View Full Version : Answering Questions (Tomak, open)

Kaytor Surna
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:27:04 PM
Just after sunset on the planet of Naboo, a lone figure walks out of a city and into a large feild. Two miniscule scars were on her neck. She just walked in the feild. A sword from the jedi was in its scabard atached to her belt along with her gun at her thigh and her dagger in her boot. She walked untill she was half way through the feild, about a mile from the city. The young vampiric jedi waited there. She knew he was coming, one of the few people in this universe that knew answers to her questions. But would he even talk to her was a question that was running through her mind. He had just recently left the jedi and it was said that he no longer had a soul. But she had to try so she waited.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 13th, 2002, 05:19:25 PM
Wraith read her mind as he walked down the street.
It is true, he has no soul. He said to her in his head. I fought him a while back. He is as lifless as I am. Tomak is now a vampyre. You could not save his lost mortal soul if you tried. Wraith stopped for a moment awaiting a reply. He was still facing the oppostie direction down the street.

Kaytor Surna
Aug 13th, 2002, 05:38:13 PM
Kaytor's hand flew to her blaster but she quickly relaxed. He seemed to threat right now. She shook her head as she heard what he had to say. She could sense that he was of the dark side but he was making no threatining movements towards her so she didn't make any towards him.

"He was always a vampire. Now, if what you say is true, he is just a souless vampire. There seem to be to many of us that live a souless life. And it is not just the vampires that I talk of."

Kaytor watches the man from a distance that if he tried to attack her, she would have time to react.

Tomak Ohara
Aug 13th, 2002, 06:59:05 PM
Tomak flew in from the sky, "You called upon me Jedi? Why do you need me? Yes, and may I ask what he is doing here?" Tomak looked at him, "You know my name so then may I ask yours? I do not wish to fight you. You pose no threat to me." Tomak smiled and showed his fangs. "So then what do you say?"

Kaytor Surna
Aug 13th, 2002, 07:12:43 PM
Kaytor looked up at Tomak. She used the force to lift herself into the air untill she was at the same level as Tomak.

"Questions that I needed answered. But from what I hear, your soul is gone so it is useless to ask. Why would you help a jedi?

"As for him, I don't know why he is here. While looking for you, I found him. He answered one of the many questions in my head."

Kaytor stared Tomak in the eye. She ran her tongue across her fangs as she waited for one of them to say something.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 13th, 2002, 08:03:14 PM
The dark figure on the street turned around, facing the two. Wraith stared intently upon them. "I have a score to settle. I came here to finish what I started, Tomak. Remember when you flew away? Back in the woods with Odin? We never ended our combat. I tracked you down. Lets go." Wraith was serious, for he hated when people ran out on a fight. "What do you say?" He wished this other vampyre would not join in. Wraith probably could not face two at once. One was enough

Kaytor Surna
Aug 14th, 2002, 02:46:56 PM
Kaytor glared down at the man on the streat. She reached out with the force and made many plants around the man spring up and bind him down. One around his neck, two around each arm and leg and one across his mouth to keep him from talking.

"My name, Tomak, is Kaytor Surna. I am the only vampire jedi now that you are gone. But I still know little of the vampires and what we are about. That is what I need to ask you about."

Kaytor keeps her eyes trained on the man that is on the ground. She watches him carefully through the darkness. It seemed as thought it was daylight because of her catlike eyes. The night was her time.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 14th, 2002, 03:06:20 PM
Yes, Wraith was on the ground, but he could reach his scythe due to the position that he was sitting in. His finger reached over and ignitied it, the blade seared around him, cutting the plants around his legs. He stood up, and sliced the ones around his arms. The plant around his mouth was frozen solid due to his breath. Wraith simply moved his lips and the vine shattered. The two vampyres stared as the icy figure rose to his feet. "I have no business with you. This is between me and Tomak. Stay out of this or I will have your head also." Wraith stood in the silence of the night, now eager to deal deal death to both of these pathetic vampyres.

Kaytor Surna
Aug 16th, 2002, 03:59:26 PM
Kaytor tooks the sword out of its scabard. She glared down at the man. She then flys down towards him and slashes at his head with her sword. She uses two hands, puting more strength into it to hit him. He was starting to annoy her. She had come to get answers to what she was and she found that she had to fight for the answers. Tomak did nothing but hover above the two of them.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 16th, 2002, 08:21:31 PM
Wraith ignited his scythe just in time to counter her attack. He answered her call, then brought the butt of his scythe up to her face as Kaytor's sword was defelcted, as she was popped in the chin and fell back several feet. Wraith advanced while she was on the ground, scythe in hand.

Tomak Ohara
Aug 17th, 2002, 03:27:33 PM
Tomak snarled, "You both shall stop.!" Tomak pushed them away with the force and then said, "You will have your questions answered. You, icicle, you shall have your turn after her. As for now I need to answer her questions." Tomak smiled and showed his fangs. This needed to be dealt with. As for now though Wraith was second.

Kaytor Surna
Aug 17th, 2002, 05:20:24 PM
Kaytor glared up at the walking ice cube and then took off into the air. She flew over to Tomak, still watching Wraith out of the corner of her eye. Once level with Tomak, she looked him in the eye.

"You are the only vampire I know of right now other than myself. You are the only one that I know of that I can turn to. I need to know what there is about us. Why are we here and how?"

Her words were strong and a bit demanding. Things had changed in her life and she didn't know what to do or where to turn. He was her only choice.

Lord Soth
Aug 17th, 2002, 07:32:51 PM
A deep bone chilling coldness fell over the trio as a lone silhouetted figure emerged from the forest's edge, his armored form was at one with the inky black shadow's behind him. His piercing eye's hung in the blackness of the night as they glowed a crimson hue from under his elaborate helm. Tomak knew immediately that it was none other then the Death Knight, Soth Nuevole...

The Death Knight paused momentarily as he folded his arm's together, standing motionless as wisp's of fog rolled in around him. Moment's later the Vampyre Master was encompassed with an erie violet light that formed a prismatic sphere about him. Whispered word's of Sith Magic escaped his lip's as it intensified then seemingly dissipated from sight.

