View Full Version : The Two Padawans Meet (Sarr Koon)

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 13th, 2002, 01:21:06 PM
Terran stood in a peaceful corner of the old courtyard. He had completed a long day of training with his Master, Verse Dawnstrider. Verse spoke of his other padawan, Sarr Koon, and Terran thought it necessary to meet him. He was interested in learning more about Sarr--he had a feeling they would become good friends and he hoped that they could bond well. Also, he thought it would please his Master if the two had gotten a chance to meet and maybe even spar a bit.

He waited patiently, hoping that Sarr had recieved his message. He had learned that Sarr was a Kel Dor, and he was interested to meet the man. So, he waited...

Sarr Koon
Aug 13th, 2002, 04:59:22 PM
After his first day of training with Master Dawnstrider, Sarr had recieved a message from Verse's other padawan Terran Starek. Terran had requested that they meet in the old courtyard. Seeing no reason not to go, Sarr had left immediately. It had not taken him long to reach the courtyard. As he entered he noticed a man waiting patiently in a corner of the courtyard. Sarr was not sure if Terran had ever seen a Kel Dor and he didn't want to frighten him. He'd have to hope for the best. Sarr approached the padawan slowly as not to alarm him. When he was about a couple feet away he stopped.

"Hello, Terran Starek. I am very pleased to meet you."

Sarr held out his hand for Terran.

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 13th, 2002, 07:45:21 PM
Terran quickly shot to his feet seeing the Kel Dor man approach. He was not alarmed by his appearance; he had met a Kel Dor on the planet Dracus in his travels with Biggs. They were calm, collective creatures. It looked as though Sarr was no different.

"Hello, Teran Starek. I am very pleased to meet you."

Terran reached out and took Sarr's hand in his own. He shook it with pleasure--Sarr had a firm grip. Always good. He was confident in himself, and that gave him an air of professionalism Terran liked.

"As it is a pleasure to meet you, my friend." He felt good energy from Sarr. He thought that they would get along fine. "How was your day with Master Dawnstrider?"

Sarr Koon
Aug 13th, 2002, 08:09:23 PM
Sarr knew immediatly that Terran and him would get along.

"It was very pleasent. He is a great Jedi and an even greater man. I am truly pleased he choose to train me. Verse taught me a lot in the days training."

Sarr returned the same question to Terran.

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 13th, 2002, 08:15:15 PM
"You have spoken truth: he is a great man aside from being a great teacher. I, too, learned much. It was exhilerating to be with him and have so much shown to me." He squatted to admire a small group of flowers--Prysiniums, by the look. They were a yellow, sweet smelling plant with large floppy petals. The petals felt as though they had fur on them.

"He loves nature, and so do I. I feel atuned to life. I can sense auras easily, taste and smell the life around me, and feel the Force like never before. With his guidance, this has been further opened up to me." He thourougly enjoyed Sarr's company.

"Tell me, what intrigues you about the Force?" It was a question asked so that Terran could understand Sarr's mind. He had given his response--it was the living Force Terran could feel as if it was just the same as sight.

Sarr Koon
Aug 13th, 2002, 08:28:07 PM
Sarr thought about this question briefly...

"The ability to use the force to aide you in combat intrigues me most. Without it, a Jedi could not easily fight when it is necessary. I want to be able to aide others, so for me, the Force is essential in doing this. I have witnessed Jedi's in battle, and it is amazing what they can accomplish with the Force."

Sarr thought about his own anwer and thought it was quite accurate. He hoped Terran would be pleased with the response.

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 13th, 2002, 08:35:33 PM
Terran understood the response. It was true--that was what separated a force-user from a non force-user in combat. It was not unfair; it was tapping into resources that one had.

"I would agree there, friend. It is truly an awesome sight to see a master in combat. Just watching the old holograms of Master Yoda has proven that." He smiled thinking of what hard work and training could accomplish. He knew that one day, when he and Sarr were old and tired, they would still hold their own against young ones like they were now. He chuckled softly.

"Sarr, you seem to be a nice fellow. I look forward to our adventures together. May I ask about your history?" He questioned, hoping not to offend the Kel Dor.

Sarr Koon
Aug 13th, 2002, 08:40:48 PM
Sarr nodded his head to assure Terran that this was an appropriate question.

"You may. Ask any question you wish."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 13th, 2002, 09:40:46 PM
Terran was glad that the discussion of his history brought no offense.

"Ok...tell me about your home planet. How was your family life? Were you ever trained in any kind of previous combat?" Terran had a lot of questions, but he knew Sarr would be happy to answer them.

Sarr Koon
Aug 13th, 2002, 09:52:25 PM
With the exception of his family, the other 2 question for easy to answer.

