another of his kind that was injured, and had to be eliminated. But this time the beast lusted for something more ... something fresh.

Raising its head, the mouth opened to let out some sort of deranged howl ending in an earsplitting screech, then hurled itself into the tropical-like plants, looking for prey.

Aug 27th, 2002, 03:19:40 PM
Satine's head shoots up, and focuses on the direction the noise came from.

"Alright, set all your blasters to stun. If you're using a lightsabre, rewire the blade intensity, so it delivers a mild shock--almost like a tazer. Got it?" Satine says, switching his pulse pistols to stun, and then running just inside, and opening a cabinet to the left of the ramp. He holsters his pistols, and grabs two M9s modified to fire tranq darts. Running back out, Satine looks around.

"Alright, everyone ready? I'll try and calm it, but if that doesn't work, stun it."

Kack Mebuff
Aug 27th, 2002, 07:26:08 PM
Kack pulled his blaster pistol out of his boot and set the weapon for stun.

A couple of the Jedi looked at him funny, most likely thinking how a blind man could fire a blaster. But the Force would guide his every shot.

Kack sensed for this beast. Whatever it was it was powerful and not something someone should deal with alone. Kack was grateful to be among such skilled warriors.

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 28th, 2002, 04:00:18 AM
Lion had his longrifle out, and he had taken up a position about 200 meters away from the others, where the slight elevation gave him an advantage...

Lion was looking through the enhanced scope, the heat vision trying to find whatever was out there...as Lion swept it over the battlefield, he noticed a tree fall down...

"Well...that's not right..." Lion thought...

Aug 28th, 2002, 04:45:45 AM
OOC: So so sorry I havent posted on here for ages but I was away on holiday until yesterday. Im just going to carry on as if Ive been here the whole time.

IC: Oriadin stood shoulder to shoulder with his fellow Jedi. There were already a few casualties but so far things werent going to badly. Again the Jedi's attention was drawn to something. A noise this time. Since Oriadin didnt have a weapon of his own, he pulled out a saber he 'borrowed' from the Jedi Academy. It was already set to a very low setting, as so no one would be seriously hurt. Probably just a small burn. It was good enough to deflect laser blasts though. There was a tension in the air as the Jedi awaited to see what was making the noise.

He ignighted his saber, watched and waited.

Chase Starwalker
Aug 28th, 2002, 07:10:18 AM
Chase switched his saber into the stun-modified blade as he ran up next to his group leader, Satine. He kept the hilt ready in his hands, and allowed the Force to flow freely. The day was still young.

Aug 28th, 2002, 08:14:35 AM
Chance did as Satine asked, switching both of his sabers activating switches to the left which severed a connector but still gave enough contact for a mild effect.

The howl from what seemed all around him made the padawan cringe. "Any Idea at what that is?"

Salemn Lysce
Aug 28th, 2002, 03:13:14 PM
< It's one of them. >

Salemn directed this response to Chance's question, all the while gripping her lightsabre tighter. Finally she realized it was still on and deactivated it. Whatever the beast was, it could be dealt with accordingly without killing or hurting it.

Obi still hadn't made a move to lead his little 'group' off, so she stood there, feeling ... lost.

Obiwan2 Kenobi
Aug 29th, 2002, 05:22:03 PM
**Obiwan2 slowly walked down the ramp of the ship, with a most serious look on his face. Looking for Zeke, Ki Adi, Salemn, and Neo, he called the group, trying to at least assemble together the original plan that was set out. Suddenly, he sensed something....in the distance. He shook loose of the thoughts and spoke to the entire group of Jedi who were on the planet**

Come along now, we can't wait here all day. There's much to be done. Please do as Alpha instructed. Our mission here is not to kill or destroy but to restore peace. We don't want to hurt anyone...especially the innocent.

Be mindful of the here and now....

**Looking around him at the group, his eyes shifted from one Jedi to the next...finally resting on Leia for a moment. Turning his attention back to the area around him, he bit his lip slightly, wondering if and when this creature in the wilderness would make its grand appearance**

Hell Beast
Aug 29th, 2002, 05:49:45 PM
The hybrid crashed through the plants, dodging tree branches and leaping over rocks. Its breathing grew louder - more rushed. Working itself up into a frenzy, the beast let out another demented howl, continuing to blunder through the "jungle". Hearing a shuffling noise, it paused then crouched low to the ground.