Soth now watched intently as "Wraith" called out this understudy to a duel. It seemed as though the past had finally come full circle with Soth's apprentice. This was now the time and place to see what Tomak was truly capable of.

"A test my apprentice...The gauntlet has now been cast at your feet. Will you meet his challenge?" Soth's smooth word's echoed throughout the mind's of the three that stood on the ready. The Death Knight would not interfere unless provoked...He was only here to observe,...If fate decided so.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 17th, 2002, 09:33:34 PM
:: Lance had followed Kaytor from her escape in the bar&grill he had sensed that something was wrong he had sensed this escape coming...he watched from a distance the events and didn't make a move witing for the right moment to come in, his blonde hair chilled out through the wind chewing a straw and leaning against a tree he lowered his head hiding his presence through the force, not even her could sense it at the moment, he simply awaited for his moment to interfeer but he wanted to know more about her that is why he only waited and listened.::

Kaytor Surna
Aug 18th, 2002, 12:00:00 AM
Kaytor turned to face the death knight. She still hovered in the air but she could fully see the man. Her sword was still in her hand, knowing that at any moment any if not all of these dark siders could turn and lash out at her. She would be prepared if one of them did.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

These words were shouted out to Soth. She tightened her grip on the sword she held. She didn't trust any of them.

Lord Soth
Aug 18th, 2002, 12:32:47 AM
Soth slowly turned his deadly gaze Kaytor, he found her inquiry quite amusing. Long moment's seemed to pass before the Death Knight answered her bold question.

"I am what you fear most m'lady...Death!...Sudden death!" The Death Knight replied in a lethal tone.

"As for what I want..." Soth paused for a brief moment then finished his sentence followed by a mocking laugh that permeated throughout the near by forest.

"Your soul..." A deep seated dread filled Kaytor heart as the Dark Knight spoke the chilling word's that confirmed her worst fear's...Tomak was soulless!

Kaytor Surna
Aug 18th, 2002, 11:32:25 AM
Kaytor stared at him as he talked to her. Her grip on the sword loosened and it sliped from her hand, landing with its blade stuck into the ground. She just about fell herself but caught herself with the force befor she hit. She landed on the ground and glanced up at Tomak. She then looked back to the man infront of her.

"Who are you?"

Tomak Ohara
Aug 18th, 2002, 01:13:10 PM
Tomak looked at Soth, "As you wish m'lord." He turned to Wraith, "You will die, icicle. You have put your nose in places where it does not belong. Now you will lose more than it, I'm afraid." Tomak flew forward and kicked Wraith in the nose. "I will consume your soul before this day is done." Tomak drew his saber and then pulled a few feathers from his wings. They grew back quick enough. He threw them at Wraith and only three stuck in. The tips were razor sharp. This was going to be fun, "You see Wraith, I have learned a few new tricks. This time I intend to try. Ready to die, boy!"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 18th, 2002, 01:19:25 PM
:: Lance continued to chew his straw this time watching a fight between this Tomak who seemed to be a certain source of the problem and Wraith, for him it was better because he knew he would have to burst in at any moment, they were killing each other what would mean he would only have to take out The Death Knight Soth...who seemed to be a respectable warrior..nothing easy but his dark presence within the force was large and eerie.::

Lord Soth
Aug 18th, 2002, 05:45:15 PM
The Death Knight was well aware of the other that stood near by in the shadow's,...Watching, waiting...He could feel and sense his force signature like a stinking jedi carcass that had been left out in the baking sun for far to long.

Soth let a wicked smile etch it's way across his face from under his finely tooled silver helm. Jedi's were glutton's for punishment...And if the fool wanted to trifle with death this night, Soth would gladly oblige him!

Soth's stoic form remained unmoving as the surrounding forest grew colder and colder with each passing moment, the temperature seemed to plummet as soon as the Dark Knight had arrived...And stranger yet as Kaytor looked on the black armored being, the shadow's that he cast by the moon light seemed move out of sync with it's motionless Master. Twisting and contorting as if it were in agony and defiance to the Knight himself!

Kaytor continued to feel and sense the immense evil that permeated from the Death Knight, washing over her in unholy waves, gripping her heart as she tried to fight back the daunting fear. And as her eye's locked with the two crimson slit's that bore through her soul, Kaytor somehow knew and understood in that moment that the Knight that stood before her was ancient in year's...The ornately carved metal Rose on Soth's sooty breast plate was also a symbol of an order long ago...Perhaps it was from folklore she heard it from, or a bed time story that Kaytor was told as a child, she couldn't quite recall,...But if she was not mistaken, this man was jedi at one time...A jedi knight!

"Come hither young one,...Fear not, I give you my word as a knight that no harm will befall you..." Soth word's fell on the woman ear's like soft Haypen silk.

Kaytor Surna
Aug 18th, 2002, 06:03:57 PM
Kaytor studied the man a moment. She had read of the Death Knights befor she had joined the jedi. Their cold touch and heartless soul. Even through all the evil that was raidiating from him, she regained her composure and called her sword to her.

"I will not be taken so easily, Death Knight. Why don't you show your true face or are you to afraid to take off that helm?"

Kaytor stood her ground, grasping her sword in both hands.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 18th, 2002, 08:10:34 PM
Wraith took the blow to the face, but it was weak. He landed on his feet, his head facing upwards towards Tomak. This wasn't going to be easy fighting someone that can fly. Wraith removed the feathers, for none of them pierced his frost armor. Wraith forward flipped into the air with his scythe ignited. The blade barely glazed Tomaks thigh, ripping the clothing. As he landed, Wraith aimed the emitter of his scythe towards Tomaks direction. Out came three ice needles, two of them hitting Tomak. One in the chest, and one in the right leg. The numbness had allready kicked in. Wraith watched as this vampyre soon to be icebox fought the frostbite.

