View Full Version : Barbados or Bust (Kack & Sejah)

imported_Corin Zetith
Aug 12th, 2002, 09:54:45 PM
Corin woke with his alarm clock blaring hoping not to wake up Sejah.....he stood up and went to the refresher. emerging a short time later clean and in his dark blue, almost black jedi robe. he packed a few things he would need for his trip, ration packs a canteen and his lightsber(Elise) he also packed his grandfather's saber as well. it might be good to take two. he was finished packing and sat down at his and Sejah's small table to eat a quick breakfast before he took off. Kack was supposed to be coming too, he should be coming at any moment.

OOC: hey Sejah if you wanna come or at least find out what we are doin than wake up, if not than just keep sleepin bud.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 13th, 2002, 10:15:34 AM
"I wouldn't eat that toast," Sejah spoke form his bed, looking for all the workd to be asleep. "I think the bread's just about past date."

Opening his pink eyes, the mongoose pulled back his covers and sat up, running a paw through his headfur to smooth it back for the moment. With a waking groan, Sejah stood up and stretched, then scratched the small of his back before heading over to his dresser and snagging his clothign for the day. As his did so, he spotted Corin's bag packed, and also that his roomate seemed to be ready to go somewhere.

But, he was only started on his breakfast, so Sejah risked time and went into the bathroom and took a fast shower before getting dressed and tidied up. Coming back out, the brown NEhantite poured himself a glass of juice from a pitcher in their refrigerator and took a swig before asking, "Looks like you're headed somewhere, where you going?"

imported_Corin Zetith
Aug 13th, 2002, 06:10:30 PM
Corin looked at the bag of bread, it was a week over its expiration date

"thanks, Sejah!"

Sejah:"where you going?"

"im heading out to Barbados to find my niece, and Kack Mebuff is coming with me. i didnt really want to bother asking you, i figured you were too busy training. Kack and I are both bored out of our minds, and i cant wait any more to see my niece. if she exists. but if you want to come your welcome to join us. Kack should be here soon."

Corin found some fruit in the fridge and ate that instead of the bread. spitting out a chunk of rotten fruit, he said.

"Ahhh sick! when was the last time we went to buy food?"

he looked around at all the expired food in thier fridge, realizing that neither he nor Sejah had really had much time to even eat at all much less worry about what there was to eat in their room.

"first thing i get back im gettin some fresh food."

Sejah Haversh
Aug 13th, 2002, 06:49:51 PM
Sejah chuckled at their lack of fresh food, and then pulled a box of Twinkies from their cupboard. Pulling a pack out, he tossed the white paperboard box to Corin and said, "Here, these things never get old."

Peeling back the clear cellophane, Sejah tppk a bite of the yellow sponge cake and chewed it before swallowing. Takign a drink form his juice glass, he thought over Corin's invite, and then replied, "Barbados, huh? That would be cool. Master Q'Dunn hasn't had much extra time for me lately, so, I think I could handle it. Yeah, sure, I'll go if you don't mind."

With a flick of the writst, Sejah downed the last of his juice and set his glass in the sink after rinsing it out, then set about finishing his other twinkie. Looking again at his roomate's bag, the mongoose trodded over to his dresser/closet and pulled out the bag he had originally brought his clothing in and began to load it up, making sure to have enough underwear to last him long enough was his first priority. It only took him a few minutes to finish, he didn't have all that much to pack. Slipping his lightsaber into his belt, Sejah also snagged his tulwar scimitar and slid it, as well as a wooden training sword, into a sleeve that velcroed shut int eh side of his duffel. It was made to carry fencing equipment, and had a large logo on the side of a major sporting good company that had all but faded. Sejha had won it as one of his prizes in one of his first real fencing tournaments, and had used it ever since.

"Okay, well, I'm all packed. And should we dump everythign that's int eh fridge now, or when we get back?" He asked, ponderign if the apartment would smell funny if they left some of the bad food in the chiller.

Kack Mebuff
Aug 14th, 2002, 10:58:13 PM
The durasteel door slid open with a hiss. In the doorway stood a shadowy figure dressed in Jedi cloaks, the hood covering his face. A backpack was slung over one shoulder and a lightsaber hung from his belt.

"Mornin' gents." The voice was easily recognizable as that of Kack Mebuff.

Kack stepped in and removed his hood.

"Good to see you guys again. You all about ready?"