A girl - about eighteen years of age - tenderly picked a few berries from a bush and placing them in a basket. She was scrawny and had brown, limp hair hanging in her face, greasy for being neglected. Dirt covered her body and she constantly reached up to scratch herself.

But she was healthy.

Letting out a snarl, it rose and flew out from its hiding spot. The girl screamed and dropped her basket, blood-red berries spilling out. Its paws smashed them into pulp as it advanced towards her. Then, as he hoped, the girl began to flee. Flexing its muscles, it began to follow. Hunting was just getting too easy these days. Leaping into the air, it landed on the girl's back and dug his claws into her shoulders. She fell, crushed by its immense weight, and screamed out in pain. Greedy for meat, it began tearing away at her poorly sewed clothes into her skin.

The screams of pain were carried by the wind, reaching the Jedi, but the creature was too far away for them to do anything. All they could do was hope it'd appear.

... And the girl's blood stained the earth, as more berries fell from the rustled bushes.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 29th, 2002, 06:30:59 PM
:: Lance gulped and cleared his throath then sensing something coming::

"What the...." Lance said somehow troubled.

Aug 29th, 2002, 06:35:59 PM
Satine almost falls to his knees from the pain he felt through the force, and he rocks back and forth a bit, but remains on his feet.

"It just killed someone..." he says, not noticing he was stating the obvious...

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 29th, 2002, 10:10:57 PM
Lion smiles when he hears Alpha, then thinks:

"Really, friend?"

Despite that, Lion was worried...whatever that...thing...was, it had just killed someone...Lion wasn't sure stun bolts would put it down...

Aug 30th, 2002, 07:08:54 AM
Oriadin felt the pain through the force too. Not as much as Satine though by the looks of things. The padawan walked over the the Jedi in pain and laid his hand on his shoulder as a comfort.

Pain and suffering was all he could feel from this plannet. Darkness.

Aug 30th, 2002, 10:42:14 AM
Not noticing Oriadin's hand, Satine lets himself flow fully into the Force, this time ignoring the pain. He calls out to the Hell beast, trying to lure it over here, so it wouldn't kill again.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Aug 30th, 2002, 09:28:00 PM
::Leia listened intently as Obi directed the group with a plan. He was right, they had to move on and restore peace. When his eyes gazed upon her, Leia nodded in agreeance to Obi, before looking at the members of her group::

I agree with Master Kenobi. We must move on and be mindful of the here and now.

::Moments later...a sickening uneasiness fellover the Jedi Master. It was someone dying a terrible death. Leia's eyes closed, her face looked like she felt every single second of pain that this person experience. Her eyes opened wide in horror as she turned to Obi::

We have to move out now, Obi.

Now...I know you all have experienced the same disturbance as I just did. We must be on our way now..before anyone else meets a horrible fate.

::Leia stated, as she glanced at the group of Jedi::

Remember...be mindful and keep in your assigned groups.

Obi...Dasq...when you are ready, my group is ready too.

Hell Beast
Aug 30th, 2002, 09:50:15 PM
It had finished its meal, licking the bones clean until they were white. After leaving them in a pile, the beast licked its muzzle and then set off further into the jungle. Breathing in the sweet, crisp air, he suddenly stood up on his hind legs and reached up, grabbing onto a tree branch and hoisting itself up.

For it was no ordinary beast.

Oh, yes, the Jedi had seen what its brothers and sisters looked like on their little broadcasting show, but it was nothing compared to real life. It had long primate arms, with claw-like fingers ending in hooks. Its hind legs were like strong, like that of a cheetah's - built for speed. Its face was even uglier, twisted in a way that couldn't be described. Barbaric fangs protruded from its upper lip.

It was a hell beast.

Balancing itself with ease, it began to walk on the tree branch, leaping to another when necessary. It had heard something call out to it and was curious. Was it a mating call? It had heard some before, and gladly obliged to his partner's wishes. But, no. This time it was different.

Its sensitive hearing picked up far-off voices, and the thing immediately broke out into a run. Grabbing onto branches, swinging itself, balancing; It all came natural. Finally resting itself in one of the trees, the beast was close enough to get a glimpse of these creatures that dared disturb his home. Their body heat let it know who was slightly scared and who wasn't, and it edged slightly closer.