Lord Soth
Aug 18th, 2002, 08:51:10 PM
Soth let out a mocking laugh as the woman took a defensive stance with him...He admired her tenacity which in turn was fueled by her obvious conviction's in what she called the "jedi ways." However, to the Death Knight, it was nothing more then faceted hypocrisy in his way of thinking. Their foolish and narrow sighted dedication to serve what was known as the "truth" and the "light" was riddled with hole's that shackled and bound them like slave's to a law that gave them little in return compared to the Dark-Side of the force.

Soth knew this all to well, a system that bound him at one time into a life of servitude, chaste to never love another, to have offspring and grow old with a soul mate he could call his own. A forbidden concept during a time when he served their cause blindly.

It was the Death Knight's love for a woman that caused him so much pain and suffering in the end of his reign as a revered jedi knight so long ago. Cursed by the ruling council at a time when such thing's were frowned upon...Cursed when he fought and opposed them, seeking a new reformation against their constricted ways. It was Soth's desire to see his jedi brethren freed from a tyrannical dictatorship, to remove the iron hand and expose the lie's he fell victim to. All for the sake of love...Soth was eventually cast aside for what they considered a great sin against their law's and code. Accursed in their sight he was...

Yes, Soth knew this first hand...In due time it made him into what he was...A killer of the light!

"Indeed...I see your conviction's run deep...However, why are you so eager to look upon my face...Jedi! Or is it simple curiosity that has taken the best of you m'lady...?" Soth word's were firm and tipped with a curtain sarcasm as he paused momentarily.

"I too have a curtain,...Curiosity. Perhaps you can help me put this to rest here and now woman." Soth crimson eye's seemed to cool as he continued to speak to Kaytor, nevertheless mindful and watchful of the fight that was soon to ensue between Tomak and Wraith.

"Do you find it difficult to live as you do, to hide what you truly are...Are you ashamed to be named as one amongst us...Nosferatu?"

The Death Knight was now making reference to the hidden secret's of her soul...To what lay exposed just beneath the surface of this jedi woman...She was as he was...Vampyre! Soth's innate sense's as a creature of the damned told him this...Her smell had forsaken her long before she laid eye's upon him...

Kaytor Surna
Aug 18th, 2002, 10:41:21 PM
Kaytor's eyes widened. The secret few knew had reached this man that she didn't even know the name of. Her eyes turned into a glare. She prepared to strike at the man.

"I don't know how you learned of this, death knight. But you have no right to talk of it. Prepare to die a final death."

Kaytor ran at the man, sword flying. She brought the sword across his chest at an angle. It was sent with such force that she was suprised she could muster it up. She used the force to make it faster and stronger as she attacked him.

Lord Soth
Aug 19th, 2002, 12:24:30 AM
The woman’s anger was kindled at the Dark Knight's revelation of what she truly was. But her attempted attack on the Death Knight was short lived as she closed in on him. Kaytor's unbalanced thinking forced her to react, forgetting the prismatic sphere that the death master had summoned about him when he first appeared from the shadows. Soth remained unmoving as the she swung down on him...There was a tremendous flash of light as her sword connected with what she thought to be his breast plate...Kaytor was then violently blown backwards to the ground in a heap, tumbling and sliding along the icy road that led out of the city not far off from them. The violet shell around Soth shimmered then dissipated once more as she slowly looked back to see if he was affected. He had not moved an inch! Her physical attack on him had been thwarted much to her disbelief.

Pain registered in Kaytor's mind as she felt the first degree burns on the frontal parts of her body. Her hands and the uncovered portions of her body began to immediately turn red and blister. This man was more powerful then she had anticipated...

"Your feeble powers are no match against the true nature of the Dark-Side!...The Death Knight snapped as he pointed a razor sharp talon in her direction.

"If you are to ever learn of your true potential my dear...Then lay aside the foolish convictions of your heart and follow me to a place where others dare not tread!" Soth continued to shake his finger at Kaytor in a mocking fashion.

"I alone can give you this! You are a creature of the damned, this you can never deny! It is your destiny in the scheme of things..." Soth then slowly folded his armored arms once more as he studied her every movement...

Aug 19th, 2002, 12:19:49 PM
During yet another routine supply run, Nemesis found himself on the lush planet Naboo. However, things seldom remain routine.

While TX haggled with a local merchant over the price of a warp drive manifold and some rations, the ebony assassin had chosen to venture the darkened city streets. Strange how the Ranger could scarcely bring himself to deal with many people on a personal basis, though he found it quite easy to engage them in combat.

TX, the faithful droid, returned to his master; that wondered about the array of closed shops and dimly lit inns.

TX: "I warned you that man was a crook, Master. Only scoundrels would be about at this unholy hour."

The cloaked man cut his mechanical servant with a harsh glare. Taken abake by his owner's gaze, TX recoiled then began to try and amend his previous statement.

TX: "What I meant was only scoundrels...would ah...would ah....which is not to say you, Master are a ah....ah..."

His broken apology was curtailed by a flashing beacon within the robot's chest. It's blue light cast a dismal haze upon them, blinking on and then off again. TX looked toward the far entrance of the city.

TX: "It appears that there is some kind of atlercation about two clicks east of here. Seems as though some very...powerful..."

His words trailed off as the dark clad hunter moved in the gate's direction. Nemesis pulled back one side of the thick coat, inspecting his equipment. Twin blades, a pair of blaster pistols, and an assortment of gadgets on his shinning metallic utility belt; all checked to be in working order.

The droid hastly flew to the Ranger's side.

TX:"Master you can't possibly be considering an investigation."

His warning fell on deaf ears. Nemesis rushed by TX, his destination still set for the battle outside those protective city walls.

TX:"You don't even know who's out there." he sputtered out in a feverish panic.

Nemesis:"That is precisely why I need to go."

His stride toward the gate went uniterrupted.

Nemesis:"Get back to the Raven and make sure the supplies are loaded properly. I won't be long."

He had always been drawn to a fight, after all his was the soul of a true warrior. Yet, this time there was something odd. Something that held his attention; beckoned his scrutiny. What could it be?