Kack sniffed the air.

"What's that stench?"

Sejah Haversh
Aug 14th, 2002, 11:10:40 PM
Sejah looked up to see Kack enter, and he nodded, even though he was never sure if he could see him or not. Still, it was better to overdo things than to not do them at all.

"Sorry, it seems we don't eat fast enough, the fridge is basically all bad. C'mon in, we're jsut about ready to go," the brown mongoose explained as he sat down and strapped on his sandals. "So, how long are we going to be gone for? Should I bring the small tube or big tube of toothpaste?" He joked, his pink eyes sparkiling despite the fact that he had only been awake for less than twenty minutes.

imported_Corin Zetith
Aug 14th, 2002, 11:13:09 PM
as if Kacks question was the answer to Sejah's Corin nodded and plugged his nose with one hand while he stripped the refridgerstor bare and filled the waste bin in a few moments. he then took the food to the trash compactor and sealed the lid.

"that my friend, was a few months worth of food/mold in our minifridge!"

Corin looked at the two, good, honest, trustworthy friends, he was glad that they were coming along for the trip.

"well, lets not waste any time guys, im ready when you two are. we'll take your ship Kack, i dont want to attract any unnecessary attention with my piece of crap. people might look too closely at us. they might think we are trailor park trash come to cause chaos in thier nice peaceful lives."

Kack Mebuff
Aug 14th, 2002, 11:13:56 PM
"Well, if you guys would invite me over once in a while you wouldn't have that problem." Kack chuckled deeply.

"Hmmm ... not too sure how long we'll be, Corin could answer that one better than I."

imported_Corin Zetith
Aug 14th, 2002, 11:23:50 PM
OOC: oops i quess you replied(Sejah) while i was typin my reply, cause i was replying to Kacks first post and so were you oh well just ignore it. and pretend like it all makes sense.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 14th, 2002, 11:32:22 PM
A chuckle sounded form Sejah's lips as he stood up. "And it's a good thing we're not taking my ship, too. I don't have one!"

Hiking his bag up onto his shoulder, Sejah turned the framed photographs on his shelf down so they wouldn't collect dust, and took the batteries out of the TV remote. Yes, he was that tight on funds that he was actually worried abotu the battey life in his remote control.

Once Corin had the refrigerator problem fixed, and Sejah had his toothpaste pocketed, they appeared ready to go. Clapping his paws together ligtly and then rubbing them back and forth, Sejah said, "Well, what're we waiting for? Let's get going to, um, where was it again, Barbados?"

Kack Mebuff
Aug 14th, 2002, 11:45:44 PM
Kack chuckled.

"Yeah, let's head to the hangar. It's bay 813."

The trio walked to the hangar. When they arrived the found Kack's ship right where it should have been.

It was a sleek chrome color with blasters mounted on each wing. It had many other, not so obvious, capabilities.

"This is the Star Skipper, she's pretty fast, no Millenium Falcon, but she's fast."

As Kack approached the loading ramp on the ship a small electronic eye dropped from the ship.

"Voice recognition security in effect," the eye chirped.

"Kack Mebuff," Kack spoke.

"Vocal pattern accepted."

The ship opened up and the lights along the ramp illuminated.

"Welcome aboard guys."

Sejah Haversh
Aug 14th, 2002, 11:55:41 PM
The ship was nice, much nicer than Sejah could ever hope to afford, and he knew it. Letting the others go first, the Nehantite walked carfully up the ramp and looked around inside.

It was equally nice on the interior, and Sejah felt a little out of place. He had never been on a ship as small or personal as Kack's before, and it was all new to him. Nervously quiet, he let his bag hang off his shoulder until he ws shown where he should put it, lest he put it in the wrong spot.

Sejah had only ever made one real space trip in his life, and each leg of it had been on a different craft, though most had been large converted troop trasports, though some had been shipping liners he had the misfortune to spend the journey in teh cargo hold of. In the back of his mind, the mongoose thought he didn't belong in so nice a vehicle. His place in his culture's class society had always kept him from the finer things.

Kack Mebuff
Aug 15th, 2002, 10:10:16 PM
"Well, she may look nice, but that's only thanks to my brother, who was an awesome mechanic. She was a junker before."

Kack tossed his bag into an open closet.

"Put your bags wherever and make yourselves at home."

He walked to the cockpit which had room for 2 seats and more than enough room to stand several more people.