However, it was so stealthy and silent that hardly anyone could notice its presence. Not to mention that they couldn't reach it from his hiding spot.

Aug 30th, 2002, 10:52:24 PM
It was stealthy and silent, yes, but that didn't stop it from being visible in the Force. Radiating calm, Satine looks towards the thing's hiding spot.

"Uh, guys./..I'm thinking it's close now...Very close. at least, that's the way it feels. Would running be a good thing right niow?"

Sejah Haversh
Aug 31st, 2002, 01:29:00 AM
Yeah, join the group and show them how useful you are. Sure was a good idea, wasn't it, Sej? Sejah thought to himself. He hadn't felt anythign through the force like the others had, but he did feel a pit of worry in his stomach. Or was that delayed motion sickness?

Whatever it was, he felt quite worthless, and wished he ahd stayed in bed that morning. But he hadn't, and there was somethign even more frightening near them than had ever existed in his childhood nightmares. Tucking his tilwar into his belt, the mongoose pulled out his saber and--against instruction--set it to the maximum power setting. Legends of N'duk the hunter and his battle witht the Giansar. Except Sejah doubted he could battle with a creature for eight days and ights as his mythical hero had.

Looking around, he saw the others shrinking back, and he paced backwards to join them. "Master Dasquian, what do we do now?" he asked his group leader nervously.

Lion El' Jonson
Aug 31st, 2002, 01:52:30 AM
Lion was looking through his scope when something appeared...on a tree...

"Jesus, piece of crap heat scanner!" he said as he smacked the scope...

Lion hated that particular scope...it actually was picking up something on a tree...like a monster could walk on trees....yah, right....

Aug 31st, 2002, 06:26:35 AM
Everyone was talking about getting in thier groups but a tension remained in the air of the Jedi as some sort of beast aproached. Oriadin couldnt see it but he could sense something. His senses werent fine tuned to be able to tell what it was but from the others around him he knew it wasnt good.

His hands gripped his saber tighter as he suddenly realised he couldnt remeber which group he was supposed to be in.

Then he remembered he was in the same group as Satine. Well, he thought he remembered. ;;I'll stay close to him anyway;; he thought to himself.

Rrromeo Baenrrre
Aug 31st, 2002, 08:18:39 PM
::Rrromeo and his squad move in, with the utmost silence only the Drow or someone trained and containing some Drow-kin could do. They stopped in separate places, among the trees and shrubery. Rrromeo signaled to them in the Drow Hand Code, a complicated, fast, and silent method of communication.::

<"Remember, we're being paid not to fire upon the civilians! We are to figure out what is going on and who shot who first! Then we fight the arbitrators! Now, rifles armed, and infravision on! Watch everything!">

::Rrromeo and the other four Drow moved in absolute silence, much like their elven counterparts.::

OOC: Sorry, I was wrong. But I'm still gonna keep this initial idea. I'll fix it. And thanks for showing me the mistakes.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 1st, 2002, 06:27:25 AM
Lion was getting a bit nervous...it still hadn't shown itself...

"Erm, Alpha?" he asked, as quietly as he could..."Can you calm it down, or should we get ready to put it down?"

Privately, Lion didn't think there was anything out there...afterall, the only thing he had seen so far was a monster on a tree, which was obviously a mistake...but just to be sure...

Sep 1st, 2002, 09:39:25 AM
"I'm going to try..."

Satine begins to send calming thoughts, and soothing words to the beast. He also sends a few suggestions of going to sleep and not bothering the group.

Let's hope this works...

Hell Beast
Sep 1st, 2002, 04:01:58 PM
As it laid on the branch, it heard - wait, no, felt something. Growling as its fur bristled, it lashed out with its claws into empty air. It didn't want to sleep or remain calm, it wanted to hurt, destroy, kill!

Realizing it must've been one of the creatures who tried the mind trick, the beast stood up, enraged, and sniffed the air. Suddenly a familiar odor struck it ... could it be ...animal?

Its pupiless eyes scanned the group and landed on Sejah. Food, it thought triumphantly. The girl was a mere appetizer, and he lusted for more.

He lusted for more flesh and bone.