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 19th, 2002, 02:47:19 PM
As Tomak messed with the ice about himself, Wraith turned to this newcomer, or wait, several newcomers. The dark presence in the woods was like a thorn in his mind. He sensed immense power coming from it. The dark figure must be a Sith. And then another, not too far off into the woods. A royal rumble was about to break out. If this Sith was truly Tomak's master, then Wraith would make this look real good as he killed Tomak slowly, painfully. This dark lord would see who the true warrior was in this battle. Maybe even this new Sith would take Wraith up as his apprentice, once he fed the debris of Tomak to Odin.

Tomak Ohara
Aug 19th, 2002, 06:19:54 PM
Tomak ripped the needles from his body, "Fool!" Tomak drew his saber and came in for and hit Wraith in the chest. Wraith bent over from the pain. Tomak lifted his knee to his face, and then took the butt of his saber and hit him in the face with it. He then turned quickly, and let his razor feathers extend, cutting, burning into Wraith's armor. Tomak flew back to get a good distance away from Wraith. The mortality of Wraith was no match for the strength of a vampire.
Tomak looked to the woods, his master was taking care of things there. But there was another. A jedi. He waited in the shadows. Waiting to strike, but Tomak would not be taken so easily. He smiled waiting for that moment.
He turned back to Wraith, and watched him bleed. He was holding his face and his armor was burning from his body. Tomak smirked, "I told you I had improved. One more lesson before you die," Tomak flew in close and grabbed Wraith's face turned it to him and said, "Never underestimate a vampire." Tomak then kicked him in the chest, and flew back once more, and activated his saber.

Kaytor Surna
Aug 19th, 2002, 06:39:09 PM
Kaytor summoned water from a nearby well. It splash quickly out in a wave towards Kaytor and Soth. It hit Kaytor first, geting rid of the burn befor any major damage was delivered but knocking her to the ground. It then continued towards Soth in a huge wave.

Once the water had cleared away, Kaytor looked up at Soth. It seemed to have bearly affected him. She knew that she was streaching her limits by fighting him like this. But she couldn't stop. She couldn't give up this easily.

But every word he said took her one step closer to the edge. She knew that what he said was true but couldn't accept it yet. She felt as though she was about to break. The longing to learn about her kind and the fear of the darkside.

She couldn't take it any more. What if it was true that she had found bliss in ignorance? She wanted to disappear. All these thoughts just didn't make sense.

Kaytor clenched her hands into fists and moved to her knees. She felt anger building up inside of her. She tightly closed her eyes. An instant later, energy started forming in a sphere around her. The white sphere tightened in around her slowly until she just let go.

She yelled out loudly and the sphere exploded around her. It extended rapidly with a force that knocked out a nearby building. The anger enduced energy extended towards the others around her. Even Soth felt a strong push from the energy. The others were knocked away by the dark energy. A huge cloud of dust is knocked into the air.

Once the cloud disperses, Kaytor is there on one knee, glaring at Soth, her eyes, changed to dark brown and her hair longer and black. Her fangs were extended as she knelt there, glaring at the death knight. A soft yet dark energy was emenating around her.

Her gaze quickly turned towards Lance. She stared right at his eyes. She rose up, bringing her dagger out of her boot as she stood, and pointed her dagger at him. It flew at him, wedging itself in the wall next to his right ear, taking a small niche out of his ear.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 19th, 2002, 06:44:47 PM
" Never underestimate a Jedi, Tomak. "

From the dim shadows stepped a strong Jedi, a precence all familiar with Tomak. It was Ki Adi Kindo, one of Ohara's close friends before his weakness overcame him, and he failed to become something he set out to be. Ki was suited in his standard steel armor, with his sharp blade resting on his hip, ready for anything. He approached Ohara, who was at the moment fighting with another opponent. Tomak had sensed Kindo approach the perimeter, has he did in his days of serving the Light. Kindo longed to lash out at Tomak with anger of no bounds, but that would only erase the peace that was engraved in his heart. He grown much more wiser and powerful ever since Ohara's betrayal to the Order, and this was very prevelant in the ways Ki Adi spoke. He was here not to seek revenge on Tomak or reak havoc on a Vampire, but to see justice was served.

" You underestimated the Jedi, Ohara, and you have failed to become you not long ago set out to be, a Jedi Knight. We were friends once, but now we rest on opposite sides. I am here to make sure you don't do something you are not supposed to, to see justice served."

Kaytor Surna
Aug 19th, 2002, 07:51:21 PM
Kaytor turns around to face Kindo. She takes her sword and starts walking towards the jedi. She watches him without blinking as she walks over. 10 feet from him, she stops. She brings her sword back and throws it at him, missing him by milimeters.

While he is watching the sword with his eyes, he feels a kick come at his back hard. He is sent flying towards the sword by a kick that could have broken a normal man's back.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 19th, 2002, 08:01:32 PM
"Thats it! You have pissed me off for the last time! Your foolish and inconsistent weak tatters will annoy me no longer. Now I will show what it is really like to have Sith blood flow through your viens!" Wraith got up brushing away the pain in his mind, forgetting everything. He did not know pain nor fear, but knew only to kill this vampyre that stood in his way. As the vampyre hovered, Wraith contemplated, harnessing all of the force that he possibly could. With a leap he soared into the air after Tomak. Tomak had underestimated the distance he was away from the Sith. With all his might he plunged the butt of his scythe into Tomak's stomach and pulverized him into the ground. Before Tomak could get up, icy prongs leapt from the ground and surrounded his appendages as Wraith so commanded. He turned to the nearest tree. It was a huge oak, maybe almost 150 feet tall. Wraith tore the life away from the tree as he cut through it at the base. It came crashing down upon Tomak while he lay in his icy tomb. The ground trembled and shook as the tree hit the surface of the earth, for there were none in that area that did not hear the sound of its crash. Wraith stared and watched as nothing moved from underneath the tree. He could see something sticking out, semi-looking like an arm. Wraith walked over to it. If it moved, he would pin it then slice it off.

Aug 19th, 2002, 10:44:44 PM
Shouts, crys, and all manner of discord surged over the open field. There, in the distance, stood five perhaps six silhouettes locked in mortal combat. As the Ranger drew closer, he beheld a battle, once more, between Jedi and Sith.