Kack had fuzzy dice hanging in front of the main view window in the cockpit. He grabbed them to stop them from bobbing.

"For good luck. Well, let's get out of here."

Kack started up the main engine as the dashboard whirred to life. Lights flickered and beeped, toggle switches flashed.

Kack flipped a switch and the ship raised from the ground.

"Here we go guys."

With that the ship blasted through the open blast doors and headed towards the planet's atmosphere.

"Well, what do you guy think of my little bucket?"

Sejah Haversh
Aug 15th, 2002, 10:29:27 PM
The ship took off against the sedintary inertia in Sejah's body, makign his stomach quesy as they accellerated. He had let Corin take the seat, for it was his friend's ship, and stood back himself. The twinkies he ahd for breakfast didn't help his stomach any either.

But once his body adjusted to the sudden burst of speed, the Nehantite released an iron grip he had on a railign on the wall and felt the blood return to his fingertips. He hated space travel.

But, he had to admit that he was probably just not used to it, and so he kept his complaints to himself and replied, "She's nice, Kack, nicer than most I've been on." That wasn't a lie, Sejah had only even been on rather run down ships; that alone might have skewed his impression of space travel. "Um, if you don't mind, I'm going to find somewhere to sit down until my stomach catches up to me, I'll be back there," he jerked a thumb over his shoulder to the main part of the ship.

With his bag still over his shoulder, the brown mongoose padded back down the hallway as the ship leveled off. At least Kack's ship had a stable gravity generator...

Kack Mebuff
Aug 15th, 2002, 10:35:58 PM
Kack chuckled.

"No problem, Sejah."

He punched in the coordinates to Barbados and kicked in the hyperdrive.

The Star Skipper was on course.

"Well, we can go relax for a bit now."

Kack walked to the back of the ship and addressed Sejah.

"How you feeling, good buddy?"

Sejah Haversh
Aug 15th, 2002, 10:50:05 PM
He wasn't going to lie about it, Sejah was feeling a little queasy, but it was nothign serious. "Oh, I never do too good on space trips, it seems," he replied, having found a seat in the ship's commons area. "But I'll be fine in an hour or two, I always am."

As the humming reverberation of the ship's engines began to settle into a smooth rythm, the Nehantite was allready feeling better, and his tail flicked unconsiously by his side. "You grew up around this technology, didn't you, Kack?"

Kack Mebuff
Aug 16th, 2002, 10:20:55 PM
"Kinda, my bro was an awesome mechanic. Had a real nack for it."

imported_Corin Zetith
Aug 17th, 2002, 01:30:52 AM
Corin who had been quiet up until now, came into the back with the other two.

"shes a real beauty Kack, your brother really knew what he was doing."

"how long is it to Barbados?"

Sejah Haversh
Aug 17th, 2002, 02:48:14 AM
Looking up at his roomie, Sejah cracked a smile and said, "We were hoping you could tell us, actually. Or at least me. I have no idea where it is we're going. Well, I now it's Barbados, but I don't know where that is."

Kack Mebuff
Aug 17th, 2002, 08:05:15 AM
Kack clicked a button on the table bringing up a 3D galactic display.

Sejah tried to grab at one of the little planets, but realized it was just a projection.

"Okay here's where we came from," Kack said as he pointed towards the upper-left of the display, "the Core systems. And here's where we're headed," Kack dragged his finger down to the left more, "near Bespin and Hoth."

Kack clicked off the display. "Should only take about a day and a half to get there. How long we stay depends on our good buddy, Corin, here ... and how much trouble we get into."

Kack laughed heartily.

imported_Corin Zetith
Aug 17th, 2002, 12:07:00 PM
Corin shrugge at sejah

"hey, i just said we were goin.... i never said i knew how long it would take and where exactly it was located."

Corin brought out some books and reading chips from his bag which he had packed for a time like this.

"well, we got lots of time Sejah....what do ya say we work on your reading.....how bout it?"

Sejah Haversh
Aug 17th, 2002, 02:37:46 PM
Feeling a bit silly at having tried to pick up one of the hologrpahic planets, Sejah hoped that he could avoid further embarassment.

Then Corin asked him if he wanted to work on his reading.

The mongoose wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. Kack didn't know he was illiterate, Sejah had been very keen to keep that secret from most everyone at the Greater Jedi Order, but now in what was probably an accident, Corin had let it go to someone else. Now he was going to look stupid in front of others again; twenty-five and illiterate.