Taking off into a run, it began to leap and swing from more branches, getting closer to the Jedi. Finally, with another roar, it landed infront of them, skidding to a stop. Except it wasn't no "ordinary" roar. It was a roar of a predator .. a roar that signified it found what it wanted.

For a moment, nobody moved. The peaceful breeze ruffled its fur as it stood there, heaving. A bird or two finally chirped in the background.

Then, it began to pace around them - Slowly though, mind you. It was taking its time, analyzing its newest source of food. The beast's sinewy body seemed to move like water; Sleek, fluid, in union with the wind. Its footsteps were light and planned out.

It jumped.

Leaping over the group, it "grinned" to itself as they immediately tensed up and prepared to fight it. He was playing a twisted game with them.

Beginning to pace once more, the beast watched with relish as they began to watch his moves more closely. The silver haired boy was the one that posed the most threat to it, but he was no match for the thing.

He was getting closer to Sejah.

It happened all too quickly.

The beast lashed out with a paw, its claws hooking onto the mongoose's clothing and tearing at it, possibly ripping the flesh, too. Suddenly, the next events were mass confusion. As the Jedi began to close in on him, it began to fight with tooth and claw, tearing at them whenever it had an advantage. Realizing they outnumbered it, he let out a final growl and leaped over Alpha, onto the branch above him.

Scrambling onto it, the thing began to retreat further away until it knew it was safe. Laying down there, it licked its wounds and watched, waiting for another moment to attack.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 1st, 2002, 04:26:08 PM
"Holy sh--!" Lion yelled as something emerged from the jungle...looks like the damn scope wasn't broken afterall...

It quickly dissolved into a melee between the beast and the rest of the jedi...everybody was packed so close that Lion didn't want to risk a shot...suddenly, the beast ran away again, easily outpacing the group...but not Lion's longrifle...

With the tripod deployed, Lion took one look through the scope...the beasyt, panting heavily, was no problem finding this time...Lion lined up the shot:

"...almost...about there...now!"

Lion pulled the trigger, the longrifle letting off a considerable bang as the high powered stun bolt rocketed off towards the creature...

...and bounced off...

Lion couldn't believe his eyes...the thing had just deflected an electrical blast like it was a pebble...

"Why does everything happen to me?" Lion said as he started running down towards the rest of the group....

Sep 1st, 2002, 08:07:08 PM
"Everyone, there's some caves that that beast shouldn't be able to get into about a klick away. Anyone not able to make it?" Satine asks, his voice taking on a commanding tone. He was slipping into the role of leader quite well...

Kack Mebuff
Sep 1st, 2002, 08:14:15 PM
Kack could sense the beast through the Force. He growled to himself as he looked at the wounded Sejah.

Using the Force he searched for the Hell Beast's exact location. He aimed the blasted and fired a pulse directly at it. A perfect hit, the beast howled but just absorbed the energy.

"Oh f***!!!"

Kack began to sprint back towards to group.

"Let's get out of here!"

Sejah Haversh
Sep 1st, 2002, 09:45:05 PM
As the beast approached him, Sejah felt a wave of panic hit him first, and then a steely resolve.

It was atop him before he could fulyl raise his saber, and the beast's claws took him across the chest and shoulder, tearign off the front of his shirt and vest, and gouging him as well. Gritting his jaws tightly against the pain, he lashed out with his saber, as he cross-stepped to his right to get away form the beast. Once more it hit him, though in the leg, but it was only a scratch. He was undeterred, though, and the mongoose continued to attack it back as the other Jedi closed in.

Finally, it retreated, and he exhaled a pained breath before reachign up to his wounded chest. Three large gashes and one small one had been raked across his right shoulder and chest, and a smaller one that traced below them. They bled a fair amount, but not life-threatening, but he couldn't feel them.

Sejah's normally harmless pink eyes burned red with anger and fury, and narrowed dangerously as he stared in the directiont eh hideous creature had run. A low growl reverberated in his voice as he said, "Just like N'duk and the Giansar..." Referring to an old myth from his culture's past. the blood in his veins ran hot, and his senses were blinded by thoughts of action. He was Sherouve, descended of a race who were genetically superior to normal Nehantites in battle and trickery, though he didn't know it. It was that blood that coursed in him, turnign his irises red and blockign the pain from his wounds.

