View Full Version : Depressive Mood....

Danya Van Derveld
Aug 13th, 2002, 09:54:33 AM
A young woman sauntered into the bar and handed over her weapons. Passivly she walked through a group of people and made her way toward the back of the bar. Finding a seat in the comforts of the shadows, Danya sat down and bathed herself in the darkness....laying her head down upon the table as a tear fell from her eye. Her heart ached for her lover was gone....and she had no idea when he was to return. For a day or so, she had heard people speaking his name...but she did not know why. Was he dead? Had he returned without her knowing it? Where was he...? Thoughts circled her mind as she adjusted her red dress and blonde hair to sit the way she wanted while laying her head on the table....to drown her sorrows away...

Chaos Alexander
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:26:42 AM
::A kiss suddenly appears on Danya's cheek. She turns to see Chaos standing behind her. His eyes a royal blue with flacks of gold. He sits next to her at the table.::

"Miss me love?"

Danya Van Derveld
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:33:08 AM
Danya felt a kiss on her cheek and she sat up, turning around to see....him. Chaos...standing right before her. She had to blink a few times to gather the reality of it all. As he sat down beside her, she broke through the shock and quickly embraced him, placing several kisses on his cheeks and meeting his lips somewhere in between the confusion.

"I never thought you would return! I have missed you so much...and I have held my heart for you....I have stayed faithful..."

She whispered to him, wondering what he was thinking at the moment....

Chaos Alexander
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:55:18 AM
::Chaos smiled and held her close.::

"I had no doughts. The necklace you gave me left me know what you were up to.....and who all had hurt you. They will all pay. One by one. Just like the rest of the worlds. All that matters now is that we are together at last. Bad and Evil. I have a question. Do you liek teh way the worlds look and act?"

Danya Van Derveld
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:59:41 AM
Danya smiled as he held her close...comforting her in a way that no one else could. She touched the necklace around his neck and traced her hand up his neck to his cheek...smiling thoughtfully at him. His question made her think for a moment....and she smiled, shaking her head.

"No...I don't like the way they are...we should do something about it...hmmm?"

She smiled again, thinking about him repaying those who had hurt her. There were a few she could think of right away...and she was glad that he was there to protect her again....to be her strength. Her thoughts wandered to what he was talking about...the worlds and the way that they look and act. She did not like them in their current state....they would do something about it.....

Chaos Alexander
Aug 13th, 2002, 11:10:35 AM
::Chaos held out his hand. Using the Force he created images in her mind. All teh Sith Artifacts he had collected over time. Some from Yavin 4, some from Eden, One his own Sith Master had given him. She saw how they fit together. Then she saw the twisted Future Chaos had in store for all he saw. he smiled showing his sharp garou teeth.::

"The Sith Empire is no more my love. I only hold loyality to two people. My Master Dale, and you. We are free to do as we wish now. I only need to get one more thing. That thing is working its way out. Tell me, did you miss my touch?"

Danya Van Derveld
Aug 13th, 2002, 11:13:47 AM
Danya smiled as he showed her the images. Indeed....their future was twisted but....good. She smiled, her elongated canines exposed as well.

"I have dedication to two people as well....my Master Darkstar....and you."

She took his hand in hers and ran her fingers up his arm, smiling to herself.

"Yes...I missed your touch more than you know....and you? Did you miss my kiss?"

The young woman smiled as she put her arms around his neck, bringing them closer together as they sat in the booth....

Chaos Alexander
Aug 13th, 2002, 11:25:07 AM
::Chaos kissed her passionitly.::

"More than you know. I am going to need a secritary to carry out my......needs for my future career. Think you can handle the......job?"

::Chaos ran his organic left hand threw her hair. He breathed deep. He even missed the smell of her shampoo. The taste of her lips. The way she walked. Now he did not have to miss. He was here to stay. Chaos held up his robotic arm.::

"I was thinking or getting anew arm. One a bit more organic. What do you think?"

Danya Van Derveld
Aug 13th, 2002, 11:28:44 AM
Danya smiled and kissed him back...long and passionatly. When they broke for air, he mentioned her being a secretary for his new....occupation.

"You know I'd love to and I will...."

She said with a grin. He ran his fingers through her hair and she gently touched his face...completely wrapped up in his existance and his being there with her then....

"A new arm? I think that's a wonderful idea, my love....but how, may I ask...will you do this?"

She questioned softly, bringing her lips to his again before he had time to answer...

Chaos Alexander
Aug 13th, 2002, 11:59:46 AM
::Chaos returned the kiss and drew back between breaths again.::

"There is little I can't do when it comes to genetics. I will just clone a new right arm and connect it to the nerves of my body. Much in the same way I did with my robotic one. It is much simpliar than one wouth think."

Danya Van Derveld
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:06:19 PM
Danya smiled at the possibilities of this new Genetic Engeneering. Her thoughts ran wild as she thought of what they could do.

"So what is our plan for world domination?"

She questioned with a bit of a laugh...but then thought of his words and put everything together. Somehow...they could use Genetics....and change the worlds and the way that they were.

"What is your plan dear love of mine?"

The young woman questioned, tracing her hand along his jawbond and wrapping her hand around his neck. She looked deeply into his eyes...wondering what was going through his mind at the moment....

Chaos Alexander
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:12:39 PM
::Chaos smiled and motioned his hand around the room.::

"All these people can hear. Besides. That would ruin the fun. The Force is life. Biogenetics changes life. Put the two together and you have a lot of fun up your sleeve. A whole lot of fun. I need to get a hold of some other things to help out. The planet the things are on is where will start."

Danya Van Derveld
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:18:31 PM
Danya sighed and nodded slightly, looking about at all the people. Suddenly hundreds of twisted ideas began flowing through her mind.

"You're right...we should leave...now....if we want this to go through properly, I think that we should start as soon as we can. Unless..."

She paused slightly and grinned, looking at him as crimson engulfed her cheeks.

"Unless you wish to....spend some time together first...."

The young woman spoke in a seductive and sensual voice...hoping that he did wish to...spend some time with her. A smile danced upon her lips and she kissed him again....waiting for his answer....

Chaos Alexander
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:39:19 PM
::Chaos smiled and laughed slighly.::

"I would have it no other way. You know where we stay. It would be very very nice."

Danya Van Derveld
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:45:15 PM
The young Garou smiled to herself and nodded gently.

"Good...just the way I like it. Shall we go there now?"

She questioned softly, thinking of where they stayed. Thoughts flooded her mind once again...and made her smiled even more...

Chaos Alexander
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:50:18 PM
"Yes, let us take our leave. We have much work to do."

::With that Chaos took Danya's hand and headed out. Images and thoughs ran though his mind of what all he hand to do. He had alot. Soon though, all will be well.::

Danya Van Derveld
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:55:04 PM
Danya smiled and held Chaos's hand tightly in her own.

"Well....working together we should be able to accomplish all that needs to be done....we're a perfect team....we're just...perfect together..."

She said softly as they left the Bar and Grill. Thoughts and images ran through her mind as well...thinking of what he was talking about.....thinking of all that she wished to do....