Sitting back, Sejah rubbed his temple with a paw and replied, "Well, um, okay." closing his eyes, he wispered bitingly, "Thanks..."

Kack Mebuff
Aug 18th, 2002, 12:39:46 AM
Kack could sense that Corin had just emberassed Sejah. Using the Force he spoke to the furry man.

"Don't be emberassed, we are all friends here. I'm not going to laugh at you, my friend."

Sejah Haversh
Aug 18th, 2002, 01:45:16 AM
OOC- You didn't know this, Kack, and I should ahve told you, but, Sejah can't use mental messaging. It's a physical thing in his species, and when someone sends him a telepathic message it really hurts. Basically, it's like someone throws a brick at your head, and then a second later the mesaage come blaring into your skull like someone yelling through a megaphone into your ear. Heh, all Nehantites are like that.


As Kack sent the message, Sejah snarled and grit his teeth, his hackles raised to expose his jaws and both paws flew up to clutch his skull. The message echoed deafeningly inside his brain,a nd hurt. It always hurt, and it didn't seem to get any less unpleasant each time it happened, either.

Finally, after it had subsided, his brain ached inside his skull, but he was able to let his paws back down and lift his head, opening his pink eyes. They reflected pain, but peace as well. His jaws relaxed and he breathed deeply a few times before speakign ina quiet voice, "Kack, please, don't do that again. I can't take that. And, do you have anything for a headache on this ship? Like a whole bottle of aspirin?"

He wasn't mad at Kack for what he did, for he had no way of knowing that a telepathic message would cause pyhsical harm like it did. Sejah ahd suffered through it a few times, and was getting used to just takign the pain and explaining later.

Sitting still as to not make his headache worse by getting up or moving about, Sejah calmed down and spoke softly again, "I know you meant to tell me something Kack, go ahead and tell me. And you can send telepathic messages to anyone you like around me, but just not to me, they really hurt."

Kack Mebuff
Aug 18th, 2002, 11:20:11 AM
Kack helped sit Sejah down then rushed to the medicine crate and pulled out a standard pain-killer.

Kack handed Sejah the small white pills.

"Two should be enough."

Sejah Haversh
Aug 18th, 2002, 08:18:16 PM
Taking the pills in his paw, sejah popped them into his mouth and swallowed them without the aid of water. The headache was beginning to subside, but it would take a while for it to completely go away.

Now how silly did he look? He couldn't read or recieve telepathy. Oh well, there was little he could do about the latter, but his roomate ahd offered to help him with the former at least.

Looking up to Corin, he smiled begrudgingly and said, "Well, I guess I better learn sometime. I've spent some time in the library on my own, and so I know the alphabet now at least. But, beyond that, I'm in a lot of trouble."

Kack Mebuff
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:38:10 AM
OOC: Sorry about not being around ... PC crashed permanently ... kinda had to get a new one.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 21st, 2002, 04:55:56 PM
OOC-Yeowch, sorry, Kack, that's gotta suck. And you weren't gone long enough to me to start to wonde, so, don't worry. Corin, on the other hand... Heh, just kidding.

Kack Mebuff
Aug 24th, 2002, 02:49:45 PM
"Well gents, I suggest we rest, we don't know what lies ahead and it would be best to conserve energy."

Kack headed down to the cockpit and fell asleep in the pilot's chair.

imported_Corin Zetith
Aug 26th, 2002, 03:43:49 PM
Corin felt sorry he had embarassed Sejah......but he had to start somewhere and Corin had figured Kack to say the things he did. no one cared wether or not he could read here. they understood this stuff was new to Sejah and were here to help him understand it. Corin handed some chips to Sejah and pointed to where he was to begin.

".......we'll start here my friend. do not be embarassed that you are iliterate. we dont care bud...we're your friends. we dont think your stupid because you were never taught to read. i bet after you have learned you'll be the best at reading out of all three of us. and look at it from our point of view we can read better than you right now but you could kick our butts with a saber anyday of the year, so if your stupid because you cant read then we are stupid because we cant fence. so i guess we are a group of three stupid idiots off to a world where we have no idea whats there to meet us."

OOC: i am really srry guys....my comp crashed into safe mode and ive tried every possible way to fix it and its just not working. but school starts in two days for me so ill be able to post on a regular basis again. see ya guys soon and ill try and post back as soon as i can.