Lit saber in his gloved paw, Sejah shook his head and started walking towards where the beast had went. Breaking into a jog, he said aloud, "It's mine. I will take its horns, and its power."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 1st, 2002, 10:16:19 PM
:: Lance sensed csomething dark emerging and surrounding the mongoose, even though Sejah wasn't really his friend and hadn't talked much to him except that one time in the force training class with Marcus Lance launched him-self towards him voiding the beast he sent his shoulder towards Sejah's arms to tackle him to the ground::

"Wake up bud! Don't let the darkside take over you" Lance said then grabbing his shirt and shaking Sejah hardly, he shook his head around to check the beast , he then tilted his head to the side to see the lightsaber lit on his hand, he took Matrix and ignited it quickly to block his.

"Wake up or we'll be barbecue!" Lance said yelling in Sejah's ears.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 1st, 2002, 10:26:45 PM
As Lance tackled him, Sejah let loose a primitive snarl and he fought agaisnt the Jedi, even goign a far as trying to strike him with his saber.

But Lance prevailed, and through his efforts he was able to knock some sense into Sejah again, and the mongoose calmed down and shut off his saber, breathing hard. Laying limp on the ground, Sejah panted for a short while before his breathign became ragged as the pain from his wounds set in. His red eyes slowly clearing back to pink, he swallowed hard and nodded lightly to Lance as he got off of him. "Thanks, I don't know what happened there.... Thanks, pal."

Getting up carefully, he kept his saber in one paw in case the beast showed back up while he placed the other one over the gashes on his upper body. The others seemed to be retreating to a set of caves, and Sejah nodded again to Lance to assure him that he was indeed okay mentally again as he followed the others.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 1st, 2002, 10:29:42 PM
"Alrighty then dude, I don't know if they showed this to you yet but it's called the force speed" He said lifting Sejah up and putting him on his shoulder, he then focused the force through his legs and visualized the place where the other were, the immense speed created a powerfull wind all around them as he launched him-self like a missile towards the other that were running

Rrromeo Baenrrre
Sep 2nd, 2002, 01:58:47 AM
::That movement was all that the Drow and Cizerack kin needed. They saw the beast clear as day, and it was attacking the other group. It was a threat, and a menace. It was as good as gone. Rrromeo made a single signal with his hands:


::He and his four Drow compainions fired, all at one spot, all the while moving from place to place stealthily and silently, sometimes zig-zagging and messing into various lines and fronts. And all this happened and an amazing speed. The beast was hard pressed, for he not only had five good men shooting at him, but that they had infravision and could see his signature like a beacon. There was no running and no hiding from the Elite.::

<"All we need to do is get it out of the way, and find the battle plans. It will say there who got who first. We must get to both fronts! Keep him busy, while I go for the files!">

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 2nd, 2002, 02:18:07 AM
(ooc: But remember, I shot at it on stun...too bad Das won't let me slice anybody else in half with my pocket cannon...^_^; )

IC: Lion pulled out his hoverboard again, slinging the longrifle over his shoulder as he jumped on and sped off towards the group...he didn't feel like having any body parts torn off today...

Sep 2nd, 2002, 02:31:32 AM
Oriadin wasnt sure where to put himself as the Beast attacked. It was his friend Sejah on the recieving end so he had to run in and try to do something. All the Jedi ran in at the same time but the beast fled before they could do anything.

Recalling back to what Satine said about the caves he called out.

--I think we should head for the caves, as Satine has said. Looking at how this Beast can tear through us I suggest we move swiftly. Stick together and it wont be so easy for it to pick us off one at a time.--

Hell Beast
Sep 2nd, 2002, 10:32:24 AM
OOC- Hate to add into the ooc discussion, but Rrromeo Baenrrre's post made no sense. I had already fled up into the tree away from the Jedi. Plus, in an earlier post, you said that you and your 'team' were going to take down the invaders. The beasts are not the invaders, if anyone is, it's the Jedi. The creatures were created to fight the war that the people couldn't. Therefore, I will be ignoring your post until it makes sense. Oh, and one more thing - Thanks for making me invincible! ^_^;


The thing growled as it continued to lick its wounds. Its tongue was hard and rough, adding to the pain, but its saliva would patch up the damage. They were shooting at it, but there was a little something about his kind that they didn't seem to know about. Something that hadn't been on the broadcasting show.

It was stronger, both mentally and physically.

