View Full Version : Definition of Insanity [Open with Cyber Phobia]

Aug 12th, 2002, 06:34:18 PM
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~ Albert Einstein

The man walked silently, his hands digging into his pockets. He wore a black cloak over his ripped clothes. His oranges eyes fixing the ground, he often pulled his long black hair back, irritated. His white porcelain skin was a bit it stained by dirt and a few scars. He looked over at Cyberphobia without her noticing and sighed. A tall, dark, silent, cold and distant person was hard, but when two of them hung out together, it was even more hard. Still, that girl was the only thing that he could ever get close to even trusting. His cold orange eyes fell back to the ground, afterwards.


He looked up and realized that they had already arrived to the city. Feeling a sort of uncomfortable feeling, he pulled his head in deeper in his cloak, hiding half of his face. It was night, and the wind started to be hostile. All he wanted to do now, was to get into a cheap motel, sleep and forget.

Cyber Phobia
Aug 12th, 2002, 06:52:16 PM
Walking alongside Frost, Cyberphobia ran her left hand nervously down the front of her shirt, stopping at the end and tugging at it slightly. Her blue eyes gazed emptily over at the city that loomed ahead of them as a few distant stars twinkled.


She steadily returned Frost's silence as the two continued to trudge into the depths of the city, ignoring the people around them. Stopping abruptly, Cyberphobia looked up at a flickering sign that read, "Cheap Sleep". Knowing that Frost probably saw it too, she began to head towards it.

Reaching up with a pale hand, she pushed the door open and sighed slightly as the hinges creaked. A fat, greasy-looking man sat behind the counter and tapped his fingernails on the counter.

"A room with two beds."

The man turned around in his chair and grabbed a pair of keys, then slapped them down infront of her and Frost. She dug into her pockets and pulled out a couple of credits and put them on the table, grabbing the keys.

"Hey, the room's more than this!"

"Really? I guess you can fix that problem."

She glared at him until he looked away, then glanced at Frost.

"Come on ..."

Aug 12th, 2002, 06:57:12 PM

As Cyberphobia passed before him, he looked down at the rather short fat man and gave him a cold evil look. He didn't like it when people tried to go against him or her. After a slight second that seemed like an eternity, he followed Cyberphobia up the wooden stairs. It showed that it was cheap and old, it kept making sounds, as if it was ready to fall at any moment. Arriving at the indicated room, he pulled out his hand, turned the knob and just pushed the door back, letting Cyberphobia go in first.

"Ladies first." He mumbled.

Cyber Phobia
Aug 12th, 2002, 07:00:43 PM
"Thanks," she mumbled.

After they were both inside, she lifted up her foot and kicked it out from behind her, slamming the door close. A large crack could be heard and for a moment, it seemed like the whole building would fall down.

Walking over to one of the beds, she sat down on the edge and looked out the dirty window.

Aug 13th, 2002, 10:01:10 AM
"What's on your mind ?" Finally a whole sentence.

His voice seemed rather deep and monotone. He stood still, near the door and pulled his hands out of his pockets. They have been in there for a long time, so they seemed a little humid. At the contact of the wind, he winced. He was a cold person, but didn't particularly like the cold. He finally crossed his arms and cocked his head to the side slightly, waiting for an answer.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 13th, 2002, 05:08:03 PM
Before Cyber Phobia could answer Frost's question, the door broke off its hinges and fell to the floor. In the doorway outside stood a hunched dark figure with a stale mist about its mouth. The figure was holding a long staff in its right hand. "Lets dance," it said. Myst came out from under Wraith's cape as he moved to ignite his laser scythe. The ice blue blade almost curved down to the floor. He stared at the two, having already figured out a strategy of death for both of them.

Cyber Phobia
Aug 13th, 2002, 06:11:21 PM
She continued to stare out the window as Wraith Frostmourne burst through the door.

"... Close the door, you'll let the roaches in."

Cyberphobia finally turned her head slightly to look at the man who entered, who obviously had no respect for privacy. A look of disgust crossed her face before replaced by the usual emotionless one. She knew he couldn't kill them both ... Infact, he couldn't even put a scratch on them.

Aug 13th, 2002, 06:45:58 PM
Frost sighed as he looked down at the door on the floor, without paying attention to the man who bursted in. The corner of his lips frowned slightly as he looked back at Cyberphobia.

"The door's broke, but that's okay. This man's corpse will keep the roaches busy."

Cyber Phobia
Aug 13th, 2002, 07:27:13 PM
"You think that they'll actually touch that thing?"