Nemesis initially desired to leave the scene in peace. The warrior had thrown himself once before into one such incident. What he had learned from his experience was neither side truely cared for the lives they laid to waste. Each was far to busy attempting to best their rival, at least in this scenerio no innocent people were threatened. He would simply leave the vying members to their piety contention.

Yet, before the assassin was able to turn from this ongoing struggle, he caught site of a certain figure that bore no resemblance to any other the hunter had encountered. The prevailing curtain of night hindered him from accurately viewing the bizarre entity at his present distance.

The ebony soilder moved closer. Though his steps were stealthed, he refused to bend to any sort of kneeling position. Involvement was the least of his concerns. The Ranger was a spectator, not a combatant and intended to remain as such. But he kept a steady hand, preparing for retaliation should any participant decide to forcibly change his bystander status, by bringing Nemesis into the fray.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 20th, 2002, 02:11:19 PM
:: Lance saw the dagger coming towarded him and didn"t even move the dagger took a bit of his ear...but nothing to actually remain as a great damage to his body...his eyes and expression on his face showed signs of his calmness...he stood up and threw his cloak away the cloak flew through the pace of the wind as his blonde hair bursted out of the shadows..Lance then extended his right arm and Matrix flew to his hand like a Pin Wheel, he spoke right through Kaytor's mind.::

"What does this mean..."

:: Lance said summon ing the force thrpugh his body he force speeded towarded and lifted her up in the air sending a quick force blast at the same time, he catched her and threw her back on thre ground avoiding to do damage on her and still knowing she would attack him quickly...she wasn't her-self at the moment Lance knew it and still he was very calm no expression of feelings could appear on his face...his gaze then turned to her as he saw Kindo thrown by the kick...Lance only though of it as a painfull sin...but neverthless he walked towarded Kaytor at a slow pace his force reflexes 100% active any attack or presence who would come near him would be sensed at this moment and probably stopped.::
"Why are you doing this Kaytor?....Come back at the order...now this is a dangerous place...Tomak Ohara has fallen into darkness...the onyl thing he desires is to kill he is soulless you are not...you still have a chance..come back Kaytor" Lance said his jaded eyes narrowed and his right hand holding his saber.

Tomak Ohara
Aug 20th, 2002, 02:46:46 PM
OOC: That was tottaly unfair! You almost killed me and disaknowledged all pain i gave you. I don't know why but that is unfair. I have no way to fight back now. But nonetheless I guess I'll go along with it.

Tomak felt the force of the tree. He used all of his strength to summon his saber and cut through the trees and ice. He had it cut him free and then cut the tree open. He then sent it flipping after Wraith. The saber went flying through Wraith's chest. It missed vital organs, but definetly hurt. He pulled himself from the ground. He was not healing fast enough. He looked at the now helpless one, "I will show you true power! You know nothing. Then when I am through with you I will kill your lizard friend." Tomak smiled and raised his hands into the air. He was going to try something. An ancient magic passed down only in his clan. This man deserved to die, and Tomak would not kill him, but instead put him an inch from death. "Su nu es la cardien. Mu ri ka sat chi usum. Su nu es la cardien! Mu ri ka sat chi usum! May the flames of destiny rise to great my arms. Help me to veanquish this traitor to the cause of blood! May he live an evil life." Tomak threw his arms out. His blood poured from his body. His wings were torn and tattered. This however would be the card that won him the match. He let his blood fall to the ground. Wraith was still pinned to the ground by Tomaks lightsaber. Tomak drew forth from the ground, pulling out the dirt. However their was no dirt there when he opened his hand. Instead there was fire. He let the flame grow and then threw his hand onto the ground. The flames erupted in a straight line heading for Wraith's arm. It flew by him scorching his arm and burning some of his face. Tomak took another handful and just threw it randomly. It landed above Wraith's head. Tomak continued to throw them until they had formed a circle around Wraith. He then said, "You will stay until I am through with her. Move out of this circle, and you will melt like ice." Tomak then grabbed the ground and threw another one at Lance far in the distance. After hearing it hit he spoke into the darkness, "Let her make her own choices. Do not pressure her Jedi." Tomak turned back to Wraith drew his saber from his chest and said, "If you can put the flames out our spar will continue, otherwise you will wait until I feel generous or you find a way to extinguish them." Tomak smiled, he wanted to continue and would help Wraith eventually.

Kaytor Surna
Aug 20th, 2002, 04:04:31 PM
Kaytor turned her gaze up to Lance. Her eyes were clam but her expresion was harsh. No sign of the old Kaytor or the jedi was visable. She didn't say anything to him in response.

The fire hit him in the chest and lit his clothing on fire. While he is distracted with the fire, she sweap kicks his feet out from under him. She then jumps up and grabs Lance around the neck. She pins his head to the ground and places a knee in his stomach. The flames where quickly extinquished. She leaned down and whispered in his ear.

"You know, Lance. It's been a while sense I have tasted blood. The blood of a jedi would be something that I belive few vampires have ever drank. What do you think?"

She looked at his face, to see the expression he would have after this is said.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 20th, 2002, 04:37:26 PM


Wraith flew to the ground and felt the saber pierce his chest, and felt it even more as it was pulled out. This was a sever wound that would not be take likeley. When he got out of this situation, he would not let the vampyre die an easy death. Wraith concentrated on the fireballs around him. They burned him so bad, for he was not used to this intense heat. The hole in his chest blead more now as every second he concentrated on maintaining a cold body temperature. These intense flames would kill him. Slowly the whole in his chest began to close up with ice. The ice sealed the wound and stopped the bleeding. Wraith was actually sweating now, something he hadn't done in a long time. With all the might and force that he had left, Wriath sent a wave of ice out to cover the surrounding fireblass. The ice was too strong, for it turned the fireballs into long spikes of ice. With a yell he used the force to rip the spikes from the ground and sent them soaring in Tomaks direction. Of the fifteen spikes, only four hit. Two in his right wing, one in his left wing, and one straight in his stomach where Wraith had previously hit him. He watched as Tomak became pinned to the ground. "One ill turn deserves another." Tomak could not move for the four foot long spikes were embeded through him and into the ground. Wraith crawled towards Tomak, dragging his scythe by his side. The pain was still too great for him to walk. He only wished that he had some sort of aide.