Being a mix of horrendous genes, the beast's DNA structure was truly unique. Its Creator had decided to add in a gene of a Force User, therefore enabling it to have telekenesis. Yes, all in all, the hell beast was a match for more than just one opponent.

He absorbed the energy and power from the shots, using it to circulate through its body to help it grow stronger and repair its tissue. After they realized that it was no use shooting, the thing stood back up with great care and jumped to another tree, glaring down at them. It would wait... Yes, wait....For another opportunity for that mongoose.

And possibly other flesh.

Rrromeo Baenrrre
Sep 2nd, 2002, 03:18:43 PM
OOC: I stand corrected.


::Rrromeo gave one last order to his group while he was running off. It was spoken and in Drow(translated for reader).::

"Ussse otherrr methodsss! It'sss absssorrrbjing the blassstsss! Ussse anjythjing and everjythjing!"

::Rrromeo ran past, silently, zipping past the Jedi and to the battle post of Stromglad's army. After five minutes of sprinting, Rrromeo found the battle post, and it was fairly well guarded. But not a problem. Being as silent as space itself, he ran, jumped, and somersaulted into an open hatch, catching a man in the face with a closed fist as he landed silently. The soldier dropped, but was caught by Rrromeo before he would hit the ground and make too much noise. The soldier was dragged and stripped of his clothing, and it fit Rrromeo rather well. With a grin, he pulled the helmet down, consealing his identity. He then walked notchalantly down the halls towards the compound center. Finding a top ranking official, he snapped his neck and stole his access keys. Using them, he gained access to the compound's central core. After using a comlink to download the battle plans, Rrromeo began to walk out, but was spotted by armed officers. With simple blows to the neck, Rrromeo ran past, sprinting down the corridors. Taking an unexpected turn, he dodged some blaster bolts as he ran into the landing bay. Pulling a blaster rifle of his own, he gave himself cover fire while activating five hoverbikes. Latching them together, he jumped onto the center bike, and with the combined speed of three bikes, he blasted of, rocketing through the forest.

In a few minutes, he found his men, fighting still with the beast. Throwing an activated multi-detinator in the beasts open maul, he released the bikes. The four Drow jumped on each bike and sped away. As they were leaving Rrromeo gave a Drow verbal order to them.::

"Now on to Drrraco'sss battle compound!"

OOC: Better?

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 2nd, 2002, 05:11:16 PM
(ooc: What the hell? That made less sense than the last one...isn't that godmoding, sorta?)

IC: Lion had caught up with the group, and was now flying alongside them on his hoverboard...everybody seemed to be heading for a cluster of caves, and Sejah looked injured...not too badly, Lion hoped...

...Lion was looking for Leia, who had been assigned as his group leader after they touched down...

Rrromeo Baenrrre
Sep 2nd, 2002, 06:44:23 PM
OOC: No. Not if the characters aren't real, living people, then it isn't considered god-moding. If I went up to you and broke your neck, it would be godmoding. But they ain't living RPers so it isn't.

I'm only doing this to speed up a twist in my character's story. If you guys wish to fight, I will fight but I won't god mode. At least, not against real competitors. Common soldiers aren't a problem for me or my Drow.


::Rrromeo and his crew rode hard and fast for a good thirty minutes to finally reach the nearest command post of the Draconan army. The fighting was fierce on the frontline, which made it all the easier for the Elite to sneak in unnoticed. Rrromeo's lungs were wanting to cough due to the smoke in the air. But he ignored it. He ordered his men to cover him while he went in. After a short alert rest for all, due to the roughness of the ride, they began entering the command post.::

Sejah Haversh
Sep 2nd, 2002, 07:39:16 PM
Thanks to Lance's skill at Force Speed, he and Sejah quickly caught back up with the others, and he set the mongoose down. Sejah was beginning to feel the effects of blood loss, and he breathed deeply while still holding his chest. The gashes were beginning to sting; the beast's claws had probably nott been clean, and he feared infection setting in.

But his fears were secondary to the importance of getting to safety, and he followed the others down to the mouth of the cave. Coming up alongside Oriadin, he tried to smile as he said, "Heh, thought I was lunch there for a moment. Thanks for the assist. You okay?"