Kack Mebuff
Aug 27th, 2002, 08:20:57 AM
While Corin and Sejah worked on reading, Kack slept, the silence of space was peaceful, yet terrifying at the same time, but Kack was used to it.

About eight hours passed and Kack emerged from the cockpit.

"Well, the trip was quite a bit shorter than I anticipated. We should arrive in about 20 minutes."

As the Star Skipper approached Barbados Kack could see the planet and it's beautiful blue green hues.

Kack called back to the lounge.

"Hey guys come check out the view!"

Sejah Haversh
Aug 27th, 2002, 01:03:49 PM
Sejah chuckled at how Corin balanced out his ideas, and gratefully took whatever lessons Corin could teach him. His knowledge of the alphabet was improving, ans soon he was able to recognize words under three letters without special sounds in them.

For a few hours, the two studied until the mongoose could see that Corin was beginning to get tired of it, and just plain tired as well. Gathering up the datapad and the chips, Sejah set them aside and said, "Well, I think that's enough for now, we ought to take a nap as well. I know I didn't exactly speep like a baby last night."

Their lesson breaking up, both Sejah and Corin found comfortable enough places to catch some rest, and soon the brown mongoose was fast asleep.

Suddenly he was jolted awake just before Kack called out to them, and his paw shot to his belt where his saber usually was. But it was only Kack, and he relaxed. Somehow he had known somethign was abotu to happen, and it was slightly unnerving. But that was forgotten as the Nehantite got up and rubbed his pink eyes and looked out the viewport. Never before when he came in for a landing had Sejah seen a planet, his seats had always been in windowless chambers. The sight of an entire planet at once in real life was breathtaking, and his mough hung open as he stared at the lush planet that spun before him. So much water, so many plants....

Kack Mebuff
Aug 27th, 2002, 07:19:22 PM
Kack looked over at Sejah, "Sorry to startle you bud ... beautiful view, eh?"

A tranmission came through on the ship's intercom.

"Transmit your landing code and identification code."

Kack punched in the requested information on the control panel and spoke back into the intercom.

"We're here on Jedi business."

"Your code does not clear you are not permitted to land Star Skipper."

"Please, it is most urgent business."

"Revert your course or be destroyed."

The voice now seemed very angry.

Kack looked over at Sejah and Corin.

"Looks like things might get a bit rough. Corin man the shields while Sejah and I get to the guns."

Kack and the mongoose ran to the double sided cannons and buckled themselves in.

Kack attatched a headset that would link his mind to the computer allowing him to see what was happening in front of him.

The fighters came in full speed ... they seemed to be suped-up version of Corellian Cruisers. Kack aimed the blaster and obliterated the first ship. Suddenly twelve other ships came from the planet ...

"Uh-oh ..."

Sejah Haversh
Aug 28th, 2002, 12:21:56 AM
Sejah's pink eyes went wide as he saw the opposition on his HUD grow stronger. Through the headset microphone that ill-fit his head, the mongoose said, "Um, Kack, I think a retreat would be a good idea for now. I think I might know somehting that could help."

He didn't want to face another ship, let alone fourteen of them, in battle. He had never fired a shipboard weapon before, the closest experiance he had was playing arcade games as a kid. And when you died in arcade games, all you had to do was drop in a few quarters to rememdy your mortality. Somehow the Nehantite guessed he wouldn't have the right kind of coins to continue his own life with were they to be destroyed.

Kack Mebuff
Aug 28th, 2002, 11:59:00 AM
Kack spoke to Sejah through the intercom.

"It's kinda hard to hide from someone on their own planet."

Kack picked off two more of the approaching ships.

"Start taking shots, man! Only 10 left!!"

One of the fighters swung around the back of the ship and fired a proton torpedo. The blast shook The Star Skipper violently.


Kack's head slammed into the side of the gunnery station. He shook his head in dismay.

"Can't take too many more of those."

Kack took control of the ion blaster and fired at the ship behind him ... a direct hit. It stopped dead in its tracks. Kack then fired a rocket straight at the ship destroying it.

"Corin get down here, we need your help!" Kack screamed into the intercom.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 30th, 2002, 02:34:58 PM
Sejah's gloved paws gripped the control sticks for the guns, and his index digits rested against the triggers. Three times his targeting system had locked onto ships, but he couldn't squeeze the trigger.

