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imported_Terran Starek
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:57:58 AM
Name: Terran Starek (previously Chase Konrad)

Species: Human

Age: 27

Birthdate: Unkown

Home Planet: Unkown; assumes Couruscant, being heavily populated by humans

Current Location: The GJO, Yavin

Criminal Record Ex-Sith--allegations stand, but presumed dead

Romantic Involvement: Ex-fiance of Xazor Leo Dawnstrider, None now

Occupation: Jedi; Padawan to Verse Dawnstrider

Possesions: Jedi Robes, a blue-bladed lightsaber, a handful of credits

A Dark Path to Walk

Chase Konrad was born...well, he didn't know what day. He knew how hold he was. Master Kama had raised him ever since he could remember. Kama was strong, wise, and powerful--just as he had hoped to be. He was closer to being Chase's father as anyone else. He had no idea who his biological family was; but Master Kama had said they were weak. Weakness was not tolerable around here.

Trained in the dark arts, Chase found himself to be a great warrior. He was light on his feet and nimble with a weapon. He had been trained in the art of melee. A blaster, he was taught, was never effective. The Force was quicker than any blaster bolt. He learned lightsabers, staffs, swords, knives, clubs, chains--you name it, he trained in it. Coupled with extensive training in hand-to-hand combat, Chase became a poweful weapon to the Sith Order.

He grew in rank--becoming a Sith Knight. Through his adventures he had seen so many men fall. He had slayed hundreds of lives, each one harder than before. He hated killing--hated it--but he had no choice. He had an unnatural devotion to Kama. He would not break his loyalty. But that was due to the fact that he did not have full control of his mind. It seems that souls can free others from strange grasps, as this story might tell.

All his life he had trained with a girl--her name was Xazor. She was a fierce warrior with a killer's heart. He despised her at first--she seemed to have a special place in Kama's exsistence over he. But as their interaction continued, he fell for the girl. He fell madly in love with her, beyond all grasp of reason. He loved her deeply and she loved him as well. They became a close knit couple. Kama saw that this was good--a way to keep power in two people he knew he could control. One afternoon, while they were riding in the wood, they stopped at a clearing. It was then that he proposed to her. She accepted gladly and the two embraced.

The two souls had become so close that Kama's grasp on Chase had been released. He felt free. His heart weighed heavy with the death he had caused. He had studied old manuals of the Jedi--even shared them with Xazor. But as fate and the Force would have it, the old books were found. Sadly, they were found in Xazor's possesion. He wished that it had been he to take the responsibilty for them. On that night, Xazor came to him. She had been hurt by Kama. She was leaving. He encouraged her to go. She knew he would be killed, as Kama had suspected them both. They spent their last hours together in embrace. It hurt him so much, he almost felt the cold of the dark side return entirely. She had to flee, and when she did, Chase cried for the first time in his life.

Sure enough, Kama sent the other knights to capture him for questioning and punishment. But Chase was strong and enraged--dangerous for a Sith to become. He killed four of the top 8 Knights in the Order. Finally, he was taken down. When he was presented to Kama, however, the Dark Lord could not end his life. Chase had been his son, nearly his blood. Even though the darkness flowed through him, he could not do it. He decided the best option was to banish the young man into an unforgiving climate so that he would fall to the climate. The best option: Hoth.

As the snow and wind whipped through the gelid hills of Hoth, the shuttle lowered to about 20 feet above ground. The gangplank opened and Kama held a very beaten Chase above the barren plains. He looked into the man's eyes. Face death traitor! Look your fate in the eyes and you will know you cannot overcome the dark side! Kama kicked him in the stomach. You will remember nothing, and your precious love will be hunted down and slaughtered! You will never be together again! With that, Chase dropped the 20 feet and plunged into the snow.

With pure guidance of the Force, Chase survived. He remembered nothing--absolutely nothing. His name, his past, all things escaped him. He made it to an old abbandonned rebel base. Sending out a distress signal, he was picked up by a space pirate and smuggler name Biggs Sabot. The man trained him in space travel and ship maintenence. But he always knew that there was something more to his exsistence.

On one of their many adventures, he was able to get a hold of some old Jedi history scripts. He read through them, curiousity blazing. The Force--it seemed so familiar. He decided it was time to find a name for himself. Biggs had always called him boy or buddy; but he would need a name. He settled with Terran Starek, a name from the old books. He was a Jedi in the time of the Old Republic. A famous one, who fought in the Clone Wars. He died at the saber of the evil Sith Darth Vader.

With his name, he decided it was time to seek out his destiny. He spent his last days with Biggs and had him leave him in Yavin, at the GJO. He was quickly recruited by a woman named Xazor, who seemed oddly familiar. The two talked more and more. Finally, it turned out that their past was revealed. They new who they had been. (To get the whole story, visit the thread Nightmares of a Phantom Past (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21223) ) It was a new life though, and the two could not be together. However, he vowed to be her friend forever.

Verse Dawnstrider, Xazor's father, has taken him as his Padawan. He is excited to start his new life, with the wise Verse to guide him and the frienship of Xazor to support him. He will be a Jedi Knight some day, and he patiently awaits his time, training vigorously...