Tomak Ohara
Aug 20th, 2002, 06:13:50 PM
Tomak felt himself pinned to the ground. He was bleeding imensly. He looked at Wraith. He was crawling on the ground, "You are right. Last time you beat me, but now it is my turn." Tomak extended the feathers on his wings. He ignited them with the fireballs and let them fly. Hundreds of small razor sharp knives. About half landed into Wraith's skin. Tomak could see the flames engulf him. "Time to give up fool." Tomak made his saber float again to cut him free. Tomak got up, ice still in his body. He walked over to Wraith, and then stepped on his scythe. He crushed the tip so the only way it would work is if it was repaired. He then took his foot and planted it hard on the face of Wraith. He ground his face into the ground, "You lost, you are not worth the effort anymore. I will let you stay here. I want to kill you one day, but not like this. You deserve a noble death. Another fight shall arise. As for now Lance is a new problem." Tomak turned and stumbled off into the forest. Time for another fight. He was starting to heal. He ripped the ice out of his body, and continued to walk forward. When he was far enough from Wraith he climbed up a tree. Out of reach from everyone. He lay there waiting for his wounds to heal. Wraith was a great warrior. One day however Tomak would kill him.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 20th, 2002, 06:25:12 PM
In a quick instant Kaytor is thrown off Lance, casting her many feet away on the hard soil. Kindo approached Surna tranquilly but cautiously, his back still in pain from the kick delivered by Kaytor. He drew his sword, it's edge gleaming in the scarse light. His face was stern, yet complacent. At hazardous times like these, the Jedi managed to maintain his serileness. He blade was prepared for any assult that might present itself, knowing Vampires usually responded in aggression relentlessly. Unlike others, Kindo's main focus was to make sure justice was served, even if this meant fighting Kaytor. She still layed upon the ground she was thrown to not long ago.

" Whats it going to be Kaytor? "

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 20th, 2002, 06:55:02 PM
:: Lance saw the fireball rage at him as he raised a hand , the fireball could have been sensed even without using the force...the vampire was noisy.. and to Lance he was simply stupid, as Lance raised his hand a mass of air and gravity roamed around his hand vaporising the flame::

"Leave me alone Ohara I don't have time to waste on you"

:: He then saw Kindo ignit his saber.::

"Don't worry my friend I will handle this....just be carefull we're not in a pretty situation here...we sure could use the help of others.." He said his voice stern looking down at Kaytor

OOC:....Sorry...but that flame could have never worked...Evil Hobgoblin once tried that on me he's the leader of the Dark Jedis so I don't think that Tomak could actually hit Lance with a fireball it would never had worked plus I PRECISED that I had my force reflexes opened that was a nasty auto that I will not certainly not accept.

Tomak Ohara
Aug 20th, 2002, 07:10:22 PM
Tomak came down from the tree. His wounds were healed and he heard the words of Lance, "I sense you Kindo. You cannot hide. I will destroy you. I did not betray you, come with me to the darkside. That or may you rot." Tomak kept himself hidden in the shadows. He waited for Kindo to turn his back. Tomak flew out with a side kick to his back. He saw Kindo fly forward. "Ha! You have not improved old friend. Shall we have a rematch. This time, however, I will emerge as the victor. Prepare to die.....Ki Adi!
You serve the wrong purpose." Tomak smiled and ignited his saber.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 20th, 2002, 07:25:13 PM
:: Lance heard the saber and didn't care continuing his way towards Kaytor.::

"You know what to do Kindo"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Aug 20th, 2002, 07:37:27 PM
" Of course Lance. Its up to you and me now. "

Kindo extended his hand towards Ohara's direction, unleashing a Force lift in the location of the vampire. Tomak was thrown off his balance, landing back to where he leaped from moments ago. Kindo lifted up his sword in his defensive position.

" When you betrayed the Jedi. my family, you betrayed me. I am stronger than you, and will always be, because I not only serve the light, I kept my word in devoting my life to the Order. You did not. You ran away to hide and claim flase powers. "

Kindo stood posed ready for an attack by Tomak, ready for anything.

Kaytor Surna
Aug 20th, 2002, 07:56:55 PM

The word was shouted out to the jedi. Kaytor rose to her feet again and started walking towards Lance. Her expression had changed again. An expression of longing and fear was in her eyes. Her fangs where now back to normal canines.

"Lance, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Kaytor makes her way over to Lance. She runs her right hand down his chest then hugs him. She waits for him to hug her in return.

Slowly, she moves her head up to his neck so that he doesn't notice. She slides her fangs out again and punctured his neck, biteing hard. She slowly started to suck the blood from his body.

Lance slowly fell to his knees, Kaytor following him, still drawing the blood out. He felt himself grow weaker as she felt herself grow stronger. It had been a while sense she had drawn blood from a human.

Aug 20th, 2002, 09:18:12 PM
Nemesis stalked ever nearer to the mysterious being, that remained uninvolved and blatantly uninterested. He either foresaw the outcome, or, like the assassin himself, held little regard for the victory of the two factions.

Curiosity, be it flaw or virtue, had always managed to manipulate the Ranger into an untold number of situations. Battle and knowledge, eternally present amongst his thoughts. He passionately craved both, for reasons beyond even the warriors own reasoning.

Distance between the two had been cut to a mere seven feet. The inky black hunter could hear the man's breath on the crisp night air, or what appeared to be breathing. An unusual oder perforated the cloth mask and entered Nemesis' nose. The smell was oddly familiar, but at the same time foreign in nature. Simultaneously sweet, yet overwhelmingly putrid. The pleasing stench was...death.

The figure, which was now seen to be well armored and stood with folded arms, had not recognized the warrior's presence. Perchance it chose to ignore the intruding observer, judging the dark clad man to be without threat to its own solitude.

