View Full Version : A Second Chance....(Jak)

Xazor Elessar
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:49:22 AM
The Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider, sat upon a large rock in the middle of the jungle. A smile crossed her lips as she fell into a deep meditation, touching Nature all around her. She had left a message for her new Padawan...and friend....to find her for training. It would be a great task, seeing as though a few days ago he did not even believe in the Force. She knew that he was capable though...she had faith in him. The wind gently blew her long braids to the side, making a serene music with the golden coins that laced her hair. Her white robes flowed gently at her sides and wrapped around her and the rock. The Garou spoke softly to a bird that landed upon her shoulder and then flew off, drawing a toothy smile to her lips. She sat in the quiet happiness, waiting for Jak....

Jak Brennagenn
Aug 13th, 2002, 01:38:46 PM
Meanwhile, in the Living Quaters, a blanket covered lump that had been motionless for hours suddenly moved. An arm was uncovered, reaching up to the windowsill for the chrono that had been placed there the night before. Jak smiled as he stretched, sleep still holding him.


He pulled the chrono down to look at the time.


Jak rolled over, pulling the blanket over his head. Wait, what? He bolted upright, falling off the bed from the momentum. He had to meet Xazor, his new master, in fifteen minutes! Mumbling something about getting a new alarm, Jak ran out of his quarters, stumbling with the blanket that was still wrapped around his legs. He had finally managed to be rid of it halfway down the corridor when he realized, to his horror, that he was running in nothing but his boxers.

"Oh for Petes sake..."

This was a very...exciting morning, to say the least. Re-entering his quarters to grab the jeans and t-shirt that were on the floor, Jak tossed the blanket inside and pulled the clothes on as he jogged, not an easy task in itself. He ran a hand through his hair to smooth it down and only then realized he was barefoot. Well there was no time to go back now. He didn't want to be late his first day of training.

Dodging others along the way, Jak skidding to a halt at the entrance to the training grounds. He was panting and looked down at his watch.


Not bad, considering. Well, now he had to find his Master. Jak crashed through the jungle noisily, not being used to the thick foliage. Breaking through a particularily dense section, Jak stumbled into a clearing, landing quite ungracefully on his backside. He stood up and brushed his clothes off, not noticing the leaves that now adorned his hair. Turning around, Jak saw Xazor on a rock. He sighed in relief. At least something was going right. She looked completly content and Jak didn't know whether or not she was awake. He stood there, unsure if he should interupt her.


Xazor Elessar
Aug 13th, 2002, 01:55:49 PM
The eyes of Xazor remained closed as she sensed her Padawan enter the clearing. No smile crossed her lips as usual...for she knew the time....9:03.

"You're late, my Padawan..."

She said softly, not harshly...but a bit of sterness was on her voice. Her eyes opened ever so slightly and she eyed him for a moment. From around her back, she took a box wrapped in silver. Motioning for him to come to her, she smiled and handed it to him.

"But nonetheless....I am very proud of you. You accomplished what I called you to. Time matters not....you could have taken all day and I would have been waiting here for you. Well done..."

The Garou grinned, exposing her elongated canines. Inside the box were things that would be of use to him. Black combat boots, a black weapons belt...and finely created robes the color of snow. A blue tunic rested inside as well...a perfect outfit for the new Jedi. She knew that all of the items would fit him well...and she hoped that he liked the gift....

Jak Brennagenn
Aug 17th, 2002, 07:20:12 PM
Jak rubbed the back of his neck at the mention of being late. He really didn't see three minutes as a big deal but hey, that was him.

"Yeah see, I slept late and then my clothes...well I wasn't in them when--"

He stopped tying to explain as Xazor motioned to him and handed him the wrapped package. Jak looked at her, startled.

"What's this?"

A pointless question as he had already opened the box. For a moment, Jak didn't know what to do as he stared at the contents. He'd never been given a gift before. His eyes lit up and he glanced up, smiling.

"I uh, I don't know what to say. I mean, thank you, very much. You didn't have to do this. Wow..."

He fingered the robes gently, still surprised by the gift.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 23rd, 2002, 02:27:06 PM
Xazor looked up at Jak and smiled at his surprise. She was glad that he liked the gift, though.

"I know I didn't have to do that for you....but I wanted to. You're not only my Padawan, but you're also my friend. So before we begin...I want you to tell me a bit about yourself....your name in full, where you came from...and what you know...or think you know, about the Force."

She smiled warmly and sat back, waiting for his response....

Jak Brennagenn
Aug 24th, 2002, 02:17:43 PM
"Well, thanks. No one's ever..."

Jak smiled instead of finishing the sentence.

"Ahh, well, my name. Jakson Jason Dennik Brennagenn. Quite a mouthful. I am from the beautiful planet of Malistaire. I despise it there, it's just...ugh."