"The Kel Dor home planet has gases that are toxic to most other life forms. The exception is with the things that live there. I'm not sure what races could breathe there without an apparatus. When Kel Dor travel to different planets with oxygen they need a special pair of goggles and an anti-oxygen mask. We would die without it. You could say that is the Kel Dor's major weakness when off the home planet. I would rather save the story of my family for another time. I was trained a little for combat. I have experience in sword fighting and some hand-to hand. Anymore questions?"

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:04:14 PM
"No, I don't think at this point. Well, let me say that I appreciate the enlightenment in the respect of your planet. I knew nothing about it until now." He thought about it. He couldn't imagine a planet without oxygen, or a species that breathed something other than oxygen. But then again, that would due to the fact that he hadn't been taught much about any other species minus his own and the Garou.

"Well, if you have any questions about me, feel free my friend. I have no secrets from you." He spoke softly and gave Sarr a positive energy.

Sarr Koon
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:11:52 PM
Sarr paused for a second to see if he could think of any questions for his new friend.

"I have one question. I would like to know if you have had any combat experience in the past."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:20:21 PM
Terran paused for a second and thought about his past. He told Sarr he wanted to get everything out and that he had no secrets, so he felt no need to hide it.

"Yes...I do have some experience. I used to be--" Terran thought for a moment, hoping that Sarr would understand, "--I used to be a Sith Knight. I was in the top 8 of the organization, not including our Overlord. To be honest, I was no stranger to combat. I hurt alot of people, Sarr." He thought about his next words. "But the Force has forgiven me and given me a second chance. I will use it to the best of my ablity. I remember little, though. So for me, combat training is like remembering everything I once knew." He hoped that it made sense. Moreover, he hoped that Sarr could still respect him. He truly had a heart of Light and he wanted to make right the wrongs he had inflicted.

Sarr Koon
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:30:32 PM
As Sarr absorbed Terran's words he showed no sign of being alarmed. Even if he had been, Terran would not have been able to tell.

"I understand, and I think of you no less. Everyone deserves a second chance."

Sarr said this with the utmost sincerity so Terran would have no doubt that he was being honest.

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:44:40 PM
Terran was relieved.

"Glad to hear you understand. You are right--everyone deserves a second chance. That is why I have joined the GJO. I want to help people who were like me." He meant it. He was an idealist at heart. He guessed he would always remain that way.

"Well, I wonder what is ahead for us, Sarr. Who can tell?"

Sarr Koon
Aug 14th, 2002, 08:26:30 AM
"Only time can tell what awaits us, Terran. But as long as we follow the ways of the Jedi, I know things will always turn out for the best."

For once, Sarr wish he didn't have to wear his goggles and anti-oxygen mask. It hadn't really ever bothered him before until now. It made everyone around him unable to see how he was feeling through his expressions.

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 14th, 2002, 04:54:49 PM
"Very true. I think, though, judging by our chemistry that you and I will become good friends, Sarr. That, I can garuntee." He thought about the statement and held his hand out to Sarr.

Sarr Koon
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:12:25 PM
Sarr nodded his head and took Terran's and shook it graciously.

"I will also guarantee we will become good friends. In fact, I think we already are."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:27:45 PM
Terran smiled--this was good. Master Dawnstrider would be pleased to see that the two were doing so well.

"Well, Sarr my friend, what's next? Should we spar? Is there anything more you would wish to converse about? Should we meet with Master Dawnstrider?" Terran gave Sarr the option to choose.

Sarr Koon
Aug 17th, 2002, 05:40:09 PM
"Hmm... I think I would like to wait on the spar until I learn some skills that would aide me. I feel confident that we know enough about each other for the time being. So I think I am going to pick your third choice. We should meet with Master Dawnstrider together."

Sarr hoped that Terran wouldn't mind this, he had suggested it after all.

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 18th, 2002, 01:11:45 AM
"Sounds great," he said. "I think that it will be a good move. I should let him know that we want to meet. What do you say we meet up here again in about...one day?" He thought that they could use some training time and time enough to give Verse fair notice.

Sarr Koon
Aug 18th, 2002, 11:04:53 AM
"One day sounds really good. I am sure Master Dawnstrider would love to meet us here together and teach us more."

imported_Terran Starek
Aug 18th, 2002, 07:54:28 PM
"I will meet with him and get back to you, Sarr." He said this and smiled, happy that they had agreed. He would go and notify Verse that they would like to meet.

"Until then, take care. I shall see you soon." With that he shook Sarr's hand again and headed out of the courtyard.

Sarr Koon
Aug 24th, 2002, 03:24:28 PM
Sarr watched his new friend leave the courtyard. He felt very glad to have met Terran so soon and would not rather have done anything else. Sarr exited the courtyard shortly after Terran and returned to his living quarters for the time being.