A nervous anxiety was floodign his system, and his arms shook in tension. His ginner's seat rolled and pivoted as he followed the guard ships with hsi sights, but no matter what he did, the mongoose was incapable of firing at them. The guards were doing their job, they didn't deserve to die for that. It was evil and wrong to kill like that, and Sejah couldn't do it.

"Stop shooting!" He finally snarled into the microphone, then he ripped the headset off and unbuckled himself fom his gunner's chair and made a beeline to the cockpit.

Corin was nowhere to be seen, so the mongoose dropped into the pilot's seat and strapped himself in. Cutting power formt he weapons, he diverted it to sields and engines, and flicked the intercom switch. "Sorry guys, but I've got another idea! Now hold on!"

With that said, Sejah yanked the control stick to the side and ripped back on the throttle lever. The ship groaned and lurched momentarily as it chanded course abruptly. Angling them away from the planet, Sejah put all shield power to the rear and hit the overdrive switch on the engines. He didn't quite know how he was doing it all, having never piloted a ship before, but he had seen a lot of movies...

Half an hour later, they were well out of range of all Barbados scanners, and he cut the engines and released all the doorlocks and opened comm channels again. He had shut both to keep Kack or Corin from stopping him. It had been mean, but he had locked Kack in his gunpod for the entire escape. He hold hoped that his friend would understand his actions.

imported_Corin Zetith
Sep 1st, 2002, 02:36:41 PM
Corin at the first signs of confrontation had also realized that the guards were really just protecting thier planet from a seemingly hostile ship which was an imediate threat. it was really just a misunderstanding and a couple wrong access codes. Corin reached deep into his force sense and expanded his sphere of responsibility to the minds of the pilots firing at them. while he faintly heard his friend Sejah's words, he was focusing all of his energy into sending an image into the pilots minds. while a few stronger minded pilots kept firing most stopped firing at the ship. Corin had projected into their minds the words "Access Codes Confirmed" appearing on each pilots ship board computers. Corin let his sphere contract once the ship was out of range and Sejah had safely piloted them away from the few remaining hostile ships. realizing the magnitude of minds he had just touched he felt proud of himself, and the great giant step he had just taken towards becoming a jedi knight. he got up from the central living quarters of the ship that he had remained in for the entire ordeal and went to the cockpit where he saw Sejah at the controls.

"Pretty fancy flying there pal. i hope helped out with shakin some of those guys off your tail."

OOC: hey guys got my comp. back up and runnin' again. will be posting much more frequently!

Kack Mebuff
Sep 1st, 2002, 08:04:31 PM
Kack walked from the gunnery, his head lowered in shame.

"I'm really sorry, guys. I ... I didn't know what to do ..."

Kack sat down in the pilots chair and killed the engins as they landed in a hidden marsh land.

As the other two got up to leave Kack just sat their his head buried in his arms.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 1st, 2002, 09:56:15 PM
Sejah shouldered his duffel and picked up his tulwar as well, he was realy to get out of the ship and onto solid ground. Ship to ship fights were another reason he didn't like space travel.

As he reached the door, he looked back to see that Kack wasn't following them. He was ashamed of his actions,a nd rightfully so. But Sejah wasn't going to let him wallow in pity, nor was he going to be a normal friend, either. Instead of sitting down beside him and telling him it would be okay, Sejah picked up Kack's bag and tossed it onto the table infront of him none too lightly.

"Get up, or we're leavign you here. Your thinking wasn't wrong, they were goign to use force to make us leave, so you were protecting us. But what's doen is done, and there is no changing it. Now get up, and come with us. Corin has some family to find." He said in a rather uncompassionate tone. Though he really did feel bad for how Kack felt, it was not the time to say so.

Kack Mebuff
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:42:25 AM
Kack rose to his feet and grabbed the bag. His face still solemn.

"Alright, let's go."

He slung the pack over his shoulder.

"Let's find Corin's family."

imported_Corin Zetith
Sep 3rd, 2002, 08:37:03 PM
Corin grabbed his small satchel and left the ship.Family?! why had that word sounded so strange? so alien?

Corin smiled.

"Yes, lets go and find my family!"

Corin set off into the marshes, waist deep in sludge. he slowly started making his way through; leading the way to only God knows where!

OOC: im making a new post in the in the Roleplaying Forum called Barbados. we can start the actual planetary adventure there. see yas there!:)