Only Frost knew she just poking slight fun at the man. Groaning slightly, Cyberphobia returned Frost's gaze in silence.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 13th, 2002, 07:47:41 PM
"What a bunch of dullheaded morons." Wraith did not step into the room, but watched the two as they did nothing to oppose him. What was wrong with them? He scanned the room for useful items. One object caught his eye. A bucket of water used to keep the water dropping from the cieling from hitting the floor. He quickly lifted it up with the force and threw it at Cyber Phobia. The bucket fell before it reached her, but the water kept going. It splashed upon her, slowly turning to ice around her neck. She had only seconds before she was locked to the wall. Now that Cyber Phobia had something to deal with, Wraith turned to the other person in the room.

Aug 14th, 2002, 09:23:06 AM
OOC - I suggest you edit that part out.
She was hurled against the wall as the water instantly turned to ice, locking her to the wall. You can't predict what's going to happen to a person when you attack them. Only that person can decide what will happen.

Frost slowly detached his gaze from Cyberphobia and rested it on the stranger finally. He stayed as silent as he was emotionless. Bringing his hand up, he Force pushed the man on the edge of the rotten wooden balcony, then suddendly began strangling him violently, still with the Force.


Frost stayed exactly where he was since the start. His free hand fell to the side, but his other hand was still using the Force to strangle the stranger. He pulled the stranger by the neck over the edge of the balcony and let him fall down, through the roaches infested rotten floor. He then looked back at Cyberphobia, lifting the broken door up and pinning it against the entrance.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 14th, 2002, 02:09:42 PM
ooc- As if you did not just do the same thing. Oh well.


Wraith was ticked. How dare he pull such a weak and low move. He would be back later, for Wraith would bring a little friend with him next time......

Cyber Phobia
Aug 14th, 2002, 04:40:29 PM
"At least he's gone."

She had easily slipped out of the way of the water that turned into ice shards before they shattered against the wall. Looking down at the newly formed hole in the floor, she kicked a piece of wood in to make sure Wraith knew his presence wasn't appreciated. Looking back up at Frost, she offered a hint of a smile while shoving her hands in her pockets.

Aug 15th, 2002, 08:02:21 AM
"Is that a smile ... Jess ?"

Without waiting for an answer, Frost slipped out of his dirty cloak. Under it, he wore a black trench coat, feathered around the neck. He unzipped the coat and let it fall on a chair, near his bed. He then kicked down the door to the bathroom. They were roaches there too, but he didn't seem to care. He turned to the sink, turned on some cold water. It was yellow at first, but became clear a few minutes later. He put his hands together under the cool water and splashed it in his face.

Cyber Phobia
Aug 15th, 2002, 03:12:33 PM
After Frost went into the bathroom, she shrugged her jacket off and it crumple to the floor. A few roaches and other unidentified insects began to skitter away, only to meet death by Cyberphobia's boot.

"Frelling everywhere," she muttered, then sat down on the bed. Yanking off her boots, she threw them alongside her jacket and then stretched out, ignoring the protesting groans of the mattress beneath her.

She closed her eyelids and listened to the sound of running water from the bathroom.

Aug 15th, 2002, 03:22:03 PM
Frost stood there, looking at his reflecting staring back at him, the front of his hair and his whole face wet. He sighed, then suddendly looked on the side of the mirror. A woman figure. Was she real ? She seemed sad, but so beautiful like always. She looked like ...

"Elly ...?" His voice murmured.

He turned around immediately only to see an empty void. His eyes began to fill with rage as he turned back around and smashed his hand into the mirror, breaking it to pieces without harming himself.

Cyber Phobia
Aug 15th, 2002, 04:06:51 PM
She was beginning to drift off to sleep when she heard the sound of glass breaking. Immediately her eyes snapped open and she bolted straight-up, looking towards the bathroom door. She could see the light on, but there was no sound.


She sighed then laid back down, rolling over on her side so that her back faced the bathroom.

Odin Murk
Aug 15th, 2002, 05:22:02 PM
:: Odin, slightly annoyed by Wraith's "call" for help, arrived by shuttle next to Wraith's own. He walked up to the limping cold blood.::
What issssssss it now Frostmourne?

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 15th, 2002, 07:58:19 PM
"I am in need of your assistance Odin. I need your help in dealing with a, well, little bug infestation. They are a little ways back in the city. Follow me." Wraith led Odin to where the problem was. They traveled through the alleyways until Odin and Wraith came across the old decrepit building were Wraith had previously been. "This is it. You go around that way, and I will use the stairs as usual. Destroy them, if possible." Wraith pointed in the direction for Odin to enter, then he himself went up the stairs, silently with no movement whatsoever. Odin would wait for the cue, which was Wraith's entrance. Now that he had Odin, this would be all to easy.

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 16th, 2002, 09:31:51 PM
OOC~ Open thread means open thread... unfortunately. Which means anything goes.

If you want more control over your RP's you need to tag them with an OOC line in the first post or start a thread in ST forum instead of here.

I will not delete any IC posts unless those persons contact me or another member of the staff here... since this thread is open. If Wraith and Odin post here or pm me/another staff, then they will be deleted and this thread moved, along with all the OOC posts :)

thank you.