He grinned, unable to come up with a better word to describe his home.

"My dad still lives there, he's a doctor and a bit of a jerk. I left with my older brother when I was nine and found myself on Coruscant. But he had a love for drugs and OD'd so...and then I shot a guy and went to prison. Got out and went back again for theft. Aaaaannd...covered for the love of my life in a murder rap and ended up here."

Jak shrugged. There wasn't much to him and he didn't care about telling people. Quite frankly, anything yu wanted to know was open.

"The Force. Ahhh, yes. Well apparently it's a mysterious energy field that connects everything right? Like your little ant buddies back at the recruitment place. And it uh, guides or...I dunno, knows things or something to that effect."

Xazor Elessar
Aug 30th, 2002, 10:48:34 AM
Xazor listened intently to his story and nodded once in a while in agreement. He had a good heart...even though his past was rough. Hers was no trip as well...

"Yes, that is basically what the Force is. It connects all things...the bird...the rock, you, me...the tree. It binds the galaxy and keeps all things in motion. There are two sides to the Force...the Light and Dark Sides. We are Jedi and use the Light Side. With these powers...we help others, defend ourselves and the defenseless. The Sith use the Dark Side for their own benefit. They become greedy and seek power. It comes quickly to them, but it ruins them even faster. They lust after blood and kill needlessly. Peace is something they do not know and do not seek after. The Dark Jedi believe that they are the keepers of the proper flow in the galaxy. They believe that the Jedi and Sith need some sort of restraint as to not overpower one another for they believe that good and evil must consist together...and one cannot be greater than the other. They do not do things for personal gratification...but in their mind it is a way to keep balance in the universe."

She paused, making sure that he was gathering all that she was saying. If he had any questions...she would be glad to answer all of them for him...

Jak Brennagenn
Aug 31st, 2002, 11:00:28 AM
Jak raised his hands in front of him.

"Wait, wait, wait...so there's three different groups here, using the same...using the Force, but for different reasons? And the Force itself is divided?"

He scratched his head with one hand, positioning the other on his hip.

"So...okay, let me start over. Is there an actual 'dark side' of the Force or does it depend on who's...using it? Like, with what feelings and intentions they use it with?"

Xazor Elessar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:31:39 AM
Xazor nodded gently and smiled. Perhaps she was moving too quickly and not explaining things in great enough detail. That could be changed though...

"Yes, the Force itself is devided in a way...but not quite. It does depend on who's using it. The Jedi use the Force through happiness, joy, peace, and serenity. In the Jedi Code it states that there is no emotion, there is peace. The Dark Side is weilded by those who feed off of hate, rage, aggression, and pain....they are quick to power but it does not last and it brings them to ruin. Do you understand this or do you have more questions?"

She questioned softly, not wishing to rush ahead of him if he was not grasping the information that she was giving him.....

Jak Brennagenn
Sep 8th, 2002, 01:24:08 PM
He nodded slowly.

"No....I think I got it. It's just...well, quite frankly, it's a lot to take in. I'm still not entirely sure of all this. I mean, I know I want to do this but I can't just dump years and years of beliefs in a few days, you know? It's just hard for me to grasp the...whole thing."

Jak smiled self-conciously and ran a hand through his shaggy hair. Within the last day everything he had once thought had been altered, even changed completly. It was a lot to take in.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 8th, 2002, 05:47:22 PM
Xazor nodded gently and smiled. Indeed, she understood exactly what he meant for she too had to go through the same thing when she arrived here.

"Good...I shall continue then. The Force binds all things in the Galaxy as I stated before. We as Jedi tap into this River and use the Force to help others who are defensless...and to defend ourselves. We do not attack...nor do we go after others. We are not submissive beings either, yet we do not instigate. Now the Force....you had no belief in it when you first came here...but now I am telling you all of this. Do not believe because of my words....believe because you know the truth. I want you to try something...."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath...then fell fully into the Force. The Knight let the warm River of this Life wash over her completely and take hold of her Spirt. Not opening her eyes or diverting her attention away, she spoke to her Padawan.

"Now close your eyes and feel all of the things around you. Search for the warmth deep within yourself. It is not something you can touch...but you'll know what it is when you feel it. It's the most incredible thing in the universe. Once you feel this, grasp onto it and hold tightly to it...for then you will have felt the Force...."

Jak Brennagenn
Sep 12th, 2002, 07:25:18 PM
Slowly, he nodded and closed his eyes, not sure exactly how he was supposed to feel everything. Shaking his thoughts away, Jak tried to concentrate on the task at hand. Nothing. Cracking his neck quickly, he took a deep breath and slowly let it out. He tried to "search for the warmth within himself", but all Jak 'found' was his even breathing and growling stomach. Popping one eye open, the young man peered around. For some reason he felt he should whisper and did so.

"Nothing's happening."