OOC- Rrrromeo, small nitpick, but, I'm just this technical. Strapping a few speederbikes together will not make you go faster. They all have the same top speed, and would actually slow you down because of air resistance and poor turnign capability. I mean, I could weld three Toyotas together at the sides, but they wouldn't go any faster than just one of them.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 3rd, 2002, 04:41:09 AM
(ooc: I'm gonna cut it out with the OOC's, it's ruining the thread...I stand corrected...maybe...I'm just saying it might have been more interesting if your infiltration was spaced out a bit...but I'll shut up now, sorry if it sounded like I was challenging you...one other thing, I think we should slow down until Alpha or Das posts, at least...once again, sorry to everyone! ^_^; )

Lion finally arrived at the cave, jumping off of his board as he ran over towards Sejah...

"Hey, Sejah...you okay, man? I can still call over my med droid or toss you into the bacta tank in my ship...but at least use a medpack.." Lion said, his face twisted with worry as he handed Sejah the small, shiny medkit...

It would at least stop the bleeding. Of course, one of the Masters or Knights could probably do a far better job than any bacta tank or droid, but they had more serious matters right now.

...Sejah's wounds were beginning to bleed profusely, and the skin around them was steadily turning black and purple...he had barely escaped from that...thing...it looked like he might have been infected...

Rrromeo Baenrrre
Sep 3rd, 2002, 08:19:56 AM
(OOC: Fine. You're right. It'll be changed.

And Lion, don't worry about it.

Ok, I'm shuttin' up my OOC mouth now!:) )


::Rrromeo, after the slight rest, got up.::

"Let'sss move out!"

::The Elite, finding a small opening, squeezed through, moving with utter silence. They, alert and armed with the five EE-3 blaster rifles, slid and peeked around corners, listening intently to the sounds of any patrollers. Just as Rrromeo began to peek around a corner, he heard a soldier coming down the corridor. As he got closer, Rrromeo signed for the men to jump out. On his signal, he and the four slid soundlessly around the corner. As they did so, the soldier didn't even realize until the blaster was in his face that they were there. He shuddered and offered no resistence. Instead of blasting him then and there, Rrromeo took the butt of his rifle and smashed it into the soldier's face. He fell unconcious instantly, and was kept from hitting the floor by a Drow. No need to kill if it wasn't nessecarry.::

::Rrromeo continued this for several minutes, encountering little resistence. He ordered his men to turn their blasters to stun, just in case they ran into the General himself. Killing him would start a big incident, and that wasn't what the Elite needed. Finally, after another five minutes or so, they found the main compound room guarded by four Privates and a Commando. Rrromeo spoke with his hands.::

<"Attack on my command. Only kill if deemed neccessary. I trust your judgement.">

Sejah Haversh
Sep 3rd, 2002, 02:00:40 PM
Re-inserting his saber into the folds of his belt, Sejah used his free paw to take the medkid from Lion. "Thanks, but this should be fine, I don't think I need a bacta bath," he said honestly.

As the Jedi task force made their way into the mouth of the caves, the mongoose sat down against oen wall and removed his gloves so that he could be more delicate in the use of his paws. the gashes on his chest were really beginnign to burn, and he grit his teeth to keep from crying out as he smeared and iodine wipe across each of them. It made the burn worse, but at least he knew it was helping him. Though he still couldn't read, the medpack came with a sheet of visual instructions, and he followed them as best as he could.

Finally, when all his cleaning and dressing of his wounds was done, Sejah took a wide roll of cotton bandage and began windign it around his sholder and chest to cover and bind his wounds. He had to shed the rest of his shredded shirt and vest, but, he deemed health was more important than fashion. When he had exhausted the roll of bandage, most most of his upper body was covered, as well as his right shoulder. Pulling his gloves back on, Sejah tightened them back down and stood up. The pain was not gone from his wounds, but at least he thought that they should be starting to heal.