Going against all apprehensions he spoke to the masterful creature.

"Who...what are you?"

Lord Soth
Aug 20th, 2002, 11:39:24 PM
The Death Knight remained poised in his stance as the assassin's inky form silently crept up from behind him, soundless, methodical in his movement. Every step was carefully placed, the sound of weapon's silent and restrained, even the groan of leather gave nothing to the trained ear. Nevertheless, Soth was well aware of his cunning stealth,...However, he regarded it little. It was a Vampyre's acute sense's and innate abilities as a Creature of Damned that rivaled that of the normal mortal man...Oddly, this in turn only left more question's in the mind of the ranger as he drew near... Nemesis's was now within feet of the one he approached...

Indeed Soth held no regard for the outcome on this field of battle this night. His interest's lay elsewhere...The fate of one now stood in the balance of light and darkness. Tomak was responsible for leading him to her, Soth had foreseen it...Now it was only a matter of time, and time was a luxury that the dark master could afford! There was always something more then what met the eye when a Vampyre came and went as he pleased...The cloak of night was theirs to rule as they seen fit...To feed and exercise the inherited Dark Gift there linage was known for.

The Death Knight allowed the assassin to come within feet of him before he responded. The sweet smell of rose's mingled with that of choking death grew stronger in the nostril's of Nemesis as he paused at Soth's sudden word's to him.

Ahh, yes...I see the night wind has finally given up her secret's..." Soth's even word's were cryptic as his back remained turned to Nemesis's, ignoring the man's inquiry of who or what he was. There was a long moment of silence that stood between the two men before the Death Knight continued. Only the clash of weapon's and yelling could be heard as it echoed and resonated throughout the Naboo forest.

"Do you plan to test your metal this night...Assassin? The Death Knight's word's were simple but candid. Nemesis could feel an air of confidence, an unbridled energy coming from the man in front of him. Then suddenly it dawned on the dark ranger, this strange man...this being, his word's to him were being spoken to his open mind!

Aug 21st, 2002, 01:10:19 PM
Nemesis froze in his tracks. He fumbled through the host of questions that lay siege to his mind. How did this individual know of whom he spoke with? The unidentified being had referred to the Ranger as...assassin...prior to any formal introduction. By what means did this man give life to words without the parting of his lips? His statements illuminating knowledge of the hunter's arrival before his question was uttered. How was this possible? Skilled in stealth, the assassin had given forth no sound detectable by any man's ear. Therein, lie the truth. Nemesis' acquaintance was not human.

As yet, the armored figure had not turned to face his guest. Eyes, fixed on the combatants, never wavered. His continual gaze rested not for the victor's sake, but for something very dear to him.

"I have not come to this place seeking to instigate any form of conflict, but by the same token I will not retreat from one offered me."

A literal torrent of horror washed over the whole of Nemesis' frame, exercising its icy grip on his resolve. Unseen floods lashed out at the newcomer. Their origin: the mysterious Knight. Steadily fear grew, trying even a seasoned warrior's courage. The creature took great pleasure in its prey's fright, even now, testing his latest quarry for discernable weaknesses. The psychological onslaught exposed itself in a very physical reaction, as the cloaked man's body was now clammy and cold to touch.

However, the Ranger stood fast, neglecting the mass hysteria theory of fearing the unknown. If this one truly meant to strike the assassin down he would have already made his move, but for the moment preferred toying with Nemesis.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 21st, 2002, 01:23:01 PM
:: Lance fell on his knees feeling a control loss of his body as he became weaker and weaker he felt his force reflexes diminush and didn't understand what was happening, he quickly opened his eyes and saw Kaytor biting him and sucking his blood out that si when he managed to concentrate a bit of his power nd moved his hand with much difficulty managing to send a force blast to her stomach making her fly away from him, Lance quickly concentrated more of the froce even though he was almost fainting he managed to send a few healing waves to his neck but nothing was happening or preventing Lance from fainting, his eyes were slowly closing and his gaze to Kaytor was vanishing slowly his jaded eyes blinked as he looked up he almost looked soulless but he remained in awaken but who knows for how long.::

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:49:26 PM
Wraith felt the pain from when Tomak grinded his head in. The wound in his chest still hurt, but it was healing gradually. There was not much more he could do now, fo his scythe was broken. Wraith layed on the ground concentrating on gathering all his strength to heal himself. Tomak would get what he deserved. It was only a matter of time until Wraith would be upon him once again.

Tomak Ohara
Aug 21st, 2002, 07:09:04 PM
Tomak began stumbling, "Master, I must go and feed. I am sorry. I will kill you later Kindo. Have a nice time with Soth." Tomak felt the pain from no blood hit him hard. He turned and flew away quickly. He flew away to the nearest village.

Kaytor Surna
Aug 21st, 2002, 09:54:14 PM
Kaytor's mind and body were screaming for more blood. It was like a drug to some one who had become clean and got a taste of it again. She needed it and thrived for it. She strugled to control herself as she rose to her feet agian.

She brought a hand up and touched her mouth. She looked at her fingers and the blood of Lance that covered them. She smiled chaoticly. She looks at Lance.

"Odd to think about, Lance. Blood. The very substance that gives life. Yet it can be the death of you. And you. You come to help me yet end up being greatly injured by the one you came to help."

The grin remained as she watched Lance's reaction to what she had just told him. She walked closer and closer to him, slowly.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 21st, 2002, 09:57:27 PM
:: Lance felt anger ivade him....in what only a matter of seconds before he exploded and eventually give her a panning like Marcus would say........but he tried not to and instead formed a force shel around him..making him untouchable..::

"Ugh.....alright....I see you chose to die..." He said almost fainting but somehow preparing something.

Kaytor Surna
Aug 21st, 2002, 10:21:18 PM
Kaytor laughed.

"Die? Again? Interesting idea. So tell me, who is going to kill me? You? Don't make me laugh harder. I'll split a rib. I can feel your anger riseing, Lance. Do what I have just done. Lance, the shrine can make you immortal."

Kaytor went to one knee just outside of Lance's shield and looked down at him.

"Look at you, laying there. Patheticly weak. They can make you stronger, Lance. Hightened sense and amazing power. Immortality."

Something quickly came to Kaytor's mind. She turned her gaze quickly to the sky.

The sky of Naboo was starting to become lighter. The starts slowly fadeing away. The sun would be up soon.

Kaytor quickly looked to Soth and jumped to her feet. She summoned her dagger and sword to her and put them away. Her gaze changed to Lance then Kindo. She pointed at Kindo and glared at him.

"Take him back for now. Tend to his injuries." she looked at Lance. "We will meet again, Lance. You have time to think about what I have told you."

Kaytor ran into the shadows of the forest. They had around an hour or less untill the deadly sun would be about. About 5 yards into the forest, she waited for Soth.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 21st, 2002, 10:25:59 PM
:: Lance broke his shell as sparkles shattered everywhere, he felt like running after her and kill her for the simple fact that she made him waste his time, he shook his fist and got up almost as he never got bitten.::

"Come on Kindo let's get the hell outta here" Lance looked over in the direction in which she ran his eyes narrowed.

"We must report this to master Xazor immediatly..." He said turning around and walking away.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 22nd, 2002, 02:14:27 PM
Wraith realized there was nothing he could do here now. He got up and stumbled towards the dock in Naboo. Tomak would not live long enough to see Soth again. Wraith would strike him down as soon as he was healed and ready to set out again. Turning his back on the crowd, he proceeded towards his shuttle.

Lord Soth
Aug 22nd, 2002, 09:46:43 PM
As the combatant's began to leave the battle one by one, a low throaty growl admitted from the dark master. The Death Knight eye's began to burn, peaking to an unholy amber hue as his apprentice left the melee...The Death Knight was highly displeased with Tomak's sudden departure. To Soth, battle was honor, a symbolic badge that he wore proudly. There was no room for retreat, no reason at all!...Life and death was undeniably on the line to any combatant's that risked it's toll. Soth Nuevole would deal with his wayward understudy soon enough...Tomak would quickly learn that he would fair better to fight with honor to the death if need be then to face the heavy hand of an unforgiving master!

The assassin could hear the sound of the dark knight's talon gloves creak and groan as he clenched his fist's. Nemesis could only guess at the knight's sudden display of anger...Moment's passed before Soth replied to Nemesis...The dark ranger's explanation was indeed worthy and had not gone unnoticed with the Vampyre.

"Of course...An admirable disposition you have assassin...One I mast say I respect..." The Death Knight then turned slowly to face Nemesis...Soth could see the ranger had not relinquished his tight grip on his duel hilt's. A wicked smile etched it's way across Soth's face from under his elaborate helm as he walked confidently from the protective sphere he had employed earlier. This caught Nemesis somewhat of guard as to what the knight would do next, however the ranger quickly determined that this mysterious being held no contempt or ill demeanor as he walked to the side of him then paused. The Death Knight turned his head towards the assassin, extending a talon glove to Nemesis. Within his palm was a black data-pad.

"Take it...Consider this an incentive my friend..." Soth paused as the Dark Ranger reluctantly took the ebony pad from his hand.

"I am convinced every man has a price...As long as it is a fitting one of course." Nemesis could see the knight eye's cool as he paused once more then continued.

"And with no disrespect intended assassin, I would venture to say...In your line of work there can be no room for conviction's of the heart when one is content on making a living whether it be wrong or right." Soth finished, then walked a few paces away from Nemesis towards the forest's edge, stopping only for a brief moment before meeting up with Kaytor.

"Perhaps our path's will never cross again assassin. Nevertheless, what you do now with the small detainer is for you to decide." With that said, the Death Knight's dark form became one with the inky shadow's as he left Nemesis to ponder his proposal. And in the moment as the Vampyre departed into the Naboo wood's, a relieving calmness fell over the ranger, the smell of sweet death no longer evident on the crisp night air...

Upon glancing down at the black pad that Soth had just given him, Nemesis pressed a small green display button that blinked in a rheumatic pulsing pattern. He was shocked to see an Imperial credit count of eighty-thousand to do with what he pleased. A further look also reveled a simple menu screen download that could be used on any standard nava-computer...On it where the strange coordinate's to a planetary system called "Roon." This valuable information also had a fell safe mechanism built within it...Once the mapping sequence was downloaded and safely completed, the pad would simply self-destruct in a small harmless flash of spark's...Obviously this place called "Roon" was a well guarded secret by the look's of it...However one thing remained unanswered in the mind of Nemesis..."Why?"...

Aug 22nd, 2002, 10:50:25 PM
Upon the depature of this mysterious Knight, the dark clad assassin peered at the small data-pad given to him. Its contents were guidance inputs for the location of a planetary system, the Roon System. The aroma and feelings had faded until only memory of their existence remained. Yet, there lingered, still, one question in his mind, "Why?"

His pondering was curtailed by an abrupt beep. The sound radiated from a small com-link on Nemesis' right hip. Moments later the mechanical voice of TX burst forth.

TX: "Master! Master! Are you there?! I repeat: are you there?"

Reaching partially around his body, via the left arm, he pressed a blinking red button.

Nemesis:"I'm here TX."

TX: "What's going on out there? Do you need a assistance? Maybe transportation or medical help? Are you injured?" The frenzied droid spouted questions without hesitation for the answers.

Nemesis: Halting the mindless queries, "Everything checks out fine. Get the Raven ready. I'm returning to the city."

TX: "Yes, sir."

Each of the hunter's flashing white eyes was fixed upon the gift. The tremendous amount of money more than paid the merchants inflated rate of purchase. TX would sleep well this night, if he had the ability.

Nemesis: Again pressing the blinking red com-link, "TX, what do you know about the Roon System?"

TX: "The Roon System?!"

Friend...a man's price....Roon...what did it all mean?

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 23rd, 2002, 01:53:00 PM
The shuttle shut its door and took to the sky. Wraith could see the town where Tomak was probably now feesting. Sooner or later they would meet again, there being only one departure.