Rrromeo Baenrrre
Sep 3rd, 2002, 08:33:52 PM
::Rrromeo leapt out, and fired a stun blast to the back of the Commando's head. As it struck, he flipped over the vertical-projecting hologram device, and landed awkwardly upside-down, out cold. This brought the attention of the other guards. Before the remaining four could turn, one was down, shot in the forehead with a stun bolt by a Drow crouching around the corner. He fell backwards, crashing into the wall. As the other three turned around, one reached for a breach alarm, but was stopped short when he realized he didn't have a hand, due to a severing blast to his right hand. The next shot was from a third Drow, hitting the handless man in the chest and sending him into the oblivion of unconciousness. The fourth Drow lept out, blasting the third-standing Private in just that. The Drow revelled in the pain clearly painted on the man's face as he slumped to the floor. The last Private standing got off a blast, nearly taking off Rrromeo's ear. He was pissed. Rrromeo sprank up, right in front of the man, catching him in the throat with a raking right claw. The wound was superficial, and didn't kill the man. Using his left hand, he twisted the man's hand, and pointed the gun to the Private's head. Rrromeo applied pressure to the man's finger, and the blaster went off. It shocked the Private when he realized that Rrromeo, in all the action of bringing the gun up, had set the blaster to stun. The Private, in pain but thankful that he wasn't dead, fell to the floor, causing no further trouble. As Rrromeo walked to the holopanel and began with the downloading protocols, one of the Drow mouthed something to the effect of, "Why didn't he kill him? Would've been quicker." Rrromeo heard it, and spoke in Drow(translated).::

"Becaussse he djidn't need to djie. He djidn't kill orrr jinjurrre one of usss, ssso he ljivesss. And jit would caussse sssome trrrouble laterrr jif we djid kjill hjim. Now, the fjile'sss downloaded, let'sss get the hell out of herrre!"

::With that, the Elite, taking their time as to not get caught, hiding the knocked out men. Then, in less than ten minutes, for they knew the way out, the Elite Mercenary Group was out and riding off to a peaceful place, where the facts could be analyzed and the puzzle solved.::

Sep 4th, 2002, 07:01:43 AM
Oriadin sat with Sejah as he put on his bandages. He talked to him throughout to try and help his friend concentrate on something other than the pain. The wounds looked nasty but to try and be more comforting he told Sejah they didnt look that bad and that they would heal in no time.

He helped him back up to his feet and looked around everyone else to check they were all Ok. Everyone seemed a little on edge but this was good as it kept them all on thier toes and ready for anything.

They were in the caves now but what would they do from here. Dasquian had kinda led the party this far and so Oriadin looked to him for leadership and awaited his opinion on what to do next.

OOC: I agree that we need to wait for some of the others to post here before we go much further.

Kack Mebuff
Sep 7th, 2002, 12:43:09 AM
Kack walked over to Sejah and Oriadin.

"How are the wounds?"

He sat down next to his friends.

"Any idea what's next on our agenda? We can't sit here in this cave all day. We've got a job to do."

Kack took a small ration from his pack and broke it into thirds.

"You guys want some? The carbs will be good to help you last through the day."

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:46:38 AM
Lion shook his head...

"Well, dude, we actually could stay in this cave all day, but it wouldn't get us very far..."

Kack Mebuff
Sep 7th, 2002, 04:51:39 PM
Kack chuckled at Lion's response.

"Good point," Kack said with a mouth full of bread.

He offered again to the two, crumbs spilling out of his mouth.

"It's really good."

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 8th, 2002, 04:15:57 AM
"Alright..." Lion said, nodding his head in thanks as he took a part of the bar...

"Hmm...raisins...." he said, chewing on the bar...

Rrromeo Baenrrre
Sep 10th, 2002, 11:06:40 AM
::In a secluded patch of trees about fifty miles from the wargrounds, Rrromeo reclined on the "borrowed" speederbike and browsed through the information he had collected from the systems at the Command Stations of both Stromglad and Dracos. After ten to fifteen minutes of trying to find some clues, he found nothing. Who the hell started the war? He didn't know. And that's what he needed to know, to do his job and get paid. Without that knowledge, he would lose credits, and so would his teammates. That couldn't happen.....::

::Rrromeo looked back, to the first files indicating who shot first. In Stromglad's files, it was Dracos and the inverse in Dracos' files. The first attacks dated and timed at the exact same time. There was no possible way that both countries could fire on each other at the same time. Someone else, someone outside the boundaries of the two countries started the fight. But who? Looking at the maps, he retraced the first attack's path, finding a common point of origin. That was the place to look. The answers that Rrromeo and his group needed was there. Sitting the comm on the bike, Rrromeo sat up and spoke to the group in Drow.::

"jI got jit fjigurrred out. Herrre'sss the plan....."